View Full Version : Ms. Marvel...

06-01-2012, 06:01 AM
You guys think she'll be in the next Avengers movie??

06-01-2012, 06:04 AM
If Thanos is the villain I would wager on at least one cosmic level hero appearing, I'm hoping for Carol Danvers myself.

06-01-2012, 06:07 AM
With Thanos in the offering, then it figures that Captain Marvel and Silver Surfer should show. Thor is the only Avenger in the current movie roster who could go toe-to-toe with Thanos (well, Hulk could, but it would be rather pointless). But I hope they don't bring in the ridiculous Infinity Gauntlet. What an overblown plot device that was, and always has been.

06-01-2012, 06:09 AM
If Thanos is the villain I would wager on at least one cosmic level hero appearing, I'm hoping for Carol Danvers myself.
Me too I loved her

06-01-2012, 06:13 AM
What's this Ms Marvel nonsense? Would this be Thanos without his glove?

06-01-2012, 06:15 AM
What's this Ms Marvel nonsense? Would this be Thanos without his glove?
There's enough bad ass guys now..we need at least one bad ass girl...I mean Scarlets okay...but gotta be someone better

06-01-2012, 06:20 AM
Thanos is one of my top 3 villains. Ms Marvel would be nice but they'll likely give us Wasp instead.

I'm more interested in knowing if Thanos will have his assassin Gamora in this.

http://http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQS36FnqPFdcSY3ZjZKPQDeJGhVwIR9U wTH1h0Zg35doDSpURKG (http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQS36FnqPFdcSY3ZjZKPQDeJGhVwIR9U wTH1h0Zg35doDSpURKG)

Plus here's to hopes that they do Thanos some justice in this film and by "justice" I mean allowing Thanos to personally OWN the Marvel universe as he did three times in comics only to renounce it once his Mistress Lady Death rejects him after the fact.

06-01-2012, 06:45 AM
With Thanos in the offering, then it figures that Captain Marvel and Silver Surfer should show. Thor is the only Avenger in the current movie roster who could go toe-to-toe with Thanos (well, Hulk could, but it would be rather pointless). But I hope they don't bring in the ridiculous Infinity Gauntlet. What an overblown plot device that was, and always has been.

Wow some people considered the Infinity Gauntlet a classic. For me it wasn't the glove as much as it was the steps Thanos took to retrieve it. And he did it all for a woman who still wasn't happy. So he snapped his finger and made his own chick... Gotta love the irony that.

Oh and there was a cameo of it in Thor in Odin's Vault when the Destroyer killed the frost giants.

Sadly though Silver Surfer is still a property of FOX.

Cecil Rhodes
06-01-2012, 12:10 PM
If you want to see pics of Ms Marvel, do a websearch on " Dangerwoman " " Dragoncon " .

06-01-2012, 03:00 PM
there is a story about thanos and the cosmic cube pubblished by marvel:and in this story the protagonist is captain marvel... voices talk about spiderman as a new caracter!!!

Wendy Summers
06-01-2012, 03:14 PM
1) To handle Ms. Marvel's origin you have to introduce and deal with the Kree and Captain Marvel. *If* we see that tackled in any of the lead-in films, then she's an outside chance of appearing. More likely is a pre-Ms. Marvel Carol Danvers as a SHIELD agent.

2) Ecstatic - it's almost a given the Gauntlet will factor in. They've highlighted it in a big way with both Thor and a lot of the behind the scenes design information they release. It's also so tied to the character now, it's unlikely it won't be touched on.

3) Short of Sony giving up the rights to Spider-man, this won't happen.

06-01-2012, 03:29 PM
There are a few rumors around but the most likely new characters are Vision & Scarlet Witch. Some speculation has centered around a character in the Avengers film who dies but it was mentioned earlier that shield was doing some scanning of them. The actor physically looks the part and could make a decent Vision. If that is the case then logically scarlet Witch would also be brought in.

In terms of a Thanos storyline those two also make sense given they are two heavy hitters in terms of power level. Visoin stood toe to toe with Korvac and Scarlet Witch can alter reality so they are suitable against Thanos. Pym and Van Dyne could be brought in peripherally in the Vision storyline and they could set up Ultron for the 3rd film.

Carol danvers could make sense but there seems less set up for her.

06-01-2012, 05:24 PM
There are pictures circulating of ... wait for it ... IRON PATROIT for Iron Man 3! So that story line would help the Ms. Marvel cause... but I doubt it personally.

06-01-2012, 05:34 PM
How big was Ms. Marvel back in the day. I really don't know much about her other than Rogue stealing her powers and becoming one of the most popular X-Men characters.

06-01-2012, 07:11 PM
There are pictures circulating of ... wait for it ... IRON PATROIT for Iron Man 3! So that story line would help the Ms. Marvel cause... but I doubt it personally.
I doubt it'll be the same w/o Norman Osborn wearing it.

But I wont sweat it that much since they've finally confirmed that we'll be seeing Mandarin in the line up as well.

Oh and Scarlet Witch is an Xmen property witch is tied up with FOX.

So with Fantastic 4, Dare Devil, Xmen and Spiderman under contract with FOX and Sony for the next million years. You can forget about seeing them in an Avengers movie.

Which sucks ass seeing how Fox has handled most of their comic book films.

06-01-2012, 07:28 PM
How big was Ms. Marvel back in the day. I really don't know much about her other than Rogue stealing her powers and becoming one of the most popular X-Men characters.

Rogue no longer has those powers or memories.

And Ms. Marvel is now much more powerful. She has speed, strength, flight, binary powers, explosive blasts, absorbs energy, a 7th sense.

So if written right she could be what Wonder Woman is to DC. Or better since they can't seem to make a WW movie.

06-01-2012, 08:35 PM
Wow some people considered the Infinity Gauntlet a classic. For me it wasn't the glove as much as it was the steps Thanos took to retrieve it. And he did it all for a woman who still wasn't happy. So he snapped his finger and made his own chick... Gotta love the irony that.

Oh and there was a cameo of it in Thor in Odin's Vault when the Destroyer killed the frost giants.

Sadly though Silver Surfer is still a property of FOX.

Well it's classic alright, but I never much cared for the endless layers of "infinite powers" Marvel (and DC, to a lesser degree) laid own as plot devices. Ever since the initial appearance of Galactus, they've wanted to outdo each previous cosmic being, which really weakens the whole concept imho. And the Thanos concept borrowed heavily from Kirby's Darkseid, who was the better character (again, imho). But it's all in fun.

Yeah, I hate the deal Marvel made with Fox and Sony over the FF, Silver Surfer, and others. It simply doesn't make sense that you can't incorporate your own characters, developed over 50 years, in your own movies, and puts real limits on the possibilities. I guess that means we'll never see the current A/X conflict interpreted in film.

06-01-2012, 08:37 PM
2) Ecstatic - it's almost a given the Gauntlet will factor in. They've highlighted it in a big way with both Thor and a lot of the behind the scenes design information they release. It's also so tied to the character now, it's unlikely it won't be touched on.

I know, it's true. But then again, the Star Wars prequels are inevitable, too, lol.

06-01-2012, 09:24 PM
Well it's classic alright, but I never much cared for the endless layers of "infinite powers" Marvel (and DC, to a lesser degree) laid own as plot devices. Ever since the initial appearance of Galactus, they've wanted to outdo each previous cosmic being, which really weakens the whole concept imho. And the Thanos concept borrowed heavily from Kirby's Darkseid, who was the better character (again, imho). But it's all in fun.

Yeah, I hate the deal Marvel made with Fox and Sony over the FF, Silver Surfer, and others. It simply doesn't make sense that you can't incorporate your own characters, developed over 50 years, in your own movies, and puts real limits on the possibilities. I guess that means we'll never see the current A/X conflict interpreted in film.

Even worse we'll never a see an "Illuminati" scene/film based off the limited series consisting of Prof X, Tony Stark, Blackvolt, Namaar and Reed Richards.

Well maybe not a film but just image a part in one of the Marvel movies where all of these characters are in one room discussing a world wide threat?

Now thank Fox for f'ing that possibly up along with "The Cabal" (Osborn, Doom, White Queen, Hood, Namaar) as well.

06-01-2012, 09:41 PM
I thought that the Illuminati concept was never fully enough explored at Marvel. Reed, Prof X, Tony, Blackbolt, Namor, and don't forget Dr Stephen Strange made for a fascinating cabal of several of Earth's most brilliant yet quite different characters, and much more could be done with that group. And I think they could make for a great movie.

Quiet Reflections
06-02-2012, 12:30 AM
considering they left out two of the founding members of the avengers and Scarlett johansson said part 2 is done filming already Im guessing that we will get antman and wasp and maybe T'challa(even though they already gave us ultimate Fury). I would love to see the scarlett witch but in a House of M movie and not an avengers film. And since the marvel movie world isn't Earth 616(canon) they pretty much gave themselves a "What If" situation to get out of following the stories we love closley. The movie Earth-199999 could see an Infinity series without surfer, wolverine, galactus, spidey, etc...

06-02-2012, 04:10 PM
I thought that the Illuminati concept was never fully enough explored at Marvel. Reed, Prof X, Tony, Blackbolt, Namor, and don't forget Dr Stephen Strange made for a fascinating cabal of several of Earth's most brilliant yet quite different characters, and much more could be done with that group. And I think they could make for a great movie.

I agree Estatic. Banning the Hulk off-world worked out well. LOL

06-03-2012, 02:59 AM
I thought that the Illuminati concept was never fully enough explored at Marvel. Reed, Prof X, Tony, Blackbolt, Namor, and don't forget Dr Stephen Strange made for a fascinating cabal of several of Earth's most brilliant yet quite different characters, and much more could be done with that group. And I think they could make for a great movie.

Well I'm not sure if Fox owns Namaar or not. And I guess Reed could be replaced by Black Panther.

So I guess they actually could do an Illuminati scene if they wanted. Even if it was solely for the premise of a World War Hulk Film.

I swear Marvel has so many films that have the potential of breaking the billion dollar mark that it isn't even funny.

Maybe Disney can just buy the rights back for some of this tittles. Shit FF4 and Daredevil have been in development hell for years now. Getting them back would free up Doom, Surfer and King Pin. Which are characters Fox clearly don't know how to use anyway.

06-03-2012, 06:56 AM
Don't expect to see Thanos again unless there are major changes to Marvel's long term plans.

'Talking about the success of "The Avengers", Kevin Feige tells Empire (via CBM) that despite his cameo in the film - don't expect intergalactic baddie Thanos to be showing up any time soon.

Asked about the character potentially being the villain of the upcoming "Thor" sequel, Feige says "No, future, future. But there will be a major new villain. A major, major new antagonist". The most frequently suggested guess right now on fan sites is the Enchantress.'

And as far as the talk of Iron Man 3, there's this tidbit I found on a reliable news site.

'Though previously denied as being the Mandarin, new indications at Latino Review seem to be that Ben Kingsley's character is indeed playing the criminal mastermind from the comics. However he's a secondary villain - a 'silent partner' behind the events taking place. Instead it's Guy Pearce's Aldrich Killian who is using Mandarin's resources and the extremis nanotechnology to create an army of "multiple super-powered individuals".

James Badge Dale and Ashley Hamilton have already been cast as Coldblood-7 and Firepower respectively, thus it seems likely they will be two members of that army.

Adding to the confusion is photos from the set showing the design of ANOTHER villain's costume - one that's either The Iron Patriot or Detroit Steel.

Turns out Badge Dale's character is the one donning this particular outfit in the film, meaning the Coldblood character is being merged with another villain's design. More as further details emerge.'

06-03-2012, 09:23 AM
Don't expect to see Thanos again unless there are major changes to Marvel's long term plans.

'Talking about the success of "The Avengers", Kevin Feige tells Empire (via CBM) that despite his cameo in the film - don't expect intergalactic baddie Thanos to be showing up any time soon.

Asked about the character potentially being the villain of the upcoming "Thor" sequel, Feige says "No, future, future. But there will be a major new villain. A major, major new antagonist". The most frequently suggested guess right now on fan sites is the Enchantress.'

And as far as the talk of Iron Man 3, there's this tidbit I found on a reliable news site.

'Though previously denied as being the Mandarin, new indications at Latino Review seem to be that Ben Kingsley's character is indeed playing the criminal mastermind from the comics. However he's a secondary villain - a 'silent partner' behind the events taking place. Instead it's Guy Pearce's Aldrich Killian who is using Mandarin's resources and the extremis nanotechnology to create an army of "multiple super-powered individuals".

James Badge Dale and Ashley Hamilton have already been cast as Coldblood-7 and Firepower respectively, thus it seems likely they will be two members of that army.

Adding to the confusion is photos from the set showing the design of ANOTHER villain's costume - one that's either The Iron Patriot or Detroit Steel.

Turns out Badge Dale's character is the one donning this particular outfit in the film, meaning the Coldblood character is being merged with another villain's design. More as further details emerge.'

Kevin Feige was just saying that Thanos wont be in any of the individual movies such as Thor 2 specifically. But being that Thanos is a known "Galaxy Class" threat, this shouldn't be a shock to anyone.

But yes thor 2 will likely see the Enchantress and perhaps the Wrecking Crew for the much need muscle that was missing in the first movie.

And since the next avengers movie wont be out until Summer of 2015. That's what he meant by not seeing Thanos anytime in the near future.

Tiffany Anne
06-03-2012, 09:52 AM
Feige has talked about Guardians of the Galaxy as a property they really want to pursue, with the modern team.

So Star Lord, Groot, Rocket Raccoon are locks..Quasar/Phyla Vell is likely, given 1) woman, 2) interesting powers 3) lesbian, Gamora is likely given she's Thanos daughter.

So that gives them some cosmic stuff to mess around with Thanos.

06-03-2012, 09:56 AM
With Thanos in the offering, then it figures that Captain Marvel and Silver Surfer should show. Thor is the only Avenger in the current movie roster who could go toe-to-toe with Thanos (well, Hulk could, but it would be rather pointless). But I hope they don't bring in the ridiculous Infinity Gauntlet. What an overblown plot device that was, and always has been.

i'd bet against the silver surfer in this avengers movie. i think the Disney/Marvel and director walden is gonna want it to stay as close to avengers material as possible, and surfer is more fantastic four than avengers,...don't rule out wasp, ant-man as new member arrivals.
at first i didn't see ms marvel in it,but since it could involve the kree race into it, i could see either captain marvel or carol danvers in it now.
is it much too early for black panther or scarlet witch/vision?

i doubt the infinite gaunlet, drax the destroyer,moondragon, or adam warlock is going to be in this. thanos is powerful enough and doesn't need to include any of them.

06-03-2012, 10:00 AM
There's enough bad ass guys now..we need at least one bad ass girl...I mean Scarlets okay...but gotta be someone better

aah, but what if they decide to include the amora the enchantress in this as well? or could the scarlet witch be anywhere on the scene?

06-03-2012, 10:05 AM
Rogue no longer has those powers or memories.

And Ms. Marvel is now much more powerful. She has speed, strength, flight, binary powers, explosive blasts, absorbs energy, a 7th sense.

So if written right she could be what Wonder Woman is to DC. Or better since they can't seem to make a WW movie.

i believe that's a totally different ms marvel. the new ms marvel that has those powers (speed of light, energy powers,etc.) is a black woman and not carol danvers.

06-03-2012, 10:14 AM
Feige has talked about Guardians of the Galaxy as a property they really want to pursue, with the modern team.

So Star Lord, Groot, Rocket Raccoon are locks..Quasar/Phyla Vell is likely, given 1) woman, 2) interesting powers 3) lesbian, Gamora is likely given she's Thanos daughter.

So that gives them some cosmic stuff to mess around with Thanos.

Guardians is one of the ones they've talked about but you think, 'will they actually have the balls to do it and do it right?'. But with all the buzz about Thanos' little cameo I could definately see it all coming together down the line.

06-03-2012, 10:20 AM
is it much too early for black panther or scarlet witch/vision?

I'd say definately not for Black Panther, it's been one of the longer gestating characters in the Marvel lineup. Wouldn't suprise me in the least to see him get a fast tracked feature of his own either right before or after Avengers 2.

06-03-2012, 03:20 PM
I doubt it'll be the same w/o Norman Osborn wearing it.

But I wont sweat it that much since they've finally confirmed that we'll be seeing Mandarin in the line up as well.

Oh and Scarlet Witch is an Xmen property witch is tied up with FOX.

So with Fantastic 4, Dare Devil, Xmen and Spiderman under contract with FOX and Sony for the next million years. You can forget about seeing them in an Avengers movie.

Which sucks ass seeing how Fox has handled most of their comic book films.

Scarlet Witch is not a X-men property - that has been confirmed. Neither is Quicksilver. This is despite their connections to Magneto. Heres a article that kind of explains things

Answered: Which Studios Own Which Marvel Characters

Jan 25, 2012 by Carl Lee (http://screenrant.com/author/carl/)

[We first published this article three years ago, but with the recent rumblings of a cameo by a certain superhero in The Avengers, we thought it might be a good time to bring this to your attention once again. - Editor]
With X-Men Origins: Wolverine (http://screenrant.com/tag/wolverine/) a little under three weeks from release, we here at Screen Rant thought an overview of all Marvel properties (and possibilities) might be in order. Though the new independent studio is now producing their own films, solely distributed by Paramount Pictures, there are a number of iconic characters still residing at Hollywood’s other major studios.
Now that the film division of Marvel Entertainment exists, we’ve seen questions around the inter-webs about certain properties and copyrights concerning top-tier Marvel characters. Many readers have been calling for Wolverine to cameo in the expected 2012 film Avengers (http://screenrant.com/tag/avengers/), but there’s a little problem with that potential geekgasm.

With 20th Century FOX co-producing the Wolvie flick, getting the character to play nice on a self-produced Marvel film is going to be rather difficult. In legal speak, Fox owns a piece of the X-Men (http://screenrant.com/tag/x-men/) film franchise; they have the “rights” to produce any character that frequently appears in the X-Men Universe, projects like X-Men: First Class (http://screenrant.com/tag/x-men-first-class/) and X-Men Origins: Magneto (http://screenrant.com/tag/magneto/) insure Fox will be milking that property for everything it’s possibly worth. Ultimately, any mutants like Bishop, Cable, Emma Frost, Juggernaut, Havoc, Psylocke, or Quicksilver would likely appear through a Fox-funded lens.
At one point, the character Deadpool, was at New Line Cinema (along with a story by Blade Trilogy screenwriter David Goyer). The trail for a “Merc with a Mouth” solo project went cold during production of Blade: Trinity. With the rights now at Fox, there may be new life or even a Cable/Deadpool project at some point. So it isn’t all bad news, that is of course unless you think Fox makes bad comic book movies. *hint hint, nudge nudge*

But that isn’t all – Fox’s studio also has dibs on anything Daredevil, Fantastic Four and Silver Surfer. [For the heavy comic book readers, that means a Civil War movie is likely out of the question. Probably any "Marvel Event" is out of the question.] It’s been some time, but the wounds haven’t healed from the public’s viewing of Daredevil and Elektra. A Daredevil reboot (with Jason Statham expressing interest in becoming “The Man Without Fear” (http://screenrant.com/jason-statham-play-daredevil-kofi-3286/)) was in the pipeline some time ago but recently the project’s been quiet. Due to outdated contracts and loopholes, Marvel has their top tier characters at Columbia Pictures, Lions Gate Entertainment, New Line Cinema and the aforementioned, Fox.
We’ve seen the flipping images of Marvel’s title sequence for a number of years now. Co-productions between the indie studio and majors began in 1998; now Blade, Ghost Rider, Man-Thing, Punisher and Spider-Man are subsequently licensed elsewhere. Thus, creative control is out of hands of its comic book roots.
The first character was Blade, at New Line Cinema. After three pictures and some legal troubles between Daywalker-actor Wesley Snipes and the studio, it looks like that film run is over. Whispers of Blade IV, or a spin-off involving the Nightstalkers, were circulating some months ago but nothing concrete has surfaced. The Spike TV series was canceled due to a number of unconfirmed reasons so the Blade property, at this point, is pretty dead – but that doesn’t really stop vampires.
As an interesting tidbit (which will be elaborated upon shortly) during an alternate ending of the first Blade, a shadowy figure on a distant rooftop wrapped in rags has said to be the Marvel’s resident vampire Morbius.
Columbia Pictures (Sony Pictures) is in control of two properties, all things Spider-Man and Ghost Rider. Last appearances of both characters was in 2007, which can explain the seemingly random development updates for a Venom solo project (http://screenrant.com/tag/venom/), Spider-Man 4 (http://screenrant.com/tag/the-amazing-spider-man/) and Ghost Rider 2 (http://screenrant.com/tag/ghost-rider-2/). If Columbia has any interest, they can take Black Cat or Carnage and introduce them in the next film; the same applies to Blackheart, Abigor, Wallow and Gressil. As a general rule, any time a studio introduces a comic book character, they have the rights to produce a spin-off or include that character in a sequel of some fashion.
So Morbius (http://screenrant.com/spiderman-4-morbius-rob-4956/), who Spider-Man director Sam Raimi has said to be interested in interpreting, may have some problems if the character isn’t cleared with New Line Cinema.
If Columbia Pictures wanted to be a little ballsy, they could go after the entire Blade package and shoot Midnight Sons–the fictional team of Ghost Rider, Johnny Blaze, Blade, Hannibal King, Morbius and Doctor Strange. Wait… then again, should another studio (that’s not Marvel) be in charge of a project like that? Never mind.
Marvel also has regained the rights to Luke Cage from Sony Pictures, so the possibility of a Heroes for Hire movie with him and Iron Fist is not out of the question. Universal has the rights to Namor, but they may be willing to let it revert back to Marvel in exchange for distribution rights.
And the final studio that’s exercised Marvel film property, responsible for 2005′s Man-Thing and last year’s Punisher: War Zone (http://screenrant.com/tag/punisher-war-zone/), is Lionsgate Entertainment. After a quiet release, there’s been little movement with nature’s monstrous creature. There are few characters independently introduced through the Man-Thing comics, so there isn’t much to do in terms of a spin-off. Elsewhere, Frank Castle may be up against Barracuda in a possible sequel but no official release has been issued by the imprint. The lackluster reception, being the lowest grossing film based on a Marvel Comic property will do that to ya, gives high hopes that the project will be moved elsewhere. Keep in mind the project was just last year, so if you had hopes of Wolverine and Punisher sorting out their differences on the big screen-like yours truly-it’ll be some time.

The initial financing deal, for Marvel Entertainment, Inc., consists of $525 million for the possible production of 10 films, based on its comic book properties, over the next seven years. The debt facility will fund initial development, including scripts for each production, and they maintain sole “green light” control. Understandably there are some restrictions to taking a loan, Marvel cannot withdraw profits until after the release of the third film and only if certain financial parameters are met. The original properties for those 10 films, announced in the press release, were Captain America (http://screenrant.com/tag/captain-america/), Nick Fury, The Avengers (http://screenrant.com/tag/avengers/), Black Panther, Ant-Man (http://screenrant.com/tag/ant-man/), Cloak & Dagger, Dr. Strange, Hawkeye, Power Pack and Shang-Chi. In the original press release, the budget’s ceiling is at $165 million and can have a “rating no more restrictive than PG-13.” The explanation of why Marvel had been doing everything on the cheap was apparent from its initial deal.
Looking forward, Marvel can regain their characters but it’ll be nothing short of jumping through a ring of fire. The studio can shell out truckloads of cash to buy them back or wait for box office numbers to be so bad the studio that owns them doesn’t have any interest in following them up, ie. Ang Lee’s Hulk (thanks, Universal!). Not meeting a deadline for filming the property is the easiest way – most of the contracts have a clause that allows the rights to revert back to Marvel if principle photography doesn’t begin by a certain date after the initial release or if they make an upfront payment as if they were going to start principal photography. This, in part, is the reason we see studios releasing films in rapid succession.
Here’s a breakdown of the whole thing in list form (any characters/franchises not listed are under the rights of Marvel Studios):

Here’s a breakdown of the whole thing in list form (any characters/franchises not listed are under the rights of Marvel Studios):
20th Century Fox

Daredevil: Daredevil/Matt Murdock, Elektra (Natchios), The Kingpin/Wilson Fisk, Bullseye, Jack Murdock, Karen Page, Ben Urich
Elektra: Christine Cord/Tatoo, Typhoid Mary/Marry Alice Walker, Kirigi, Stick, Stone
Fantastic Four: Doctor Doom/Victor von Doom, Human Torch/Johnny Storm, Invisible Woman/Susan Storm, Mr. Fantastic/Dr. Reed Richards, The Thing/Ben Grimm, Nova/Frankie Raye, Alicia Masters, Willie Lumpkin
X-Men Mutants: [Agent Zero/Maverick/David North], Angel/Warren Worthington III, Arclight/Phillippa Sontag, Beast/Dr. Henry Phillip “Hank” McCoy, [Blob/Frederick J. Dukes], [Bolt/Christopher Bradley], Callisto, Colossus/Piotr Nikolaievitch Rasputin, Cyclops/Scott Summers, [Deadpool/Wade Wilson], Emma (Grace) Frost, Jean Grey/Phoenix, Juggernaut/Cain Marko, Gambit/Remy LeBeau, Glob Herman/Herman Gardner, Iceman/Bobby Drake, Jubilee/Jubilation Lee, Katherine “Kitty” Anne Pryde, [Kestrel/John Wraith], Lady Deathstrike/Yuriko Oyama, Leech, Magneto/Erik Magnus Lehnsherr, Mastermind/Jason (Wyngarde), Multiple Man/James Arthur Madrox, Mystique/Raven Darkholme, Nightcrawler/Kurt Wagner, Phat/William Robert “Billy-Bob” Reilly, Professor Charles Xavier, Psylocke/Elizabeth “Betsy” Braddock, Pyro/St. John Allerdyce, Quill/Max Jordan, Rogue/(Anna) Marie, Sabretooth/Victor Creed, Sebastian Hiram Shaw, [Silver Fox], Siryn/Theresa Rourke Cassidy, (The) Spike, Storm/Ororo Munroe, Wolverine/Logan
X-Men Non-Mutants: Drake Family (Steven, Madeline, Ronny), Grey Family (Dr. John, Elaine), Henry Peter Gyrich, Robert Edward Kelly, Dr. Moira Kinross MacTaggert, Dr. Kavita Rao, William Stryker, Bolivar Trask, Warren Worthington II

New Line Cinema

Vampires: Blade, Deacon Frost, Dracula/Vlad Tepes
Non-Vampires: Hannibal King, Abraham Whistler [UPDATE: Since the time of writing this, The Blade rights have been transferred back into Marvel's hands.]

Sony Pictures

Ghost Rider: Ghost Rider/Johnny Blaze, Blackheart/Legion, Phantom Rider/Carter Slade, Abigor, Gressil, Mephistopheles, Wallow, Barton Blaze, Roxanne Simpson
Spider-Man: Spider-Man/Peter Parker, Doctor Octopus/Otto Octavius, Green Goblin/Norman Osborn, (New) Green Goblin/Harry Osborn, [The Lizard]/Dr. Curt Connors, Sandman/Flint Marko, Venom/Eddie Brock Jr., Betty Brant, Dennis Carradine (Buglar), J. Jonah Jameson, Ben Parker, May Parker, John Jameson, Joseph “Robbie” Robertson, Gwen Stacy, Mendel Stromm, Flash Thompson

Lionsgate Entertainment

Punisher: The Punisher/Frank Castle, Jigsaw/Billy Russoti, Microchip/Linus Liberman, Joan the Mouse, Maginty, Mr. Bumpo, Spacker Dave, The Russian, Maria Elizabeth Castle, Detective Martin Soap [UPDATE: Since the time of writing this, The Punisher rights have been transferred back into Marvel's hands.]

The possibility of Marvel having complete control of their character properties, like its comic rival DC, is a matter of time.

06-03-2012, 04:51 PM
Thanks for the info on who owns what marvel characters.


06-04-2012, 04:38 AM
i believe that's a totally different ms marvel. the new ms marvel that has those powers (speed of light, energy powers,etc.) is a black woman and not carol danvers.


Quiet Reflections
06-04-2012, 03:28 PM
http://marvel.com/universe/Ms._Marvel_(Carol_Danvers (http://marvel.com/universe/Ms._Marvel_%28Carol_Danvers))
She will be Captain Marvel in her new story line

06-11-2012, 04:54 AM
Scarlet Witch is not a X-men property - that has been confirmed. Neither is Quicksilver. This is despite their connections to Magneto. Heres a article that kind of explains things

Answered: Which Studios Own Which Marvel Characters

Jan 25, 2012 by Carl Lee (http://screenrant.com/author/carl/)

For those unfamilar with the background of Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch, not only are they brother/sister, but they have also been discovered as being the children of Magneto himself.

06-11-2012, 05:17 AM
There was an actress listed as a nameless NASA scientist in the Avengers, didn't Carol Danvers start out at NASA?


Quiet Reflections
06-11-2012, 05:45 AM
There was an actress listed as a nameless NASA scientist in the Avengers, didn't Carol Danvers start out at NASA?

The is also someone credited as young girl. She started off as one of those too. To answer your question no she was never a scientist. She held high level security jobs.

06-11-2012, 05:58 AM

i stand corrected. i thought Monica Rambeau was named the Ms Marvel.
But she is named the new Captain Marvel.

Ms Marvel (Carol Danvers) later was transformed into a more powerful being as "the Binary"
i couldn't get into the link you provided above so hope these links below work.

Monica Rambeau - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monica_Rambeau)

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ms._Marvel (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ms._Marvel)


Quiet Reflections
06-11-2012, 06:19 AM
i stand corrected. i thought Monica Rambeau was named the Ms Marvel.
But she is named the new Captain Marvel.

Ms Marvel (Carol Danvers) later was transformed into a more powerful being as "the Binary"
i couldn't get into the link you provided above so hope these links below work.

Monica Rambeau - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monica_Rambeau)

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ms._Marvel (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ms._Marvel)

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Captain_Marvel_(Marvel_Comics (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Captain_Marvel_%28Marvel_Comics))

Monica was the second Captain marvel, Danvers is the New captain Marvel She hasn't been Binary for 20+ years

06-11-2012, 10:03 AM
Id love to be in a maven movie!

06-11-2012, 08:37 PM
Actually Carol Danvers was the first Ms.Marvel until Rogue stole her powers. A couple of years later she became Binary. A few years after that she lost the majority of the Binary powers but regained her Ms. Marvel powers. At that time she re-joined the Avengers as Warbird. After a bout with alcoholism, she gets dismissed from the Avengers in disgrace but redeems herself later & re-joins the team as Ms. Marvel once again. Rumor has it that she will become the "new" Captain Marvel in July 2012 in the course of another Avengers-Kree battle on the Kree homeworld.

04-11-2013, 11:45 PM
Id love to be in a maven movie!
I'd love to see your gorgeous ass in one ;)