View Full Version : Uncle Ted Nugent stirring up shit

04-18-2012, 12:43 AM

04-18-2012, 01:52 AM

The only thing he's wrong about is thinking the Republicans are any different.

04-18-2012, 01:53 AM
Maybe the rednecks will let Trayvon Martin rest in peace and come over to this thread.

04-18-2012, 02:09 AM

The only thing he's wrong about is thinking the Republicans are any different.

Yeah! It is bizarre that he's so vociferous in his support of the Republican Party. If they're even a political party anymore. And merely out to serve a very tiny sliver of the U.S. population. (I mean, Romney will be the same as Obama when it comes to undermining the Constitution.
And, too, Romney is in so-called politics to serve his own interests and the interests of his bosom buddies.)
And, too, Romney could veer further to the right when it comes to social policies. Which is frightening. Just to appease his base.
The base of the Republican Party are: Christian Fundamentalists.
But ol' Romney will be a Bush-Obama hybrid. Public policy won't reflect public opinion. So America will continue to ail from a democratic deficit. Which is typical of public policy.
The offshoring of jobs will continue apace. And when you offshore your jobs, well, you offshore your economy and your tax base.

04-18-2012, 02:44 AM
"sub-human scoundrel."

04-18-2012, 03:00 AM
He made a comment about how he avoided going to viet nam by pissing and shitting in his pants so he'd stink so bad. He also mentions in the same paragraph that he'd be killing hippies. I loved that line.
Me remembers Nugent on stage looking like Jesus Christ after he stuck his dick in an electric socket during the mid 70's as the embodiment of the counterculture.

04-18-2012, 03:24 AM
Ted's just another retard who thinks because he's made some money he's smart.

But maybe I'm being too critical. Why would anyone question a pedophile rock star's take on civics and politics?

04-18-2012, 03:49 AM
Ted Nugent has never had a sane moment in his life.

04-18-2012, 04:40 AM
Yeah! It is bizarre that he's so vociferous in his support of the Republican Party. If they're even a political party anymore. And merely out to serve a very tiny sliver of the U.S. population. (I mean, Romney will be the same as Obama when it comes to undermining the Constitution.
And, too, Romney is in so-called politics to serve his own interests and the interests of his bosom buddies.)
And, too, Romney could veer further to the right when it comes to social policies. Which is frightening. Just to appease his base.
The base of the Republican Party are: Christian Fundamentalists.
But ol' Romney will be a Bush-Obama hybrid. Public policy won't reflect public opinion. So America will continue to ail from a democratic deficit. Which is typical of public policy.
The offshoring of jobs will continue apace. And when you offshore your jobs, well, you offshore your economy and your tax base.

What's so bizzare about it? LMAO You think Springsteen and Susan Sarandon and Jay Z and Pamela Anderson, and Lionel Richie and Bill Maher and Lady Gaga and ever other Hollywood 1%er isn't equally vociferous? How come I never hear any hand wringing from you about Hollywood being all wealthy and evading taxes? How come OWS ain't marchin' on those 1%ers? Somehow that's ok, but if a guy makes his money in the Stock Market...he's a scum bag? Shit.. Hollywood's having fund raisers for Barry every week, and that's fine by me....So what's your beef about Nuggent...? You figure since what he's sayin' don't jive with what you believe so he should just put a lid on it...right? What a free spech phoney you are. And what happen to that facade of you being a libertarian? I exposed that about a year ago. You're confused Ben. You act like the dude don't have a right to voice his opinion. Grow up and stop with the phoney outrage . And where the fuck do you get your info from.....? You constantly put out pure falsehoods. If the Christian Fundamentalists were the base...how the fuck come Santorum is back home in PA? And what's this "tiny sliver" shit? McCain was a dreadful candidate and still managed 45% of the popular vote. And what about the 2012 historic elections where liberals got pasted? LMFAO..You've obviously been spending too much time in here, and talkin' politics with your gay buds...so you have zero perspective on what is reality. Ben...state your opinion but don't try to pass them off as facts.

Nicole Dupre
04-18-2012, 04:49 AM
What's so bizzare about it? LMAO You think Springsteen and Susan Sarandon and Jay Z and Pamela Anderson, and Lionel Richie and Bill Maher and Lady Gaga and ever other Hollywood 1%er isn't equally vociferous? How come I never hear any hand wringing from you about Hollywood being all wealthy and evading taxes? How come OWS ain't marchin' on those 1%ers? Somehow that's ok, but if a guy makes his money in the Stock Market...he's a scum bag? Shit.. Hollywood's having fund raisers for Barry every week, and that's fine by me....So what's your beef about Nuggent...? You figure since what he's sayin' don't jive with what you believe so he should just put a lid on it...right? What a free spech phoney you are. And what happen to that facade of you being a libertarian? I exposed that about a year ago. You're confused Ben. You act like the dude don't have a right to voice his opinion. Grow up and stop with the phoney outrage . And where the fuck do you get your info from.....? You constantly put out pure falsehoods. If the Christian Fundamentalists were the base...how the fuck come Santorum is back home in PA? And what's this "tiny sliver" shit? McCain was a dreadful candidate and still managed 45% of the popular vote. And what about the 2012 historic elections where liberals got pasted? LMFAO..You've obviously been spending too much time in here, and talkin' politics with your gay buds...so you have zero perspective on what is reality. Ben...state your opinion but don't try to pass them off as facts.
Shut up, loser.

04-18-2012, 04:50 AM
Not so sure about the "2012 historic elections" bit.

Nicole Dupre
04-18-2012, 04:59 AM
Ben never gets in anyone's face ever. He's always polite and nice to everyone. OMK has nerve yelling at him like that out of nowehere. I think OMK should be banned and go to AA meetings. He sounds like an angry drunk.

04-18-2012, 05:03 AM
Shut up, loser.

......good advice. When you support a child killer and a child molester under the guise of being fair and balanced you no longer represent the society.

04-18-2012, 05:04 AM
I think OMK should be banned and go to AA meetings. He sounds like an angry drunk.

Let's vote on it! Uh, er, ......do the black people get to vote????

04-18-2012, 05:09 AM
Let's vote on it! Uh, er, ......do the black people get to vote????

I'll second that :iagree:. Incoherent ranting in the guise of political discourse can get very tiresome after a while.

And I agree with Nicole. Ben is one of the genuinely good guys.

...which is presumably why omk doesn't like him.

Nicole Dupre
04-18-2012, 05:10 AM
......good advice. When you support a child killer and a child molester under the guise of being fair and balanced you no longer represent the society.
Romney molests and kills kids?

04-18-2012, 05:13 AM
Romney molests and kills kids?

LOL......I don`t know about that.....but the jackass was babbling for George Zimmerman (child killer) the other day and now for Ted Nugent (liar, bully, racist, and child molester)

Nicole Dupre
04-18-2012, 05:14 AM
I'll second that :iagree:. Incoherent ranting in the guise of political discourse can get very tiresome after a while.

And I agree with Nicole. Ben is one of the genuinely good guys.

...which is presumably why omk doesn't like him.
Ben is a good guy. OMK is a dickhead.

Nicole Dupre
04-18-2012, 05:18 AM
LOL......I don`t know about that.....but the jackass was babbling for George Zimmerman (child killer) the other day and now for Ted Nugent (liar, bully, racist, and child molester)
Oh, yeah. He'll support any right wing racist nonsense, and attack anyone who's even neutral on any of his pet topics. Ben was't exactly being pro-Obama is that post. But leave it to OMK to jump down anyone's throat who's not a rabid right wing kook and/or a racist.

04-18-2012, 05:23 AM
Oh, yeah. He'll support any right wing racist nonsense, and attack anyone who's even neutral on any of his pet topics. Ben was't exactly being pro-Obama is that post. But leave it to OMK to jump down anyone's throat who's not a rabid right wing kook and/or a racist.

But I genuinely don't get OMK. There's no constructive agenda there - it's not even as if he puts forward positive arguments to promote sympathy for his side of the divide. I can enjoy argument as much as anyone, but when there's no substance on the other side it just gets boring.

And that's why he's the only person here that I've ever put on ignore. He simply bores the arse off me.

04-18-2012, 05:28 AM
Oh, yeah. He'll support any right wing racist nonsense, and attack anyone who's even neutral on any of his pet topics. Ben was't exactly being pro-Obama is that post. But leave it to OMK to jump down anyone's throat who's not a rabid right wing kook and/or a racist.

Maybe the whole porn judge thing got to his head...or maybe his Harley rattled one of his balls loose and it launched an attack on his brain....or maybe during one of his conjugal prison visits with his Aryan Nation buddies he took it a little too deep..............if you know what I mean

Nicole Dupre
04-18-2012, 05:49 AM
Maybe the whole porn judge thing got to his head...or maybe his Harley rattled one of his balls loose and it launched an attack on his brain....or maybe during one of his conjugal prison visits with his Aryan Nation buddies he took it a little too deep..............if you know what I mean
What really creeps me out is that he had such a huge crush on me until I pointed out just how anti-LGBT Michele Bachmann and her husband obviously are. That's all it took for him to assume I was a pro-Obama "lib", which I'm actually not. I don't buy into politics. But I do pay attention to who's the most anti-LGBT because it affects me. Beyond that, I mostly try to ignore it all.

04-18-2012, 06:28 AM
What really creeps me out is that he had such a huge crush on me until I pointed out just how anti-LGBT Michele Bachmann and her husband obviously are. That's all it took for him to assume I was a pro-Obama "lib", which I'm actually not. I don't buy into politics. But I do pay attention to who's the most anti-LGBT because it affects me. Beyond that, I mostly try to ignore it all.

And that's what's so fascinating - in a train wreck way. How can a person cleave to a political idealogy that rejects their social preferences? Makes no sense. Unless that person holds some kind of self-hatred and the two extremes help balance things out?!

04-18-2012, 07:27 AM
And that's what's so fascinating - in a train wreck way. How can a person cleave to a political idealogy that rejects their social preferences? Makes no sense. Unless that person holds some kind of self-hatred and the two extremes help balance things out?!

It's very simplistic at surface level in a "four legs good, two legs bad" sort of way, but it doesn't seem to be any more sophisticated than that. There was a theory a while back that he was a Repubtard troll, but even in their present desperate straits, they wouldn't bankroll such a one-club player, or would they?

At least omk is more consistent than Romney lol.

04-18-2012, 07:52 AM
Well... I like the music, but as for the political nonsense, one must remember that Ted Nugent was a rock star at 17. He's never had a job, in the standard sense.

04-18-2012, 07:54 AM
Jeez. That guy is scarey. A neo nazi.

04-18-2012, 07:59 AM
Well... I like the music, but as for the political nonsense, one must remember that Ted Nugent was a rock star at 17. He's never had a job, in the standard sense.

A skilful guitarist in the technical sense, yes, but not much feeling for the music. All too typical of a strain of rock guitarists from the 70s, more about show and volume than taste. Not fit to lace the boots of Eric Clapton, Steve Hackett, Roy Buchanan or Dave Gilmour.

And while what you say about his life is true, most people mature eventually. His acceptance by Romney shows just how unerringly flawed that gentleman's judgment continues to be.

04-18-2012, 08:01 AM
It IS the same ted Nugent. Good grief. No wonder his poor little brain can't understand some simple truths about politics and the world.

04-18-2012, 08:09 AM
Romney is just using him to reach the "straight talking American man vote". Romeny and Obama have more in common than Romney and Nugent.

04-18-2012, 08:11 AM
I just heard on MSNBC that Insane Clown Posse has endorsed Romney.

04-18-2012, 08:14 AM
new theme song
JUGGALO RYDA SONG NUMBER 7 - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5W1ri4ZGSa0)

04-18-2012, 08:15 AM
Romney is just using him to reach the "straight talking American man vote". Romeny and Obama have more in common than Romney and Nugent.

Like I said, unerringly flawed judgment. If there's a sizeable male constiuency in the US that really thinks the way Nugent does, God help your country.

04-18-2012, 09:35 AM
My views on OMK are well known - and it is good to see that a wide range of others here are increasingly recognising this person to be an ignorant and vicious bully and liar. Power to you Ben, Nicole, runningdownthatdream,hippiefried, Buttslinger, Robertouis and others. But it does seem as if the willingness to ban OMK is lacking here. I suppose ill-informed bullying and lies are thought to add some spice to all our lives?

04-18-2012, 09:47 AM
ban anyone with different views!

Nicole Dupre
04-18-2012, 10:00 AM
ban anyone with different views!
Or at least send them to Guatemala Bay for questioning!

Seriously, I think OMK should be banned on the grounds that he's an argumentative right wing racist dummy and a liar. It's a cumulative thing with him. If not banned, someone should at least rough him up a little. He needs one of those 3 Stooges slaps.

Nicole Dupre
04-18-2012, 10:16 AM
Guantanamo! Stewpid otto spellur!!!!!!!!!

04-18-2012, 03:53 PM
Fuck the so-called reasonable Repubs who dare not confront their own wing nuts like Ted Nugent, or the tea baggers.

...and while I'm at it, Fuck the Dems for not having a backbone to confront this dumb ass shit. I give a shit about guns. It's the same ole fucking playbook that has us talking about bullshit stuff like this, prayer in school, blah blah blah.... anything else but an honest debate that really matters to us.

04-18-2012, 04:13 PM
Guantanamo! Stewpid otto spellur!!!!!!!!!

Guatemala Bay was funny though!

04-18-2012, 04:16 PM
My views on OMK are well known - and it is good to see that a wide range of others here are increasingly recognising this person to be an ignorant and vicious bully and liar. Power to you Ben, Nicole, runningdownthatdream,hippiefried, Buttslinger, Robertouis and others. But it does seem as if the willingness to ban OMK is lacking here. I suppose ill-informed bullying and lies are thought to add some spice to all our lives?

Seanchai can`t ban him - he designated him a judge for the Tranny Awards. And no need to ban him really - he`ll fade away on his own from irrelevance.

04-18-2012, 05:22 PM
not sure why to ban him. He is (though they are unpopular), entitled to his views.

His name calling is immature but not ban worthy.

04-18-2012, 05:25 PM
His lies are worthy of him being banned IMHO. He repeatedly called me an anti semite without a shred of evidence and refused to respond - except with further grotesque insults - when challenged to prove his claims.

Was he REALLY a judge for the tranny awards! I am astonished.

Nicole Dupre
04-18-2012, 05:47 PM
His lies are worthy of him being banned IMHO. He repeatedly called me an anti semite without a shred of evidence and refused to respond - except with further grotesque insults - when challenged to prove his claims.

Was he REALLY a judge for the tranny awards! I am astonished.
That's the thing. He accused me of supporting and voting for certain politicians soley based on opinions on non-related topics. I'm not a "lib" because of my perspective as a TS, and I'm not a "race hustler" because Zimmerman is obviously guilty. He really needs to get the fuck off my back.

And I caught him red-handed copying and pasting editorials from newspapers in the Politics Section, which he tried to disguise as his own by prefacing them with a few personal insults.

He's a fucking asshole.

04-18-2012, 06:17 PM
Go Ted, say it!!!!

04-18-2012, 07:40 PM
For you blokes across the pond:
You can't "get" OMK until you've experienced about 5000 hours of conservative media over here. I recently put the Conservative radio station on my car preset button.....It's NONSTOP OMK!!!!!! They screen everything, everything's a setup, they have years of experience doing this. It's more than just opposing different opinions, they have to LAUGH at different opinions.

04-18-2012, 08:44 PM
Ted "Wack'em and Stack'em" Nugent just got called in by the Secret Service for an interview on Thursday. I wonder why? Ted Nugent Spirit of the Wild - C93 Review - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h6q12sZ4RgM&feature=youtube_gdata_player)

04-18-2012, 09:57 PM
Ted didn't say anything more than what half of America thinks but just won't say it.

Hussein is a born-in-the-womb muslin/Jewish marxist who hates the white race as much as his "preacher" of 20 years does.

04-18-2012, 10:36 PM
Ted didn't say anything more than what half of America thinks but just won't say it.

Hussein is a born-in-the-womb muslin/Jewish marxist who hates the white race as much as his "preacher" of 20 years does.

Wait...so he's Muslim and Jewish? Wow. You're an idiot.

04-18-2012, 11:27 PM
Ted didn't say anything more than what half of America thinks but just won't say it.

Hussein is a born-in-the-womb muslin/Jewish marxist who hates the white race as much as his "preacher" of 20 years does.

Hussein? You mean Obama? Do you know what a muslim and marxist actually are? We're talking about Obama the warmonger and wallstreet cocksucker. You couldn't find a more technically republican president if you tried.

04-19-2012, 12:04 AM
Wait...so he's Muslim and Jewish? Wow. You're an idiot.

His father was a muslim marxist and his mother was a Jewish marxist. That's why I said born-in-the-womb.

Where have you been?

04-19-2012, 12:32 AM
God there are some stupid people here but yourdaddy is about the dumbest yet.

04-19-2012, 01:42 AM
My views on OMK are well known - and it is good to see that a wide range of others here are increasingly recognising this person to be an ignorant and vicious bully and liar. Power to you Ben, Nicole, runningdownthatdream,hippiefried, Buttslinger, Robertouis and others. But it does seem as if the willingness to ban OMK is lacking here. I suppose ill-informed bullying and lies are thought to add some spice to all our lives?

Right...that's it ....don't like his content or the tone? Ban him. Silence him. Banish him....we don't like or agree with what he says, and we're all of one mind here ....LMAO...what a joke.

If you want to ban me...step the fuck up and become a mod....either that or stop whining like a pussy.

I got an idea for you and your homeboy RL.......Why the fuck don't you start your own forum...then you can control the content, enact your political litmus test for liberal purity and you could all sit around and tell each other how enlightened and how tolerant you are.....ya know that British condescending thing you got going. I've never seen a bigger bunch of group think whiners in my life. Are most dudes in the UK like you and RL....?
And you are an anti Semite in my opinion. How does it feel to be labeled unfairly...as you see it , of course?
And yea....I was a judge....don't like it.....cry to Seanchi. What....you feel slighted because you have an over inflated opinion of yourself? I was judging a variety of categories....and not based on someone's politics...Maybe the reason you weren't asked is because you're incapable of separating the two !
Look here haters...it's real easy. Keep your political opinions off the general discussion boards, I'd rather look at chics and have a few laughs then listen to your uninformed political bias...and if you are inclined to slip one in , and it reads like Ben's.... filled with untruths and inaccuracies....expect to get called on it. It's really not all that complicated.

04-19-2012, 02:12 AM
That's the thing. He accused me of supporting and voting for certain politicians soley based on opinions on non-related topics. I'm not a "lib" because of my perspective as a TS, and I'm not a "race hustler" because Zimmerman is obviously guilty. He really needs to get the fuck off my back.

And I caught him red-handed copying and pasting editorials from newspapers in the Politics Section, which he tried to disguise as his own by prefacing them with a few personal insults.

He's a fucking asshole.

LMFAO...Hey Dolly Dagger

I need to get off your back? That's rich. You're my white shadow for christ sakes. You can't help but jump in with both feet anytime there's a post on me. You're obsessed...
So how much longer until you turn your toxic flamethrower on somebody else? I mean there's still a few left on here that haven't felt your poison.
You were a pretty cool chic a couple years ago, but you're miserable now. Get help with that.

And just for clarification...anytime any of you borrow a few lines even in the context of a much larger post....out of thousands of overall posts...be sure you footnote them properly. Dolly Dagger the snoop is watching !

Hey...I liked it better when you stayed out of my shit....why don't you try that again? Put me on ignore

04-19-2012, 02:24 AM
Right...that's it ....don't like his content or the tone? Ban him. Silence him. Banish him....we don't like or agree with what he says, and we're all of one mind here ....LMAO...what a joke.

If you want to ban me...step the fuck up and become a mod....either that or stop whining like a pussy.

I got an idea for you and your homeboy RL.......Why the fuck don't you start your own forum...then you can control the content, enact your political litmus test for liberal purity and you could all sit around and tell each other how enlightened and how tolerant you are.....ya know that British condescending thing you got going. I've never seen a bigger bunch of group think whiners in my life. Are most dudes in the UK like you and RL....?
And you are an anti Semite in my opinion. How does it feel to be labeled unfairly...as you see it , of course?
And yea....I was a judge....don't like it.....cry to Seanchi. What....you feel slighted because you have an over inflated opinion of yourself? I was judging a variety of categories....and not based on someone's politics...Maybe the reason you weren't asked is because you're incapable of separating the two !
Look here haters...it's real easy. Keep your political opinions off the general discussion boards, I'd rather look at chics and have a few laughs then listen to your uninformed political bias...and if you are inclined to slip one in , and it reads like Ben's.... filled with untruths and inaccuracies....expect to get called on it. It's really not all that complicated.
You have a legitimate gripe but the only thing is..i remember you advocating for the mods to ban Darryl about things that had nothing to do with you. What goes around comes around. You wont get banned..just sayin

04-19-2012, 02:26 AM
Hey, can we get back on topic for a second? Ted is an idiot, seriously. There's not much else to say.

Nicole Dupre
04-19-2012, 04:21 AM
LMFAO...Hey Dolly Dagger

I need to get off your back? That's rich. You're my white shadow for christ sakes. You can't help but jump in with both feet anytime there's a post on me. You're obsessed...
So how much longer until you turn your toxic flamethrower on somebody else? I mean there's still a few left on here that haven't felt your poison.
You were a pretty cool chic a couple years ago, but you're miserable now. Get help with that.

And just for clarification...anytime any of you borrow a few lines even in the context of a much larger post....out of thousands of overall posts...be sure you footnote them properly. Dolly Dagger the snoop is watching !

Hey...I liked it better when you stayed out of my shit....why don't you try that again? Put me on ignoreI liked it better when you were in prison and had no access to the internet.

And correction, you white trash jackass. I'm the same way I've always been.

I never liked people making assumptions about me or my beliefs, and I don't like it now.

I didn't like people treating transsexuals like second class citizens then, and I don't like it now.

And I didn't like liars and fakes then, and I don't like them now.

You approached me, motherfucker. You wrote me and told me you wanted to suck my dick, you crude bozo. That's how much you lack class or common sense.

And then you called me a "lib" when I stated the obvious? That Michele Bachmann and her husband, Marcus, are anti-LGBT? Well FUCK YOU. I'm a transsexual, you dumb mothefucker. These people are calling me and my extended LGBT family "barbarians", and saying they want to "cure" us. And I don't like it. And guess what, you stupid fuck? That includes YOU. You wanted to suck my cock. Remember, stupid? You're so fucking crude that you just blurt shit like that out, and that certainly qualifies you to be on their list of "barbarians".

So stay the fuck out of my face, you confused intellectual light weight. I have no shortage of men who want to suck my cock who are discreet and more man than you'll ever be, you hypocritical closeted plagiarizing faggot.

04-19-2012, 04:24 AM
God there are some stupid people here but yourdaddy is about the dumbest yet.

Read it and weep Prospero.. Where are your comebacks other than calling me dumb? Pal, I was a DIMocrat when you were either shitting yellow or an unwanted addition to your family.

Have any of you people ever been members of a union? I thought not. When you get some practical experience in the REAL world, then I will stop laughing at your feeble protests.

Nicole Dupre
04-19-2012, 04:52 AM
You have a legitimate gripe but the only thing is..i remember you advocating for the mods to ban Darryl about things that had nothing to do with you. What goes around comes around. You wont get banned..just sayin
He's always on Daryl's and Freddie's dicks for no obvious reason that I can see, other than that he's a racist and both guys are attractive men of color.

04-19-2012, 05:37 AM
No further comment required.

04-19-2012, 06:21 AM
Have any of you people ever been members of a union? I thought not. When you get some practical experience in the REAL world, then I will stop laughing at your feeble protests.


You're a union member and anti-Obama? That's the dumbest thing I ever heard!!!! You must be playing us.

04-19-2012, 06:30 AM
You approached me, motherfucker. You wrote me and told me you wanted to suck my dick, you crude bozo. That's how much you lack class or common sense.

And then you called me a "lib" when I stated the obvious? That Michele Bachmann and her husband, Marcus, are anti-LGBT? Well FUCK YOU. I'm a transsexual, you dumb mothefucker. These people are calling me and my extended LGBT family "barbarians", and saying they want to "cure" us. And I don't like it. And guess what, you stupid fuck? That includes YOU. You wanted to suck my cock. Remember, stupid? You're so fucking crude that you just blurt shit like that out, and that certainly qualifies you to be on their list of "barbarians".

So stay the fuck out of my face, you confused intellectual light weight. I have no shortage of men who want to suck my cock who are discreet and more man than you'll ever be, you hypocritical closeted plagiarizing faggot.

This is why having Nicole on this site is so awesome. Righteous, literate, creative, hilarious and scathing. Most internet insults are so tedious, her posts are actually fun to read. Maybe OMK earns his keep by being target practice for her. To be fair, OMK is an easy target for anyone with a high school degree.

04-19-2012, 06:31 AM
To be in the profession I was in , I was forced to join the union. This was anathema to everything I believed in...especially in a right to work state. I tried to keep my dues from being directed toward liberal politicians against my will, but had no voice in that. Neither did anyone else in the union.

That union was full of officers who could never get work in the real world, so they ran for office rather than get try to get a real job.

If unions ever employ more than 25% of our work force in America in the future, we will be a totally socialist state.

04-19-2012, 07:54 AM
The level of ignorance and stupidity from a few people here is astonishing. That vicious fool OMK again repeats his lies about me. He has no evidence - as seems to be his practice in almost all things. Present the evidence you idiot or shut the fuck up.

And now another little racist and fool slips into view - yourdaddy with his silly remarks about Obama being a jew and a muslim. No point in arguing with those who are so distant from intelligence really. And as for being in a union - yes actually dear Floridian redneck - I was in a union from the day i started my working life until about 10 years ago when it ceased to have any useful function in my working life.

I don't judge America by these craven nincompoops. I have family and friends galore there - on all sides of the political spectrum - and most of the Americans posting here are intelligent people. People who think and argue instead of offering a tirade of lies and bile. OMK by contrast finds it fitting to insult those of us from Europe just for being from here. Jerk.

04-19-2012, 11:41 AM
To be in the profession I was in , I was forced to join the union. This was anathema to everything I believed in...especially in a right to work state. I tried to keep my dues from being directed toward liberal politicians against my will, but had no voice in that. Neither did anyone else in the union.

That union was full of officers who could never get work in the real world, so they ran for office rather than get try to get a real job.

If unions ever employ more than 25% of our work force in America in the future, we will be a totally socialist state.

Wait a minute, lad. I've been in a union my entire adult life. My union and every other union I have personal knowledge of has a voluntary PAC contribution form that we sign to allow a small wage deduction for the PAC. Note the word 'voluntary'. Are you claiming that your union didn't operate that way?

BTW, I was the president of my union for many years. I chaired the meetings of the regular membership and the Executive Board, signed all the union checks and participated in contract negotiations. I also filled in for the Business Manager when he was not available. My compensation for that was a whopping $150 per month. I also served as Secretary Treasurer of our PAC fund, for which I was paid nothing. During the day I busted my ass on construction sites with the rest of my union brothers and sisters.

When you're done whining about dues and PAC contributions, you might want to thank your union for the better wages, benefits and conditions you enjoyed as a member.

Nugent is a noisy fool.

04-19-2012, 03:28 PM
To be in the profession I was in , I was forced to join the union. This was anathema to everything I believed in...especially in a right to work state. I tried to keep my dues from being directed toward liberal politicians against my will, but had no voice in that. Neither did anyone else in the union.

That union was full of officers who could never get work in the real world, so they ran for office rather than get try to get a real job.

If unions ever employ more than 25% of our work force in America in the future, we will be a totally socialist state.
France and UK are so called socialist states, yet, they're fairly conservative by european standards. Canada is by some definitions a socialist state; and other than a few nutjobs, I don't recall anyone ever calling these countries socialist/communist without knowing what the term means.

As for a union. Are you sure you've ever been a member of an actual union? Are you sure you're even employed and not living off foodstamps? That's pretty socialist too. You don't actually have to join a union. There might be some peer pressure in some professions, but you don't have to. Resigning from a union is a little harder than it should be, but that's it.

Anyway, you're completely missing the point on unions, and why they're a useless extension of bureaucracy. Every year, or every few years, the interest goes up. You suddenly find yourself with less money in your pocket and eventually your union might decide to go on strike if its demands for a raise aren't met. Except this raise never covers more than the interest, usually less because of you union dues--so your union is nothing more than workingclass placebo that makes someone think they're getting paid more.

You'd be getting an actual raise if you instead quit every few years, threw in some additional training or education and demanded a bigger paycheck.

04-19-2012, 03:55 PM
Nugent is crazy. So many Americans have been programmed by constant mantras that they believe certain things to be true even if they clearly aren't. People said Obama was born overseas and repeated it over and over and some poor people actually believe it even though the proof is very clear. The sad thing in America is the min wage is below the poverty line and the South is poorer in the north but the Republicans have run a line for so long that people in the south believe the Dems want to tax them into oblivion when higher taxes on the rich wouldn't effect them in the slightest. There's no need for the levels of poverty, crime etc in the US but the top 2% of people can live like French Royalty as long as around 50% of the bottom 98% allow themselves to elect people who want that status quo to continue.

04-19-2012, 05:33 PM
OMK sounds like old racist, "Dark Thanos".

04-19-2012, 06:11 PM
FIRST- Ted Nugent has not been musically relevent in a couple generations. He was reduced to the State Fair circuit, then he got his career going again with reality shows and this NRA schtick.

SECOND- There was a blurb in the paper today, that in person alone with college educated individuals....George Bush gained 60 IQ points.

In Conservative (hick) circles, trying to be the smartest person in the room, CHALLENGING your peers, is considered impolite. Uppity. Talking down to somebody, they don't hear your point, they hear you talking down.

In the weirdest way possible, I don't think OMK and DADDY are trying to be offensive. They're being defensive. Of their friends, family, and local community.

Nicole Dupre
04-19-2012, 06:27 PM
FIRST- Ted Nugent has not been musically relevent in a couple generations. He was reduced to the State Fair circuit, then he got his career going again with reality shows and this NRA schtick.

He was playing the dog track in Hollywood, FL about 7 years ago. lol

doctor screw
04-19-2012, 06:56 PM


Nicole Dupre
04-19-2012, 07:00 PM


04-19-2012, 08:25 PM
If unions ever employ more than 25% of our work force in America in the future, we will be a totally socialist state.

Union membership in the U.S. peaked at 35% of the workforce in 1954. I'm not sure the U.S. in 1954 could be accurately described as a "socialist state," but GDP was growing at about 4.5% annually and unemployment was below 5%, which is generally what you want in an economy.

Right...that's it ....don't like his content or the tone? Ban him. Silence him. Banish him....we don't like or agree with what he says, and we're all of one mind here ....LMAO...what a joke.

Why would you want to ban this?

I agree that it gets really boring after a while. I dedicated a bunch of time to mocking OMK a while back, but it really never goes anywhere. He just posts the same thing over and over again, erects countless straw men, talks past the issue, refuses to acknowledge gaping holes in his rhetoric, etc. For awhile, I was convinced that he was actually an implementation of ELIZA programmed to simulate someone whose parents were cousins.

But he's not scary or threatening. He's just a loudmouthed idiot. And isn't it useful, in a way, to have him here to remind us multiple times every day that conservative Christians are indeed thoughtless bigots? Give him enough rope....

04-19-2012, 11:36 PM
Sorry haters, Uncle Ted is now free to go.

04-20-2012, 12:06 AM
What is an Uncle Ted Nougat and who would eat a candy bar with a name like that??

04-20-2012, 02:26 AM
There's lots of reasons I don't take many of you very serious....but the main reason is your hypocrisy. And you know who you are....And the last one to realize hypocrisy, are the hypocrites themselves, so there's little chance of redemption for any of you clowns.. So here we have Ted Nuggent spouting off some unflattering shit about the guy you all sent to Washington to part the seas and bring us out of the dark. Your phoney and selective outrage by his comments, and by my defense of his right to say them is laughable. I'm still not clear on the outrage. Was it the language ? The tone? Or just the fact that he had the balls to speak his mind that so offended you all? Or the fact he said it at an NRA convention ? I understand your deep opposition to the 2nd amendment, so maybe that's it. Or are you just a little prickly about anyone criticizing Obama? Here we are on a porn forum with many of the participants involved in that endeavor, and you're offended when someone exercises his free speech rights? Your reality check just bounced !!!!!

Here's a couple of items pulled from the news today. It could be any day really, but today will suffice...You won't see these in the NY Times, or the liberal BBC, nor will Andrea Mitchell donate an entire segment to it on NBC as she did on the Nuggent story. So no doubt in your minds...these things don't exist. And we all know why you won't see it.........don't we?

The case of US Representative is particularly interesting. Here we have a guy lecturing us on civil discourse and he's calling Romney a douchbag. Keep in mind...Nuggent is a private citizen, Ellison a US Representative who essentially represent all Americans. To clarify....he re-tweeted that, but surely that means he agrees with it, but probably didn't have the balls to say it himself. But Ellison meets the proper criteria. he's progressive, black but most importantly he loves Obama, so he's beyond criticism from the media, and certainly off limits from criticism from you all. In fact I don't think there's anything that would cause you to take to this forum in outrage if it was an Obama lover bashing an Obama detractor. Nothing is off limits, as long as they're killing someone you hate. And before you take to the keyboard and cry racist...I actually like Ellison. He speaks his mind. I loath his politics, but he says what he thinks.
I'm not in the least bit offended by what Ellison said, or what the good pastor said about Gov. Walker, or Maher's vile mysogony. It's all good.... That's the difference between me and most of you. I don't have selective outrage based on party affiliation, or my affection for a particular president or candidate or some of the vile shit Maher comes out with in the name of comedy. . I mean can you imagine in your wildest dreams if he called Michelle a Twat or a cunt? The dude would be doing stand up in half filled rooms in Branson and you know it. I'm a first amendment purist. So in the future....spare me the feigned outrage, and the calls for banning........ it's completely transparent. There's plenty of fiery rhetoric on both sides, but you only chose to see half of it....thus the hypocrisy thing!

[P]residents of the AFL-CIO, Michael T. Carrigan of Illinois and Phil Neuenfeldt of Wisconsin, got the crowd riled up, along with the help of Teresa Haley, President of the Springfield NAACP. But Pastor T. Ray McJunkins of the Union Baptist Church and President of the Faith Coalition for the Common Good and William McNary of USAction stole the show.
McJunkins delivered an energetic address he closed up metaphorically with the story of David and Goliath, ultimately declaring:

"We are the Davids. . . and you may be a big giant, a big goliath, but David had 5 smooth stones that brought Goliath down. . . all he had was stones and a sling shot, and I just wonder out there among us, how many of you came with your sling today?. . . Load your slings up today when we leave here, putting a smooth stone of equal rights at the collective bargaining table and throw it at Goliath. . . And Goliath will come down, Scott Walker we send you back to Wisconsin as David did Goliath, we cut your head off and go back into town, singing a new song!"

Dem. Rep. Favoring Civility Calls Romney D-Bag

Re tweets = Endorsement
Rep. Keith Ellison

BY: Washington Free Beacon Staff (http://freebeacon.com/author/washington-free-beacon-staff/) - April 19, 2012 10:55 am
A Democratic member of Congress who has a history of calling for civility in politics promoted a filthy message of derision from one hate-filled Twitter user.
Rep. Keith Ellison (D., Minn.) took to the social networking website yesterday to pose a question (https://twitter.com/#!/keithellison/status/192736571638808577): “ ‘… even if you have a child two years of age, you need to go to work’ Who said it?”
The heavily edited quote comes from Mitt Romney, who discussed (http://upwithchrishayes.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2012/04/15/11209115-romney-welfare-parents-need-to-go-to-work) the right of women with children to work at a January campaign event.
“I wanted to increase the work requirement,” Romney said at the event, according to MSNBC (http://upwithchrishayes.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2012/04/15/11209115-romney-welfare-parents-need-to-go-to-work). “I said, for instance, that even if you have a child two years of age, you need to go to work. And people said, ‘Well that’s heartless,’ and I said ‘No, no, I’m willing to spend more giving daycare to allow those parents to go back to work. It’ll cost the state more providing that daycare, but I want the individuals to have the dignity of work.’ ”
In responding to Ellison’s question, one responder compared (https://twitter.com/#!/respectperfect/status/192737701030666241) Romney to a feminine hygiene product: “A heartless douchebag who doesn't like animals or small children. At least that’s what I’ve heard.”
http://freebeacon.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/Screen-Shot-2012-04-19-at-9.25.49-AM.png (http://freebeacon.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/Screen-Shot-2012-04-19-at-9.25.49-AM.png)
Ellison, a vociferous proponent of civil discourse, subsequently promoted the message despite said calls for civil discourse.
Ellison, for instance, spoke at length (http://ellison.house.gov/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=626:keith-speaks-on-civility-and-inclusion&catid=37:audio-legislative-updates&Itemid=13) about the need greater civility in politics during an event in February 2011. The congressman has also implored (http://myfellowamerican.us/videos/we_should_all_stand_together__congressman_keith_el lison.html) citizens from across the nation to sign a tolerance pledge.
He also counts himself as an ally of the Jewish Council for Public Affairs, a Jewish advocacy group that has urged members of Congress and political commentators to sign a civility pledge (http://engage.jewishpublicaffairs.org/p/salsa/web/common/public/content?content_item_KEY=5507)—a document that sparked outrage (http://washingtonjewishweek.com/main.asp?SectionID=88&SubSectionID=275&ArticleID=15941) from critics who claimed the organization was trying to stifle robust discussion.

04-20-2012, 02:32 AM
There's lots of reasons I don't take many of you very serious...The real reason is you can't spell S-E-R-I-O-U-S-L-Y. That, or you don't know an adverb from an adjective. LOL

04-20-2012, 02:38 AM
To call for the banning of OMK is quite absurd coming from a forum that has nothing but hatred in just about every post.

This forum main theme is hatred. They should rename the title of the forum to:
The hate and insult forum, with a bit of talk about transsexual sex girls.

You all do it, no one is exempt from hateful posts, and I admit I do the same. I learned from awhile back that's how this forum runs, on hatred.

But to single out OMK for his posts is bizarre indeed.

04-20-2012, 02:45 AM
Yes. OMK is full of hatred. We knew that from his very first post, and the hatred spewing from his keyboard never let up. Kudos to OMK. We should give him a award for the greatest hater HA has ever seen.

If I understand correctly, that's not the reason some are calling for his ban. It's also well known that OMK personally attacks people on this board by lying about them and repeating those lies again and again without concern. That's a reason to single him out.

04-20-2012, 02:45 AM
To call for the banning of OMK is quite absurd coming from a forum that has nothing but hatred in just about every post.

How about letting Nicole post his picture....would that be OK with everybody???

ha ha ha
or, as OMK would say "lmao"
ha ha ha.

04-20-2012, 03:16 AM
To call for the banning of OMK is quite absurd coming from a forum that has nothing but hatred in just about every post.

This forum main theme is hatred. They should rename the title of the forum to:
The hate and insult forum, with a bit of talk about transsexual sex girls.

You all do it, no one is exempt from hateful posts, and I admit I do the same. I learned from awhile back that's how this forum runs, on hatred.

But to single out OMK for his posts is bizarre indeed.

Yvonne, there's hatred on it's own and then there's hatred with lies and slurs added. OMK has thrown out accusations against individuals which anywhere other than the internet would have seen him sued and fined or slung in jail. That's the difference.

Other than that I agree with you general comments about the forum.

HA = Hate-filled Assholes.

04-20-2012, 03:17 AM
Yes. OMK is full of hatred. We knew that from his very first post, and the hatred spewing from his keyboard never let up. Kudos to OMK. We should give him a award for the greatest hater HA has ever seen.

If I understand correctly, that's not the reason some are calling for his ban. It's also well known that OMK personally attacks people on this board by lying about them and repeating those lies again and again without concern. That's a reason to single him out.

Even if OMK did say "lies" I am quite sure that if one goes back on old posts they will find lies in other people's posts.

All I am saying, is whether it is lies or not, hatred is what runs this forum. it's in everyones posts. If lies are a reason for banning then why is the hate accepted. To me it doesn't make sense that OMK can be singled out on a forum for his words yet others here are can be cruel with their words as well.

04-20-2012, 03:21 AM
Yvonne, there's hatred on it's own and then there's hatred with lies and slurs added. OMK has thrown out accusations against individuals which anywhere other than the internet would have seen him sued and fined or slung in jail. That's the difference.

Other than that I agree with you general comments about the forum.

HA = Hate-filled Assholes.

I don't see a difference in posts. maybe you and others can dissect what you believe to be wrong and hateful and other post that are just sort of hateful. Sort of like having a spectrum of hate, on one end is not so bad hate and on the other is down right hateful. But there is no spectrum,, when you called another poster in another thread a "cunt". To me this is hateful, whether the guy said something first or not, you joined in the party with your words. you can't have it all ways, either you stop with the hate words or every one is free to do it.

04-20-2012, 04:00 AM
Like I said, unerringly flawed judgment. If there's a sizeable male constiuency in the US that really thinks the way Nugent does, God help your country.

Robert Louis, unfortunately there are a lot of men and women who think like him. Everywhere between the deserts of California and the outskirts of New York. We are saturated with Red Necks and ignorance. Welcome to The USA. Thats what happens when you don't educate your populous, and boy we don't educate here...

04-20-2012, 04:10 AM
Robert Louis, unfortunately there are a lot of men and women who think like him. Everywhere between the deserts of California and the outskirts of New York. We are saturated with Red Necks and ignorance. Welcome to The USA. Thats what happens when you don't educate your populous, and boy we don't educate here...


04-20-2012, 04:23 AM
This forum main theme is hatred. They should rename the title of the forum to:
The hate and insult forum, with a bit of talk about transsexual sex girls.

lulz. You reminded me of this...


04-20-2012, 04:24 AM
Even if OMK did say "lies" I am quite sure that if one goes back on old posts they will find lies in other people's posts.
Yeah, sure. There are a lot of lies being propagated at HA, mostly political lies. But you left out that OMK persistently lies about people who are members of this forum.

04-20-2012, 04:24 AM

Thanks Fred... See what I mean? Ha!

04-20-2012, 04:31 AM
Like I said, unerringly flawed judgment. If there's a sizeable male constiuency in the US that really thinks the way Nugent does, God help your country.

Ignorance is part of our culture. If you want to get a get perspective on the "general population" of the U.S. just visit a Wal-Mart on a weekend evening.

Every country has their fair share, I believe yours are called "chavs"?

04-20-2012, 05:10 AM
Ignorance is part of our culture. If you want to get a get perspective on the "general population" of the U.S. just visit a Wal-Mart on a weekend evening.

Every country has their fair share, I believe yours are called "chavs"?

I agree lol. Any edge of town Tesco can be a bit like the twilight zone later in the evening.

The big difference is that in your country people with views like that are allowed to purchase and carry guns.

Nicole Dupre
04-20-2012, 05:41 AM
I'm not posting his photo. It's pointless. It's not that he's much to look at. He's not. He looks as goofy as he sounds; the hillbilly beard, the clueless grin, the cheesy tattoo work, etc.

Any man who's stupid enough to send their photo to a complete stranger, especially an escort who normally gets a donation as a way of thanking her for maintaining discretion, along with telling her that he wants to suck her shemale dick, has got bigger problems in life than looking goofy.

04-20-2012, 05:50 AM
I'm not posting his photo. It's pointless. It's not that he's much to look at. He's not. He looks as goofy as he sounds; the hillbilly beard, the clueless grin, the cheesy tattoo work, etc.

Couldn't you have at least waited til tomorrow to let him off the hook? ha ha. I'm still WAITING for him to post those Jesse James bike pix. NO REPLY.
(you may have everyone fooled that you have class, Nicole, but I like to think you just want to hold something over his head....he he he)

04-20-2012, 05:51 AM
I'm not posting his photo. It's pointless. It's not that he's much to look at. He's not. He looks as goofy as he sounds; the hillbilly beard, the clueless grin, the cheesy tattoo work, etc.

Any man who's stupid enough to send their photo to a complete stranger, especially an escort who normally gets a donation as a way of thanking her for maintaining discretion, along with telling her that he wants to suck her shemale dick, has got bigger problems in life than looking goofy.

I agree on balance, Nicole, although it's frustrating that he continues to spew his lies with impunity behind an alias and a series of avatar pics.

But thanks for constantly dragging him down to size.

04-20-2012, 06:49 AM
That's the difference between me and most of you. I don't have selective outrage based on party affiliation, or my affection for a particular president or candidate


Gotta be the funniest thing he's ever written on here. Sure he only defends every conservative and attacks every center-left moderate and liberal but he's not partisan. LMFAO! It's just coincidence he's outraged by Roland Martin, Charles Blow, Lawrence O'Donnell and Louis C.K. to name just a few.

Roland Martin

Charles Blow

Lawrence O'Donnell.

Louis C.K.

04-20-2012, 07:06 AM
Ted Nugent is a nasty mofo.

Shitting and pissing in his pants for two days straight to get of going to Vietnam??
A lot of pussies out here have a gun fetish IMO.

04-20-2012, 11:03 AM
I agree with Nicole's decision not to post OMK's picture. That would be a breach of trust established in another context. And frankly I have no problem with OMK using an avatar that conceals his identity. I also do that. Most people here do. Robertlouis and Nicole are two honourable exceptions. It would be unfair to OMK to do that. Behaving as badly as he does is not the answer.

Yvonne. You are right. There is a lot of hate here. The worst is racism and deliberate and vicious attacks on the girls.

However my expressions of hatred are 100 per cent concerned with a hatred of ignorance and prejudice and a hatred of certain key individuals who propogate these ideas. I would say that I despite more than hate OMK for the continued and deliberate attempt to smear me and others here with accusations he knows full well are totally untrue. And his refusal to retract those accusations. His politics I disagree with but he has not - unlike some other posters here - shown himself to be a racist (as far as i am aware) and I give him credit for that. That is one vice i consider unforgivable (though the ignorance and lack of education of those who take this positition can act as an explanation.)

04-20-2012, 01:24 PM
This forum is a freakin' sewer, with members grappling and hurling vile insults to each other to see who can be King or Queen of this sh*t pile.

As far as libel goes, I'm sure a good lawyer can find libel in many posts on this forum, it's not secluded to just to OMK.

04-20-2012, 02:37 PM
This forum is a freakin' sewer, with members grappling and hurling vile insults to each other to see who can be King or Queen of this sh*t pile.

Yvonne, are you a T-girl? I flirted with you once.

Your quotation is the FINITE definition of Mitt Romney, That shit pile he wants to sit on top of contains the largest pile of money and power that has ever existed on the face of this earth. Of course, he's not intersted in the shit, he just wants to excavate the pile and seperate the gold from the guano. Hurling vile insults? That's how he knocked off Newt and Sanitorium.

So work with me a minute -this site is a microcosm of American Presidential Politics, seeing who can plant the flag on the top of Mount Pilot.(mayberry RFD)

Election Year in the USA has become the central point of everything. Does it matter, not much....we're all people alone in a room arguing with a dang computer monitor, ..most likely.

In short, this is more fun than a weekend at Michael Vick's house!

If you can come up with something more fun that you can do sitting in front of a computer, personally, I'd love to hear it.

Maybe a thread of people's OTHER favorite internet sites? That would explain alot......

Nicole Dupre
04-20-2012, 03:24 PM
I have a photo of Vicki Richter's old head mod, Crimson Raider, posing with Vicki who's a pre-op TS porn veteran, complete with his name and address Photoshopped right on the photo. I posted it here once because he posted fake escort reviews of me, and even bragged about doing so.

So what's fair is fair. Crimson Raider's truly a disturbed man, and I wouldn't be surprised if I had to eventually put a bullet into him some day to defend my life. But OMK is different. He's got major social handicaps. He doesn't know how to talk to people. That, in and of it itself, is an overall internet problem. The internet us filled with people who go too far, as if they're on a playground and the recess bell is going to ring and absolve them of bad behavior. I don't see it that way. I'll take it right from here to Main Street if you screw with me badly enough. I'm not floating in and out of a delusional fantasy. I know how high all the stakes are with these men as clients, fans, and internet entities.

And OMK is just a putz. He's a lonely, opinionated, ignorant man. He's more of a victim of his own character flaws than I'll ever be of him. I just don't want him on my back here. He was having the time of life, arguing with people in the Politics & Religion Section. But then he brought it here, and took it to me. And I'm not one to argue pointless politics. I only address topics that directly affect me, and bigotry is one of those topics. My "community" is as hated and violated as any. People kill transsexuals and gay people for simply being transsexuals and gay people. So I'm not taking a clown like OMK seriously. he can't even swallow the reality that he wants a penis in his mouth and that makes him as much of a target of his precious GOP as anyone here. But if he begs for my abuse here, he'll eventually get it from me. I've handled far bigger bullies and mouthy morons in my life than him.

04-20-2012, 03:35 PM

Amboy Dukes, The Journey to the Center of the Mind - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UN2VNFpiGWo)

04-21-2012, 04:51 AM
Dixie Chicks & Ted Nugent: Total Hypocrisy - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tlggP0zx1rs&feature=plcp&context=C4c8de51VDvjVQa1PpcFMnIvtFEgzmfy6b1PrtLc0K 6Luow78IVfM=)

05-13-2012, 02:14 PM
Maybe the rednecks will let Trayvon Martin rest in peace and come over to this thread.

There is a large transgendered community here in Houston. I see them at the stores often, and my wife and I were eating at Golden Corral in an area filled with country people, and there was a black transgendered female amongst us all, eating, and wandering about in the buffet lines with the rest of us. No one bothered her, although obvious what she was, and no one even gave it much notice. Unlike other states, that transgendered girl here in Texas has the legal right to conceal and carry a firearm to defend herself. She’s as safe as she chooses to be here in Texas.

You can bad-mouth Ted Nugent all you want to, but the man doesn’t even drink or smoke. Here’s what he said about self-defense in this video, something transgendered people should think about before bad-mouthing this state. CeCe McDonald is in the mess she’s in, because a group of idiot politicians dictate to her when, how, and where she can defend herself.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qu-aNyndZoo (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qu-aNyndZoo)

05-13-2012, 02:19 PM
This could have been a transgendered female. All people have the right to defend themselves, even with lethal force if neccessary.


05-13-2012, 02:49 PM
[SIZE=3]You can bad-mouth Ted Nugent all you want to, but the man doesn’t even drink or smoke.

True. Just a paedophile and a draft-dodger then. But no smoking, no drinking. *Sheesh*

05-13-2012, 04:32 PM
It never ceases to amaze me the depth of anger and hate to wards others that exists on this board.

05-13-2012, 04:38 PM
It never ceases to amaze me the depth of anger and hate to wards others that exists on this board.

It's Chinatown....

05-13-2012, 05:09 PM
Yvonne, there's hatred on it's own and then there's hatred with lies and slurs added. OMK has thrown out accusations against individuals which anywhere other than the internet would have seen him sued and fined or slung in jail. That's the difference.

Other than that I agree with you general comments about the forum.

HA = Hate-filled Assholes.

Well ....I've limited my time on here to several minutes a day for a couple reasons so I've missed this entire thread from some weeks back...one reason is I have a life ....unlike you who spends hours replying to every assinine post on here with your foolish gibberish and bias political opinions.Who gives a fuck what a mindless minstrel like you thinks anyway ? Look...you have issues...that's why you left several months ago. Too bad you came back, but at least you left willingly. There's about 10 people on here who's lives revolve around this shit hole, and you're one of them. You're a punk....that's not hate, just fact. You and the other 9 are such profound hypocrites it's breath taking how you could not see that. You and the other twinkies love sucking up to ND for one reason...you're scared to death she'll turn her wrath on you. There are several others that exhibit that behavior as well. That's grade school shit. You can deny that, but it's pretty obvious. Do you think she'd give any one of you pathetic assholes the time of day IRL unless you were handing her cash? LMAO You really are diluted...a few kind words from her or one of the other ladies, and your day is fulfilled. Pathetic.

Like the statement some asshole made several posts back about NY and LA being the Mecca of cultural civilization and the rest just one cesspool of inbreeding rednecks. That's the way you arrogant bastards actually think. And I'm the hateful one? That's rich. When Trish comments about North Carolinians voting against gay marriage and uses the typical liberal tactic of racial profiling them as ignorant in breeders, is that hate...? or is it just hate when I turn it back around on hold the mirror up to all of that hypocrisy? When ND refers to some as pedophiles...is that hate? Go back and read some of your posts on the political boards....you're hardly one of pure heart.... That is unless the posters are in total agreement with your political philosophy. You all don't want to have an open discussion on issues...You think you do....you like to tell yourself you do..what you want is to flog those that don't fall in line with your dogma and ideology into submission, and you'll do it with exactly what you've all exhibited here...How come none of you ever dare confront ND about the amount of people she's driven off these boards? She picks a new target every week....None of you have the balls to mix it up with her...that's why...You sit silently behind your keyboards and allow her to bully and demean. Ever wonder why thousands visit everyday, but only the dirty dozen post? What a bunch of putrid pussies. If you think for a second I'm intimidated by a bunch of sexually frustrated misfits and cock bandits and politically confused fools on a porn forum then you're more deluded than I thought. I've had a lot worse odds in real life, and I'm still here, Look...I'll let you all in on a little secret....this ain't real life . I know that's a shocking revelation to most of you. When you shut down the computer and step out into reality..........the truth of the matter is most of you would be considered deviants if your neighbors, co-workers and family knew what you were doing all those hours online. That's the truth....deal with it. And if you stood on a street corner and expressed the views you do in here, or demeaned the other 60% of the people who don't quite see things your way, like you do in here you'd get your ass handed to you in short order. That''s the harshness of RL...not this nonsence in here where you dilude each other into thinking your views are the only acceptable views. . You live in an alternate universe here on HA..and I'm the guy holding up the mirror pointing out your complete delusion and hypocrisy. I understand why you wouldn't like that ! I think it's a fair statement that the most intolerant people I've ever encountered were not sitting around drinking moonshine in a small Mississippi town...they're alive and well right here on HA. You'd better see things racially, politically, religiously, and socially their way...or look the fuck out. You're all like virtual versions of Dan Savage....you know who he is. He claims he's fighting bullying and intolerance....with harsher more intolerant, more vile bullying, but he doesn't see it that way......not surprising. Neither do you all. I think besides a few hot ladies, the reason I even bother with such foolishness in here is I enjoy the fact none of you see your own hypocrisy. I find that entertaining....Ultimately you can't handle other points of view, so you seek to ban those who dissent. That's your way of handling it. And now it's time for me to step away from the keyboard and into reality....but by all means carry on in here....spend as much time as you need to keep reinforcing to each other how enlightened and politically and socially astute you all are, because you're obviously not getting that sort of reinforcement in your real lives, so do it virtually..What a sorry sack of shit .

05-13-2012, 05:41 PM
There's OMK, the self described good Christian spreading hate on a pornography forum once again on a Sunday morning. Did you go to church already. Did you all pray together? Does the rest of the congregation know what you do with your time on the internet? How's Jesus doing?

Nicole Dupre
05-13-2012, 06:02 PM
When ND refers to some as pedophiles...is that hate? Go back and read some of your posts on the political boards....you're hardly one of pure heart.... That is unless the posters are in total agreement with your political philosophy. You all don't want to have an open discussion on issues...You think you do....you like to tell yourself you do..what you want is to flog those that don't fall in line with your dogma and ideology into submission, and you'll do it with exactly what you've all exhibited here...How come none of you ever dare confront ND about the amount of people she's driven off these boards? She picks a new target every week....None of you have the balls to mix it up with her...that's why...You sit silently behind your keyboards and allow her to bully and demean. Ever wonder why thousands visit everyday, but only the dirty dozen post? I didn't call anyone a pedo, you jackass. You're really hung up on that. And this forum was mean-spirited and nasty long before I got here. One of the original mods here, MEGABODY, abused the living shit out of a girl named Cheri Baum. When she left, nobody cared. JWBL was getting lippy with me out of the blue for almost a year. I've had my life threatened by that jackass, KIR470, loads of times. You don't know the half of it, so fuck off. People don't want to be here with a faggot like you. Trust me, closet case. Anyone who's a Fox News big mouth retard, like you are, is the real hypocrite. You're supportive of every anti-LGBT politician that comes down the pike. So fuck you, jailbird. I just intimidate the living shit out of you, you white trash loser. That's your problem. You thought I was going to let you slide on defining me as a "lib" and telling me who I supposedly vote for. You should've kept your mouth shut about ALL of it, and not written me your crude "can I suck your dick" love letters. Maybe you wouldn't even be on my radar if you just backed off. But obviously you can't.

Now go suck Ted Nugent's dick and stay out of my face. Blame your own redneck ass for people not being here. Who'd want to rub elbows with a hypocrite closet cocksucker like you?

Pffffft... Faggot. *smfh

05-13-2012, 06:21 PM
There's OMK, the self described good Christian spreading hate on a pornography forum once again on a Sunday morning. Did you go to church already. Did you all pray together? Does the rest of the congregation know what you do with your time on the internet? How's Jesus doing?


He's trying to save us,bible in one hand, his dick in the other.

05-13-2012, 06:22 PM
What's really breath taking is your "creative" spelling of a rather simple word (deluded) sprinkled throughout your post and like snowflakes, no two are exactly alike.

LMAO You really are diluted...

If you think for a second I'm intimidated by a bunch of sexually frustrated misfits and cock bandits and politically confused fools on a porn forum then you're more deluded than I thought.

That''s the harshness of RL...not this nonsence in here where you dilude each other into thinking your views are the only acceptable views. .

Nicole Dupre
05-13-2012, 06:56 PM
What's really breath taking is your "creative" spelling of a rather simple word (deluded) sprinkled throughout your post and like snowflakes, no two are exactly alike.
He's not exactly a scholar. lol

05-13-2012, 07:46 PM
Well ....I've limited my time on here to several minutes a day for a couple reasons so I've missed this entire thread from some weeks back...one reason is I have a life ....unlike you who spends hours replying to every assinine post on here with your foolish gibberish and bias political opinions.Who gives a fuck what a mindless minstrel like you thinks anyway ? Look...you have issues...that's why you left several months ago. Too bad you came back, but at least you left willingly. There's about 10 people on here who's lives revolve around this shit hole, and you're one of them. You're a punk....that's not hate, just fact. You and the other 9 are such profound hypocrites it's breath taking how you could not see that. You and the other twinkies love sucking up to ND for one reason...you're scared to death she'll turn her wrath on you. There are several others that exhibit that behavior as well. That's grade school shit. You can deny that, but it's pretty obvious. Do you think she'd give any one of you pathetic assholes the time of day IRL unless you were handing her cash? LMAO You really are diluted...a few kind words from her or one of the other ladies, and your day is fulfilled. Pathetic.

This is pure projection. You can always tell what's going on OMK's life by what he accuses the libruls of. Apparently he's obsessed with ND, attracted to her yet terrified of her.

And btw, I really take the Dan Savage comparison as high praise. He's honest, fearless and he's done to more to improve the lives of bullied teenagers than anyone else in America.

05-13-2012, 07:58 PM
I went to see Ted at House of Blues awhile back and, although I don't care for political ranting of any kind on stage I thought I'd hear Cat Scratch Fever and Wang Dang Sweet Poontang etc. and enjoy some rock and roll.
He sucked. His singing sucked, his playing sucked, and his band sucked. He went through the motions, resting on his laurels, giving his audience shit. People were leaving throughout the whole thing.
I was so disappointed. He was definitely not "What the Doctor Ordered".

05-13-2012, 08:50 PM
Well ....I've limited my time on here to several minutes a day for a couple reasons so I've missed this entire thread from some weeks back...one reason is I have a life ....unlike you who spends hours replying to every assinine post on here with your foolish gibberish and bias political opinions.Who gives a fuck what a mindless minstrel like you thinks anyway ? Look...you have issues...that's why you left several months ago. Too bad you came back, but at least you left willingly. There's about 10 people on here who's lives revolve around this shit hole, and you're one of them. You're a punk....that's not hate, just fact. You and the other 9 are such profound hypocrites it's breath taking how you could not see that. You and the other twinkies love sucking up to ND for one reason...you're scared to death she'll turn her wrath on you. There are several others that exhibit that behavior as well. That's grade school shit. You can deny that, but it's pretty obvious. Do you think she'd give any one of you pathetic assholes the time of day IRL unless you were handing her cash? LMAO You really are diluted...a few kind words from her or one of the other ladies, and your day is fulfilled. Pathetic.

Like the statement some asshole made several posts back about NY and LA being the Mecca of cultural civilization and the rest just one cesspool of inbreeding rednecks. That's the way you arrogant bastards actually think. And I'm the hateful one? That's rich. When Trish comments about North Carolinians voting against gay marriage and uses the typical liberal tactic of racial profiling them as ignorant in breeders, is that hate...? or is it just hate when I turn it back around on hold the mirror up to all of that hypocrisy? When ND refers to some as pedophiles...is that hate? Go back and read some of your posts on the political boards....you're hardly one of pure heart.... That is unless the posters are in total agreement with your political philosophy. You all don't want to have an open discussion on issues...You think you do....you like to tell yourself you do..what you want is to flog those that don't fall in line with your dogma and ideology into submission, and you'll do it with exactly what you've all exhibited here...How come none of you ever dare confront ND about the amount of people she's driven off these boards? She picks a new target every week....None of you have the balls to mix it up with her...that's why...You sit silently behind your keyboards and allow her to bully and demean. Ever wonder why thousands visit everyday, but only the dirty dozen post? What a bunch of putrid pussies. If you think for a second I'm intimidated by a bunch of sexually frustrated misfits and cock bandits and politically confused fools on a porn forum then you're more deluded than I thought. I've had a lot worse odds in real life, and I'm still here, Look...I'll let you all in on a little secret....this ain't real life . I know that's a shocking revelation to most of you. When you shut down the computer and step out into reality..........the truth of the matter is most of you would be considered deviants if your neighbors, co-workers and family knew what you were doing all those hours online. That's the truth....deal with it. And if you stood on a street corner and expressed the views you do in here, or demeaned the other 60% of the people who don't quite see things your way, like you do in here you'd get your ass handed to you in short order. That''s the harshness of RL...not this nonsence in here where you dilude each other into thinking your views are the only acceptable views. . You live in an alternate universe here on HA..and I'm the guy holding up the mirror pointing out your complete delusion and hypocrisy. I understand why you wouldn't like that ! I think it's a fair statement that the most intolerant people I've ever encountered were not sitting around drinking moonshine in a small Mississippi town...they're alive and well right here on HA. You'd better see things racially, politically, religiously, and socially their way...or look the fuck out. You're all like virtual versions of Dan Savage....you know who he is. He claims he's fighting bullying and intolerance....with harsher more intolerant, more vile bullying, but he doesn't see it that way......not surprising. Neither do you all. I think besides a few hot ladies, the reason I even bother with such foolishness in here is I enjoy the fact none of you see your own hypocrisy. I find that entertaining....Ultimately you can't handle other points of view, so you seek to ban those who dissent. That's your way of handling it. And now it's time for me to step away from the keyboard and into reality....but by all means carry on in here....spend as much time as you need to keep reinforcing to each other how enlightened and politically and socially astute you all are, because you're obviously not getting that sort of reinforcement in your real lives, so do it virtually..What a sorry sack of shit .

Fuck me, who's obsessed? Have you wiped the foaming spittle off your keyboard yet? Maybe that's why your spelling is all over the place, just like your twisted logic. What a sad little dick you are.

No doubt you wanted to provoke a response. Well, here it is. Enjoy.

Oh well, if I'm a thorn under your saddle, at least I'm serving a useful purpose, which is more than I can say for you.

As for Nicole, we don't communicate off HA and never have. The difference between you and me is that I respect and enjoy most of her posts, and if I feel moved to say so in public when she hits a point dead on, I'll say so, just as I'll say with others. Fuck it, I've even (goodness only knows how) agreed with you in the past and have had no problem in openly recognising the fact that you can be right. One of her finest traits is in having a perfect radar for foul, hypocritical bullshit for which on HA you are the prime protagonist. She's fearless, but she has the innate decency not to make more of the evidence she has about your past and your character. You could learn a lot from her while you continue to wallow in your perennial lies and slanders.

You refuse to reveal anything about yourself, yet constantly attack people who are candid and open enough to do so. Just how much have you got to hide? Must be rather a lot.

And just to set the record straight. I left for a while at the back end of 2011 because girls that I liked were being cursed, intimidated and physically threatened by a bunch of low-life thugs who seemed for a while to be untouchable. Thankfully, they have gone. Sadly, so have the girls.

You're not like that - you do have enough decency (or sense) in you not to mount attacks on the girls whose presence here is the raison d'etre of this place, I'll give you that, but your unbridled, unfocused venom for all things and people to the left of Genghis Khan continues unchecked. You're also smart enough to stay at least two steps away from being kicked out, jeez, even more credit, but check out the number and style of those who oppose your views and compare them to the low-life occasional racists who foul this place with their insidious brand of hate and form the tiny nucleus of your support group. It gets lonely, doesn't it?

Finally, in the continuing absence of any physical representation of your form, here's what I think you must resemble, eaten up by hate, fear and that all-consuming sense of your own total inadequacy.

Cheers, Smeagol.

05-13-2012, 08:59 PM
Good grief - a complete avalanche of rabid insanity from OMK. As always he has refused to respond with anything of substance to ideas and questions from many different posters. And he honesty believes we confuse this place for the 'real world. Goodness OMK - you really should jack it in here and go back to an audience that enjoys your spittle laden postings. Perhaps try the white aryan nation. You seem to be headed in their general direction. I am sure they have chat room where you'd feel right at home. Can we hope that his remark about "stepping away" signals his decision not to come here anymore. Hooray.

05-13-2012, 09:18 PM
OK, omk. Let's ask the big question - again.

And this time no evasion, no flim-flam, none of your usual bluster, just tell us in simple words how you reconcile your slavish support of all things republican, pro-bigotry, pro-misogyny, anti-gay, anti-lgbt etc, with your presence here on a ts forum.

Thanks in anticipation.

05-13-2012, 09:27 PM
I've read this from start to finish, i still don't know what the fuck's going on.
Where's da tranny cawk? :shrug

Nicole Dupre
05-13-2012, 10:05 PM
OK, omk. Let's ask the big question - again.

And this time no evasion, no flim-flam, none of your usual bluster, just tell us in simple words how you reconcile your slavish support of all things republican, pro-bigotry, pro-misogyny, anti-gay, anti-lgbt etc, with your presence here on a ts forum.

Thanks in anticipation.
It's called denial, and he's as deep in it as anyone on this forum ever was.

So he can't answer you.

05-13-2012, 10:08 PM
It's called denial, and he's as deep in it as anyone on this forum ever was.

So he can't answer you.

I know that, wonder why I bother. Oh well, one day.

BTW, please check the pic I posted six posts up. Is it a good resemblance?

Nicole Dupre
05-13-2012, 10:21 PM
I know that, wonder why I bother. Oh well, one day.

BTW, please check the pic I posted six posts up. Is it a good resemblance?
He's not that bad. lol He's not ugly or anything. He's just fucking nuts. And that beard has to go imo.

05-13-2012, 11:04 PM
It's Chinatown....

THAT was a good one! Thank-you.

Marty Mcfly
05-14-2012, 12:29 AM
Ted Is the Man..This man should run the world!

05-14-2012, 01:12 AM
Crazy Ted couldn't run a zipper and keep it on track let alone the world! LOL

Marty Mcfly
05-14-2012, 01:16 AM
Crazy Ted couldn't run a zipper and keep it on track let alone the world! LOL

LOLOL...I find that dude funny..He is a legend in his own mind..You can't take anything that he does seriously..He is an old Acid baby lost in the 1960's.

05-14-2012, 02:25 AM
He makes a jackass of himself a lot lately....I hope the show continues.