View Full Version : Looking for a nerd ....

05-13-2012, 06:18 AM
Where are all the anime loving , gamer guys at ?

05-13-2012, 06:24 AM
Right here babe. I love anime and video games. Right now i'm watching Kateikyoushi Hitman REBORN! and playing Metal Gear Solid 2 on the PS3 HD collection. You are a beauty babe. I'm a big fan.

05-13-2012, 06:29 AM
Is this a trap?

05-13-2012, 06:32 AM
LMFAO no its really not i need a nerdy man who i can connect with cause i am a big dork lol

05-13-2012, 06:41 AM
"Mimi the dork?" Don't let word get out or you'd cause a riot at Comic-Con.

05-13-2012, 06:42 AM
I am starting to suspect a lot women a this board like video games and anime. A win win for me.

05-13-2012, 06:43 AM
i want to get the word out nerdy men are so much easier to deal with , they are sexy romantic charming smart oh the list goes on i am so in love ;)

05-13-2012, 06:45 AM
I'm not a nerd (well not that i know of) but i am try to be all those things you listed Mimi and yes i'm a gamer too.

Actually scrap that i probably am a nerd lol xxxxxxxx

05-13-2012, 08:37 AM
Summer Wars 1080HD Trailer [Available from Funimation and TBS works] March 2011 - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ogz3UN8f8VE)

Just watched this :) on blu-ray

05-13-2012, 08:44 AM
Art of the Instakill - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QwNVQvygCNQ)

05-13-2012, 05:17 PM
i want to get the word out nerdy men are so much easier to deal with , they are sexy romantic charming smart oh the list goes on i am so in love ;)

I heard you like nerdy guys. Well not to brag, but I'm going in costume for comic-con this upcoming weekend

I remember the last time I tried to talking to one of my girlfriends about the anime and manga I'm into. You could visibly see her becoming less attracted to me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ lol

05-14-2012, 02:14 AM
Everyone wants t be a nerd!

05-14-2012, 03:17 AM
I'm love being a nerd - who's up for a little role playing?

05-15-2012, 11:35 PM
She's a Dork not a Nerd...Dorks have no chance of redemption Nerds like myself do =]

05-15-2012, 11:40 PM
I think Mimi would really like your middle eastern ass.

05-15-2012, 11:41 PM
Anime loving - check.
Gaming - ... (dashes off to play SW-TOR)

05-15-2012, 11:50 PM
I'm about to build a new computer for Diablo 3. :3

05-15-2012, 11:52 PM
I think Mimi would really like your middle eastern ass.
She loves me...shes just mad that I didnt give her, her Bday present ^_^

05-15-2012, 11:57 PM
Where are all the anime loving , gamer guys at ?
I wish the terms 'nerd' and 'geek' weren't synonymous. I'm a geek, but not in the same sense. I don't like anime; mostly because I'm a pencil artist and I can't understand why anyone would rather emulate an art style instead of developing their own. I do play video games, though. Just not as much as I used to. I still goof off on my consoles a few hours a week, but I used to be a console and game collector. I had to get rid of most of them in moves, though. I just didn't have enough room to pack 18 consoles and 1,300 games.

I'm a computer geek. A PC technician by trade, but I'm always goofing around with something creative, whether it be programming apps, designing video games, video editing, audio editing, composition, or practically anything else that helps me express my artistic tenancies.

05-16-2012, 06:21 AM
I write a video game blog...can't get anymore nerdier then that :)

05-16-2012, 05:15 PM
I write a video game blog...can't get anymore nerdier then that :)

I play Dungeons and Dragons. You've been 1-up'ed, holmes.

05-16-2012, 06:22 PM
Ahhh, D&D... those were the days, creeping through dungeons, hoping the DM knew what he was doing, and getting ones leg pissed on by invisible monsters... (only old school german D&D players will get that joke ;-p)

Personally I wish TSR hadn't been assimilated by WotC, but... oh, well, stuff happens.

As for anime and art... if being an artist is your defined goal, then developing your own style is the way to go. If on the other hand one is more interested in telling an story, emulating an existing style will open more chances on that front...

05-16-2012, 06:26 PM
Hmmm, is Mimi still around? I am curious what anime or manga she is into.

05-16-2012, 06:45 PM
I play Dungeons and Dragons. You've been 1-up'ed, holmes.

I'm a basement dweller. boarded up all the windows so I get zero sunlight. Playing Jrpgs all day, and cosplaying as my favorite characters; while I jack of to hentai. Get at me nigga

05-16-2012, 07:04 PM
I'm a basement dweller. boarded up all the windows so I get zero sunlight. Playing Jrpgs all day, and cosplaying as my favorite characters; while I jack of to hentai. Get at me nigga

You got me beat, man. I've never understood the whole cosplay scene. I don't have a problem with it... furries on the other hand. Yikes.

05-16-2012, 07:35 PM
You got me beat, man. I've never understood the whole cosplay scene. I don't have a problem with it... furries on the other hand. Yikes.

lol, furries crack me up.:wiggle:

05-16-2012, 07:45 PM
You got me beat, man. I've never understood the whole cosplay scene. I don't have a problem with it... furries on the other hand. Yikes.

Yeah, they creep me all the way fucking out. I discovered them when I was around 14, and had a bunch of them e-harassing me cause I left one rude comment on a video. Man, bad times.

Corven Ren
05-17-2012, 04:58 PM
Hmm my nerd qualifications.
I have a comic book collection.
I have a Star Wars toy collection.
I play D&D,Champions, Call of Cthullu and other rpg's. ( I actually started a thread herr a while back showing miniatutes I have painted)
I play Heroscape.
Im a video game player, and still own an Atari 2600.

05-17-2012, 07:38 PM
this shit does not score yall any points with girls if anything it shows how badly some of yall will go to get LAID all bad bruhs...Hence why I dont mention my shit because if you know me you already know if not guess to know.

Wendy Summers
05-17-2012, 07:40 PM
this shit does not score yall any points with girls if anything it shows how badly some of yall will go to get LAID all bad bruhs...Hence why I dont mention my shit because if you know me you already know if not guess to know.

I respectfully disagree...


Hmm my nerd qualifications.
I have a comic book collection.
I have a Star Wars toy collection.
I play D&D,Champions, Call of Cthullu and other rpg's. ( I actually started a thread herr a while back showing miniatutes I have painted)
I play Heroscape.
Im a video game player, and still own an Atari 2600.

is a selling point IMO.

05-17-2012, 07:43 PM
I respectfully disagree...


is a selling point IMO.
Yanks your glasses away and contacts...you were saying :p cant see shit :tongue::clover:

Wendy Summers
05-17-2012, 07:45 PM
Yanks your glasses away and contacts...you were saying :p cant see shit :tongue::clover:

That's ok - I have a great sense of touch ;)

05-17-2012, 07:54 PM
That's ok - I have a great sense of touch ;)
Id hope so... :wiggle:

05-18-2012, 12:26 AM
I take the Internet too seriously.

ye u do hoemo

Corven Ren
05-19-2012, 03:11 AM
I respectfully disagree...


is a selling point IMO.

Glad you like my nerd qualifications Wendy. One other thing I am is faithful. I am a happily married man with 4 kids. As much as I would love to be with many of you ladies here I would never cheat on my wife to do it. My wife knows of my attraction to transexual women and knows it is a fantasy of mine to be to pped by one. Wether it actuallyever happens or not, who knows. Oh and if your interested here is a link to that thread with my miniatures in it.


05-19-2012, 03:23 AM
I love sci-fi (battlestar, star trek, star wars etc), play video games, am a computer enthusiast, I would definitely fall squarely into geek/nerd category. I am also pursuing a PhD, so I'm a bit of an academic nerd as well. ;-)

05-19-2012, 03:30 AM
Nerds rule!!! People dont get me when i talk, my talk can range from Anime, to computers, to classic cars and on occasion stuff that would make nasa scientists drool. Though i tend to find it hard to find someone who can keep up with me when i chat(yay for ADD).


05-19-2012, 06:44 AM
yI loveth teh cock!
Woah bro! :dead:

05-19-2012, 06:48 AM
be 18
been wondering what gay sex would feel like for awhile.
Discover craigslist
Finally have enough courage to reply to a post
Really fat Mexican guy
Home alone
He comes over
We go to my room and get naked.
First time in my adult life being fully naked infront of another man
He lies down on my bed, he's completely naked.
I turn off the light, it's pitch black in my room.
I go to suck his dick
Imagine sucking on a sweaty old gym sock
Spit it out.
I tell him I'm not going to suck his dick.
We switch places, except I lie on my stomach.
He rims me, it was FUCKING awkward.
Then he starts fingering me.
felt good, but was too nervous to enjoy it.
He goes to stick his dick in my ass.
Force him to wear a condom.
He pounds me for a good 30 minutes
Wasn't really that into it, it didn't hurt, but it didn't feel good either.
He pulls out and cums all over my back.
Can feel the warm cum running down my spine.
He gets up, gets dressed and leaves without a goodbye or anything.
Literally felt like I was robbed of my manhood.
Wow! That must of been a wonderful first time, eh Jix?

Wendy Summers
05-19-2012, 06:52 AM
Glad you like my nerd qualifications Wendy. One other thing I am is faithful. I am a happily married man with 4 kids. As much as I would love to be with many of you ladies here I would never cheat on my wife to do it. My wife knows of my attraction to transexual women and knows it is a fantasy of mine to be to pped by one. Wether it actuallyever happens or not, who knows. Oh and if your interested here is a link to that thread with my miniatures in it.


That's ok -- I'm into threesomes... :fuckin::jerkoff

05-19-2012, 06:56 AM
Wow! That must of been a wonderful first time, eh Jix?
Lol bruh im not mexican ^_^ you got an amazing imagination though I applaud it.

05-19-2012, 07:04 AM
Wow! That must of been a wonderful first time, eh Jix?
oh my first time was with a poster who no longer posts here...She was ExtraOrdinary =]

05-19-2012, 07:07 AM
oh my first time was with a poster who no longer posts here...She was ExtraOrdinary =]

loooooooh zer

05-19-2012, 07:14 AM
loooooooh zer
Sure still am 1/3 of the Legendary O Ed and the Jizz.

05-19-2012, 08:25 AM
Where are all the anime loving , gamer guys at ?

we are everywhere :-D

Quiet Reflections
05-21-2012, 03:00 AM
Where are all the anime loving , gamer guys at ?
we aren't hard to find

05-21-2012, 03:31 AM
I see a lot of guys running around on the ha hampster wheel lol

05-21-2012, 07:51 AM
Predictable as shit!