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View Full Version : I'd like to introduce myself

05-14-2012, 07:09 PM
Hello everyone. I registered in 2009 but I never was active on the forum. Now I am looking for a new place to call home on the net. Here I am arriving on your doorstep and finding a great party at full swing. Can I come in?

My name is Sunshine. I'm a Canadian Tgirl. At the moment, I live in Calgary, Alberta. Here are a few pictures of me.

I do have a website if you want to find out more about me - www.ts-sunshine.ca (http://www.ts-sunshine.ca)


05-14-2012, 07:11 PM
hello sunshine number 2 :) x welcome to HA ..

Quiet Reflections
05-14-2012, 07:11 PM
Quick run!!! before they see you!!!!

But if you are going to stay.....Welcome.

Dino Velvet
05-14-2012, 07:13 PM
Well Hello There, Lovely.


05-14-2012, 07:13 PM
Please come in, I am glad you decided to stay. I am sure I, I mean we will take care of you.

05-14-2012, 07:24 PM
Welcome Sunshine, nice pics. Have fun.

Hello everyone. I registered in 2009 but I never was active on the forum. Now I am looking for a new place to call home on the net. Here I am arriving on your doorstep and finding a great party at full swing. Can I come in?

My name is Sunshine. I'm a Canadian Tgirl. At the moment, I live in Calgary, Alberta. Here are a few pictures of me.

I do have a website if you want to find out more about me - www.ts-sunshine.ca (http://www.ts-sunshine.ca)


05-14-2012, 08:16 PM
welcome aboard Sunshine!! It's great to see you here on this forum now :) we need more of your radiant glow around.

this lady is one class act. She's beautiful, smart and classy :)

hugs and kisses lovely

05-14-2012, 08:23 PM
Very cute!

05-14-2012, 08:50 PM
Welcome!!! :)

05-14-2012, 09:52 PM
Very nice ray of sunshine indeed.

05-14-2012, 10:41 PM
Welcome beautiful...you really brighten things up!!

05-14-2012, 10:43 PM
Hello and welcome to a fellow newcomer. Hope you enjoy it here, your photos are absolutely fantastic.

05-14-2012, 11:02 PM
Welcome Sunshine. Very nice pics babe.

05-14-2012, 11:17 PM

Kevin Dong
05-14-2012, 11:32 PM
I know I know...let me give myself five backhands.

05-15-2012, 12:13 AM
Welcome Sunshine!:cheers:

05-15-2012, 12:15 AM
Welcome pretty baby x

05-15-2012, 12:46 AM
welcome aboard Sunshine!! It's great to see you here on this forum now :) we need more of your radiant glow around.

this lady is one class act. She's beautiful, smart and classy :)

hugs and kisses lovely

Wow. I want to thank everyone who has responded. I notice right away that this forum is much more active than the other one I used to frequent. And a nice veriety of topics too.

And a familiar face too. Hello Jizelle. Maybe we have both ended up here for similar reasons (wink). I'm glad to find someone I know.

As for everyone else, give me some time to browse around and get familiar with the site features. I'll do my best to contribute.


05-15-2012, 12:51 AM
Hi there. Welcome.

05-15-2012, 01:11 AM
Hi and welcome!!

The more beautiful girl's that are posting here the better.You look gorgeous on your pic's

05-15-2012, 01:26 AM
hello sunshine number 2 :) x welcome to HA ..

Ha, yeah... no kidding. Things are going to get real confusing if both TS_Sunshine and Sunshine Monroe start posting in the same threads.

05-15-2012, 01:41 AM
Very pretty indeed and a very welcome addition, Sunshine.

The prairies are calling.....

05-15-2012, 01:46 AM
Greetings, Calgary! I have friends out there. I hope you voted for them last week. ;)

Welcome to our asylum. Find a padded room to your liking and stick around a while.

05-15-2012, 02:24 AM
Greetings, Calgary! I have friends out there. I hope you voted for them last week. ;)

Welcome to our asylum. Find a padded room to your liking and stick around a while.

And lock it from the inside to be on the safe side.

05-15-2012, 02:32 AM

05-15-2012, 02:37 AM

Don't worry, cutie.

Some of us can still tell the difference between a "Y" and an "I" lol.

05-15-2012, 03:10 AM

Well technically she was here first lol (according to her sign up date).

Just keep your pretty face in your avatar and there'll be no confusion! :)

Willie Escalade
05-15-2012, 05:49 AM

I really need to get to Canada...

05-15-2012, 06:21 AM
Welcome :)

I'm waiting for someone to say it

05-15-2012, 06:46 AM
I approve!!! I'm getting sunburned..!lol

Oh and please don't bug out from the handful of assholes on this site.

05-15-2012, 06:56 AM

The boys must love you, Sunshyne - you're pretty. Sorry about the name thing. Hopefully there's enough room in the universe for both of us.

I think I may have an insight on global warming now. I forecast a hot summer this year. I suggest a liberal application of lube... sorry, I mean sunscreen.


05-15-2012, 08:08 AM
I just received an e-mail from my web designer. She sent me the first shot of my latest photoshoot and I am very happy with the way it turned out.

I wanted to change things up so I found a photographer I liked in Edmonton. I went up Highway 2 a few days ago and spent several hours with him.

It was a great experience. I like good pictures. I like pictures that are interesting to look at. I think this latest shoot may well prove to be the best of the bunch.

You are getting a first glimpse at what is going to come out of this shoot.

I hope you like it as much as I do.


05-15-2012, 08:21 AM
I just received an e-mail from my web designer. She sent me the first shot of my latest photoshoot and I am very happy with the way it turned out.

Yah, me too! :dancing:

05-15-2012, 08:48 AM
I just received an e-mail from my web designer. She sent me the first shot of my latest photoshoot and I am very happy with the way it turned out.

I wanted to change things up so I found a photographer I liked in Edmonton. I went up Highway 2 a few days ago and spent several hours with him.

It was a great experience. I like good pictures. I like pictures that are interesting to look at. I think this latest shoot may well prove to be the best of the bunch.

You are getting a first glimpse at what is going to come out of this shoot.

I hope you like it as much as I do.


I can't help it... don't take this the wrong way, but that severely airbrushed look is played out and usually does more to put dudes off than entice them.


1: Either his camera flash or a soft-focus filter just removed all of the detail from the wall in the background. Not that big a deal, as it's definitely not the focal point of the picture.

2: A picture should either follow airbrush techniques, or it shouldn't. There shouldn't be areas of the picture left completely untouched. It just looks like a job half-finished and makes all the other photoshop manipulation completely apparent. To a dude, that usually translates to "fake". I know that's not the intention, but you can't stop people from thinking.

3: Same deal as two, except if your artist is going to go through all the trouble of airbrushing, they might want to consider a little body sculpting, too. You're obviously not overweight by any stretch of the imagination, but that bulge under your rib cage could have been edited out.

I honestly don't think you need to airbrush your pictures. It's kind of a pity that all your luscious skin detail is just fucking gone. I could see a little touch-up work to remove moles, the occasional skin blemish, or artifacting. It's just my personal opinion, but the plastic look doesn't do you justice.

05-15-2012, 09:28 AM
I can't help it... don't take this the wrong way, but that severely airbrushed look is played out and usually does more to put dudes off than entice them.


1: Either his camera flash or a soft-focus filter just removed all of the detail from the wall in the background. Not that big a deal, as it's definitely not the focal point of the picture.

2: A picture should either follow airbrush techniques, or it shouldn't. There shouldn't be areas of the picture left completely untouched. It just looks like a job half-finished and makes all the other photoshop manipulation completely apparent. To a dude, that usually translates to "fake". I know that's not the intention, but you can't stop people from thinking.

3: Same deal as two, except if your artist is going to go through all the trouble of airbrushing, they might want to consider a little body sculpting, too. You're obviously not overweight by any stretch of the imagination, but that bulge under your rib cage could have been edited out.

I honestly don't think you need to airbrush your pictures. It's kind of a pity that all your luscious skin detail is just fucking gone. I could see a little touch-up work to remove moles, the occasional skin blemish, or artifacting. It's just my personal opinion, but the plastic look doesn't do you justice.

I have to say that you made me feel bad. I am not a photgrapher nor do I understand the process of readying pictures for the web. All I can say is that I love the way the picture looks.

In terms of the picture looking fake, I think we could get into a discussion about the validity of using photoshop in the first place. I have sorted this out to my own satisfaction. These are promotional pictures. That cinches it for me.

I never do this. I'm going to post a picture from the same photoshoot, right out of the camera. All I've done is made it smaller so I could post it here. Here it is. Unretouched in any way.


05-15-2012, 09:32 AM
Another great ray of sunshine. Welcome aboard. Have fun in this mad playground. And ignore the snipers. Their bullets are not lethal. Lovely picture that last one by the lockers.

05-15-2012, 09:41 AM
Unretouched in any way.

Come over to my place, you wont be untouched for long! :p

05-15-2012, 09:56 AM
I have to say that you made me feel bad. I am not a photgrapher nor do I understand the process of readying pictures for the web. All I can say is that I love the way the picture looks.

In terms of the picture looking fake, I think we could get into a discussion about the validity of using photoshop in the first place. I have sorted this out to my own satisfaction. These are promotional pictures. That cinches it for me.

I never do this. I'm going to post a picture from the same photoshoot, right out of the camera. All I've done is made it smaller so I could post it here. Here it is. Unretouched in any way.


Damn... I really didn't mean to make you feel bad or come across like I'm picking on you. *I* can tell that your picture isn't fake, but that's because I'm talking to you. All I'm trying to say is if I were some random dude looking up profiles or adult sites and came across that image, I might jump to the conclusion that all the airbrushing is an attempt to hide something. That's obviously not the case; you're beyond beautiful, but it might work against any marketing opportunities you may be perusing. My only opinion is that the excessive airbrushing is too extreme and that your pics would look a little nicer if I saw more of you and less touch-up.

I don't know... I probably shouldn't have said anything. I know I kinda overstepped my boundaries there, but I'm an artist... and I got a big mouth I don't know how to keep shut. lol. Now I feel bad for being a presumptuous and overly critical ass. If you like the pic, that's what matters. I'll go fuck off now.

05-15-2012, 10:27 AM
OK now I feel bad that you feel bad. Let's stop it there. I've had a chance to read some of your comments on the site and I knew that you were an artist.

I think you were making a critique of the artistry of the picture. You're the artist. I don't even know what you are refering to in your critique.

At the end of the day, I'm the one who has to decide what I want my pictures to look like on the internet. I made that decision a few years ago and I don't think I'll be revisiting the issue. Like I said before, these are promotional pictures, not family photos.

I can't evaluate your critique. It's like someone said - I may not know art but I know what I like. I like you for having the courage of saying it the way you saw it - that was honest. Let's be friends.


05-15-2012, 11:02 AM
OK now I feel bad that you feel bad. Let's stop it there. I've had a chance to read some of your comments on the site and I knew that you were an artist.

I think you were making a critique of the artistry of the picture. You're the artist. I don't even know what you are refering to in your critique.

At the end of the day, I'm the one who has to decide what I want my pictures to look like on the internet. I made that decision a few years ago and I don't think I'll be revisiting the issue. Like I said before, these are promotional pictures, not family photos.

I can't evaluate your critique. It's like someone said - I may not know art but I know what I like. I like you for having the courage of saying it the way you saw it - that was honest. Let's be friends.


Uh... alright. Sounds chill to me. :wiggle:

05-15-2012, 05:35 PM
I too know sunshine from that "other" forum and I can tell everyone that aside from her beauty she is definitely one of the most intelligent and articulate women you will ever find. Welcome to HA Sunshine.

Ray from Buffalo

05-15-2012, 05:51 PM
Welcome to HungAngels Sunshine!
Glad to see a face I know here. xxxx

Clone 0101
05-15-2012, 06:14 PM
Welcome Sunshine :)

05-15-2012, 06:22 PM
Welcome and stay above the fray!