View Full Version : Tranny Transit Trouble: Amanda Lepore deported from Britian

02-27-2006, 01:22 AM
Gender-bending superstar Amanda Lepore was deported from Great Britain 10 days ago, on her way to a nightclub appearance.

Miss Lepore's mistake was to tell immigration officials she would be "working" (wrong answer!) during her visit, for which she did not have the correct visa.

So they spun her trannie fanny right around and put her on a plane back to New York. ("In the stewardess aisle," adds an appalled pal.)

Lepore tells me: "They kept me in a detention room for 11 hours. It was the closest thing to jail I've ever been in."

Lepore was to perform her new songs "Champagne" and "My Hair Looks Fierce" at a London club. She also missed a booking to appear in the fashion show for Boy George's label, B-Rude.

At least the Brits treated her with their trademark politesse. "They weren't mean," she told me. "They said I would be welcome back if I had the right work permit."

However, they did confiscate her purse during the detention, denying her access to such essentials as eyedrops and lipstick.

"I felt retarded," the transsexual temptress said. "But then, I am blond."

02-27-2006, 01:30 AM
Unfortunately its the sort of thing that can happen. Its rediculous i know.

Sorry Amanda

02-27-2006, 01:31 AM
It's sad to see that we can't have more lenient policies between UK and US but frankly, I'm pleased to see that the UK is treating American citizens with the same tight regulations that we get treat to by the Americans.
I'm a permament resident and I still get stopped - mostly by impolite, ignorant desk clerks trying to assert their authority at LAX.

02-27-2006, 04:49 AM
More ignorance from Seanchai, who thinks he is 'special'.

02-27-2006, 05:26 AM
Well I wasn't the one who said that the US and UK had a "special friendship".

Would you care to explain what part of my posting was ignorance and why I think I'm special? Obviously you think I'm special as you love to comment on anything I have to say.

02-27-2006, 05:27 AM
It has nothing to do with Seanchai feeling "special"..In case you havent noticed US and UK are kinda tight,like maybe even allies....sorta,kinda for awhile now.
The currency there kicks the living crap outta America's,so you dont have the risk of Brits coming to the US on 2 week visa's and disapperaing into the cracks so they can work painting houses for 5 bucks an hour either.

He is simply stating that given the current state of affairs between the 2 nations,some love could be shown,but isnt.

At least its not like US/Brasil relations...US implemented a stupid law for Brasilians travelling to the US to figerprint and photograph them at customs.Well,Brasil didnt take kindly to it so they took it one step farther.When you arrive at customs in S.P.,there are 2 lines one for everybody...Brits,Saudis,Iraqis,N.Koreans,....ever ybody....then there is the American line.They segregate you,photograph you,give you 20 questions,fingerprint you,and make you wait forever while the rest of the world walks by laughing....Good times!

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