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View Full Version : 3 arrested in church fires

03-08-2006, 10:00 PM
3 are in jail for a wave of church fires and here is the kicker . they said it was a joke. hmmm i wonder what the punchline was?

03-08-2006, 10:36 PM
LOL..just watched press conferance on these guys. man they said they were just haveing fun and it got out of hand. wow ... these guy make the people on Cops that get arrested look smart

03-09-2006, 12:36 AM
It's quite obvious that they were pawns of the global elitists. If you can't recognize the "truth" then you are suffering from cognitave dissonance.
Please refer to the articles below if you want to know the truth-

"Church Burnings are a Psy-Ops Conspiracy by the Global Elite"
www.churchburningpsyopsandtheglobalelitebyjamiethe lunatic.com

"Jesus Was An Anarchist And I Am Carrying His Love Child"
by James Redford aka JamieMichelle the raving lunatic


Documentation on Government-Staged Terrorism and the Lunatic Fringe," September 30, 2005:
