View Full Version : SRS ??

06-14-2002, 05:40 PM
What does SRS means ??
i've seen this word but i have no idea what it means.

06-14-2002, 07:13 PM
srs stands for Sexual Reassignment Surgery. The act of going from Pre-Op to Post-Op.

"For a male becoming female, treatment with female hormones is required for at least a year before irreversible surgical steps are taken. This produces changes in the secondary sex characteristics, such as body hair reduction, breast development, and feminization of body shape and skin texture. The time required for acceptable results varies widely from one individual to another. Patients are also required to be living full time as a female for a minimum of one year before surgery is authorized. Many transsexual choose to have electrolysis to remove facial hair at this time. A few also elect to have cosmetic surgery if distinctly masculine features such as a large nose or jaw are present. When a patient feels ready, she may apply for medical approval of reassignment surgery. The entire clinic team will then review her progress and adaptation to the new role. Surgery may then be approved based on the evaluation, and letters of referral written to the client's selected surgeon.

The actual procedure is considered major surgery. Under general anaesthetic, the testes and erectile tissue of the penis are removed. An artificial vagina is then created and lined with skin of the penis, the nerves and blood vessels of which remain largely intact. Scrotal tissue is then used create labia, and the urethra is shortened and positioned in the female location.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: guy on 2002-06-15 22:02 ]</font>

06-16-2002, 07:03 AM
more info added

Vicki Richter
01-12-2006, 12:21 AM
Thank you. This was very informative.