View Full Version : Group sex....

07-21-2012, 10:48 AM

I have a question, I posted on a thread about a 3-way, never really thought about it until I read the thread, last night I was talking to my BF, he lives in Japan and I don't see him as much as I want to. Anyway, we were talking and this thread came up, I discovered he has been going to 'clubs' in Osaka were he been picking up 'girls' and now he want me to join in.

I have never done a group thing, not to sure on the process, is they some kind of etiquette? we would set the rules to start with but just a little uneasy about it.

can anyone help, suggestions?


added: we have an open relationship, I have to 'work' and do not get to caught up in his life in Japan.

07-21-2012, 11:12 AM
Rule 1: No one talks about the group thing

Rule 2: You have to throw a double six to start