View Full Version : Oscar

03-04-2006, 02:23 PM
Oscar winner Jamie Foxx of last year stated that the winning an Oscar is like an Olympic Goldmedal.
Still he would be still happy if he didn't win.
Because of his acting job he was able to escape Texas. Because where he came from people called him a nigger. Discrimination all over the place. Some upset "patriots" here called the US of A a superpower...
Sure as long as you are white.
We have been in the slavetrading business for a long time that is what Quinn told me. True absolutely true but we stopped doing that more then a century ago. Some people like Quinn point the finger at some countries past but easily forget their own present situation.
Ignoring that is some kind of racsism. Sad but true.
Jamie Foxx stated that very clearly.
If you say anything about that you are anti-American, people like Quinn and Chefmike try to convince you that i am anti-American because they want to draw attention away from these proven facts..

03-04-2006, 03:24 PM

03-04-2006, 04:18 PM
I'm American and say we bring back slavery. Our ancestors were smarter than us. They didn't mow grass, cook, clean house or scrub the toilet. I do it all and it sucks. :wink:

03-04-2006, 05:29 PM
Actually, tinkle boy, the only fact that you have managed to establish is that you are anti-American. Your posts make that quite clear. Like you said:

al lot of people don't like Americans. Arrogant,know it all, think they are boss of the world , if your not with us you are against us, love it or leave it

The USA is all about violence and killings.
Try not being such a coward – for once – and just admit that you are one of those people.


03-04-2006, 08:56 PM
Actually, tinkle boy, the only fact that you have managed to establish is that you are anti-American. Your posts make that quite clear. Like you said:

al lot of people don't like Americans. Arrogant,know it all, think they are boss of the world , if your not with us you are against us, love it or leave it

The USA is all about violence and killings.
Try not being such a coward – for once – and just admit that you are one of those people.


This responds from you is even better then i expected!! I thought that you would slam me with arguments!!! No way like i already predicted and i was right the only thing you have to say is: YOU ARE ANTI-AMERICAN.
Here is my responds: No i am not but i am against Americans like you Quinn and Chefmike who don't like critism at their country and can only reply with YOU ARE ANTI-AMERICAN. That's it you have trouble thinking!!!
You are the coward, the racists, the redneck, the moron and the idiot..
People like Jamie Foxx are being discriminated and all you can say is:
YOU ARE ANTI-AMERICAN, is that it??? O i forgot you twist my words and quote that.
You are something else Quinn, really you pretend to be a respectable man but all you do is bashing foreigners and non-white Americans on a transsexual forum. The mask is off Quinn. You avoid all my issues about killing native Americans,stealing their land, putting them in reservations, discriminate these people, killing Vietnamese children and then rape them, supporting discusting dictators, bombing countries of wich you don't even know where they are, making the same mistake again to go to war with some middle east countries etc etc. You don't want to talk about that. Like i said before Americans like you are giving your country a real bad name. Because of Americans like you Quinn and Chefmike America is hated by more then a billion others. Think about it Quinn more then a billion!!!! But hey like GrimFusion already said : These guys won't change!!! Too bad for America because really this country is way better of without the likes of you and Chefmike.

Ok mds i will go on with another fact!! I am not making this up, this is a proven fact. Now today Icelandair is making a lot of money because of Americans. And i mean a lot of money..In this day with United and Northwest on the edge of bankrupcy how is that possible???
Here is how: Reykjavik the Capitol of Island is presenting itself as gay capitol of Europe. It is not that far from New York only three and a half hours by plane. What happens?? A lot of Americans (good decent Americans) fly to Island every weekend to party and don't have to be afraid of getting bullied or else. These people are gay, lesbian, transvestite or transsexual. Because they can not be who they are in for Example New York they fly to Reykjavik to escape the rascism, hatred and molesting by people like Quinn and Chefmike....
Every fridaynight that plane from Icelandair is packed with people who are escaping for the weekend from the likes of Quinn and Chefmike.

Now i call on to every decent American on this forum to get rid of these assholes. Because then your bad rep will disappear very fast.
Ask to your neighbours how that feels. Everyone loves Canadiens, no Canadien embassy was ever bombed, no Canadiens killed overseas, No attacks on the CN tower or Olympic Stadium in Montreal.
Come to Holland and tell everyone that you are from Canada!!
You will get free drinks, the best looking women at the earth will throw themselves at you.

03-04-2006, 09:06 PM
Aedan, I am Canadian, everyone does not love us. Our troops are getting their baptism of blood in Afghanistan right now (based out of Kandahar). In Holland, they give a rats ass these days if you are Canadian, it is a myth.

You are an idiot.

03-04-2006, 09:17 PM
Aedan, I am Canadian, everyone does not love us. Our troops are getting their baptism of blood in Afghanistan right now (based out of Kandahar). In Holland, they give a rats ass these days if you are Canadian, it is a myth.

You are an idiot.

Then you were never in Amsterdam. But i doubt if you are Canadian.
I have Canadian relatives and they are sick of Americans who always say "God bless America" like there is no other country to bless.
If you are Canadian like i doubt then you are some kind of traitor by standing up for people like Quinn and Chefmike. So i don't believe you for one second.

03-04-2006, 11:16 PM
Now i call on to every decent American on this forum to get rid of these assholes. Because then your bad rep will disappear very fast.


That's going to go in the top ten stupidest Aedan quotes......


"Ask not what your country can do for Aedan...but what Aedan can do for your country..."

03-04-2006, 11:52 PM
But hey like GrimFusion already said : These guys won't change!!! Too bad for America because really this country is way better of without the likes of you and Chefmike.

Yes, let's look at what Grim said... in it's context this time...and prove you once again to be the urine-guzzling, hysterical drama queen that we have come to know and loathe...

I love topics like these.
Aedan, if it weren't for forum trolls like you, you're right... things would be a lot more boring around here. Not to say that your behavior is welcome, but without it, there'd be no one to make fun of. Don't act like you don't deserve it, either. You're actively trying to start problems, as is obvious with this post.

While we're breaking things down here, nobody gives a shit about the Netherlands. Country v.s. country shouldn't even come into play in a discussion like this. You might think it's proof that we're all a bunch of ass holes, but generalizing by home country is about as retarded as picking your nose with a chainsaw.

Why is it then, that we're replying to all your messages? Why is it that we seem to be egging you on? You're reacting; that's why. It's funny to watch you flip the fuck out over an internet connection. You haven't said anything even remotely constructive in the entirety of the last six pages. You're just flinging insults to appear the "bigger man" and frankly, it's disturbing.

You obviously don't want to fit in around here, and who's to blame you? With "ass holes" like J, ChefMike, and Quinn causing you SO many problems (funny, as they've never caused me any problems), you should do yourself a favor and leave. Whether you'd like to admit it or not, there is a forum hierarchy here. We're bottom feeders, Aedan, and the last thing a bottom feeder is supposed to do is question our forum position. The fact that you have, and without good reason to do so proves one thing. I am SO better than you.

Cram it with all of your emo "Why can't I be as cool as you guys" trip. You're being an ass bag, and no one enjoys chillin' with ass bags.


Aedan wrote:
I don't lower myself like you and call myself a bottomfeeder.
There is no forum hierarchy here, it is the internet and anyone can hop in.

Sure, anyone can "hop in", but not everyone can get along on the net, as proven by your very existance on these boards. Just because YOU say there's not hierarchy here doesn't mean there isn't one. You're absolutely insane if you think you can just jump into a forum and be accepted amongst the forum regulars just like that. It takes a good amount of time and posts to realize yourself as a forum regular, and neither of us have met that grade. So long as the regulars throw around terms like "rookie" or "noob", there's a hierarchy.

I don't flip out but i do think someone on a transsexual forum you should do more then just quoting things or bashing on others, it is after all still a transsexual form. If all were like Quinn and Chefmike this forum would have been dead for a long time. You have to participate in this forum more then quoting Walter Cronkite (who cares what this guy has to say on a ts forum anyway)

You ARE flipping out, man. You're going on and on about how you need to be respected, and for the past two pages, you've been basing that soley on the fact that you're from the Netherlands and all of us "American devils" are unworthy. What's it matter to you if someone talks about Walter Cronkite in a transexual forum anyhow? Personally, I find the political view posts refreshing, as there are times I come here for reasons other than looking at TS porn. I have enough of that shit on my computer anyhow. I'm here for the community. Not the pictures (but the pictures are definetly a part of the reason I'm here... lol).

funny, as they've never caused me any problems is what you are saying.
Ofcourse not you never oppose them. You take the easy road and are afraid of them.

I'm not afraid of them. They've just never given me any reason to start e-drama like you have. I wouldn't exactly call it passive behavior. It's just a "supply and demand" thing. Of course I'm not going to bitch the two of them out if they haven't given me reason to, but then again, I've never pissed either of them off, and I don't plan on it.

nobody gives a shit about the Netherlands, wrong again!!! DJ Asia went there he even mentioned it here.
And you should give a shit.
The lowest abortion rate in the western world and it's legal.
Because we educate our people about sex instead of hiding it.
No drive by shootings
Very openminded about transsexuals and gays, hell our gayparade is worldfamous.
No problems with smoking weed, no drug related gang wars, no gang wars at all.
Less murders in the country (16 million and the size of Rhode Island) then in the city of New York.
I see Americans and others partying in Amsterdam every summer starting april 30th, they can smoke weed, get drunk have fun with everyone etc etc.
Red Light District about zillions of visitors every year.

Do you want a cookie now, or should I save it for later? As I said before, no one cares. I meant it, too. The women over there could shit gold and money could grow from trees and I still wouldn't give a damn. I live in America, and America is what I'm mostly concerned about. Sure, we have a lot we have to worry about over here (like gang wars and drive by shootings... ha ha ha ha), but that's OUR stuff to tend to. Don't worry your pretty little head about shit that doesn't concern you in the least.

But what i don't have is respect for people like Quinn and Chefmike. They think Americans are the best and think they own the world. Sorry dear friend but that is not the case. You can't go going around by being an asshole all the time and think the world is yours.
Just because you are here all the time. No way.
I respect a lot of people here but those two??? No way!!!

True, true... and it's obvious you know the BEST way to deal with ego-inflated Americans. By talking up your neck-of-the-woods like it's the greatest country in the world, and by being an ass hole, and by making people think that your country owns the world. Fucking idiot...

You obviously don't know me but i know you like my posts. How many vids i posted did you already downloaded?


How many pics did you downloaded??


Do you ever see Quinn and Chefmike do this?
Do you do this?
After you make some serious contributions here we can talk again.

STFU already. Again, you're inflated ego is getting in the way. "OMG, I POSTED SO MUCH PORN THAT YOU SHOULD ALL LOVE ME!!!". Enough, man. Seriously. You were bitching that people don't give you enough respect around here, and yet you have the oddacity to shit on me like I'm a noob and you're inherently better just because you've posted a few lousy pics and videos? I'm quite content in knowing that the majority of the forum readers around here are more content with my posts that aren't all about Netherland superiority and forum regular bashing.

If you want to cry and whine about newcomers being treated unfairly around here, don't you think that swapping insults with the forum regulars is a little out of place? I mean, you're falling into the same trap you're accusing them of. So, suddenly, it's perfectly acceptable to insult the forum regulars, but not the forum noobs? Hey, man... if J, Quinn, and ChefMike really are ass holes like you're making them out to be, and they have experiance around here, wouldn't it go without saying that they've probably gone head-to-head with noobs like you and I in insult-fests before? What makes you any different? If they haven't changed up until now, you're not going to make them. Kinda renders your side of the discussion completely useless, don't you think?


03-05-2006, 01:00 AM
LMFAO.... That about says it all. Oh, and before urine breath responds that Grim is just some ass kisser, take time to look at his other posts. You'll quickly realize that the guy thinks for himself and doesn't toady up to anyone.

You see, urine breath, what you don't seem to understand is that these people aren’t stepping forward to defend us, kiss ass, or anything like that; they're stepping forward because they think you are a tool.

Once again, tinkle drinker, look around and pay attention to the responses that your posts have elicited. Look at the Koko poll. No one likes you or respects you. I'm sure you'll tell us all how much it doesn't matter to you, but you and I both know that you do, in fact, care very much. Seriously, you've mentioned respect (not self-respect, retard) dozens of times in your posts. You'll notice that the good Chef and I, by contrast, have left the topic nearly untouched. Try having some self-respect, then, just maybe, someone else will respect you. Until then, you’re my favorite anti-American bitch…..


03-05-2006, 02:51 AM
Tinkle-boy Aedan...aka the new village idiot Aedan...aka I'm in WAY over my head, and will you please throw me a life-jacket Aedan...aka HA's proverbial red-headed step child Aedan....

I feel like listening to the The Carpenters "We've Only Just Begun" ... because I'm feeling a little sentimental in regards to our forum's resident red-headed step child...

Felicia Katt
03-05-2006, 04:07 AM
I'm sorry Aedan, I don't get into personal attacks or conflicts, but I have to call BS on this thread.


I couldn't find a single instance where Jamie Foxx said anything close to what you claim he said. Here is part of what he actually said though, when he was honored as the Best Actor at the Academy Awards:

This is probably going to be the toughest part of this speech. My daughter shares my grandmother's name, "Marie." My grandmother's name is Estelle Marie Talley. She's not here tonight. And this is going to be the toughest part. But she was my first acting teacher. She told me to stand up straight. Put your shoulders back. Act like you got some sense.

We would go places. And I would wild out. And she would say, "Act like you've been somewhere." And then when I would act the fool, she would beat me. She would whup me. And she could get an Oscar for the way she whupped me because she was great at it. And after she whipped me, she would talk to me and tell me why she whipped me. She said I want you to be a southern gentleman.

You should really heed the advice of those words. You came here as a visitor, to this board, and virtually to this country, and rather than fitting in and carrying on like you have been somewhere, you have been acting like a fool and senselessly ever since. There are racists in America, but that doesn't make all American racists and its wrong for you to suggest that, and even wronger for you to claim status as a victim of racism or racists. You aren't disliked here because of your race or your creed or because of any bigotry or prejudice by your detractors. You are disiked because of your actions, and your arrogance. You have wilded out here, thrashing about, trashing everyone and everything. You have been getting a whupping but you aren't getting its lesson. Consider this message the talking to after the beating, and take it in the spirit its offered. Be a gentleman, or at least act like one. if you stop all the crap, the attacks will stop too.


03-05-2006, 05:50 AM
Aedan,you are an absolute buffoon(look it up in the dictionary)!

Your comments are based on rumors lies and half-truths.Your opinions drip of regurgitation.Your anti-American rhetoric is tired,stale and not even presented in a believable manner.

Yeah America does alot of things at home and abroad that I am ashamed of,but at least I know what those things are! You cant even get your stories straight.You call members haters and racists,and then before you type another paragraph you ramble on about how evil the US,GB is and the like.

In America it is our god given right to speak our minds,and because of this after awhile intelligent folks can begin to identify fact from bullshit...original thought from a chimp mimicking his trainer...at least chimps are charming!

You Aedan are a classic example of a feeble minded parrot,who repeats only what he hears,with zero independant thought given.
You look around at all these anti-american protesters shouthing their slogans and thrusting their signs in the air,and say to yourself" this is cool",so you pick up a sign and start babbling what the guy next to you is yelling.
Are you so lonely that you will stoop this low to fit in?Are you so dumb that you cant even realize that not only are you disliked here on this board,but the anti americans dislike you too,as you strip away any credibility their cause may offer.

Im American.I dislike the current president so much that it was a main reason why I left the country! But even I cannot listen to your idiotic drivel any longer.Sit down open your mind and shut the fuck up!

DJ Asia

03-05-2006, 08:26 AM
Hey Aedan, I am Canadian, and fuck you. I know a few things, which says I know alot more than you. I have been to Amsterdam, and though it was only for two times, I enjoyed it, but I do not recall being flocked and surrounded by women, or anyone buying me beer for the hell of it. I recall a friendly bartender referring to me and my brother as the "Canadian brothers", but also remember a waitress coolly responding to us after saying we were not Americans, but Canadians, as "oh.....you're Canadians". The Dutch don't give a shit. I doubt seriously that you are Dutch. My sister-in-law is Dutch and she doesn't talk shit like you. Go fuck yourself.

Also, you know why I stick up for these "Americans" (like they need my help defending themselves from the likes of you)? My grandfather was a POW in Japan after the surrender of Hong Kong and it wasn't my government or any other country that rescued his starving ass, but that of the U.S. They rescued and fed this great man and let him carry on with life, and he was always in debt. I remember that. I remember how much he was in awe of the U.S. and he being a smart man, I took alot away from what he said. America has perhaps the greatest principles behind it, and it stands for alot. Many may not like its politics or its politicians from time to time (me included), but if you are going to nitpick and complain, well, again, go fuck yourself.

Hiow old are you? Really. Answer that, loser, and we can carry on. But go fuck yourself and leave this forum. I think I will be in the RLD (do you know what that stands for, loserboy?) in late September. Let's meet at the Bulldog and you will get your bootfucking that you so deserve.

03-05-2006, 04:46 PM
Aedan, a lot of members have already posted opinions that coincide with mine, so I'm not going to reiterate them here.

I am an American, and I do love my Country. Not the government or the politicians, but the Country and Ideals. I fought in Iraq in Desert Storm. My Grandfather fought in the Pacific in WW2 and did go into Japan. We didn't fight for the politicians, but because we believed in the Ideals of our country. We fought so our fellow citizens could remain safe and free. We fought to protect the rights and homes of our fellow Americans.

So, at this juncture of the narrative, I'd like to tell you to go to the RLD and find a horny shemale who will keep your mouth and hands so busy that we won't have to hear from you ever again.

Fuck you.

03-08-2006, 08:29 PM
Hey Aedan, I am Canadian, and fuck you. I know a few things, which says I know alot more than you. I have been to Amsterdam, and though it was only for two times, I enjoyed it, but I do not recall being flocked and surrounded by women, or anyone buying me beer for the hell of it. I recall a friendly bartender referring to me and my brother as the "Canadian brothers", but also remember a waitress coolly responding to us after saying we were not Americans, but Canadians, as "oh.....you're Canadians". The Dutch don't give a shit. I doubt seriously that you are Dutch. My sister-in-law is Dutch and she doesn't talk shit like you. Go fuck yourself.

Also, you know why I stick up for these "Americans" (like they need my help defending themselves from the likes of you)? My grandfather was a POW in Japan after the surrender of Hong Kong and it wasn't my government or any other country that rescued his starving ass, but that of the U.S. They rescued and fed this great man and let him carry on with life, and he was always in debt. I remember that. I remember how much he was in awe of the U.S. and he being a smart man, I took alot away from what he said. America has perhaps the greatest principles behind it, and it stands for alot. Many may not like its politics or its politicians from time to time (me included), but if you are going to nitpick and complain, well, again, go fuck yourself.

Hiow old are you? Really. Answer that, loser, and we can carry on. But go fuck yourself and leave this forum. I think I will be in the RLD (do you know what that stands for, loserboy?) in late September. Let's meet at the Bulldog and you will get your bootfucking that you so deserve.

Bring some friends my dear because otherwise you will be shipped home in a bodybag.
We are not patriotic idiots like you but attack one of us and you'll be sorry.
I can't wait untill end of september to kick your ass through the streets.

Ik geen Nederlander, ik dacht het wel stomme achterlijke kut Canadees.

All of you are thinking you are so decent and proud. You are on a fucking porn forum!!! Yeah that's right on a pornforum. So don't try to pretend you are all decent.

03-08-2006, 08:36 PM
I was starting to wonder what happened to Our Resident Moron...

And who are you?? Who the hell are you?? Some fool crawling from under his rock??

03-08-2006, 08:46 PM
The pissboy who loves punishment is back.... :lol:

03-08-2006, 08:50 PM
Mods, would it be possible to get an IP check on aedan and arena95...something smells pissy...

03-08-2006, 08:57 PM
The pissboy who loves punishment is back.... :lol:

And the babykiller never left....boy oh boy what a sad life, spending all of his time here. Wanking in front of the computer or searching the net for some things to quote.
Again a couple of guys dead in Iraq...how sad!!!!
What's happening Chefmike?? Losing that war???
How about those twin towers?? You trained Bin Laden, you learned his people how to fly an aeroplane, let them fly into a couple of buildings and then let all responsible (Osama, Mullah Omar) escape!!!
Now who loves to get punished??
Does New York has a big sign wich sais KICK OUR ASS???????
Anyone who has a sense of pride would punish the ones responsible..but you??? Noooooooo let them do it and let them get away with it.

I saw that footage again of these American dead and naked soldiers dragged through the streets of some village in Somalia..
What did you do Chefmike?? Punish these people?? Noooooooooooooo!!!!!!

03-08-2006, 09:04 PM
The pissboy who loves punishment is back.... :lol:

O yeah like you really hurt me!!! Right!!! Some letters on a screen..
What really hurt were two buildings collapsing, that had to be hurt!!!
But then again since you don't have the balls to get these guys what better to do then attack me!!! That will make you feel better.
We were under attack, lost two big towers, lost a lot of human lives, lost a lot of money (how much is that national debt now) but we called some foreigner a pissboy!!!!! What a victory!!!!!!!
My God!!! Chefmike a selfproclaimed veteran got himself suckerpunched by some Arabs (wich they trained, gave money too, let them into the country) but he called me a pissboy!!! Wow!!!!

03-08-2006, 09:05 PM
Mods, would it be possible to get an IP check on aedan and arena95...something smells pissy...

03-08-2006, 09:14 PM
Hey Aedan, I am Canadian, and fuck you. I know a few things, which says I know alot more than you. I have been to Amsterdam, and though it was only for two times, I enjoyed it, but I do not recall being flocked and surrounded by women, or anyone buying me beer for the hell of it. I recall a friendly bartender referring to me and my brother as the "Canadian brothers", but also remember a waitress coolly responding to us after saying we were not Americans, but Canadians, as "oh.....you're Canadians". The Dutch don't give a shit. I doubt seriously that you are Dutch. My sister-in-law is Dutch and she doesn't talk shit like you. Go fuck yourself.

Also, you know why I stick up for these "Americans" (like they need my help defending themselves from the likes of you)? My grandfather was a POW in Japan after the surrender of Hong Kong and it wasn't my government or any other country that rescued his starving ass, but that of the U.S. They rescued and fed this great man and let him carry on with life, and he was always in debt. I remember that. I remember how much he was in awe of the U.S. and he being a smart man, I took alot away from what he said. America has perhaps the greatest principles behind it, and it stands for alot. Many may not like its politics or its politicians from time to time (me included), but if you are going to nitpick and complain, well, again, go fuck yourself.

Hiow old are you? Really. Answer that, loser, and we can carry on. But go fuck yourself and leave this forum. I think I will be in the RLD (do you know what that stands for, loserboy?) in late September. Let's meet at the Bulldog and you will get your bootfucking that you so deserve.

Bring some friends my dear because otherwise you will be shipped home in a bodybag.
We are not patriotic idiots like you but attack one of us and you'll be sorry.
I can't wait untill end of september to kick your ass through the streets.

Ik geen Nederlander, ik dacht het wel stomme achterlijke kut Canadees.

All of you are thinking you are so decent and proud. You are on a fucking porn forum!!! Yeah that's right on a pornforum. So don't try to pretend you are all decent.

Oooooh, Aedan's angry. Everybody watch out! You don't want to get Urine breath upset. Body bag?? Laughing my fucking ass off.


03-08-2006, 09:16 PM
Wow, Aedan's full of vigour tonight. Must have been saving up pocket money for hookers to piss on him

Wow, mds full of vigour tonight. Must have been saving up pocket money for people who want to hurt him.
Do you like to get your ass kicked mds?? It's not fair!!!! You help people against those dreadfull Russians, you gave them stingers, trained them, you are buying their oil and then they fuck up your city!!!
So unfair!!!!!!! And mean!!!!!

03-08-2006, 09:27 PM
Hey Aedan, I am Canadian, and fuck you. I know a few things, which says I know alot more than you. I have been to Amsterdam, and though it was only for two times, I enjoyed it, but I do not recall being flocked and surrounded by women, or anyone buying me beer for the hell of it. I recall a friendly bartender referring to me and my brother as the "Canadian brothers", but also remember a waitress coolly responding to us after saying we were not Americans, but Canadians, as "oh.....you're Canadians". The Dutch don't give a shit. I doubt seriously that you are Dutch. My sister-in-law is Dutch and she doesn't talk shit like you. Go fuck yourself.

Also, you know why I stick up for these "Americans" (like they need my help defending themselves from the likes of you)? My grandfather was a POW in Japan after the surrender of Hong Kong and it wasn't my government or any other country that rescued his starving ass, but that of the U.S. They rescued and fed this great man and let him carry on with life, and he was always in debt. I remember that. I remember how much he was in awe of the U.S. and he being a smart man, I took alot away from what he said. America has perhaps the greatest principles behind it, and it stands for alot. Many may not like its politics or its politicians from time to time (me included), but if you are going to nitpick and complain, well, again, go fuck yourself.

Hiow old are you? Really. Answer that, loser, and we can carry on. But go fuck yourself and leave this forum. I think I will be in the RLD (do you know what that stands for, loserboy?) in late September. Let's meet at the Bulldog and you will get your bootfucking that you so deserve.

Bring some friends my dear because otherwise you will be shipped home in a bodybag.
We are not patriotic idiots like you but attack one of us and you'll be sorry.
I can't wait untill end of september to kick your ass through the streets.

Ik geen Nederlander, ik dacht het wel stomme achterlijke kut Canadees.

All of you are thinking you are so decent and proud. You are on a fucking porn forum!!! Yeah that's right on a pornforum. So don't try to pretend you are all decent.

Oooooh, Aedan's angry. Everybody watch out! You don't want to get Urine breath upset. Body bag?? Laughing my fucking ass off.


You got your ass kicked, you got your ass kicked, nananananananananananananana and you paid good money to get your ass kicked. They suckerpunched you nananananananana.
The only thing you do is attack some foreigner in the cyberworld!!!
But in real life they kicked your ass!!!!

Quinn attacked someone in cyberworld,
Quinn attacked someone in cyberworld
Quinn attacked someone in cyberworld
Quinn attacked someone in cyberworld
Quinn attacked someone in cyberworld
Quinn attacked someone in cyberworld
Quinn attacked someone in cyberworld
Quinn attacked someone in cyberworld
Quinn attacked someone in cyberworld

Quinn is a hero Quinn is a hero
Quinn is getting off now
Quinn told me the truth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!
Wow i am so hurt.........
But no one attacked us by surprise and got away with it.

03-08-2006, 09:30 PM
So what you are saying, yet again, is that you can't think of anything remotely clever to respond with. Seriously, that's the best you've got? No wonder you lost out to Koko...


03-08-2006, 09:32 PM
So what you are saying, yet again, is that you can't think of anything remotely clever to respond with. Seriously, that's the best you've got? No wonder you lost out to Koko...


You don't want to go into that national debt Quinn?? To afraid??
How much is that??
How about those twin towers?? To difficult to answer that??

03-08-2006, 09:48 PM
So what you are saying, yet again, is that you can't think of anything remotely clever to respond with. Seriously, that's the best you've got? No wonder you lost out to Koko...


You don't want to go into that national debt Quinn?? To afraid??
How much is that??
How about those twin towers?? To difficult to answer that??

Given how badly I have made a fool out of you during any substantive, fact centered debate, why would you want to do it again? Seriously, you just don't have anything to bring to the table, let alone a passport?

I'll make you a deal. Take a couple of months, learn about your nation's own exceptionally bloody history, and then we'll talk. Until then, if you need me to teach you anything more about your own nation's history, let me know.


03-08-2006, 10:44 PM
But no one attacked us by surprise and got away with it.

Yes they did cheese boy. They're called "Germans" and they kicked the living shit out of you in 1940. In a few days. By surprise. And they got away with it for 4 years, until these other people called "British" and "Americans" came and saved your sorry arses.

03-08-2006, 11:01 PM
But no one attacked us by surprise and got away with it.

Yes they did cheese boy. They're called "Germans" and they kicked the living shit out of you in 1940. In a few days. By surprise. And they got away with it for 4 years, until these other people called "British" and "Americans" came and saved your sorry arses.

LOL. Aedan (aka urine breath) demonstrates, yet again, why he can't engage in any form of factual debate. Nice grasp of history, you illiterate fuck......


03-09-2006, 12:07 AM
Wow, Aedan's full of vigour tonight. Must have been saving up pocket money for hookers to piss on him

Wow, mds full of vigour tonight. Must have been saving up pocket money for people who want to hurt him.
Do you like to get your ass kicked mds?? It's not fair!!!! You help people against those dreadfull Russians, you gave them stingers, trained them, you are buying their oil and then they fuck up your city!!!
So unfair!!!!!!! And mean!!!!!

Are you on drugs on something, because I don't know what the Hell you're babbling on about.

Maybe hooker piss has gone to your brain ... well if it didn't pass right through your head

Allow me to clear this up for you, MDS. Aedan, who has already established that he is quite illiterate, can't read what your location says: UK. He's giving his stock answer, which, unfortunately for urine breath, only applies to Americans.

Flame wars are fun when you opponent demonstrates an intellectual capability equal to that of your average farm animal.


03-09-2006, 04:02 AM
Dr. Freud would like to comment on Aedan's condition ...

Psychosis: whereas a neurosis is a conflict between ego and id, psychosis is a conflict between ego and reality.

03-09-2006, 08:48 AM
Aedan, you're on the wrong forum. You want www.hungangelsspecialolympians.com. You'll have a better fell good experience there. And the best part.....people clap for your every post. Everyone's a winner.

Bring your helmet.

03-09-2006, 11:26 AM
Wow, Aedan's full of vigour tonight. Must have been saving up pocket money for hookers to piss on him

Wow, mds full of vigour tonight. Must have been saving up pocket money for people who want to hurt him.
Do you like to get your ass kicked mds?? It's not fair!!!! You help people against those dreadfull Russians, you gave them stingers, trained them, you are buying their oil and then they fuck up your city!!!
So unfair!!!!!!! And mean!!!!!

Are you on drugs on something, because I don't know what the Hell you're babbling on about.

Maybe hooker piss has gone to your brain ... well if it didn't pass right through your head

Allow me to clear this up for you, MDS. Aedan, who has already established that he is quite illiterate, can't read what your location says: UK. He's giving his stock answer, which, unfortunately for urine breath, only applies to Americans.

Flame wars are fun when you opponent demonstrates an intellectual capability equal to that of your average farm animal.


Quinn i am highly offended and disturbed by this post.although I was raised in L.A.,I had the chance to spend some time on a farm in rural Oklahoma.The farm animals there were much more intelligent and witty than Aedan.Please show some respect for the cows and goats!

DJ Asia

03-09-2006, 03:29 PM
Damn, you guys are funny. Good laughs. The best laugh has to go to Scipio for his "they're called 'Germans'" line. That had me laughing for almost five minutes. Urine breath totally walked into that one.


03-09-2006, 05:39 PM
Damn, you guys are funny. Good laughs. The best laugh has to go to Scipio for his "they're called 'Germans'" line. That had me laughing for almost five minutes. Urine breath totally walked into that one.


O this is so funny but are the Germans still here?? No. O you helped us.
No the Canadians did. And even if you did isn't it ungrateful for me to forget that?? I wasn't born there so 1940-1945 (it was actually five years instead of four, talk about education here) didn't bother me at all.
Yep those Germans were here, didn't hurt us that much but whom they did hurt were the Jews. O silly me i forgot Quinn-boy you are a nazi, facist and racist all in one. That is fun to you Quinn a couple of Germans who attack other country's for killing their Jews!!! You liked that he Quinn??
The mask is coming off more and more.

You were kicked out of Vietnam, had to run like hell, even dumped some helicopter into the ocean.
We were free after 5 years but you still lost that war in Vietnam.
You are losing the war on drugs
You are losing the war in Afghanistan
You are losing the war in Iraq
You still haven't found Bin Laden after he suckerpunched you.
You got kicked out of Somalia
Castro is still there, you couldn't even get him out.
He is taunting you
Katrina kicked some ass in Lousiana and more. Your president knew and still he is your president. In any normal country he would be in jail.
My God and you talk about something happened to us about 65 years ago???
Well in you are living in the past fine but your present sais it all....
Losers, losers and losers.
But you elected the guy.
And what is a Republican like you doing here on a pornforum Quinn???
Does your wife know??? Do your co-workers know (if you have a job)
Who do you share your "victory" with???

03-09-2006, 08:58 PM
In all of your moronic, barely literate rambling, you have only managed to clearly establish three things:

1) Unlike myself, you have yet to produce a passport. Why? Well, that would be because you and I both know that you don't have one. Not being able to rise to the level of your own challenge must be quite humiliating for you, but I’m sure you’re used to being humiliated at this point.....

2) If you are Dutch – something that, at this point, I seriously doubt – then you are the dumbest Dutchman on the planet. Seriously, how could you not know about your nation's own slave holding past? How could you not even know about your nation being invaded by the Germans? The more you talk, the dumber you sound.

3) You care very much what we all think. You’ve made that blatantly obvious to everyone here. Why else would you keep coming back to a forum where everyone thinks you are a joke? You’re only purpose here, at this point, is to provide a target for all of the friends that you have made – which suits me just fine.

Let's take a another look at some more of your humiliation, urine breath:

But no one attacked us by surprise and got away with it.

Yes they did cheese boy. They're called "Germans" and they kicked the living shit out of you in 1940. In a few days. By surprise. And they got away with it for 4 years. . . .

Hehehehehehehehe Quinn i know my history, o yeah we did some slavetrading with you guys i believe.
That is how we became so filthy rich everyone in Holland knows that it is not a really big secret.

Really, because that isn’t what you wrote here, before I had to enlighten you regarding your own history:

Who had Rosa Parks?? We certainly didn't because we didn't need one.
We never had a system where a black human being had to stand up for a white one.

LMFAO....... You're an embarrassment to actual Dutch everywhere.


03-10-2006, 08:35 AM
This isn't working

03-10-2006, 08:36 AM
This isn't working

03-11-2006, 12:46 AM
Aedan, you fucking moron, all of the Allies liberated The Netherlands (you keep calling it Holland, which makes your claims to being "Dutch" truly suspect). You got your ass beat badly every time you tried to fight. Which may make it fun in September when you get a good boot fucking...but then again, you will be used to the sensation, loser.

03-11-2006, 01:07 AM
Aedan, you fucking moron, all of the Allies liberated The Netherlands (you keep calling it Holland, which makes your claims to being "Dutch" truly suspect). You got your ass beat badly every time you tried to fight. Which may make it fun in September when you get a good boot fucking...but then again, you will be used to the sensation, loser.

just don't piss on him afterwards, urine breath might mistake that for a proposal...

03-11-2006, 07:27 AM
I'll be careful

03-11-2006, 01:56 PM
Aedan, you fucking moron, all of the Allies liberated The Netherlands (you keep calling it Holland, which makes your claims to being "Dutch" truly suspect). You got your ass beat badly every time you tried to fight. Which may make it fun in September when you get a good boot fucking...but then again, you will be used to the sensation, loser.

Holland or the Netherlands is the same, everyone with a bit of a brain knows that.
We fought the Spanish for about 80 years and won.
We fought the British many times and won etc etc.
You don't show up in September because what can you do in my country and my city??
Not much..
For me a couple of options:

1 I bring one of my ts friends who work in the RLD and let her say "that is the one who tried to rape me" and point at you
2 Bring her and let her say "that is the one who takes pictures"
3 Say in Dutch "this fucking American thinks Holland gets his ass beaten everytime they fight" They don't see the difference between Americans and Canadians altough i don't believe for a minute that you are Canadian.
I never met a Canadian who kisses ass to Americans.
Either way you will be dead. They will beat you to dead and anyone with you.
Maybe with the first option you will be arrested by the police and thrown in jail. We will come up with some people who will confirm that story and then your vacation will be a little longer hehehehehe. Then in prison i tell the world there you bashed us. I will print this. I don't think you will have a very good time.
But these three options are too easy so i will take you outside and beat the crap out of you. Either way i will win.

So i am pretty sure that you will not show up or let me know that you come to the Bulldog (that is for tourists and morons)
And wich Bulldog?? There are three. Two on the oudezijdsachterburgwal and one on the Leidseplein
But you won't show up. It is all words that's it.

03-11-2006, 03:47 PM
I'm sorry Aedan, I don't get into personal attacks or conflicts, but I have to call BS on this thread.


I couldn't find a single instance where Jamie Foxx said anything close to what you claim he said. Here is part of what he actually said though, when he was honored as the Best Actor at the Academy Awards:

This is probably going to be the toughest part of this speech. My daughter shares my grandmother's name, "Marie." My grandmother's name is Estelle Marie Talley. She's not here tonight. And this is going to be the toughest part. But she was my first acting teacher. She told me to stand up straight. Put your shoulders back. Act like you got some sense.

We would go places. And I would wild out. And she would say, "Act like you've been somewhere." And then when I would act the fool, she would beat me. She would whup me. And she could get an Oscar for the way she whupped me because she was great at it. And after she whipped me, she would talk to me and tell me why she whipped me. She said I want you to be a southern gentleman.

You should really heed the advice of those words. You came here as a visitor, to this board, and virtually to this country, and rather than fitting in and carrying on like you have been somewhere, you have been acting like a fool and senselessly ever since. There are racists in America, but that doesn't make all American racists and its wrong for you to suggest that, and even wronger for you to claim status as a victim of racism or racists. You aren't disliked here because of your race or your creed or because of any bigotry or prejudice by your detractors. You are disiked because of your actions, and your arrogance. You have wilded out here, thrashing about, trashing everyone and everything. You have been getting a whupping but you aren't getting its lesson. Consider this message the talking to after the beating, and take it in the spirit its offered. Be a gentleman, or at least act like one. if you stop all the crap, the attacks will stop too.


He obviously craves more public humiliation...

03-11-2006, 04:45 PM
I bring one of my ts friends who work in the RLD and let her say "that is the one who tried to rape me" and point at you.....

Either way you will be dead. They will beat you to dead and anyone with you.
Maybe with the first option you will be arrested by the police and thrown in jail. We will come up with some people who will confirm that story and then your vacation will be a little longer hehehehehe. Then in prison i tell the world there you bashed us. I will print this. I don't think you will have a very good time.

But these three options are too easy so i will take you outside and beat the crap out of you. Either way i will win.

ROTFLMFAO................ Did you just threaten someone, Gilligan?? That's about the funniest thing that I've read in weeks.

Funnier still, is this cartoonishly ridiculous scenario that you've concocted. It's like watching the Road Runner and coyote, with you being Wile E. Coyote. What's next? Are you going to build an Acme rocket?

Once again – when it comes to any battle of wits – you have managed to demonstrate how completely unarmed you really are.

You're the best, Gilligan...


03-11-2006, 06:25 PM
Holland or the Netherlands is the same, everyone with a bit of a brain knows that.

That must suck if you're Swedish or Norwegian, don't they count as part of the Netherlands?

Was that a joke MDS?

03-11-2006, 06:48 PM
Take the "D" hat and walk to the back of the class.
You're thinking of Scandanavia I think - which doesn't include Holland (which is pretty far from the other countries).

The Netherlands is Holland.

Take the road down to Hull and get a boat across :-)

03-11-2006, 06:49 PM
Holland or the Netherlands is the same, everyone with a bit of a brain knows that.

That must suck if you're Swedish or Norwegian, don't they count as part of the Netherlands?

Was that a joke MDS?

Y'know I always thought that Sweden and Norway were in the Netherlands, but apparently not. Learn something new everyday!

I still don't ever want to go there, the place just does nothing for me, like Hawaii (too hot) :wink:

Seriously? I can see why you wouldn't want to go to Hawaii - I'm ready to leave but the Netherlands has some great places - not the drugs and hookers but some beautiful countryside and towns.

03-11-2006, 06:53 PM
holland is very cool, the people are really friendly too

03-11-2006, 06:56 PM
What sort of school did you go to that you didn't do geography? Not a one that denied Darwin I trust?

03-11-2006, 07:04 PM
You're thinking of Scandanavia I think - which doesn't include Holland


Must have been Scandanavia I was thinking of!! In my old school we just didn't do geography at all (which sucked). To tell the truth I've always fancied visiting Vienna.

Too many fuckin' bridges in Holland! :roll:

You're thinking of Denmark, which used to own a large tract of what is today Southern Sweden and also had a union with Norway.


03-15-2006, 09:41 PM
holland is very cool, the people are really friendly too

And we are not hypocrites. Owww Janet Jackson showed a nipple!!!!!!
We don't have a Fred Phelps...imagine that. Your son gets himself killed in Iraq by the enemy or by their own (that famous footballplayer) then his body is shipped home and since he is your only son and you raised him well for his country (who killed him) you want to give him a decent burial. Then Fred Phelps shows up.....

03-15-2006, 10:11 PM
holland is very cool, the people are really friendly too

And we are not hypocrites. We don't have a Fred Phelps

Remember when I told you that the more that you type, the dumber you sound, and the easier it will be for me to demonstrate what a clown you are? Well, let's do it, yet again, for fun. Here are some Dutch bigots and a war criminal:

1) Pim Fortuyn

2) Theo van Gogh

3) Frans van Anraat

I guess the US is not so alone after all when it comes to bigotry. See, once again, I get the opportunity to educate you about your own supposed nation's history. We can add this to the long list of things you didn't know about your supposed country. There's no way you are Dutch.

You really are unbelievably dumb.


03-16-2006, 08:57 PM
holland is very cool, the people are really friendly too

And we are not hypocrites. We don't have a Fred Phelps

Remember when I told you that the more that you type, the dumber you sound, and the easier it will be for me to demonstrate what a clown you are? Well, let's do it, yet again, for fun. Here are some Dutch bigots and a war criminal:

1) Pim Fortuyn

2) Theo van Gogh

3) Frans van Anraat

I guess the US is not so alone after all when it comes to bigotry. See, once again, I get the opportunity to educate you about your own supposed nation's history. We can add this to the long list of things you didn't know about your supposed country. There's no way you are Dutch.

You really are unbelievably dumb.


Pim Fortuyn was a so called politician who got himself killed.
I say good riddens.
Theo van Gogh never made a good movie in his life, all he did was offending everyone, Jews, Moslims everyone. One of them got fed up and killed him. The good thing was that the police chased his murderer and got him alive. In New York this is impossible because the police there already shot some poor African boy 24 times because he want's to enter his own house.
Anyway this Theo van Gogh pissed off a lot of people but he only got himself killed.
You babymurderer pissed off a lot of people but some others had to pay with their lives on 9-11. You are still here....How come??
Did you hide under your bed??
You are not from New York, i'll bet you are some Hillbillie.
You killed baby's and children in Vietnam and now you think you are some hero...

Babymurderer you never said anything nice about transsexuals on this transsexual forum (after all this is a transsexual forum)
You are a fustrated Republican who voted for the wrong people.

Van Anraat is just a dumb fool but hey!!!! we put him in prison!!!
Unlike Fred Phelbs who is still haunting people at funerals.
Cheney who was Saddams biggest friend is now vice president!!!!!!!!!!!
Bush who knew the superdome in New Orleans was bad is still the president!!!! But hey you elected the guy.
What is a republican babymurderer like you doing here??
Spying for the goverment??
Looking for terrorists???

O en ik ben echt een Nederlander en wij hebben het beter voor elkaar dan jullie sukkels.
Onze vrouwen zijn mooier, ons bier is lekkerder en we doen niet moeilijk,

03-16-2006, 09:43 PM
LOL...So, what you are really saying is that you are upset that I have – once again – shown another of your statements to be uninformed, uneducated, factually inaccurate, and ignorant. Don't worry, the whole forum is used to it at this point and doesn't expect any better from you. We don’t call you the village idiot for nothing, urine breath.


03-16-2006, 09:47 PM
LOL...So, what you are really saying is that you are upset that I have – once again – shown another of your statements to be uninformed, uneducated, factually inaccurate, and ignorant. Don't worry, the whole forum is used to it at this point and doesn't expect any better from you. We don’t call you the village idiot for nothing, urine breath.


Well you see i never met a babymurderer before. I never talked to one.
It is interesting to chat with you.
After all what normal person does something like that??
No one so that makes you the idiot.
Sweet dreams babymurderer.

03-16-2006, 09:53 PM
Once again, don't be upset because I keep proving how little you know about anything:

holland is very cool, the people are really friendly too

And we are not hypocrites. We don't have a Fred Phelps

Remember when I told you that the more that you type, the dumber you sound, and the easier it will be for me to demonstrate what a clown you are? Well, let's do it, yet again, for fun. Here are some Dutch bigots and a war criminal:

1) Pim Fortuyn

2) Theo van Gogh

3) Frans van Anraat

I guess the US is not so alone after all when it comes to bigotry. See, once again, I get the opportunity to educate you about your own supposed nation's history. We can add this to the long list of things you didn't know about your supposed country. There's no way you are Dutch.

You really are unbelievably dumb.


03-16-2006, 11:33 PM
there is only one subject that urine breath has proven himself to have knowledge of...

Getting fucked by her was like steppin into heaven. After she came she was peeing in my mouth...i had the best intense orgasm ever when i tasted her pee..

12-31-2006, 02:59 PM
Turdy M-does this ring a bell?

12-31-2006, 03:38 PM
Thats right-Kurdy. had been banned under another moniker. I remember the same lingo and jobberish and crap.

05-02-2008, 02:03 AM
So Aedan, the banned Netherlands nancyboy, has returned as PeterK. Aedan also slithered back a second time as KurdyM, only to be banned once again...

So welcome back, you slimy little slug.

I will of course be beating you like a rented mule for a third time, bitch.

05-02-2008, 02:40 AM
WOW! LOL this guy makes a brick look smart.

05-02-2008, 04:02 AM
WOW! LOL this guy makes a brick look smart.

While we're on the subject of who or what is smarter than Aedan/KurdyM/PeterK....


05-05-2008, 09:22 PM

05-05-2008, 09:23 PM

05-05-2008, 09:27 PM

05-05-2008, 09:31 PM

05-06-2008, 01:42 AM

05-06-2008, 01:43 AM