View Full Version : Most Embarrassing Moment

04-02-2012, 01:59 PM
Any stories to tell of your most embarrassing moment? Sometimes looking back on something happened makes a great story.

04-02-2012, 02:01 PM
when i pissed myself driving on the motorway as i couldnt pull over in time lol was not amused lol

04-02-2012, 02:04 PM
I congratulated a woman friend on her pregnancy--and she wasn't.

04-02-2012, 02:07 PM
I congratulated a woman friend on her pregnancy--and she wasn't.

Oh dear thats embarrassing, your face must have went fire engine red!

04-02-2012, 02:09 PM
i also knocked myself out walking into a glass french door that i didnt realise was closed lol did that infront af about 40 house guests at a bbq party in the summer

04-02-2012, 02:10 PM
I congratulated a woman friend on her pregnancy--and she wasn't.

when i pissed myself driving on the motorway as i couldnt pull over in time lol was not amused lol

I remember doing a pee into a bottle on the motorway once too!

Willie Escalade
04-02-2012, 02:11 PM
I was with a chick I'd been trying to get with for awhile and couldn't get it up :ignore:

04-02-2012, 02:12 PM
I remember doing a pee into a bottle on the motorway once too!

I've done that too

04-02-2012, 02:18 PM
I also did the congratulating a woman on being pregnant - and to top that I confused her for someone else as well (a college re-union). It was: "Hiya Susan and congratulations on the baby" And she responded:"I'm Libby - not susan and I'm not pregnant." But all ended well. We slept together that night.

04-02-2012, 02:23 PM
Forgot about this one! When i was doing shift work and when the time changed i really got it wrong. I ended up going into my shift 2 hours early! Everyone who was there probably thought "look at that idiot in at this time". It was a long day!

04-02-2012, 03:11 PM
I congratulated a woman friend on her pregnancy--and she wasn't.

Done that ... twice (not to the same person) - horrible to be told they aren't.

04-02-2012, 03:13 PM
Driving from Ithica to New York needed a crap desperately so pulled over in rest stop, grabbed reading matter and ran into the can. Sat there a good 20 mins enjoying an article and a movement.
Washed up, came out only to find a line of 20+ women waiting for the toilet and the rest stop attendant going in a sneering voice, "Oh here he is, blame him ladies".

04-02-2012, 06:09 PM
i was at UPS dropping off a package and my pants fell down and i was wearing tidy whiteys because it was laundry day...it was a wee bit embarassing

04-02-2012, 06:51 PM
A few years ago I walked up to a woman from behind thinking it was my then girlfriend. I pressed my cock against her ass and reached around and placed my hands on her breasts. Well, you guessed it. It was not her. Just before she could scream, my g/f walked over and they had on almost identical jeans, Uggs and white tee shirts. I was sort of hoping that they might hit it off and we would spend the rest of the night together. But they had a laugh at my expense and we left before she changed her mind and pressed charges.
Oh,they were real and they were spectacular, lol

04-02-2012, 06:56 PM
I had an embarrasing moment on the sleeper train from Northern scotland to London a few years ago. I'd met a lovely girl while up there and we were having rather energetic sex in our shared sleeper compartment when the train had stopped in Edinburgh and - suddenly - the blind flew up to reveal us to lots of people on the platform.

04-02-2012, 08:16 PM
Well seeing that this is a Tranny forum I would think this has happened to other guys as well. I have been having a bit of a problem cleaning out lately, even after 4 or 5 enemas. The fact that I have to drive over 2 hours to get to Toronto from Buffalo might add to the problem. Well I guess you can figure out what the problem is w/o my saying it. This happened to me twice with the same girl and no she does not have a big one. She was very understanding and suggested I bring an enema with me the next time which I have done and have had no further problems. I have become pretty good friends with this girl and a couple of months ago she sent me an email telling me that she had just had a session with a good looking hunk and she exploded all over him so I guess if it can happen to a real pro it can happen to anyone.

Dino Velvet
04-02-2012, 09:08 PM
Fortunately for me my most embarrassing moments are usually during alcoholic blackouts. I remember nothing but deny everything the next day.

Wendy Summers
04-02-2012, 09:30 PM
Not my embarrassing moment, but was spending sometime with friends. One guy asked "so did Jenn ever dump that loser of a boyfriend?". Jenn's boyfriend was in the room at the time. [names changed to protect the clueless]

04-02-2012, 10:04 PM
I was with a chick I'd been trying to get with for awhile and couldn't get it up :ignore:

Ditto, but I'd just gotten out of a 3 year relationship and the chick had been trying to get with me for a while. The entire three years and the four years before that I'd been with women in LTR's who were sterile and tested, so no need to use a condom. I was good to go until I got that condom on and started going at it. A minute later and I was rocking limp dick. Trying to explain that to ANY female is rough.

That's not my most embarrassing moment, though. I'm horribly afraid of heights, and when I was 17 I was crushing on a chick who talked me into going on the Farris wheel with her. Normally I would have said "hell no", but she wanted to make out and that was motivation enough to deal with it. The first spin was nerve-wracking, but I settled down on the second and third. On the fourth, the operator brought the wheel to a stop. All of the carts started rocking back and forth and I was stuck at the top. I got queezy and ended up puking in front of her and into the empty cart below us. The operator saw, started the wheel up, and kicked me off. I tried explaining my fear of heights to the chick I was with, but she was already grossed out and couldn't understand why I didn't just decline the Farris wheel. Dumb shit teenagers do to get some.

04-02-2012, 11:44 PM
asking a friend how their mother was feeling..... forgetting I attended the woman's wake 2 years earlier

04-02-2012, 11:46 PM
I had an embarrasing moment on the sleeper train from Northern scotland to London a few years ago. I'd met a lovely girl while up there and we were having rather energetic sex in our shared sleeper compartment when the train had stopped in Edinburgh and - suddenly - the blind flew up to reveal us to lots of people on the platform.
actually that sounds pretty cool

04-03-2012, 12:35 AM
There's some good ones there!

Dino Velvet
04-03-2012, 12:36 AM
You guys just reminded me of the time I threw up down a gal's beautiful cleavage who was sitting on my lap at a party. She was slutty and a slam dunk but I snatched defeat out of the jaws of victory that evening. I did bang her sister 2 weeks later who was a silly cokehead.

04-03-2012, 12:42 AM
You guys just reminded me of the time I threw up down a gal's beautiful cleavage who was sitting on my lap at a party. She was slutty and a slam dunk but I snatched defeat out of the jaws of victory that evening. I did bang her sister 2 weeks later who was a silly cokehead.

You are disgusting...lol

Dino Velvet
04-03-2012, 12:45 AM
You are disgusting...lol

I also drink way too much.

04-03-2012, 02:21 AM
Went to the Doctor for a skin tag removal on my shoulder..easy enough right...but here's the fun part, young attracted female Doctor and beautiful nurse. Sir do you have any more tags? while we here, we can take care of them at no extra cost...And ofcourse i had 1 more on my balls...no big deal am in shape. I dropp my pants to realised that I have a fucking hold in my underware...wtf
And these two ladies downtere with my legs up and removing the tag on my balls...lol I think I was laughting all the way home....

04-03-2012, 02:41 AM
i also knocked myself out walking into a glass french door that i didnt realise was closed lol did that infront af about 40 house guests at a bbq party in the summer

I did the same in a Saab showroom a few years ago. Was so embarrassed I got an Audi instead.

04-03-2012, 03:06 AM
well i smashed my nose in a window.....the window was so clean that i dint realise that was the door.

04-03-2012, 03:57 AM
well i smashed my nose in a window.....the window was so clean that i dint realise that was the door.

So with Liberty, Adriana and me all doing the same thing, that's a good argument for more frequent eye tests under the NHS lol.

04-03-2012, 04:28 AM
I was tanked at a bar in Florida on my way to Daytona some years ago...and thought Dan Marino was David Hasslehoff. Didn't go too well........

04-03-2012, 05:20 AM
In my school talent show, I was singing and i cracked....

I was horrified and I probably died right there, I almost peed.

04-03-2012, 06:09 AM
In my school talent show, I was singing and i cracked....

I was horrified and I probably died right there, I almost peed.

That reminds me of the time I was onstage and about to debut a new song using the harmonica when I realised too late that I'd put the instrument into the harness upside down.

Wonder if Dylan ever does that.....

04-03-2012, 08:08 AM
This is not my embarrassing moment but that of friend.

She and her little daughter were visiting a friend. The daughter was gazing intently at the friend. Finally the woman asked the little girl why she was staring at her so hard. The child replied: "I'm trying to see your other face. Mummy told Daddy that you're two faced."

Cecil Rhodes
04-05-2012, 03:10 AM
Do you want embarrassing ? I'll give you embarrassing . I was on a date with Cindy { 36C and then some } After the movie was over i went to the bathroom to pee . Well the buttery oil in the popcorn caused me to SHART will i was wizzing . This was not a Turtle either . It was like an extra large bowl full of chili . Even after throwing away my underwear and wiping as much as i could, i still had shit on me . I was limited in what i could do because shit got on the floor of the stall . I went to the car and met CINDY there . I told here that i needed to stop at my house on the way to take her home { it was a sunday evening date } . I know she smelled it . I took a quick shower and changed clothes . I then took her home . I was so embarrassed . That was the last time Cindy { 36C and then some } and I ever went out .

Dino Velvet
04-05-2012, 04:30 AM
I was tanked at a bar in Florida on my way to Daytona some years ago...and thought Dan Marino was David Hasslehoff. Didn't go too well........

You realized it was Marino when the guy carried a tune.

I ran Jerry Seinfeld out of a shit kicker bar I worked in by doing a decent(I thought) Jerry Seinfeld impersonation but while in full cowboy get-up. He didn't appreciate it one bit and left. I think he was searching for material. I hope I gave him some.

Ace Ventura Proving She's A Man! - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tFL1UXuHJ-A)

David Hasselhoff - Jump In My Car - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dm7jEA3frY4)

04-05-2012, 05:49 AM
Losing my virginity:

Had no idea the girl was gonna fuck me the first time we met, she seemed very conservative and made it clear nothing was gonna happen. So i, unfortunately, jerked off about 10 times thrioughout that day b4 we hung out in the evening. Soon as we came to my place, she attacked me. After trying trying trying to perform I was able to keep it up for about 60 sec b4 giving up entirely. It was a terrible day.

04-05-2012, 06:11 AM
one time whilst out to dinner with some music biz folk, I was ordering a salad and when ordering jicama I pronounced it as "Jicama" instead of "hicama"... no body cared of course but i was still embarrassed as hell..:loser:

04-05-2012, 06:18 AM
I went to the psychologist the first time and ran down my prepared list of the sick, pathetic, embarrassing, criminal, sexual, personal, uber non-normal downfalls of my life. And they were ALOT worse than what you guys have said. Next week, he couldn't remember who I was! I thought for sure he'd be up nights, absorbed in my case, calling Vienna, cancelling appts. Even as a loser I'm a loser!

Dino Velvet
04-05-2012, 06:28 AM

04-05-2012, 06:18 PM
I got so hammered at Catalina one day.
I was returning to the boat, and just walked off the end of the dock into the bay.

04-05-2012, 07:02 PM
One time I was out with my mom. Suddenly I had to take a shit. We went to a nearby McDonalds. I walked in the first bathroom I saw and sat in one of the stalls. When I went to wipe, there wasn't any toilet paper. I pulled out my cell and called my mom, to have her ask them to send me some toilet paper. A few minutes later, she called me back and told me I was in the wrong bathroom.:oops::oops:

04-05-2012, 07:14 PM
when i was at family funeral and my classmate sent me a chain letter text and i laugh so loud everyone just look at me like you dirty bitch.