View Full Version : BREAKING NEWS! the two women who charged/hit MCDONALD'S EMPLOYEE

04-15-2012, 07:51 AM

04-15-2012, 11:14 AM
I am so glad you posted this, I had been following this story for a while and I am so glad that this man didn't have to go back to prison. For people who understand what long term prison sentences can do they would understand why running up on someone who was in prison for 11 years is not the smartest idea. These people lived on edge every day, and I can't believe these two women have a lawyer with the balls to say they did nothing wrong. She even said they didn't attack him, did he teleport them behind the counter or what? Ugh, this country is crazy!

04-16-2012, 07:41 AM
sad lesson learned by a stud girl & her girl friend

I am so glad you posted this, I had been following this story for a while and I am so glad that this man didn't have to go back to prison. For people who understand what long term prison sentences can do they would understand why running up on someone who was in prison for 11 years is not the smartest idea. These people lived on edge every day, and I can't believe these two women have a lawyer with the balls to say they did nothing wrong. She even said they didn't attack him, did he teleport them behind the counter or what? Ugh, this country is crazy!

04-16-2012, 03:24 PM
I am so happy that these women got there asses beat. I am so tired of black people behaving poorly in public. What the hell makes someone think that they are entitled to put their hands on someone else, when a more peaceful and civilized solution could be reached Violence is the language of the intellectually challenged. And before anybody says anything I am Black and will talk about my people any damn way I please!

04-16-2012, 07:00 PM
BenDundat ... where does skin color come into play with this story? Make your racist comments... but understand that YOUR true colors are the only ones that are showing!

As to the story, I'm glad for the update and agree that the aggressors were the women. Its funny how the news glossed over the allegation that the man was coming to the aid of another co-worker was was being attacked by the women. To hope over the counter of an establishment and to began assaulting workers... you get what you deserve.

04-17-2012, 07:14 PM
I am so happy that these women got there asses beat. I am so tired of black people behaving poorly in public. What the hell makes someone think that they are entitled to put their hands on someone else, when a more peaceful and civilized solution could be reached Violence is the language of the intellectually challenged. And before anybody says anything I am Black and will talk about my people any damn way I please!

So you haven't noticed white people behaving poorly in public?

04-19-2012, 08:00 AM
I have noticed all races of people behaving poorly in public. The fact is I have a real problem with my own people continually acting a fool providing evidence to strengthen arguments about our lack of civility.

04-19-2012, 03:16 PM

Good they got their asses beat I bet they won't run up on men anymore. Women need to stop trying to act like men then when they get that ass beat they want to act feminine. That's what Rihanna did and I could never stand that chick she is a hot headed chick, and if Chris Brown even remotely goes near there to do a track or whatever he deserves this time all the heat. You stay away from females like that they are nothing but trouble.

05-05-2012, 08:58 AM
You got served!