View Full Version : Ass kissing

07-12-2012, 06:31 AM
I said I would start a thread on it. And read it through, I hate when people assume a statment. Remember a compliment is not ass kissing.

I had no intention of labeling compliements about Kayla as ass kissing. She is sweet women, I am have never been nasty or mean to people on this board and never had a reason to do so.

First of all, what prompt me to make a statement about ass kissing was not comments about Kayla, it was a similar situation. It reminded me of an earlier disscussion where people comments where different in regards to the subject. It was interesting to see how people's comments slowly changed when pressured and not because they were persuaded, but because they wanted to appeal to the women on the board. There is a lot threads like that. I have been around from 2006 and seen a lot of that nonesense.

Here is a thread that if you read it through you will see my point. http://www.hungangels.com/vboard/showthread.php?t=59244&highlight=bailey

This is what lead me to make the statement on ass kissing.

Ass kissing is not compliments. These women provide great entertainment that we all appreciate and many work hard to go above and beyond to provide that extra service that makes a photo set or video expectional. So compliments should be given. Constructive critism helps them to shape their product the market. I love it when people give them compliments, but I value honest opinions more.

Ass kissing is agreeing with people to make it seem that you appreciate them. I think that it is dishonorable and disingenuous to people in general. I do not like fake people and even more so people who are yes people.

We can all disagree amicably and for every board, people must be allowed to disagree or speak their opinions tactfully for it to gain and maintain its base.

Again to close, ass kissing is not compliments, its just agreeing with a person to gain favor. Its poor thing to do. People deserve more than that.

I am in sort of rush so I will add more later if necessary.

A flatter's tongue is full of deceit.

07-12-2012, 08:40 AM
Damn, tricked into opening it! :shrug

07-12-2012, 09:38 AM
Lifeisfiction, in the thread example you posted of members kissing ass, I didn't really see it.
Nikka started that thread by posting random pics of people eating food with their mouths open, with the caption, 'I wanna look like Bailey Jay'.

It was a bitchy, unnecessary move and an effort IMO by Nikka to get some drama started because this board gets a little dry sometimes. (BTW a girl talking shit about another girl on HA IMO is way different than an admirer talking trash about aTG.)

It wasn't a vicious hit by Nikka, it's not like she went into this in-depth attack against Bailey and her weight. IMO she was teasing, as evidenced by Nikka's last post in that thread, a gorgeous pic of Bailey looking like a goddess.

People had different opinions, some agreed with Nikka's 'joke', some guys got really serious suggesting Bailey was getting too big, but most took it in the vein it was meant....as a snarky joke. IMO Nikka was being 'bitchy' in a way that only two women can be towards each other.

I didn't really see much ass-kissing or people trying to get on girl's good side. This post by Inigo_Montoya from that thread sums up my opinion on everything posted,

Bailey is no more "Fat" than Danielle Foxx. And no more "Shopped' than Kimber James. Why not just come out and say quite plainly, "I don't like Bailey Jay! I don't really know why, but there it is, I hate the bitch!"?
Nikka, you're cool - but you're wrong. At least on this. Who cares if someone puts on weight, if they're happy with it and they look good, then great. I think that's exactly what Bailey needed. look at Khloe Hart. People are making fun of her too. She looks amazing, and even more feminine, but still there's haters.
Why must Tgirls always hate on one another?

I don't think Nikka was really hating, more talking shit out of boredom.
There were different opinions in that thread but not much ass-kissing that I saw.

07-12-2012, 01:08 PM
People change their opinions, I wasn't saying it was the most blatant form in that thread, but there was some in there. This was thread that came to mind, when I saw the comments. I realize that people would not get my reference, my mind is use to calculating massive amounts of scenarios so I forgot to sometimes explain how I dervive an outcome.

Its like when someone says something and its fine until the majority of the women disagree and people say oh your so hot, so now I will change my opinion to agree. There are better threads, but I didn't have time to search. There is more of it, and I sure you have seen it.

I forgot people sometimes don't read threads my friend and they just scan it. Thats when confusion starts and people construe the wrong idea of a post. I thank you for taking the time to read it and understand what I was saying. I like Kayla and I didn't want people to get the idea I agreed with the statment. I realize I should had made a separate thread. I going to have a busy day, but I will comeback later and find you a better example.