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View Full Version : Be nice to us girls please

01-24-2004, 06:02 PM
I'm all for free speech but I do get quite offended by how some men talk to and about us. Megabody in particular is quite often guilty of this. With his talk of wanting a "Trainee Trannie" for himself etc, it really is not necessary for that kind of talk. I'm a pre op transsexual of a few years now but even at the onset of my transition I cerainly wasn't anybodies trainee tranny. Ok Megabody you may meet a lot of girls with a bad attitude but ask yourself why they're like that. Could it just be that having to read and listen to the kind of talk that you choose to use has them with their defences up permanently. Most girls on hormones are not their usual emotional self anyway and just need a little consideration, and dare I say it, tenderness. There are bitches of course, but that's to be expected. All I'm asking of you guys who have Megabody's mindset is this, treat us kindly, if anything go the extra mile with us, the road we've had thrust upon us is not an easy road, and depending on location, Im in UK, it can be damn hard in every way, socially more than emotionally. I look at my fellow transsexuals like this, we are all Rodin's. We were given a body we never wanted, and yet from that we have sculpted a thing of beauty, to be admired, yes and desired. Sorry to go on. Take care everyone.
Love and kisses

01-24-2004, 09:51 PM
I can only speak for myself. I have always treated every girl I've seen with respect and courtesy. Sometimes, it's not returned. Too often her attitude is 'Why don't you come already?'. I wouldn't mind meeting someone for something more than sex. A girl who is happy about being a tgirl, and happy being with me, not necessarily my $300. My search continues. I think that's what Mega wants to, but he'll have to come here and say it himself, if he choses to. You don't know him and you said inaccurate things.

01-25-2004, 06:58 AM
I understand how u girls feel, you want to have the same respect that normal girls get. I believe that you should receive that respect you are human beings with feeling but the problem is that there are some bad seeds in every group. I am not going to name names tonight on here but they do have an attitude when you call them for a date or they dont make u feel comfortable when you meet them. It does go both ways, When I call a girl for a date I am calling you because I think ur hot and I want to be with you because the physical attraction is there, I am going to treat you like I treat my girlfriend and I am going there because U have something that I like that my girl cant give me. Respect goes both way so I think mybe the older shemales ned to take the younger ones under the leadership and teach them how to act be kind to their men. :oops:

01-25-2004, 09:50 PM
I am surprised to I don't see more comments like this lady's. I think it goes back to why some guys complain that T-girls don't like guys who like T-girls. I have been with a T-girl for a while and the problem she says is most guys who like T-girls like them as fetish objects. After a while it is just a turn-off and they get tired of the treatment. Nobody likes being used. If they are escorts, that's different and that is a negotiation, but even Wal-mart will throw you out for being a jerk. If an escort is a jerk, don't go see her anymore, there are others.

Emotional problems, that happens to everyone, compound it with growing up knowing you are "not guite right" and it's very problematic. Growing up is hard enough, these girls have it harder than you think or can appreciate. A lot of girls have problems with depression. Mine included. If you want to bang one (or get banged) and get out. Get an escort. If you like the girl for herself and want to make something out of it, you have to be ready for some higher maintenance. But that can happen in a relationship with a genetic girl as well.

On T-girls going post-op, that is the point in the end of it all. A lot of girls hook to get the money for the surguries. Very expensive. Realize though if they just wanted to look like girls, T-girls could do it with make-up and clothes. Transvestites want to dress like women, T-girls want to be women. It ain't about you.

Respect, everybody wants it, but it has to be earned. It should start though with just a little understanding on both parties parts. Be nice, it's a good start.

01-26-2004, 03:44 PM
WOW! Mega broke it down.

01-26-2004, 08:00 PM
Very eloquently put Megabody. You may have been with a transsexual for five years, but I fear you havn't an inkling of their psychological or emotional needs. Love just isn't enough sometimes and the sooner you learn that the better for you, and refraining from language that pigeonholes them might be a start. I'm not an escort, nor would I want to be, but for you to dismiss it as easy money shows just how crass and emotionally underdeveloped you are. How dare you disrespect girls just because they've chosen escorting to make a living, a choice probably forced on most of them by their lack of acceptance in the "normal" world. Is that how you would like to earn a living Megabody, having some stranger have anal sex with you. I would say you've absolutely no chance of finding another transsexual girlfriend, well certainly not one who has a grain of self respect anyway. The fact that an uneducated brute like yourself seems to command a lot of respect on this board should at least tell you something, you certainly wouldn't be tolerated in my immediate group of transsexual friends, nor in most others neither I shouldn't think.

01-26-2004, 08:14 PM
Big G, I went to Crobar instead. Your posts are funny, need some proofreading though.

01-26-2004, 08:20 PM
Damn Mega - that was a rap.
Same up the money you save on jerking off and go to either Thailand or Brazil - both amazing places and the only places I usually pay for sex.

01-26-2004, 10:06 PM
Never been to the PI but expect to soon. Lots of your types there.
Thailand - unbelievable - see posts below.
Brazil - plenty plenty of skinny, young girls there - only to porno guys rarely see them.

01-26-2004, 10:07 PM
more courtesy of http://www.ladyboy-ladyboy.com (http://refer.ccbill.com/cgi-bin/clicks.cgi?CA=909985-0000&PA=213670&HTML=http://www.ladyboy-ladyboy.com/)

01-26-2004, 10:10 PM
more slim and natural Thai's courtesy of;
http://www.ladyboy-ladyboy.com (http://refer.ccbill.com/cgi-bin/clicks.cgi?CA=909985-0000&PA=213670&HTML=http://www.ladyboy-ladyboy.com/)

01-26-2004, 10:13 PM
more slim and natural Thai's courtesy of;
http://www.ladyboy-ladyboy.com (http://refer.ccbill.com/cgi-bin/clicks.cgi?CA=909985-0000&PA=213670&HTML=http://www.ladyboy-ladyboy.com/)

01-26-2004, 10:15 PM
more slim and natural Thai's courtesy of;
http://www.ladyboy-ladyboy.com (http://refer.ccbill.com/cgi-bin/clicks.cgi?CA=909985-0000&PA=213670&HTML=http://www.ladyboy-ladyboy.com/)

01-26-2004, 10:16 PM
more slim and natural Thai's courtesy of;
http://www.ladyboy-ladyboy.com (http://refer.ccbill.com/cgi-bin/clicks.cgi?CA=909985-0000&PA=213670&HTML=http://www.ladyboy-ladyboy.com/)

01-26-2004, 10:17 PM
more slim and natural Thai's courtesy of;
http://www.ladyboy-ladyboy.com (http://refer.ccbill.com/cgi-bin/clicks.cgi?CA=909985-0000&PA=213670&HTML=http://www.ladyboy-ladyboy.com/)

01-26-2004, 10:21 PM
more slim and natural Thai's courtesy of;
http://www.ladyboy-ladyboy.com (http://refer.ccbill.com/cgi-bin/clicks.cgi?CA=909985-0000&PA=213670&HTML=http://www.ladyboy-ladyboy.com/)

01-26-2004, 10:23 PM
more slim and natural Thai's courtesy of;
http://www.ladyboy-ladyboy.com (http://refer.ccbill.com/cgi-bin/clicks.cgi?CA=909985-0000&PA=213670&HTML=http://www.ladyboy-ladyboy.com/)

01-26-2004, 10:25 PM
more slim and natural Thai's courtesy of;
http://www.ladyboy-ladyboy.com (http://refer.ccbill.com/cgi-bin/clicks.cgi?CA=909985-0000&PA=213670&HTML=http://www.ladyboy-ladyboy.com/)

01-26-2004, 10:26 PM
more slim and natural Thai's courtesy of;
http://www.ladyboy-ladyboy.com (http://refer.ccbill.com/cgi-bin/clicks.cgi?CA=909985-0000&PA=213670&HTML=http://www.ladyboy-ladyboy.com/)

01-26-2004, 10:27 PM
more slim and natural Thai's courtesy of;
http://www.ladyboy-ladyboy.com (http://refer.ccbill.com/cgi-bin/clicks.cgi?CA=909985-0000&PA=213670&HTML=http://www.ladyboy-ladyboy.com/)

01-27-2004, 12:36 AM
Im sure Asian ts's think we american girls arent pretty but there is something about asian girls dick and ass area that is so nasty looking tome.

DONT BE MAD< my opion


01-27-2004, 12:46 AM
Actually Wendy the Asia_Ts's think the white girls are the most beautiful which is why many lose their features with un-necessary surgeries trying to look more "Westernised" this is not only tgirls actually but all girls.
I don't see their dicks and ass looking any different from other girls worldwide?

01-27-2004, 05:23 AM
I think mostly all escorts actually try to enjoy their jobs. I think they try to make the best of the situation that they are in because its the end result that they want to get to. (Hey I'm not a TS nor an expert just my opinion)
I do realize its the only way these girls (TS & non-TS girls) can make that kind of money. A true escort would try to make the person comfortable & get to know the guy a bit. Hey its the repeat business that makes the pockets fat.

It does puzzle me why some of the NYC girls have an attitude, but then again so do regular chicks.
I can't tell u how many times I've said hello to a girl & she acts like I'm her baby's daddy & walked out on her for her sister :lol:

Mega is 1000% corerct in saying men are dogs & would pay to get a rock off no matter how disrespectful the escort is.

Wendy your looks are getting better & better.
But I don't think you'll ever be able to look as pretty on the outside as you are on the inside.... stay that way girl...

01-27-2004, 01:58 PM
Here are a couple of a cute asian girl:

01-27-2004, 03:36 PM
I agree with Wendy, asian cocks look wierd. It looks like a babys dick.
Just my opinion.

01-28-2004, 01:47 AM
Lord knows there's nothing wrong with Wendy or how she looks though!