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View Full Version : So, why exactly are people so hung up on other peoples sexulaity?

05-26-2012, 06:41 PM
So this is kind of about me...if people want more details I'll provide them but I don't think it they are needed.

What I want to know is why they hell are people so hung up on needing to figure out another persons sexuality?

I am 44, happily single. I like girls, but really don't date GG's that much these days. Transwomen I date more, and truth be told prefer their company over GG's for many reasons.

Now, it isn't some deep dark secret that I like t-girls, but I don't advertise it. One friend I think has realized but could care less. He saw me out and about with a T-girl friend of mine and didnt even bat an eye even though Im sure he figured things out.

Other friends are to be honest simply being a pain in the ass. Some are always trying to hook me up with their single female friends who have like 5 kids already, or don't have kids but are single for a reason (i.e. psycho). Sorry, but Im not interested in dealing with someone elses baggage or mental issues, I have enough of my own.

Others are always trying to get me to go out on double dates with some chick they are trying to bed and their friend. Naturally their friend is usually not someone I would look twice at on the street.

Even though it hasn't been said out loud, I know that some of these are attempts by some of these people to figure out my sexual interests...not being paranoid about that either as I have had some comments tossed my way that indicate they wonder what I am interested in.

Now keep in mind these are not younger people. I am 44, and associate with people who are approximately my age (lets say 35-50) so they are all adults.

I see this at work also. Some guy was just hired and some of the women think he is a homosexual. Some of them have even made comments that they will make it their mission to find out if he is gay or not.

Why the fuck do people care so damn much about what other people are into sexually? It is something I've never really understood even going back to high school. I remember going for music lessons to someones house, and other people always saying, "dude, that guys gay"...I was like "big fucking deal, hes never made a pass at me and is the best double bass teacher around, why the hell do you care so much ?"

05-26-2012, 07:03 PM
Anything out of the norm makes people uncomfortable - beats me why. I couldn't give a rats ass what turns anyone else on or off - and I figured out years ago that I don't need to question what makes my dick twitch. Just go with what works.

Token Williams-Black
05-26-2012, 07:19 PM
Exactly. I don't care what the other person is doing in their bedroom. If they're happy, so be it.

05-26-2012, 07:57 PM
The universe will explode if there's any deviation from what I think everybody else should think & do.

Mr. Sinister
05-28-2012, 06:30 AM
Society will not tolerate men exploring their sexuality. Men who are gay or are into transsexuals are often attacked and vilified by society. Women are allowed to explore their sexuality, but men are not, which is sad and a double standard.

05-28-2012, 06:48 AM
Society will not tolerate men exploring their sexuality. Men who are gay or are into transsexuals are often attacked and vilified by society. Women are allowed to explore their sexuality, but men are not, which is sad and a double standard.

Lesbian porn is not gay porn, soceity has a far way to go.