View Full Version : The definition of a pussy...

04-17-2012, 06:47 PM
is basically me! Never been in a fight, when ever I come close to an altercation I pretty much piss my pants. I dunno how you guys do the whole tough thing. I'm more of a woman than some of the transexuals here! Lol.

04-17-2012, 06:54 PM
He who turns and runs away... etc etc.... I don't think avoiding fights is being a pussy. I think it is sane. Okay - it is also true that sometmes you have no choice.

04-17-2012, 07:00 PM
Monty Python Holy Grail The tale of Sir Robin - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c4SJ0xR2_bQ&feature=youtube_gdata_player)


04-17-2012, 07:17 PM
Lol! Well i was thinking of asking this one tgirl who works at a clothing store. Very beautiful, friendly, but then I figured if she got clocked while we were out she'd need someone who can defend her honour and punch someone. Too bad really, I almost think she might like me.

04-17-2012, 07:23 PM
Now that SFlare is the definition of a wuss!

04-17-2012, 07:55 PM
LOL! Oh, i see. There's a difference. I probably should have been born a woman too.

04-17-2012, 08:11 PM
Lol! Well i was thinking of asking this one tgirl who works at a clothing store. Very beautiful, friendly, but then I figured if she got clocked while we were out she'd need someone who can defend her honour and punch someone. Too bad really, I almost think she might like me.

thats pretty funny

04-17-2012, 08:31 PM
Lol, i know. But kinda sucks too. Atleast for me. The life of a wuss is a lonely one. Thank goodness for escorts. Otherwise I might never get any.

04-17-2012, 11:21 PM
Lol, i know. But kinda sucks too. Atleast for me. The life of a wuss is a lonely one. Thank goodness for escorts. Otherwise I might never get any.

Why don't you take self defense classes? You can't run away every time there is a conflict. Unless you are really fucking fast

Quiet Reflections
04-17-2012, 11:54 PM
Avoiding a fight you have been dragged into is OK, but if you start a fight then try to weasel out of it at all cost even to the point of sacrificing people you know then you are a PUSSY.

04-17-2012, 11:57 PM
Avoiding a fight you have been dragged into is OK, but if you start a fight then try to weasel out of it at all cost even to the point of sacrificing people you know then you are a PUSSY.

I agree with this. But you have to be a bit of a jerk to start a fight. Who wants to start a fight?

Quiet Reflections
04-18-2012, 12:03 AM
I agree with this. But you have to be a bit of a jerk to start a fight. Who wants to start a fight?
I find that most people that can be identified as jerks can also be fairly called pussies as well

04-18-2012, 12:06 AM
Self-defense? I'll look into it. I don't mind getting my own ass kicked, but if I was responsible for her safety during a date, I'd hate it if a couple of jerks started talking shit and all I can do is let her take the abuse. Some men are so gutsy and tough, women can feel safe with them. Chelsea, that's her name, could never be safe with me.

Quiet Reflections
04-18-2012, 12:22 AM
Self-defense? I'll look into it. I don't mind getting my own ass kicked, but if I was responsible for her safety during a date, I'd hate it if a couple of jerks started talking shit and all I can do is let her take the abuse. Some men are so gutsy and tough, women can feel safe with them. Chelsea, that's her name, could never be safe with me.
If you don't mind losing a fight then you are already halfway there. Most overly aggressive guys will back down if you stand up to them anyway. If you don't mind eating a punch or two you can normally come out on top of the situation whether you lose the fight or not. It is an over used cliche that losing teaches you more than winning but trust when I say that if you stand up for a girl and lose it will do more for your self confidence and love life than beating up another guy will ever do.

04-18-2012, 12:27 AM
is basically me! Never been in a fight, when ever I come close to an altercation I pretty much piss my pants. I dunno how you guys do the whole tough thing. I'm more of a woman than some of the transexuals here! Lol.

As a dude, there's a difference between starting conflict and standing up for yourself. That's why I particularly hate the way society has shifted in the last fifty years. I don't understand why everything has to turn into a damn court case and why dudes can't just go settle petty disputes over a round of fisticuffs and a few beers without being tossed in a cell for a few days.

I'm not the competitive type, and more often than not, I'm completely content just chillin' and staying out of other people's drama, so I'm not the kind of guy that rallies for violence. I just don't understand why some people would go to extreme lengths to avoid it. It's inhuman... and kinda annoying as a personality trait.

04-18-2012, 12:33 AM
Lol! Well i was thinking of asking this one tgirl who works at a clothing store. Very beautiful, friendly, but then I figured if she got clocked while we were out she'd need someone who can defend her honour and punch someone. Too bad really, I almost think she might like me.

That's not the point. Get up and leave. If a chick needs you to punch a bunch of dudes to defend her honor, there's something wrong with her. You still have other options. Report the jackasses to the restaurant staff. If they don't kick them out, leave and refuse to pay for your meal. If the restarurant can't provide a non-threatening atmosphere, you don't owe them. You may not end up looking like Arnold Schwarzenegger with an anger complex, but she should be happy you're not just sitting there twiddling your thumbs and pissing yourself.

04-18-2012, 05:36 AM
Getting into a fight just to prove your a man is stupid. It proves your not a man, but an idiot. Fighting to defend yourself or people you care about is ok if you have no other option. Morons who start fights have nothing to lose like a job or anything of value. A person with a real life doesn't want charged with assult and lose what they worked hard to achieve.