View Full Version : Being a “Tranny chaser” rocks!

08-16-2012, 11:26 AM
The Beauty In Us
This is a speech that I gave at the Sixth Annual Trans March in San Francisco on June 26, 2009. It challenges the concepts of “tranny chasers” and “tranny fetishists” that exist in our culture (as well as within the minds of psychologists such as Ray Blanchard, although his theories are not explicitly discussed in the piece. It can be read below.

Unfortunately, we live in a society where many people view trans people as unnatural and illegitimate. And one of the most effective ways in which they try to invalidate us is by assuming that we are somehow unlovable, that no one in their right mind would find us desirable. And sadly, many of us end up believing this ourselves.

When I was a teenager and young adult, one of the things that helped keep me in the closet was the fact that I believed that if I did ever come out as wanting to be a girl, or if I were to ever physically transition to female, that others would undoubtedly see me as a freak, and nobody would want me as their partner. I worried that I would become unlovable. And you know something, I was wrong.

Sure, the majority of people in our culture are too insecure about their own masculinity or femininity to ever consider dating a trans person. But there are lots of people who aren’t that way. When I came out as a crossdresser 15 years ago, I went onto have relationships with several women who were totally cool with that aspect of my person. And since my transition 8 years ago, I have met many people, both women and men, who have expressed a sexual or romantic interest in me. For me, the problem hasn’t been finding someone who desires me, but rather finding someone whose interests coincide with what I want out of an encounter or relationship. And frankly, that is something that many people, whether trans or not, have to contend with.

This is why I get really frustrated when people automatically presume that any person who is attracted to, or has sex with, a trans person must automatically have some kind of “fetish.” This is extremely invalidating, as it insinuates that we cannot be loved or appreciated as whole people, but rather only as a “fetish objects.” Sure, there are some people who are specifically attracted to the fact that we are trans, and some of us might find that to be uncomfortable or annoying. But I have also experienced men (who were presumably unaware that I was trans) starring rather obsessively at my chest. But nobody ever seriously accuses such people of having a “breast fetish” or of being “breast chasers,” because breasts are seen as a perfectly normal and valid thing to be attracted to. Similarly, there are people out there who specifically date people because of their money or social status, but nobody ever accuses them of having a “fetish.” People only use the term “fetish” when they believe the person in question is inherently undesirable - and I refuse to buy into that mindset!

We are beautiful people who are legitimately desirable. We are not “fetish” objects! And people who find us attractive are not “chasers,” but rather they are simply people who see beauty in us. Because our culture deems us undesirable, our lovers and partners are often expected to explain why they choose to be with us. Others may start to question their sexuality, or they may be ostracized from their straight or gay or lesbian communities. In a sense, they share a bit of our stigma - a stigma that is based on the presumption that we are unlovable. And we shouldn’t stand for it!

So, let’s purge the phrases “tranny fetish” and “tranny chaser” from our vocabularies. Let’s celebrate our lovers, partners and spouses for seeing the beauty in us. And let’s give a big shout out to all of the significant others who are standing by our sides today supporting us. And importantly, let’s remember that we are beautiful and fabulous and desirable and deserving of love

Willie Escalade
08-16-2012, 12:06 PM
Thank you...but the purging isn't happening anytime soon...

08-16-2012, 01:01 PM
Beautiful, eloquent and luminous, lady Tyler. You not only show once again how wonderfully bright and articulate you are, but you also manage to elegantly shed a positive light on an annoyingly recurring question in the different threads of this forum. If we can put in practice such good advices we could free ourselves of considerable debates that often creates quite a bit of sourness amongst members.
You are absolutely right: many men around here view t-women as women first, and the particularities by which they live their femininity as something secondary or at worst, as some lovely extras. Many men are here to exchange and learn, and also to express their admiration and their attraction, which they would all the same on any other site with women. For many of them, all shortcomings considered, the best and only way to express such feeling is by using expressions which, if they fail in subtlety, are not any less heartfelt. These men, in my humble opinion, deserve to be given the benefit of the doubt. You can easily sense behind many awkward comments genuine admiration and respect.
Of course, we don’t know the extent of the difficulties and problems t-ladies are going through on a daily basis, and it is impossible for us to be fair when it comes to some understandable temperamental outburst here and there. But if we were indeed to consider things in the way you present them, all of us members, men and women, we could be able to make out of this medium something more than just a porn playground, something that could inform and educate as well as entertain.

Wendy Summers
08-16-2012, 01:05 PM
FTR I think Ms. Serano is correct. The concept needs to go away.

About a month ago I posted this on a trans-person only forum:

Because so many of us defined by our internal gender conflict, it becomes a prism though which all actions by external parties are viewed by us. Guys are guys. They group women (trans or cis) into 3 categories: Wouldn't touch with a 10 foot pole; would fuck; would have a relationship with. More often than not most guys analyzing most women would lump the woman into the "would fuck" category. What's unique with the trans experience is our communal assumption is that our classification in the "WF" category is entirely due to our status as transpeople, when in the perspective of those actually classifying us it is due to our personalty and how we present ourselves to the person in question that's caused the classification.

As much as I'd like to see the "chaser" thing go away and the question be one of "nice guy" or "douche", until transwomen as a group learn to not use the "tranny-colored glasses" as a filter for every interaction, it just won't happen.

Fuck I used way too many air quotes in that LOL

08-16-2012, 02:36 PM
Sticky this thread.

Wendy Summers
08-16-2012, 02:40 PM
Sticky this thread.


Maybe this will help you guys get this thread sticky ;).

08-16-2012, 02:49 PM

Maybe this will help you guys get this thread sticky ;).

LOL. Nice shot.

I literally have to make a conscious effort to keep my hands off my cock sometimes when I click on some of these threads. Weird.:salad

Wendy Summers
08-16-2012, 02:57 PM
LOL. Nice shot.

I literally have to make a conscious effort to keep my hands off my cock sometimes when I click on some of these threads. Weird.:salad

We trained you to have a Pavlovian response.

08-16-2012, 03:17 PM

Maybe this will help you guys get this thread sticky ;).

The Ancient used stone to make sure no one could forget, with imperishable inscriptions. Wendy simply shows a lovely part of herself. No guy can forget anymore, that’s a given.

08-16-2012, 06:54 PM
to pretend that their arent some men out there that see trans woman as something to only indulge in sexually is a bit naive.
you have guys like freedie who openly says yea he would have sex with a ts but would never date one.....

Wendy Summers
08-16-2012, 07:03 PM
to pretend that their arent some men out there that see trans woman as something to only indulge in sexually is a bit naive.
you have guys like freedie who openly says yea he would have sex with a ts but would never date one.....

I don't think that's the case being made at all. If anything I think that proves the case... I suspect Freddie would objectify most women.

08-16-2012, 07:27 PM
I don't think that's the case being made at all. If anything I think that proves the case... I suspect Freddie would objectify most women.

naw..he's said that he'll date a gg but wouldnt date a ts simply because she is trans..

08-16-2012, 07:32 PM
Wow. Talk about backwards. Let's just ignore the fact that, at this stage of our social acceptance, 98% of men interested in us only want sex, otherwise they'd get with a GG. People might be shocked to learn the ratio of unwanted sexual solicitations that many of us receive via email from men who will openly beg us to 'fuck them like a slut,' versus those offering friendship or relationships, particularly since many of us aren't even tops. They don't see us as people. They see us as beards meant to hide their cocklust. If 'chasers' want to be respected as people, they have to respect us in kind and stop reducing us to an unwanted body part.

Not to mention that the idea of comparing men that crave a cock on a woman (as opposed to a woman with a cock) to those who are focused on breasts is absolutely hysterical! A man who fetishizes breasts doesn't want to get fucked in their ass and called a slut or a whore, or sexually treated like 'the woman' by someone who has had to endure such struggle to actually become one. I find the idea of a grown man in a dress demanding that a nearly fully transitioned transwoman be 'the man' not only repulsive, but flagrantly disrespectful to what a transwoman goes through to get where she is. Not to mention the fact that they always want the most 'passable' transwomen to have the biggest cocks, as much cum, and the sexual mentality of a man. That, or they want us to be desperate to receive anal sex (read: something they usually can't get from their significant other) because we don't have a vagina.

There are plenty of people out there who live simply to please men in these ways, but they're called escorts or pornstars (who will provide what these men want, but only for financial survival) or CD/TVs (who provide it because they actually are men, most of whom are not 'passable' - the number of views of TVKim's threads is a terrific indicator of this). VERY few 'passable' transwomen are true tops (although I admit that they're out there), but for the most part, the men who fetishize transsexuals simply think they can have it all and feel they are somehow entitled to it, meaning that they see us as being unworthy of anything more. They wonder why we would bother to transition if were not going to be the way they fantasize us to be, and that is a distinctly male perspective.

And so it is that those who are 'attracted to us' are actually attracted to their subjective idea of what we should be and what they would like us to do for them (i.e. their attraction is entirely selfish). I understand full well that there are men out there who are just open and experimental or compassionate and understanding, but they're maybe 2% of the trans-accepting community. Most other men simply want to project onto us their male desires of what a transwoman (and indeed any woman) ought to be. Incidentally, that means that we're not the pervs. They are. Let's not use the example of the 2% to excuse the oafish, disrespectful behavior of the other 98%, OK?


08-16-2012, 07:37 PM
i know tons of guys you will have sex with a ts but wont date her simply because of the fact she is trans and dont want people to know about their attraction.
how many negative comments have we seen about girls who get srs.statements like those show me that its really not about the girl but about fulfilling their fantasy of a chick with a cock.
i cant tell you how many times i get approached by guys who are looking to use me as an experience or to fulfill their fantasy.
i recently went out to dinner with a dude and all he was focused on was how big my dick is and can he see it -__-.
im not saying their arent genuine guys out there cause there are.at the same time tho im not going to be a fool,i know whats also out there...

08-16-2012, 07:42 PM
I think at eh end of the day us women will have an opinion about tranny chasers due to our experience, however I don't consider all men that are open to being with a ts is a chaser....

There eis a diffrence beetween wanting to actually court a ts and just to chase her....

In my experience I feel that chasers are a waste of my time and energy unless I am in business transaction with one... However i don't look down on chasers i have many friends who are but just wouldn't get with them for my own personal sanity.

Wendy Summers
08-16-2012, 07:45 PM
People might be shocked to learn the ratio of unwanted sexual solicitations that many of us receive via email from men who will openly beg us to 'fuck them like a slut,' versus those offering friendship or relationships, particularly since many of us aren't even tops. They don't see us as people.

My experience is exactly the opposite. I get some "fuck me like a slut" emails but not many. Most of the approaches to me are of the kind I hear you all don't get but want. What's different between us? Not much besides personality... you're equally as attractive so its not an appearance thing. I can only see attitude being the deciding factor.

08-16-2012, 07:52 PM
My experience is exactly the opposite. I get some "fuck me like a slut" emails but not many. Most of the approaches to me are of the kind I hear you all don't get but want. What's different between us? Not much besides personality... you're equally as attractive so its not an appearance thing. I can only see attitude being the deciding factor.

True. And that's another stereotype. Every woman who is a bit of a bitch (and yes, I admit that I can be) is not a top, and it's interesting that a man wouldn't understand this since most of the time they want to be 'the girl' to help relieve the stress that goes with having a Type-A personality. Well, guess what guys, the same goes for women, and we're already women, so let's do the math here, shall we? :lol:

Incidentally, I've NEVER topped a man in porn, and I also feel that I've softened my attitude quite a bit over the last few years, so I find their demands exceptionally dismissive of my needs.


08-16-2012, 08:18 PM
example,i just got this message from a social network im apart of:
"Im originally from va beach. Im movin back in bout 2 weeks. Id love to hook up wit ya. Never been wit a chik like u but id love to. Baddd"

no formal introduction or attempt to know me as a person.just hey,can fulfill my fantasy cause im assuming you have nothing better to do smh

08-16-2012, 08:57 PM
Just throwing this out there, have you ever heard a man say that he would sleep with gg, but wouldn't date her. I think people have a huge presumption that a man would settle for a gg. Honestly, too many men want to bang something. I remember taking to a friend who would hook up with "large" women occasionally, but he would never be caught dead with her in public.

I think for some men, not all its not about being a tg, its about getting laid to plainly put it. There is quite of bit of men I know that will only marry a virgin, still they probably slept with more woman then Wilt Chamberlin. I mean people say things, wow I never banged a black chick or I never banged asian chick. Things they check off their bucket list.

I myself will admit there was one gg I wanted to sleep with but only if she didn't tell anyone that I slept with her. Not the greatest personality, but somewhat physically appealing. Putting it honestly, there is small number of women I would want a relationship with compared to the large amount of women I would like to sleep with.

08-16-2012, 09:05 PM
The Beauty In Us
This is a speech that I gave at the Sixth Annual Trans March in San Francisco on June 26, 2009. It challenges the concepts of “tranny chasers” and “tranny fetishists” that exist in our culture (as well as within the minds of psychologists such as Ray Blanchard, although his theories are not explicitly discussed in the piece. It can be read below.

Unfortunately, we live in a society where many people view trans people as unnatural and illegitimate. And one of the most effective ways in which they try to invalidate us is by assuming that we are somehow unlovable, that no one in their right mind would find us desirable. And sadly, many of us end up believing this ourselves.

When I was a teenager and young adult, one of the things that helped keep me in the closet was the fact that I believed that if I did ever come out as wanting to be a girl, or if I were to ever physically transition to female, that others would undoubtedly see me as a freak, and nobody would want me as their partner. I worried that I would become unlovable. And you know something, I was wrong.

Sure, the majority of people in our culture are too insecure about their own masculinity or femininity to ever consider dating a trans person. But there are lots of people who aren’t that way. When I came out as a crossdresser 15 years ago, I went onto have relationships with several women who were totally cool with that aspect of my person. And since my transition 8 years ago, I have met many people, both women and men, who have expressed a sexual or romantic interest in me. For me, the problem hasn’t been finding someone who desires me, but rather finding someone whose interests coincide with what I want out of an encounter or relationship. And frankly, that is something that many people, whether trans or not, have to contend with.

This is why I get really frustrated when people automatically presume that any person who is attracted to, or has sex with, a trans person must automatically have some kind of “fetish.” This is extremely invalidating, as it insinuates that we cannot be loved or appreciated as whole people, but rather only as a “fetish objects.” Sure, there are some people who are specifically attracted to the fact that we are trans, and some of us might find that to be uncomfortable or annoying. But I have also experienced men (who were presumably unaware that I was trans) starring rather obsessively at my chest. But nobody ever seriously accuses such people of having a “breast fetish” or of being “breast chasers,” because breasts are seen as a perfectly normal and valid thing to be attracted to. Similarly, there are people out there who specifically date people because of their money or social status, but nobody ever accuses them of having a “fetish.” People only use the term “fetish” when they believe the person in question is inherently undesirable - and I refuse to buy into that mindset!

We are beautiful people who are legitimately desirable. We are not “fetish” objects! And people who find us attractive are not “chasers,” but rather they are simply people who see beauty in us. Because our culture deems us undesirable, our lovers and partners are often expected to explain why they choose to be with us. Others may start to question their sexuality, or they may be ostracized from their straight or gay or lesbian communities. In a sense, they share a bit of our stigma - a stigma that is based on the presumption that we are unlovable. And we shouldn’t stand for it!

So, let’s purge the phrases “tranny fetish” and “tranny chaser” from our vocabularies. Let’s celebrate our lovers, partners and spouses for seeing the beauty in us. And let’s give a big shout out to all of the significant others who are standing by our sides today supporting us. And importantly, let’s remember that we are beautiful and fabulous and desirable and deserving of love

Wow, am deeply saddened by the actions of sum and the interptations of others. I have been thru the ringer in lyfe, as far as being abandonded, not wanted and shunned aside, i have serious issues with these facts and occurances in my lyfe(most happening before i wuz even a 10). i live everyday to try to see others and myself, to try and understand, and grow in this complicated and unforgiving society.

its everyday that i hope to do the right things, encouraging personal spirtuality with in myself, and to refuse projected ego and intolerance.

this thread is amazing, the real feedback, and debate, with out bs is, refreshing(falobw), the insight to peoples true feelings, can help sum to better themselves.

thank you

Wendy Summers
08-16-2012, 09:09 PM
example,i just got this message from a social network im apart of:
"Im originally from va beach. Im movin back in bout 2 weeks. Id love to hook up wit ya. Never been wit a chik like u but id love to. Baddd"

no formal introduction or attempt to know me as a person.just hey,can fulfill my fantasy cause im assuming you have nothing better to do smh

Just remember -- I tried to get to know you before hitting on you ;)

08-16-2012, 09:09 PM
example,i just got this message from a social network im apart of:
"Im originally from va beach. Im movin back in bout 2 weeks. Id love to hook up wit ya. Never been wit a chik like u but id love to. Baddd"

no formal introduction or attempt to know me as a person.just hey,can fulfill my fantasy cause im assuming you have nothing better to do smh

this type of assuming behavior kills me, why why why, does he see himself as such a piece of crap, that everyone else must be and feel the same? I dont understand ? how do people get like this?

08-16-2012, 10:01 PM
Just throwing this out there, have you ever heard a man say that he would sleep with gg, but wouldn't date her. I think people have a huge presumption that a man would settle for a gg. Honestly, too many men want to bang something. I remember taking to a friend who would hook up with "large" women occasionally, but he would never be caught dead with her in public.

I think for some men, not all its not about being a tg, its about getting laid to plainly put it. There is quite of bit of men I know that will only marry a virgin, still they probably slept with more woman then Wilt Chamberlin. I mean people say things, wow I never banged a black chick or I never banged asian chick. Things they check off their bucket list.

I myself will admit there was one gg I wanted to sleep with but only if she didn't tell anyone that I slept with her. Not the greatest personality, but somewhat physically appealing. Putting it honestly, there is small number of women I would want a relationship with compared to the large amount of women I would like to sleep with.

im talking about when a guy wont even consider dating a ts simply because she is ts...
ive gotten some what close to a few guys in the past and they've admitted that i had the qualities that they want in a girl but because i was trans they didnt think they could make that leap.they say things like if i was a gg they would "wife me up in a sec".sucks when the only thing thats holding you back from dating me is my gender ;(. i no longer waste my time with these closeted chasers tho...
im good enough to fuck but not to date....

Wendy Summers
08-16-2012, 10:06 PM
im talking about when a guy wont even consider dating a ts simply because she is ts...
ive gotten some what close to a few guys in the past and they've admitted that i had the qualities that they want in a girl but because i was trans they didnt think they could make that leap.they say things like if i was a gg they would "wife me up in a sec".sucks when the only thing thats holding you back from dating me is my gender ;(. i no longer waste my time with these closeted chasers tho...
im good enough to fuck but not to date....

But in those cases... will they fuck you?

08-16-2012, 10:11 PM
But in those cases... will they fuck you?

of course she getting fucked, the whole thing is fucked up. to discount any person soo much is disgusting, and just wrong wrong wrong

Wendy Summers
08-16-2012, 10:31 PM
of course she getting fucked, the whole thing is fucked up. to discount any person soo much is disgusting, and just wrong wrong wrong

hrm... maybe my question was missed.

I have encountered guys who've said "if you weren't trans, I'd date you"... I get that... a cock isn't for everyone. But those same guys wouldn't want to fuck me either.

So I'm asking is her experience qualitatively different... that they're saying "damn girl I'll fuck you right now, but I won't date you."?

Make sense?

08-16-2012, 10:49 PM
Chasers don't really bother me as a group because for the most part I just write them off and delete their emails, yahoo im's, skype requests, facebook messages, voice mails. text messages fetlife requests, xhamester messages. Tgflix messages, twitter dm's, and fourm requests. Hope I didn't forget something? lol
As a top I can honestly say that I perfer the company of GG dykes, other transwomen and FTM'S. Dudes that bottom are mostly '3rd option and a non-issue for me. I take personal enjoyment of :fuckin: a guy to he breaks. :twisted: Men that are pure tops tend to be not on my personal sexual radar that much anymore, although I have not written them off entirely.

08-16-2012, 11:24 PM
to pretend that their arent some men out there that see trans woman as something to only indulge in sexually is a bit naive.
you have guys like freedie who openly says yea he would have sex with a ts but would never date one.....

And you have guys like me that do date a girl for who she is...And....fuck freddie

08-16-2012, 11:53 PM
Just throwing this out there, have you ever heard a man say that he would sleep with gg, but wouldn't date her. I think people have a huge presumption that a man would settle for a gg. Honestly, too many men want to bang something. I remember taking to a friend who would hook up with "large" women occasionally, but he would never be caught dead with her in public.

I think for some men, not all its not about being a tg, its about getting laid to plainly put it. There is quite of bit of men I know that will only marry a virgin, still they probably slept with more woman then Wilt Chamberlin. I mean people say things, wow I never banged a black chick or I never banged asian chick. Things they check off their bucket list.

I myself will admit there was one gg I wanted to sleep with but only if she didn't tell anyone that I slept with her. Not the greatest personality, but somewhat physically appealing. Putting it honestly, there is small number of women I would want a relationship with compared to the large amount of women I would like to sleep with.

This is true, men are walking contradictions, immature and confused beings... It is proven that men mature slower therefore women are 10 time smatter and had a better perception in life.

I get guys want to get laid, but the bigger picture in the process your possibly hurting the woman int he process just because you want to get laid. Did I also mention selfish? Some men would go to the extreme of playing with a girls emotion just to dump her at the end. Did I mention dishonest, and rude?

This example that you gave is just making men look super bad in all forms, not just chasers... sorry just being honest lol...

08-16-2012, 11:58 PM
And you have guys like me that do date a girl for who she is...And....fuck freddie

Because of guys like you I know that all men aren't chasers, just some...

08-17-2012, 12:15 AM
This is true, men are walking contradictions, immature and confused beings... It is proven that men mature slower therefore women are 10 time smatter and had a better perception in life.

I get guys want to get laid, but the bigger picture in the process your possibly hurting the woman int he process just because you want to get laid. Did I also mention selfish? Some men would go to the extreme of playing with a girls emotion just to dump her at the end. Did I mention dishonest, and rude?

This example that you gave is just making men look super bad in all forms, not just chasers... sorry just being honest lol...

No apologies, need to be made. I know some jerks (sadly women just keep running after them). They are not going to change and will cheat on their gfs. I am not saying all men are bad, but we all do at some point would like to get laid without the hang-ups of a relationship. That being said, women can be a lot worse, it comes down to people not using people. Did I ever sleep with that women. No, two reasons I don't play with people emotions, and second I have known her long enough to know she is bat crazy.

Still Amber statement about men being with ts is really the problem not men who want to get laid. I think a person who is willing to date a tg in some cases gives up a lot. A whole lot, more than we think the problem is many are afraid to cross that bridge for this reason.

08-17-2012, 12:17 AM
I really am thinking of turning lesbian yo!!!

08-17-2012, 12:31 AM
I really am thinking of turning lesbian yo!!! We are always accepting new members :D

08-17-2012, 12:37 AM
I really am thinking of turning lesbian yo!!!

Remember who you date, no matter if it is a man or woman, a jerk is a jerk and they are everywhere. Grass is greener on the otherside till you realize that all the fence properties have some brown grass and you just have to be willing to live with whatever property you decide to live on.

08-17-2012, 12:42 AM
No apologies, need to be made. I know some jerks (sadly women just keep running after them). They are not going to change and will cheat on their gfs. I am not saying all men are bad, but we all do at some point would like to get laid without the hang-ups of a relationship. That being said, women can be a lot worse, it comes down to people not using people. Did I ever sleep with that women. No, two reasons I don't play with people emotions, and second I have known her long enough to know she is bat crazy.

Still Amber statement about men being with ts is really the problem not men who want to get laid. I think a person who is willing to date a tg in some cases gives up a lot. A whole lot, more than we think the problem is many are afraid to cross that bridge for this reason.

im sorry but i dont buy that excuse.of the three men ive dated seriously none of them really every had to give up anything.they didnt lose their family,acceptance,masculinity, future dating prospects and etc.life continued just the same **gasp**.that just yall fear and insecurity talking.
i dont get all that bothered tho cause im not into cowards or sheep.so when a guy tells me they arent sure if they could handle dating a ts because of perceived societal pressures i feel like they just did me a huge favor.thanks for the warning lol

08-17-2012, 12:45 AM
im sorry but i dont buy that excuse.of the three men ive dated seriously none of them really every had to give up anything.they didnt lose their family,acceptance,masculinity, future dating prospects and etc.life continued just the same **gasp**.that just yall fear and insecurity talking.
i dont get all that bothered tho cause im not into cowards or sheep.so when a guy tells me they arent sure if they could handle dating a ts because of perceived societal pressures i feel like they just did me a huge favor.thanks for the warning lol

If that is the reason, then I can't say much about it. I sorry Amber people would lead along that way, just for their personal gain is plain selfish. I hope you don't think all men are the same.

08-17-2012, 01:33 AM
All men aren't the same, but I can't believe how many of us act in the same immature, disrespectful, and downright abusive manner towards all types of women. Futhermore, I can't believe how successful those types of men seem to be at landing nice, attractive girlfriends.

The old saying that men are jerks and women love them for it seems all too true sometimes.

That being said, I've been burned baddddly by some women in my life.

08-17-2012, 02:29 AM
Many guys I know wont date a ts not because she's trans but because they don't want to be taken for a ride. Maybe if ts' didn't just use guys for money, many guys would act differently and be more open to dating you?

08-17-2012, 02:52 AM
Many guys I know wont date a ts not because she's trans but because they don't want to be taken for a ride. Maybe if ts' didn't just use guys for money, many guys would act differently and be more open to dating you?
I've been screwed over by ggs a lot more than any ts, though not because of money. I can't really get used for money because i don't have any :P

08-17-2012, 02:56 AM
God, there's so much bullshit in this thread it's fucking ridiculous.

Bella - You swear every guy you come into contact with begs you to "fuck them like a slut" and that's all that is out there, you discount even the existence of "normal" guys like myself who've never taken it up the rear, I guess we just don't exist. Why do you go on in thread after thread hating on "chasers" with "cocklust" instead of just realizing that men fucking LUST. When I get a hot girl naked in bed that's what I do...I dive straight to the genitals, tits, ass, etc....so when I get a ts in bed am I supposed place a hat over it lest you think I'm a chaser?

Also, have you ever thought the fact that you're an escort maybe skews your interactions just a bit...maybe you're getting all the weirdos coming at you because you provide that service, don't let that fool you into thinking that's a fair representation of men. With all that said...I'm sure there are true cock chaser, asshole sons of bitches out there...so what? You don't think GG's get asshole pussy chasers all the time, just ignore those people and enjoy the attention from normal guys...im pretty sure we outnumber them and are growing everyday.

Evon - Women are 10 times smarter than men...lol. Ok.

Amber - You're too young and beautiful to be bitter. I understand it's tough to feel used for sex and maybe you've had your fair share of that...but don't paint everyone with the Freddie Gomez brush.

BTW I love you all... so beautiful, and no I wasn't picturing your cocks!

08-17-2012, 03:00 AM
Many guys I know wont date a ts not because she's trans but because they don't want to be taken for a ride. Maybe if ts' didn't just use guys for money, many guys would act differently and be more open to dating you?

Maybe if guys didn't just use us for sex, we would act differently and be more open to dating you.

See what I did there?


08-17-2012, 03:02 AM
Maybe if guys didn't just use us for sex, we would act differently and be more open to dating you.

See what I did there?


I don't use girls for sex, but I still get used. Most ts' in my experience care about money more than anything else.

08-17-2012, 03:03 AM
I don't use girls for sex, but I still get used. Most ts' in my experience care about money more than anything else.

... because you're in the minority. Most guys just see us as a fetish, and bitches gotta eat too, ya know? :lol:


08-17-2012, 03:11 AM
... because you're in the minority. Most guys just see us as a fetish, and bitches gotta eat too, ya know? :lol:


Yeah, eat gold it seems. It's pretty obvious i'm serious yet it makes no difference.

My 'ex, ex' dates as stealth yet is exactly the same. Prior to me she had never dated an 'admirer' only straight men (In fact she didn't know we existed.) She still cared more about money than anything else. Genetic girls will usually date a guy who is their own age and of the same status. Transsexuals given the option of that or an old rich guy will usually take the old rich guy.

08-17-2012, 03:19 AM
It's pretty obvious i'm serious yet it makes no difference.

... says you. It's all a matter of perspective.


08-17-2012, 03:22 AM
you're so right, Bella

08-17-2012, 03:36 AM
OP: Very well put, thank you for that.

Self-haters gotta hate.

08-17-2012, 04:29 AM
example,i just got this message from a social network im apart of:
"Im originally from va beach. Im movin back in bout 2 weeks. Id love to hook up wit ya. Never been wit a chik like u but id love to. Baddd"

no formal introduction or attempt to know me as a person.just hey,can fulfill my fantasy cause im assuming you have nothing better to do smh

How do you know he doesn't talk to every girl like that ?

08-17-2012, 04:35 AM
A lot of what we’re talking about here surrounds perceptions. The experiences you’re relating to us, ladies, are utterly depressing. And I can understand your disenchantment. A good point was made earlier on: you have, in my opinion, to distinguish between your experiences as escorts and as t-women in regular dating. Can you make such a difference? I mean by that: is there a difference? Are men that you date in your life different from your paying suitors? If they aren’t, that’s terribly depressing, I will admit it in all empathy for you. In fact, it would be simply desperating, as far as I’m concerned.

I myself have a bit of a hard time understanding what you ladies say at times, because I’m hetero and can’t even figure what the interest is for a man to have a woman make love to him (that’s not even conceivable to me; I don’t want to offend anyone, of course, but to me it’s pretty close to a nonsense; you women are so delicate, feminine, I don't even know how to express what I want to say here!). Yes, we men have a very direct sexuality, we’re very driven, and sometimes, it comes out as something rude, vulgar and stupid. But I’m afraid we’re pretty much like that for women in general. If, as you’re saying, Amber and Bella, 98% of the men you see wouldn’t entertain the idea of a relationship with you, it is something out of a nightmare; it would mean everything is to be done, all the education that has seemingly been provided and taken, all the information given, all the apparent progress in the last couple of decades, would have been in vain…
Should I dare ask this question, then, here on this porn site? Do you think porn has been good or bad for the cause of transsexual women? I’m an old guy and I can tell you that in the 80s, when I was a young man, things we’re much, much worse.

(I would like to personally commend every participant to this debate; the level of exchanges here is respectful and constructive, unlike those of many other threads.)

08-17-2012, 05:32 AM
[QUOTE=caliuncut;1185685]God, there's so much bullshit in this thread it's fucking ridiculous.

Bella - You swear every guy you come into contact with begs you to "fuck them like a slut" and that's all that is out there, you discount even the existence of "normal" guys like myself who've never taken it up the rear, I guess we just don't exist. Why do you go on in thread after thread hating on "chasers" with "cocklust" instead of just realizing that men fucking LUST. When I get a hot girl naked in bed that's what I do...I dive straight to the genitals, tits, ass, etc....so when I get a ts in bed am I supposed place a hat over it lest you think I'm a chaser?

Also, have you ever thought the fact that you're an escort maybe skews your interactions just a bit...maybe you're getting all the weirdos coming at you because you provide that service, don't let that fool you into thinking that's a fair representation of men. With all that said...I'm sure there are true cock chaser, asshole sons of bitches out there...so what? You don't think GG's get asshole pussy chasers all the time, just ignore those people and enjoy the attention from normal guys...im pretty sure we outnumber them and are growing everyday.

:Bowdown:This !!!!!!! No one is minimizing what you all had to endure before and during transition...but this chicken and the egg thing ( the chaser and the tranny) gets old...with all due respect to the OP and her thoughtful words. It was actually a beautiful read. If we think of you as special...it's fetishizing you, if we lust for you we're chasers...if we patronize you, we're loathed as johns...frankly it's maddening. I know a hundred gg's who would love the attention you all get, even if it meant weeding out the misogynistic and rude fools. It occurred to me after reading this thread, if someone waved a politically correct magic wand and suddenly you were viewed by everyone in society as women...and just little fishes in a big ordinary ocean, more than a few of you wouldn't be real happy with that either. I think if you spent as much time educating some of these crude dudes instead of complaining about them...it might be more productive. I've learned a lot since being here...unfortunately not of it all good.

08-17-2012, 05:53 AM
I've said repeatedly that I'm not speaking about every man, but most. I swear you guys read whatever you want into things.


08-17-2012, 07:40 AM
I do like money, I do want it, I live a lifestyle I'm use to and I just can't see myself dating a guy that can't give me it... I think its fair because in a relationship i don't want to put him to a position where I'm always out and about and him getting mad or jealous, id rathe be single and successful until the right man comes along...

08-17-2012, 11:26 AM
Bella and Amber I agree with your comments, and can partially relate. In Feb. I joined an online dating site (just for the exp, which was hilarious and I will post a thread on here soon about it) and I had more than a few email responses...I have never been with a black guy, always fantasized about being with a black man, etc...Sorry, I do no want to be someone racial fantasy.

08-17-2012, 01:05 PM
I do like money, I do want it, I live a lifestyle I'm use to and I just can't see myself dating a guy that can't give me it... I think its fair because in a relationship i don't want to put him to a position where I'm always out and about and him getting mad or jealous, id rathe be single and successful until the right man comes along...

This right man better be rich...you so many girls are putting all their efforts on looking for a rich unsted of the right man to build a family with..Not all men can offer this life style you're soo use too Evon but there are a lot of us that are looking to settle and build home with a great girl..just saying..
There are a lot of hard working upfront and honest man like my self that are looking for a serious girls.

08-17-2012, 02:19 PM

08-17-2012, 02:20 PM
I do like money, I do want it, I live a lifestyle I'm use to and I just can't see myself dating a guy that can't give me it... I think its fair because in a relationship i don't want to put him to a position where I'm always out and about and him getting mad or jealous, id rathe be single and successful until the right man comes along...

I'm an Architect, one of my best friends is a Lawyer. Yet neither of us is 'good enough' for most ts. You all have ludicrous expectations, and no man i've ever met will treat you well if you care more about his wallet than you do him. You can moan all you want about the way men treat you, but it goes both ways.

08-17-2012, 02:24 PM
This right man better be rich...you so many girls are putting all their efforts on looking for a rich unsted of the right man to build a family with..Not all men can offer this life style you're soo use too Evon but there are a lot of us that are looking to settle and build home with a great girl..just saying..
There are a lot of hard working upfront and honest man like my self that are looking for a serious girls.

These 'right men' are not even 1% of the population. Then consider how few guys are interested in ts girls....

08-17-2012, 05:09 PM
"This is why I get really frustrated when people automatically presume that any person who is attracted to, or has sex with, a trans person must automatically have some kind of “fetish.” This is extremely invalidating, as it insinuates that we cannot be loved or appreciated as whole people, but rather only as a “fetish objects.” Sure, there are some people who are specifically attracted to the fact that we are trans, and some of us might find that to be uncomfortable or annoying. But I have also experienced men (who were presumably unaware that I was trans) starring rather obsessively at my chest. But nobody ever seriously accuses such people of having a “breast fetish” or of being “breast chasers,” because breasts are seen as a perfectly normal and valid thing to be attracted to. Similarly, there are people out there who specifically date people because of their money or social status, but nobody ever accuses them of having a “fetish.” People only use the term “fetish” when they believe the person in question is inherently undesirable - and I refuse to buy into that mindset!"

Thank you for this quote Tyler! Both trans-women and men are stuck with sterotypes. Some ladies feel "all" men are chasers. Their actions and demeanor are so negative and hateful but it's driven by the men they have encountered. All men who are trans-attracted are not the same. I have been in 2 LTR's with trans-women. One lasted the better part of 8 years. We lived together, she helped raise my sons, was on my health insurance and both of our families still interact.

When I encounter a trans-woman who has had nothing but negative things to say about men, I run away as quickly as possible. I've run into some trans-women who did fit the sterotype of being an escort, porn star and waas only about her $$$. I would never assume that all of you ladies fit that desciption. All I ever ask is to judge me by my deeds and actions.

08-17-2012, 05:46 PM
Tranny chaser or tranny hunter...

08-17-2012, 10:51 PM
Tranny chaser or tranny hunter...http://www.hungangels.com/vboard/attachment.php?attachmentid=495698&stc=1&d=1345218383


Yes I did find something 'special' about the idea of Bugs, now a she, making amorous moves on Elmer Fudd.

Wendy Summers
08-17-2012, 10:53 PM
Tranny chaser or tranny hunter...


08-17-2012, 10:56 PM

Maybe this will help you guys get this thread sticky ;).
Nice computer system Wendy!

08-17-2012, 11:32 PM
I do like money, I do want it, I live a lifestyle I'm use to and I just can't see myself dating a guy that can't give me it... I think its fair because in a relationship i don't want to put him to a position where I'm always out and about...

Wow, taking a guy's money to spare him the grief of not being able to give you money. You should be nominated for sainthood. :roll:

08-17-2012, 11:59 PM
I can't explain exactly why it is the case but for me I feel more comfortable with a t-girl and feel like I can relate to a t-girl more than I do with other girls

Whilst there is a shortage of men who like t-girls there's also a shortage of t-girls for those men to like too - I've only ever knowingly met one t-girl in my life without there being a financial aspect involved and it seems that that's the only way I can meet such girls

08-18-2012, 12:04 AM
I can't explain exactly why it is the case but for me I feel more comfortable with a t-girl and feel like I can relate to a t-girl more than I do with other girls

Whilst there is a shortage of men who like t-girls there's also a shortage of t-girls for those men to like too - I've only ever knowingly met one t-girl in my life without there being a financial aspect involved and it seems that that's the only way I can meet such girls

Go to wayout and make some friends for a start dude. Don't go there primarily looking to get laid or hire an escort, just make friends. They all know each other outside of the club, and you'll soon meet girls who aren't in the industry.

08-18-2012, 12:33 AM
These 'right men' are not even 1% of the population. Then consider how few guys are interested in ts girls....

Then Im gonna be single, successful, and happy on my own sugar. This is my expectations in a relationship and thats that... If you find it unreasonable then that's your individual opinion, however At least i am upfront and honest about it rather than just playing the guy...

I may set high standard, I may be demanding, I may be stubborn however I am fair, honest, and will never take advantage of a man...

If I cannot find that man in my standard I'm not settling for less because I don't want to end up leaving him for someone richer, or more successful, or better looking I am not going to be that girl. Sorry

However I am not denying the possibility of falling in love outside my standard... But if it does happen that man must be really good... I mean really really good...

08-18-2012, 12:55 AM
Then Im gonna be single, successful, and happy on my own sugar. This is my expectations in a relationship and thats that... If you find it unreasonable then that's your individual opinion, however At least i am upfront and honest about it rather than just playing the guy...

I may set high standard, I may be demanding, I may be stubborn however I am fair, honest, and will never take advantage of a man...

^ This.


08-18-2012, 01:11 AM
Some interesting 'Takes' on a great article by Julia Serano.
link to site (http://www.juliaserano.com/TSetiology.html#TransMarch09)
My personal take on things:
On "Tranny-Chasers" and "Cock-hounds"
I've kinda got a foot in two camps which makes for an interesting observation.
In day to day life I'm stealth*.
On the net I go on three trans-sites, including HA. I also occasionally go to tranny clubs*.
This makes for an interesting comparison.

One thing I've noticed is the behaviour of some men in these trans spaces.
They treat me like an object and are single minded in their goal, which is clearly a sexual one.
The behaviours are one or more of the following:
it may be a lustful look, comments, inappropriate touching (ie. any)
or attempts to engage me in conversation which moves very quickly
to an amorous slant which ranges from crass to classy-slick.
Now I'm a big bunny and am not phased in the slightest, except for touches
on my body, such as my thigh or bum, as such behaviour is completely
out of order if not sought and invited. But still not a big deal for me
to lift the hand away look them in the eyes and say 'No'.

Ok so far.

In non trans spaces I get a lot of the same behaviours.
Think: bar, club, taxi, bank, supermarket and so on.
A whole range of come ons and chat-ups, where the man is single focused,
and the focus is sex. Now these guys have absolutely no idea that I'm trans,
no idea that I'm 'Packing'. And as soon as I tell them they (usually) completely change
into totally normal human beings. They apologise and say it's not their thing or whatever.
Very occasionally after the WTF look in their eyes they are still interested
but the dynamic has changed, they act less tunnel-focused than before.
Now I'd bet that there are other Trans-women reading this, who also live in stealth day-to-day and they relate to this post because they also experience the same behaviours from some men, in both trans-spaces and the wider world.

My thoughts are twofold.
1. 'Tranny-Chasers' are identical in behaviour in trans spaces with trans women
to 'Women-Chasers' in non-trans places (obviously) with Bio~women.

2. 'Chasers' are usually normal nice men who under the testosterone 'hit'
go 'single-tunnel-focus'. This I'm sure is to do with the breeding imperative,
and not an accurate description of them overall.

My personal summary
It's just how a lot of men are. But not a lot of what makes that man up. There is a lot more to them than this.
It's identical to what women have always experienced.
The term 'Tranny-Chaser' or 'Cock-hound' is stupid derogatory and meaningless.
This is because some men who are attracted to Trans-women
exhibit EXACTLY the same traits as some men who are attracted to Bio-women.
How you handle it and how much or how little you let it bother you is all that counts.
Welcome to womanhood.


*I'm leaving my work out of these considerations because I'm selling an artificial sexual fantasy.
Which is certainly not a rounded picture of who I am.
My clients literally buying said hourly fantasy, also has no bearing on the thread.
In the same way that a porno clip bears no real connection
with the daily life reality of the of the Performer.

08-18-2012, 01:37 AM
Then Im gonna be single, successful, and happy on my own sugar. This is my expectations in a relationship and thats that... If you find it unreasonable then that's your individual opinion, however At least i am upfront and honest about it rather than just playing the guy...

I may set high standard, I may be demanding, I may be stubborn however I am fair, honest, and will never take advantage of a man...

If I cannot find that man in my standard I'm not settling for less because I don't want to end up leaving him for someone richer, or more successful, or better looking I am not going to be that girl. Sorry

However I am not denying the possibility of falling in love outside my standard... But if it does happen that man must be really good... I mean really really good...

Just out of curiosity, how much does a guy have to make?

Cecil Rhodes
08-18-2012, 01:54 AM
Then Im gonna be single, successful, and happy on my own sugar. This is my expectations in a relationship and thats that... If you find it unreasonable then that's your individual opinion, however At least i am upfront and honest about it rather than just playing the guy...

I may set high standard, I may be demanding, I may be stubborn however I am fair, honest, and will never take advantage of a man...

If I cannot find that man in my standard I'm not settling for less because I don't want to end up leaving him for someone richer, or more successful, or better looking I am not going to be that girl. Sorry

However I am not denying the possibility of falling in love outside my standard... But if it does happen that man must be really good... I mean really really good...

Reading thru this reply i find nothing that says Evon will not give nice guys hugs . Btw, i am a nice guy . :) :) :)

08-18-2012, 05:14 AM
Just out of curiosity, how much does a guy have to make?

At least a billion...

08-18-2012, 05:21 AM
At least a billion...

Not enough I say ... Double it then divide by 2!

08-18-2012, 05:34 AM
The thing about nice guys is , we don't stay single long.

08-18-2012, 08:23 AM
If I met a woman, and we hit it off, we enjoyed each other's company and made each other happy, would that really change once she tells me she was born biologically male? I'm not too knowledgable about the science but isn't it that she really is a woman? In her heart and mind? As for societal pressures, if you're dating, say, an Evon Rose look alike, walking down a street hand in hand, how on earth would anyone know she's was born physically male? Is she wearing a sign? The only people I MIGHT feel like telling is close family, but probably after they've met her and liked her anyway. That way they'd be no prejudice. And once they've seen you make each other happy, they'd be happy for you in return.

08-18-2012, 09:20 AM
As far as being judged for how you were born, something you can't change, I can understand that kind of pain. Being a shorter guy, with a smaller dick, being judged and rejected for things from your birth you had no control over is nothing new, and yes it hurts. I wouldn't want to make others feel the same.

08-18-2012, 09:41 AM
Some interesting 'Takes' on a great article by Julia Serano...

Thanks for posting that. A rare note of actual clear insight.

Cecil Rhodes
08-18-2012, 10:55 AM
Does this mean i can't get a hug ?

Willie Escalade
08-18-2012, 12:10 PM
Sometimes I feel I should just stay single instead of trying to be in a relationship...

Plus I've been burned before; I DON'T want to go through THAT shit again...

08-18-2012, 12:29 PM
At least a billion...

It's not as if I was expecting a serious answer.

08-18-2012, 12:34 PM
Sometimes I feel I should just stay single instead of trying to be in a relationship...
Plus I've been burned before; I DON'T want to go through THAT shit again... (Willie Escalade)

Know exactly what you mean, Willie. And yet, we get back at it as soon as a lovely girl enters the surroundings of our life. We’re funny that way, aren’t we? But is there anything other than a bit of love to make even a little sense in our life, a little meaning? Without any of it, it would be a fucking desert. That’s why we’re always in deep, I guess…

08-18-2012, 11:21 PM
Not enough I say ... Double it then divide by 2!

hahahahaha!!!!! your silly, at least you got the humor in it.

08-18-2012, 11:26 PM
See men have feelings too, and I am not the type of person to rip you off, or take advantage of you, yes money is comfortable, it does help a relationship but i would not just be int he guy for money, you learn to love someone... I don't believe in love at first sight, i believe in growing emotions and connections. The guy with money is not my way out of life, its a way for stability... I don't play men, I don't do drama (well sometimes i'm a bit dramatic) I don't take advantage, and I don't like to hurt people...

But remember the feeling of that girl burning you we ts have felt that many times over the course of our lives from different men... Why do you think we avoid chasers?

Tranny Chasers, chubby chasers, panty chasers all int he same boat... same games, same drama...

08-20-2012, 11:47 AM
I have to say I'm guilty of the tranny chaser portion, especially when I'm banged up.
I'm straight with a beautiful girl, but there is something that cumpulses me to chase the other type of woman, particularly beautiful sexy ones with cocks.
I hurt one girl by using her and didn't realize it, because I was blind to the others feelings and understanding she was not just looking for a lot of fun and good times, but she actually was very attached.
Since then I haven't done anything, even though I get the worst urge from time to time, but I don't want to hurt someone over my turn on.
I know posting this I will catch a lot of flack, but im being honest.

08-20-2012, 02:52 PM
I have to say I'm guilty of the tranny chaser portion, especially when I'm banged up.
I'm straight with a beautiful girl, but there is something that cumpulses me to chase the other type of woman, particularly beautiful sexy ones with cocks.
I hurt one girl by using her and didn't realize it, because I was blind to the others feelings and understanding she was not just looking for a lot of fun and good times, but she actually was very attached.
Since then I haven't done anything, even though I get the worst urge from time to time, but I don't want to hurt someone over my turn on.
I know posting this I will catch a lot of flack, but im being honest.

You can have casual sex with a tgirl, but like with GGs you have to let them know where you're coming from and not lead them on IMO.

Treating any woman in the bedroom like you really believe she's 'special' and 'the one' and that person you wanna spend exclusive time with, when all you really mean is she totally gets you off sexually, can be confusing to someone if you don't explain yourself.

IMO many TGs value romantic/intimate relationships more so than GGs.

08-20-2012, 05:41 PM
As far as being judged for how you were born, something you can't change, I can understand that kind of pain. Being a shorter guy, with a smaller dick, being judged and rejected for things from your birth you had no control over is nothing new, and yes it hurts. I wouldn't want to make others feel the same.

Are you really comparing transsexuality to having a small dick?!?! :? :?


08-20-2012, 05:50 PM
Are you really comparing transsexuality to having a small dick?!?! :? :?


Bella he's being empathetic in the way he can, recognize the subtle victories..

Wendy Summers
08-20-2012, 05:50 PM
Bella he's being empathetic in the way he can, recognize the subtle victories..


08-20-2012, 06:36 PM
Bella he's being empathetic in the way he can, recognize the subtle victories..

Gee. I'd hate to take that away from him. I guess it's all the same then: small dick, red hair, female brain in a male body.

Yeah, right. Who the hell am I kidding?!


08-21-2012, 03:01 AM
I think any guy who has to brag about how many girls(tg or gg) has to have some insecurity issues...eventually that shyt is gonna catch up to you. Im just glad i found that 1 girl in my life, and i dont need to go screwing around. (Besides if i did do that, no doubt she would kung fu windmill-kick my nuts so hard they'd go flying out of my ears.)

08-21-2012, 05:23 AM
this topic has been discussed before lmao , fuckin chasers ughh!!! even thinking about them ...annoying !!!!!!!!! am cool if they paid me thou ....

08-22-2012, 10:43 AM
You can have casual sex with a tgirl, but like with GGs you have to let them know where you're coming from and not lead them on IMO.

Treating any woman in the bedroom like you really believe she's 'special' I nd 'the one' and that person you wanna spend exclusive time with, when all you really mean is she totally gets you off sexually, can be confusing to someone if you don't explain yourself.

IMO many TGs value romantic/intimate relationships more so than GGs.

In my defense, I didn't think it was such a horrible thing I did, because she had/has a man/sugar daddy. I actually met her on a shemale/ts dating site. She just got really attached because of how I treated her in and out of the bedroom. I took her to straight & gay bars, because I'm not ashamed of who or whatever I do...no one ever did not that with her... I'm a big good looking extremely athletic & fun man, and I was on the rocks with my girl. She was my first and thus far only TS. She got mad because I worked things out with my love and said I couldn't see her. Then she got pissed, yet she lived/lives with her man/ sugar daddy still whilst sleeping with another "boyfriend"
Was I really so wrong?

Willie Escalade
08-22-2012, 12:18 PM
She got mad because I worked things out with my love and said I couldn't see her. Then she got pissed, yet she lived/lives with her man/ sugar daddy still whilst sleeping with another "boyfriend"
Was I really so wrong?
Double-standard. Happens quite often.

08-22-2012, 03:42 PM
to pretend that their arent some men out there that see trans woman as something to only indulge in sexually is a bit naive.
you have guys like freedie who openly says yea he would have sex with a ts but would never date one.....

Ah yes, do let's use the village idiot as a yardstick.

I've dated a few GGs over the years, and most relationships ended because women tend to see guys as projects (if I can change that, he'll do nicely) whereas guys generally judge women by what they are and decide if they can live with them. Surprise: you can't change someone.
I've also dated two t-girls and was pleasantly surprised by the absence of such 'project mentality' even though both girls had no issues with their self confidence which would've made them lower their standards.

08-22-2012, 04:18 PM
this topic has been discussed before lmao , fuckin chasers ughh!!! even thinking about them ...annoying !!!!!!!!! am cool if they paid me thou ....

Chaser of the lowest order here baby and damn right we'll pay for your discretion. Otherwise you end up with a luvthatranny situation which he is going to find out soon ends with him being exposed. Im not a pro or anything when it comes to TG but it's been my personal experience only the TGs that have sex for money feel this way. The TGs that work and live in stealth full time do not want themselves to be exposed, they also usually dont hang out with other TGs so you aren't going to find that attitude here as much as the "I suck cock and fuck for money....all the guys I meet view me as just a whore to be used".... uh no shit.

I love how it's cool to like a tranny here if it was an accident. Then you got the tranny with the "straight" boyfriend who doesn't touch her cock or "even like the sight of it" ppppppfttt hahahah. Yeah, cuz dudes with foot fetishes never touch or look at the girls feet. They just "like the idea" hahaha.t

I gotta agree with that Fred dude about fucking but never dating, even though he is a douche.

08-22-2012, 07:17 PM
so really theres no such thing as chasers....

08-23-2012, 12:55 AM
so really theres no such thing as chasers....
If you are referring to them being unique to the trans world, then in my opinion, no.
The term 'Tranny-Chaser' or 'Cock-hound' is stupid derogatory and meaningless.
This is because some men who are attracted to Trans-women
exhibit EXACTLY the same traits as some men who are attracted to Bio-women.

I'm guessing Black T girl forum is a like HA but focused on black trans sex performers.
If so, using that example is meaningless as a measure of how the majority of men think,
nor how the majority of men on that very board think,
possibly including the poster 'Financier' who you quoted.
This is explained in my last post:

I'm leaving my work out of these considerations because I'm selling an artificial sexual fantasy.
Which is certainly not a rounded picture of who I am.
My clients literally buying said hourly fantasy, also has no bearing on the thread.
In the same way that a porno clip bears no real connection
with the daily life reality of the of the Performer.

For all you know, Financier could be reflecting back his artificial sexual fantasy, which you just happened to buy into.
Of course that may be how Financier thinks for real life too, but neither of us know for sure either way.
And it is just silly to slant all men on a sex board be the postings of one person.
That would be the same as someone saying all ts women on HA have an English accent, because Tyler does! That would be silly.

Finally, if that Financier's post reflected how he thinks for real all the time,
it's pathetic but does not show the bigger picture, the one outside his head .
Think about men you have met who didn't know you were trans yet acted in a similar way.
Some men are like that. It doesn't make it right. But it does show that it is not unique to men attracted to trans women.
Unless you are suggesting that all men are like that.
3.5 billion members of the human race may disagree.

Willie Escalade
08-23-2012, 02:19 AM
I think Kelly had a discussion a bit similar to this one earlier this year...but that thread went to shit...unfortunately.

08-23-2012, 03:42 AM
If you are referring to them being unique to the trans world, then in my opinion, no.
The term 'Tranny-Chaser' or 'Cock-hound' is stupid derogatory and meaningless.
This is because some men who are attracted to Trans-women
exhibit EXACTLY the same traits as some men who are attracted to Bio-women.

I'm guessing Black T girl forum is a like HA but focused on black trans sex performers.
If so, using that example is meaningless as a measure of how the majority of men think,
nor how the majority of men on that very board think,
possibly including the poster 'Financier' who you quoted.
This is explained in my last post:

For all you know, Financier could be reflecting back his artificial sexual fantasy, which you just happened to buy into.
Of course that may be how Financier thinks for real life too, but neither of us know for sure either way.
And it is just silly to slant all men on a sex board be the postings of one person.
That would be the same as someone saying all ts women on HA have an English accent, because Tyler does! That would be silly.

Finally, if that Financier's post reflected how he thinks for real all the time,
it's pathetic but does not show the bigger picture, the one outside his head .
Think about men you have met who didn't know you were trans yet acted in a similar way.
Some men are like that. It doesn't make it right. But it does show that it is not unique to men attracted to trans women.
Unless you are suggesting that all men are like that.
3.5 billion members of the human race may disagree.

did he quantify his statement by saying i dont respect trans woman in the sex industry or did he not make a blanketed statement about how trans woman are actually men in dresses and he respects none of them.
am i saying all men that are in to trans woman are chasers? NO. what i am saying is that there are some men that objectify and fetishize trans woman to an appalling degree.
are there men that objectify genetic woman? of course but the difference is most men dont objectify the whole of the female race.certain woman they objectify and see only in a sexual context while other woman they take seriously or see in a more than one dimensional light.with chasers it doesnt matter whether the girl is in the sex industry and places herself in a position to be objectified.they see all trans woman as outlets for their sexual urges and little else.
to me yes this is a phenomena exclusive to the trans community.men who would actually entertain the notion of actually dating and taking a trans woman seriously is in the minority.
you keep trying to say that my opinion is skewed by the fact that im in the industry and those are the guys i deal with.i wasnt always in the industry tho and even before in a purely social (meaning not having anything to do with the industry) context this is a problem ive run into time and time again.i cant tell you how many guys have told me if i wasnt trans they would date me but since i am they can only entertain me on a sexual level.do you understand what i am saying? i had every quality that they would look for in a girlfriend but the only reason they cant take me serious is because of my gender.interesting tho they still wanted to fuck me.what type of shit is that?!?!?

08-23-2012, 05:20 AM
so really theres no such thing as chasers....

One thing this Financier guy shows perfectly is that HE is a total asshole…

08-23-2012, 05:43 AM
Hi, I'm Chase.....Chase Mcthirsty.

And I'm just here for the tranny cock and free popcorn.

Edit: I am told they're out popcorn. Damn it!

08-23-2012, 05:52 AM
Chaser of the lowest order here baby and damn right we'll pay for your discretion. Otherwise you end up with a luvthatranny situation which he is going to find out soon ends with him being exposed. Im not a pro or anything when it comes to TG but it's been my personal experience only the TGs that have sex for money feel this way. The TGs that work and live in stealth full time do not want themselves to be exposed, they also usually dont hang out with other TGs so you aren't going to find that attitude here as much as the "I suck cock and fuck for money....all the guys I meet view me as just a whore to be used".... uh no shit.

I love how it's cool to like a tranny here if it was an accident. Then you got the tranny with the "straight" boyfriend who doesn't touch her cock or "even like the sight of it" ppppppfttt hahahah. Yeah, cuz dudes with foot fetishes never touch or look at the girls feet. They just "like the idea" hahaha.t

I gotta agree with that Fred dude about fucking but never dating, even though he is a douche.

Honey am glad to hear that your the lowest chaser being there could be a least you audacity to admit to it not unlike the rest of them that have a hard time admitting to it .
Second dont come up to me and tell me "damn right we'll pay for your discretion" because thats bull shit from your ass or maybe thats what u think because some chasers find other avenues and forms on how to hook up with up a ts's without paying "its their game sport " which now a days is hard to get things for free since most ts's are into escorting , your talking to very well intuitive woman here that can read you from head to toe your intentions . I've already discuss this twice in this forum .

I dont get why you would agree with that douche freddie gomez ? unless your a douche yourself and or care about what society says .

I myself love escorting and money i rather get paid than to be used like a slut . It feels so good when a a guy pays for my beauty because he can't in normal avenues , men for me are nothing but walking atm's. Of course most of us want a serious relationship but thats not a common option like gg's then again most men cheat and have strong sexual temptations they like variety and willing to explore different kinds of girls and try different things .

Btw no all ts's are in the escorting world some actually live normal jobs and normal lives but most are into escorting which i think its much better . :2cent

08-23-2012, 10:55 AM
did he quantify his statement by saying i dont respect trans woman in the sex industry or did he not make a blanketed statement about how trans woman are actually men in dresses and he respects none of them.
am i saying all men that are in to trans woman are chasers? NO. what i am saying is that there are some men that objectify and fetishize trans woman to an appalling degree.
are there men that objectify genetic woman? of course but the difference is most men dont objectify the whole of the female race.certain woman they objectify and see only in a sexual context while other woman they take seriously or see in a more than one dimensional light.with chasers it doesnt matter whether the girl is in the sex industry and places herself in a position to be objectified.they see all trans woman as outlets for their sexual urges and little else.
to me yes this is a phenomena exclusive to the trans community.men who would actually entertain the notion of actually dating and taking a trans woman seriously is in the minority.
you keep trying to say that my opinion is skewed by the fact that im in the industry and those are the guys i deal with.i wasnt always in the industry tho and even before in a purely social (meaning not having anything to do with the industry) context this is a problem ive run into time and time again.i cant tell you how many guys have told me if i wasnt trans they would date me but since i am they can only entertain me on a sexual level.do you understand what i am saying? i had every quality that they would look for in a girlfriend but the only reason they cant take me serious is because of my gender.interesting tho they still wanted to fuck me.what type of shit is that?!?!?
I can connect with exactly what you are saying in one specific environment - Tranny clubs.
A lot of the men act exactly the way you are suggesting. Not all of them but a very significant %.
Your comments may not apply to tranny clubs in which case the following is meaningless.
But if they do, then bear with me.

Firstly in the uk, most tranny clubs are slanted towards sex.
By which they are more akin to a swingers club or a sex club rather than a mainstream club.
Also while the clubs are transgendered, in truth a significant % of the trans-people present,
are often older, very occasional crossdressers looking to be shagged by just about anyone.
Most of the time they want to be sexually objectified and shagged by random men.
And that's what happens. Two groups looking for exactly the same thing. Which is of course fine.

But the problem is a lot of these people, both the crossdressers and men,
lack basic social communicative skills.
Least as far as chatting up goes.
And each of their behaviours reinforces the others. Self-contained it's fine.
But the problem is that these men assume it is ok to interact with everyone there, in the same way.
They look totally confused when someone says 'No' and / or is totally offended by their crass behaviour.
And this is understandable to a degree (though totally not excusable in any way)
as the previous 99 times they groped a crotch without notice or invite, they got a shag!
Their bad behaviour was rewarded every time!

This goes a long way to explain the mechanisms behind the
behaviour of some men in specific trans spaces,
ones which have a huge sex-slant, like trans sex cliubs or trans sex sites like HA or Black Trans girls.
Outside these environments my personal experiences have been totally different,
which is the reasoning behind my posts.

One question I would ask you is:
Are the men you have had dreadful interactions with (like the screen-shot you put up)
restricted to sex type trans clubs (if you go to such places) and sex trans sites like here,
or do these experiences also occur to you in the mainstream world?
I hope it is not the latter as that would be totally awful.

08-23-2012, 10:58 AM
I think Kelly had a discussion a bit similar to this one earlier this year...but that thread went to shit...unfortunately.
That went on for 100+ pages.
Turned into a train wreak, which was a pity
and often the way on forums.

Fingers crossed this thread stays shorter and on the rails. :)

08-23-2012, 11:07 AM
some chasers find other avenues and forms on how to hook up with up a ts's without paying "its their game sport " which now a days is hard to get things for free since most ts's are into escorting

Technical point.
99% of transsexual women have no connection with the sex industry, now or in the past.

Your comment is a perception that a lot of people erroneously have.
It explains why some ts women despise ts escorts because they get tarred with the same brush.

That's an unbiased observation on my part and yes I am a Ts Escort.

08-23-2012, 05:16 PM
Sometimes I feel I should just stay single instead of trying to be in a relationship...
Plus I've been burned before; I DON'T want to go through THAT shit again... (Willie Escalade)

Know exactly what you mean, Willie. And yet, we get back at it as soon as a lovely girl enters the surroundings of our life. We’re funny that way, aren’t we? But is there anything other than a bit of love to make even a little sense in our life, a little meaning? Without any of it, it would be a fucking desert. That’s why we’re always in deep, I guess…

I agree with you both. I tire of the talk tranny chaser this or that. All men have a preference and persue they type of women they prefer. Yet most don't carry he same stigma. The biggest issue is that the trans community is small and the ladies talk about them men who date them. A lot of times when two people aren't compatible and the relationship doesn't work, the ladies spit venom.

08-25-2012, 01:47 AM
I'm happy you have found something that you enjoy. I actually know that some do live a "normal" life, the first one I met (just posting on m4t one night late, and got lucky) lived full time with her man, worked at a tech company and lived completely as a woman...to the point where she didn't want exposure as much as i didn't. I guess she was a piece of shit for not embrassing or whatever but the point is we both had an awesome time for 5 years, we both enjoyed it and yeah im a douche, as long as we both had fun I'm not too concerned with how that affects you. As far you using men as a walking atm , that's cool - everyone has a place in this world.

It's just crazy that the ones that want you to tell everyone are the ones who do it for money? Have some fucking pride in your craft, jesus. It would be like a dope dealer that wants you to tell everyone how great his shit is, your boss, parents, friends and you are just being a selfish liar that can't cope with reality and truth...so guess what - they will do it for you.

Nah...im too spineless for that. I date tgirls that are just as afraid of getting caught as I am..unless i'm tricking and god what a pleasure that can be. As far as tricking though I actually would love to pay you , have you suck me off and ask you how many cocks you've sucked today... maybe tell you I know you love big black elephant trunk but right now you only got some avg white cock to suck, think of it as an appetizer. That sort of thing is a turn on to me, so we would both leave happy. and you would leave paid. I don't see why that would make you angry? Now please read this as fantasy and not threat but a good rape fantasy with me asking you if you are going to expose me (while pounding)is probably going to be masturbation fodder later tonight,

Oh and that is all null and void if yer some fucking dude with a tgirl pic as an avatar like 99% of these other guys.

Btw no all ts's are in the escorting world some actually live normal jobs and normal lives but most are into escorting which i think its much better . :2cent

08-25-2012, 02:24 AM
I'm happy you have found something that you enjoy. I actually know that some do live a "normal" life, the first one I met (just posting on m4t one night late, and got lucky) lived full time with her man, worked at a tech company and lived completely as a woman...to the point where she didn't want exposure as much as i didn't. I guess she was a piece of shit for not embrassing or whatever but the point is we both had an awesome time for 5 years, we both enjoyed it and yeah im a douche, as long as we both had fun I'm not too concerned with how that affects you. As far you using men as a walking atm , that's cool - everyone has a place in this world.

It's just crazy that the ones that want you to tell everyone are the ones who do it for money? Have some fucking pride in your craft, jesus. It would be like a dope dealer that wants you to tell everyone how great his shit is, your boss, parents, friends and you are just being a selfish liar that can't cope with reality and truth...so guess what - they will do it for you.

Nah...im too spineless for that. I date tgirls that are just as afraid of getting caught as I am..unless i'm tricking and god what a pleasure that can be. As far as tricking though I actually would love to pay you , have you suck me off and ask you how many cocks you've sucked today... maybe tell you I know you love big black elephant trunk but right now you only got some avg white cock to suck, think of it as an appetizer. That sort of thing is a turn on to me, so we would both leave happy. and you would leave paid. I don't see why that would make you angry? Now please read this as fantasy and not threat but a good rape fantasy with me asking you if you are going to expose me (while pounding)is probably going to be masturbation fodder later tonight,

Oh and that is all null and void if yer some fucking dude with a tgirl pic as an avatar like 99% of these other guys.

honey you can think what ever you want to think what i am however you can be bitch with pussy or tgirl pretending to be a dude thats y your image is mute, another thing you mention "black cock" i hate black cock so black cock has never been and never will be my cup of tea i actually hate it . am I've done porn i don't want to expose myself here thats why my image is mute thats y am here to read what people say about my shit here as alias and love it . peace out black guy or girl whatever ur are .

08-25-2012, 02:27 AM
Technical point.
99% of transsexual women have no connection with the sex industry, now or in the past.

Your comment is a perception that a lot of people erroneously have.
It explains why some ts women despise ts escorts because they get tarred with the same brush.

That's an unbiased observation on my part and yes I am a Ts Escort.

I have to agree with you but i mean in my circle of friends in the US not in general i should of been more specific " which i did on my last part " of my paragraph .

08-25-2012, 02:59 AM
honey you can think what ever you want to think what i am however you can be bitch with pussy or tgirl pretending to be a dude thats y your image is mute,

Oh no, the image is mute because ....well I'm on the low. Means I don't want people to know I am into this. To answer your other post, yeah I care what society thinks. I rather be judged by the contents of the posts than my pic.

Good to know your pic is fake for all the right reasons though.Porn actress in the biz, on a forum that promotes porn actresses and shes anon.

Mhm. I just looked up, everyone that made eye contact with me knows what I'm thinking.

and uh..yeah disregard those things I said I'd do to you.

08-25-2012, 04:48 AM
You hate black+cock??
SO what you really meant to say is, you hate cocks when they are attached to Black folk. Got it.


09-21-2012, 09:43 AM
You hate black+cock??
SO what you really meant to say is, you hate cocks when they are attached to Black folk. Got it.

Christ on a bike do we have to remind people that a significant number of men who come here are black, presumably have cocks and are pretty supportive of transpeople? I'm not black but I'm right with you GH. Let's everyone keep it clean and respectful and just keep their personal preferences regarding this to themselves.

Or better still, educate yourselves out of a racist mindset.

09-21-2012, 09:56 AM
You hate black+cock??
SO what you really meant to say is, you hate cocks when they are attached to Black folk. Got it.


People judge. Stupid people judge unfairly. It's easier to simply not associate with racists than try and change their opinions. If that means black dudes lose a shot at an escort here or there, they're better off. If you had to work just to change that 'no' into a 'yes', would you even be into the chick anymore? If the roles were reversed, I couldn't say I would be.

09-21-2012, 09:58 AM
Christ on a bike do we have to remind people that a significant number of men who come here are black, presumably have cocks and are pretty supportive of transpeople? I'm not black but I'm right with you GH. Let's everyone keep it clean and respectful and just keep their personal preferences regarding this to themselves.

Or better still, educate yourselves out of a racist mindset.

i wonder what you consider to be supportive

09-21-2012, 10:02 AM
People judge. Stupid people judge unfairly. It's easier to simply not associate with racists than try and change their opinions. If that means black dudes lose a shot at an escort here or there, they're better off. If you had to work just to change that 'no' into a 'yes', would you even be into the chick anymore? If the roles were reversed, I couldn't say I would be.

yeah some people may judge unfairly .... i seem to get annoyed how some black men have this confidence thinking their the shit and have game when in reality not every one would be into them and was annoyed how he came up to me . peace out.

09-21-2012, 10:34 AM
are there men that objectify genetic woman? of course but the difference is most men dont objectify the whole of the female race.certain woman they objectify and see only in a sexual context while other woman they take seriously or see in a more than one dimensional light.with chasers it doesnt matter whether the girl is in the sex industry and places herself in a position to be objectified.they see all trans woman as outlets for their sexual urges and little else.

Touching but not true. Men are hardwired to objectify those to whom they are sexually attracted--literally their 'objects of desire'. Nice,well-brought up men will have been trained by their female peers--mothers, sisters,girlfriends, wives--to rise above this and treat women with respect. But being a sexual predator is pretty much universal and no matter how well trained and chained the beast is, it's still there. And of course, the fact is that women love it, as long as they are holding the reins; they are enormously stimulated by the sexual aggression of a thoroughly aroused male who is under their control.

I don't honestly think men objectify transsexual women any more than they objectify natal women; but there is a serious problem in some men's perception of transwomen's needs and desires, evidence of which is all over this place. Basically, instead of seeing you as women and relating to you as such (which almost certainly will involve an element of objectification of you as a woman) they see, are attracted to and relate to you as a type of man, and this leads them to objectify you as a man, and voila, they focus on the cock and you don't need me to tell you where it goes from there. In other words, instead of objectifying you as a woman, to be taken, they objectify you as a man who can take them, but who has an appearance that will allow them to avoid confronting the questions about their own sexuality and gender ID that that must pose. This place is full of them.

09-21-2012, 10:42 AM
i wonder what you consider to be supportive

Generally, in this context, accepting people for what you are, and trying hard not to allow socially-prescribed preconceptions to interfere with that. In a broader context it includes trying not to make statements that are gratuitously offensive to others; I don't read this board all the time but I have read Giovanni's posts for years and he seems to me to be a pretty decent guy. In the end, you know, if someone is not attracted to white, black, Asian, hispanic, whatever ethnicities, fine: you can't choose what or whom you're attracted to. But you can avoid hurting other people's feelings and sometimes that means not making statements that could be read as racist, which is all I was trying to say.

09-21-2012, 10:43 AM
yeah some people may judge unfairly .... i seem to get annoyed how some black men have this confidence thinking their the shit and have game when in reality not every one would be into them and was annoyed how he came up to me . peace out.


09-21-2012, 11:08 AM
yeah some people may judge unfairly .... i seem to get annoyed how some black men have this confidence thinking their the shit and have game when in reality not every one would be into them and was annoyed how he came up to me . peace out.

So you told one cocky dude no, and you have some pretty screwy misconceptions. Most dudes think we're the shit. That's not a 'black guy' thing. That's called confidence and while it may not work in your case, it works. It doesn't work in your case because YOU'RE confident. Two bull-headed people don't mix real well.

09-21-2012, 04:34 PM
I guess Im a "tranny chaser" cause Im looking to date one. Ive never dated and would like to. Lets just see how that goes.

09-21-2012, 04:42 PM
Kinda moved away from the excellent article by Julia Serrano that kicked off the thread...some things never change...FWIW I think Julia is right and we need a completely new, non-dualistic appreciation of gender ID, sexual attraction and sexual practice. Nothing biological is black and white: it's all shades of grey. Somebody on the recent documentary "The Middle Sex" said something like "Nature loves diversity but society hates it." Bout time we started changing our societies if you ask me

doctor screw
09-21-2012, 05:58 PM
You hate black+cock??
SO what you really meant to say is, you hate cocks when they are attached to Black folk. Got it.


Typical trans behavior...lol

09-21-2012, 06:06 PM
Touching but not true. Men are hardwired to objectify those to whom they are sexually attracted--literally their 'objects of desire'. Nice,well-brought up men will have been trained by their female peers--mothers, sisters,girlfriends, wives--to rise above this and treat women with respect. But being a sexual predator is pretty much universal and no matter how well trained and chained the beast is, it's still there. And of course, the fact is that women love it, as long as they are holding the reins; they are enormously stimulated by the sexual aggression of a thoroughly aroused male who is under their control.

I don't honestly think men objectify transsexual women any more than they objectify natal women; but there is a serious problem in some men's perception of transwomen's needs and desires, evidence of which is all over this place. Basically, instead of seeing you as women and relating to you as such (which almost certainly will involve an element of objectification of you as a woman) they see, are attracted to and relate to you as a type of man, and this leads them to objectify you as a man, and voila, they focus on the cock and you don't need me to tell you where it goes from there. In other words, instead of objectifying you as a woman, to be taken, they objectify you as a man who can take them, but who has an appearance that will allow them to avoid confronting the questions about their own sexuality and gender ID that that must pose. This place is full of them.

most men have woman that they see in a solely sexual light that is normal, at the same time tho there are some woman that they would take seriously and possibly settle down with.
however there are men that would be sexual with a trans woman but wouldnt ever date one soley because of the fact she is trans.im talking about this phenomenon.

09-21-2012, 06:38 PM
most men have woman that they see in a solely sexual light that is normal, at the same time tho there are some woman that they would take seriously and possibly settle down with.
however there are men that would be sexual with a trans woman but wouldnt ever date one soley because of the fact she is trans.im talking about this phenomenon.

What you're describing are men who hangups about their sexuality and being judged by others as someone less than 100% 'straight'. That's more a maturity issue with men than a case of men objectifying trans-women.

Once a guy can accept being called a faggot for being with a TG woman no matter how fem or passable she is, IMO you'll see less objectification by men towards trans-chicks.

That's why I really never understood in real world terms why some TGs were so vocal about their male partners being 'out' about their relationship and telling everyone in the world his woman is transgendered.

If it comes up, then you have to deal with it. But I don't see how it's benefiting anyone, especially people who aren't involved in your relationship, to go around advertising the details of your love life.

09-21-2012, 06:47 PM
So you told one cocky dude no, and you have some pretty screwy misconceptions. Most dudes think we're the shit. That's not a 'black guy' thing. That's called confidence and while it may not work in your case, it works. It doesn't work in your case because YOU'RE confident. Two bull-headed people don't mix real well.

I get what your saying however to be honest used to be live in LA and travel around the US now and was recently in Atlanta for work there isn't much of difference to my experience some/most black guys come up to me with confidence trying to get my attention and etc or sometimes walk in life thinking they can get any girl or think their too good cuz of their bodies well srry NOT me , i haven't experience many white/hispanic men that bother me like blacks ,thinking they ( white/hispanic) have game in public maybe their too shy or educated not to bother a lady or if they complement me they do so with character and humility not aggressiveness and yes i have a lot confidence as i am fire girl zodiac !!!:Bowdown: lol

PS: Not generalizing all black are the same its based on my experience .

doctor screw
09-21-2012, 06:52 PM
*Cracks knuckles*Let's see If I remember how to do this....lol

09-21-2012, 06:56 PM
What you're describing are men who hangups about their sexuality and being judged by others as someone less than 100% 'straight'. That's more a maturity issue with men than a case of men objectifying trans-women.

Once a guy can accept being called a faggot for being with a TG woman no matter how fem or passable she is, IMO you'll see less objectification by men towards trans-chicks.

That's why I really never understood in real world terms why some TGs were so vocal about their male partners being 'out' about their relationship and telling everyone in the world his woman is transgendered.

If it comes up, then you have to deal with it. But I don't see how it's benefiting anyone, especially people who aren't involved in your relationship, to go around advertising the details of your love life.

i dont always think its about sexual hang ups or societal pressures.ive heard and seen a long list of reasons why some guys would never consider anything real with a ts.from ts's are for fucking and woman for marrying to this is just a fantasy or hobby of mine -__-
i dont require men im with to go around with a 'my girlfriends has a penis' shirt on or anything lol.i do require that he's open in the sense that theres no hiding me away from the public,friends and family (of course when that times comes and it appropriate). if he cant see himself doing that than i have no time for ya

09-21-2012, 07:12 PM
most men have woman that they see in a solely sexual light that is normal, at the same time tho there are some woman that they would take seriously and possibly settle down with.
however there are men that would be sexual with a trans woman but wouldnt ever date one soley because of the fact she is trans.im talking about this phenomenon. i

I was once married (and very much in love) for a long time, and I can tell you that no matter how much a man shares with a woman, she remains his object of sexual desire... as well as his friend, business associate, confidante and so many things. We just compartmentalise.

The second point, yeah. That is sad and it must be very hurtful. It doesn't apply to all men though. For those whom it does...well I guess, make 'em pay, girl, make 'em pay.

09-21-2012, 07:49 PM

I was once married (and very much in love) for a long time, and I can tell you that no matter how much a man shares with a woman, she remains his object of sexual desire... as well as his friend, business associate, confidante and so many things. We just compartmentalise.

The second point, yeah. That is sad and it must be very hurtful. It doesn't apply to all men though. For those whom it does...well I guess, make 'em pay, girl, make 'em pay.

yea but im betting at the same time you saw her as much more than just the focus for your sexual desires.

09-21-2012, 08:15 PM
Yes of course I did, Amber. What I mean is that men are not always the same; maybe we focus in on certain areas appropriate (or maybe inappropriate even) to the moment. So the woman who one night is your personal Helen of Troy, the next day is the financial controller of your business...you see?

doctor screw
09-21-2012, 09:15 PM
Based off my experiences,trannys of all colors seem to be racist d-bags.(I'm not generalizing by the way),with little things to offer,except their bodies(no offence).Not to mention their sexist tendencies towards the small group of men who accept them,as they are.In the beginning I wanted to understand them,and see what makes them tick.I was even native enough to think we could build something,but that was fucking nonsense.There's nothing that can be built with conceited,perverted,bigots(not all of them,lol).Since I still have an attraction to trannys,the only choice is objectification(If we can't be friends,then we can at least be enemies).

I never spoken to a bigot woman(I realize they're out there),but somehow every trans I am aware is a bigot.Maybe gg(s) are too educated to become bigots(as a whole).This isn't intended to generalize anyone,just my experiences....lol

09-21-2012, 09:43 PM
Based off my experiences,trannys of all colors seem to be racist d-bags.(I'm not generalizing by the way),with little things to offer,except their bodies(no offence).Not to mention their sexist tendencies towards the small group of men who accept them,as they are.In the beginning I wanted to understand them,and see what makes them tick.I was even native enough to think we could build something,but that was fucking nonsense.There's nothing that can be built with conceited,perverted,bigots(not all of them,lol).Since I still have an attraction to trannys,the only choice is objectification(If we can't be friends,then we can at least be enemies).

I never spoken to a bigot woman(I realize they're out there),but somehow every trans I am aware is a bigot.Maybe gg(s) are too educated to become bigots(as a whole).This isn't intended to generalize anyone,just my experiences....lol

What a sad experiences you have come across must be sad where you live , seems like all the trannies you encountered don't have morals are conceited and calling them "perverts" .. wow where are you from ? Reading your little paragraph i can say you have some bigot in you also ...

doctor screw
09-21-2012, 09:55 PM
What a sad experiences you have come across must be sad where you live , seems like all the trannies you encountered don't have morals are conceited and calling them "perverts" .. wow where are you from ? Reading your little paragraph i can say you have some bigot in you also ...

I called them perverts because that's what they are,everyone has to draw the line sexually(unless you're a deviant)lol.You,yourself are a bigot calling me a bigot...how cute,lol.

09-21-2012, 10:06 PM
I called them perverts because that's what they are,everyone has to draw the line sexually(unless you're a deviant)lol.You,yourself are a bigot calling me a bigot...how cute,lol.

Hun you have some bigot i remember when you call TS JESS i think thats her name she was traveling in dubai thread and you wrote something rude in another language on her thread generalizing ts's allow me to search it . Call me a bigot i have my reasons and reminder not everyone is going to like everything in this world ...

doctor screw
09-21-2012, 10:13 PM
Hun you have some bigot i remember when you call TS JESS i think thats her name she was traveling in dubai thread and you wrote something rude in another language on her thread generalizing ts's allow me to search it . Call me a bigot i have my reasons and reminder not everyone is going to like everything in this world ...

You're referring to a post I made in arabic,that was a joke...lol.That's you're proof...lol

doctor screw
09-21-2012, 10:15 PM
Hun you have some bigot i remember when you call TS JESS i think thats her name she was traveling in dubai thread and you wrote something rude in another language on her thread generalizing ts's allow me to search it . Call me a bigot i have my reasons and reminder not everyone is going to like everything in this world ...

You are a bigot,and your mentality is apart of the collective that shaped my views on trannys

Dino Velvet
09-21-2012, 10:15 PM
I must be lucky or the gals are sure nice out here. The ones I know not only act like whores but sluts too. Even making sure I get an extra bag of M&Ms and a soda on the way out. If they're racists then I must be in their wheelhouse.

Ze list... Ze list.

09-21-2012, 10:18 PM
You're referring to a post I made in arabic,that was a joke...lol.That's you're proof...lol

Oh now its a joke you never apologize or said it was joke after she calling you out maybe theres more proof out there who knows lol

doctor screw
09-21-2012, 10:20 PM
Oh now its a joke you never apologize or said it was joke after she calling you out maybe theres more proof out there who knows lol

I had to prepare for something(religious),and not to mention I got a infraction for that shit...lol

09-21-2012, 10:29 PM
You are a bigot,and your mentality is apart of the collective that shaped my views on trannys

How cute uh ? bigots calling each other bigots .....

My Mentality is NO WHERE near a perverted bitch so unless its a appropriate and right time i know my womanhood conduct maybe avery confidence woman but not conceited so you better watch it with that stupid idiot !

Seems like you see ts's as perverted , conceited , and etc

doctor screw
09-21-2012, 10:38 PM
How cute uh ? bigots calling each other bigots .....

My Mentality is NO WHERE near a perverted bitch so unless its a appropriate and right time i know my womanhood conduct so you better watch it with that stupid idiot !

Seems like you see ts's as perverted , conceited , and etc

Just like you said earlier,I'm not generalizing anyone.lol
No,a non-bigot(me) is calling someone else a bigot.These are my experiences ...lol

09-21-2012, 10:40 PM
I doing some chasing, but cant seem to get one. Keep on trying.

09-21-2012, 10:41 PM
Based off my experiences,trannys of all colors seem to be racist d-bags.(I'm not generalizing by the way),with little things to offer,except their bodies(no offence).Not to mention their sexist tendencies towards the small group of men who accept them,as they are.In the beginning I wanted to understand them,and see what makes them tick.I was even native enough to think we could build something,but that was fucking nonsense.There's nothing that can be built with conceited,perverted,bigots(not all of them,lol).Since I still have an attraction to trannys,the only choice is objectification(If we can't be friends,then we can at least be enemies).

I never spoken to a bigot woman(I realize they're out there),but somehow every trans I am aware is a bigot.Maybe gg(s) are too educated to become bigots(as a whole).This isn't intended to generalize anyone,just my experiences....lol

this is a perfect example of what im talking about.
ive had ALLOT of bad experiences with men but ive had a few good ones as well.so instead of writing them all off as chasers or assholes i choose to be smarter about who i choose to invest my time in.
just a suggestion but maybe you should try doing the same before resorting to sweeping generalities about a whole gender.

ps. i know plenty of bigoted females and males.ignorance is ignorance and it not confided to one particular gender,race,religion or sexuality.

09-21-2012, 10:48 PM
Just like you said earlier,I'm not generalizing anyone.lol
No,a non-bigot(me) is calling someone else a bigot.These are my experiences ...lol

You can't fault me for NOT liking black men and bottoms .

According to you , is a "tranny mentality" not to like black dudes or bottoms . Not every gg is into black men or likes wearing a strap on ... What an idiot you deserve get a big glass of hot water throw at you ... :yayo:

doctor screw
09-21-2012, 10:49 PM
this is a perfect example of what im talking about.
ive had ALLOT of bad experiences with men but ive had a few good ones as well.so instead of writing them all off as chasers or assholes i choose to be smarter about who i choose to invest my time in.
just a suggestion but maybe you should try doing the same before resorting to sweeping generalities about a whole gender.

ps. i know plenty of bigoted females and males.ignorance is ignorance and it not confided to one particular gender,race,religion or sexuality.

If you actually read what I wrote,you can see that I typed"I'm not generalizing"lol

doctor screw
09-21-2012, 10:54 PM
You can't fault me for NOT liking black men and bottoms .

According to you , is a "tranny mentality" not to like black dudes or bottoms . Not every gg is into black men or likes wearing a strap on ... What an idiot you deserve get a big glass of hot water throw at you ... :yayo:

No,I fault you for degrading black men,and I don't give 2 shits what type of dick you prefer(you're not my type anyway)...lol.The "tranny mentality" you've just displayed perfectly.I could actually use that hot water though,about to make some tea w/ dat splenda...lol

09-21-2012, 10:58 PM
I get what your saying however to be honest used to be live in LA and travel around the US now and was recently in Atlanta for work there isn't much of difference to my experience some/most black guys come up to me with confidence trying to get my attention and etc or sometimes walk in life thinking they can get any girl or think their too good cuz of their bodies well srry NOT me , i haven't experience many white/hispanic men that bother me like blacks ,thinking they ( white/hispanic) have game in public maybe their too shy or educated not to bother a lady or if they complement me they do so with character and humility not aggressiveness and yes i have a lot confidence as i am fire girl zodiac !!!:Bowdown: lol

PS: Not generalizing all black are the same its based on my experience.
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Based off my experiences,trannys of all colors seem to be racist d-bags.(I'm not generalizing by the way),with little things to offer,except their bodies(no offence).Not to mention their sexist tendencies towards the small group of men who accept them,as they are.In the beginning I wanted to understand them,and see what makes them tick.I was even native enough to think we could build something,but that was fucking nonsense.There's nothing that can be built with conceited,perverted,bigots(not all of them,lol).Since I still have an attraction to trannys,the only choice is objectification(If we can't be friends,then we can at least be enemies).

I never spoken to a bigot woman(I realize they're out there),but somehow every trans I am aware is a bigot.Maybe gg(s) are too educated to become bigots(as a whole).This isn't intended to generalize anyone,just my experiences....lol

@ Jamie, I think doctor screw was just parodying your earlier post...

Nothing pushes his buttons like racial stuff (probably fair enough) - but he literally won't shut up for a long long time! lol

09-21-2012, 10:59 PM
No,I fault you for degrading black men,and I don't give 2 shits what type of dick you prefer(you're not my type anyway)...lol.The "tranny mentality" you've just displayed perfectly.I could actually use that hot water though,about to make some tea w/ dat splenda...lol

I throw it on your face nice way get your thinking straight ... And stop copying my sentences get your own "that am not into you" plz you must fat dude in the a computer feeling lonely .

doctor screw
09-21-2012, 11:06 PM
I throw it on your face nice way get your thinking straight ... And stop copying my sentences get your own "that am not into you" plz you must fat dude in the a computer feeling lonely .

Half of what you just typed didn't make any sense...lol
"I throw it on your face nice way get your thinking straight"

I'm way too creative to copy "you",and I said you weren't my type,based off your demeanor.I don't get lonely,but If you would've said bored....you would've been on to something....lol *kiss the chubbz*

doctor screw
09-21-2012, 11:08 PM
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@ Jamie, I think doctor screw was just parodying your earlier post...

Nothing pushes his buttons like racial stuff (probably fair enough) - but he literally won't shut up for a long long time! lol

I kinda don't have a off switch,unless I get bored.......or a outside respected party requests that I relax a bit,lol

09-21-2012, 11:11 PM
Half of what you just typed didn't make any sense...lol
"I throw it on your face nice way get your thinking straight"

I'm way too creative to copy "you",and I said you weren't my type,based off your demeanor.I don't get lonely,but If you would've said bored....you would've been on to something....lol *kiss the chubbz*

I feel like am talking to a retarded idiot " use common sense" - ill throw the hot water in your face i won't give it to u for your tea sissy .

Well if "loveboof " pointed it out and i did then it must be true "copycat" lol. Ok your a bored dude with no life haha how sad ? step aside bitch and clear the road i got to go. i got a life !!!!!!! .

09-21-2012, 11:12 PM
If you actually read what I wrote,you can see that I typed"I'm not generalizing"lol

thats cool..just think about what i said ;)

doctor screw
09-21-2012, 11:16 PM
I feel like am talking to a retarded idiot " use common sense" - ill throw the hot water in your face i won't give it to u for your tea sissy .

Well if "loveboof " pointed it out and i did then it must be true . ok a bored dude with no life haha how sad ? step aside bitch and clear the road i got to go. i got a life !!!!!!! .

Yeah,I'm the retard.....lol
You mean the water in face can't be used for...wow,I would've never guessed...lol.You're soooo smart..lol
Yeah, turn those tricks..."Make the money,and don't let it make you"-Diamond from Playas Club

On a side note,Pussy don't drive des car,dick do...lol

09-21-2012, 11:24 PM
Yeah,I'm the retard.....lol
You mean the water in face can't be used for...wow,I would've never guessed...lol.You're soooo smart..lol
Yeah, turn those tricks..."Make the money,and don't let it make you"-Diamond from Playas Club

On a side note,Pussy don't drive des car,dick do...lol

omg i love that movie...i blame the movie for the way i am today lol

09-21-2012, 11:38 PM
I feel like am talking to a retarded idiot " use common sense" - ill throw the hot water in your face i won't give it to u for your tea sissy .

Well if "loveboof " pointed it out and i did then it must be true "copycat" lol. Ok your a bored dude with no life haha how sad ? step aside bitch and clear the road i got to go. i got a life !!!!!!! .

Hey, there is NOTHING WRONG with a nice cup of Earl Grey. Pass me some water?

Dino Velvet
09-23-2012, 07:01 PM
Back to the race stuff. I found this to be unusual. Ad says "{NO blocked calls NO texts NO African American men}" but as far as I can tell she looks pretty black herself. What's the deal here?



09-23-2012, 07:11 PM
Back to the race stuff. I found this to be unusual. Ad says "{NO blocked calls NO texts NO African American men}" but as far as I can tell she looks pretty black herself. What's the deal here?



Unless I am much mistaken that is not the first time someone here has noticed this sort of thing. In fact I am pretty sure I remember a couple of legendary flame wars over it. Being neither an African American nor a provider, I try to stay out of it. But the flame wars can be highly entertaining.

Dino Velvet
09-23-2012, 07:28 PM
But the flame wars can be highly entertaining.

The inconsistency keeps me laughing consistently.

01-18-2013, 12:55 PM
lets bring this back

01-18-2013, 07:23 PM
Chasing but not getting is annoying.

01-19-2013, 11:51 AM

03-25-2013, 10:05 AM
??? Anyone have anything to add ???