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05-02-2012, 07:12 AM
Homo Say What? Are homophobes secretly gay?

Are homophobes secretly gay? A new study purports to prove it.

Why have some of the nation's most vehement anti-gay activists—Ted Haggard, Larry Craig—had gay sex scandals of their own? An op-ed in the New York Times' Sunday Review section tries to explain. The authors of the piece, two research psychologists, say they have "empirical evidence that homophobia can result, at least in part, from the suppression of same-sex desire." Their argument—summed up in the Times headline as "Homophobic? Maybe You're Gay (http://www.nytimes.com/2012/04/29/opinion/sunday/homophobic-maybe-youre-gay.html?ref=opinion)"—promises to resolve a long-running debate in the field. For at least 15 years, scientists have been trying to use objective laboratory measures to prove the he-who-smelt-it-dealt-it (http://www.odps.org/glossword/index.php?a=term&d=4&t=318) theory of human sexuality. Has a research team based at the University of Rochester finally done it?
The new study works like an elaborate game of "homo say what (http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Homo%20Say%20what)?": Evidence of private, homosexual urges is elicited by subtle verbal cues. The researchers start by asking college freshmen, mostly women, to rate their sexual orientation on a scale from 1 to 10 (1 means completely straight; 5 means bisexual; 10 means totally gay) and then to say how much they agree with politically charged statements like, "Gay people make me nervous" and "I would feel uncomfortable having a gay roommate." Once the students have been characterized according to their relative degrees of gayness and homophobia, they're shown a series of icons or photos of wedding-cake figurines (http://www.weddingaccessories.net/wedding-cake-toppers/bride-and-groom-figurines/) on a computer monitor—two women, two men, or a man with a woman—and told to label each one as being "gay" or "straight." In a final twist, some of the "gay" and "straight" images are preceded on the screen by a subliminal verbal cue—a word flashed quickly on the screen that reads either me or others. If seeing the word me shortens a student's reaction time for the gay-themed imagery, it's taken as a sign of her implicit homosexuality. On a subconscious level, at least, she's associating the word me with gayness.

Many researchers have used setups like this one—known as an "Implicit Association Test - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Implicit_Association_Test)"—to dig up evidence of covert inclinations or even racial prejudice. The idea is that it takes people less time to make connections between words or images when those connections conform to prior beliefs. A person might respond more quickly to the word blue if she'd been cued with the word sky, or—more disturbing—she might be faster on the word man after being cued with the word president. The Rochester team adapted this idea for their measure of sexuality: A student's secret gay identity could be revealed by testing whether she responded more quickly to me-cued gay pictures than to me-cued straight ones

see more of the story
http://www.slate.com/articles/health_and_science/science/2012/04/homophobic_maybe_you_re_gay_the_new_york_times_on_ a_new_study_of_secret_sexuality_.single.html

http://www.slate.com/articles/health_and_science/science/2012/04/homophobic_maybe_you_re_gay_the_new_york_times_on_ a_new_study_of_secret_sexuality_.2.html

Willie Escalade
05-02-2012, 09:29 AM
We knew this already...

05-02-2012, 01:28 PM
Homo Say What? Are homophobes secretly gay?

Are homophobes secretly gay? A new study purports to prove it.

...and in other breaking news, Elton John is gay.

05-02-2012, 01:38 PM
1 was posted on reddit a week ago (wonder if anyone here uses that)
2 not all homophobes have same sex urges
3 not really news... just confirmation of what we already knew -_o

05-02-2012, 02:17 PM
I used to date a girl who said I was a 'homophobe' because I said it was GROSS whenever I saw two guys kissing.

Some homophobes are in the closet, but not all. Or even most. Most hetero men find gay dudes to be foreign in way they feel they can't relate.

It's takes a while for most guys to realize that someone can still be stereotypically a MAN and also gay.

It took me a while to learn this at the gym and having met some ex-military guys who were gun-loving meatheads AND into other dudes.

05-02-2012, 02:38 PM
...and in other breaking news, Elton John is gay.

Oh no and I thought he was straight as a crowbar. :geek:

Nicole Dupre
05-02-2012, 02:43 PM

05-02-2012, 04:08 PM
I would not put much thought into this study. It was way too much generic. But I know a few cats who despise gays and they would never tranny chase or think about having a dick up their ass or in their mouth.

05-02-2012, 05:37 PM
Sounds like a load of bollocks to me........

05-02-2012, 05:44 PM
I would not put much thought into this study. It was way too much generic. But I know a few cats who despise gays and they would never tranny chase or think about having a dick up their ass or in their mouth.

They just don't think about it when the time cums. Or they don't tell you about it.

The only person's sex life you every really know is your own.

Nicole Dupre
05-02-2012, 08:35 PM
Don't kid yourself. It happens all the time. It's called denial. Homophobes are all latent queers who aren't right with themselves. Why would a man care who fucks who unless he had some personal stake in it?

No. Homophobes are all closet faggots. And the angrier the homophobe, the bigger a faggot they are. Everyone who's openly in the LGBT population knows this.

Wendy Summers
05-02-2012, 09:13 PM
Don't kid yourself. It happens all the time. It's called denial. Homophobes are all latent queers who aren't right with themselves. Why would a man care who fucks who unless he had some personal stake in it?

So anyone who cares about who someone else fucks has a personal stake in it you say?

Does this make you a self-loathing translesbian then? :dancing::dancing::dancing:


05-02-2012, 09:16 PM
So anyone who cares about who someone else fucks has a personal stake in it you say?

Does this make you a self-loathing translesbian then? :dancing::dancing::dancing:


Oh dearie me..... :hide-1:

Wendy Summers
05-02-2012, 09:28 PM
Oh dearie me..... :hide-1:

Wendy Summers (www.wendysummers.com/tour)... Danger is my middle name.

Yeah baby!

05-02-2012, 09:35 PM
Wendy Summers (www.wendysummers.com/tour)... Danger is my middle name.

Yeah baby!

Err, yesss.....

Nicole Dupre
05-02-2012, 09:37 PM
So anyone who cares about who someone else fucks has a personal stake in it you say?

Does this make you a self-loathing translesbian then? :dancing::dancing::dancing:

Why? Do you actually think I care who fucks who, or that I want to fuck shemales? lol I'm not repulsed by various combinations of adults having sex. Because I don't want to fuck girls, I'm a homophobe? Why? I mean, do you want to suck my dick? But first, are you good at sucking dick? I'd let you. It's not like I'd have to speak to a shrink or a priest or anything. lol I love getting my dick sucked.

I'm not into chicks though. I don't know why the lesbians hate me for that. It's really not such a big deal imo. But I'd fuck a girl or a M2F TS. Sure. I do think vaginas are kinda putrid, but I don't get grossed out by them. Who am I to judge. I shove my cock up people's assholes. And that's the point. I can acknowledge what people do in bed. I'm not repulsed by sex. People's personalities repulse me. But that's ok. There are people who can't stand me either. I can live with that.

Do you think any transsexuals transitioned for a sexual thrill as opposed to having GID? I'm curious if you think transsexuals all have similar motivations beyond the superficial stuff.

Wendy Summers
05-02-2012, 09:48 PM
Why? Do you actually think I care who fucks who, or that I want to fuck shemales? lol I'm not repulsed by various combinations of adults having sex. Because I don't want to fuck girls, I'm a homophobe? Why? I mean, do you want to suck my dick? But first, are you good at sucking dick? I'd let you. It's not like I'd have to speak to a shrink or a priest or anything. lol I love getting my dick sucked.

I'm not into chicks though. I don't know why the lesbians hate me for that. It's really not such a big deal imo. But I'd fuck a girl or a M2F TS. Sure. I do think vaginas are kinda putrid, but I don't get grossed out by them. Who am I to judge. I shove my cock up people's assholes. And that's the point. I can acknowledge what people do in bed. I'm not repulsed by sex. People's personalities repulse me. But that's ok. There are people who can't stand me either. I can live with that.

Do you think any transsexuals transitioned for a sexual thrill as opposed to having GID? I'm curious if you think transsexuals all have similar motivations beyond the superficial stuff.

tl; dr

Here's a funny bunny picture in response:


Nicole Dupre
05-02-2012, 09:54 PM
Ok. She's trying to be confrontational. God knows why.

Wendy Summers
05-02-2012, 09:55 PM
Ok. She's trying to be confrontational. God knows why.

Humor Nicole, it's called humor.

I've made it pretty fucking clear no one here should take me seriously.

Nicole Dupre
05-02-2012, 11:10 PM
Humor Nicole, it's called humor.

I've made it pretty fucking clear no one here should take me seriously.
Why? Are you on drugs? lol

05-03-2012, 12:00 AM
Makes sense.

05-03-2012, 11:27 AM
Middle Sexes - Experiment on homophobia - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AEuDDvqYbVw)

EXCLUSIVE: HBO to Develop 'Middlesex' as One-Hour Series
Rita Wilson, playwright Donald Margulies exec producing
By Melissa Grego -- Broadcasting & Cable, 7/6/2009 7:39:07 PM
HBO has optioned Jeffrey Eugenides' Pulitzer Prize-winning novel Middlesex and is developing a one-hour drama series based on the 2002 book.

Actor-producer Rita Wilson is executive producing, along with the project's writer Donald Margulies.

The working logline for the potential drama series being used internally at HBO is that it "follows the life of Calliope Stephanides and the epic family history that may hold the answer to her complicated sexual identity."

Margulies, known best as a playwright, won a Pulitzer Prize in 2000 for his play Dinner With Friends, which was made into an HBO telefilm.

If the Middlesex drama series follows the book's setting, it would take place largely in Detroit, where the main character grows up. HBO's recent comedy series entry, Hung, is also set in the Detroit area.

HBO declined to comment.

(The Middle Sex & an Experiment on Homophobia)
Psychiatrists from the University of GA, based after the murder of a transgender woman whose killers identified themselves as "not gay," conducted an experiment on several hundred men who identified as 100% heterosexual, and with never having had a same-sex encounter, and claiming never to have ever had a same-sex thought. So, these men were divided into control groups with a loop around their penis that measured their arousal to GAY PORN.

Homo Say What? Are homophobes secretly gay?

Are homophobes secretly gay? A new study purports to prove it.

Why have some of the nation's most vehement anti-gay activists—Ted Haggard, Larry Craig—had gay sex scandals of their own? An op-ed in the New York Times' Sunday Review section tries to explain. The authors of the piece, two research psychologists, say they have "empirical evidence that homophobia can result, at least in part, from the suppression of same-sex desire." Their argument—summed up in the Times headline as "Homophobic? Maybe You're Gay (http://www.nytimes.com/2012/04/29/opinion/sunday/homophobic-maybe-youre-gay.html?ref=opinion)"—promises to resolve a long-running debate in the field. For at least 15 years, scientists have been trying to use objective laboratory measures to prove the he-who-smelt-it-dealt-it (http://www.odps.org/glossword/index.php?a=term&d=4&t=318) theory of human sexuality. Has a research team based at the University of Rochester finally done it?
The new study works like an elaborate game of "homo say what (http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Homo%20Say%20what)?": Evidence of private, homosexual urges is elicited by subtle verbal cues. The researchers start by asking college freshmen, mostly women, to rate their sexual orientation on a scale from 1 to 10 (1 means completely straight; 5 means bisexual; 10 means totally gay) and then to say how much they agree with politically charged statements like, "Gay people make me nervous" and "I would feel uncomfortable having a gay roommate." Once the students have been characterized according to their relative degrees of gayness and homophobia, they're shown a series of icons or photos of wedding-cake figurines (http://www.weddingaccessories.net/wedding-cake-toppers/bride-and-groom-figurines/) on a computer monitor—two women, two men, or a man with a woman—and told to label each one as being "gay" or "straight." In a final twist, some of the "gay" and "straight" images are preceded on the screen by a subliminal verbal cue—a word flashed quickly on the screen that reads either me or others. If seeing the word me shortens a student's reaction time for the gay-themed imagery, it's taken as a sign of her implicit homosexuality. On a subconscious level, at least, she's associating the word me with gayness.

Many researchers have used setups like this one—known as an "Implicit Association Test - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Implicit_Association_Test)"—to dig up evidence of covert inclinations or even racial prejudice. The idea is that it takes people less time to make connections between words or images when those connections conform to prior beliefs. A person might respond more quickly to the word blue if she'd been cued with the word sky, or—more disturbing—she might be faster on the word man after being cued with the word president. The Rochester team adapted this idea for their measure of sexuality: A student's secret gay identity could be revealed by testing whether she responded more quickly to me-cued gay pictures than to me-cued straight ones

see more of the story
http://www.slate.com/articles/health_and_science/science/2012/04/homophobic_maybe_you_re_gay_the_new_york_times_on_ a_new_study_of_secret_sexuality_.single.html

http://www.slate.com/articles/health_and_science/science/2012/04/homophobic_maybe_you_re_gay_the_new_york_times_on_ a_new_study_of_secret_sexuality_.2.html

05-03-2012, 12:26 PM
So anyone who cares about who someone else fucks has a personal stake in it you say?

Does this make you a self-loathing translesbian then? :dancing::dancing::dancing:


You suck at stirring shit. It's still all lumpy.

Majority generalizations. If it's right most of the time, it's more correct to say it's right than to consider it wrong. Stereotypes much? Sure, but that's kinda human nature.

05-03-2012, 01:17 PM
Let me keep it real. This is a bunch of bullshit!!!! I bet the people that studied this so called HOMOPHOBIC thingy are GAY THEMSELVES!!!

First of the word homophobic is a word designed to make straight people feel guilty about not compromising with the gay life style and straight people have the right. This word is subliminally trying to take away the right of straight people. If a man finds it gross that two men are kissing that is not being homophobic, he's not into that shit. These type of people are so fucking out of their minds that they think EVERYONE is gay and if you don't side with being gay something is wrong and HOMOPHOBIC is that.

Greeks society was basically gay and having sex with young boys, if you lived in their society and didn't have same sex relations, or with animals you were seemed as weird. The same shit is now happening in America.

This bullshit about people who are activist against gays are really homosexuals is a bunch of bullshit. This is why I say it's so.

For one, the word homophobic mean's a person who is suppose to be scared of homos, the word phobic means that.

Phobia/Phobic www.dictionary.com
a persistent, irrational fear of a specific object, activity, or situation that leads to a compelling desire to avoid it.

Now being that said is it irrational of a straight man if he doesn't like to see two men kissing? No, he just doesn't like that shit and no one should try to change his mind on it. Now this term homophobic is some stupid shit because straight people ARE NOT SCARED OF HOMOSEXUALS THEY JUST DON'T LIKE THAT SHIT!!! Plain and simple. Using words of art to trick and trying to make people compromise is some bullshit.

Now on another note, lets say a person is an advocate against child molestation, is this person in the closet him/her self a CHILD MOLESTER? Hell no these doctors did shit in like 2002 talking this bullshit now they're bringing this shit back up again, it's because they have a homo agenda. The shit is stupid, no one is scared of homosexuals they simply don't like it and that's their right. The word homophobic shouldn't even be used to described people that don't like that life style. How the fuck can you tell a straight man, who is grossed out by two men kissing he's homophobic? He's not irrational about that shit, that's his natural order because after all HE'S STRAIGHT!!!!

Homo Say What? Are homophobes secretly gay?

Are homophobes secretly gay? A new study purports to prove it.

Why have some of the nation's most vehement anti-gay activists—Ted Haggard, Larry Craig—had gay sex scandals of their own? An op-ed in the New York Times' Sunday Review section tries to explain. The authors of the piece, two research psychologists, say they have "empirical evidence that homophobia can result, at least in part, from the suppression of same-sex desire." Their argument—summed up in the Times headline as "Homophobic? Maybe You're Gay (http://www.nytimes.com/2012/04/29/opinion/sunday/homophobic-maybe-youre-gay.html?ref=opinion)"—promises to resolve a long-running debate in the field. For at least 15 years, scientists have been trying to use objective laboratory measures to prove the he-who-smelt-it-dealt-it (http://www.odps.org/glossword/index.php?a=term&d=4&t=318) theory of human sexuality. Has a research team based at the University of Rochester finally done it?
The new study works like an elaborate game of "homo say what (http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Homo%20Say%20what)?": Evidence of private, homosexual urges is elicited by subtle verbal cues. The researchers start by asking college freshmen, mostly women, to rate their sexual orientation on a scale from 1 to 10 (1 means completely straight; 5 means bisexual; 10 means totally gay) and then to say how much they agree with politically charged statements like, "Gay people make me nervous" and "I would feel uncomfortable having a gay roommate." Once the students have been characterized according to their relative degrees of gayness and homophobia, they're shown a series of icons or photos of wedding-cake figurines (http://www.weddingaccessories.net/wedding-cake-toppers/bride-and-groom-figurines/) on a computer monitor—two women, two men, or a man with a woman—and told to label each one as being "gay" or "straight." In a final twist, some of the "gay" and "straight" images are preceded on the screen by a subliminal verbal cue—a word flashed quickly on the screen that reads either me or others. If seeing the word me shortens a student's reaction time for the gay-themed imagery, it's taken as a sign of her implicit homosexuality. On a subconscious level, at least, she's associating the word me with gayness.

Many researchers have used setups like this one—known as an "Implicit Association Test - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Implicit_Association_Test)"—to dig up evidence of covert inclinations or even racial prejudice. The idea is that it takes people less time to make connections between words or images when those connections conform to prior beliefs. A person might respond more quickly to the word blue if she'd been cued with the word sky, or—more disturbing—she might be faster on the word man after being cued with the word president. The Rochester team adapted this idea for their measure of sexuality: A student's secret gay identity could be revealed by testing whether she responded more quickly to me-cued gay pictures than to me-cued straight ones

see more of the story
http://www.slate.com/articles/health_and_science/science/2012/04/homophobic_maybe_you_re_gay_the_new_york_times_on_ a_new_study_of_secret_sexuality_.single.html

http://www.slate.com/articles/health_and_science/science/2012/04/homophobic_maybe_you_re_gay_the_new_york_times_on_ a_new_study_of_secret_sexuality_.2.html

05-03-2012, 01:27 PM
If the Middlesex drama series follows the book's setting, it would take place largely in Detroit, where the main character grows up. HBO's recent comedy series entry, Hung, is also set in the Detroit area.

HBO declined to comment.

(The Middle Sex & an Experiment on Homophobia)
Psychiatrists from the University of GA, based after the murder of a transgender woman whose killers identified themselves as "not gay," conducted an experiment on several hundred men who identified as 100% heterosexual, and with never having had a same-sex encounter, and claiming never to have ever had a same-sex thought. So, these men were divided into control groups with a loop around their penis that measured their arousal to GAY PORN.

See I told you, they wanna do all types of test and shit to basically make people think everyone is gay, see this that Greek bullshit.
Do they even know the dam definition of what being gay is? hmmmmm

05-03-2012, 07:11 PM
We knew this already...

Yeah, it's intuitive to any intelligent person, right?

But I welcome the research.

05-03-2012, 08:38 PM
Let me keep it real. This is a bunch of bullshit!!!! I bet the people that studied this so called HOMOPHOBIC thingy are GAY THEMSELVES!!!

First of the word homophobic is a word designed to make straight people feel guilty about not compromising with the gay life style and straight people have the right. This word is subliminally trying to take away the right of straight people. If a man finds it gross that two men are kissing that is not being homophobic, he's not into that shit. These type of people are so fucking out of their minds that they think EVERYONE is gay and if you don't side with being gay something is wrong and HOMOPHOBIC is that.

Greeks society was basically gay and having sex with young boys, if you lived in their society and didn't have same sex relations, or with animals you were seemed as weird. The same shit is now happening in America.

This bullshit about people who are activist against gays are really homosexuals is a bunch of bullshit. This is why I say it's so.

For one, the word homophobic mean's a person who is suppose to be scared of homos, the word phobic means that.

Phobia/Phobic www.dictionary.com
a persistent, irrational fear of a specific object, activity, or situation that leads to a compelling desire to avoid it.

Now being that said is it irrational of a straight man if he doesn't like to see two men kissing? No, he just doesn't like that shit and no one should try to change his mind on it. Now this term homophobic is some stupid shit because straight people ARE NOT SCARED OF HOMOSEXUALS THEY JUST DON'T LIKE THAT SHIT!!! Plain and simple. Using words of art to trick and trying to make people compromise is some bullshit.

Now on another note, lets say a person is an advocate against child molestation, is this person in the closet him/her self a CHILD MOLESTER? Hell no these doctors did shit in like 2002 talking this bullshit now they're bringing this shit back up again, it's because they have a homo agenda. The shit is stupid, no one is scared of homosexuals they simply don't like it and that's their right. The word homophobic shouldn't even be used to described people that don't like that life style. How the fuck can you tell a straight man, who is grossed out by two men kissing he's homophobic? He's not irrational about that shit, that's his natural order because after all HE'S STRAIGHT!!!!

it is ok to not not be gay or find acts of homosexual expression attractive or appealing.its is however NOT okay to discriminate,ridicule or persecute someone for being gay.people deserve to have the same rights as everyone else regardless of sex,gender expression,religion,race and etc.
you should keep in mind that not to long ago the majority of this country though it was okay to discriminate,ridicule and persecute you for being a black male.you would think having a bit of compassion and sympathy is in order.we dont accuse civil right activist like dr.king as having a black agenda...just saying *shrugs*
also it my personal experience that the most outspokenly homophobic people tend to have some deep seated issues with their own sexuality.when a person is secure in their own "straightness" they tend to have little problem with what other people choose to do with their genitals.

05-03-2012, 08:40 PM
it is ok to not not be gay or find acts of homosexual expression attractive or appealing.its is however NOT okay to discriminate,ridicule or persecute someone for being gay.people deserve to have the same rights as everyone else regardless of sex,gender expression,religion,race and etc.
you should keep in mind that not to long ago the majority of this country though it was okay to discriminate,ridicule and persecute you for being a black male.you would think having a bit of compassion and sympathy is in order.we dont accuse civil right activist like dr.king as having a black agenda...just saying *shrugs*
also it my personal experience that the most outspokenly homophobic people tend to have some deep seated issues with their own sexuality.when a person is secure in their own "straightness" they tend to have little problem with what other people choose to do with their genitals.

:iagree::iagree::iagree: Terrific post, Amber. Empathy and compassion are emotions in all too short supply around here at times.

05-03-2012, 09:03 PM
it is ok to not not be gay or find acts of homosexual expression attractive or appealing.its is however NOT okay to discriminate,ridicule or persecute someone for being gay.people deserve to have the same rights as everyone else regardless of sex,gender expression,religion,race and etc.
you should keep in mind that not to long ago the majority of this country though it was okay to discriminate,ridicule and persecute you for being a black male.you would think having a bit of compassion and sympathy is in order.we dont accuse civil right activist like dr.king as having a black agenda...just saying *shrugs*
also it my personal experience that the most outspokenly homophobic people tend to have some deep seated issues with their own sexuality.when a person is secure in their own "straightness" they tend to have little problem with what other people choose to do with their genitals.
Amber, you not only freakin' rock, but you are wise way beyond your years.:Bowdown:

05-03-2012, 09:12 PM
:iagree::iagree::iagree: Terrific post, Amber. Empathy and compassion are emotions in all too short supply around here at times.

thanks...i may not always agree with certain people,ideas or aesthetics but i try to have a certain basic level of respect and empathy...

05-03-2012, 09:13 PM
Amber, you not only freakin' rock, but you are wise way beyond your years.:Bowdown:

some people would love to argue that point...i kinda have to agree with them lol

Nicole Dupre
05-03-2012, 09:27 PM
I've researched this, Wiki-style, before. A psychologist supposedly busted the word out for the first time, believe it or not, in an article in Screw Magazine in the late 60's, where he used it to refer to a self-proclaimed heterosexual man's fear that others might think he was gay.

I think that original definition speaks volumes, considering that the current day meaning basically defines the closet case assholes irrationally acting out against gay people.

Right on, Al Goldstein and Screw Magazine. lol

05-03-2012, 09:32 PM
It's odd( but I guess it shouldn't be) that much of the cutting edge thought in human sexuality comes from by way of analysis from those with experience in the adult entertainment industry.

I never would have guessed Al Goldstein coined the term 'homophobe'.

Nicole Dupre
05-03-2012, 09:41 PM
He didn't exactly. But a guy named George Weinberg did in his magazine.

Homophobia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homophobia)