View Full Version : My Story

04-18-2012, 10:36 PM
My story...

My name is Andy, I am in my early 30s and I reside in the South of England. I am new to HA, only finding the site yesterday and reading the posts. Feeling this is where I belong and hopefully making new friends along the way.

I am not a transgender or a transvestite, apart for that one time in 6th form I turned up wearing my sister’s cloths for a bet; I am your average bloke. In fact average is a loose term used now-a-days for anyone who is not a psychopath or a mass murder.

I believe my interest started approximately 12 years ago, on tea break and listening to a works colleague story. At the time she arranged Anne Summer parties and was talking about her new party pack, the story goes that she was unpacking her box of mysteries and within the box was a strap-on. For a giggle she tried it on but then found herself having thoughts. The story goes that she imagined her husband coming home and seeing her wearing the strap-on and then taking him upstairs for a little role-reversal.

My initial thought behind this, and bearing in mind, I was in my early 20s was that this wasn’t for me. What then happened only weeks later, and to my surprise is that the idea had grown on me. What indeed would it feel like, to have a woman inside me for a change?

For the next few years that followed and ashamed to admit that I fancy the thought of being fucked by a woman. I had tried to suppress the thought, entering into a deep obsession with heterosexual internet porn, my god there is so M.U.C.H Porn on the net, more than anyone horny fella can view in a single life time.

After a few years had passed I was introduced to fun dating sites, with chat rooms; you may have been on them yourself. Late one evening on BeingNaughty within an open chat room I was discussing my burning desire to find a woman willing to make love to me in a way that I have never experienced before. I started chatting with someone saying that they are a transgender female, who understood where I was coming from. She had asked if I would ever consider sleeping with a transgender woman, commenting that a real cock inside me would be far much better than a fake plastic or rubber cock.

At the time I was just getting to grips with my desires and the attached cliché feeling what if I am the only one feeling this way. I turned down the offer. To be absolutely honest with you all, at that time I wasn’t interested, maybe I was still coming to terms with myself – maybe I just didn’t know enough. But yet again another seed had been well and truly sawn.

It must have been 6 months to a year or so later, I stumbled across a transgender porn website that contained a large number of online free videos for your viewing pleasure. (and is now in my permanent book marks) The very first video I clicked on I feel in love and I was hooked. The video was an early Alexia Nogueira movie where she was making love to a guy who was on his back, legs a-cimbo. She was on top and they were kissing with her every thrust. The scene is very romantic and is a fond memory and I am proud to say that that was my very first hook into the Transgender world.

To this day I have not yet had the opportunity to experience this, hopefully one day I will. But I am not here to fish for dates or anything. Reading the stories on this site has compelled me to share with you all and hopefully make friends.

Please share your stories as I have mine

Much love


Wendy Summers
04-18-2012, 10:50 PM
Great intro...

Since you asked for stories - here's the summary of mine

I'm a non-op TS; first had awareness of it at 4 and my parent did their best to suppress it. At 12, I started a mixed puberty displaying physical signs of male and female puberty. Cross dressed high school and college. After college started to transition but then had repressed memories of being raped as a child resurface. Put off transition for a little to deal with it, then got back on track.

I fully transitioned a few years ago and have held the same job pre and post transition. About a year and a half ago I was bored and horny and got on webcam. Turned out I was really good at webcamming. After establishing myself there I've now moved into porn. I juggle both my day job and the adult entertainment thing.

Welcome to Hung Angels Andy! Hope you survive the Experience!

04-18-2012, 11:40 PM
Thank you Wendy and wow
It’s wonderful of you to share and to also see that after everything you have been through you seem to have found yourself. Now you have given me something else too look at for on Google. There is no doubt I’m going to be a fan

