View Full Version : Subject: TRANNY PREDATOR WARNING!!!

02-24-2006, 03:28 PM
I got this in my mail this morning, thought I would pass it along, better
safe than sorry.

From: "TgPixel Admin" <Aoneofakind6@aol.com> Add to Address Book Add Mobile Alert
Date: Thu, 23 Feb 2006 17:58:04 -0600

LADIES!! SOMEONE POSTED THE FOLLOWING MESSAGE THIS EVENING AT TgirlTalk.com SO I THOUGHT I PROBABLY SHOULD NOTIFY YOU ALL............. \"1-267-XXX-3226 This is number of a man in Philly. He calls girls that are eros.com. Sets up an appointment, and when he gets there he; shuts and locks the door. Then he tells the girl he is a Vice cop and is not alone. He proceeds to show a badge. Then he rapes and robs the girls at gun point. So ladies please be carefull. The description I got was that he is white, stocky, about 5\'9\" to 5\'10\" . Has a scar about 2-3 inches on his back. So if you are in or visiting the Philly area please remember the number above. I left out the prefix for certain reasons, but I hope the area code and last four will help you out. Good Luck and please BE CAREFUL\"

11-18-2007, 05:11 PM
Can't be me. I haven't been in Philadelphia in decades and God willing I'll never be there again. But the warning is well taken: It's sick out there and getting sicker by the minute. This is undoubtedly related to the ever decreasing supply of pure drinking water. As quantities of toxic chemicals, heavy metals, etc. slowly build up inside the human brain one can expect human behaviour to become increasingly bizarre and antisocial. See Roman empire.

11-18-2007, 05:26 PM
@ nicole: I guess ad hominem attacks are allowed on this site. Good to know. I guess I inadvertently revived it but the subject is a serious one possibly related to an article I posted earlier. Again: No like = no read.

Night Rider
11-18-2007, 05:28 PM
Never worry about Nicole, she's issues longer than santa's list

11-18-2007, 05:35 PM
@Nicole: don't call me an attention whore until I've reached 10,000 posts. I have a lot of catching up to do. LOL Have you doubled up on your hormones? Your bitchiness is showing. :>) If yes, I'd like you to know you have successfully transitioned to womanhood. Congratulations!

11-18-2007, 06:45 PM
Can't be me. I haven't been in Philadelphia in decades and God willing I'll never be there again. But the warning is well taken: It's sick out there and getting sicker by the minute. This is undoubtedly related to the ever decreasing supply of pure drinking water. As quantities of toxic chemicals, heavy metals, etc. slowly build up inside the human brain one can expect human behaviour to become increasingly bizarre and antisocial. See Roman empire.

This is one of the stupidest replies I've ever seen, especially about a serious subject (rape).

11-18-2007, 06:58 PM
If it's stupid why is it stupid? Maybe you're just projecting your stupidity and prejudices onto my statements. You don't think human brains can't absorb pollutants in drinking water? Ok, prove me wrong. Start drinking some polluted water for the next few months, then after you've expired we can have your brain dissected and analyzed for "foreign substances". Fair'nuff?

tall, dark &amp; Handsome
11-18-2007, 07:33 PM
I can't believe I am actually responding to this since Thx has "not been to philadelphia in decades" and yet has determined that this crime is a water pollution issue. I am not trying to pick on you Thx1138, but we do treat and test our water here.
Here is the Philadelphia Water Department's website.


If you so desire
Click on water quality report
Page 8 & 9 detail the status of Philadelphia water, which I drink everyday and have yet to go out on a Romanesque killing spree.

I am , however, interested in the larger issue of this attack though, so I will see if there is evidence of these reports on public record.

Also, I have heard nothing of this from girls I know or that I have had causual correpondance with. Ask Olivia.

Ask Aly Sinclair. She is extremely inteligent and would be up on this topic I am sure. she is also a HA member.

In fact, I will shoot her an email myself

11-18-2007, 09:32 PM
If it's stupid why is it stupid? Maybe you're just projecting your stupidity and prejudices onto my statements. You don't think human brains can't absorb pollutants in drinking water? Ok, prove me wrong. Start drinking some polluted water for the next few months, then after you've expired we can have your brain dissected and analyzed for "foreign substances". Fair'nuff?

So your reasoning/excuse for a guy pretending to be a vice cop and raping chicks is because of pollutants in drinking water? (as opposed to someone simply being deranged).

Crime rates dropped throughout the past 15 years in most cities including Philly.

Its a retarded theory.

11-18-2007, 09:57 PM
How do we know if the deranged one is in fact drinking solely Philadelphia tap water? Was he ever apprehended, tested? Maybe he resided for a time OUTside the Philadelphia area for a while where the water is not tested regularly? Is the water uniformly pure across the whole US at all times? Maybe he was a recent immigrant from overseas where water isn't tested. I don't know. Maybe he was a military gut coming back from the mideast. I recall Halliburton was busted for serving dirty water to the troops for awhile. Could have been tainted bottled water. Many possibilities.

11-18-2007, 09:59 PM
oops gut = guy

tall, dark &amp; Handsome
11-18-2007, 10:08 PM
We are still talking about the water

Night Rider
11-18-2007, 10:11 PM
i was expecting to see something like this on the loose


tall, dark &amp; Handsome
11-18-2007, 10:17 PM
i was expecting to see something like this on the loose



Yea I think this was a dead post for a reason. I haven't found anything that supports this unless it was never report in any sort of forum. Highly possible since Murder & gun violence is philadelphias' biggest problem to date.

11-18-2007, 10:19 PM
I don't get why this was bumped at all. It clearly was an out of date post.

11-19-2007, 01:24 AM
I think thx1138 has been drinking his own bathwater.....

11-19-2007, 01:44 AM
Philadelphians ingest a lot of stuff in various ways. I'm sayng some of it could be tainted. 6,000 soldiers from the middle east have committed suicide in the last 4 years. God knows what the hell they were exposed to. It's very possible they brought some stuff home in their bodies that made them snap. Homicide and suicide aren't all that different and you got a lot of homeless ex soldiers out there looking to survive - an explosive situation to say the least.

11-19-2007, 02:03 AM
I don't get why this was bumped at all. It clearly was an out of date post.

Uh - maybe because the guy who bumped it just joined the site TWO weeks ago and doesn't understand how sensitive people on here are to any dumb ass move...

TS Jamie :-)

tall, dark &amp; Handsome
11-19-2007, 02:22 AM
Well THX,
It seems that you are hot on the trail of the perp. when you find the deranged water drinking solder that did this (allegedly) we want to hear Allllll about it.

11-19-2007, 05:49 AM
Need it be said that if the water were to blame that everyone would be doing the attacking?
I wouldn't bump this just to say that but it's already near the top. But that's just lazy thinking.

11-19-2007, 03:39 PM
THX1138, I think what those soldiers were exposed
to was WAR. One of the most dangerous and anti-
social memes out there.