View Full Version : SETI response to the Wow Signal

Wendy Summers
08-16-2012, 06:28 PM
Totally missed this was going on organized by National Geographic... very cool stuff, but I particularly like Stephen Colbert's "We're Not Delicious" lol


Replying to the Wow Signal - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GSEXB7gsaxY)

08-17-2012, 03:42 AM
was Gaius Baltar in that vid? Cool stuff. I love those alien documentaries!

08-17-2012, 03:45 AM
"To Serve Man" is a cookbook!!!!!!!!!!!!

08-17-2012, 04:29 AM
3 people from Battlestar Galactica, and Hurley from lost. Nice. But if you're going to send a baseball TV crew, I'd skip Buck, and just transmit Vin Scully or Harry Carey.

08-17-2012, 05:16 AM
Nice posting very interesting, been in that observatory a few times and actually helped the SETI program a few years ago.

08-17-2012, 05:43 AM
Nice posting very interesting, been in that observatory a few times and actually helped the SETI program a few years ago.
Don't stop there...tell us more.

08-17-2012, 06:02 AM
Fun! But it is once again a manifestation of our anthropocentrism. We’re not in search of life in the universe; we seek some kind of a mirror of what we are. In all probability, the universe is full of life, but it is so different from us we would have a hard time even understanding the encounter. It is estimated that there is between 10 000 and 10 millions bits of information in a 10 minutes segment of whale song. The former would make intelligent animals of them; the latter would make a language of their singing. One way or the other, we cannot penetrate the least bit the world of these smart beings. I don’t know how we can expect to comprehend life on another world, or how we would expect any kind of exchange through radio communications.
Marshall McLuhan used to say that our technology is always an extension of what and who we are. Technological beings of other worlds would probably have whole different technologies and needs, and such a different reality, our own would not mean anything to them.
We humans keep seeing everything in our own terms. We can’t step out of our preoccupations to a broader conscience. These expectations shown in this experience, are a manifestation of what we are, and don’t have much to do, in my opinion, with potential extra-terrestrial life. We started our journey as a specie on a flat world surrounded by spheres or domes, put there by a benevolent yet vengeful God (try to figure that one out). Today we find ourselves in an infinite world, considering terrible the perspective of our loneliness in such eternity. But we still see ourselves as the center, no matter how subtle this perspective has become…
The reality of it all is that we are nothing in terms of space nor time in this infinity. We will be gone in a moment in it’s “history” and we will leave no trace of our passage. Yet, we don’t understand and keep fighting one another endlessly.

08-17-2012, 06:22 AM
Don't stop there...tell us more.

It was mostly as a citizen scientists where I would receive data from the telescope and had to analize it into diferent segments of radio frequencies. Many of the signals were from local radio transmiters, satellites, etc. One time I descramble a signal coming from a Military Base and had to do a report on it, it was very interesting experince. Used to hear Shuttles talking to Earth bases and many other cool things.

Wendy Summers
08-17-2012, 03:04 PM
It was mostly as a citizen scientists where I would receive data from the telescope and had to analize it into diferent segments of radio frequencies. Many of the signals were from local radio transmiters, satellites, etc. One time I descramble a signal coming from a Military Base and had to do a report on it, it was very interesting experince. Used to hear Shuttles talking to Earth bases and many other cool things.

I for one feel better knowing that out of all the HA Posters, you potentially were one of the first people who could have had contact with an alien.

I mean, could you imagine if Dino was their first contact with humanity?

08-17-2012, 03:38 PM
It was mostly as a citizen scientists where I would receive data from the telescope and had to analize it into diferent segments of radio frequencies. Many of the signals were from local radio transmiters, satellites, etc. One time I descramble a signal coming from a Military Base and had to do a report on it, it was very interesting experince. Used to hear Shuttles talking to Earth bases and many other cool things.
Cool. Did you do your work at Arecibo or was it from your home computer?

08-17-2012, 05:32 PM
The Police Walking On The Moon.mpg - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ri_n-tpQTcs)

08-17-2012, 11:03 PM
I for one feel better knowing that out of all the HA Posters, you potentially were one of the first people who could have had contact with an alien.

I mean, could you imagine if Dino was their first contact with humanity?

If that ever happened they would loose interest in visiting our Planet. :dead-1:

08-17-2012, 11:06 PM
Cool. Did you do your work at Arecibo or was it from your home computer?

Both, but mostly from my own computer at home. Mostly all the time I had to go to the Observatory to pick up the data.

Wendy Summers
08-17-2012, 11:17 PM
If that ever happened they would loose interest in visiting our Planet. :dead-1:

Or worse they'd decide we'd be a great place to ship their bio waste...

08-18-2012, 03:11 AM
Seti - I currently have about 40-50 systems processing Seti signals with their spare processing power when they arnt in use - Just thought it was a interesting project and started deploying it to all the systems in the the server farm so Im rendering signals like crazy.

And yeah whenever I do something I do it with as much overkill as possible - I like to see how things react when they are pushed hard - Just ask Wendy

08-18-2012, 08:43 AM
I mean, could you imagine if Dino was their first contact with humanity?
I shutter to think.