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View Full Version : just for fun

03-09-2006, 08:45 PM
im new here so this kinda thing may have been done already, but i have seen many "who is the hottest ts"? threads
but who is the ugliest? lol c'mon tell me lol
pics would be cool

03-09-2006, 11:43 PM
How about Adreilly (however the hell "her" name is spelt)
good choice!

03-10-2006, 12:03 AM
here we go :roll:

Line up the girls who don't make your "cut" and slice um down

03-10-2006, 02:12 AM

03-10-2006, 02:57 AM
im new here so this kinda thing may have been done already, but i have seen many "who is the hottest ts"? threads
but who is the ugliest? lol c'mon tell me lol
pics would be cool

Well it might be "just for fun" for you but how about that TS whose photo someone publishes and sees it on here? Fact is, most of the girls you probably drool over now started off pretty plain and needing to grow into the girls they are now. Sites like this should encourage not ridicule them
I agree the sample below is pretty standout as an "ugly model" yet also I bet this image has made the website a lot of money.

I'll leave this image but veto any others belonging to Grooby - so don't bother to put them up.

03-10-2006, 12:09 PM
ooooh i think i upset someone lol
its only for fun, maybe the models wud see it as fun.and not take it too seriously

03-10-2006, 12:48 PM
ooooh i think i upset someone lol
its only for fun, maybe the models wud see it as fun.and not take it too seriously

You didn't upset me, arse. I'm stopping you from making a cock out of yourself. Why would they see it as fun - where's your logic there?

03-10-2006, 12:52 PM
im not an arse.logic isn't always logical, if you got called ugly would you cry n hide or laugh it off n have some fun.how will i make a cock out myself?, i dont give a shit what people think of me, thats theyre problem

03-10-2006, 01:01 PM
I'd laugh it off, I'm no oil painting but why would someone whose trying out their life as a model or even just showing their pics as they're coming out need you to put their photos up as ridicule?

The British school system must be going down the same road as the Yanks based on your barely litterate post.

You don't care what people think of you? Their normally the words of some sad, lonely tit.
Get some credibility and some empathy - sit back before you respond to this post and have a think about why it would be fun for you to post images of people to ridicule?

03-10-2006, 01:04 PM
like i said i dont care what ppl think, not because im sad n lonely,because im just happy with myself.could the same be said for you.
i am not illiterate i choose to type fast to avoid bumping into rude ppl like you with a crappy im always right attitude.if the thread bothers you dont post another response n neither will i

03-10-2006, 01:06 PM
Just beating you to the punch, lol.... very funny :roll:

03-10-2006, 01:08 PM
cheers mds ;)
nice pic cherie, but this thread was for ugly girls lol
you shouldnt be here ;)

03-10-2006, 01:09 PM
like i said i dont care what ppl think, not because im sad n lonely,because im just happy with myself.could the same be said for you.
i am not illiterate i choose to type fast to avoid bumping into rude ppl like you with a crappy im always right attitude.if the thread bothers you dont post another response n neither will i

I'm not always right but I am in this respect.
You can post what you want, it's not my forum but as I stated, I'll veto anything belonging to me.
It's also a sure fire way to keep potential girls who want to post here, off this forum.
Rookie or no-rookie, he should look over other posts before asserting his attitude here.

03-10-2006, 01:16 PM
i dont think they would turn theyre back on HA forums because lil old me posted a thread some ppl dont like, get real.did you read every previous thread when you first joined?
you aint right you just have an opinion, and so do i.and the mature thing to do is to agree to disagree

03-10-2006, 01:26 PM
The mature thing is not to agree to disagree, in this instance you are wrong and the mature thing would be for you to understand why I'm getting on your case about this and why it isn't a good thing to do.
Girls have left this forum because of rude posters in the past and they're not going to come here and post their photos if their is going to be a post on "Post the Ugliest Tranny".
I didn't read every post but I got the feel for what was appropriate and what wasn't.
This forum has gained a lot more respect than many among girls - pro-models or not. What you're trying to do is simply take away that respect by your lack of it for the models by creating a ridicule post.
You were wrong to put that posting up, simple as that.

03-10-2006, 03:57 PM
i dont think they would turn theyre back on HA forums because lil old me posted a thread some ppl dont like, get real.did you read every previous thread when you first joined?
you aint right you just have an opinion, and so do i.and the mature thing to do is to agree to disagree

Arguments of right and wrong aside – it is unmistakably bad form. Think of it this way: what these girls are doing takes a great deal of courage, and they all do have to start somewhere. Why punish someone for that?


Lord Goatse
03-10-2006, 04:08 PM
Lord Goatse would like to nominate the one below on the left.

I am sure the delightful Mr Seanchai can tell you all who she is. Possibly not one of Lord Goatse's finest conquests. But in my defense, I was extremely drunk, and she was hung like a donkey.

03-10-2006, 05:18 PM
Lord Goatse would like to nominate the one below on the left.

I am sure the delightful Mr Seanchai can tell you all who she is. Possibly not one of Lord Goatse's finest conquests. But in my defense, I was extremely drunk, and she was hung like a donkey.

That's very offensive comparing THAT to a ts. Why don't you post a pic of yourself and see what we think of you?! If hiding behind the computer and spewing venom on ppl based on nothing but looks make anybody happy that's sad. She might not be your taste but she's got potentials. Give her time guys would be drooling over her. Plus to each his own some ppl would find her just fine the way she is now. Who are you to judge anyway? Remember Allanah said some guys were not so nice to her in the beginning but when they saw how stunning she turned out to be they were all over her? It's so sad that some ppl just don't get it that t-gurls are not born girls; it takes time and learning to make one. So don't redicule one in the making if you are into ts scenes. Every gurl's got enough redicules in her life already. If you are not into ppl born men and need transition to be a gurl, go back to your gf or wife and get off this place already it's not for you. Or put a wig on yourself, you and your gf/wife can entertain between yourselves.

03-10-2006, 08:32 PM
Hey you - just leave Sir Les and Mr Alec Gilroy alone or Bettie will hide your behinds.
Ah up...

El Nino
03-11-2006, 12:55 AM
I just want to say that I agree wholeheartedly with Seanchai. UK_Selfer says that he doesn't care about what anybody thinks of him; but 9 times out of 10, the people who say this are deperately reaching out for attention. Secondly, BEAUTY IS IN THE EYE OF THEBEHOLDER and by and large, people are, who they are... and thats the bottom line. To judge someone for external appearance only is the pinnacle of ignorance and those who do this are limited, self-centered and flat out dumb fucks. In this case Seanchai is exemplifying a mature and evolved human being, and when viewed in comparison to to UK_Selfer... the better man is blatently obvious. In addition, UK_Selfer is discouraging potential posting of new Hung angels. Someday, when the tides have turned or you develop some true compassion.... you will REALIZE your cruel and ignorant nature, "UK_Selfer."
No wonder you are a selfer...

03-11-2006, 06:44 PM
ha ha