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04-20-2012, 09:30 PM
I see you a lot of you 'admirers' coming here and starting trouble with the girls, only to run them off the board entirely when things don't go your way. I'm trying to figure out why it's not you guys that are leaving if it's supposed to be so bad here.

I mean, seriously, the girls are here to promote and make money and the guys are just here to get their rocks off (which they can do without antagonizing the girls, or elsewhere if they lack self control behind the keyboard), and yet despite needing to make money, the girls would rather leave than put up with it.

What's the point of having a board with no girls on it? I don't understand the logic. Will someone please explain this to me? :?


south ov da border
04-20-2012, 09:32 PM

04-20-2012, 09:44 PM
I'll have a crack.

Because that will never happen...

04-20-2012, 09:57 PM
What's the point of having a board with no girls on it? I don't understand the logic. Will someone please explain this to me? :?


I'm thinking some would quite enjoy a sausagefest! :shrug

04-20-2012, 09:59 PM
There's alot of hate on this board. There are people out there who enjoy starting shit, and enjoy it more when it gets under someones skin, which encourages them to do it more. That's not really a reason for a girl to leave the board forever though. It is the internet afterall, it's to be expected to some degree.

04-20-2012, 09:59 PM
I'm thinking some would quite enjoy a sausagefest! :shrug

I don't know why people keep saying that. I'm pretty sure it already is, under the circumstances, don't you? :lol:


04-20-2012, 10:04 PM
I doubt more than 15-30 girls post on HA per week total.
And I'm probably overestimating that number.

There are guys on this board who are just socially retarded.


04-20-2012, 10:12 PM
I see you a lot of you 'admirers' coming here and starting trouble with the girls, only to run them off the board entirely when things don't go your way. I'm trying to figure out why it's not you guys that are leaving if it's supposed to be so bad here.

I mean, seriously, the girls are here to promote and make money and the guys are just here to get their rocks off (which they can do without antagonizing the girls, or elsewhere if they lack self control behind the keyboard), and yet despite needing to make money, the girls would rather leave than put up with it.

What's the point of having a board with no girls on it? I don't understand the logic. Will someone please explain this to me? :?

men fuck up everything, esp white men. They fuck up relationships, fucked up the enviorment, native americans, Africa, (not just with slavery but drawing useless geo nation boundries (in their quest for global domination) without regards to traditions, culture, religion, etc...creating many needless wars and civil unrest), sex, The Beatles, criminal law, weed, music. They misuse animals i.e ride dolphins, hunt for fun, kill for pleasure (both animals and fellow humans i.e serial killers).

So fucking up an porn board and making life miserable for some escorts, pros, porn stars, some reasonable people, some tg's who have lost their mind, and some tranny chasers is nothing to them.

04-20-2012, 10:13 PM
I don't know why people keep saying that. I'm pretty sure it already is, under the circumstances, don't you? :lol:


Leave us simpletons some illusions! :whistle:

Wendy Summers
04-20-2012, 10:15 PM
I come from the world of nerd forums filled with ebullies who were beat upon their whole lives... you all are a fucking cake walk compared to that.


04-20-2012, 10:18 PM
men fuck up everything, esp white men.

Oh woooooooooooooow. :yayo:


04-20-2012, 10:26 PM
First, if a guy truly stumbles upon this site, like I did, he won't realize what this site really IS for a while. I mean it does kinda feed into the belief that every tgirl is in porn. I was naive and didn't know the girls were here to promote themselves.
Secondly, it is blatantly obvious that many girls have no idea who their fans are. There's plenty of venom coming from the ladies simply because they want guys to act a certain way, say for instance not like girls with dicks even though they are girls with dicks.
Third, many girls come on here and are waaaay to sensitive and delusional. Every pic on here is not great but if you say so you're an asshole. It's like if a girl has six toes you have to say she has five. It is possible to fuck yourself up with surgery. Get over it. Sometimes girls do fucked up shit, but if you say so, again, you're an asshole.
So yeah, there are a few jerks that pop up from time to time, but I'd say 90% of the arguments here start over an OPINION that was blown way out of proportion. Saying I don't find you cute is not that serious. Neither is telling a dude in a dress he looks like a dude in a dress. He should know that already.

04-20-2012, 11:00 PM
men fuck up everything, esp white men.

Yeah, but that's just how I was born! Deep down I knew from a young age that I was actually meant to be Japanese, with yellow skin and slanty eyes. Sadly there isn't any way to transistion to who I really am beyond Cirrhosis of the liver and scotch tape on my temples. :(

04-20-2012, 11:31 PM
men fuck up everything, esp white men. They fuck up relationships, fucked up the enviorment, native americans, Africa, (not just with slavery but drawing useless geo nation boundries (in their quest for global domination) without regards to traditions, culture, religion, etc...creating many needless wars and civil unrest), sex, The Beatles, criminal law, weed, music. They misuse animals i.e ride dolphins, hunt for fun, kill for pleasure (both animals and fellow humans i.e serial killers).

You are a complete fool.

I refuse to take responsibility, or feel guilty for the actions of every white man throughout history (as much as I'd like to claim a hand in The Beatles).

I own my actions and personal thoughts. You're going to need a much more sophisticated argument if you want to win over anyone intelligent (of any colour).

I'd like to think you're a troll, but I've seen some of your other posts, and you probably are just that retarded...

04-20-2012, 11:37 PM
I doubt more than 15-30 girls post on HA per week total.
And I'm probably overestimating that number.

There are guys on this board who are just socially retarded.


lmaooo...that is a great over estimation..there are about 5-10 girls who post on here regularly...i took a hiatus before and feel another one coming on..(sorry to all the people contacting me to come back)

04-20-2012, 11:41 PM
First, if a guy truly stumbles upon this site, like I did, he won't realize what this site really IS for a while. I mean it does kinda feed into the belief that every tgirl is in porn. I was naive and didn't know the girls were here to promote themselves.
Secondly, it is blatantly obvious that many girls have no idea who their fans are. There's plenty of venom coming from the ladies simply because they want guys to act a certain way, say for instance not like girls with dicks even though they are girls with dicks.
Third, many girls come on here and are waaaay to sensitive and delusional. Every pic on here is not great but if you say so you're an asshole. It's like if a girl has six toes you have to say she has five. It is possible to fuck yourself up with surgery. Get over it. Sometimes girls do fucked up shit, but if you say so, again, you're an asshole.
So yeah, there are a few jerks that pop up from time to time, but I'd say 90% of the arguments here start over an OPINION that was blown way out of proportion. Saying I don't find you cute is not that serious. Neither is telling a dude in a dress he looks like a dude in a dress. He should know that already.

but why even say all that...i would never tell and ugly person their ugly..if i dont find someone personally attractive i keep it to myself.
i think the fem boy thread is really creepy,pedophiliac and gay but i dont feel the need to post on their saying so....

04-20-2012, 11:43 PM
what caused this outburst? who pissed off who now?

this board was better years ago....now it is the same few people that post all the time and that is hardly representative of the community at large.

MdR Dave
04-20-2012, 11:46 PM
First, if a guy truly stumbles upon this site, like I did. . .

Me too! I was looking for a nice flower shop in the town where my mom lives and BAM! Next thing I knew . . .

04-20-2012, 11:47 PM
its the internet, theres people like that everywhere.

and thats it

04-20-2012, 11:51 PM
men fuck up everything, esp white men. They fuck up relationships, fucked up the enviorment, native americans, Africa, (not just with slavery but drawing useless geo nation boundries (in their quest for global domination) without regards to traditions, culture, religion, etc...creating many needless wars and civil unrest), sex, The Beatles, criminal law, weed, music. They misuse animals i.e ride dolphins, hunt for fun, kill for pleasure (both animals and fellow humans i.e serial killers).

So fucking up an porn board and making life miserable for some escorts, pros, porn stars, some reasonable people, some tg's who have lost their mind, and some tranny chasers is nothing to them.

OH REALLY??? I would differ your opinion, most of the guys on here that attack girls and go off are mostly the black ones! Biggest shit starter is Freddie (but he doesnt attack he just puts some hateful/racist shit up about ts!) and the list can go on!

MdR Dave
04-20-2012, 11:53 PM
Buck, it doesnt matter who's in charge, shit gets fucked up. Power attracts fucked up people, not altruists, and fucked up people do fucked up things.

Point out the white guy behind starvation in North Korea, environmental catastrophe in China, or the frequent genocides in Africa.

And the Beatles? T'was a Japanese female fucked that up. Unless you meant Paul McCartney- in which case I agree, a white guy fucked them up too.

04-21-2012, 12:05 AM
but why even say all that...i would never tell and ugly person their ugly..if i dont find someone personally attractive i keep it to myself.
i think the fem boy thread is really creepy,pedophiliac and gay but i dont feel the need to post on their saying so....
I feel ya on that. Never been on that thread. Doesn't interest me so why would I go? HOWEVER, it's gotta go both ways. You can't post some fugly pic and then say how fine you think you are. Why even go there??? That's what I mean---you knew when you posted the pic someone wasn't gonna like it. So why get mad because someone didn't like it?? Girls get bad boob jobs all the time, but everyone acts like it never happens. I don't post often because I get drawn in emotionally. But damn, when someone goes on and on and on about the emperor's new clothes and it's blatantly obvious he's not wearing any---it's infuriating. Yes beauty is in the high of the beholder, but some sh*t is obvious.

04-21-2012, 12:09 AM
Btw, I think this site has been an asset to many girls, but some really hurt their fan base by being here. I can name 2 who I used to adore but the side they showed on here made me swear them off for ever. Sometimes your fans only need to see the "fake" you.

04-21-2012, 12:11 AM
I see you a lot of you 'admirers' coming here and starting trouble with the girls, only to run them off the board entirely when things don't go your way. I'm trying to figure out why it's not you guys that are leaving if it's supposed to be so bad here.

I mean, seriously, the girls are here to promote and make money and the guys are just here to get their rocks off (which they can do without antagonizing the girls, or elsewhere if they lack self control behind the keyboard), and yet despite needing to make money, the girls would rather leave than put up with it.

What's the point of having a board with no girls on it? I don't understand the logic. Will someone please explain this to me? :?


Yes I agree, the women here all live up to the name hung"Angels" and we're all just a pack of troublemaking trolls with no money, no social skills and no women who want us because we're all closest homo's who can't comprehend shit.

But you can just call me Chase Mcthirsty.

We're sick!

04-21-2012, 12:19 AM
The bigger issue is that even though we have always been affiliated with porn ha initially had a very strong sense of community when we started in 2002....people get tired of being spammed for porn promotions and parties and they go somewhere else on the web.....most people don't want to dig to find the topics...nothing on page one they hit the x

04-21-2012, 12:27 AM
If a girl posts an unflattering pic, even a child knows it's better to say nothing instead of making a negative comment. IMO people forget who the real 'talent' is on this board.


Dino Velvet
04-21-2012, 12:31 AM
Usually the same guys being the usual suspects having their homo-erotic circle jerk party as they down T-Girls but really more interested in speculating about each others peckers than admiring a pretty lady. Who are the real bitches?

04-21-2012, 12:40 AM
If a girl posts an unflattering pic, even a child knows it's better to say nothing instead of making a negative comment. IMO people forget who the real 'talent' is on this board.

Point is if a guy says "I liked her better before", that's viewed as "fuck you, you ugly bitch!". It's an overreaction.
Why is it ok to post an unflattering pic and promote it as the hottest pic ever taken? If some people moved a little closer to a town called reality, things would rarely get bad.
Btw, if you post an avatar and people attack you that's one thing. But if you post PICTURES asking people's opinions, then you should be willing to accept negative opinions. Even a child should know that.

04-21-2012, 12:47 AM
But if you post PICTURES asking people's opinions, then you should be willing to accept negative opinions. Even a child should know that.

Many childish people flock to this board, but what they know collectively could fit neatly into a 'Charles In Charge' lunchbox, minus the thermos.

04-21-2012, 12:54 AM
This is undoubtedly true. But also true that there are some very intelligent and well-educated people here. They all shouldn't be painted with the same broad brush.

04-21-2012, 01:21 AM
The general rule here on HA is honesty is not tolerated and ass-kissing is a must. You must be the biggest fan of every woman on HA and no matter what you must defend every statement or your not a true fan. Never state an opinion unless its agreeable to the majority of the board. If you feel the need to state an opinion then your a tranny chaser. Beyond that, just say wonderful things and you will be another great poster.

(Sarcasm is not tolerated)

04-21-2012, 01:53 AM
The general rule here on HA is honesty is not tolerated and ass-kissing is a must. You must be the biggest fan of every woman on HA and no matter what you must defend every statement or your not a true fan. Never state an opinion unless its agreeable to the majority of the board. If you feel the need to state an opinion then your a tranny chaser. Beyond that, just say wonderful things and you will be another great poster.

(Sarcasm is not tolerated)

Guys and gals fight on HA all the time simply because they have a disagreement about a given topic. No one wants to have their ass kissed on this board.
But some of you don't know how to express your opinion without going postal.
There is a sense I get that some of you have a need to put a girl 'in her place'.
It's fine to debate or argue, but there's no need to belittle.:loser:

04-21-2012, 02:14 AM
I come from the world of nerd forums filled with ebullies who were beat upon their whole lives... you all are a fucking cake walk compared to that.


This is so true. People think this is rough? Go check out the epeen strokers on some of the gaming forums!

MdR Dave
04-21-2012, 02:36 AM
Usually the same guys being the usual suspects having their homo-erotic circle jerk party as they down T-Girls but really more interested in speculating about each others peckers than admiring a pretty lady. Who are the real bitches?

That's uncharacteristic.

Trolls, take note.

04-21-2012, 02:54 AM
You are a complete fool.

I refuse to take responsibility, or feel guilty for the actions of every white man throughout history (as much as I'd like to claim a hand in The Beatles).

I own my actions and personal thoughts. You're going to need a much more sophisticated argument if you want to win over anyone intelligent (of any colour).

I'd like to think you're a troll, but I've seen some of your other posts, and you probably are just that retarded...

Several thoughts on Buck's racist tirade. First....just several days ago there were calls to have me banned by a handful of fools.....I suppose I became unacceptable to them when I suggested to wait for more facts on the Zimmerman case, or defended Nuggent's First Amendment right to vent. Yet not one of those scum bags will post a single word in protest about a drunk black dude and his overt racism , because they have no balls... Ask them why....they know who they are. Should I list their names? That's what's wrong with this shithole....it's not about people speaking their mind...it's about judgemental hypocrites...You mark my words...they'll be more chics on here scolding Buck, than dudes....you may be the exception.

Does anyone really need to respond to Buck? I say don't ban him...let him keep spouting his ignorant hate. I suspected it was there all along...it just took a handle of bourbon to bring it out. And every time from here in out he makes a post on anything...I'll be here to remind him of his hateful bigotry. But maybe his liver will fail soon, and spare us white folks his ignorance

MdR Dave
04-21-2012, 03:05 AM
OMK, Buck drinks rum. You've been around long enough to know at least that much about him.

A few people pointed out his "white men" statement, including Bella and myself.

While I didn't decry him as a racist or attack him I did present an alternative to his implied indictment of my peeps.

I guess some people incite harsher reactions than others, for one reason or another.

04-21-2012, 03:38 AM
Several thoughts on Buck's racist tirade. First....just several days ago there were calls to have me banned by a handful of fools.....I suppose I became unacceptable to them when I suggested to wait for more facts on the Zimmerman case, or defended Nuggent's First Amendment right to vent. Yet not one of those scum bags will post a single word in protest about a drunk black dude and his overt racism , because they have no balls... Ask them why....they know who they are. Should I list their names? That's what's wrong with this shithole....it's not about people speaking their mind...it's about judgemental hypocrites...You mark my words...they'll be more chics on here scolding Buck, than dudes....you may be the exception.

Does anyone really need to respond to Buck? I say don't ban him...let him keep spouting his ignorant hate. I suspected it was there all along...it just took a handle of bourbon to bring it out. And every time from here in out he makes a post on anything...I'll be here to remind him of his hateful bigotry. But maybe his liver will fail soon, and spare us white folks his ignorance

I agree, this is why I hate this forum, the judgmental hypocrites who scream the loudest at one persons hate are silent when it comes from another.

Also, I find it bizarre that guys want to be judgmental over the girls pics yet they don't post pics of themselves.

Kings of the sh*t pile rule on,, enjoy your forum.

04-21-2012, 03:45 AM
Several thoughts on Buck's racist tirade. First.... Yet not one of those scum bags will post a single word in protest about a drunk black dude and his overt racism , because they have no balls... Ask them why....they know who they are. Should I list their names? That's what's wrong with this shithole....it's not about people speaking their mind...it's about judgemental hypocrites...You mark my words...they'll be more chics on here scolding Buck, than dudes....you may be the exception.

Does anyone really need to respond to Buck? I say don't ban him...let him keep spouting his ignorant hate. I suspected it was there all along...it just took a handle of bourbon to bring it out. And every time from here in out he makes a post on anything...I'll be here to remind him of his hateful bigotry. But maybe his liver will fail soon, and spare us white folks his ignorance

How was my post racist or hateful. Like the defense to libel/slander the truth is my post defense. Was anything I wrote untruthful?

That said, guys fuck everything up, and that is the truth. So much that is fucked up today is caused by men, from the retro Steelers football uniforms, to torture policies, Hangover II, rap music, cellphone contracts, silicone tits ,reliance on carbon fuels, and the hate toward the females on this board.

04-21-2012, 03:47 AM

Also, I find it bizarre that guys want to be judgmental over the girls pics yet they don't post pics of themselves.

Kings of the sh*t pile rule on,, enjoy your forum.

Why would I or any other guy want to post pics on this forum?

04-21-2012, 03:48 AM
men fuck up everything, esp white men. They fuck up relationships

That right there says it all people. Poor Buck had his heart broken by a honky lothario. He's missing that white man loving and in pain from his poop chute retightening to a normal diameter. Cut the poor bastard some slack and let him grieve in his own way, racist tirade and all.

04-21-2012, 03:52 AM
That said, guys fuck everything up, and that is the truth. So much that is fucked up today is caused by men, from the retro Steelers football uniforms, to torture policies, Hangover II, rap music, cellphone contracts, silicone tits ,reliance on carbon fuels, and the hate toward the females on this board.

Now if you'd said that in the first place, no one would have a problem with it. :shrug

04-21-2012, 03:56 AM
Why would I or any other guy want to post pics on this forum?

Listen asshole, I didn't say if you or any guy wanted to post a picture. What I said is the guys who want to be truthfully harsh in their words towards girls whose pics are not quite up to their fantasy standards are usually the ones who are chicken shit to post a pic of themselves.

04-21-2012, 04:01 AM
I rest my case

04-21-2012, 04:02 AM
I rest my case

^^^^Another dickhead^^^^

04-21-2012, 04:03 AM
Listen asshole, I didn't say if you or any guy wanted to post a picture. What I said is the guys who want to be truthfully harsh in their words towards girls whose pics are not quite up to their fantasy standards are usually the ones who are chicken shit to post a pic of themselves.

How do you know this? I saw some closeups of some models faces on another thread that was so manly and gross that I got sick to my stomach. No one commented on that fact and I think most men let the uglies be uncommented. Besides have you seen some of the threads re: cd's or other less than glamerous woman. These guys like anything in wig and dress. Have you seen the obession members here have with cock sizes and shapes and cocks and cocks and cocks

04-21-2012, 04:05 AM
How do you know this? I saw some closeups of some models faces on another thread that was so manly and gross that I got sick to my stomach. No one commented on that fact and I think most men let the uglies be uncommented. Besides have you seen some of the threads re: cd's or other less than glamerous woman. These guys like anything in wig and dress. Have you seen the obession members here have with cock sizes and shapes and cocks and cocks and cocks

What are you talking about?,, did you even bother to read the other posts in this thread? Go back and read posts by sucka4chix in this thread and then you'll see what I talk about.

04-21-2012, 04:09 AM
I see you a lot of you 'admirers' coming here and starting trouble with the girls, only to run them off the board entirely when things don't go your way. I'm trying to figure out why it's not you guys that are leaving if it's supposed to be so bad here.

I mean, seriously, the girls are here to promote and make money and the guys are just here to get their rocks off (which they can do without antagonizing the girls, or elsewhere if they lack self control behind the keyboard), and yet despite needing to make money, the girls would rather leave than put up with it.

What's the point of having a board with no girls on it? I don't understand the logic. Will someone please explain this to me? :?


Some of the girls do the same thing that the guys do and then turn around and cry when it happens to them. Good Riddans, I say.

04-21-2012, 04:17 AM
OH REALLY??? I would differ your opinion, most of the guys on here that attack girls and go off are mostly the black ones! Biggest shit starter is Freddie (but he doesnt attack he just puts some hateful/racist shit up about ts!) and the list can go on!

To be honest I have read just a few of Freddie's post and the ones I have read are harmless.

I like you Michelle but you are wrong about who attack girls here.

04-21-2012, 04:43 AM
Some of the girls do the same thing that the guys do and then turn around and cry when it happens to them. Good Riddans, I say.

I think I'm in love. :iagree:

Nicole Dupre
04-21-2012, 04:59 AM
men fuck up everything, esp white men.
Fascinating. Tell us more. lol

Willie Escalade
04-21-2012, 05:59 AM
I've posted pics of myself. But then again, I don't talk a lot of shit or disrespect anyone here.

04-21-2012, 06:28 AM
Fascinating. Tell us more. lol
I know you are not serious.

I need a drink...where is my 151

04-21-2012, 06:33 AM
i took a hiatus before and feel another one coming on..(sorry to all the people contacting me to come back)

NOOOOOOOOO. Seriously? Some of us not in NYC can't get enough of ya. We promise to be a kinder, more gentle crowd if you'll stay.

04-21-2012, 06:40 AM
men fuck up everything, esp white men...


Dino Velvet
04-21-2012, 06:46 AM
men fuck up everything, esp white men.




05-12-2012, 07:10 PM
It was not a racist tirade...and nice assumptions but very incorrect. What are you really trying to say...Sounds like some projection.

MdR Dave
05-12-2012, 10:48 PM
. honky lothario..
Good name for a punk band.

05-13-2012, 12:13 AM
How was my post racist or hateful. Like the defense to libel/slander the truth is my post defense. Was anything I wrote untruthful?

That said, guys fuck everything up, and that is the truth. So much that is fucked up today is caused by men, from the retro Steelers football uniforms, to torture policies, Hangover II, rap music, cellphone contracts, silicone tits ,reliance on carbon fuels, and the hate toward the females on this board.

If it werent for men Id still be eating berries with my ass in the mud :D

So what I meant to say... I appreciate, love and admire men.
With this exception:
Not the ones that go hunting in packs after other human beings, not the once that rape, and not the powerbttms, transvestites and cockhouds... but they do not live up to the term man anyway ;)

Marty Mcfly
05-13-2012, 12:20 AM
men fuck up everything, esp white men. They fuck up relationships, fucked up the enviorment, native americans, Africa, (not just with slavery but drawing useless geo nation boundries (in their quest for global domination) without regards to traditions, culture, religion, etc...creating many needless wars and civil unrest), sex, The Beatles, criminal law, weed, music. They misuse animals i.e ride dolphins, hunt for fun, kill for pleasure (both animals and fellow humans i.e serial killers).

So fucking up an porn board and making life miserable for some escorts, pros, porn stars, some reasonable people, some tg's who have lost their mind, and some tranny chasers is nothing to them.

God is a white man?how about that?

05-13-2012, 12:24 AM

With all the beauty here the men should be having fun. But remember wherever there is peace, misery is behind trying to mess up that peace. People should use the ignore button and start putting fuckers on igg if they start up shit. The TGirls shouldn't leave just because of a few assholes.

I love it here, one TGirl told me to bend over she would love to make my asspussy loose and she's packing 9 1/2 of love meat :jerkoff:dancing: I am happy and that's hot. I ain't starting no trouble with a TGirl who I love and enjoy. We men have to make TGirls feel comfy and show some love. Those that don't they are miserable and just wanna start shit. They are behind their screens laughing and thinking shit is funny and to push buttons.

I see you a lot of you 'admirers' coming here and starting trouble with the girls, only to run them off the board entirely when things don't go your way. I'm trying to figure out why it's not you guys that are leaving if it's supposed to be so bad here.

I mean, seriously, the girls are here to promote and make money and the guys are just here to get their rocks off (which they can do without antagonizing the girls, or elsewhere if they lack self control behind the keyboard), and yet despite needing to make money, the girls would rather leave than put up with it.

What's the point of having a board with no girls on it? I don't understand the logic. Will someone please explain this to me? :?


05-13-2012, 06:20 AM
OH shit!!!! dammmmmmmmm

05-13-2012, 12:32 PM
The shit stirrers and trouble makers here, make up for a handful of people. I believe there are a lot of people with agenda's here other than just either promoting, chatting, showing off and social awareness.
Those people may be leaving.

There are guys who stalk topics just to cause offense and will argue non-stop. Be careful, as you might be leaving.

There are a group of so-called TS's - who could be anyone as none of them have ever shown a photo and they are the ones that spout the most hate and villify any member of the board who is "into" transwoman. One of you is going after this post is made and the rest may follow very soon.

It's not people like Freddie Gomez making silly, unfounded, stereotyped posts (that's like blaming Dumb & Dumber for putting down pet salesmen) - you have a choice to read/respond to those posts. It's the people whom when a genuine post is made, feel the need to put others down constantly or attack their thoughts. It's fine calling people out when they DO say something offensive but don't make that your reason for being here.

This forum should never become as moderated as some others, there should be a freedom to express yourselves - or share the underbelly of the scene, industry or true transgender lifestyle.

However, those who have a problem with CD's and tranvestites posting here (or people posting their images). Leave now.

Those who constantly need to call people "cockhounds", "powerbottoms", "fags" because sexually they are into one thing or another. Leave now.

Those whose reason to be here is to spread a political or moral agenda. Leave now.

Contrary to what you think, this board has more people active on it that for a long time. Just because they're not the same "clan" as before, doesn't make it less relevant or what people say less relevant but it should be welcoming to all.

I'll be posting a new list of guidelines and rules regarding promotion on this board in the next few days. Meanwhile, if you find your access blocked may I suggest you go and chill out for a bit.