View Full Version : Chuck Norris;Keep the Gays OUT of the Boy Scouts!

06-27-2012, 10:55 AM
Chuck Norris
Keep the Gays
OUT of the Boy Scouts!

Chuck Norris believes gay people have NO PLACE in the Boy Scouts of America ... and claims plans to overturn the "century-old policy" to ban them is simply un-American.

Chuck -- an outspoken Republican political activist -- just penned an article for AmmoLand.com ... titled, "Is Obama Creating a Pro-Gay Boy Scouts of America?"

In the article, Norris attacks James Turley -- a high ranking BSA official who recently announced his plan to "seek a change" to a Boy Scouts policy that bans gay Scouts and gay Scout leaders.

72-year-old Norris suggests Turley is only championing the cause because he's trying to curry favor with Obama's "pro-gay" administration.

Norris talks about the Boy Scouts as epitomizing the best of America. The insinuation ... that gays don't.

So, we gotta ask ...


Token Williams-Black
06-27-2012, 11:17 AM
Maybe Bruce should have kicked him in the head a bit...

Bruce Lee Vs Chuck Norris (Way of the Dragon) - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bqzQ2qrtBeg)

06-27-2012, 02:20 PM
Hmmmmmmmm, why am i not surprised. :shrug
He's not big on evolution, either.

Writing for WorldNetDaily, in response to the "Chuck Norris Fact", "There is no theory of evolution. Just a list of creatures Chuck Norris has allowed to live"., he wrote:

It's funny. It's cute. But here's what I really think about the theory of evolution: it's not real. It is not the way we got here. In fact, the life you see on this planet is really just a list of creatures God has allowed to live. We are not creations of random chance. We are not accidents. There is a God, a Creator, who made you and me. We were made in His image, which separates us from all other creatures. By the way, without Him, I don't have any power. But with Him, the Bible tells me, I really can do all things — and so can you

Jamie French
06-27-2012, 03:55 PM

06-27-2012, 05:56 PM
Maybe Bruce should have kicked him in the head a bit...

Great clip. The cat in that scene is killing me. :-)

06-27-2012, 09:19 PM
Chunk Norris is such a hateful man

06-27-2012, 09:36 PM
Just because he can kick everything's ass doesn't mean he's intelligent.

06-27-2012, 09:37 PM
Chuck Norris spends a lot of time thinking about gayness.

06-27-2012, 09:41 PM
Until Mike Huckabee plays bass in a Death Metal Band, for most of America, Cub Scouts+Gays=NAMBLA+Daycare Centers

06-27-2012, 10:02 PM
Hardly surprising that he's as boneheaded in life as in his films. Crap man, crap movies.

06-27-2012, 10:09 PM
I always thought this argument was so pointless because as an organization, the BSoA doesn't regulate local chapters unless there's a need for intervention; like in the event of an issued complaint. Some chapters run like church youth groups and some ditch the religious reverence all together. I was in a boyscout troup with a couple of kids who turned out to be gay, but we're talking about early-1990's Portland, Oregon. It wasn't really that evident at the time anyhow. I don't understand how a troop leader could make the distinction between a straight or gay 13 year old. Eccentricity and flamboyancy are pretty indistinguishable at that age, and not all gay dudes are flamboyant.

What this move seems to say in fewer words is that the Boy Scouts of America don't want gay troop leaders because there's no possible way a gay troop leader could instill virtuous values in a child without passing along "the gay". That's what they seem to be afraid of. If a teenager isn't already dealing with social and identity issues over being gay or bisexual, they aren't going to elect going through that just because they had a really cool troop leader who was gay. That's stupid.

06-28-2012, 02:12 AM
Chuck Norris

Keep the Gays
OUT of the Boy Scouts!

Chuck Norris believes gay people have NO PLACE in the Boy Scouts of America ... and claims plans to overturn the "century-old policy" to ban them is simply un-American.

Chuck -- an outspoken Republican political activist -- just penned an article for AmmoLand.com ... titled, "Is Obama Creating a Pro-Gay Boy Scouts of America?"

In the article, Norris attacks James Turley -- a high ranking BSA official who recently announced his plan to "seek a change" to a Boy Scouts policy that bans gay Scouts and gay Scout leaders.

72-year-old Norris suggests Turley is only championing the cause because he's trying to curry favor with Obama's "pro-gay" administration.

Norris talks about the Boy Scouts as epitomizing the best of America. The insinuation ... that gays don't.

So, we gotta ask ...


So what's your angle in this Natina? Missing your camp fire patch from the Eagle Scouts ?

06-28-2012, 02:30 AM
Little dick Norris doesn't know shit.

06-28-2012, 03:43 AM
I always thought this argument was so pointless because as an organization, the BSoA doesn't regulate local chapters unless there's a need for intervention; like in the event of an issued complaint. Some chapters run like church youth groups and some ditch the religious reverence all together. I was in a boyscout troup with a couple of kids who turned out to be gay, but we're talking about early-1990's Portland, Oregon. It wasn't really that evident at the time anyhow. I don't understand how a troop leader could make the distinction between a straight or gay 13 year old. Eccentricity and flamboyancy are pretty indistinguishable at that age, and not all gay dudes are flamboyant.

What this move seems to say in fewer words is that the Boy Scouts of America don't want gay troop leaders because there's no possible way a gay troop leader could instill virtuous values in a child without passing along "the gay". That's what they seem to be afraid of. If a teenager isn't already dealing with social and identity issues over being gay or bisexual, they aren't going to elect going through that just because they had a really cool troop leader who was gay. That's stupid.

Since Natina's contributions normally consist of copy and paste, I had to google the actual article...as opposed to TMZ's press release on it. In the interest of full disclosure ( ha ha ha ) she should have posted a link to the article. Basically Walker Texas Ranger's gripe is with a new board member of the BSA. What's ironic about Natina's post is she references Norris as an "outspoken political activist" as if that is somehow a pejorative. For Fucks sake...every poster on HA is an outspoken political activist ! The point obviously lost on Natina is that Norris' issue with James Turley is his outspoken political activism in an organazation that seeks to stay out of politics.

06-28-2012, 09:57 AM
Since Natina's contributions normally consist of copy and paste, I had to google the actual article...as opposed to TMZ's press release on it. In the interest of full disclosure ( ha ha ha ) she should have posted a link to the article. Basically Walker Texas Ranger's gripe is with a new board member of the BSA. What's ironic about Natina's post is she references Norris as an "outspoken political activist" as if that is somehow a pejorative. For Fucks sake...every poster on HA is an outspoken political activist ! The point obviously lost on Natina is that Norris' issue with James Turley is his outspoken political activism in an organazation that seeks to stay out of politics.

Yups. I was a wee stoned. I got BSoA and Norris turned around somehow mid-post. Weed dyslexia brain-fart, maybe.

Turley's been on the board since 2002 and with the BSoA in some regard since 1994, so he's not new. Turley claims the anti-gay membership stance of the BSoA is some kind of national anti-gay conspiracy, and Norris is calling him out because he doesn't believe Turley would be involved if he wasn't secretly being paid off by Obama... also a conspiracy; at least in Norris' eyes. The entirety of his original article on AmmoLand (http://www.ammoland.com/2012/06/26/is-obama-creating-a-pro-gay-boy-scouts-of-america/#axzz1z0JN0rTy), Norris doesn't say much about gay rights, other than referring to BSoA's policies against accepting gay youth and volunteers as a "pro-traditional family" stance.

What Norris was saying and what he clearly wanted to say are two entirely different things. It's obvious Norris has a media monkey proof-reading this crap because Norris refuses to touch on why he believes his views on pro-traditional family values should be upheld when other entities and organizations like the U.S. Military, the Girl Scouts of America, and Four-H have already changed to accept LGBT members. Publicly, I'm sure he wants to infer that "if it ain't broke, don't fix it", but his real intentions are either some ass-backward personal opinion, his religious beliefs, or his standing within his religious community. Speculating on one over the other is a bit of a waste of time; all I'm saying is that there's an obvious and unspoken motive.

You can't hold him responsible for something he didn't say, but I think the article infers that the real Chuck Norris is sort of a slimy douche bag. The fake Chuck Norris would flying-kick Chuck Norris' head off and in turn, leg-impale the three people behind him without flinching all while belting out the epitome of war-cries and lactating chocolate milk.

06-28-2012, 10:07 AM
well Chuck Norris's cool meter just went down, & i'm probably gonna get punched by his beard now. still lame tho

06-28-2012, 10:46 AM
didnt even know he was still alive lol

06-28-2012, 11:15 AM
Yeah - i guess his body is alive, but his brain sure died a long time ago to judge by his dumb and dumber public utterances. What a dork.

06-28-2012, 11:26 AM
I'm not American nor a Boy Scout but the organisation has a long history of homophobia and also other forms of prejudice(religious and racial).

The creator of the Scouts, Robert Baden-Powell, was also a well known sympathiser with the Nazis and Italian Fascists in the mid-20th century.

So colour me NOT surprised by the ongoing bigotry of the organisation, and by inference those who stridently associate with it.

Further, why would free thinking peoples consider a man who is violent as a profession, (I don't know of any other claims to fame for Mr Norris) someone who should be listened to on matters of civil society....?

06-28-2012, 12:13 PM
I'm not American nor a Boy Scout but the organisation has a long history of homophobia and also other forms of prejudice(religious and racial).

The creator of the Scouts, Robert Baden-Powell, was also a well known sympathiser with the Nazis and Italian Fascists in the mid-20th century.

So colour me NOT surprised by the ongoing bigotry of the organisation, and by inference those who stridently associate with it.

Further, why would free thinking peoples consider a man who is violent as a profession, (I don't know of any other claims to fame for Mr Norris) someone who should be listened to on matters of civil society....?

Very well spoken

Token Williams-Black
06-28-2012, 03:05 PM
We need a laugh to make us forget what assholes there are in the world...thank you Google Image Search!

06-28-2012, 04:39 PM
ahh... the good old days

Old Homosexual Warning Video - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v3S24ofEQj4&feature=related)

Boys Beware Homosexuals Are On The Prowl - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ehsg2UIMnHM&feature=related)

06-28-2012, 05:15 PM
well Chuck Norris's cool meter just went down, & i'm probably gonna get punched by his beard now. still lame tho

Chuck Norris cool? You are kidding, surely? He's made a career out of making the same film time after time, mindless, aimless, violent and stupid - which sums up the man himself too.

06-28-2012, 05:20 PM
ist that most of hollywoods male actors lol

van dame,
jason statham
Bruce willis

they are do mostly predictble films lol though to be fair arnie in jingle all the way was legendary

06-28-2012, 05:32 PM
would you want st8 males to run the girls scouts? even if they are not pedos it's not a cool look so are gay males fighting to be in the boys scout to be around lil boys ? or is it just a fight for a fight to say "we did it". & look @ what the parents are thinking a gay man is more likely to touch their son, just like comedian Jim Jeffries when he got cum shot in his face 2 times by his scout master that shyt aint cool unless you want it & he didnt & most kids dont. this is a pedo fight not a gay 1.

06-28-2012, 05:40 PM
ist that most of hollywoods male actors lol

van dame,
jason statham
Bruce willis

they are do mostly predictble films lol though to be fair arnie in jingle all the way was legendary

To be fair, Willis will step away from the stereotype from time to time. "The Stath", well, you get what it says on the tin, and he has no pretensions.

However, Hollywood's male actors? What about Philip Seymour Hoffman, George Clooney, Ethan Hawke, Ryan Gosling, Jake Gyllenhal, etc. Varied and talented, and what's best about them is that they take risks with their roles and don't bother that much about their image.

06-28-2012, 06:31 PM
agree with Chuck on this one...

06-28-2012, 07:41 PM
would you want st8 males to run the girls scouts? even if they are not pedos it's not a cool look so are gay males fighting to be in the boys scout to be around lil boys ? or is it just a fight for a fight to say "we did it". & look @ what the parents are thinking a gay man is more likely to touch their son, just like comedian Jim Jeffries when he got cum shot in his face 2 times by his scout master that shyt aint cool unless you want it & he didnt & most kids dont. this is a pedo fight not a gay 1.

I don't even know where to start with this.
Please leave the room, you're sucking up valuable oxygen! :rolleyes:

06-29-2012, 01:37 AM
I don't even know where to start with this.
Please leave the room, you're sucking up valuable oxygen! :rolleyes:

u didnt say anything or make a point u just told me to die wow that was smart. so what was wrong with my post ? not wanting kids to get touched or parents wanting their kids to be safe ? look women cant be in the NBA so they made WNBA gay scouts leaders should make their own group im sure gay couples with kids like Rosie O'donnell & some str8 ones will send their kids & it will be all over the news. only someone without kids would be mad about this u dont want your kids touched in any way untill they are old enough to understand sex & what its about. so when u comment again make a point dont just insults someone cause it makes u look like a pedo.

06-29-2012, 01:55 AM
u didnt say anything or make a point u just told me to die wow that was smart. so what was wrong with my post ? not wanting kids to get touched or parents wanting their kids to be safe ? look women cant be in the NBA so they made WNBA gay scouts leaders should make their own group im sure gay couples with kids like Rosie O'donnell & some str8 ones will send their kids & it will be all over the news. only someone without kids would be mad about this u dont want your kids touched in any way untill they are old enough to understand sex & what its about. so when u comment again make a point dont just insults someone cause it makes u look like a pedo.


Is English your first language, or do you just have an I.Q. of about 50?

So, OK, you want a point.
To a large percentage of the population, your liking of shemales makes you a big old bender, arse toucher, queer as a nine dollar bill, homosexual...Basically, gay.
Do you ever get the urge to go out and touch children?
No, me neither...so why should they? :shrug

(btw, i didn't ask you to die, i called you an Oxygen Thief (a fucking idiot).

06-29-2012, 02:41 AM
Very well spoken

Oh really? Thank Christ that other moron isn't An American, but I suppose he's entitled to an opinion wherever he's from. Look...I'm not a huge proponent of exclusion, but the Boy Scouts are a private organization and can set the rules for their own reasons . That's the way things work here. Don't like it? Start your own group over there in the UK ...you could call it The Young Socialist Scouts of Britain....and you could exclude whomever you deem unworthy of your agenda.
Here's what JFK said about the Boy Scouts...
"For more than 50 years, Scouting has played an important part in the lives of the Boy Scouts of this nation. It has helped to mold character, to form friendships, to provide a worthwhile outlet for the natural energies of growing boys and to train these boys to become good citizens of the future. In a very real sense, the principles learned and practiced as Boy Scouts add to the strength of America and her ideals."

And here's a list of just a few of the thousands of prominent Americans that credit the Scouts in large part for their ultimate success in life. So although your opinion is fine to share, I'm guessing the folks below would say it's irrelevent....Thankfully

You do what you do...let the boy scouts do what they do.

Neil Armstrong
Keith Richards

Steven Spielberg
Dwight Eisenhower
Harrison Ford
Bill Gates
John Wayne
Mayor Blumberg
Lamar Alexander
Hank Aaron
Willie Banks
James Brady
Bill Bradley
Michael Dukakis
Thomas Foley - Speaker of the House
Michael Moore
Hon Sam Nunn
H. Ross Perot
Frederick Reines - Nobel Prize winner in Physics
Mike Rowe
William Sessions
Harrison Salisbury - Pulitzer Prize winning author
Percy Sutton
John Tesh
Sam Walton

06-29-2012, 03:30 AM
I don't even know where to start with this.
Please leave the room, you're sucking up valuable oxygen! :rolleyes:


Is English your first language, or do you just have an I.Q. of about 50?

So, OK, you want a point.
To a large percentage of the population, your liking of shemales makes you a big old bender, arse toucher, queer as a nine dollar bill, homosexual...Basically, gay.
Do you ever get the urge to go out and touch children?
No, me neither...so why should they? :shrug

(btw, i didn't ask you to die, i called you an Oxygen Thief (a fucking idiot).

"you're sucking up valuable oxygen" means stop breathing. yea & i dont want to touch kids thats why im not fighting to be around anyone kid. dont you find it funny that they are fighting to be around the same kids the will be Masturbating to when they hit there late teens ? the same way how str8 guys use to talk about the Olsen twins before they were legal. most guys see a hott 16 yr girl & say damn i cant wait untill she is 18 this is the same reason why men cant coach a girls sport team without having female assistant coach so some Sandusky shyt dosent happen. if a str8 white male wanted to be a girls scout leader would everyone like that? no they would call him a pedo. so why cant a gay man be a girls scout leader? why lil boys why ?

try typing one sentence with a point without insults cause u sound like a pedo hulk when u get mad. i know if someone told me i couldnt be around women & shemales i would mad as hell. & pedos make me sick :puke they should all die.

06-29-2012, 03:37 AM
Isn't this just about gay boys being allowed in the boyscouts? What does that have to do with pedos?

06-29-2012, 03:55 AM
"you're sucking up valuable oxygen" means stop breathing. yea & i dont want to touch kids thats why im not fighting to be around anyone kid. dont you find it funny that they are fighting to be around the same kids the will be Masturbating to when they hit there late teens ? the same way how str8 guys use to talk about the Olsen twins before they were legal. most guys see a hott 16 yr girl & say damn i cant wait untill she is 18 this is the same reason why men cant coach a girls sport team without having female assistant coach so some Sandusky shyt dosent happen. if a str8 white male wanted to be a girls scout leader would everyone like that? no they would call him a pedo. so why cant a gay man be a girls scout leader? why lil boys why ?

try typing one sentence with a point without insults cause u sound like a pedo hulk when u get mad. i know if someone told me i couldnt be around women & shemales i would mad as hell. & pedos make me sick :puke they should all die.

Quit jumping to conclusions because you're fuckin' lousy at it. The vast majority of gay men don't sit around and beat off to pictures of straight 18 year old boys, nor would they be any more driven to molest a child than a straight man would. Why don't we just ban men from interacting with children since it's so god damn imperative that we protect every child from a handful of potential pedos? Good riddance. I never liked any of my male school teachers, day care instructors, youth group leaders, or boy scout leader anyway. While we're at it, we could just remove every father's parental and visitation rights so there's no way they can turn pedo on their own children. Revelation!

Do you know how fucking ridiculous that sounds? I'm sure it's about the same flavor of completely flawed logic that fueled Norris' article. Only an idiot would jump to that kind of conclusion, though.

06-29-2012, 04:29 AM
"you're sucking up valuable oxygen" means stop breathing.

Hey 50, I've already explained what it means, but if you want to take it that way, be my guest...Start any time! :shrug

yea & i dont want to touch kids thats why im not fighting to be around anyone kid. dont you find it funny that they are fighting to be around the same kids the will be Masturbating to when they hit there late teens?

Wait a minute, are you saying that all gay males masturbate to teenagers?
You're obviously a man of experience, i'll take your word for it.

so why cant a gay man be a girls scout leader? why lil boys why ?

Sigh, give me strength...Because he wants to get them into his tent late at night and show them his woggle...Happy now, 50? :shrug

try typing one sentence with a point without insults cause u sound like a pedo

Your hypocrisy knows no bounds, 50, does it? You like throwing that word around. Makes me wonder what's running around in that little head of yours. Almost like you're some kind of "Late night sneaky uncle" trying to throw off suspicion...

06-29-2012, 04:31 AM
Quit jumping to conclusions because you're fuckin' lousy at it. The vast majority of gay men don't sit around and beat off to pictures of straight 18 year old boys, nor would they be any more driven to molest a child than a straight man would. Why don't we just ban men from interacting with children since it's so god damn imperative that we protect every child from a handful of potential pedos? Good riddance. I never liked any of my male school teachers, day care instructors, youth group leaders, or boy scout leader anyway. While we're at it, we could just remove every father's parental and visitation rights so there's no way they can turn pedo on their own children. Revelation!

Do you know how fucking ridiculous that sounds? I'm sure it's about the same flavor of completely flawed logic that fueled Norris' article. Only an idiot would jump to that kind of conclusion, though.

your right im wrong thats why we have men & women coaching girls sports & not just men & when a male cops need a woman officer to frisk a female & the female cop needs another female cop there as a witness i guess the law i wrong there cause lawd knows a cop wont fillup a big titty suspect. do u have kids, or have u been touched when u were younger ? funny how no 1 on here defend the gay scout leaders they just attack people trying to keep lil boys safe. but every1 wants to keep the adult men safe yea fuck the kids they can speak up for their self if they get touched they dont feel like its their fault they wont think they will get in trouble yea fuck the kids fuck if they are safe. dont make any points for the reason why they should keep there jobs or make nother scout group that allows gays no just fuck the kids

06-29-2012, 04:34 AM
Hey 50, I've already explained what it means, but if you want to take it that way, be my guest...Start any time! :shrug

Wait a minute, are you saying that all gay males masturbate to teenagers?
You're obviously a man of experience, i'll take your word for it.

Sigh, give me strength...Because he wants to get them into his tent late at night and show them his woggle...Happy now, 50? :shrug

Your hypocrisy knows no bounds, 50, does it? You like throwing that word around. Makes me wonder what's running around in that little head of yours. Almost like you're some kind of "Late night sneaky uncle" trying to throw off suspicion...

your right we should all just fuck kids im sorry

06-29-2012, 04:47 AM
your right we should all just fuck kids im sorry

...And 50 picks up his handbag and walks off in a stop! :shrug

06-29-2012, 04:57 AM
...And 50 picks up his handbag and walks off in a stop! :shrug

hey asshole its not 50 its 51 i can tie my shoes by my self :banana:

06-29-2012, 05:04 AM
hey asshole its not 50 its 51 i can tie my shoes by my self :banana:

I'm more than happy to own up when I'm wrong...51 it is. :shrug

south ov da border
06-29-2012, 05:10 AM

06-29-2012, 06:44 AM
Back at the height of the whole Chuck Norris is so tough/awesome phenomenon, I was skeptical. I knew he was an asshole regardless of how much people looked up to him.

Token Williams-Black
06-29-2012, 10:38 AM
Y'all do realize there are already gay folks in the Scouts, right?

06-29-2012, 12:52 PM
Back at the height of the whole Chuck Norris is so tough/awesome phenomenon, I was skeptical. I knew he was an asshole regardless of how much people looked up to him.

He's always been a joke figure right? Did people ever look up to him?

06-29-2012, 01:53 PM
Maybe the real issue here is about this culture or sub-culture of 'character moulding' young boys and girls, be it the Scouts, the Hitler Youth, the Young Pioneers in the USSR and so on. What is it all for? To make men out of boys? Suppose like me you just don't like camping...? (ha ha).

Baden-Powell's scouting organisation did at one time use the swastika as an emblem in its badges but that was taken from the Hindu symbol for good luck which Baden-Powell was familiar with, and although he was initially supportive of Hitler and Mussolini for their 'robust' attitude to health and safety, he himself was on the Nazi's Black List of people to be arrested when the Germans invaded, and the swasitka emblem was dropped by the Scouts I think in the 1930s.

Scouting is in essence part of the military and dedicated to a mixture of reconnaissance and survival, and I am sure it makes sense for the SAS and people like that. But when I was in the movement I used to wonder why I was having to learn how to tie so many different types of knot, set up a tent and make a camp fire and help old ladies across the road. I wasn't any good at any of it, so I dropped out.

Ironically or not, Baden-Powell is generally thought of as a closet/repressed homosexual. After his marriage he suffered severe migraines -until shifting his bed into a room of his own, whereupon they cleared up -nevertheless there were three children, conceived, no doubt, in the missionary position . He had a buddy called Ken, but there is no concrete evidence of physical love.

Be Prepared!! Do Your Best!!

Marty Mcfly
06-29-2012, 03:11 PM
Chuck is the Man.I have to agree with Him...Boy scouts should be worried about other things besides blowing their camp mates.

06-29-2012, 04:56 PM
Chuck is the Man.I have to agree with Him...Boy scouts should be worried about other things besides blowing their camp mates.

:iagree: Fucking fagots...


06-29-2012, 05:53 PM
Isn't there an achievement badge or something for blowing your camp mates ... even if they're not camp.

Anyone familiar the old BBC comedy radio series will recall the character Bluebottle, played by Peter Sellers, who had the most idiotic high-pitched and rather camp voice. Peter Sellers once explained that that he got the voice from a childhood Boy Scout master who sounded exactly like that.

06-29-2012, 06:20 PM
http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTW2gDmZa42kYoWqLlY6HDsJ1vA6Swja XNqpIoc_Dt5TfjIC2PVAp7ry5WwHg

06-29-2012, 06:51 PM
wow, this thread really took a bizarre direction while i was at work....

There seems to be an undercurrent of "gay men are more likely to molest my boys" in some of the comments here. This is categorically untrue. As someone who works in criminal law i can tell you child molestation is overwhelmingly the province of "straight" people.

As for"onmyknees" critique, i think they should think about equality for a few minutes (hours hopefully). The fact is that when a young person joins a Scouts/Guides program they may not know if they are gay/transsexual/atheist/etc.

It is not for them to decide to set up new institutions where gays etc are welcome, it is the prerogative of the state to squash prejudicial institutions so that children do not have to grow up in a climate of fear.

Maybe i'm a "moron" (i assume that means Idealist) but the prejudice and hate of adults should not be visited upon the children.

06-29-2012, 08:44 PM
Fascinating arugments, but the only problem is how do you tell an a private organization they have to take who they don't want. While in the context of the boys scouts its one thing, applied to other organizations it becomes problematic. Not going to into the logistics, but if an organization follows a set a rules they can be selective. I always laugh when I see a parent who is a athetist send their child to a fancy religious private school and complain that they don't teach evolution. Really what did you expect.

06-30-2012, 02:30 AM
He's always been a joke figure right? Did people ever look up to him?

Absolutely. Anyone who would look up to someone like Chuck Norris hasn't quite got the hang of the concept of the role model...

06-30-2012, 02:31 AM
Chuck is the Man.I have to agree with Him...Boy scouts should be worried about other things besides blowing their camp mates.

Welcome back, Marty. Still in the stone age, I see.