View Full Version : California weighs bill to ban gay teen 'conversion' therapy to straight

05-10-2012, 07:28 AM
A California lawmaker says he’s optimistic about the prospects of a bill that would make it illegal for therapists in the state to try to “convert” gay youths

Sen. Ted Lieu, a Democrat from Torrance, says so-called “reparative” or “ex-gay” therapy wrongfully treats homosexuality as a disease and can be dangerous to minors. If his bill becomes law, California would become the first state to ban therapy aimed at turning gay and lesbian teens straight.

“Some therapists are taking advantage of vulnerable people by pushing dangerous sexual orientation-change efforts,” Lieu said before the Senate Judiciary Committee voted to approve the bill on Tuesday. “These non-scientific efforts have led in some cases to patients later committing suicide, as well as severe mental and physical anguish.”


05-14-2012, 06:53 AM
This is What an Insane Anti-Gay Wingnut Looks Like: VIDEO

Check out this testimony from Jane Skrovota at this week's hearings (http://aksarbent.blogspot.com/2012/05/video-lincoln-nebraska-hearings-on.html) regarding a proposed LGBT non-discrimination ordinance in Lincoln, Nebraska. And BETTER YET, watch the reaction of the guy behind her.
Watch, AFTER THE JUMP (http://www.towleroad.com/2012/05/lincolnwoman.html)...
Some of the reasons this woman objects to LGBT people receiving protection from employment and housing discrimination:
"P- E- N- I- S goes into the anus to rupture intestines. The more a man does this the more he'll be a fatality or a homicider..."
"A huge percent of gay men in school grounds molest boys, partly because they don't have AIDS yet..."
"Hillary Clinton's roommate four years in college was a gay woman. To avoid going gay like Clinton did, college students need single rooms and single gender dorms... A college woman is seduced with illegal Rohypnol to go gay."
"Candida fungus grows hugely on a corpse. AIDS is a candida fungus disease..."
"Roman senators went to Roman baths to be promiscuous gays, bis, and orgiers then went to the Coliseum to watch Christians get mauled and perish. Do gays become this sadistic? Yes. They cuss after coupling, don't like the land they lay on, and 80% of those that did treason by the year 2000 are gays."
"Gays can transform to be celibate to live to be 80 years old."
"Read the book Nijinsky to understand that bisexuals always become insane."
"A wedding dress is for a woman not a man."
"Jesus was kissed by Judas, a homo, who tried to sabotage Jesus' kind ideas. Do you choose Jesus, a celibate, or Judas, a homo? You have to choose!"

Read more: http://www.towleroad.com/2012/05/lincolnwoman.html#ixzz1uoh8RQv4

Read more: http://www.towleroad.com/2012/05/lincolnwoman.html#ixzz1uoh0Yuuf


05-15-2012, 02:38 AM
this video is hilarious and NO COMMENTS YET?

Read more: http://www.towleroad.com/2012/05/lincolnwoman.html#ixzz1uoh8RQv4

This is What an Insane Anti-Gay Wingnut Looks Like: VIDEO

Check out this testimony from Jane Skrovota at this week's hearings (http://aksarbent.blogspot.com/2012/05/video-lincoln-nebraska-hearings-on.html) regarding a proposed LGBT non-discrimination ordinance in Lincoln, Nebraska. And BETTER YET, watch the reaction of the guy behind her.
Watch, AFTER THE JUMP (http://www.towleroad.com/2012/05/lincolnwoman.html)...
Some of the reasons this woman objects to LGBT people receiving protection from employment and housing discrimination:
"P- E- N- I- S goes into the anus to rupture intestines. The more a man does this the more he'll be a fatality or a homicider..."
"A huge percent of gay men in school grounds molest boys, partly because they don't have AIDS yet..."
"Hillary Clinton's roommate four years in college was a gay woman. To avoid going gay like Clinton did, college students need single rooms and single gender dorms... A college woman is seduced with illegal Rohypnol to go gay."
"Candida fungus grows hugely on a corpse. AIDS is a candida fungus disease..."
"Roman senators went to Roman baths to be promiscuous gays, bis, and orgiers then went to the Coliseum to watch Christians get mauled and perish. Do gays become this sadistic? Yes. They cuss after coupling, don't like the land they lay on, and 80% of those that did treason by the year 2000 are gays."
"Gays can transform to be celibate to live to be 80 years old."
"Read the book Nijinsky to understand that bisexuals always become insane."
"A wedding dress is for a woman not a man."
"Jesus was kissed by Judas, a homo, who tried to sabotage Jesus' kind ideas. Do you choose Jesus, a celibate, or Judas, a homo? You have to choose!"

Read more: http://www.towleroad.com/2012/05/lincolnwoman.html#ixzz1uoh8RQv4

Read more: http://www.towleroad.com/2012/05/lincolnwoman.html#ixzz1uoh0Yuuf


05-15-2012, 03:04 AM
Despite what some say here, and we know who I'm referring to, about respecting the rights of those who oppose gay marriage and gay rights, it seems that every time a would-be spokesperson opens their mouth on the subject, they reveal themselves to be religious morons at best and hate-filled bigots at worst.

If there are to be valid objections to social progress can we have some sensible ones please?

It's the same here in the UK, although thankfully it's a lot less extreme, and there's also a broad and liberal consensus amongst both the main parties and the general population to move towards legislation permitting gay marriage on a national basis.

05-15-2012, 03:40 AM
Can't do this. It'll make it too hard for the pedophiles to recruit.

"On your knees! Pray away that gay! Here, let me show you how to talk in tongues..."

05-15-2012, 05:11 AM
Unfortunately, the only organization that publishes success rates for conversion therapy is NARTH. They report a 0% - 0.5% conversion success. That is, 1 person out of every 100 continue being sexually active and decide to only have straight relationships afterward. The rest either become celibate or continue participating in same-sex relationships. In 2005, they report that one-third of their clients show signs of "significant improvement", but continue to display homosexual behaviors. That sounds fishy, because the same year they state that one-third become celibate and "are cured", and one-third fail to change. Seems like some pretty round numbers and considering the source, it's pretty easy to assume those numbers are bolstered in their favor.

This shit obviously doesn't work.

05-15-2012, 05:48 AM
I'm a Canadian and we see things a little differently here. Nevertheless, the matters of gender equality and freedom from discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation are concerns important to people all over the world.

I watch American TV and I see the problems which plague the political system and the great difference in opinion in respect of these two important issues.

Here is what jumps out at me when I hear the argument in favor of heterosexual-only marriage:

It is purported that it is God's will that a marriage is a union of a man and a woman. The purpose of the union is procreation. The argument against contraception stems from this same precept - that a man and a woman enter into marriage to make babies.

Immediately, heterosexual-only proponents skip any examination of the accepted protocol and point out that a homosexual marriage is not a reasonable proposition because the union could not fulfill the criteria - no babies.

But I have to draw your attention back to the accepted protocol of heterosexual-only marriage. Are all couples capable of creating babies? What about the marriage of older people? What about the marriage of people where one or the other is incapable of bearing children? What about the marriage of people where one or the other has been operated to prevent pregnancy? What about the marriage between people where illness has nullified the capacity to make babies? In any of these cases, is even a single question posed to the applicants to screen them for the ability to procreate? No, I don't think these questions arise.

My point is that the accepted protocol is hypocritical. It doesn't even come close to making sense of itself.

I'm trying to ignore how rude it is that someone would dare to tell me what is permissible when it comes to my sexuality. I'm trying to accept that, maybe, there is a protocol that makes sense. Every time I look at it and from whatever angle I look at it, the result is the same - it's a load of garbage.

In Canada, we had a politician in the 60s. His name was Pierre Trudeau. He said: "Government has no place in the bedrooms of the nation." Over the years, even this overture was put aside as too tame. Now, it seems ludicrous to impose a "forced" sexuality. We have enough in common. We don't need to be the same in every respect. In fact, it would be the end of us if we were all the same.

I hope Americans see the folly of homogeneity eventually.

As an interesting aside, couples in developed countries have fewer babies than their counterparts in under-developed countries. And this regardless of religious considerations. It is a simple statistic. Could it be that, in developed countries, people come to understand something about pregnancy and child rearing?
