View Full Version : I love Post-Op Transsexuals!

Mr. Sinister
07-01-2012, 12:08 AM
I may be one of the few men on this forum that sexually prefers post-op transsexuals (I still think pre-ops are beautiful). I think doctors are doing a great job of creating neo-vaginas for transsexual women. I also think it is far easier to pursue a romantic relationship with a post-op transsexual versus a pre-op one. The transsexuals that get SRS seem much happier with their lives and thus, it is easier for a man to form a romantic connection. Moreover, society seems to be more tolerant of post-op transsexuals like Candis Cayne verus per-ops or non-ops. I have not heard a lot of guys being called "gay" or being atttacked for being in a relationship with a post-op transsexual. There seems to be a greater level of tolerance for post-op transsexuals.

To the tgirls on this forum, how many of you plan on getting sexual reassignment surgery?

To the men, most of the tgirls that I have met have told me that they want to get SRS. They say that they only use their cocks in porn or escorting work. In real life, they think that men that are attracted to their cocks are gay. They have no interest in these types of men. They want men that are completely straight, not one's that want a cock up their ass.

Mr. Sinister
07-01-2012, 12:10 AM
I am far more attracted to Mia Fever since she got rid of her cock! I think she is absolutely gorgeous now with her new pussy! I wish more tgirls would go down this path.

07-01-2012, 12:16 AM
I love both

07-01-2012, 01:16 AM
I also think it is far easier to pursue a romantic relationship with a post-op transsexual versus a pre-op one. The transsexuals that get SRS seem much happier with their lives and thus, it is easier for a man to form a romantic connection.

Thanks you. what you say is 100% correct. and yes i plan on getting srs.

i have a question, would you prefer a post op ts girl VS a bio woman, and if yes why?

07-01-2012, 01:26 AM
i have a question, would you prefer a post op ts girl VS a bio woman, and if yes why?

Interesting question, i'll be intrigued to hear the answers!

07-01-2012, 01:27 AM
I wish more tgirls would go down this path.

well the medical cost is really big, even if you take the cost of transition (not even talking about loss of income for been ts) excluding srs it is still pretty expensive.

one of the reason i started escorting is because i want srs one day, but to be honest i am not sleeping my way through hundreds of men to do so. it was just a bad idea.

07-01-2012, 01:31 AM
To each his own.

However, I will say that if you're worried about 'acceptance' of 'society' then I don't see you being very happy in the future - whatever your choice (Pre, Post, etc.) Good luck to you ... but it seems that you've put a portion of your happiness in the hands of others.

07-01-2012, 02:23 AM
I prefer post-op transexuals just because I love pussy so much. I think that the post op girls feel 100 percent like a woman. I do find pre-op girls attractive but there would be some hesitation when it comes to sex. With a post-op woman I would be able to go all the way sexual. With a pre-op woman only kissing and getting a blowjob. I just can't see myself letting a girl or a guy fuck me in the ass. I would feel like my manhood was lost.

07-01-2012, 02:24 AM
I want srs as soon as possible... no doubt about it, I would do it today if possible, even though I’m OK with who I am for few months now, for first time my life.. Looking forward to what life brings to me.. I started to enjoy it, and only way I’m gonna be ultimately happy, is to have srs in next few years, and find love someday later.. no other way, no, no, no.. Just want to get rid of it.. no chance of escorting, or porn or anything like that for me... I just wanna be me.. and happy..

07-01-2012, 02:37 AM
i have a question, would you prefer a post op ts girl VS a bio woman, and if yes why?

Nina, You should start a thread about that.

07-01-2012, 03:33 AM
Never and I have quite a few post op friends who regret having the surgery. And are not happy with their lives... which I see that case more and more! I am completely happy with my status and feel that getting my dick cut off doesnt make me more or less of a woman! Its all in what stage of your journey you accept yourself. And I feel in mine, I dont need SRS. I am very happy with who I am! But I have seen lots of girls make mistakes, actually just met one while I was in Chicago last month, its sad.

Mr. Sinister
07-01-2012, 05:04 AM
Never and I have quite a few post op friends who regret having the surgery. And are not happy with their lives... which I see that case more and more! I am completely happy with my status and feel that getting my dick cut off doesnt make me more or less of a woman! Its all in what stage of your journey you accept yourself. And I feel in mine, I dont need SRS. I am very happy with who I am! But I have seen lots of girls make mistakes, actually just met one while I was in Chicago last month, its sad.

With the tgirls that I have met, in San Francisco and Chicago, they have told me that because of the use of female hormones, their cocks are not functional and they just don't see the point of having genitalia that does not work. By having a vagina, they have told me that it is easier to find a straight boyfriend, and not having to deal with trannychasers who only care about cock chasing them. They have told me that it is easier to wear revealing clothes, such as swimsuits, in public. Moreover and most importantly, having a vagina makes them feel completely like a woman. They feel that by getting rid of their cocks, they have corrected a birth defect.

Mr. Sinister
07-01-2012, 05:08 AM
Many of the men on Hungangels think that a beautiful transsexual can have a 10 inch cock and ejaculate loads of cum. The real truth is most transsexuals lose the functionality of their cocks when they start using hormones. The transsexuals that do porn or escort usually are off of hormones or are on a low dosage. The beautiful and sexy transsexual porn star Allanah Star admitted a couple of years ago because of hormones, her cock no longer worked. She was popping viagra to get erections when she was doing porn films.


Mr. Sinister
07-01-2012, 05:14 AM
Thanks you. what you say is 100% correct. and yes i plan on getting srs.

i have a question, would you prefer a post op ts girl VS a bio woman, and if yes why?

I personally sexually prefer transsexual women that are post-op versus genetic females. I don't have a desire to have children (you ejaculate in a bio girl's pussy, a baby may come out!) and I am attracted to ultra femininity. Transsexual women are the personification of ultra femininity. They love makeup, wear skirts, and are just more "girly."

From a sexual standpoint, transsexual women know how to please men sexually in bed. To me, if you are a male that has no interest in having children, they are the perfect romantic companions.

07-01-2012, 05:20 AM
Moreover and most importantly, having a vagina makes them feel completely like a woman. They feel that by getting rid of their cocks, they have corrected a birth defect.

:iagree: That's my experience with post-op girls too. And as I prefer to date rather than see escorts, it can lead to a great longer-term relationship.

Mr. Sinister
07-01-2012, 05:35 AM
I know that a lot of guys on HungAngels were angry that Danielle Foxxx got SRS. I absolutely am far more attracted to her now than in the past when she had a cock. Her pussy is so yummy looking! Most importantly, Danielle is happy with her body now.

Mr. Sinister
07-01-2012, 05:38 AM
I have heard that transsexual porn stars Kimber James, Natassia Dreams, Yasmine Lee, and Mia Isabella all eventually plan on getting sexual reassignment surgery when they retire from porn.

I think that even teen starlet Ashley George will eventually get SRS.

07-01-2012, 06:37 AM
I have had relationships and worked professionally with both pre and post op. I have not really noticed on any difference in how well I get along with pre vs post ops. I think it has more to do with age and maturity, rather then whats in their panties.

07-01-2012, 07:59 AM
heck all of us ts's should eventually go srs is the best way to go !

07-01-2012, 11:35 AM
I personally sexually prefer transsexual women that are post-op versus genetic females. I don't have a desire to have children (you ejaculate in a bio girl's pussy, a baby may come out!) and I am attracted to ultra femininity. Transsexual women are the personification of ultra femininity. They love makeup, wear skirts, and are just more "girly."

From a sexual standpoint, transsexual women know how to please men sexually in bed. To me, if you are a male that has no interest in having children, they are the perfect romantic companions.

Would you marry me? :joke:

07-01-2012, 02:45 PM
I'll vote post-op over gg. There is something very feminine about post-op women. I will marry one someday, just have to find her.

07-01-2012, 10:08 PM
I personally sexually prefer transsexual women that are post-op versus genetic females. I don't have a desire to have children (you ejaculate in a bio girl's pussy, a baby may come out!) and I am attracted to ultra femininity. Transsexual women are the personification of ultra femininity. They love makeup, wear skirts, and are just more "girly."

I'll vote post-op over gg. There is something very feminine about post-op women. I will marry one someday, just have to find her.

Here a question to both of you, do you find easy to find post op women to date?

07-01-2012, 10:23 PM
I think sex is better with a post op over a gg because they seem to know how to please others as well as themselves.

07-01-2012, 10:49 PM
I personally sexually prefer transsexual women that are post-op versus genetic females. I don't have a desire to have children (you ejaculate in a bio girl's pussy, a baby may come out!)

then maybe you should use a condom, pull out, or ask her to get on the pill instead of objectifying a trans woman's pussy just because she doesn't have a uterus. ew.

and I am attracted to ultra femininity. Transsexual women are the personification of ultra femininity. They love makeup, wear skirts, and are just more "girly."

This is just as objectifying and fetishistic as your last comment. Trans women are feminine because they're FEMALES (what a concept). A trans woman is not more likely to wear a skirt than a genetic female... BECAUSE SKIRTS ARE MARKETED TOWARDS WOMEN.

There's nothing ultra-feminine about a trans woman more so than a cis woman. This is just all in your head and it's uber-fetishizing.

From a sexual standpoint, transsexual women know how to please men sexually in bed. To me, if you are a male that has no interest in having children, they are the perfect romantic companions.

you are such an over-generalizer.

You're basically calling all trans women sex-savvy... and you know this for a fact becuz? Oh right, you probably watch tranny porn and so you think we're all automatically "sex-perts". get a fucking clue. Sexual experience is just that... sexual experience and it has nothing to do with someone's gender.

Also, you're assuming that ALL transwomen don't want children?! wrong again. Many indeed do want children, and whether or not you can get someone pregnant is a pretty shallow reason to decide to date someone romantically.

Your post seriously frustrated me for how ignorant and close-minded it was. (obviously)

07-01-2012, 10:58 PM
There's nothing ultra-feminine about a trans woman more so than a cis woman. This is just all in your head and it's uber-fetishizing.

Everyone is different of course, and we have butch ts women as we have femenine ts women, same thing about cis woman.

This said many ts women, can have an obsession with looking feminine, is my eyebrow fem or not, does those heals or dress make me look more fem or not...Etc

07-01-2012, 11:03 PM
this said many women, can have an obsession with looking feminine, is my eyebrow fem or not, does those heals or dress make me look more fem or not...etc


07-01-2012, 11:07 PM

difference between obsession with looking good and looking fem. cis women don't think: omg that guy is staring at me, he must know i am trans..Etc.

07-01-2012, 11:09 PM
difference between obsession with looking good and looking fem. cis women don't think: omg that guy is staring at me, he must know i am trans..Etc.

right. but it's more or less the same thing. women* wanting to look their best as women.


07-01-2012, 11:20 PM
The transsexuals that get SRS seem much happier with their lives
Except the ones that dont...

I have not heard a lot of guys being called "gay" or being atttacked for being in a relationship with a post-op transsexual. There seems to be a greater level of tolerance for post-op transsexuals.
In your head maybe? The ones who call a pre-op-TS a man will call a post-op-TS a man too. And the SRS doesnt magically make them "unclockable"

would you prefer a post op ts girl VS a bio woman
Generally speaking? No. But there is a big difference between "a" post-op-TS and "the" one you are dating.

that because of the use of female hormones, their cocks are not functional and they just don't see the point of having genitalia that does not work
Then maybe they should not self medicate but see a doctor specialising in it. They can have both if they want to.

The real truth is most transsexuals lose the functionality of their cocks when they start using hormones.
The real "real truth" is a bit different, if you do it right.

I am attracted to ultra femininity.
For every beautiful, "ultra-feminin" TS there are dozen of beautiful "ultra-feminin" GGs. There are just a buttload more of them around...

Never and I have quite a few post op friends who regret having the surgery. And are not happy with their lives... which I see that case more and more! I am completely happy with my status and feel that getting my dick cut off doesnt make me more or less of a woman! Its all in what stage of your journey you accept yourself. And I feel in mine, I dont need SRS. I am very happy with who I am! But I have seen lots of girls make mistakes, actually just met one while I was in Chicago last month, its sad.
Good luck to you!

07-01-2012, 11:25 PM
getting my dick cut off doesnt make me more or less of a woman!

getting a dick cut off doesn't help anybody else either.

You're a transsexual yet you don't know how SRS works? Educate yourself. They don't cut if off. ALL of the tissue is used (except the erectile tissue and testicles) to a create a fully sensate, fully functional vulva.

Stop spreading myths about SRS.

If people are not happy with their SRS it's most likely bc they didn't know what they were getting into or didn't really get it for the right reasons. (like getting it for someone else rather than yourself).

07-01-2012, 11:29 PM
Then maybe they should not self medicate but see a doctor specialising in it. They can have both if they want to.

At the level doctors want the blood hormone level, very rare after long use of hormones one can have post.

07-01-2012, 11:58 PM
Many of the men on Hungangels think that a beautiful transsexual can have a 10 inch cock and ejaculate loads of cum. The real truth is most transsexuals lose the functionality of their cocks when they start using hormones. The transsexuals that do porn or escort usually are off of hormones or are on a low dosage. The beautiful and sexy transsexual porn star Allanah Star admitted a couple of years ago because of hormones, her cock no longer worked. She was popping viagra to get erections when she was doing porn films.


yeah but alot seem to stop hormones after they grow enough breast tissue for implants and age like regular dudes to please cock bandits and cum buckets.

07-02-2012, 12:55 AM

Get a clue. It's called 'Hung Angels'.
If you just want the pussy, who cares if a woman is postop or a GG??
That's weird to me.

07-02-2012, 12:57 AM
without viagra my cock is just a limp pieice of skin lol i take 3 different types of hormones at a good solid dose level ..feminsation is absolute for me .. now days my cum shots are just like little gloops of watery stuff ....my erections are hard work to maintain ..

i dont mind this pay off as for me at moment i seem to be fulling out now, getting more meat on my bones etc ..curving up abit .. compared to a year ago etc and the year before ..

each to their own though on what tehy want to achieve long term etc

07-02-2012, 01:09 AM
Get a clue. It's called 'Hung Angels'.
If you just want the pussy, who cares if a woman is postop or a GG??
That's weird to me.

Well one can be hung today and not hung tomorrow.

difference, maybe ts don't have a period once per month?

07-02-2012, 01:12 AM
getting a dick cut off doesn't help anybody else either.

You're a transsexual yet you don't know how SRS works? Educate yourself. They don't cut if off. ALL of the tissue is used (except the erectile tissue and testicles) to a create a fully sensate, fully functional vulva.

Stop spreading myths about SRS.

If people are not happy with their SRS it's most likely bc they didn't know what they were getting into or didn't really get it for the right reasons. (like getting it for someone else rather than yourself).

It's an expression "getting your dick cut off" - don't be an asshole jumping all over people for no reason, you haven't been here long enough. You're previous post had merit though.

07-02-2012, 07:37 AM
I would totally date a post-op as I have before in the past. I have dated post, pre, ggs, and tvs. I care for the personality more so than whatever is between the legs. I figure one day my parts might stop working so why pick a partner based purely on how the sex can be now.

Honestly, as long as the love is there, does it matter if she has a hole or a pole?

07-02-2012, 07:48 AM
Well, If the reason u cutting off your dick is to look better in clothes or get a str8 bf then those are wrong reasons to get SRS. I know a lot of girls in Chicago and majority of my friends with SRS live in Chicago. They are either wack jobs, or depressed, they made a huge mistake and regret it, even know one that lives as a man now, with a pussy. Takes stestotrone to feel mascaline again. He's like a F2M now. And yes u can be on hormones that let ur dick get hard, etc... if they wanted that they could ask for it. I got hard and came for years on hormones. Its a mental thing, if u want it u can do it! Girls that I know, think that SRS was going to change their world, and in the end it ruined their world. Sometimes u gotta think it long and hard! Its not about a man loving u, etc. Cuz I will tell u something, I know a girl who look and acted, sounded and had one amazing pussy. She was married to a guy and he never was told she had SRS... once he found out he flipped a stript. He went postal and tried to kill her! So Getting SRS to get str8 men to love u might blow up in your face too! I met my man, he was not a tranny chaser and is str8, we been together over 4 yrs and my cock is not an issue. Its things u do for love! Im not saying all girls are the same but majority of the ones I know and met in my life are all the same! Depressed and regret!

07-02-2012, 08:00 AM
If I knew before we were dating that she was a TS, I would be fine. If I found out after a good amount of time, it would be fine as long it doesn't interfere with my goals/desires to have a family. Adoption is a possibility. ;)

07-02-2012, 05:50 PM
If I knew before we were dating that she was a TS, I would be fine. If I found out after a good amount of time, it would be fine as long it doesn't interfere with my goals/desires to have a family. Adoption is a possibility. ;)
maybe a surrogacy would do fine

07-02-2012, 05:52 PM
I know that a lot of guys on HungAngels were angry that Danielle Foxxx got SRS. I absolutely am far more attracted to her now than in the past when she had a cock. Her pussy is so yummy looking! Most importantly, Danielle is happy with her body now.
Danielle is so hot and gorgeous:Bowdown::violin:fuckin:

07-02-2012, 06:11 PM
maybe a surrogacy would do fine

If I was with a pre-op girl, I would see if she would be willing to also donate some seed for this.

07-02-2012, 06:54 PM
If I was with a pre-op girl, I would see if she would be willing to also donate some seed for this.

Then mix it with your seed and give to to surrogacy mother and no one know who baby it is lol :joke:

07-02-2012, 06:59 PM
Then mix it with your seed and give to to surrogacy mother and no one know who baby it is lol :joke:

I totally would! :)

07-03-2012, 02:29 AM
Honestly, if the lady wants to have the surgery and it makes her happy then she should do it. Just my two cents.


07-03-2012, 05:26 AM

Get a clue. It's called 'Hung Angels'.
If you just want the pussy, who cares if a woman is postop or a GG??
That's weird to me.

...lol...You know, sometimes I get the feeling it's just this...

Dobie Gray - The In Crowd (Shindig! 1965)_HQ - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=upwrq1QZKV8)

07-03-2012, 02:24 PM
I am far more attracted to Mia Fever since she got rid of her cock! I think she is absolutely gorgeous now with her new pussy! I wish more tgirls would go down this path.

Absolutely stunning!!

07-03-2012, 02:33 PM
For any ladies who have underwent SRS, how do they find sensation post-op? Is it difficult to orgasm?

07-03-2012, 02:34 PM
Danielle is so hot and gorgeous:Bowdown::violin:fuckin:

Agree. She is pretty foxy now.

07-03-2012, 06:17 PM
If I was with a pre-op girl, I would see if she would be willing to also donate some seed for this.
effects of the hormones can make the pre-op sterile if like frequently taken

07-04-2012, 01:32 AM

You pwned that poster ... but I also think, as seanchai did, that you were too reactionary with Michelle. You're detailed breakdown to his idiocy was better that my simple emotional response. To that WELL DONE!!!!

Mr. Sinister
07-04-2012, 10:43 PM
then maybe you should use a condom, pull out, or ask her to get on the pill instead of objectifying a trans woman's pussy just because she doesn't have a uterus. ew.

This is just as objectifying and fetishistic as your last comment. Trans women are feminine because they're FEMALES (what a concept). A trans woman is not more likely to wear a skirt than a genetic female... BECAUSE SKIRTS ARE MARKETED TOWARDS WOMEN.

There's nothing ultra-feminine about a trans woman more so than a cis woman. This is just all in your head and it's uber-fetishizing.

you are such an over-generalizer.

You're basically calling all trans women sex-savvy... and you know this for a fact becuz? Oh right, you probably watch tranny porn and so you think we're all automatically "sex-perts". get a fucking clue. Sexual experience is just that... sexual experience and it has nothing to do with someone's gender.

Also, you're assuming that ALL transwomen don't want children?! wrong again. Many indeed do want children, and whether or not you can get someone pregnant is a pretty shallow reason to decide to date someone romantically.

Your post seriously frustrated me for how ignorant and close-minded it was. (obviously)

You seem very angry and bitter. I am just expressing my personal opinion with regards to post-op transsexual women. I love post-op transsexuals and have immense respect for the decisions that they have taken in their life. Every transsexual, just as with every person, is different. Take a chill pill!

Mr. Sinister
07-04-2012, 10:49 PM
Well, If the reason u cutting off your dick is to look better in clothes or get a str8 bf then those are wrong reasons to get SRS. I know a lot of girls in Chicago and majority of my friends with SRS live in Chicago. They are either wack jobs, or depressed, they made a huge mistake and regret it, even know one that lives as a man now, with a pussy. Takes stestotrone to feel mascaline again. He's like a F2M now. And yes u can be on hormones that let ur dick get hard, etc... if they wanted that they could ask for it. I got hard and came for years on hormones. Its a mental thing, if u want it u can do it! Girls that I know, think that SRS was going to change their world, and in the end it ruined their world. Sometimes u gotta think it long and hard! Its not about a man loving u, etc. Cuz I will tell u something, I know a girl who look and acted, sounded and had one amazing pussy. She was married to a guy and he never was told she had SRS... once he found out he flipped a stript. He went postal and tried to kill her! So Getting SRS to get str8 men to love u might blow up in your face too! I met my man, he was not a tranny chaser and is str8, we been together over 4 yrs and my cock is not an issue. Its things u do for love! Im not saying all girls are the same but majority of the ones I know and met in my life are all the same! Depressed and regret!

Yes, I know that there some girls who regretted SRS. But I also know some girls who are desperate to get SRS, but can't because of financial issues. You look at transsexual celebrities like Candis Cayne, Dana International, and Isis King, they are extremely happy with their lives and the fact that they got SRS. There are many post-op transsexuals who are living wonderful lives!

Mr. Sinister
07-04-2012, 11:02 PM
The whole point of this thread is to promote post-op transsexuals . There are many people, especially tranny chasers, who are opposed to transsexual women getting SRS for their own selfish reasons. At the end of the day, what matters is that the tgirl is happy with herself and her life. Most of the tgirls that I know that have gotten SRS are happy with their lives. They shouldn't be forced to keep their cocks just because some tranny chaser wants them to.

07-04-2012, 11:46 PM
As for finding a woman that has had SRS, it is very hard to do so.

07-04-2012, 11:49 PM
Here a question to both of you, do you find easy to find post op women to date?

It is very difficult to the extreme!

07-05-2012, 12:20 AM
The whole point of this thread is to promote post-op transsexuals . There are many people, especially tranny chasers, who are opposed to transsexual women getting SRS for their own selfish reasons. At the end of the day, what matters is that the tgirl is happy with herself and her life. Most of the tgirls that I know that have gotten SRS are happy with their lives. They shouldn't be forced to keep their cocks just because some tranny chaser wants them to.

I think as long as a person is happy with their body this is what mater, telling someone non-op to get srs is as wrong as telling a girl that want SRS to not get it.

I had client that will ask me if i wanted SRS, and then they will say: come on, don't do such a stupid thing,...Etc

Even had chasers that i never dated or wanted to date, that were desperate that i never get SRS, one was: you might get infection if you get SRS because....etc to which i needed to reply: so how many years do you have experience as a sex change surgeon?

People that tell us not to have srs, are like people that tell us, not to transition, that we need to accept ourselves as men, that we will be miserable if we change gender.

As for finding a woman that has had SRS, it is very hard to do so.

Well ts in general are a small minority, which make it hard, now i am not sure how it will be if you live in a big city like NYC or SF.

07-05-2012, 07:12 AM
I may be alone with this point of view, but it has always seemed to me that if a transsexual claims to not want or never intended to have the SRS then they are not real transsexuals to begin with, they are full time transvestites or drag queens living full time as women. If she is uncertain about the surgery then naturally she shouldn't have it until she is mentally, physically, financially and socially ready for it. And no one should make that decision but her. It seems to me that the only reason post-op transsexuals have come under criticism is out of sheer jealousy and envy when they deserve praise for their life-long accomplishment in having the strength to pursue happiness as who and what they desired to be. These days we now have pre-op, post-op and non-op transsexuals and transgender that makes the issue of Gender Dysphoria a murky grey area. I prefer vaginal sex with women so a post-op transsexual still fits the bill for straight guys like me. But I find hard to believe that a straight guy is really straight if he's sexually intimate with a pre-op and apparently transsexuals, pre- and post-op, feel the same way. I strictly prefer women for sex pardners and her being a post-op transsexual means no more to me than her race, color, religion or nationality, and that's the way it ought to be for everyone.

07-05-2012, 12:33 PM
Genitals aren't gender identity.
Some of you talk like SRS is no more challenging a surgical procedure than getting a cavity filled.
Plenty of girls have had a positive experience, others haven't.
I can understand why some TGs decide to leave well enough alone and stick with the known instead of going for the the chop.

I don't have anything against postops, but that's not really what this forum celebrates or is even about.
Who's jealous/envious of postops?? That's made up inside your head.
BTW most straight dudes ignorantly still call people originally born with male plumbing 'men', so I don't see how having vaginal sex with a postop somehow lets you keep your man-card over guys who sex preop TGs.

IMO it's postops and their admirers who are trying to jump line and assume this greater status in the TG community as if somehow they are more 'authentic' since having SRS.

If this was exclusively a postop board, it would be crickets.

07-05-2012, 02:40 PM
I may be alone with this point of view, but it has always seemed to me that if a transsexual claims to not want or never intended to have the SRS then they are not real transsexuals to begin with, they are full time transvestites or drag queens living full time as women.

While i really want srs and surgery i have to strongly disagree with you. Gender is not white and black, or 0 and 1, it is a continuum. And a trans woman that does not want surgery is not less of a woman, that a trans like me that want surgery.

Drag queen or tranvestite, don't consider themselves as woman, they just enjoy cross dressing, it is a fetish for them, for trans woman op or non op it is an identity issue.

Once you take hormones you start to look smell and be perceived as a woman, i had situations where i was still dressed as a guy but i was taken hormone for a few months, but many people gendered me female, no tv or drag queen is gendered female while dressed in guy cloth.

If someone can be happy with no surgery, better not to have it, it is very painful and expensive. It is easy when one is born in the right body to tell trans what is right and wrong, but many struggle even to pay rent let alone pay $20K for surgeries.

02-08-2013, 07:21 PM
The hottest post-op girl, at least as far as i am concerned, is Eva Galour. This girl is so natural and looks like the girl next door. Check her out at www.transsexualeva.com . .


02-08-2013, 11:08 PM
This is a very interesting topic and I loved seeing all the different perspectives and I would love to share mine :)

I am a pre-op trans woman and I CAN NOT WAIT to get my pussy! I do not identify with my penis and like to treat it as a big clit, feels much more natural that way to me. With that said I do not feel that a non-op trans woman who does not want surgery is any less of a woman. The truth is that there are more than two genders and they are all beautiful expressions of human individuality. The trick is to take the time to look inside to "know" yourself. The only surgical mistake (SRS vs. no SRS) that is ever made is by a person who is confused and ultimately not in tune with their whole self. No surgery of any kind will mend a broken heart. Us Trans women are no more of a woman the day we "get our dick cut off" than we were the day that we were born, it is our essence and it surpasses the physical body.

I also read a reply that said that transwomen are ULTRA feminine and it seemed to be met with some hostility and/or seen merely as a generalization. I personally believe there is merit to that statement. NO, it does not apply to every transwoman, but YES I do believe there is some truth to this and here is why. Any girl can be born into a girls body a live the life that is expected of them, a trans girl had to FIGHT for it. most of us have a femininity that resonated so strongly within us that it defied our physical bodies and our societies conception of who we were and who we must be. Not all trans women reach the exhalted state of goddesshood (ulta femininity), but neither do all GG's. The state of goddesshood is the end result of surrendering to your inner woman and your own femininity, its a spiritual process and the transsexual experience (I believe) is probably the most powerful way to achieve that state. When you really, really know who you are not, then you really really know who you are. :rock2

02-08-2013, 11:41 PM
While i really want srs and surgery i have to strongly disagree with you. Gender is not white and black, or 0 and 1, it is a continuum. And a trans woman that does not want surgery is not less of a woman, that a trans like me that want surgery.

Drag queen or tranvestite, don't consider themselves as woman, they just enjoy cross dressing, it is a fetish for them, for trans woman op or non op it is an identity issue.

Once you take hormones you start to look smell and be perceived as a woman, i had situations where i was still dressed as a guy but i was taken hormone for a few months, but many people gendered me female, no tv or drag queen is gendered female while dressed in guy cloth.

If someone can be happy with no surgery, better not to have it, it is very painful and expensive. It is easy when one is born in the right body to tell trans what is right and wrong, but many struggle even to pay rent let alone pay $20K for surgeries.

I couldn't agree more with you. Shortly before my 11th birthday I started puberty and instead of changing like most boys my hips spread and filled out and my fingers lengthened, mh cheek bones lifted, my lips filled out and I started developing very femine features v.s masculine. I am very lucky to have very aware parents who saw what was going on then knew I was not lying or exagerating when I told them something didn't feel right inside me and pulled me out of that school and enrolled me in another as a female for a fresh start as a girl. I started taking hormones and within a month any and all traces of me being a boy were gone except what was between my legs.

I am VERY comfortable in my own skin and my identity as a female and don't need a man made vagina to feel like one. I've had two surgeries which were both my breasts first to stretch my skin and create their pocket and the second for my final implants, and my own body did the rest when it came to my booty, hips, voice etc. If there are others out there who need srs to feel that way then I am no one to judge and would do anything I could to help them save for it, and applaud all of them who have gone before and all the pain and agony they went through as pioneers, but was taught by my mother at a young age to be comfortable with my body. If someone judges me for my penis then they aren't worth my time cause I love everything about mine from morning wood to the little bulge I see when I go untucked, yes it sucks to be judged that way by some, but not enough to force me on to a surgeons table.

02-09-2013, 12:54 AM
Tbh i've heard so many different opinions on this topic from the girls I know that it's pointless making blanket statements. I've yet to hear the same perspective twice. Half the girls i've met are relatively comfortable pre op while their young, often they'll say they don't want to be half when they're old so they'll get SRS then. I know girls who are desperate to have everything done ASAP and others who consider all surgery vanity and really can't be bothered. Some post ops are batshit crazy and clearly aren't happy with the results (one of my exes has only come twice in 14 years for instance) yet others I know are well adjusted. Everyone's different.

02-09-2013, 01:33 AM
I'm not a big fan of post op girls. I mean I respect their choice, but I do prefer having a cock, even a not functional one. The whole point of being with a transsexual is being with a not all part being woman. Tasting the lips, tongue, hair, tits, and everything like woman but still having a beautiful cock :)

02-09-2013, 02:18 AM
Lexilove and Janna_b, very beautifully written... I enjoyed every word. I’m a xxy (klinefelter) trans woman, now.. And from early childhood I knew I was a girl, but I didn’t know there was a medical term for it.. All I knew was at the start of puberty, when other boys were starting to develop broad shoulders and deep voice, I started to develop wide hips, and breasts.. some years later, with more developed internet I discovered I am not alone, and started to seek medical help for myself.. funny thing is, at the same time, I was always very selfconcious and picked-up for my femmenine features (and called gay, for what logic reason??), and I hated it, and loved it at the same time. hard to explain, but now I am very happy for fact my body didn’t developed masculine features, and with little help from hormones I am today the young woman that I always dreamed to be ( just didn’t know it was possible 15years ago, before puberty ) .. I hope in 2 years time, I will have SRS and get rid of mine hatred part, and finally be complete inside and outside... (fuck all the trans chasers, I dont need/want someone to like me for something I have, but I hate.. I need real, openminded man in my life.. not just some cock pervert.)

02-09-2013, 02:51 AM
here's a hottie

02-09-2013, 03:02 AM
The only real issues are
1) It's your body! You can do with it what you want!
2) What ever you do make sure you can still enjoy sex with your partner...and don't focus so much on looks.

02-09-2013, 03:06 AM
http://thumbnails106.imagebam.com/22052/c0873a220512447.jpg (http://www.imagebam.com/image/c0873a220512447) http://thumbnails105.imagebam.com/22052/7f56b3220512502.jpg (http://www.imagebam.com/image/7f56b3220512502) http://thumbnails103.imagebam.com/22052/8807af220512540.jpg (http://www.imagebam.com/image/8807af220512540)

Fucking beautiful!

04-23-2015, 05:51 PM
I am a big fan of people achieving their goals!!! In this case, ladies completing their transition into the woman they always knew they were but, were tricked by nature. The completion of SRS and the "Post-Op" status is accomplished through much physical and emotional pain. I applaud the perseverance, dedication and monetary obligation the commitment requires to accomplish this goal.

04-23-2015, 09:03 PM
As long as we're on the subject of post-ops, whatever happened to this cutie. Her name was Jennie I believe. She was my favorite!

04-24-2015, 01:29 AM
As far as I heard she lives in Paris now and has a partner.

04-20-2017, 12:32 AM
I totally agree she looks far more attractive without her cock, it looks so right. I can't wait to get rid of mine and have a lovely pussy like that.

06-30-2017, 12:25 AM
I am very much into post-op girls too.

02-24-2018, 09:51 AM
Hi, I live in Thailand and have met a number of shemales (all with cocks). Recently I met a post op one on a dating site. She says she loves sex. We agreed a price (about 60 dollars) and she has agreed to dress up in stockings and she says I can fuck her all night long! I have never fucked a post-op before. What does the pussy feel like? Can they be eaten and fucked hard? The girl in question is 37 and stunning. Any input would be welcome as I am meeting her soon. Thanks.

02-25-2018, 12:44 AM

Cereal Escapist
03-04-2018, 06:45 PM
i am truly indifferent as to whether a girl is a pre/non op or a post-op. Samantha is proof of that!