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04-20-2012, 10:24 PM
I know I'm new here and posted a few threads already, but I haven't really had many people to talk to about some of these topics/issues and I'd appreciate anything anyone may have to say, even if I don't necessarily agree with it.
Well, basically, a friend of mine who I've known for about a year an a half told my good friend he's interested in me, and eventually told me. The dilemma I'm having is he doesn't know I'm trans, nor do I want to tell him, but I do actually like him quite a lot. I go over all the possible reactions he could have in my head, and ultimately I always end up deciding it would be better to just stay friends with him and avoid feeling obligated to tell him something that I don't want to. Now, I know deep down I'm not comfortable enough with my body to have or even truly want a relationship at the moment, being pre-op, but it still isn't good to feel this way. I have told one friend of mine and she thinks I should just tell him and if he's really my friend he'd accept me anyway...etc. Well, the reason I don't want to tell him isn't exactly the acceptance part of it because I do think he's quite an accepting person and would continue being my friend regardless, however, the part that bothers me is I'll no longer be the girl he's friends with... I'll be the trans girl he's friends with, and I just don't want that title, even if it isn't outright said, I know subconsciously that's how he'll view me, to say he wouldn't see me differently is just simply not true. He just treats me like any ordinary girl and for that to change really would upset me. It makes me feel like anytime that a guy is genuinely interested in me and likes me, I'll always be too scared to pursue anything because I don't want to be viewed any differently... and I don't want that either. Anyway, I'm sorry if this seems like a long-winded rant but I'm just curious how other girls deal with situations like this.

Wendy Summers
04-20-2012, 10:30 PM
I know I'm new here and posted a few threads already, but I haven't really had many people to talk to about some of these topics/issues and I'd appreciate anything anyone may have to say, even if I don't necessarily agree with it.

Well, basically, a friend of mine who I've known for about a year an a half told my good friend he's interested in me, and eventually told me. The dilemma I'm having is he doesn't know I'm trans, nor do I want to tell him, but I do actually like him quite a lot.

I go over all the possible reactions he could have in my head, and ultimately I always end up deciding it would be better to just stay friends with him and avoid feeling obligated to tell him something that I don't want to. Now, I know deep down I'm not comfortable enough with my body to have or even truly want a relationship at the moment, being pre-op, but it still isn't good to feel this way.

I have told one friend of mine and she thinks I should just tell him and if he's really my friend he'd accept me anyway...etc. Well, the reason I don't want to tell him isn't exactly the acceptance part of it because I do think he's quite an accepting person and would continue being my friend regardless, however, the part that bothers me is I'll no longer be the girl he's friends with... I'll be the trans girl he's friends with, and I just don't want that title, even if it isn't outright said, I know subconsciously that's how he'll view me, to say he wouldn't see me differently is just simply not true.

He just treats me like any ordinary girl and for that to change really would upset me. It makes me feel like anytime that a guy is genuinely interested in me and likes me, I'll always be too scared to pursue anything because I don't want to be viewed any differently... and I don't want that either. Anyway, I'm sorry if this seems like a long-winded rant but I'm just curious how other girls deal with situations like this.


I've been through that situation several times... a year long and he's only known you as a girl? His sexual interest may change but his view of you likely won't.

04-20-2012, 10:31 PM

I've been through that situation several times... a year long and he's only known you as a girl? His sexual interest may change but he view of you likely won't.

I thought you didn't take anything seriously, and yet you've earned my +1. ;)

Well said.


04-20-2012, 10:33 PM
Yeah, and I just want him to see me as any ordinary girl and I just don't think he would anymore... and it's really sad to me. Anyway, thanks for giving your advice and re-organizing my post, have a good weekend!

Wendy Summers
04-20-2012, 10:34 PM
I thought you didn't take anything seriously, and yet you've earned my +1. ;)

Well said.


wut? I made a passive aggressive grammar nazi lutz in that post.


04-20-2012, 10:36 PM
He if likes u he will still like u... and nine times out of ten he knows somewhere in back of his head!

04-20-2012, 10:37 PM
i think he will know it anyway someday. it s better if u tell him before he find out oyher way. then, he will have a good reason to be upset. Just my opinion

04-20-2012, 10:43 PM
He if likes u he will still like u... and nine times out of ten he knows somewhere in back of his head!
Thanks for your opinion, hun. Well, here's the strange part of it all... about 6 months ago he talked to me about transgender people and I thought my friend told him... which sort of bothered me but I just said I felt that way, and he said "If you want to become a guy, then I won't stop you, I'll just feel bad that I missed out." So I know for sure he doesn't know about my situation, and now it's incredibly awkward to explain lol.

04-20-2012, 10:44 PM
Thanks for your opinion, have a good weekend :)

04-20-2012, 10:45 PM
I would not tell him. Most men want the ass, these deep romantic feelings you write about probably do not pertain to him, those are just wishful thoughts on your part. Bottom line, not very complicated, he is interested in the ass...either give it him or not

04-20-2012, 10:48 PM
I'm a believer in 'honesty is the best policy'. But if you like it how it is and don't want it to change, just tell him you just want to be friends and leave it at that. If down the road he finds out and thinks you were being deceptive, just tell him why you did it and if he's a halfway decent person he should be able to understand why you didn't come out and say something.

04-20-2012, 10:52 PM
It's sad that the right people aren't meeting the right people.
It would be totally cool for instance with most guys on this board if you did a 'reveal'.

Good luck.

04-20-2012, 10:53 PM
Aw I hope that's not the case... but yeah I think you might be right, and obviously I can't do anything sexually at the moment, so I guess I'll stick to just staying friends with him and avoiding that awkward conversation, thanks for your opinion, have a good weekend :)

04-20-2012, 10:54 PM
Yeah I think I like our relationship as friends as it is right now... thanks for giving your thoughts, enjoy your weekend :)

04-20-2012, 10:54 PM
It's sad that the right people aren't meeting the right people.
It would be totally cool for instance with most guys on this board if you did a 'reveal'.

Good luck.
Sorry I don't know what a "reveal" is? Thanks for the well wishes though, have a good weekend :)

04-20-2012, 11:03 PM
Lmao, well you have a GREAT weekend. If I didn't know better I'd say you were a cashier and the 'have a good weekend' just comes out automatically at the end of every sentence. :P

04-20-2012, 11:03 PM
Being a friend of his and someone whom you care for as well as his feelings he has towards you, I think it would be in your best interest to confide in him whom you really are. I might suggest that you be honest and tell him why at this point in time you are not interested in taking your friendship to the next level. In another post you shared you are not ready for a relationship with anyone whether or not they are an acquaintance, friend or stranger. So stick with your gut but confide in your friend as he has already demonstrated to you he would be supportive of you being a transgendered.

Wendy Summers
04-20-2012, 11:05 PM
Sorry I don't know what a "reveal" is? Thanks for the well wishes though, have a good weekend :)

When you find yourself leaning up against the guy, your soft lips pressed against his as his tongue slides into your warm, wet mouth. He puts his arm around your waist drawing you closer.

It's then he notices.

The bulge in your pants.

That hardened mess of womanhood throbbing with desire.

His eyes widen. "Is that...?"

You smile coyly.

His jaw drops, "You're a.."

You press your lips forward against his and let your tongue slither as deep into his mouth as you can. We you finally let him up for air, you softly, breathily, whisper into his ear "yes. I have a cock."

That, my dear, is how you do a reveal.

04-20-2012, 11:05 PM
Start thinking like a guy for a moment. Seriously. If you lay that all on a guy he'll probably start thinking too much. "What does this mean?" "What will I tell my friends?" "What about my family?" "How can this last?" "Does this mean I'm gay?" and all that other crapola. (Even though he already knows on an instinctive level.)

Here's how to avoid it and see if you can have a real relationship.

1. Sounds like you're already friends with his friends. Good. Grow that circle. If they like you, and if they like him with you, then they will be supportive of you two being together. Let them flirt with you too. Get him a bit jealous. When he chooses you, it should be really obvious to them why, and they should envy him.

2. Get to know his sisters/brothers; then his parents. Let them fall in love with you too. Now you've just removed two major obstacles.

3. Make it a small deal. Tell his friends, "Bob doesn't know I'm a Tranny yet."

4. Remember that you are his fantasy. Really.

5. If he has any doubt, tell him that you get him for a night. If he comes, then you get him for a week. After that he's free to choose. If you can't flip him in a week, you aren't trying.

04-20-2012, 11:07 PM
This is a difficult question to answer without knowing the guy. For me I wouldnt want to be the one who ruins your relationship by telling him that you are trans, on the other hand he may already know...

When I think back about crushes I have had in the past, before I discovered my attraction. Honestly I would have run a mile.... Realising that I do indeed have an attraction towards TS woman then you can bet your bottom I would be on the phone asking you out on a date before you knew it.

But this is only my opinion.

It also seems to me that you may share friends, with the guy telling your other mate that he likes you. could she have told him beforehand and you maybe worring about nothing

just a thought

Wendy Summers
04-20-2012, 11:09 PM
Start thinking like a guy for a moment. Seriously. If you lay that all on a guy he'll probably start thinking too much. "What does this mean?" "What will I tell my friends?" "What about my family?" "How can this last?" "Does this mean I'm gay?" and all that other crapola. (Even though he already knows on an instinctive level.)

Here's how to avoid it and see if you can have a real relationship.

1. Sounds like you're already friends with his friends. Good. Grow that circle. If they like you, and if they like him with you, then they will be supportive of you two being together. Let them flirt with you too. Get him a bit jealous. When he chooses you, it should be really obvious to them why, and they should envy him.

2. Get to know his sisters/brothers; then his parents. Let them fall in love with you too. Now you've just removed two major obstacles.

3. Make it a small deal. Tell his friends, "Bob doesn't know I'm a Tranny yet."

4. Remember that you are his fantasy. Really.

5. If he has any doubt, tell him that you get him for a night. If he comes, then you get him for a week. After that he's free to choose. If you can't flip him in a week, you aren't trying.

Well now we know Papibear's personal fantasy... :geek:

04-20-2012, 11:10 PM
Lol! I know for a lot of guys interested in trans girls that would be a sort of fantasy for them... however, for me, I really just want to me be seen as any other ordinary woman whether it be while making friends or having sexual relationships. I'm 19 and still haven't had any type of sexual experiences at all, I know once I have srs in January I'll go crazy and probably be pretty promiscuous for awhile lol.

04-20-2012, 11:11 PM
When you find yourself leaning up against the guy, your soft lips pressed against his as his tongue slides into your warm, wet mouth. He puts his arm around your waist drawing you closer.

It's then he notices.

The bulge in your pants.

That hardened mess of womanhood throbbing with desire.

His eyes widen. "Is that...?"

You smile coyly.

His jaw drops, "You're a.."

You press your lips forward against his and let your tongue slither as deep into his mouth as you can. We you finally let him up for air, you softly, breathily, whisper into his ear "yes. I have a cock."

That, my dear, is how you do a reveal.

Wow Wendy, just WOW. When`s our date xXx

04-20-2012, 11:11 PM
Lol thanks for your tips and advice, I wish I could have sex with him... but I really refuse to do that until I get srs... but still I appreciate your thoughts, have a good weekend :)

04-20-2012, 11:13 PM
You press your lips forward against his and let your tongue slither as deep into his mouth as you can. We you finally let him up for air, you softly, breathily, whisper into his ear "yes. I have a cock."

If at that moment his hands shoot up in the air open palm like someone just yelled "Freeze or I'll shoot!", it's a no go.

Wendy Summers
04-20-2012, 11:13 PM
Wow Wendy, just WOW. When`s our date xXx

;) .@

Wendy Summers
04-20-2012, 11:20 PM
If at that moment his hands shoot up in the air open palm like someone just yelled "Freeze or I'll shoot!", it's a no go.

Ok true story time;

I had this black guy bugging me to date him... like 3 months worth of non-stop "will you go out with me?". I even outted myself in hopes he'd go away. The first three times he insisted i was joking. The fourth time he said "eh doctors can take care of that". I was like damn he's cool with it. Another month later, I finally agree to a date.

Turns out he was an amazing fucking date. We both had a great time, made out a little etc.

As we're walking back to our cars he goes, "you had a good time... see? and after all that shit you gave me lying and saying you have a dick."

"That wasn't a lie... I do."

Dude turned white.

He stood in shock for a few minutes like a deer in headlights. I said "here's the deal. I had fun. If you think about it and you're cool, I'd be glad to see you again. But if not no shakes either. Unless I hear from you, you'll never hear from me again."

All I could think was I was lucky he was in such a state of shock from the news... I doubt it would have ended so smoothly otherwise.

04-20-2012, 11:22 PM
If you're not comfortable with having a relationship with him, why out yourself? Just politely say you want to be friends and everything will stay great. It's pretty simple, really...

Wendy Summers
04-20-2012, 11:22 PM
If you're not comfortable with having a relationship with him, why out yourself? Just politely say you want to be friends and everything will stay great. It's pretty simple, really...

You reach a point in a friendship where the person feels betrayed you didn't tell them. #itsfuckedupiknowbutithappens

04-20-2012, 11:25 PM
Ok true story time;

I had this black guy bugging me to date him... like 3 months worth of non-stop "will you go out with me?". I even outted myself in hopes he'd go away. The first three times he insisted i was joking. The fourth time he said "eh doctors can take care of that". I was like damn he's cool with it. Another month later, I finally agree to a date.

Turns out he was an amazing fucking date. We both had a great time, made out a little etc.

As we're walking back to our cars he goes, "you had a good time... see? and after all that shit you gave me lying and saying you have a dick."

"That wasn't a lie... I do."

Dude turned white.

He stood in shock for a few minutes like a deer in headlights. I said "here's the deal. I had fun. If you think about it and you're cool, I'd be glad to see you again. But if not no shakes either. Unless I hear from you, you'll never hear from me again."

All I could think was I was lucky he was in such a state of shock from the news... I doubt it would have ended so smoothly otherwise.

Let that be a lesson to you! When in doubt, whip it out. Could have saved yourself months of harassing date requests. :P

04-20-2012, 11:33 PM
I guess this situation got me thinking about the future and made me wonder how or if I'd even tell my future partner, which I think I would, it's just difficult, anyway, thanks for your thoughts, have a good weekend :)

04-21-2012, 12:46 AM
Well now we know Papibear's personal fantasy... :geek:

Touche WW

Then again, years ago a T-girl approached me on Match.com and asked if I'd be cool. I told her "no." Now I wish I hadn't.

You're asking a guy to think through something in an instant that he may or may not have ever thought about before, and you're expecting him to make an intelligent decision. Really?

The alternative is to just be out in general. Don't make a secret of it. That way, when a guy shows up, you know that he already knows. But it seems like some girls aren't comfortable doing that.

04-21-2012, 01:15 AM
I guess this situation got me thinking about the future and made me wonder how or if I'd even tell my future partner, which I think I would, it's just difficult, anyway, thanks for your thoughts, have a good weekend :)

I think you just answered your question. Use this situation to learn. If you get to the point in the future where you meet a great partner, you'll have this experience to fall back on.

04-21-2012, 01:25 AM
It's sad that the right people aren't meeting the right people.
It would be totally cool for instance with most guys on this board if you did a 'reveal'.

Good luck.

Yes and they will try to talk her out of srs lol

04-21-2012, 01:35 AM
Yes and they will try to talk her out of srs lol
Bringing up the douche, yet again.

04-21-2012, 01:40 AM
Yes and they will try to talk her out of srs lol

It's not a man's decision if a TS gets SRS so he can talk all he wants.
I dunno, but if a T is in a LTR with a committed man and he wasn't really overjoyed with the idea of his significant other getting the cut, if she was ambivalent(take it or leave it) about her genitals anyway, would it be a major inconvenience to keep her original plumbing??

From a selfish point of view, the only thing I would be concerned about after a transgendered woman I was hypothetically involved with got SRS would be whether or not she was still sexually responsive.

If a T is seriously involved with a man and that's her long term agenda, I think she should tell him sooner than later what her plans are so he can adjust his mind to it so he can 'transition' mentally also.

04-21-2012, 02:04 AM
Doll, I think ur great and I think young and I personally dont think this forum is best place for advice! LOL There are tons of great transgendered resources where its not porn/escort related. Just some food for thought. I know many girls who had SRS and thought they whole world would change, people would just accept them as a woman cuz they have a vagina. In reality babe u will always be a trans woman, and have once lived as a man. So just remember no matter how many surgries u have u still will have a past and be trans.. And in the end even if u fool a hundred guys with that vagina of yours you might fool the wrong one who will hate u for it. So I know your young but I have spent many years teaching seminars at trans conventions about this subject.

04-21-2012, 03:25 AM
Doll, I think ur great and I think young and I personally dont think this forum is best place for advice! LOL There are tons of great transgendered resources where its not porn/escort related. Just some food for thought. I know many girls who had SRS and thought they whole world would change, people would just accept them as a woman cuz they have a vagina. In reality babe u will always be a trans woman, and have once lived as a man. So just remember no matter how many surgries u have u still will have a past and be trans.. And in the end even if u fool a hundred guys with that vagina of yours you might fool the wrong one who will hate u for it. So I know your young but I have spent many years teaching seminars at trans conventions about this subject.

I think these words may be the first true sign of a real well adjusted person I've seen on this board. If I were in your shoes I'd take Michelle's words to heart.

04-21-2012, 05:21 AM
Oh trust me hun, I know that. That's definitely not the reason I want srs. I want it so I can look at my body and finally be proud of it and happy in my own skin. I know some girls can feel comfortable with themselves before the surgery but I definitely can't. But I really appreciate your advice, thank you :)

04-21-2012, 06:19 AM
Not being critical just asking. Why do you feel obligate to tell him? I have many friends of the opposite gender and my sex life is none of their business. Likewise, I have not right to ask them about their organs or their practices. They are friends and it is irrelevant to our friendship whether they have a penis or not. Now if you decide you want to be more than friends you probably should tell him before you go on a date. Are you sure he has no idea? He's known you for a significant period of time.

04-21-2012, 06:41 AM
Oh I don't feel obligated, but since I do have feelings for him, if I were to ever get into a relationship with him I think I would feel more obliged to tell him... that's what I meant, and that's the reason why I'd rather just avoid moving on to that step and just stay friends with him and not feel like I have anything to explain. Yeah he doesn't know at all... he's talked about getting me pregnant (jokingly) and lots of other stuff and I'm sure he doesn't know. Anyway, thanks for answering. :)

04-21-2012, 06:58 AM
maybe that's your intro. tell him that it's a plus, he doesn't have to worry about getting you pregnant. J/K. It's a difficult dilemma. You seem like a genuine person and as such, I would guess you do a good job at picking friends. He very well may be into YOU. That includes excepting you for being who you are.

04-21-2012, 07:22 AM
I say tell him. Honesty brings less complications, and if hes really interested, it wont matter. If it turns him off, it might not be the kinda person you are looking for anyway.

04-21-2012, 07:30 AM
Oh trust me hun, I know that. That's definitely not the reason I want srs. I want it so I can look at my body and finally be proud of it and happy in my own skin. I know some girls can feel comfortable with themselves before the surgery but I definitely can't. But I really appreciate your advice, thank you :)

That's great to hear and I wish u tons of luck. The seminar I teach at conventions is about accepting you for you on the inside. I have met a lot of girls who never loved who they were and spent many years and many surgeries to change the outer appearance in return to still look in the mirror and hate themselves. So i wish u tons of luck on your journey, and down the road u do have to tell your loved one even after surgery because one day if u dont and he founds out another way, he will think you betrayed him. I am just saying that because of a few others response of who's business is it. If your going to be in a relationship there has to be trust and understanding. I know a girl who was post op, never told her bf she was a ts, and when he found out he went crazy and murdered her. So, even though u have everything of a woman, that can still scar a guy in some ways. I dont think you should tell everyone you meet, but this guy sounds like he wants something more with you and you do the same.

04-21-2012, 07:38 AM
Yes and they will try to talk her out of srs lol

I was just about to say that, lmao

04-21-2012, 07:48 AM
When you find yourself leaning up against the guy, your soft lips pressed against his as his tongue slides into your warm, wet mouth. He puts his arm around your waist drawing you closer.

It's then he notices.

The bulge in your pants.

That hardened mess of womanhood throbbing with desire.

His eyes widen. "Is that...?"

You smile coyly.

His jaw drops, "You're a.."

You press your lips forward against his and let your tongue slither as deep into his mouth as you can. We you finally let him up for air, you softly, breathily, whisper into his ear "yes. I have a cock."

That, my dear, is how you do a reveal.


Hannibal Lecter
04-21-2012, 07:51 AM

Haven't you guys grown up from topics like this yet?

All T-girls are clockable, it's just a matter of time, because the clockability degree varies.

Even if we assume that you are dunder-feminine and your voice is perfect, even then, a guy who is knowing you for a year and a half and especially a guy who lives in your area simply must have figured out your secrets by now. And if he does not - then something is wrong wit his IQ or some other part and in such case he should be avoided..

The tricking thing works only on a complete strangers, who meet you for the first time, and if the stranger is somewhat smart and not blind, he is going to figure out the facts (even without the touching or anything) few hours\days after the initial contact. It will typically start like this:

- the guy: "wow, look at her.."
- the guy: "i'm gonna talk to her, but i'm so nervous.. "
- you two start making a dialogue, the guy starts thinking you are a little bit of an odd girl, but still cute, unusually smart for being a girl, etc..
- your oddness really amuses him and he goes on, or it scares him away
- if he's still left, he is either going to clock you the same night or few days after, depending on (it will definitely not take him a year and a half)

So, do i need to summarize anything?

Nicole Dupre
04-21-2012, 12:57 PM

Haven't you guys grown up from topics like this yet?

All T-girls are clockable, it's just a matter of time, because the clockability degree varies.

Even if we assume that you are dunder-feminine and your voice is perfect, even then, a guy who is knowing you for a year and a half and especially a guy who lives in your area simply must have figured out your secrets by now. And if he does not - then something is wrong wit his IQ or some other part and in such case he should be avoided..

The tricking thing works only on a complete strangers, who meet you for the first time, and if the stranger is somewhat smart and not blind, he is going to figure out the facts (even without the touching or anything) few hours\days after the initial contact. It will typically start like this:

- the guy: "wow, look at her.."
- the guy: "i'm gonna talk to her, but i'm so nervous.. "
- you two start making a dialogue, the guy starts thinking you are a little bit of an odd girl, but still cute, unusually smart for being a girl, etc..
- your oddness really amuses him and he goes on, or it scares him away
- if he's still left, he is either going to clock you the same night or few days after, depending on (it will definitely not take him a year and a half)

So, do i need to summarize anything?
Oh, yeah. That's always a dead give away; when someone sounds "unusually smart for being born with a vagina". lol

And no more brilliant summarizations from you are necessary.

04-21-2012, 02:06 PM
i hope you decide to tell him, and hope he still wants a relationship with you after.
personally i'd love to find a girl and start going out and find out later she was trans.
and i'd perfere her without srs, but wouldn't stop her. and still want her.

04-21-2012, 03:10 PM

Haven't you guys grown up from topics like this yet?

All T-girls are clockable, it's just a matter of time, because the clockability degree varies.

Even if we assume that you are dunder-feminine and your voice is perfect, even then, a guy who is knowing you for a year and a half and especially a guy who lives in your area simply must have figured out your secrets by now. And if he does not - then something is wrong wit his IQ or some other part and in such case he should be avoided..

The tricking thing works only on a complete strangers, who meet you for the first time, and if the stranger is somewhat smart and not blind, he is going to figure out the facts (even without the touching or anything) few hours\days after the initial contact. It will typically start like this:

- the guy: "wow, look at her.."
- the guy: "i'm gonna talk to her, but i'm so nervous.. "
- you two start making a dialogue, the guy starts thinking you are a little bit of an odd girl, but still cute, unusually smart for being a girl, etc..
- your oddness really amuses him and he goes on, or it scares him away
- if he's still left, he is either going to clock you the same night or few days after, depending on (it will definitely not take him a year and a half)

So, do i need to summarize anything?
That really doesn't make any sense, sorry. Unusually smart for being a girl? What kind of thing is that to say? Also, yes, he's known me for a year and a half and doesn't know, I AM a girl so it's not as if I'm lying, it sounds like you don't understand that we're just women and transsexuality and intelligence don't really go hand in hand.

04-21-2012, 03:13 PM
Thanks for your thoughts, have a good weekend :)

04-21-2012, 03:17 PM
Thanks so much for the well wishes, and I really appreciate your concern. Tragedies like that are horrible and remind us how many people are still not accepting of us. But, I do see where you're coming from and to an extent I definitely agree with you. It's really nice of you to hold seminars like that, and I wish you luck in whatever you decide to do, you seem like a really nice, compassionate girl. :)

04-21-2012, 03:45 PM
Just drop it into conversation. Seriously that's the easiest way. Find the right convesrsation and steer the conversation in the right direction. For instance where the guy joked about getting you pregnant you could of dropped the line "medical science hasn't come that far hon and laughed it off". If he's got half a brain he either figures it out from that or asks a follow up question. If you drop a non direct but obvious clue in conversation he should be able tofigure it out.

One thing that probably isn't a good idea is to sit down and go straight into a deep and meaningful about your gender. If he hasn't figured it out for himself telling him straight out might hurt his ego (oh I'm so stupid I should have known etc etc) so it really is better to lead the horse to water if you know what I mean by subtly turning a conversation in that direction He may well already know but (or suspect) - for instance the getting you pregnant line may have been a hint for you to confirm that wasn't an option.

The truth is your instincts are probably better than anyone on here's advice merely because we dont know you or your friend or the personalities involved so it's something that really you need to jusdge for yourself.

04-21-2012, 07:19 PM
Thanks so much for the well wishes, and I really appreciate your concern. Tragedies like that are horrible and remind us how many people are still not accepting of us. But, I do see where you're coming from and to an extent I definitely agree with you. It's really nice of you to hold seminars like that, and I wish you luck in whatever you decide to do, you seem like a really nice, compassionate girl. :)

Aw thanks babe! I am complete in my journey... Been an activist in this community for 8 years now and taught and spoke at conventions for five years. Been living fulltime for over 11yrs, we all have different ways of accepting ourselves. I used to be just like you when I was your age. I hated my penis and hated what I seen in mirror. Then a year or two after I transitioned I met a man who was into it, I opened my eyes to something new. I realized I loved how it felt and what it did for me. I started re-evaluating myself and finding out is it wrong to be a woman with a cock? A transsexual? For so long I wanted to hide in society as a woman and no one to know. Finally I realized it was best for me to be accepting of being a transsexual woman. We are unique and different. But I am not saying that is you or lots of girls, thats just my story. I wish u lots of luck on your journey. Your still young and things change throughout the years.

04-22-2012, 12:25 AM
Luv ya, Michelle!

Wish more TGs felt the way you did.

04-22-2012, 01:09 AM
I would remain friends till you have your surgery..then tell him..

Hannibal Lecter
04-22-2012, 08:39 AM
That really doesn't make any sense, sorry. Unusually smart for being a girl? What kind of thing is that to say? Also, yes, he's known me for a year and a half and doesn't know, I AM a girl so it's not as if I'm lying, it sounds like you don't understand that we're just women and transsexuality and intelligence don't really go hand in hand.

Hell, no..

I simply refuse to accept your statements here claming that a guy who knows you for a year and a half still does not know your secrets. Hormones or not, the environment around both of you will tell the story, for Gods sake! Maybe you met him just a couple of days during this year and a half period, or maybe the rest of the friendship around you (especially the common friends) are of an elite kind who keep all the secrets untill they die, i don't know, but all of it sounds very strange, very unrealistic story, so to speak.. What place do you all live in, The Sims City, or?

I totally agree that you are a woman, but unfortunately enough - the bad faith wanted you to be born in the wrong package and that thing is very hard to hide. So i am still of the theory that says that no matter how feminine you are, a normal guy, with a normal perception of the world IS going to clock you sooner or later, still without any touching or so.

On the other side, you are right about the intelligence and gender, there should not be such a relationship between those two, i totally agree on that, i simply wrote a possibly used thinking random-guy-phrase in my previous post not thinking about the consequencies. My bad ;-)

I'm so sorry claiming this, but i still believe that someone started this topic to have some fun somewhere, and that the real story behind it is way different.

04-22-2012, 08:43 AM
she,s a bit big for my liking