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03-21-2012, 04:14 AM

Shepard Smith Blooper 4 Nov 02, Jennifer Lopez Blow Job comment - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MzV8wrnLfS4)

03-21-2012, 04:26 AM
Greta Van Susteren does her best Clutch Cargo imitation.
ha ha, I like Greta.

03-21-2012, 05:39 AM
Sean Hannity and his inner child, Eddie Munster.

03-21-2012, 07:21 AM
Andrea Mackris, got Billo for 10 million on sexual harrasment suit.

03-21-2012, 07:26 AM
Bill O'Reilly -Inside Edition

Bill O'Reilly freaks out on intern - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z5qU4qudJYk)

03-21-2012, 02:33 PM
Dang! Another guy with a tv set that can't change channels. Where do you people buy these tv's? You ever consider taking it back?

03-21-2012, 05:49 PM
That little gerbil Hannity makes 100 TIMES as much as Megyn Kelly?

03-21-2012, 06:07 PM
I tried to find a picture of Kimberly Guilfoyle before she was a barbie doll, had to settle for lawyer. The ex-Lawyer Chicks on Fox are refreshing.

03-21-2012, 07:27 PM
Bill O'Reilly: Shaq vs. Brian Kilmeade....ONE ON ONE!! - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lQx5tzbkYGI)

03-22-2012, 12:28 AM
SARAH PALIN Fox News Contributor.
Not allowed to badmouth kids.

03-22-2012, 12:29 AM

03-22-2012, 03:40 AM
Sarah Mania! Sarah Palin's Greatest Hits - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NrzXLYA_e6E&feature=related)

03-22-2012, 03:44 AM

03-22-2012, 07:04 AM
He looks like a muppet.

03-23-2012, 02:41 AM
that's a lot of work to make a meaningless point. Got anything of substance like a prime time anchor being paid 200k by unions and not thinking that was important enough to disclose while he preformed journalistic fellatio on every union guest on his show...? LMAO

03-23-2012, 03:56 AM
Good old Fox. Great reporting.

03-23-2012, 04:36 AM
Where do you get this stuff from Robert? Bizarre. No fact checking. Is that standard at Fox?

03-23-2012, 05:23 AM
Fox is part of the Republican Party. American political parties are made up of both formal organizations (such as the RNC) and informal networks. Fox News Channel, then, is properly understood as part of the expanded Republican Party, just like Hill staff of GOP Members of Congress, or pollsters who only work for Republicans, or activists who volunteer for Republican campaigns, or think tanks that generate legislation for Republicans to support. So in the first place, Fox is simply part of the communications arm of the party.

03-23-2012, 05:33 AM
Fox is part of the Republican Party. American political parties are made up of both formal organizations (such as the RNC) and informal networks. Fox News Channel, then, is properly understood as part of the expanded Republican Party, just like Hill staff of GOP Members of Congress, or pollsters who only work for Republicans, or activists who volunteer for Republican campaigns, or think tanks that generate legislation for Republicans to support. So in the first place, Fox is simply part of the communications arm of the party.

If that's the case, and if my post is a typical example, the Republicans are even less well-informed about the rest of the world now than they were under Dubya.

Beggars belief.

03-23-2012, 05:54 AM
Oh, there is a civil war in the republican party, the Fox News Channel doesn't know WHO to lie for! If they go all in for Romney, their teaparty lunatic fringe will revolt. They don't know what to do with Ron Paul. It's been great seeing Karl Rove and Sarah Palin mix up moronic hillbilly viewers. Sometimes I have to switch back to Rachel Maddow to make the spinning stop spinning.
Jeb Bush-Hillary Clinton~2016

03-23-2012, 02:06 PM
Fox is part of the Republican Party. American political parties are made up of both formal organizations (such as the RNC) and informal networks. Fox News Channel, then, is properly understood as part of the expanded Republican Party, just like Hill staff of GOP Members of Congress, or pollsters who only work for Republicans, or activists who volunteer for Republican campaigns, or think tanks that generate legislation for Republicans to support. So in the first place, Fox is simply part of the communications arm of the party.

What's totally amazing is that Fox is the only news organization that is slanted in any way. Your vision is so clear, that you can see every other news/web based news is purely and honestly unbiased. Good job Butt, your intelligence is clearly evident, (or lack of).

03-23-2012, 09:02 PM
What's totally amazing is that Fox is the only news organization that is slanted in any way. Your vision is so clear, that you can see every other news/web based news is purely and honestly unbiased. Good job Butt, your intelligence is clearly evident, (or lack of).

I copyed and pasted, so it must be true. nan nah na nah nah

03-23-2012, 11:28 PM

03-23-2012, 11:34 PM
Oy Vay!

03-24-2012, 12:57 AM
Fox is part of the Republican Party. American political parties are made up of both formal organizations (such as the RNC) and informal networks. Fox News Channel, then, is properly understood as part of the expanded Republican Party, just like Hill staff of GOP Members of Congress, or pollsters who only work for Republicans, or activists who volunteer for Republican campaigns, or think tanks that generate legislation for Republicans to support. So in the first place, Fox is simply part of the communications arm of the party.

I see you've got your email from Media Matters about spreading the word in every and all media outlets. You're a good soldier...or in your case lemming would be more applicable. Your opinion is utterly meaningless....totally inconsequential, and entirely predictable....but by all means....proceed wasting your obvious abundance of spare time by making inane posts. As you and your paranoid comrades at media matters wage your war on Fox.....it continues to outpace all the other cable networks in some cases 3-1 and is approaching network Neilson numbers yet is in a fraction of the homes. What will your pathetic life be like as more and more homes get cable and Fox starts beating the networks ? Don't you dare jump off that ledge...let me shove you !! lmao
Oh and BTW....if the Republicans win the Senate in November, Media Matters can kiss their illegitimate tax exempt status good bye. How will you survive?
Hey RL....you know nothing nerd....were you aware that Media Matters has a cozy tax exempt status ? I'll stand by and wait for your outrage. In other words....the cash starved Federal treasury is allowing Media Matters to profit tax free while it's sole purpose is to dismantle a competing, major American News Organization. While you ponder the fairness of that, take the narrow end of that cheap guitar of yours and stick it where the sun don't shine...your continued misinformed, ignorant comments on US politics, and the Conservatives in particular is having the exact opposite affect that you might intend. It makes you sound ill informed, but in this narrow unrepresentitive sliver of life called HA....I'm sure you're seen as quite the sage. lmao

03-24-2012, 01:26 AM
THURS., MARCH 23, 2012

FOXNEWS SHEP 1,616,000
FOXNEWS FIVE 1,499,000
CNN COOPER 738,000
CNN PIERS 703,000


03-24-2012, 01:54 AM
People would rather be entertained than educated, so what???

03-24-2012, 04:16 AM
Rachel's real big on Twitter.

Fox News Contributor Mark Levin
Guiness World's record holder for the longest sustained imitation of Wally Cox.

03-24-2012, 05:56 AM
Who's the guy with the extremely bad plastic surgery, that can barely move his lips.

03-24-2012, 06:01 AM
THURS., MARCH 23, 2012

FOXNEWS SHEP 1,616,000
FOXNEWS FIVE 1,499,000
CNN COOPER 738,000
CNN PIERS 703,000


You consistently show intelligence in other areas, Faldur, and I genuinely respect you for your consistency, so I'm surprised and not a little saddened to discover that you think that ratings should come before the quality and independence of news reporting.

People watch reality TV in their millions too. What does that signify?

Bread and circuses.

03-24-2012, 07:12 AM
The Simpsons beat all of them. ha ha

Do Community Colleges give out PH.Ds?

03-24-2012, 06:54 PM
The Simpsons beat all of them. ha ha

Do Community Colleges give out PH.Ds?

Well I could be wrong, but at last check Colgate and Columbia Universities were not community colleges.


Butt do yourself a favor and quit while you still have a shred of decency left.

03-24-2012, 09:37 PM
Well I could be wrong, but at last check Colgate TOOTHPASTE and Columbia RECORD LABEL were not community colleges.
Butt do yourself a favor and quit while you still have a shred of decency left.

Decency? ........Have you even heard a word I've said???

03-24-2012, 10:43 PM
This dude butt wrangler is a real simpleton. Stupid is as stupid does are the rules he apearently lives by.....Here's one for him that he probably didn't notice with all his copy and pasting.............

Business CNNMoney Caught Changing Report on ‘Green’ Jobs Numbers, Casting Them in More Positive Light

Posted on March 23, 2012 at 7:54pm by http://www.theblaze.com/wp-content/uploads/userphoto/becketadams.thumbnail.jpg Becket Adams (http://www.theblaze.com/blog/author/becketadams)
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Comments (183) (http://www.theblaze.com/stories/cnnmoney-caught-changing-report-on-green-jobs-numbers-casting-them-in-more-positive-light/#comments)
At 7:50 am Friday morning, CNNMoney (http://economy.money.cnn.com/2012/03/23/green-jobs-just-a-small-portion-of-workforce/?iid=HP_LN) reported on the embarrassingly small number of jobs the “green” energy industry has contributed to the nation’s workforce. The story was titled “‘Green’ jobs just a small portion of workforce (http://economy.money.cnn.com/2012/03/23/green-jobs-just-a-small-portion-of-workforce/?iid=HP_LN).”

http://www.theblaze.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/screen-grab-I-620x384.png (http://www.theblaze.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/screen-grab-I.png)A simple Google search of the original headline turns up these results.
“As Kermit knows, it’s not easy being green,” the story began. “There were only 3.1 million green jobs in the U.S. in 2010.”
Translation: After receiving billions in federal subsidies ($100 billion from the stimulus program alone), “green” jobs account for only 2.4 percent (http://www.bls.gov/news.release/ggqcew.htm) of the nation’s employment. Seeing as how taxpayer dollars are being thrown at “green” energy projects under the guise of“stimulating the economy” and “creating jobs,” the “2.4 percent” figure is probably not the greatest. At least, that’s what the CNNMoney report seemed to indicate.
That is, until the story changed.
The Blaze noticed at about 4:30 p.m. the story’s headline and opening sentence had been changed to reflect the “green” jobs numbers in a more positive light.
A screen grab of the report as it originally appeared (via Rocket news (http://www.rocketnews.com/2012/03/green-jobs-just-a-small-portion-of-workforce/)) confirms the change:

http://www.theblaze.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/screen-grab-III.png (http://www.theblaze.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/screen-grab-III.png)
But the headline has now been reworked so that it reads “‘Green’ jobs top 3 million” and the opening sentence is now the exact opposite of the sentiment conveyed in the original report.
“Kermit has more company lately,” CNNMoney reports. “There were 3.1 million green jobs in the U.S. in 2010.”

LMFAO...Hey Butthead what say you now that CNN has been caught yet again altering news to be kinder and gentler to the libs?

03-24-2012, 10:57 PM
Hey Butthead what say you now that CNN has been caught yet again altering news to be kinder and gentler to the libs?

You're going to have to do better than that, Knees. Who you voting for this year? Etch-A-Sketch? ha ha ha SUCKER!!!!

Now then, lets move on to the architect, Karl Rove. Like many Republicans, he narrowly avoided prison time to retire to guest spots on FOX and all that superpac jack. Careful, Karl, Michele Bachmann has time on her hands!

03-25-2012, 02:59 AM
Was he born with that hairline?

03-25-2012, 02:47 PM
It would appear so..

http://a7.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/294357_208896349172398_146705832058117_598433_1069 80845_n.jpg

03-25-2012, 06:00 PM
haw haw

03-26-2012, 07:14 AM
Fox is part of the Republican Party. American political parties are made up of both formal organizations (such as the RNC) and informal networks. Fox News Channel, then, is properly understood as part of the expanded Republican Party, just like Hill staff of GOP Members of Congress, or pollsters who only work for Republicans, or activists who volunteer for Republican campaigns, or think tanks that generate legislation for Republicans to support. So in the first place, Fox is simply part of the communications arm of the party.

This pretty much sums it up.

03-26-2012, 03:33 PM
This pretty much sums it up.

Are you trying to make the point that they are unique in their slant? That no other news associations have anything but unbiased opinions? Are you that dense?

If you don't like it, turn the friggin channel and quit your little girl bitching. Watch programs you agree with or enjoy.. Life is simple, enjoy it.

03-26-2012, 07:36 PM
IDK why ya'll break out these ratings like it means something. I mean look at Maury and Jerry Springer they both have HUGE ratings. My beef with Faux is how they claim to be fair and balanced! Which is a lie unless they say fair and balanced to the right then I would agree with that.


Dino Velvet
03-26-2012, 07:38 PM
Was he born with that hairline?


I miss Freedom Watch.



Dino Velvet
03-26-2012, 08:08 PM
I have a question(s) for someone who might know. Hannity and Colmes is no longer. Colmes goes on O'Reilly's show at least once a week but I have never seen him on Hannity's show once. I remember their last show and they described each other as friends even before the beginning of their partnership. Anybody know why he has never returned? If he has and I'm mistaken, please correct me. I could be wrong. Also, anybody know if O'Reilly and Hannity get along? They mention Greta all the time but seldom each other.

I still enjoy O'Reilly but can't stomach Hannity. Greta seemed to have Limbaugh on for the whole hour the other night. Nothing new in Aruba, I guess. I used to like her show when it was almost purely a legal show. They all got deep into cases that people were interested in. I think her Moose Stew got spiked.

03-26-2012, 08:28 PM
IDK why ya'll break out these ratings like it means something. I mean look at Maury and Jerry Springer they both have HUGE ratings. My beef with Faux is how they claim to be fair and balanced! Which is a lie unless they say fair and balanced to the right then I would agree with that.


Miller Lite claims to "Taste great and less filling", its neither. Does that bother you too?

03-26-2012, 09:02 PM
Miller Lite claims to "Taste great and less filling", its neither. Does that bother you too?


Adjective:In accordance with the rules or standards; legitimate.
Adverb:Without cheating or trying to achieve unjust advantage: "he played fair".
Noun:A gathering of stalls and amusements for public entertainment.
Verb:Streamline (a vehicle, boat, or aircraft) by adding fairings.
Synonyms:adjective. just - equitable - honest - fine - beautiful - clear



Keeping or showing a balance; arranged in good proportions.
Taking everything into account; fairly judged or presented.

03-27-2012, 12:54 AM
The big thing to me about Fox is that it used to be the one network that would put on Republicans only and not give Equal time to Democrats. They got around that law by saying they're entertainment, or something. Now with MSNBC and Rachel Maddow and Oberman, the playing field has evened out. I was never a hard core Democrat til George W Bush got here. Even with their hot chicks, it's hard for me not to hit that remote on Fox after about 5 minutes. Greta, Megan, and a couple other hot chicks were Lawyers, and that alone keeps their logic more toward reality, but Hannity and O'Reilly both are former used car salesmen, or something, they aim at RATINGS.
I like Colmes, but I didn't watch any Fox back then. You'll never hear the truth about what really goes on behind closed doors, I'm sure all the shows are heavily scripted, and I've LOOKED for super-embarassing Youtube clips, they're hard to find. Fox ain't LIVE.
Nobody of any consequence on either Fox or MSNBC makes under 200grand or has less than a Master's Degree. So neither of them is the voice of Real America.

Ken Osmond on OReilly Factor.mp4 - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TYcqPbpRX9I)

03-27-2012, 12:58 AM
Why doesn't Dick Morris (dickmorris.con) have to get caps like all the chicks do?

03-27-2012, 01:05 AM
IDK why ya'll break out these ratings like it means something. I mean look at Maury and Jerry Springer they both have HUGE ratings. My beef with Faux is how they claim to be fair and balanced! Which is a lie unless they say fair and balanced to the right then I would agree with that.


Again....you apparently don't have the intuitive ability to separate news from opinion/commentary. Hannity and the others never claimed to be balanced....they openly amidst their bias....unlike Tingles Matthews who outrageously said Friday he was a centrist....That's fucking hilarious. Even the left wing site mediate got a laugh out of that one. Several things.....

#1. Who do liberals try to convince us they're not?
#2. Can you give me examples of news reporters like Shep Smith, Brett Bier, Chris Wallace, John Roberts, Harris Faulkner ( a hot sista btw...) etc. Not gaffs..........bias. If you can't then I'm left to assume you can't discern the difference between news and op-ed, or that you're just a Fox hater...which is your prerogative.
With respect to ratings....it drives everything....revenue, advertising, salary. I notice TV personalities who don't have them act like they don't care.....trust me...they care. And BTW speaking of ratings...O'reilly actually beat NBC in the 8 PM hour last week. I guess folks are tired of looking at Brian Williams pampas liberal mug on Rock Center!!

03-27-2012, 01:17 AM
OOPS>>>> More "journalists" caught not being fair and balanced...But you go ahead and keep monitoring Fox News.LMAO
You fuckers haven't a clue ..........

Wisconsin Journalists Signed Walker Recall Petitions


Email Articlehttp://w.sharethis.com/images/check-small.png
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by William Bigelow 1 hour ago 1 (http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Journalism/2012/03/26/Wisconsin-journalists#disqus_thread)post a comment (http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Journalism/2012/03/26/Wisconsin-journalists#comments)
In an ironic twist, Gannett Wisconsin Media acknowledged this past weekend that nine employees at its Post-Crescent newspaper had signed petitions to recall Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker. This was after Genia Lovett, the president and publisher of the Post-Crescent, had trumpeted the “watchdog journalism” of its employees after they printed a story outlining how 29 Wisconsin circuit judges had signed petitions to recall Walker. Lovett admitted the employees were wrong:

It was wrong, and those who signed were in breach of Gannett’s Principles of Ethical Conduct for Newsrooms … the principle at stake is our core belief that journalists must make every effort to avoid behavior that could raise doubts about their journalistic neutrality.

Yet Lovett also defended the signers of the petition, averring, “None of the employees serves on the investigative team, nor are any of the Appleton employees reporters or assigning news editors.” And the journalists who signed the petition defended themselves by insisting that they did not consider signing the petition a political act. They equated it to casting a ballot in an election.

But this petition is specifically designed to make the votes previously cast for Scott Walker invalid. To claim the right to sign a petition because it is the same as a ballot, then turn around and use the petition to invalidate real ballots isn’t just irrational, it’s dishonest.

The real lie here, though, is that objective journalism is common practice. It isn’t. Ideological journalism is. And that’s why citizen journalism is so vital – our opinion certainly matter as much as those of the self-proclaimed elite who may have attended journalism school but make no qualms about utilizing their positions to push their views.

03-27-2012, 01:18 AM
Tbut Hannity and O'Reilly both are former used car salesmen, or something

Well... actually:

Bill O'Reilly earned a BA in History at Marist College, played semi pro baseball, taught English and History at Monsignor Pace High School for 2 years, received a Masters of Arts in broadcast journalism at Boston University. Returned to Harvard University's John F. Kennedy School of Government where he earned a Master of Public Administration.

Hannity on the other hand, basically sold used cars.

03-27-2012, 01:22 AM
I went to Boston University.

03-27-2012, 01:24 AM
I went to Boston University.

I went to Boston..

03-27-2012, 01:30 AM
I get the impression Shep and Brett Bier try to be profesional newscasters, but they have to keep reading the teleprompter crap that's put in front of them. You will never see Shep do a program like Hanniity or O"Reilly because he's not a whore. He's from Mississippi.

03-27-2012, 01:30 AM
I went to Boston..

Great town.

Dino Velvet
03-27-2012, 02:25 AM
Hannity on the other hand, basically sold used cars.

That's what he does now but he was in construction before.

If Hannity can't get guys like us to say good things then he really has lost his demo even if not measured by ratings.

Can any Conservative here stick up for Sean Hannity? I sure can't.

03-27-2012, 02:38 AM
That's what he does now but he was in construction before.

If Hannity can't get guys like us to say good things then he really has lost his demo even if not measured by ratings.

Can any Conservative here stick up for Sean Hannity? I sure can't.

I do find him repetitious. I certainly have the channel changer handy at 9 PM if the tube's on, and he's not a must see for me.....but I will say this as some small consolation......he's the only one with the balls to explore the Rev. Wright deal during the 2008 election.....even had him on as a guest. No other white reporter wanted any part of that fiasco.

03-27-2012, 02:40 AM
I went to Boston University.

And look where you are now !!!!!!!! LMAO. John Silber would bitch slap you if he saw what you've become:dancing:

Dino Velvet
03-27-2012, 02:47 AM
I do find him repetitious. I certainly have the channel changer handy at 9 PM if the tube's on, and he's not a must see for me.....but I will say this as some small consolation......he's the only one with the balls to explore the Rev. Wright deal during the 2008 election.....even had him on as a guest. No other white reporter wanted any part of that fiasco.

I agree with the Rev Wright part.

I'm glad you've turned away from Hannity too. I value your opinion way more than his.

03-27-2012, 02:51 AM
Demographics is just as important as overall ratings, old codgers in the midwest watching O'Reilly aren't going to change their ways and buy a different brand of beer or toothpaste. Anyway, all the old GoldWater Republicans are dying off, Elementary Schools aren't all white anymore. Rachel Maddow kills Hannity with the tweeters, they're the future.

Look away Knees-
and Post your Jesse James Bike pictures!

03-27-2012, 03:07 AM
And look where you are now !!!!!!!! LMAO. John Silber would bitch slap you if he saw what you've become:dancing:

I value your opinion too, what with your good christian raisin' and your eigth grade education. Liz Cheney T-shirts! Just 32.65! Act now!

03-27-2012, 04:16 AM
When is Charles Krauthammer going to be on Red Eye? That show seems a little out of place.

03-27-2012, 04:54 AM
Demographics is just as important as overall ratings, old codgers in the midwest watching O'Reilly aren't going to change their ways and buy a different brand of beer or toothpaste. Anyway, all the old GoldWater Republicans are dying off, Elementary Schools aren't all white anymore. Rachel Maddow kills Hannity with the tweeters, they're the future.

Look away Knees-
and Post your Jesse James Bike pictures!

I think I'll stop posting on this thread. You really are an unserious cut and paste clown. Nothing wrong with humor........if it's humorous ! You may have attended BU, but your parents wasted 42K a year because you're as dumb as the day is long. And btw.....Fox wins in all demo's . Nice try .

03-27-2012, 05:37 AM
I think I'll stop posting on this thread

Hey man, you can stop posting on this whole site if you want. One thing, though...Do you really have those Jesse James bikes or were you exaggerating?

03-27-2012, 06:41 AM
OOPS>>>> More "journalists" caught not being fair and balanced...But you go ahead and keep monitoring Fox News.LMAO
You fuckers haven't a clue ..........

It's posts like this that really make me laugh and then feel a little bad for the troll that's peddling the nonsense. Journalists are allowed to vote you fucking clown. That is not bias. Journalists having an opinion on Saturday is not the same as having bias on Monday. You measure bias by what they say in print and on TV, not how they vote. That's why it's crystal fucking clear that Fox News is biased. They advance the GOP talking points all day everyday. I don't give a shit how Chris Wallace votes, it doesn't matter. That's just more of your dirty McCarthyite guilt-by-association bullshit. Talk about clueless. :dancing:

03-27-2012, 07:05 AM
I see you've got your email from Media Matters about spreading the word in every and all media outlets.
Oh and BTW....if the Republicans win the Senate in November, Media Matters can kiss their illegitimate tax exempt status good bye. How will you survive?
Hey RL....you know nothing nerd....were you aware that Media Matters has a cozy tax exempt status ? I'll stand by and wait for your outrage. In other words....the cash starved Federal treasury is allowing Media Matters to profit tax free while it's sole purpose is to dismantle a competing, major American News Organization.

Wow OMK has full-blown Media Matters Derangement Syndrome. See a doctor, lmfao!

Why so panicked? Is Media Matters for America so successful? How could such a ragtag group threaten the Fox News behemoth? Maybe it's because FNC no longer gets the free ride to lie about and slur political opponents that it used to, now that MMFA calls them on it. And note, OMK doesn't ever say MMFA did something wrong, they get the story right, that's what bothers him!

Frankly, it was OMK that made me really appreciate the need for MMFA. When one person lies so consistently and compulsively about everything you really appreciate the need to counter that misinformation.

And of course he makes the usual bullshit complaint about tax-exempt status which he doesn't actually give a rat's ass about, as shown by his refusal to call for Brent Bozo's group MRC to have their identical tax-exempt status revoked. His silence is deafening, lmao!

It's just another day at the circus with this clown!

03-28-2012, 01:03 AM
It's been said by more than one of you pinheads that CNN is the place where real people go to find real news.....LMAO...This is classic. First this idiot Tobin says Obamacare will be upheld 8-1, then 2 days later this...And then to get scolded by that dull as a butter knife, Harry Reid. But maybe you missed all this while you were monitoring Fox News opinion shows and calling them bias ! lol I'm beginning to understand why y'all are so ill informed and confused ....you're watching CNN and MSNBC .........Not a good day for CNN, not a good day for Fox haters! lmao

Harry Reid Scolds CNN’s Jeffrey Toobin Over ObamaCare Supreme Court Prediction

by James Crugnale (http://www.mediaite.com/author/james-crugnale/) | 5:35 pm, March 27th, 2012
» 11 comments (http://www.mediaite.com/online/harry-reid-scolds-jeffrey-toobin-over-obamacare-supreme-court-prediction/#disqus_thread)
http://static01.mediaite.com/med/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/HarryReid1-300x236.jpgFollowing CNN contributor Jeffrey Toobin (http://www.mediaite.com/power-grid/person/?q=Jeffrey+Toobin)‘s pessimistic analysis that Obama’s health care law “(looked) like it’s going to be struck down” by the Supreme Court (http://www.mediaite.com/tv/cnns-jeffrey-toobin-walks-out-of-supreme-court-bets-court-will-strike-down-the-individual-mandate/), Democratic Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid angrily hit back, trashing the legal expert’s expertise, The Hill’s Alexander Bolton reports (http://thehill.com/blogs/healthwatch/legal-challenges/218531-reid-slams-toobin-says-justices-tough-questions-wont-mean-health-laws-demise). “I’ve been in court a lot more than Jeffrey Toobin and I had arguments, federal, circuit, Supreme Court and hundreds of times before trial courts,” Reid said. “And the questions you get from the judges doesn’t mean that’s what’s going to wind up with the opinion.”
RELATED: CNN’s Jeffrey Toobin Walks Out Of Supreme Court, Bets ‘Court Will Strike Down The Individual Mandate’ (http://www.mediaite.com/tv/cnns-jeffrey-toobin-walks-out-of-supreme-court-bets-court-will-strike-down-the-individual-mandate/)
Toobin earlier called the session a “trainwreck” for the Obama Administration, and admitted he earlier erroneously surmised that the justices would be more sympathetic to the law.
“I’m telling you, all of the predictions, including mine, that the justices would not have a problem with this law were wrong,” Toobin told Ashleigh Banfield (http://www.mediaite.com/power-grid/person/?q=Ashleigh+Banfield) Tuesday on CNN. “I think this law is in grave, grave trouble.”
“We know it’s going to be a close opinion,” Reid countered. “But we don’t know how close it’s going to be…I think that the argument went just fine and the court has not made up their mind what they’re going to do.”

Dino Velvet
03-28-2012, 02:51 AM
It's been said by more than one of you pinheads that CNN is the place where real people go to find real news.....LMAO...This is classic. First this idiot Tobin says Obamacare will be upheld 8-1, then 2 days later this...And then to get scolded by that dull as a butter knife, Harry Reid. But maybe you missed all this while you were monitoring Fox News opinion shows and calling them bias ! lol I'm beginning to understand why y'all are so ill informed and confused ....you're watching CNN and MSNBC .........Not a good day for CNN, not a good day for Fox haters! lmao

Harry Reid Scolds CNN’s Jeffrey Toobin Over ObamaCare Supreme Court Prediction

by James Crugnale (http://www.mediaite.com/author/james-crugnale/) | 5:35 pm, March 27th, 2012
» 11 comments (http://www.mediaite.com/online/harry-reid-scolds-jeffrey-toobin-over-obamacare-supreme-court-prediction/#disqus_thread)
http://static01.mediaite.com/med/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/HarryReid1-300x236.jpgFollowing CNN contributor Jeffrey Toobin (http://www.mediaite.com/power-grid/person/?q=Jeffrey+Toobin)‘s pessimistic analysis that Obama’s health care law “(looked) like it’s going to be struck down” by the Supreme Court (http://www.mediaite.com/tv/cnns-jeffrey-toobin-walks-out-of-supreme-court-bets-court-will-strike-down-the-individual-mandate/), Democratic Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid angrily hit back, trashing the legal expert’s expertise, The Hill’s Alexander Bolton reports (http://thehill.com/blogs/healthwatch/legal-challenges/218531-reid-slams-toobin-says-justices-tough-questions-wont-mean-health-laws-demise). “I’ve been in court a lot more than Jeffrey Toobin and I had arguments, federal, circuit, Supreme Court and hundreds of times before trial courts,” Reid said. “And the questions you get from the judges doesn’t mean that’s what’s going to wind up with the opinion.”
RELATED: CNN’s Jeffrey Toobin Walks Out Of Supreme Court, Bets ‘Court Will Strike Down The Individual Mandate’ (http://www.mediaite.com/tv/cnns-jeffrey-toobin-walks-out-of-supreme-court-bets-court-will-strike-down-the-individual-mandate/)
Toobin earlier called the session a “trainwreck” for the Obama Administration, and admitted he earlier erroneously surmised that the justices would be more sympathetic to the law.
“I’m telling you, all of the predictions, including mine, that the justices would not have a problem with this law were wrong,” Toobin told Ashleigh Banfield (http://www.mediaite.com/power-grid/person/?q=Ashleigh+Banfield) Tuesday on CNN. “I think this law is in grave, grave trouble.”
“We know it’s going to be a close opinion,” Reid countered. “But we don’t know how close it’s going to be…I think that the argument went just fine and the court has not made up their mind what they’re going to do.”

I'm not the biggest Dennis Miller fan but remember him once saying, "Harry Reid is such a stiff they draw a chalk outline around him while he speaks."

03-28-2012, 05:04 AM
Wow OMK has full-blown Media Matters Derangement Syndrome. See a doctor, lmfao!

Why so panicked? Is Media Matters for America so successful? How could such a ragtag group threaten the Fox News behemoth? Maybe it's because FNC no longer gets the free ride to lie about and slur political opponents that it used to, now that MMFA calls them on it. And note, OMK doesn't ever say MMFA did something wrong, they get the story right, that's what bothers him!

Frankly, it was OMK that made me really appreciate the need for MMFA. When one person lies so consistently and compulsively about everything you really appreciate the need to counter that misinformation.

And of course he makes the usual bullshit complaint about tax-exempt status which he doesn't actually give a rat's ass about, as shown by his refusal to call for Brent Bozo's group MRC to have their identical tax-exempt status revoked. His silence is deafening, lmao!

It's just another day at the circus with this clown!

If I have to explain it to you........then you're a moron. So here goes....

The government granted a special privilege ( tax exemption) to Media Matters under the documents filed that they were to be a government and media watchdog agency advocating for the public. We now have a situation where one media entity (tax exempt ) has stated their sole purpose for existing is to bring down, discredit, dismantle another media entity by any means necessary...and not by competition in the marketplace. That's as un American a prospect as there is. Essentially the government is assisting one entity by virtue of exemption over another private enterprise. Media Matters in it's filing with the IRS identified itself as charitable and educational . ( please hold the laughter to a low roar) By it's own admission it has shifted it's focus to a guerrilla war and sabotage on Fox. Your comparison to MRC is a non starter...you sound ignorant even making it.
So now do you understand the difference between advocacy and sabotage? You now know something you didn't know yesterday, and I'm not even getting paid to educate you. lmao

Successful you say? From 2007-2009 their contributions declined from 8m to 6m until Soros stepped in.

It's doubtful they'll succeed, in fact they're more likely to implode , but that doesn't mean their scam shouldn't be challenged ....and it will be by Boyden Grey. David Brock is a mentally unstable paranoid individual and hopefully someone soon will find him unconscious with an empty pill bottle in one hand, and his 45 automatic in the other waiting in a dark room for Roger Ailes to bust through the door.....or is that too fucking harsh for you? lmao

03-28-2012, 11:33 PM
Howard tries to corner Megyn....

Howard Stern and Megyn Kelly discuss breasts, penises & Republican litmus tests about Fox News - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IML_UGhXz2Q)

03-29-2012, 12:08 AM
Kimberly Guilfoyle sporting "fuck me" heels. See, onmyknees, I do have some good things to say about Fox News.

03-29-2012, 02:22 AM
I enjoy being the bearer of bad news to Fox Haters. Here's today's main course for you misinformed malcontents. Don't get too close to the edge of that ledge ! lmao.

You'll dismiss the poll and it's conclusions, no doubt...but then again you're irrelevent anyway. I loved the part where the Media Matters dude calls it disturbing !!!!!!! :dancing:

I hope Soros keeps pumping them cash....it's going down a rat hole.

Washington Whispers (http://www.usnews.com/news/blogs/washington-whispers)
Poll: Fox, O'Reilly Most Trusted News Sources

By Paul Bedard (http://www.usnews.com/topics/author/paul_bedard)

March 20, 2012 Comment (67) (http://www.usnews.com/news/blogs/washington-whispers/2011/05/20/poll-fox-oreilly-most-trusted-news-sources#comments)

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In a stunning rejection of network news and nightly news anchors, cable news, driven by the Fox News Channel and mouthy Bill O'Reilly, is now the top most trusted source—by a mile.
In a new poll from Boston's Suffolk University, more than a quarter of the nation says Fox is tops when it comes to who they trust the most and O'Reilly is the most believable.
"This poll shows two things: first, the network news have completely lost their brand. Second, the only network with any intensity is Fox News," says Brent Bozell, president of the conservative Media Research Center (http://www.mrc.org/public/default.aspx). "Bottom line: the more they attack Fox, the stronger it is getting," he adds.
But at the liberal Media Matters (http://mediamatters.org/), Executive Vice President Ari Rabin-Havt says the public's trust in Fox is disturbing. A regular Fox critic, he says the poll reveals that "Fox News viewers trust the information that Fox gives them."
The key finding in the telephone poll of 1,070 likely voters is that network news is dying. Some 28 percent say that they trust Fox News the most, followed by CNN at 18 percent. After that, the trust in TV news nose dives. NBC was third, at 10 percent, MSNBC fourth at 7 percent, CBS and ABC tied at fifth with just 6 percent.
"In short, American's TV news preferences have come a long way from the sainted Walter Cronkite telling us, 'That's the way it is,' or Huntley saying good night to Brinkley, or Dan Rather," says Stephen Hess, the presidency and media scholar at the Brookings Institution.
Suffolk offered 28 different TV news personalities for poll takers to decide from on the trust question. As a result, the results were in single digits.
But of the top 10 most trusted new sources, O'Reilly is king, at 9 percent. CNN's Anderson Cooper followed at 6 percent, Fox's Mike Huckabee at 4 percent, Fox's Sean Hannity at 4 percent, Wolf Blitzer was sixth at 3 percent, followed by MSNBC's Chris Matthews at 3 percent, NBC newsman Tom Brokaw at 3 percent, CBS anchor Katie Couric at 3 percent and ABC's Diane Sawyer at 3 percent.
Being in the middle of the Top 10 was good for Blitzer, host The Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer. He tells us, "Happy to be Number Six. It's a very nice number—always has been one of my favorites."
Media Matters' Rabin-Havt added that it was encouraging that at least Cooper was second behind O'Reilly. "That's a very good sign," he says. "That would give me hope."
There was tie for last on the list. CNN's Elliot Spitzer and NBC Meet the Press host David Gregory each were the pick of just two of the 1,070 poll takers.
Hess, author of the newly updated (http://www.usnews.com/news/washington-whispers/articles/2011/04/19/cartoonists-finally-cool-with-black-president) American Political Cartoons: The Evolution of National Identity, 1754-2010 (http://www.amazon.com/gp/redirect.html?ie=UTF8&location=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.amazon.com%2FAmerican-Political-Cartoons-1754-2010-Evolution%2Fdp%2F1412811198%3Fie%3DUTF8%26s%3Dbook s%26qid%3D1305916771%26sr%3D8-1&tag=usnewore-20&linkCode=ur2&camp=1789&creative=9325">toons</a><img src="http://www.assoc-amazon.com/e/ir?t=usnewore-20&l=ur2&o=1" width="1" height="1" border="0" alt="" style="border:none !important; margin:0px !important;"), says the domination of cable over network news was big news of the poll. [See the month's best political cartoons.]
"Most interesting are not the tiny percentages for individuals, but rather the contrast of Broadcast vs. Cable," he tells Whispers. "ABC-CBS-NBC together nets 22 percent on the most trusted compared to 53 percent for CNN-MSNBC-Fox. The three broadcast network anchors combined only get 10%, compare to O'Reilly alone who gets 9 percent and CNN's Wolf-Anderson 9 percent," he adds.

03-29-2012, 05:26 AM
Yeah, yeah, you believe what Fox wants you to believe.

Dino Velvet
03-29-2012, 05:35 AM
Yeah, yeah, you believe what Fox wants you to believe.


The lady on the right, Laurie Dhue, was a passenger on the airplane that landed in Amarillo yesterday where the pilot went nuts.

03-29-2012, 05:50 AM
The lady on the right, Laurie Dhue, was a passenger on the airplane that landed in Amarillo yesterday where the pilot went nuts.

No wonder he went nuts!

Dino Velvet
03-29-2012, 06:11 AM
No wonder he went nuts!

He musta saw her DSLs with a buncha airplane bottles laying at her feet.



03-29-2012, 06:15 PM
From the Sublime to the Ridiculous. I just turned on CNN, they were talking about the Supreme Court Case, MSNBC was talking about the Florida shooting. Fox was talking about Fast and Furious.

Fred Barnes and Father MulCahy

03-30-2012, 01:16 AM
From the Sublime to the Ridiculous. I just turned on CNN, they were talking about the Supreme Court Case, MSNBC was talking about the Florida shooting. Fox was talking about Fast and Furious.

Fred Barnes and Father MulCahy

why does that surprise you? Sharpie Sharpton has a show on MSNBC ( in between faux protests) so naturally they're pimpin' the Martin thing, but I think that's just until midnight...then re-runs of "Lock Down Falsom" start lmao. And was it that idiot Jeffery Tobin taking about the Supreme Court case on CNN? If today is Thursday, he must think Obamacare is hedaed to defeat, but tune in tomorrow things could change. LMAO

03-30-2012, 01:22 AM
From the Sublime to the Ridiculous. I just turned on CNN, they were talking about the Supreme Court Case, MSNBC was talking about the Florida shooting. Fox was talking about Fast and Furious.

Fred Barnes and Father MulCahy

msdnc.....bend forward for advocacy "journalism"

Al Sharpton’s Conflicting Roles in the Trayvon Martin Case

by Howard Kurtz (http://www.thedailybeast.com/contributors/howard-kurtz.html) Mar 26, 2012 4:45 AM EDT
He leads a Trayvon Martin rally and covers it for MSNBC.

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Al Sharpton, who has been crusading in racial cases for three decades, has claimed a starring role in the Trayvon Martin case.

He’s also assumed a starring role in MSNBC’s coverage of the case.

http://www.thedailybeast.com/content/dailybeast/articles/2012/03/25/al-sharpton-s-conflicting-roles-in-the-trayvon-martin-case/_jcr_content/body/inlineimage.img.503.jpg/1332726492793.jpg Mario Tama / Getty Images
These are colliding in ways that have nothing to do with journalism.

I’ve covered Reverend Al for a long time, back to the Tawana Brawley days, when he was mainly a New York figure in a leisure suit. He has every right to jump on the Trayvon Martin tragedy as a classic case of racial injustice.

It was hardly surprising that he flew to Sanford, Florida last week and addressed a protest rally over the 17-year-old boy’s death. He also met with Trayvon’s parents and accompanied them to a meeting with Justice Department officials. Sharpton is, in short, a partisan who is helping to represent the family against the shooter, neighborhood watch captain George Zimmerman.

Around 5 p.m. at the rally last Thursday, Sharpton bellowed: “We came for permanent justice. Arrest Zimmerman now! That’s what this rally is about.”

At 6 p.m., Sharpton hosted his MSNBC show, Politics Nation. His guests were the slain teenager’s parents. Here’s how he opened the show:

“Nearly a month ago, a tragedy took place just beyond the gates behind me. Earlier today, Trayvon’s parents, attorney and I met with the Justice Department here. And later tonight, we rally for justice for Trayvon.”

About an hour after that, Sharpton was addressing the rally again. He appealed for funds: “I want us to to get some money out. I want some of you business types, some of you preachers…And now, I’m going to start off with twenty five hundred dollars,” he said, holding up a check.

“Trayvon represents a reckless disregard for our lives that we’ve seen too long. And we’ve come to tell you tonight: enough is enough.”

It seems to me that by sandwiching his show between his activism, Sharpton was essentially covering himself.

In what other context would a news organization allow someone to become such an integral part of the story and then represent the organization? Shouldn’t Sharpton have to choose between his dual roles? Would it be okay if he attended a rally for President Obama, asked the crowd for money and then interviewed Obama immediately afterward?

On my CNN program Reliable Sources, Eric Deggans, media critic for the Tampa Bay Times, made this point: “The problem is that MSNBC has to cover this as a news organization and as I said, we’re getting to the point where George Zimmerman is starting to speak up, the man who shot Trayvon Martin. He has an attorney. He has a side. Is he going to feel like he can talk to NBC News or MSNBC and be treated fairly when one of their signature on-air personalities has spent weeks talking about how he should be arrested and he should be in jail?”

Actually we don’t know much about Zimmerman’s side, other than his lawyer says he wound up with a broken nose and a friend says he cried for days after the shooting. But eventually we will, and MSNBC will have to cover it.

The situation reminds me of an incident in the spring of 2009, when Sean Hannity was going to tape his Fox News show at a Tea Party rally in Cincinnati. Organizers were charging admission to the event, with all proceeds benefitting the Tea Party group. Fox executives canceled his appearance and ordered him back to New York—this at a time when the network was increasingly becoming identified with the Tea Party. Hannity had broadcast from other rallies; at one, he interviewed Fox News contributor Newt Gingrich.

I’m not saying Sharpton shouldn’t be outraged by what happened to the teenager with the bag of Skittles. I’m outraged by what happened. Nor do I have any illusions that this former presidential candidate is a journalist. But even commentators have to abide by certain rules, and in this case, by playing on both sides of the camera, Reverend Al has obliterated them.

Update: The network is doubling down on Sharpton's role. MSNBC spokesman Jeremy Gaines has given this statement to Deggans: "When Rev. Sharpton joined MSNBC, it was with the understanding that he would continue to do his advocacy work.&nbsp; We're fully aware of that work and we have an ongoing dialog.&nbsp; His participation in these events is very public and our audience is completely aware of where he stands on the issues. It's because of this work and his decades of activism that Rev. Sharpton brings such a unique perspective to our lineup."

03-30-2012, 01:47 AM
I noticed Sean Hannity wouldn't back a specific Republican candidate. Neither would Limbo. Why? Because they're spineless company men!

03-30-2012, 05:56 AM
Krauthammer has class. Why don't you quote him, Onmyknees, you'd sound smarter.

03-30-2012, 06:08 AM
Dana Perino's HUSBAND???!!!!!!!!!

03-30-2012, 07:11 AM
Fairer and more balanced


03-31-2012, 06:20 AM
The government granted a special privilege ( tax exemption) to Media Matters under the documents filed that they were to be a government and media watchdog agency advocating for the public. We now have a situation where one media entity (tax exempt ) has stated their sole purpose for existing is to bring down, discredit, dismantle another media entity by any means necessary...and not by competition in the marketplace. That's as un American a prospect as there is. Essentially the government is assisting one entity by virtue of exemption over another private enterprise. Media Matters in it's filing with the IRS identified itself as charitable and educational . ( please hold the laughter to a low roar) By it's own admission it has shifted it's focus to a guerrilla war and sabotage on Fox. Your comparison to MRC is a non starter...you sound ignorant even making it.

So I wonder, did you experience any dissonance at all writing this post where you defended MRC and attacked MMfA? Just a bit of shame? An ounce of concern for just sounding even-handed? I can only hope the answer is yes and you rationalize your lies rather than just ignore them.

MRC and MMfA receive the exact same tax exempt status and engage in the exact same (but ideologically mirrored) mission. Granted, MMfA has better and more accurate research and has been far more successful in affecting national dialogue but they're engaged in the same basic endeavor. That you deny this is just another public embarrassment for you and evidence of your mendacity and hypocrisy. What a joke LMFAO!

04-01-2012, 01:11 AM
Hey B&B....while you were peeking a look at Meghan Kelly's legs during your assigned task to monitor Fox News, you probably missed this at that hallmark of broadcast excellence...MSNBC

Gives new meaning to "dead air"

Even you humorless nerds have to admist this is a fucking hoot...


04-01-2012, 02:54 AM
I think I'll stop posting on this thread.


04-01-2012, 06:51 AM
Turns out everything OMK thinks is false.

04-01-2012, 07:37 AM
Catherine Herridge wouldn't sign her contract with Fox because of a clause which said she couldn't badmouth them. She looks kinda nervy.

04-02-2012, 12:00 AM
Fembot Michelle Malkin and husband Jesse

04-02-2012, 12:26 AM

“NBC Nightly News With Brian Williams” was most watched among the evening news broadcasts last week. Williams averaged 8.5 million viewers, outpacing “ABC World News With Diane Sawyer” with 7.5 million and the “CBS Evening News With Scott Pelley” with nearly 6 million.

Fox News averaged nearly 1.9 million viewers in prime time, well ahead of MSNBC with 688,000, CNN with 636,000 and HLN with 405,000.

04-02-2012, 01:54 AM
LMFAO......NBC News. When the facts don't fit our adjenda, we'll just make it up !! As I said before, I can now clearly see why so many of you are misinformed! But you keep watching, they'll keep telling you what you wanna hear !!!!!!!!

Posted at 04:40 PM ET, 03/31/2012 TheWashingtonPost NBC to do ‘internal investigation’ on Zimmerman segment

By Erik Wemple (http://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/erik-wemple/2011/06/22/gIQAILhj2I_page.html)

NBC told this blog today that it would investigate its handling of a piece on the “Today” show that ham-handedly abridged the conversation between George Zimmerman and a dispatcher in the moments before the death of Trayvon Martin. A statement from NBC:

“We have launched an internal investigation into the editorial process surrounding this particular story.”
Great news right there.

Zimmerman: This guy looks like he’s up to no good. He looks black.
Here’s how the actual conversation went down:

Zimmerman: This guy looks like he’s up to no good. Or he’s on drugs or something. It’s raining and he’s just walking around, looking about.

Dispatcher: OK, and this guy — is he black, white or Hispanic?

Zimmerman: He looks black.
The difference between what “Today” put on its air and the actual tape? Complete: In the “Today” version, Zimmerman volunteered that this person “looks black,” a sequence of events that would more readily paint Zimmerman as a racial profiler. In reality’s version, Zimmerman simply answered a question about the race of the person whom he was reporting to the police. Nothing prejudicial at all in responding to such an inquiry.
And it’s a falsehood with repercussions. Much of the public discussion over the past week has settled on how conflicting facts and interpretations call into question whether Zimmerman acted justifiably or criminally. That’s a process that’ll continue. But one set of facts in the is ironclad, and that’s the back-and-forth between Zimmerman and the dispatcher. To portray that exchange in a way that wrongs Zimmerman is high editorial malpractice well worthy of the investigation that NBC is now mounting.

Ummmmm...Hey Trish.....what was it you were saying ??? Something about telling the truth?

04-02-2012, 04:01 AM
Yeah, knees, dial 9-1-1, sounds like a national emergency.

fox news bloopers - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hB3-mMd4e30)

04-02-2012, 09:33 AM
Glenn Beck left hurredly, did he not?

04-03-2012, 12:47 AM
Glenn Beck left hurredly, did he not?

Hurriedly ? I think not. He announced the seperation and continued to do his show until his contract was up. Hurriedly would apply to Keith Olberman. See the difference?

04-03-2012, 12:50 AM
Yeah, knees, dial 9-1-1, sounds like a national emergency.

fox news bloopers - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hB3-mMd4e30)

Stop the bait and switch. Everyone gets bloopers....ask Joe Biden. Every newsperson and reporter makes bloopers.....I'm not referring to bloopers. I'm referring to deliberate bias and advocacy....omitting facts, and making up your own. Didn't you say you went to BU ? You must not be a journalism major. lol

04-03-2012, 02:03 AM
Stop the bait and switch. Everyone gets bloopers....ask Joe Biden. Every newsperson and reporter makes bloopers.....I'm not referring to bloopers. I'm referring to deliberate bias and advocacy....omitting facts, and making up your own. Didn't you say you went to BU ? You must not be a journalism major. lol

Could you post a pic of one of your Jesse James Bikes?

04-03-2012, 03:26 AM
Rupert Murdoch and his niec....wife Wendi

Dino Velvet
04-03-2012, 03:34 AM
Rupert Murdoch and his niec....wife Wendi


She's a good woman for defending her husband like this. Lucky for the guy she wasn't carrying throwing stars. I was impressed.

Pie-Thrower Or Rupert Murdoch's Wife whoz the winner ? Rupert Murdoch attacked - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MRF60XR9-Bg)

04-03-2012, 03:48 AM
Back row, middle, Chinese Volleyball, Wendi Deng

04-03-2012, 03:50 AM
Murdoch said of Roger Ailes "He actually believes that stuff."

04-03-2012, 04:17 PM
Murdoch, twat.

04-03-2012, 04:41 PM
Murdoch, twat.

Disagree - actually brilliant but deeply malign.

04-03-2012, 04:44 PM
Disagree - actually brilliant but deeply malign.

since when is brilliant the opposite of twat ?:)

04-03-2012, 05:17 PM
since when is brilliant the opposite of twat ?:)
That depends on which brain tou're thinking with.

04-03-2012, 05:24 PM
lol is that a penis gag. I like penis gags. :D

04-03-2012, 06:19 PM
Depends on which Murdoch...James or the father... I think Prospero has a point, one cannot deny that Murdoch pere has been a major success in business even if you don't like his methods; same goes for John D Rockefeller, even er...Lord Sugar....

04-03-2012, 06:20 PM
I assumed by Twat you meant idiot, Sammi

04-03-2012, 06:23 PM
have twat down as despicable person here!

04-03-2012, 06:24 PM
Ah - that is scouse speak then. If that's what you meant I'm 100 per cent behind you (wish i was 100 per cent behind you)

04-03-2012, 11:24 PM
Doh :)

04-03-2012, 11:52 PM
lol is that a penis gag. I like penis gags. :D
Doesn't everybody? Gllkkkdtttt!

04-04-2012, 01:04 AM
Another Bad Say for David Brock, Media Matters and thier many supporters here on HA....:dancing::dancing:

O'Reilly Ratings Beat NBC News for Fourth Time This Year


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by John Sexton TV by the Numbers

for the fourth time this year, Bill O'Reilly has beat NBC News in total viewership.
It's relatively rare for cable news to beat broadcast, in part because NBC still reaches more homes than Fox. According to TV by the Numbers, O'Reilly pulled 3.478 million viewers last Wednesday compared to 3.341 million for the NBC show.
It's worth noting that the two shows are not running against one another in the same time slot. O'Reilly's show runs at 8PM. Rock Center with Brian Williams airs later at 10 pm.

04-04-2012, 01:41 AM
“NBC Nightly News With Brian Williams” was most watched among the evening news broadcasts last week. Williams averaged 8.5 million viewers, outpacing “ABC World News With Diane Sawyer” with 7.5 million and the “CBS Evening News With Scott Pelley” with nearly 6 million.

Fox News averaged nearly 1.9 million viewers in prime time, well ahead of MSNBC with 688,000, CNN with 636,000 and HLN with 405,000.

04-04-2012, 01:56 AM
Bill O'Reilly says what Roger Ailes tells him to say.
OnMyKnees says what Roger Ailes tells him to say.

04-04-2012, 02:36 AM
Bill O'Reilly says what Roger Ailes tells him to say.
OnMyKnees says what Roger Ailes tells him to say.

You're a sad case Butt head. How does failure make you feel? That is to say you try so hard to de legitimize Fox and in some time slots, they're now beating the Networks. They grow bigger and you get smaller. Not much gas left in your tank...huh? LMAO...

Not a bad scoot, but my rigid days are behind me.

04-04-2012, 02:50 AM
How does failure make you feel?

How does Romneycare make you feel?

04-04-2012, 04:03 AM
How does Romneycare make you feel?

Romney care doesn't make me feel anything. I don't live in Mass....but I fucked a lot of chics there...remember Romney care was a state statute. The States are the places where these things should be tested and tried. But it failed miserably....you should know that........you went to BU, or so you say.
A better question would be to ask me how Romany makes me feel, and the answer to that is not warm and fuzzy, but he forgot more about capitol, trade, tax policy and their deleterious effort on business, over regulation, innovation and monetary policy that Barry will ever know. That's knowledge and wisdom that's aquired over a lifetime, not learned teaching law at Harvard or Chicago, then jumping into the US Senate for a few months. Shouldn't that be abundantly clear to everyone with a IQ above 50 ? I can live with Romney....trust me.
Now....how do you feel about Obama's Justice Department getting an education, tongue lashing and a homework assignment from a Federal Appellate judge because of his veiled threats to the SCOTUS ? Unprecedented...wouldn't you agree? lmao

04-04-2012, 04:34 AM
Well, it's good to hear you back off all that teaparty Bullshit and back a nice company man like Romney. If the Republicans had any chance to win, you wouldn't have had this comedy of buffoons and blunderers. Fox knows the Republicans have no chance, Obama knows, I know, don't you know that? Do I have to post the Vegas odds again? Republicans like to win, Democrats like to be right. This is my year. Go turn on all your TVs to the Fox network. Go donate $1000 to Karl Rove. But now hear this: After Barack, Hillary's coming!!!!

04-04-2012, 05:48 AM
Dana Perino mix-up. She is a sweet girl.

04-04-2012, 06:01 AM
My friend's dad was McCain's CO at Annapolis. He had to talk him out of quitting the Navy. Can anybody say they wish this face was anywhere but Fox?

04-04-2012, 06:24 AM
Romney care was a state statute. The States are the places where these things should be tested and tried. But it failed... That's why it's still in place after all these years. That's why the people of Mass love it. That's why people from surrounding states without coverage are moving to Mass to horn in on Romney. People love it and depend on it 'cause it's such a failure.


04-04-2012, 08:08 AM
Edward R Murrow & Walter Conkrite

04-04-2012, 08:12 AM
Huntley & Brinkley

04-04-2012, 08:17 AM
O'Reilly & Hannity

04-04-2012, 08:35 AM
In the UK we havez a newspaper published by News International (Murdoch's company) called The Sun. It outsells every other paper in the land. It prints largely crud. It thrives on simplistic and sensationalist stuff. Does that make it a better newspaper? Hardly. The same is true of US news media. The huge appeal of Fox News (another of Mr Murdoch's splendid creations) to right wingers like OnMyKnees is hardly proof of its quality. It caters largely to those who think simplistically (if at all) and who can't deal with complicated things - and to people with a specific ideological motivation for wanting these other people led by the nose. The only way to begin to get a balanced view of things is to read and view across the media. Take the PBS news hour and the New York Times as your starting point. Add the Washington Post. And take an overview of NBC, CBS, ABC and Fox. Question everything.

04-04-2012, 08:50 AM
True. One of the saddest things about omk (and there are too many of those to iterate here) is that he is to a certain extent significantly more intelligent than the hate and fear fodder which constitutes the credulous Fox audience. I also suspect that he's smart enough to know that ratings alone are no indication of quality or independence. After all, why do more people watch soaps and reality series than current affairs in the first place? He's therefore more interested in manipulating the poor saps who continue to vote republican when every action of the GOP both within and out of office makes it abundantly clear that they don't give a flying fuck for anyone but the rich plutocrats at the heart of their party. We'll take your votes, but fuck you anyway. Karl Rove without the charm.

He's also very consistent in the precariously narrow context of telling us what he dislikes.

I'd just find him a more satisfying opponent if he propounded his beliefs and principles in a positive way; as it is he lacks coherence in that critical area, and that's why, for all his eternal bluster and sneering at the liberal and progressive side of politics, he seems to me to be a markedly empty individual. How sad.

04-04-2012, 06:34 PM
onmyknees is mine.

04-05-2012, 02:03 AM
True. One of the saddest things about omk (and there are too many of those to iterate here) is that he is to a certain extent significantly more intelligent than the hate and fear fodder which constitutes the credulous Fox audience. I also suspect that he's smart enough to know that ratings alone are no indication of quality or independence. After all, why do more people watch soaps and reality series than current affairs in the first place? He's therefore more interested in manipulating the poor saps who continue to vote republican when every action of the GOP both within and out of office makes it abundantly clear that they don't give a flying fuck for anyone but the rich plutocrats at the heart of their party. We'll take your votes, but fuck you anyway. Karl Rove without the charm.

He's also very consistent in the precariously narrow context of telling us what he dislikes.

I'd just find him a more satisfying opponent if he propounded his beliefs and principles in a positive way; as it is he lacks coherence in that critical area, and that's why, for all his eternal bluster and sneering at the liberal and progressive side of politics, he seems to me to be a markedly empty individual. How sad.

You don't know the first thing about me you pampas asshole. Lonely ???? LMFAO...And this from a guy who was pretty much forced into a hiatus because of his constant ass kissing and his adolescent insecure need to be loved.. What's the nexus of all that? What a joke you are....no really. I actually saved your goodbye post form some months ago. It's fucking hilarious...desperate, but hilarious! Save your amateur psycho babble analysis for someone who gives a fuck. I don't find you particularly smart, or even insightful on most subjects, but that doesn't stop you from commenting in a never ending search to at least be noticed....goodness I hope you're not crushed now. lmao. You're the grown up version of the geeky kid with thick rim glasses that buttons his top shirt button has a pen holder in his shirt pocket, and rushes into class to get the seat nearest the teacher hoping to be lauded. Everybody hates that kid...and here you are all grown up ! LMAO Your feelings and opinions with respect to me and my beliefs are completely and totally irrelevant . The day I have to seek affirmation on a forum like this from pikers like you is the day I'll jump out of a plane with no parachute. In fact....to be honest I enjoy the fact that dudes like you dislike me. You couldn't be more insignificant to me.....are we clear on that ?
I've acquired my belief system through a life of experiences and in places you couldn't even imagine or even pronounce. You on the other hand are soft and squishy. You haven't earned the right to critique me,let alone analyze me. You're a fraud, or did you think I forgot you got caught pretending to be someone you're not?
You feel it perfectly OK to inject your liberal snarky, smug condensing opinions in even the most unrelated threads...you do it constantly, and you do it because it's group think here, and to curry favor....and you play to a sympathetic crowd. That's weak. Grow some balls. And how have you become an expert on what Americans like me feel or think? You read? or because you took several vacations here? lol Shut up and play your guitar....

04-05-2012, 02:58 AM
Aile's contract comes up in 2013. He scaled back the whacko talk last year after Glenn Beck and Christine O'Donnell. Seems the flock was scaring Karl Rove. What if Ailes leaves in 2013? Will the Koch Bros take over??

04-05-2012, 03:02 AM
Huntley & Brinkley

I was going to call you hopelessly misinformed, but that might upset RL....so I'll avoid that.

But one more time..........those are famous news journalists from the glory days if you will. They had ethics, and standards. O'reilly but more so Hannity are opinion commentators. That's like comparing Dan Rather to Keith Olbermann...oh wait that's not such a good comparison....there's no difference. Both are liberal, both are bias, and both were fired for journalistic shortcomings! Ok that would be like comparing Al Sharpton to Brian Williams. Damn that's not a good one either. lmao

04-05-2012, 03:18 AM
onmyknees is mine.

He certainly is. Good luck my friend. I'm done with him.

04-05-2012, 03:26 AM
True. One of the saddest things about omk (and there are too many of those to iterate here) is that he is to a certain extent significantly more intelligent than the hate and fear fodder which constitutes the credulous Fox audience. I also suspect that he's smart enough to know that ratings alone are no indication of quality or independence. After all, why do more people watch soaps and reality series than current affairs in the first place? He's therefore more interested in manipulating the poor saps who continue to vote republican when every action of the GOP both within and out of office makes it abundantly clear that they don't give a flying fuck for anyone but the rich plutocrats at the heart of their party. We'll take your votes, but fuck you anyway. Karl Rove without the charm.

He's also very consistent in the precariously narrow context of telling us what he dislikes.

I'd just find him a more satisfying opponent if he propounded his beliefs and principles in a positive way; as it is he lacks coherence in that critical area, and that's why, for all his eternal bluster and sneering at the liberal and progressive side of politics, he seems to me to be a markedly empty individual. How sad.

Robert tells it like it is.:claps:claps:claps:claps:claps

04-05-2012, 03:31 AM
Butt....you seem to be journalistically confused. I completely understand how that happens ...really. So let's do a little show and tell. Here are 2 examples of reporters...journalists attempting to get at facts and pull information out of someone trying to spin and evade. Not disrespectful, but firm and not rolling over either. That's how an adversarial press is supposed to work. That's why we afford them such latitude. Now compare that with the AP or NYT as they slobber all over themselves and toss softballs to their ideological kin, or asking Obama about his final four brackets. See if you can discern the difference.

Bret Baier asks Jay Carney why Senate hasn&#39;t passed a budget in 1070+ days - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aR-YPJjFxIU)


04-05-2012, 03:55 AM
Knees...pleez,.....Is Obama going to do everything he can to screw over you and all your buds next term? Of course he is! Rush and Sean will be howling at the moon! Will Obama declare war on the big oil pricks that feed our enemies in the middle east? SURE! Is Obama going to declare war on the health insurance companies that spend 40% of their income on Administration costs? SURE! Is Obama going to make Karl Rove and his cronies yesterday's news? OF COURSE! The Party of NO hasn't had any one in charge since 2004.
The Republicans don't say anything. The Ryan Plan? Pure Bullshit. Obama will have a field day. Fox News has pushed the GOP so far right, Rush Limbaugh runs the party. Fox after November should be interesting, for sure. Is Obama fucking with you? If you're a Republican, yes.

04-05-2012, 04:53 AM
Easy on the man crush dude. Wipe the slobber off your face !!!!!!! Have you no shame? I like this pic better....

Hey....how's that change workin' out for ya ...ya gettin' any back after you fill the tank on your Volt? LMAO

04-05-2012, 05:05 AM
Just a quick update for you Palin haters...(and admit it...you know you hate her, but when you all hate...it's ok because you're righteous in your ideology!)

Say it ain't so.....The Today Show during the all important sweeps week was up 10% over previous shows with Palin as a guest host, and easily defeated GMA even with perky Katie's return. Sorry.

04-05-2012, 05:50 AM
I'll laugh
You whine.

04-05-2012, 06:30 AM
spread the word
spread the word
spread the word
spread the word
spread the word
spread the word
spread the word
spread the word
spread the word
spread the word
spread the word
spread the word
spread the word
spread the word
spread the word
spread the word
spread the word
spread the word

04-05-2012, 06:57 AM
Butt....you seem to be journalistically confused. I completely understand how that happens ...really. So let's do a little show and tell. Here are 2 examples of reporters...journalists attempting to get at facts and pull information out of someone trying to spin and evade. Not disrespectful, but firm and not rolling over either. That's how an adversarial press is supposed to work. That's why we afford them such latitude. Now compare that with the AP or NYT as they slobber all over themselves and toss softballs to their ideological kin, or asking Obama about his final four brackets. See if you can discern the difference.

Oh for fucks sake. OMK holds up right-wing towel boy as a real journalist, it's no wonder he's confused. This guy makes the interview all about right-wing talking points while repeating verbatim substance-free GOP attacks on the president. I would say OMK is "journalistically confused" but since I'm not "verbally incompetent" I'll say instead that he's clueless about journalism.

Here's a very typical example of a Fox News "reporter" asking an absurd tendentious question. This is not adversarial journalism, this is playing for a team.

If you think that's journalism, I've got a hard-hitting question for you:
Are you still fucking neighborhood pets?

Obama: Do you think I want gas prices to go up? - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CFjr12nIOIk)

04-05-2012, 09:38 AM
ONMYKNEES wrote: "You don't know the first thing about me you pampas asshole. Lonely ???? LMFAO...And this from a guy who was pretty much forced into a hiatus because of his constant ass kissing and his adolescent insecure need to be loved.. What's the nexus of all that? What a joke you are....no really. I actually saved your goodbye post form some months ago. It's fucking hilarious...desperate, but hilarious! Save your amateur psycho babble analysis for someone who gives a fuck. I don't find you particularly smart, or even insightful on most subjects, but that doesn't stop you from commenting in a never ending search to at least be noticed....goodness I hope you're not crushed now. lmao. You're the grown up version of the geeky kid with thick rim glasses that buttons his top shirt button has a pen holder in his shirt pocket, and rushes into class to get the seat nearest the teacher hoping to be lauded. Everybody hates that kid...and here you are all grown up ! LMAO Your feelings and opinions with respect to me and my beliefs are completely and totally irrelevant . The day I have to seek affirmation on a forum like this from pikers like you is the day I'll jump out of a plane with no parachute. In fact....to be honest I enjoy the fact that dudes like you dislike me. You couldn't be more insignificant to me.....are we clear on that ? Rather contradictory
I've acquired my belief system through a life of experiences and in places you couldn't even imagine or even pronounce. You on the other hand are soft and squishy. You haven't earned the right to critique me,let alone analyze me. You're a fraud, or did you think I forgot you got caught pretending to be someone you're not?
You feel it perfectly OK to inject your liberal snarky, smug condensing opinions in even the most unrelated threads...you do it constantly, and you do it because it's group think here, and to curry favor....and you play to a sympathetic crowd. That's weak. Grow some balls. And how have you become an expert on what Americans like me feel or think? You read? or because you took several vacations here? lol Shut up and play your guitar...."

What a pece of hate filled and ignorant rant. As a man who clearly has some atitude with language and a mind to think this does you no credit whatseover. Ronertlouis posts a rea picture of himself. You do not. Everyone who reads his posts knows that he is a singer and songwriter. What do we know of you - except your bile filled postings, your clear political prejudices and you refusal to engage whenever anyone offers an rgued response to your diatribes. it is YOu who needs to gagher yourself u and be a little braver. What say you tell us a little of who you are to justify your personal attacks on a contributor here who - in most cases - offers reasoned and articulate argument rather than siplistic insults. Pampas asshole? Pardon me - do you know where the pampas are? This man is a Scot. There are no pampas in scotland ... and so you continue in this ill informed and vitriolic way. So let me generalise for a moment now - in your own fashion. You are emblematic (since we know nothing of your true personality) of ignorant and bigoted right wing thinking. An attack dog who has honed his teeth but not his reason. A little pocket Goebbels. Crawl back into your bierkeller you crass neo-fascist.

04-06-2012, 01:19 AM
ONMYKNEES wrote: "You don't know the first thing about me you pampas asshole. Lonely ???? LMFAO...And this from a guy who was pretty much forced into a hiatus because of his constant ass kissing and his adolescent insecure need to be loved.. What's the nexus of all that? What a joke you are....no really. I actually saved your goodbye post form some months ago. It's fucking hilarious...desperate, but hilarious! Save your amateur psycho babble analysis for someone who gives a fuck. I don't find you particularly smart, or even insightful on most subjects, but that doesn't stop you from commenting in a never ending search to at least be noticed....goodness I hope you're not crushed now. lmao. You're the grown up version of the geeky kid with thick rim glasses that buttons his top shirt button has a pen holder in his shirt pocket, and rushes into class to get the seat nearest the teacher hoping to be lauded. Everybody hates that kid...and here you are all grown up ! LMAO Your feelings and opinions with respect to me and my beliefs are completely and totally irrelevant . The day I have to seek affirmation on a forum like this from pikers like you is the day I'll jump out of a plane with no parachute. In fact....to be honest I enjoy the fact that dudes like you dislike me. You couldn't be more insignificant to me.....are we clear on that ? Rather contradictory
I've acquired my belief system through a life of experiences and in places you couldn't even imagine or even pronounce. You on the other hand are soft and squishy. You haven't earned the right to critique me,let alone analyze me. You're a fraud, or did you think I forgot you got caught pretending to be someone you're not?
You feel it perfectly OK to inject your liberal snarky, smug condensing opinions in even the most unrelated threads...you do it constantly, and you do it because it's group think here, and to curry favor....and you play to a sympathetic crowd. That's weak. Grow some balls. And how have you become an expert on what Americans like me feel or think? You read? or because you took several vacations here? lol Shut up and play your guitar...."

What a pece of hate filled and ignorant rant. As a man who clearly has some atitude with language and a mind to think this does you no credit whatseover. Ronertlouis posts a rea picture of himself. You do not. Everyone who reads his posts knows that he is a singer and songwriter. What do we know of you - except your bile filled postings, your clear political prejudices and you refusal to engage whenever anyone offers an rgued response to your diatribes. it is YOu who needs to gagher yourself u and be a little braver. What say you tell us a little of who you are to justify your personal attacks on a contributor here who - in most cases - offers reasoned and articulate argument rather than siplistic insults. Pampas asshole? Pardon me - do you know where the pampas are? This man is a Scot. There are no pampas in scotland ... and so you continue in this ill informed and vitriolic way. So let me generalise for a moment now - in your own fashion. You are emblematic (since we know nothing of your true personality) of ignorant and bigoted right wing thinking. An attack dog who has honed his teeth but not his reason. A little pocket Goebbels. Crawl back into your bierkeller you crass neo-fascist.

Are you still shadowing me? I spit in your eye a couple of times...identified you as the piece of shit anti Semite you are, so this is what you come back with? LMAO Why does a punk like you feel compelled to jump to RL's defense? What are you...his big brother? Don't you have another 3000 word lecture on 5th century Muslims you're working on? He's a grown ass man...let him defend himself . He poked me....I hit back...no need for an asshole like you to jump in the middle of it....but it's what you do....I don't like the guy....he's a ass..and an ass kisser and I'm certainly not alone....he pretty much was laughed off here.....where was your defense of him then? I don't seem to recall that. LMAO.

Why is it guys like you and him on a fucking porn forum spend more than a second of time analyzing me? That's revealing and very humorous to me. Thank you for providing that....What's lacking in your life that you feel compelled to do that? You're another one of these assholes who feel we need your pearls of wisdom on every subject from politics, to religion to........well...... me. LMAO
I took a piss down a storm sewer in an alley the other night in Manhattan. There was a rat scurrying around in the trash at the bottom of the sewer. I took pity on him and didn't piss on his head. I gave him more quarter than I'd give an anti Semite like you. Having said that and holding you in such low regard...I see no need to spend another moment of your very valuable time analyzing me. Do you? lmao

04-06-2012, 01:38 AM
Now that I've established I loath both you and RL...could I get back to this thread please? Butt and I were having a give and take on Fox news and I was enjoying it....

04-06-2012, 03:05 AM
Hey BS....This is one for the Radio and Television Hall of Fame ! So quick are they to fill thier narrative, they forget to read it's SATIRE !!


MSNBC Reports Satire Of Gay Marriage Opponents As Fact, Thomas Roberts Apologizes

by Tommy Christopher (http://www.mediaite.com/author/tommy-christopher/) | 1:40 pm, April 5th, 2012
» 12 comments (http://www.mediaite.com/tv/msnbc-reports-satire-of-gay-marriage-opponents-nom-as-fact-thomas-roberts-apologizes/#disqus_thread)
http://static01.mediaite.com/med/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/msnbc-300x200.jpg (http://static01.mediaite.com/med/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/msnbc.jpg)On Wednesday’s MSNBC Live, anchor Thomas Roberts reported that Apple and Microsoft were “marrying up, asking the National Organization for Marriage, and its supporters, to boycott their companies” in response to a leaked NOM memo that detailed (http://www.mediaite.com/tv/thomas-roberts-interviews-maggie-gallagher-on-anti-gay-memo-do-you-defend-your-own-race-baiting/)a strategy to divide gay people and black people.
The leaked memo was real; the boycott request was not. An unamused Roberts apologized on air today, noting that the item was based on a Huffington Post satire piece (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/scott-wooledge/microsoft-apple-unite-to-_b_1394821.html).
The premise of the HuffPo piece was simple: that the National Organization for Marriage, which has led anti-marriage equality initiatives like California’s Proposition 8 (http://www.mediaite.com/tag/prop-8/), is so poisonous, so repugnant, that a boycott by its membership would actually be a case of addition by subtraction for corporations like Apple and Microsoft. It mixed real statements and facts about the companies with fake corporate statements like this (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/scott-wooledge/microsoft-apple-unite-to-_b_1394821.html):

So what gives? The National Organization for Marriage singles out Starbucks, and those yuppie bean heads get all the attention? We have to read in the Seattle Stranger (http://www.thestranger.com/seattle/a-starbucks-boycott-backfires/Content?oid=13185250) how “[t]here has been an incredible Facebook campaign of photos of people drinking coffee at Starbucks.” Where are all the photos of happy people tapping away on Windows machines knowing that they, too, are supporting equality for all? What about us? We’ve even got a rainbow in our logo. Boycott us, National Organization for Marriage! Now!
…and this (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/scott-wooledge/microsoft-apple-unite-to-_b_1394821.html):

Though Apple’s stock is doing very well (http://www.latimes.com/business/technology/la-fi-tn-apple-shares-top-600-ahead-of-new-ipad-release-20120315,0,6327136.story), we still are a little envious that Starbucks’ stock shot up $1.41 (http://joemygod.blogspot.com/2012/03/noms-starbucks-boycott-day-one.html) the day after the announcement of the National Organization for Marriage’s boycott, and it continues to rise. We all appreciate a stock bump.
It was a clever (if not all that funny) bit of satire that, perhaps, went on a bit too long, especially since MSNBC seems to have missed this disclaimer at the end of the piece:
NOTE: This piece is satirical. All quotations are fabrications for the purpose of satire.
In his brief apology today, Roberts noted the disclaimer, and added, “We take issues of equality seriously, not as satire. It was my error.”
Roberts didn’t seem to approve of the satire, but maybe reverse-boycotts like this are an idea whose time has come. Wouldn’t it be great if there was a competitive market for doing the right thing?
Here’s the original clip, from March 4, and Roberts’ apology, from today’s MSNBC Live:

04-06-2012, 03:17 AM
Oh, Mama, can this really be the end?

04-06-2012, 04:18 AM
ONMYKNEES wrote: "You don't know the first thing about me you pampas asshole. Lonely ???? LMFAO...And this from a guy who was pretty much forced into a hiatus because of his constant ass kissing and his adolescent insecure need to be loved.. What's the nexus of all that? What a joke you are....no really. I actually saved your goodbye post form some months ago. It's fucking hilarious...desperate, but hilarious! Save your amateur psycho babble analysis for someone who gives a fuck. I don't find you particularly smart, or even insightful on most subjects, but that doesn't stop you from commenting in a never ending search to at least be noticed....goodness I hope you're not crushed now. lmao. You're the grown up version of the geeky kid with thick rim glasses that buttons his top shirt button has a pen holder in his shirt pocket, and rushes into class to get the seat nearest the teacher hoping to be lauded. Everybody hates that kid...and here you are all grown up ! LMAO Your feelings and opinions with respect to me and my beliefs are completely and totally irrelevant . The day I have to seek affirmation on a forum like this from pikers like you is the day I'll jump out of a plane with no parachute. In fact....to be honest I enjoy the fact that dudes like you dislike me. You couldn't be more insignificant to me.....are we clear on that ? Rather contradictory
I've acquired my belief system through a life of experiences and in places you couldn't even imagine or even pronounce. You on the other hand are soft and squishy. You haven't earned the right to critique me,let alone analyze me. You're a fraud, or did you think I forgot you got caught pretending to be someone you're not?
You feel it perfectly OK to inject your liberal snarky, smug condensing opinions in even the most unrelated threads...you do it constantly, and you do it because it's group think here, and to curry favor....and you play to a sympathetic crowd. That's weak. Grow some balls. And how have you become an expert on what Americans like me feel or think? You read? or because you took several vacations here? lol Shut up and play your guitar...."

What a pece of hate filled and ignorant rant. As a man who clearly has some atitude with language and a mind to think this does you no credit whatseover. Ronertlouis posts a rea picture of himself. You do not. Everyone who reads his posts knows that he is a singer and songwriter. What do we know of you - except your bile filled postings, your clear political prejudices and you refusal to engage whenever anyone offers an rgued response to your diatribes. it is YOu who needs to gagher yourself u and be a little braver. What say you tell us a little of who you are to justify your personal attacks on a contributor here who - in most cases - offers reasoned and articulate argument rather than siplistic insults. Pampas asshole? Pardon me - do you know where the pampas are? This man is a Scot. There are no pampas in scotland ... and so you continue in this ill informed and vitriolic way. So let me generalise for a moment now - in your own fashion. You are emblematic (since we know nothing of your true personality) of ignorant and bigoted right wing thinking. An attack dog who has honed his teeth but not his reason. A little pocket Goebbels. Crawl back into your bierkeller you crass neo-fascist.

Thanks Prospero. You're a good friend and a good man.

However, I have given in, up to a point, in that I've placed the hateful little pygmy on ignore. After all, like any other rational human being, I wouldn't involuntarily subject myself to the pain and irritation of tinnitus, which has about the same intellectual worth as omk's ravings, so right now I am simply enjoying the blessed silence.

04-06-2012, 08:39 AM
George Carlin Stupid People - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8rh6qqsmxNs)

04-06-2012, 09:58 AM
And so we have OnMyKnees making poisonous and utterly false charges.
Are you still shadowing me? I spit in your eye a couple of times...identified you as the piece of shit anti Semite you are( On what evidence do you make this heinous accusation? Show me the post? prove this? o , so this is what you come back with? LMAO Why does a punk like you feel compelled to jump to RL's defense? What are you...his big brother? Don't you have another 3000 word lecture on 5th century Muslims you're working on? (I think you are confusingme with Stavros here - but nevermind. What would be wrong with writing about 5th century Moslems exactly? ) He's a grown ass man...let him defend himself . He poked me....I hit back...no need for an asshole like you to jump in the middle of it....but it's what you do....I don't like the guy....he's a ass..and an ass kisser and I'm certainly not alone....he pretty much was laughed off here.....where was your defense of him then? I don't seem to recall that. LMAO. (I did not offer a defence because he can fully stand up for himself on this. Ass kisser my foot. He came across as a civilised guy being polite to people - unlike all of your posts)

Why is it guys like you and him on a fucking porn forum spend more than a second of time analyzing me? That's revealing and very humorous to me. (And why is that you are even on a porn forum at all - since 90 per cent of your posts are political posturing) Thank you for providing that....What's lacking in your life that you feel compelled to do that? You're another one of these assholes who feel we need your pearls of wisdom on every subject from politics, to religion to........well...... me. (I think you are holding up a mirror here.) LMAO
I took a piss down a storm sewer in an alley the other night in Manhattan. There was a rat scurrying around in the trash at the bottom of the sewer. I took pity on him and didn't piss on his head. I gave him more quarter than I'd give an anti Semite like you. (Again a totally increible and totally untrue smear. You presumably deduce from the fact that I am tolerant of a range of religions including Islam that I am anti semitic. This is the crass view of a craven and poisonous fool. There is no evidence of this so called anti-semitism. I demand you offer proof of this or withdraw your accusation.) Having said that and holding you in such low regard...I see no need to spend another moment of your very valuable time analyzing me. Do you? lmao

04-06-2012, 10:34 AM
To put this clearly OnMyKnees, your allegations against me of anti-semitism are wholly unfounded. I invite you to review the 7,618 postings I have made here and find ONE clear suggestion of anti-semitism. if you cannot then i demand you withdraw this poisonous allegation. Thank you.

04-06-2012, 05:18 PM

04-06-2012, 06:36 PM
Thanks buttslinger.

04-06-2012, 10:09 PM
To put this clearly OnMyKnees, your allegations against me of anti-semitism are wholly unfounded. I invite you to review the 7,618 postings I have made here and find ONE clear suggestion of anti-semitism. if you cannot then i demand you withdraw this poisonous allegation. Thank you.

I used to think OMK actually cared about having evidence to justify his positions. He has disabused me of that notion.

04-07-2012, 01:38 AM
Don't be so hard on OMK. He's just a loser; i.e. his world view is determined by a pathological need to feel superior. Hence every one of his posts has a preamble of insults aimed at whomever at the moment triggered his inferiority complex. The politics of choice for the inferior is the one that bolsters the importance of self; i.e. libertarianism. OMK's libertarian philosophy is informed by the paranoia of right wing media and shaped by his own cowardly responses to those ill-defined fears. It is impossible to exaggerate what a loser he really is. Prospero, if you're expecting an apology from this failure, don't hold your breath...because he believes all the things he makes up or pulls out his ass. He's more likely to manufacture some fatuous argument that doubles down on the original lie.

04-07-2012, 02:19 AM
There was a story I saw on MSNBC just today that said Rove and Limbaugh have ramped up the rhetoric, calling the President of the United States a "thug" .....Facts can trump facts but LYING is a stain people don't forget.

04-07-2012, 05:21 AM
There was a story I saw on MSNBC just today that said Rove and Limbaugh have ramped up the rhetoric, calling the President of the United States a "thug" .....Facts can trump facts but LYING is a stain people don't forget.

LMFAO>>>>>>>>>>> you're kidding right? This is a spoof on MSNBC...right?

Man you got some set....you talk about anyone ramping up the rhetoric in the same week Obama threatens the Supreme Court and then makes an accountant looking geek like Paul Ryan look like Lucifer reincarnated. This Chicago street organizer has brought demonazation and demagoguery to a whole new level not seen in my life time. His entire deal is divide and conquer. Got a grievance against anybody or anything? Not to worry...Barry will find it and exploit it. And speaking of rhetoric...looks like Axlerod got the word out to MSNBC....attack Romney's religion....cause that pile of excrement in hundred dollar socks ( that would be Lawrence O'Donnell) has just turned on the blow torch. These people are beneath contempt, but you ain't seen nothin' yet.

04-07-2012, 05:29 AM
In case you missed this Butt...You know your buds over there at CNN...."the place where people who really want news go to" LMAO

OOPS..........Looks like they jumped the shark...whatda think??? I think this would fall into the FAIL category.

CNN Walks It Back: Oops, Zimmerman Didn't Say 'Coon,' He Said It Was 'Cold'!

By Tim Graham (http://newsbusters.org/bios/tim-graham.html) | April 06, 2012 | 15:04
6 (http://newsbusters.org/blogs/tim-graham/2012/04/06/cnn-walks-it-back-oops-zimmerman-didnt-say-coon-he-said-it-was-cold#)

NBC isn’t the only network slinking away from overcooking the case against George Zimmerman’s alleged racism. On the March 21 edition of Anderson Cooper 360, a CNN audio expert enhanced Zimmerman's 9-1-1 call and suggested he had used a racial slur, "f--ing coon," as he was following Trayvon Martin. Reporter Gary Tuchman asserted: "It certainly sounds like that word to me."

Two weeks later on the same show on April 4, CNN re-assessed the tape with another CNN expert, and now felt it suggests George Zimmerman was just chilly, muttering the words "f--ing cold" under his breath. Tuchman explained: "The reason some say that would be relevant is because it was unseasonably cold in Florida that night and raining."

04-07-2012, 05:39 AM
makes an accountant looking geek like Paul Ryan look like Lucifer reincarnated.

If only Ryan was an actual geek and didn't just play one on Fox News. His "budget" costs the U.S. 4.5 trillion (with a T) over the next 10 years and he calls it revenue neutral. LMFAO!

This Chicago street organizer has brought demonazation and demagoguery to a whole new level not seen in my life time.

It's always funny how OMK baselessly accuses the administration of something that he himself is doing in that very post. It's no coincidence he sounds just like a Roger Ailes puppet; a non-stop diet of Fox News will do that to you.

04-07-2012, 05:39 AM
To put this clearly OnMyKnees, your allegations against me of anti-semitism are wholly unfounded. I invite you to review the 7,618 postings I have made here and find ONE clear suggestion of anti-semitism. if you cannot then i demand you withdraw this poisonous allegation. Thank you.

onmyknees, You're Persona Non Grata on this thread til you prove you can swallow a little pride and be a water calmer as well as a water agitator. I've had my feelings hurt on this site before and my signature is World Class Asshole.

04-07-2012, 05:42 AM
It's always funny how OMK baselessly accuses the administration of something that he himself is doing

That's straight out of the Karl Rove playbook.

04-07-2012, 06:48 AM
Acorn Killers

04-07-2012, 10:00 AM
Hey OMK - any response then? An apology? A retraction?

Actually I don't want an apology - just an admission that, on this occasion, you fingered the wrong person - and that having read my postings there is not a single jot of evidence for your poisonous accusation. or are you not man enough to admit that - this time - you are wrong?

04-07-2012, 04:58 PM
Hey OMK - any response then? An apology? A retraction?

Actually I don't want an apology - just an admission that, on this occasion, you fingered the wrong person - and that having read my postings there is not a single jot of evidence for your poisonous accusation. or are you not man enough to admit that - this time - you are wrong?

Apologize ? To who you? LMAO. Maybe we'll have a pity party for all you who feel so falsely accused... No......I think I'll leave the stink on you for awhile. It's well deserved.....and a valuable lesson can be learned here....even for a sage like you....how does it feel to be accused when you think it's inaccurate? Do you have any clue on how many times directly or indirectly either myself or people who believe similar things to what I believe are maligned and stereotyped by the "progressives" on here ? Grow the fuck up and deal with it man. Take a dose of the medicine that's routinely handed out on here.....This ain't grammar school, and there are no debate rules here.
That's a particular trait you all seem to share in addition to your politics. You love to shovel it out, pile it on, entertain and affirm each other about your superiority of opinion and your enlightenment... use all the pejoratives towards others........ but when some shit blows back on you....well it's time to get indignant and talk about apologies. We're way past civil discourse dude. The only time you all engage in that is when everybody agrees with your opinions....You're the one who jumped in the middle of this with both feet.........Deal with it. I have to.

04-07-2012, 05:26 PM
OMK wrote; 'how does it feel to be accused when you think it's inaccurate? :"

Do you always play so fast and loose with truth? Do you not ever bother to measure you accusations against the facts. In this case the the truth is that I have never ever posted anything here (or anywhere else) that could be in any way interpreted as anti semitic. That is a fact. It is unarguable. As i said I do not expect an apology. Just a retraction. We are as you put it way beyond vicil discourse but not at the point where total poisonous lies can be allowed to stand. Where a clear libel can be allowed to stand.

I do not care about the rows you and I have - or you have with others - in the realm of politics. We profoundly disagree clearly on just about all of that. You can call me a pinko commie or whatever you like. That's interpretation. What is BEYOND interpretation is the accusation you levelled.

Why do you invent this lie - and then have the arrogance to say that " it is well deserved."

I think that you read something by someone from somewhere on here and have assumed it was me. As i say i do not expected an apology from someone as abusive as you. But I do expect - if you want anyone here to take your arguments seriously - for you to get your facts right. On this occasion, you have them totally wrong.

The rest of your post is just the usual tirade of generalised insults. Deal with that? of course I can - as you do. But please be a man and admit your error.

04-08-2012, 02:53 AM
What is wrong with main stream media?

04-08-2012, 03:14 AM
I bet these two have 'em rollin' on the floor.:?::?::?:

04-08-2012, 04:56 AM
Hey OMK - any response then? An apology? A retraction?

Actually I don't want an apology - just an admission that, on this occasion, you fingered the wrong person - and that having read my postings there is not a single jot of evidence for your poisonous accusation. or are you not man enough to admit that - this time - you are wrong?

Don't hold your breath. I'm still waiting,more than a week later, to a reply to my direct question as to whether the ability to pay should come before the need for treatment when it comes to medical care.

"Should the availability of healthcare be determined primarily by the ability to pay? Yes or no."

He always avoids answering questions whose answers point out that he's as much of a hypocrite as the rest of the board thinks he is.

Because this is the internet, you can't sue him for libel. Pity, really.

04-08-2012, 11:21 PM
O'Reilly jealous? uh-oh

Bill O'Reilly harasses estranged wife's boyfriend - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BKcle9xumtk)

04-09-2012, 03:21 AM
Hey B.S.

Liberal Media Malpractice Easter Edition.....

This serious malfeasance sorta makes your barbs at O'reilly and Miller look pretty weak, but you keep on tryin'....you're having a huge impact !! LMAO

NY Daily News & Other Sites Publish False Neo-Nazis Patrolling Sanford Story

By P.J. Gladnick (http://newsbusters.org/bios/p-j-gladnick.html) | April 08, 2012 | 13:41
9 (http://newsbusters.org/blogs/pj-gladnick/2012/04/08/ny-daily-news-other-sites-publish-false-neo-nazis-patrolling-sanford-st#)

It appears that simple fact checking isn't part of the reporting process at the New York Daily News. Even worse, the story (http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/neo-nazis-patrolling-streets-sanford-fla-trayvon-martin-shot-killed-report-article-1.1057851) that they declined to fact check was about an explosive situation in Sanford, Florida where supposedly neo-nazis were patrolling the streets in the wake of the Trayvon Martin shooting.
The Daily News finally revised their story but only after being contacted by professor William Jacobson of the Legal Insurrection blog (http://legalinsurrection.com/2012/04/sanford-fl-police-deny-any-indication-of-neo-nazis-patrolling/) who did the fact checking for them with the Sanford police that they should have done in the first place. Here is the Daily News excerpt below the fold that was published before being forced to revise it by the Legal Insurrection fact check:
The Trayvon Martin case is getting even more heated as armed neo-Nazis are reportedly patrolling the streets of Sanford, Fla.-where the black, unarmed teen was shot and killed.
A representative for the Detroit-based National Socialist movement told the Miami New Times that his group of roughly 10 to 20 volunteers aren’t there to start trouble, but are prepared to protect the “white citizens in the area” in the event of race riots.
So the New York Daily News bases its story on a Miami New Times article (http://blogs.miaminewtimes.com/riptide/2012/04/heavily_armed_neo-nazis_patrol.php) which didn't bother to check to find out if neo-nazis were actually patrolling in Sanford which they weren't. Here is the Miami New Times excerpt which the Daily News blindly accepted originally as the gospel truth.
Neo-Nazis are currently conducting heavily armed patrols in and around Sanford, Florida and are "prepared" for violence in the case of a race riot. The patrols are to protect "white citizens in the area who are concerned for their safety" in the wake of the Trayvon Martin shooting last month, says Commander Jeff Schoep of the National Socialist Movement.
After the Daily News published the false Sanford story, Jacobson of Legal Insurrection finally contacted them and the story was revised...but not before the damage was done since this incendiary false report went viral on the web. Here is the fact check report (http://legalinsurrection.com/2012/04/sanford-fl-police-deny-any-indication-of-neo-nazis-patrolling/) by Jacobson:
Did anyone bother to contact the Sanford Police? I did, and the Sanford Police deny any indication of Neo-Nazi groups patrolling in Sanford. Here’s the e-mail exchange:
My initial e-mail (which included an embedded link to the Memeorandum thread):
“There are a number of reports in the media that Neo-Nazis are conducting armed patrols in Sanford. Can you confirm or deny whether this is true, and provide any information you have on the subject? If someone is able to get back to me as soon as possible (and before Monday) that would be appreciated, since such rumors are spreading.”
Response from Sanford Joint Information Center:
“At this time the City of Sanford has not confirmed the presence of Neo-Nazis groups.”
My follow up:
“You say “not confirmed.” Is there any indication of such patrols that the Department is aware of?”
Further Response from Sanford Joint Information Center:
“We have no indication of any such patrols at this point in Sanford. The only large gathering was the children and their parents at the Easter egg hunt.”
I can’t say this is the worst example of rumor mongering and irresponsible conduct by bloggers and the mainstream media I have ever seen, but it’s a contender.
For The Daily Beast, Huffington Post, Mediaite, and The Daily News to spread such thinly-sourced claims without verification at a time when racial tensions already are high is irresponsible in the extreme.
And I hope that in the future we are spared pious MSM lectures about their "credibility" since this is but the latest example of a blog doing the fact checking they should have done but neglected to do with disastrous results.

04-09-2012, 04:10 AM
OMK wrote; 'how does it feel to be accused when you think it's inaccurate? :"

Do you always play so fast and loose with truth? Do you not ever bother to measure you accusations against the facts. In this case the the truth is that I have never ever posted anything here (or anywhere else) that could be in any way interpreted as anti semitic. That is a fact. It is unarguable. As i said I do not expect an apology. Just a retraction. We are as you put it way beyond vicil discourse but not at the point where total poisonous lies can be allowed to stand. Where a clear libel can be allowed to stand.

I do not care about the rows you and I have - or you have with others - in the realm of politics. We profoundly disagree clearly on just about all of that. You can call me a pinko commie or whatever you like. That's interpretation. What is BEYOND interpretation is the accusation you levelled.

Why do you invent this lie - and then have the arrogance to say that " it is well deserved."

I think that you read something by someone from somewhere on here and have assumed it was me. As i say i do not expected an apology from someone as abusive as you. But I do expect - if you want anyone here to take your arguments seriously - for you to get your facts right. On this occasion, you have them totally wrong.

The rest of your post is just the usual tirade of generalised insults. Deal with that? of course I can - as you do. But please be a man and admit your error.

Facts you say.....????? This entire thread is based on the lack of facts by the liberal media. That's what it started off to be until you saw fit to jump into the middle of something that didn't involve you. There's facts all over the place however you and your comrades never seem to address them, but would rather focus on the messenger. I understand that...facts are sometimes inconvenient to your politics. Here's a fact.....your buddy RL never passes up an opportunity on the general discussion board no matter what the topic to inject his left wing world view, which would in and of itself be annoying, but it's not a pro liberal message....it's always anti conservative, somebody's a racist, somebody's a homophobe, but of this you say nothing....because of course you agree with him ( is that a fact or an opinion?) so when he gets his ass handed to him for doing so.....you'd be well served to stay out of the middle of it and tend to your own facts. You see facts, or ignore them as you see fit while accusing others of precisely the same thing...If you chose to engage in a factual discussion there was several lines of commentary and thousands of words of factual reporting in my post on the stimulus.....but you chose the several words of opinion. Interesting. And you're asking me about facts? LMAO...You can't be taken seriously. You're a partisan jester.
So much for facts...now here's an opinion based on a preponderance of evidence....you're boring and predictable, and like dishing it out...., but don't very much like getting return fire when it's aimed right between your eyes.

04-09-2012, 04:20 AM
OMK, you're a tad predictable. LMAO doesn't mean anything when Miller is your favorite comedian. He's predictable too.

04-09-2012, 05:41 AM
O'Reilly in the cheap seats.

Bill O'Reilly tries to pick a fist fight - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vQo7xCuMrgI&feature=results_main&playnext=1&list=PLE371BC23B9725272)

04-09-2012, 05:23 PM
OM wrote: "So much for facts...now here's an opinion based on a preponderance of evidence....you're boring and predictable, and like dishing it out...., but don't very much like getting return fire when it's aimed right between your eyes."

Return fire is fine. I'll slug it out with you until the cows come home. I don't care one jot if you find me boring and predicatable. It's your lies that are so unnacceptable. You will not look at the vidence - which does not support you lies. Fine. That is the way of those who care only to lie.

So OMK you are a liar and a propagandist and a total 100 per cent coward who lacks the moral fibre to admit that, on this occasion, you have mae a criminal lying accusation which you KNOW you cannot prove but are not prepared to withdraw it.

It is you who are beneath contempt. This exchange will have shown to all those who gave credence to anything you post that you are nothing more than a liar. And a coward. Goodbye.

I have put you onto my ignore list now since nothing you say has any interest or worth.

04-10-2012, 03:44 AM
If you want to worship Jerry Garcia, or Sonny Barger, or the Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan, I could understand that. But you'd have to be a blind man not to see that the Republican Party only cares about the top one percenters, and all that other crap they spout is window dressing. Worshiping Fox and Rush is like paying Karl Rove to fuck you in the ass. Maybe onmyknees is into that. Does anyone believe that a 15% tax rate on stock dividends helps the working man??? The working man creates wealth, the wealthy amass it.

04-10-2012, 04:40 AM
If you want to worship Jerry Garcia, or Sonny Barger, or the Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan, I could understand that. But you'd have to be a blind man not to see that the Republican Party only cares about the top one percenters, and all that other crap they spout is window dressing. Worshiping Fox and Rush is like paying Karl Rove to fuck you in the ass. Maybe onmyknees is into that. Does anyone believe that a 15% tax rate on stock dividends helps the working man??? The working man creates wealth, the wealthy amass it.

whoa....better keep a lid on the over heated rhetoric asshole, or Prospero will be on your case....oh that's right....you all are on the same team, so no issue. So...I see you're getting hot under the collar...good you should be. You haven't posted a single substantive piece of evidence of any media malpractice by Fox....actually I don't think you have a fucking clue what journalism is....you were weaned on MTV ...lmao.......but at least your pics are mildly creative....and I think you're full of shit about your BU degree. Dude if this was a fucking boxing match...they would have stopped it in the second round and raise my gloves as the winner by TKO. You're arguments are weak and partisan. But you keep lashing out....I like it when it gets testy. Throw out a few KKK referrences, for lack of anything else to come back with, toss in a racist here and there, and you'll be a huge hit here on HA. But don't go talkin' that smack in the workplace. You'll get your boney ass kicked out there in the real world.

Now...back to matters of substance....

And here's today's yawner from the place you go to see journalists...MSNBC. Another MSNBC anchor shilling for Obama about all he's done for woman. Not to worry....tomorrow she'll be anchoring and acting as as a reporter... but I'm sure you don't see any conflict. Why would you...? You're a foolish dupe. ....now about that degree you have ........LMAO

Howard Kurtz Scolds Mika Brzezinski for Moderating White House Forum on Obama's Job Performance

By Noel Sheppard (http://newsbusters.org/bios/noel-sheppard.html) | April 09, 2012 | 00:29
11 (http://newsbusters.org/blogs/noel-sheppard/2012/04/08/howard-kurtz-scolds-mika-brzezinski-moderating-white-house-forum-obam#)

As NewsBusters reported (http://newsbusters.org/blogs/noel-sheppard/2012/04/07/obama-praises-mika-brzezinski-better-half-morning-joe), President Obama praised Mika Brzezinski Friday after she participated in a White House forum regarding the President's performance on women's issues.
CNN's Howard Kurtz on Sunday's Reliable Sources took issue with this asking his guests, "Should an MSNBC anchor be moderating a White House event and talking about celebrating what the administration has accomplished?" (video follows with transcript and commentary):

HOWARD KURTZ, HOST: I want to get to one more element here in this segment, and that is the president held a day-long, at least a lengthy event at the White House about women, trying to make the case the administration has cared a lot about this important voting bloc, and the Republicans perhaps not so much.
And moderating a discussion over at the White House was MSNBC co- host of "Morning Joe," Mika Brzezinski. Let's take a look.
BARACK OBAMA, UNITED STATES PRESIDENT: I thank Mika for helping moderate today and proving on your show every morning that women really are the better half.
http://newsbusters.org/sites/default/files/main_photos/2012/April/Mika%20Obama_0.jpgMIKA BRZEZINSKI, COHOST, "MORNING JOE": We are going to be looking at the accomplishments of this White House as it pertains to women and the economy.
We have clearly a lot of work still to do and many challenges before us. And the key is to talk about them, address them and overcome them as soon as possible, but also to celebrate what has been done, especially in the past few years by this administration.

04-10-2012, 05:59 AM
I think you're full of shit about your BU degree.

Well, BU sure must think I went there, they sure do keep begging for money.
NOW, speaking of full of shit, how about a pic of one of your Jesse James bikes? How about TWO, didn't you say that?

04-10-2012, 06:16 AM
I think you're full of shit about your BU degree.

Well, BU sure must think I went there, they sure do keep begging for money.
NOW, speaking of full of shit, how about a pic of one of your Jesse James bikes? How about TWO, didn't you say that?

Keep up the good work, sir! :)

04-10-2012, 06:53 AM
I think you're full of shit about your BU degree.

Well, BU sure must think I went there, they sure do keep begging for money.
NOW, speaking of full of shit, how about a pic of one of your Jesse James bikes? How about TWO, didn't you say that?

Well what do ya know? What OMK thinks is wrong. Again. Man, this guy can't stop getting pantsed on here.

Still, gotta give him credit for his tenacity. Even after losing every argument, losing every bet, and being found out for the liar he is he keeps coming back peddling that same Fox News bullshit. Kudos!

04-10-2012, 07:17 AM
Hey B.S.

Liberal Media Malpractice Easter Edition.....

This serious malfeasance sorta makes your barbs at O'reilly and Miller look pretty weak, but you keep on tryin'....you're having a huge impact !! LMAO

NY Daily News & Other Sites Publish False Neo-Nazis Patrolling Sanford Story

Hey OMK, better read your bullshit newsbusters articles before you hit copy and paste. But nice FAIL! LMAO!

First, you got your facts wrong again. This wasn't the liberal media going off on their own. This was everyone. Like the Murdoch owned New York Post. Here's their Neo-Nazi piece.
http://www.nypost.com/p/news/national/neo_nazis_patrolling_florida_town_5d9tjFKDIkiCkJKv WJ4zEJ

Or that liberal bastion Fox News

Secondly, the Neo-Nazis claim they are going to Sanford so the press is accurately reporting the intent of the nazi group. Here's the video of the phone call with the nazi, clearly declaring their plan. (& note the source: Fox News Orlando!)

The media outlets who reported the nazis were already marching got it wrong but that wasn't a liberal/conservative mistake, that was laziness.

So once again, OMK distorts the truth to give the impression of bias where none actually exists because he's sucking the dick of the right-wing propaganda machine. Drink up, sweetheart. :dancing:

04-10-2012, 08:09 AM
Good stuff Bluegrasscat - but the truth never ever matters to some people, does it.

04-10-2012, 08:51 AM
This thread was actually meant to be a COMEDY work.

04-10-2012, 10:16 AM
And excellent comedy it could be indeed - until certain individuals start to post total lies about people... and sling libellous accusations around. But in a sense that particular character is the most perfect example of humour to be found anywhere on these boards. A clown who cannot see the deep idiocy in his own position.

04-10-2012, 09:06 PM
The United States is about selling a loaf of bread. Three dollars. Tasty, nutricious, the staff of life. The farmer, trucker, and store owner, they get one dollar. The Middleman, and the Taxman, they fight over the two dollars. When you hear that we have to do away with BIG government, that's the middlemen saying they want a bigger cut for their power, yachts, estates. When you hear we need to do away with BIG business, that's the taxman wanting more money for our schools, police, roads.
If you have a yacht and estates, go ahead and contribute a small fortune to the Republican party. If you drive on the roads and want our children educated, give a dollar to the Democratic party.

04-11-2012, 01:37 AM
Butt Boi....Did I hear you hand wringing a few posts back about those horrible 1%ers ...the same old class warfare routine? Here's some one percenters you can relate too....Congressional Democrats. These are facts....so please do fact check me. As you may know, Speaker Boehner cut House office accounts 5% last year, 6.5% this year. House spending data show of the 40 biggest spenders of taxpayer dollars, 33 are Democratic Members...all exceeding their spending budgets by a wide margin. You see....when you're spending taxpayer dollars instead of your own....who cares? Liberals are always benevolent with someone else's money. Demonize the wealthy folks while spending tax payer dollars in excess.....

Here's a couple more FACTS to chew on while you hypocrites whine about taxing the rich and the Buffet rule.
>The IRS today filed a lawsuit in Federal Court against Buffet's Berkshire-Hathaway's Net Jets for hundreds of thousands owed in back taxes. You read that right. You libs are some bunch. How do you keep a straight face? The Buffet Rule lives!
>If enacted, Obama's Buffet rule would bring in to the Treasury the equivalent of exactly 6% of what he spent on the stimulus. ( that's about the amount he gave to failed Green Energy Ventures) Wow...that will have quite the impact. Stop the demagoguery Obama. Stop the misinformation Butt Kisser. You sound foolish.

04-11-2012, 04:03 AM
They don't make Republicans like Abraham Lincoln anymore.

04-11-2012, 06:03 AM
>If enacted, Obama's Buffet rule would bring in to the Treasury the equivalent of exactly 6% of what he spent on the stimulus. Wow...that will have quite the impact.

For a change, you actually got the numbers right. Forgetting for a moment (as you seem to) whether fairness should matter at all in tax policy but going only by whether something greatly impacts the deficit, by your logic what we should do is let the Bush tax cuts expire because they would have an impact, seeing as how they cost the same as the ARRA. Count me in.

04-11-2012, 06:23 AM
You consistently show intelligence in other areas, Faldur, and I genuinely respect you for your consistency, so I'm surprised and not a little saddened to discover that you think that ratings should come before the quality and independence of news reporting.

People watch reality TV in their millions too. What does that signify?

Bread and circuses.

It's all bread and circuses. Give the people enough food and plenty of entertainment and they won't give a damn about politics.

04-11-2012, 06:47 AM
Question to Viewers:

Who or what runs, controls, or owns the Republican Party?

04-11-2012, 11:07 AM
Posted on behalf of OnMyKnees

04-12-2012, 02:42 AM
C'mon buddy. You know you want to.

04-12-2012, 04:17 AM
And this is where the libs on this thread get thier news.....they all told us as much....and folks wonder why some American's are so misinformed....

Jon Stewart Blasts CNN’s News Segments: ‘What The Hell Happened To CNN?’

by Meenal Vamburkar (http://www.mediaite.com/author/meenal-vamburkar/) | 11:39 pm, April 10th, 2012
» 116 comments (http://www.mediaite.com/tv/jon-stewart-blasts-cnns-branded-news-segments-what-the-hell-happened-to-cnn/#disqus_thread)
http://static01.mediaite.com/med/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/CNN-300x211.jpg (http://www.mediaite.com/tv/jon-stewart-blasts-cnns-branded-news-segments-what-the-hell-happened-to-cnn/attachment/cnn-12/)Jon Stewart (http://www.mediaite.com/power-grid/person/?q=Jon+Stewart) targeted CNN on his show Tuesday night, mocking their segments within segments (“Political Pop,” “R&R,” and so on). “Why?” he asked, noting that often their branded news segments, er, don’t actually apply that well to the stories within them.
“I’m not against news organizations having fun,” Stewart said, but went on to note some segments that were mistakenly labeled — or just simply a bad idea. Example? A “Street Level” segment, which has to be easy, right? Except that it was about a paraplegic woman bungee jumping. Stewart noted, “Holy crap did they just throw a disabled lady off a bridge? And number two, that story did not take place at street level.”
Stewart then had a field day with the “Today’s Rock Star…” bit. One included a girl who escaped her abductor. “Take that, kids who didn’t get away from their abductors. I mean, come on, man!” Next up: Martin Luther King, Jr. “That is fucked up,” he said. “Do you have any idea what a demotion rock star is for Dr. King? Congratulations Dr. King, you’ve earned your seat next to Billy Idol.”
Next on the list was CNN’s repeated quips in reporting, including the abundant use of “your 15 minutes are up.” Stewart asked, “When did CNN get into the mean girl business?” He added, “What the hell happened to CNN? 20 years ago you were the only network bravely reporting from inside Iraq. [...] Now you’re just a mean fifth-year senior shitting on people as they try to use the bathroom.”
Take a look, via Comedy Central:

And another........( last paragraph) for all the low lifes that play this game...and you know who you are....you do it constantly...see how easy it is to accuse somebody of racism? Just throw it out there. Facts? Accuracy ? Who needs 'em. Make the charge and the truth be damned...are you listening Butt Kisser and friends? You've learned your lessons well, you despicable slime bags.

Media Matters Writer Apologizes After Accusing Drudge Of Posting Fake Trayvon Martin Photo

by Alex Alvarez (http://www.mediaite.com/author/alex-alvarez/) | 6:53 pm, March 27th, 2012
» 167 comments (http://www.mediaite.com/online/media-matters-writer-apologizes-after-accusing-drudge-of-posting-fake-trayvon-martin-photo/#disqus_thread)
http://static01.mediaite.com/med/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/trayvon_martin_twitter_3.27.12.jpg (http://www.mediaite.com/online/media-matters-writer-apologizes-after-accusing-drudge-of-posting-fake-trayvon-martin-photo/attachment/trayvon_martin_twitter_3-27-12/)Media Matters’ MJ Rosenberg has apologized for having accused conservative news aggregator Matt Drudge (http://www.mediaite.com/power-grid/person/?q=Matt+Drudge) of posting a picture of a young black man other than Trayvon Martin for “incitement purposes.”
Drudge’s photo was, in fact, of Martin — it was simply a more recent photo of the teen than those that have been widely circulated in the media.
“Racist demagogue Drudge continues to run photo of some kid, not Trayvon for incitement purposes,” Rosenberg had Tweeted, later adding that “Matt Drudge has done more to debase American news coverage than anyone in history of country.”

04-12-2012, 06:19 AM
And this is where the libs on this thread get thier news.....they all told us as muchSorry liar, but I never told you any such thing.

04-12-2012, 06:31 AM
The United States is about selling a loaf of bread. Three dollars. Tasty, nutricious, the staff of life. The farmer, trucker, and store owner, they get one dollar. The Middleman, and the Taxman, they fight over the two dollars. When you hear that we have to do away with BIG government, that's the middlemen saying they want a bigger cut for their power, yachts, estates. When you hear we need to do away with BIG business, that's the taxman wanting more money for our schools, police, roads.
If you have a yacht and estates, go ahead and contribute a small fortune to the Republican party. If you drive on the roads and want our children educated, give a dollar to the Democratic party.

Wow! You really cut through the crap. :Bowdown:

04-12-2012, 06:39 AM
[QUOTE=robertlouis;1122633]Wow! You really cut through the crap.QUOTE]

I did?

04-13-2012, 01:23 AM
If Sean Hannity had a son, he would look like George Zimmerman.
If Sean Hannity had a vulva, he would look like Monica Crowley.

04-13-2012, 02:33 AM
Fuckin' Racist Pigs over at Fix News. Can you believe O'rielly just had Martin's mother on with her attorney ...................and actually conducted a fair and respectful interview ???????? What the fuck's this world coming to? Black Folks on Fox News? I thought MSNBC had the corner on that market until I realized Big Al was the only black face I ever see over there...LMAO

Every day I shoot holes in your pathetic narrative, and every day you're back at it. BTW....when posting pics of Monica Crowley, please refer to her as DR. Crowley. She's earned it ! lol

04-13-2012, 02:47 AM
IMUS: I was reading, I think it was Howard Kurtz in Newsweek did an interview with Roger Ailes, our boss, and Mr. Ailes said, I didn't realize that O'Reilly hates you. Did you know that?

HANNITY: Well, I saw that. Yeah, I kind of knew it. But, you know, I had no idea it had to do with radio.

IMUS: I just felt bad for you. I just don't want you to meet him in the hallway here and be scared. You know, he's a big guy.

HANNITY: Don, you know, that's alright -- you know, I don't think I've seen him in seven years.

IMUS: Really?

HANNITY: We never see each other. I'm doing my radio show when he tapes his TV show, and I do my TV show live.

IMUS: And you're on over 500 stations. I think that Roger said that he hated you guys because your radio show was successful. I don't think he has one anymore, right?

HANNITY: No, I don't think so.

04-13-2012, 02:55 AM
[QUOTE=buttslinger;1123186]If Sean Hannity had a son, he would look like George Zimmerman.
If Sean Hannity had a vulva, he would look like Monica Crowley.[/QUOTE

Is this huckster "your boy" ?

Al Sharpton's TelePrompter - Resist We Much! (Remixx We Much!!) - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c1fg3Ibyuc0)

04-13-2012, 05:09 AM
Oh, I got your "boy"

President Obama sings Al Green !! - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8fbZLkJJ2e0)

04-13-2012, 05:42 AM
Oh, I got your "boy"

President Obama sings Al Green !! - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8fbZLkJJ2e0)

OK...He can sing...I think I saw him dance once which may qualify him as an entertainer. He plays golf but isn't really good at it, he vacations real well, but when will he try his hand at governing?

And help me out here....you may have stated this, if so I apologize, but normally I can only read 2 or 3 lines of your posts before I'm comatose...but did you inform us you were black? We know you're a drunk...I'm guessing you are because in all my travels, I have never heard a white dude address another white dude as "whiteman". That sounds like a line from a 1920 Western where John Wayne is fighting the "Injuns" ...lol Get with the program dude.

Secondly....and I'm sure there's some way to verify this, but it's not really worth it, but how many hours a day do you spend making inane posts on HA?

Ok....back to the subject at hand............when you've had enough just cry uncle...or better yet.........stop posting.

The network your boy calls home...and this ain't from FoxNews.com...it's from left wing Mediaite. Sorry.

MSNBC’s Year Of Apologies

by Noah Rothman (http://www.mediaite.com/author/noah-rothman/) | 5:11 pm, April 12th, 2012
» 125 comments (http://www.mediaite.com/tv/msnbcs-year-of-apologies/#disqus_thread) http://static01.mediaite.com/med/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/msnbc2.jpg (http://www.mediaite.com/tv/msnbcs-year-of-apologies/attachment/msnbc-5/)It has been a fateful year for the cable news network MSNBC. It seems every month, another host – or even the network itself – is forced to apologize for reporting a factual error or overstepping the bounds of responsible commentary.
The most recent apology to come out of the cable network at 30 Rockefeller Plaza is The Last Word host Lawrence O’Donnell (http://www.mediaite.com/power-grid/person/?q=Lawrence+O'Donnell). On an April 3 segment, O’Donnell characterized the Church of Latter Day Saints as an “invented religion” and said that Mormonism was started by “a guy in upstate New York” who “got caught having sex with the maid and explained to his wife that God told him to do it.”
That understandably offended some, and O’Donnell was forced to publically apologize (http://www.mediaite.com/tv/lawrence-opology-lawrence-odonnell-apologizes-for-remarks-about-mormonism/) on an April 11 broadcast. “I am truly sorry if I said something inaccurate about Joseph Smith,” O’Donnell said. “I am happy to provide time on this show to a Church of Latter Day Saints spokesman to correct any inaccuracy.”
But the apology parade only begins there. A quick trip into recent history reveals a troubling trend of apology-worthy offenses.
The Roberts Affair
MSNBC news broadcaster Thomas Roberts (http://www.mediaite.com/power-grid/person/?q=Thomas+Roberts) got himself into hot water recently when he broadcast a segment on a leaked memo authored by the National Organization for Marriage, which identified as a political strategy pitting African Americans who may be hostile to gay marriage, against same-sex marriage activists. Roberts booked a guest representing NOM to appear on his show, but when she ostensibly failed to show Roberts conducted a mock interview of her empty chair. The implication was that the NOM representative was simply too cowardly to appear and face the music.
The only problem with that segment was that the NOM representative did show up. A booking error on the part of MSNBC had her in the wrong studio at the time of the broadcast. Roberts was forced to take to his Twitter account to announce (http://www.mediaite.com/tv/msnbc%E2%80%99s-thomas-robert%E2%80%99s-empty-chair-shtick-backfires-leads-to-apology/), “IT WAS OUR MISTAKE,” and “our sincerest apologies.”
The Second Roberts Affair
On March 4, Roberts was taken in by a satirical piece posted on Huffington Post in which a mock NOM boycott of Starbucks helped their stock price shoot up by $1.41. Roberts broadcast the satire as fact (http://www.mediaite.com/tv/msnbc-reports-satire-of-gay-marriage-opponents-nom-as-fact-thomas-roberts-apologizes/) and was later forced to admit “we take issues of equality seriously, not as satire. It was my error.” They take every issue of equality so seriously, in fact, that they cannot be bothered to scroll down to the disclaimer of satire on the site before becoming incensed enough broadcast this easily falsifiable story as news.
The Racist Edit Of George Zimmerman’s 911 Call
On April 3, NBC News itself admitted to an “error (http://www.mediaite.com/online/nbc-news-admits-error-in-editing-george-zimmermans-911-call-apologizes/)” in their broadcast of a misleadingly edited 911 call made by George Zimmerman on the night he allegedly murdered Trayvon Martin. That call, which also aired on MSNBC, was edited to show Zimmerman offering the skin color of Martin unsolicited when in fact the dispatcher had asked for that information. While this admission does not necessarily constitute apology, the concession of an “error” will have to do.
Mitt Romney Is Racist
In December, 2011, MSNBC ran multiple reports based on a bloggers assertion that Mitt Romney‘s presidential campaign had adopted a slogan, “Keep America American” that was originally used by the Klu Klux Klan in the 1920s.
“So you may not hear Mitt Romney say ‘Keep America American’ anymore. That’s because it was a central theme of the KKK in the 1920s, it was a rallying cry for the group’s campaign of violence and intimidation against blacks, gays and Jews. The progressive blog AmericaBlog was the first to catch on to that,” said Roberts during his dayside news program.
On December 14, 2011, Hardball host Chris Matthews (http://www.mediaite.com/power-grid/person/?q=Chris+Matthews) delivered the mea culpa (http://www.mediaite.com/tv/msnbc-reports-mitt-romney-used-ku-klux-klan-rallying-cry-keep-america-american/) for the network. “During the 11AM hour on MSNBC,” Matthews said, “we reported on a blog item that compared a phrase used by the Romney campaign to one used by the KKK in the 1920s. It was irresponsible and incendiary of us to do this and showed an appalling lack of judgment. We apologize to the Romney campaign.” Matthews apology was reiterated by Rev. Al Sharpton (http://www.mediaite.com/power-grid/person/?q=Al+Sharpton) on his program which immediately follows Hardball, saying that MSNBC “did the right thing” by apologizing to Romney.
Chuck Todd’s Bad Morning
Also on December 14, NBC News Chief White House Correspondent Chuck Todd (http://www.mediaite.com/power-grid/person/?q=Chuck+Todd) was caught alongside Meet the Press host David Gregory (http://www.mediaite.com/power-grid/person/?q=David+Gregory) just before being called on to the set of Morning Joe delivering a one finger salute to the production staff just off camera. “The camera is always on. A lesson some of us never learn,” Tweeted a chaste Todd (http://www.mediaite.com/tv/watch-msnbcs-chuck-todd-accidentally-flip-the-bird-on-live-television/). “My apologies. Am personally embarrassed. Was a joke with someone on the other side.”
But perhaps the most egregious serial eventual-apologizer is Ed Schultz (http://www.mediaite.com/power-grid/person/?q=Ed+Schultz), anchor of the primetime weekday program The Ed Show. In the last year, Schultz has been suspended once and forced to apologize no less than three times.
“Rightwing Slut”
In May, 2011, Schultz was suspended briefly and forced to apologize (http://www.mediaite.com/tv/ed-schultz-apologizes-on-the-ed-show-for-calling-laura-ingraham-a-right-wing-slut/)to conservative radio host Laura Ingraham (http://www.mediaite.com/power-grid/person/?q=Laura+Ingraham)for calling her a “rightwing slut” on the air. He later called his own comments “vile” and offered Ingraham an apology which she accepted.
Rick Perry Is Racist
On August 15, 2011 Shultz aired an out-of-context clip of Texas Gov. Rick Perry describing the state of the nation as being darkened by “a black cloud.” Perry was referring to the economy but Schultz did not air the original context of the clip and presented it as Perry talking about President Barack Obama – Obama, of course, being the black cloud. Schultz attempt to imply Perry was voicing a racist sentiment backfired and he later was forced to admit (http://www.mediaite.com/tv/ed-schultz-apologizes-for-out-of-context-rick-perry-quote-we-regret-the-error/) “we did not present the full context of those statements… It was a mistake and we regret the error.” Rather than admit an unqualified apology, however, Schultz couched his admission of fault in an attack on his opponents by airing the full clip of Perry in context and making the same argument that Perry was, in fact, a latent racist.
Virginia’s Republicans Are Nazis
On February 22, Ed Schultz’s radio producer James Holm issued an apology (http://newsbusters.org/blogs/jack-coleman/2012/02/22/ed-schultz-producer-apologizes-comparing-va-republicans-nazi-death-cam) for comparing the Republican members of Virginia’s legislature to Nazis-era Dr. Joseph Mengele. The entire exchange between Schultz and his producer is too long and obsequious to reproduce here, but it falls more in the category of a “you were offended, so I apologize” apology while still maintaining that Republicans are Nazis.
Ed Schultz’s Union Ties
There are plenty of apparent offenses for which Schultz has never apologized. He never apologized for calling Sen. Marco Rubio “not a true American (http://newsbusters.org/blogs/brad-wilmouth/2011/09/02/msnbcs-schultz-slams-damn-political-phony-marco-rubio-not-true-americ),” or saying the “Republican party stands for racism (http://newsbusters.org/blogs/noel-sheppard/2011/04/27/ed-schultz-republican-party-stands-racism),” or saying conservative commentators want “Obama to get shot (http://newsbusters.org/blogs/noel-sheppard/2009/08/13/ed-schultz-conservative-broadcasters-want-obama-shot),” or for wondering aloud when discussing Sen. Joe Lieberman’s (I-CT) lobbyist wife if “the word whore applies (http://newsbusters.org/blogs/tim-graham/2009/10/31/ed-schultz-attacks-joe-liebermans-lobbyist-wife-does-word-whore-apply).”
One apology that Schultz’s critics are still holding out hope for is his admission that he should have disclosed the $190,000 in payments he received from the Communications Workers of America union. A disclosure would have prevented the appearance of a conflict of interest when this host helped man the picket lines alongside union members celebrating the successful referendum repealing Gov. John Kasich’s curtailment of public sector union’s collective bargaining rights or the recall elections of Wisconsin state senators.
Schultz has defended his union earnings (http://www.politico.com/blogs/media/2012/03/msnbcs-ed-schultz-addresses-union-payments-117006.html), saying that he works for his payments by booking speaking gigs for the labor organization. He should not, however, be surprised then when his credibility on organized labor issues is called into question.
Give credit where its due. They do seem willing to apologize when they’re mistakes are caught. But in MSNBC’s year of apologies, some would say its the offenses for which no apology was ever issued that are the most telling and instructive about the culture at play there.

04-13-2012, 05:42 AM
Hey, OMK, don't worry, you'll get 'em in, oh...2024?

Terrell Owens Crying Like a Little Girl - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KLZDStiY08w)

04-13-2012, 06:59 PM
The Republican party hasn't had an original idea since it figured out you could make a lot of money thru politics. Meet Fox News who figured out you could make a lot of money through the Media. The angle they relied on for so long, playing off the resentment felt by closet racists insulted by society, is slowly being exposed by the righteousness of the Obama Administration. Witness the gradual de-Palinizing of the GOP, and the gradual Romney-ization of Fox. The immense failure of the Bush White House, which gave birth to the tea party, has resulted in the embarassment of both as the Republicans try to get back to the task of the Rove agenda: duping it's own peanut brained electorate into voting against it's own interests. The Treyvon Martin case has exposed the chink in fox'es armor, that blaming the other side for your own weaknesses can blow up in your face. The Republicans and Fox want you to believe that the 1% of America that own half of everything are responsible for the half that the 99% own. They are.

04-14-2012, 02:49 AM
Janine Turner?

04-14-2012, 02:58 AM
Thanks Nicole.....

04-15-2012, 04:36 AM
If I made fun of Fox News and OMK didn't hear it....then was it really fun???........

04-17-2012, 01:58 AM
Butt Licker.......

Here's a before and after shot for ya.....looks like somebody had a nip and tuck !!!!!!! LMAO

Debbie Downer......

04-17-2012, 02:06 AM
Joe Botox Biden....

04-17-2012, 02:36 AM
I love Debbie Wasserman Schultz.

04-17-2012, 02:45 AM
Oh, Michelle.......

04-21-2012, 04:22 PM
Butt Kisser....It's been a few days...you're somewhat inventive with your picture comparisons, but what's the point really? Humor? Wasn't the original thread about the Fox News ajenda and how they lie? Did you run out of substintive material, and just started a picture show? I suspect that takes less time and thought, thus your goofy picture parade. I have tons of factual data to back up my assertions that the media you watch, and take your information from is bias and unethical.....here's one. It's a bit wordy, so stay with it. It won't be as stimulating as pictures, but facts to you seldom are, which is why you frequent the media outlets you do ! lmao

The irony of this is NBC and MSDNC actually have someone in charge of practices and standards !!! I would think even you qualify for that job with your faux BU degree and political ideology!

MSNBC: We Reserve the Right to Lie About You

http://www.powerlineblog.com/admin/ed-assets/2012/04/MSNBC0447.jpeg (http://www.powerlineblog.com/admin/ed-assets/2012/04/MSNBC0447.jpeg)We wrote in MSNBC, the Faux News Network (http://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2012/03/msnbc-the-faux-news-network.php) about MSNBC’s latest attack on the Koch brothers, whom guest host Karen Finney outrageously blamed for the Trayvon Martin shooting. Finney’s slander was repeated on MSNBC by former Obama administration official Van Jones, who said, “You’ve got all of the passion around Trayvon and what a horrible injustice that was and you can draw a direct line to the Koch brothers.” The Koch organization naturally complained about these more or less insane smears. What was the result? MSNBC admitted that its host had acted wrongfully, but refused to apologize or to address the main thrust of Koch’s complaint: that the network should not recklessly promulgate lies.
In order to understand how irresponsible MSNBC is, you should read the email correspondence between Koch and the network in its entirety:

Marian Porges, Senior Producer
News Standards and Practices
NBC News
Dear Ms. Porges:
I want to bring to your attention once again an MSNBC host that has falsely and maliciously disparaged Koch. On March 23, while guest hosting the Martin Bashir program, Karen Finney accused Koch of a connection with the tragic circumstances surrounding the Trayvon Martin matter. “Who was the Typhoid Mary for this horrible outbreak,” Finney asked. She then stated, “It’s the usual suspects the Koch brothers…the same people who stymied gun regulation at every point who funded and ghost write these laws.”
Because we saw this dishonest story line developing and were concerned other extremists would pick it up, we put out a public statement the day before Ms. Finney’s rant explaining that this assertion was totally false and irresponsible. First, Koch has had no involvement in this legislation. We have had no discussions with anyone at ALEC, the legislative policy group at issue, about the matter either. In fact, the only lobbying on firearms issues we have ever undertaken in Florida was in opposition to the National Rifle Association’s support for a bill that mandated employers must allow employees to bring firearms onto company property.
It’s worth adding that ALEC also put out a statement that further refutes Ms. Finney’s assertions:
“It is a great shame that some are using this tragedy to further their political ends. Indeed, Paul Krugman describes advancing his political goals as the “silver lining to Trayvon Martin’s killing.” That is as callous as it is cruel, and it is also incorrect. Florida’s “Stand Your Ground” law was the basis for the American Legislative Exchange Council’s model legislation, not the other way around. Moreover, it is unclear whether that law could apply to this case at all. “Stand Your Ground” or the “Castle Doctrine” is designed to protect people who defend themselves from imminent death and great bodily harm. It does not allow you to pursue another person. It does not allow you to seek confrontation. It does not allow you to attack someone who does not pose an imminent threat. What it does is allow you to defend yourself and your family from immediate and real danger.”
We were never notified that Ms. Finney intended to make an allegation of that kind and thus were given no opportunity for input or reaction. It seems elementary that when one of your hosts falsely accuses us of somehow abetting a person’s death, we would first be given the chance to respond to such an outrageous and offensive lie.
In recent months we have brought to your attention several instances where guests on MSNBC have made false and disparaging assertions about us and/or have been permitted to obscure their affiliation as paid political operatives. We came to agreement that the network would be more diligent about living up to its standards on disclosure and would also afford us the opportunity to know prior to broadcast and react to those sorts of assertions. You wrote, “I hope you understand that this incident(s) is not a reflection of normal procedure at MSNBC.”
You should also be aware that on March 26, Ms. Finney signed and sent a letter on behalf of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee soliciting political contributions. Yet, she is presented to viewers as a “political analyst” and not as a paid fundraising operative for the Democratic party, as would be more accurate.
If you could look into this matter and provide us some explanation, I would appreciate it. I would especially like to know why it has proven so difficult for MSNBC to extend us the most basic journalism standard of a right to reply to allegations about us that are made on the air — an assurance that you have made to us on several occasions when similar incidents have occurred.
Melissa Cohlmia
Director, Corporate Communication
Koch Companies Public Sector, LLC
http://www.powerlineblog.com/admin/ed-assets/2012/04/Finney0152.jpg (http://www.powerlineblog.com/admin/ed-assets/2012/04/Finney0152.jpg)Two days later, Ms. Porges responded:

Dear Ms. Cohlmia-
Again, I thank you for raising your most recent concerns. I have looked into the issue and I have also read your statement dated 3/22/2012.
The producers of our program should have included at least part of your statement, “Setting the Record Straight on Firearm Coverage,” in their discussion. I have spoken to those involved with the segment.
Marian Porges
Which brought this rejoinder from Ms. Cohlmia, making the fundamental point that NBC’s News Standards and Practices department ignored:

Dear Ms. Porges:
We agree with you that the producers were wrong not to include our statement. Therefore, I’d appreciate it if you would ask them to append our statement or a hyperlink on the web page where the Karen Finney segment containing the false statement about Koch still appears on MSNBC’s website. Here is the link to that page. And here is a link to our original statement.
However, the after-the-fact posting of our statement does not fully address our concerns about Ms. Finney’s false and wholly fabricated comments. Accepted journalism standards would require MSNBC’s producers to ensure that there were facts to support Ms. Finney’s allegations before they were broadcast by MSNBC. Since that did not happen, Ms. Finney and MSNBC should affirmatively state that there are no facts to support her assertion. However, since we are dealing with partisans like Ms. Finney and MSNBC, I am left to surmise that accepted journalism standards do not apply here. Accordingly, we ask that the producers take responsibility for allowing these false and irresponsible allegations to be broadcast by informing viewers about our statement.
Thank you again for your continued engagement on these matters.
Melissa Cohlmia
Director, Corporate Communication
Koch Companies Public Sector, LLC
A damning indictment, but what other conclusion can one draw? Six days later, Koch had not gotten any response from NBC, and Van Jones had repeated the slander first uttered by Karen Finney. So Ms. Cohlmia wrote again:

http://www.powerlineblog.com/admin/ed-assets/2012/04/VanJones071.jpeg (http://www.powerlineblog.com/admin/ed-assets/2012/04/VanJones071.jpeg)

Marian Porges, Senior Producer
News Standards and Practices
NBC News
Ms. Porges:
We have yet to hear back from you on our request to have our statement about the false accusations made about Koch posted on MSNBC’s website. Since you agreed that we deserve the right to respond regarding these false and irresponsible accusations, it is troubling that MSNBC still has not posted or otherwise communicated the statement we provided two weeks ago.
In the meantime, MSNBC has allowed that false and malicious accusation to be repeated last Thursday night on Ed Schultz’s program. His guest, Democratic activist Van Jones, said, “You’ve got all of the passion around Trayvon and what a horrible injustice that was and you can draw a direct line to the Koch brothers.”
If we are not going to be afforded the opportunity — neither in advance nor after the fact — to respond to the false and irresponsible charge that we are involved a person’s death, then it’s hard to see why anyone should take seriously MSNBC’s claims that it adheres to fundamental journalism standards. Please advise whether or not you intend to take action so we can then weigh our other options.
Melissa Cohlmia
Director, Corporate Communication
Koch Companies Public Sector, LLC
NBC replied:

Ms Cohlmia-
The executive producer of the program was away last week, we will have discussions on this today or tomorrow.
Thank you-
Marian Porges
Senior Producer
NBC News
Three days later, having heard nothing further, Ms. Cohlmia inquired once more:

Hi Marian – just circling back with you on this. Any updates? Thank you.
Melissa Cohlmia
Director, Corporate Communication
Koch Companies Public Sector, LLC
That prompted a reply from Ms. Porges:

I’m working on it…I was quite waylaid Tuesday and Wednesday with the Sanford, FL story so I fell behind. My apologies.
Five days later, Ms. Porges had not followed up, so Ms. Cohlmia wrote yet again:

Hi Marian – any update for us yet? Thank you.
Melissa Cohlmia
Director, Corporate Communication
Koch Companies Public Sector, LLC
At this point–we are now up to April 17–it is three weeks after an MSNBC host falsely and absurdly accused the Koch brothers of complicity in a murder. MSNBC had made no effort either to justify or to correct its host’s claim, which was subsequently repeated by an MSNBC guest. The claim was obviously false; yet, three weeks later, the network had done nothing to rectify its misconduct. This response followed on the same day, April 17:

Dear Ms. Cohlmia-
Thank you for your patience.
I’d like to address your continuing concerns that Ms. Finney made “false” and “fabricated” remarks regarding Koch. I have yet again reviewed the portion of the program you mentioned (in your first letter) where Ms. Finney spoke about the Florida law. Please let me stress that at no point did Ms. Finney or MSNBC “charge that we are involved in a person’s death…,” as you alleged in your recent email.
It is a fact that Koch is a financial supporter of ALEC as proven by 2009 tax forms 990 PF which we have reviewed. With that financial relationship established, it seems clear that Koch and ALEC share similar interests in some legislative matters.
We are not going to put any of your statement on our website at this point because that statement was issued prior to the March 23 broadcast so it was not actually in response TO our program.
In efforts to give Koch a full voice, I have a proposal for you. We would like to invite a Koch representative on our air to share a segment with Karen Finney and or/Lisa Graves at a time that works for both Koch and MSNBC. Ms. Finney would be a guest, not a host. Please let me know if you would like to take advantage of this opportunity. I feel this would be a tremendous chance for all of your concerns to be addressed.
Marian Porges
MSNBC’s chutzpah is breathtaking. Its host, Karen Finney, said: “Who was the Typhoid Mary for this horrible outbreak? It’s the usual suspects the Koch brothers…the same people who stymied gun regulation at every point who funded and ghost write these laws.” Van Jones said, “You’ve got all of the passion around Trayvon and what a horrible injustice that was and you can draw a direct line to the Koch brothers.” And yet Ms. Porges has the temerity to claim that no one at MSNBC “charge[d] that [Koch] [was] involved in a person’s death!” If being a “Typhoid Mary” isn’t being involved, what is? And if being in a “direct line” doesn’t denote not just involvement but responsibility, then what on Earth does it mean?
Not to mention the specific lies perpetrated by Ms. Finney, including the claim that the Koch brothers have “stymied gun regulation at every point,” when in fact the company has never done anything with regard to gun regulation, other than lobbying against liberalization of gun laws in Florida! In effect, Ms. Porges is saying that MSNBC is in business to lie for political gain. And the “remedy” MSNBC offers is the opportunity to come on the network to debate whether or not Koch is responsible for Trayvon Martin’s death–an insane claim which is supported by not a shred of fact or logic.
Koch responded with a final communication that summed up the controversy and assessed MSNBC’s dismal journalistic standards:

Dear Ms. Porges:
Thank you for your response. With all due respect, I find your response troubling and insufficient to address our concerns regarding Ms. Finney’s false and malicious statements about us. Contrary to your claim, we correctly stated in our March 27 email that Ms. Finney “accused Koch of a connection with the tragic circumstances surrounding the Trayvon Martin matter. ‘Who was the Typhoid Mary for this horrible outbreak,’ Finney asked. She then stated, ‘It’s the usual suspects the Koch brothers…the same people who stymied gun regulation at every point who funded and ghost write these laws.’” Your email brushes this aside by playing semantics and ignoring the fact that Ms. Finney’s statements were dishonest and baseless. In addition, you fail to even mention our concerns about activist Van Jones’ false and malicious statements on the April 8th Ed Show that, “You’ve got all of the passion around Trayvon and what a horrible injustice that was and you can draw a direct line to the Koch brothers.”
In light of this information we struggle to understand how your approval of MSNBC’s refusal to post our statement concerning this matter is consistent with either journalistic ethics or accountability. Your claim that our statement was not in response to Ms. Finney’s false statements misses the point. We issued that statement the day before Ms. Finney’s comments because of our concerns that extremists like Ms. Finney and MSNBC would repeat the malicious lies that The Nation and Mother Jones had first published. Our experience the past few years has been that MSNBC often repeats the outrageous and distorted allegations about us that are first set forth in the far left blogosphere. Unfortunately, this has happened once again in this situation and you chose not to address it.
Your offer for us to appear on an MSNBC broadcast with either Ms. Finney or Lisa Graves, another activist who has dishonestly attacked us in the past, does not cure the harm that Koch has suffered through Ms. Finney’s and Mr. Jones’ false statements. Further, given our past experiences with MSNBC, Ms. Finney, and Ms. Graves, we are concerned that MSNBC will allow them to concoct other lies on the broadcast that we will have to correct, at the same time you and MSNBC have not permitted us to post a statement responding to the past lies by Ms. Finney and Mr. Jones. Because of MSNBC’s track record on ignoring even modest efforts at accurate and balanced coverage, we have no faith that appearing on a live broadcast would be anything other than a forum for Ms. Finney or Ms. Graves to unfairly attack us and make up new false story lines.
Given your failure to address this situation in any meaningful or appropriate manner, we are now forced to weigh other options in addressing the harm done to us by MSNBC’s reckless and willful broadcast of Ms. Finney’s and Mr. Jones’ false statements.
Melissa Cohlmia
There you have it. At MSNBC, lies are all in a day’s work, as long as they serve a political agenda. The network has no interest in defending the truth of the smears it publishes, or in correcting its lies, or even in posting a rebuttal to them. MSNBC is all politics, no journalism. And note that the inadequate responses to Koch’s complaints came from MSNBC’s parent, NBC. It appears that NBC is satisfied with the complete lack of journalistic integrity shown by MSNBC and its rabid hosts and guests. One wonders: have they no shame, at all?

04-21-2012, 05:05 PM
OMK wrote: "lies are all in a day’s work, as long as they serve a political agenda." Chutzpah is something this fellow owns surely with his own use of lies to smear his critics here on this board. Do you work for the Koch brothers OMK? Or for Fox?

The clear linkage between the Koch brothers and the gun agenda in the US is well established. So a degree of guilt by association is a fair comment. Read what was actually said. You and the Kocj people re getting very fired up over a suggestion that an envvironment was created in which this killing occurred. Nothing more. Contrast this with Fox's frequent lies and blasts again the Obama administration especially by former presenter Glenn Beck.

Look at the ue of words in that final ludicrous letter from Melissa Cohlmia. "far left blogosphere""extremists""malicious lies".

And Mr OMK's malodorous summing up at the end. Well for someone who is himself so given to lying, to bullying, to falsehoods and the rest the hypocrisy is a bright shining beacon that reveals his own poisoned agenda.

04-21-2012, 05:27 PM
Good reads on the Koch brothers.


04-21-2012, 05:57 PM
More on Koch, gun control and ALEC


Karen Finney: NRA And ALEC Played "Huge Role" In Passing "Shoot First" Laws Across The Country | Media Matters for America (http://mediamatters.org/mmtv/201203230006)

Media Matters&#39; Rabin-Havt On Current TV: Koch Brothers Are "Behaving Like Petulant Children" By "Lashing Out At Critics" | Media Matters for America (http://mediamatters.org/mmtv/201204200007)

04-21-2012, 06:08 PM
Nice work, Prospero, Money talks. Unfortunatly so does OMK.

04-21-2012, 06:46 PM
what's the point really? Humor?

You tell me.

04-23-2012, 01:12 AM
B.S.....Ok indulge me here. Which doesn't belong any why? In other words...is this 2 pictures of Fred Savage now and then, or 2 pics of Rachel Maddow now and then? I'm hard pressed to tell.

And this just breaking.......have you heard the one about Fox and Friends beating the CBS Morning Show (with snooring progressive Charlie Rose) in 6 out of the top 20 media markets last week? Check it out unless you need me to provide the data. Not good news for you and MMA.

04-23-2012, 01:27 AM
Nice work, Prospero, Money talks. Unfortunatly so does OMK.

ROTFLMAO...Nice work? He posted a couple links from the far left Nation magazine and the link including Karen Finney had the MMA logo right on the screen. Are you suggesting they're real journalists presenting facts? ( still laughing) Are you suggesting the Koch's are doing anything different than Soros or any other advocacy group? I mean don't you find any irony in a tax exempt group whining about conservatives funding advocacy? You 2 stooges better get back to the drawing board, cause this shit's weak.

Why is it when conservatives fight back against slander..they're acting like petulant children ? When you or him find some answers to the qustions the Koch Brothers posed in thier letter to MSNBC...get back to me. Otherwise I'll be sleep walking through your posts.

04-23-2012, 02:55 AM
When you or him find some answers to the qustions the Koch Brothers posed in thier letter to MSNBC...get back to me.

Didn't somebody mention an "ignore" button? .....uh, where is it?

04-23-2012, 06:11 AM

04-23-2012, 06:38 AM
Ever notice how Fox and Hee Haw use pretty much the same formula?

04-23-2012, 10:11 AM
What having a bunch of white people on tv? Like that is anything new

04-23-2012, 10:11 AM
Hey OMK - the substantive and well researched articles from the new York review of books and The New Yorker are hardly propoganda from the "hard left." (A misnomer if ever I heard one. The hard left does not really exist in the US in any substantial way. Tour Democrats are about as left wing as the Conservative Party in the UK).

Offer us please some substantial and well researched material on just how you can justify comparing the well established and malign political shennanigans and influence of the Koch brothers and that of George Soros please. i will guarantee that I will certainly read it (though i suspect you don't bother to read longer well researched arguments which challenge your agenda? Do you?)

04-24-2012, 02:18 AM
Vindication once again. But the larger question is..........if the AP, the left wing blogs, and the 3 major networks que on what the Times says, and it's laced with bias.. and you all get your news from them...........what does that make you? lmao

In 2008, NY Times ‘Basked’ In ‘Warm Glow’ Of Obama Election, Now Takes ‘Hard Look’ At President

by Noah Rothman (http://www.mediaite.com/author/noah-rothman/) | 8:37 am, April 23rd, 2012
» 68 comments (http://www.mediaite.com/online/in-2008-ny-times-basked-in-warm-glow-of-obamas-election-now-takes-a-hard-look-at-the-president/#disqus_thread) http://static01.mediaite.com/med/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/new-york-times-headquarters.jpg (http://www.mediaite.com/online/in-2008-ny-times-basked-in-warm-glow-of-obamas-election-now-takes-a-hard-look-at-the-president/attachment/new-york-times-headquarters-2/)On Sunday, in an editorial entitled “A Hard Look At The President (http://www.nytimes.com/2012/04/22/opinion/sunday/a-hard-look-at-the-president.html), New York Times public editor Arthur Brisbane chides his colleagues, his paper and himself for forgetting their duties as reporters when Barack Obama ran for president in 2008. This time around, Brisbane says that the Times has a duty to vet the president more thoroughly.

“Four weeks ago, I criticized The New York Times for overplaying an article on an investment made by Ann Romney’s blind trust,” Brisbane began. “The article was but one installment of the intense campaign coverage scrutinizing Mitt Romney as he bids for the Republican presidential nomination. During this period, we haven’t heard as much from The Times about President Obama’s re-election effort.”

Like a lot of America, it basked a bit in the warm glow of Mr. Obama’s election in 2008. The company published a book about the country’s first African-American president, “Obama: The Historic Journey.” The Times also published a lengthy portrait of him in its Times Topics section on NYTimes.com, yet there’s nothing of the kind about George W. Bush or his father.
Brisbane cites reports that show the Times gave President Obama more favorable coverage than his Republican competitors, or his GOP predecessors President Bush 43 or his father, George H.W. Bush. Brisbane praises his colleagues, who see themselves as “aggressive journalists;” he does not attribute bias against to any directive or concerted effort. However, he says that this bias makes its way into even apolitical reporting.

Still, a strong current of skepticism holds that the paper skews left. Unfortunately, this is exacerbated by collateral factors — for example, political views that creep into nonpolitical coverage.
To illustrate, Faye Farrington, a reader from Hollis, N.H., wrote me earlier this year in exasperation over a Sunday magazine article about “Downton Abbey,” the public television series, in which the writer slipped in a veiled complaint about Mitt Romney’s exploitation of the American tax code.

04-24-2012, 02:51 AM
Hey Knees......if 9 out of 10 people think you're an asshole.......that means you're an asshole.

04-24-2012, 04:09 AM
The 1960 electoral college map. Blue states were won by Kennedy-Johnson; red states by Nixon-Lodge. Orange represents Democratic electors who refused to vote for Kennedy because of his pro-civil-rights stand.

04-24-2012, 05:29 AM
1968 electoral map.

04-24-2012, 06:27 AM
This just in, Fox & Friends' Steve Doocy makes up an Obama quote to attack the president. Nothing new here, just another day at Fixed News. "Fair & Balanced" = Media arm of the GOP.


04-24-2012, 09:04 AM
Vindication once again. But the larger question is..........if the AP, the left wing blogs, and the 3 major networks que on what the Times says, and it's laced with bias.. and you all get your news from them...........what does that make you? lmao

It makes me an informed observer of American politics, albeit, as I have said before, without many of the nuances that would be obvious to someone living there -and excepting the tv and broadcasting channels which I cannot watch and would not want to. Coverage of the USA is extensive here, compared to other countries -most people in the UK know more about the American scene than the French, for what that's worth.

I can't be the only person who reads the NY Times with my own opinions -do you really think the average reader thinks: well its says X in the Times so it must be true? I often base my reactions on the author -most informed people know what kind of angle on a topic they are going to get from Krugman, Friedman, Kakutani and so on -that's why we read/disagree with them. The weight of the argument in this thread is on people who don't think about politics most of the time, and are swayed by the tone of the mass media and the relentless repetition by some outlets of their pet hates -the opposite of the debate that takes place between informed people.

04-24-2012, 09:13 AM
OMK never ever responds with anything of any substance when asked serious questions. I havea sked him to offer a substantial and well researched piece supporting his assertion that there is any comparable interference in the political landscape of the US by George Soros to compare with that of the Koch brothers. The response. Nada.

04-24-2012, 05:16 PM
Here's a good read.


04-24-2012, 07:04 PM
Here's a good read.


I agree with some of it, but there are seriously wrong arguments too: I don't think much of the Daddy/Mommy concept, and it isn't relevant in the key points he then makes about economic policy and the military. He claims that
"From the end of World War II to the early 1970s, Democratic economic policies prevailed, and the large-scale indicators were strongly positive: the US debt-to-GDP ratio declined dramatically, prosperity was so broadly shared that the gap between rich and poor narrowed, growth was both high and sustained, recessions were brief and mild."
Republicans who recall Eisenhower's two terms in which he did as much as he could not to spend taxpayer's money will presumably want some credit for this 'golden age' and also point to the budget-busting Vietnam War as well as LBJ's War on Poverty as contributing causes to increasing inflation and deficit in the 1960s. 1960 rather than 1970 should have been the cut-off date.

He then makes a major error when describing 9/11 as a military failure when it is an intelligence failure, a decline that began in the Reagan era (no surprises there). Here is Robert Baer (ex-CIA agent specialist in Arab/Muslim domains) damning the Reagan era decline in the quality of intelligence:
Referring to the CIA station in Bonn (capital of West Germany) c1988 Baer writes: [I]"Bonn didn't have a single Middle Eastern agent to run down leads -neither an Arab nor an Iranian. For that matter, it didn't have a single Muslim agent in all of Germany's enormous Islamic community, a failing that would become painfully obvious in the wake of the World Trade Center and Pentagon attacks when trail after trail began to trace back across the ocean to Hamburg and elsewhere" (Baer, See No Evil, 2002, p205). On p211 he remarks on the growing reliance on surveillance/satellite technology rather than 'eyes on the ground'.

Otherwise I agree with his remarks on the Project for a New American Century and the GOP dismissal of science, which I have commented on before.

04-24-2012, 07:13 PM
You're right Stavros on both of those points. Eisenhower has been subjected to a thorough re-examination recently and judged a far better and more prescient politician than previously thought. Good review of two new books about him the current NYRB.

And yes it was an intelligence failure rather than a military one. A book called The Looming Tower by Laurence Wright is a brilliant examination of the years leading up to 9/11.

04-24-2012, 08:07 PM
The full review requires a subscription but never mind. I did read a critical article on Eisenhower a year or so ago which claimed that in private Eisenhower regretted the stand he took on Suez and was a bible-thumping extremist. In retrospect, however, Reagan emerges as the most obvious competitor to Nixon as the most destructive President of the post-war era, from the drug-peddling that was managed by Oliver North that infected millions of Americans with expensive, crime-inducing drug habits, to the subsidies given by American tax-payers to Israel on the one hand, and Pakistan and the Afghan Mujahideen on the other; from the colossal expenditures on the military, to the re-construction of the domestic economy as a slaughterhouse of opportunity for the majority, and a buy-one-get-ten-free tax-brothel for the rich.

04-25-2012, 03:26 AM
Whose bright idea was this, anyway??

04-25-2012, 04:40 AM
And the parade continues. Those who cry the loudest about inequality traffic in daily on the liberal networks. The list of serial liberal misogynists grows unabated, ( Matthews, Maher, Olbermann, Bashir, Shultz) and there you sit dumb and blissful in your ignorance making inane, sophmoric posts about Fox News. You all don't need to look for a war on women....you're engaged in it and advancing .
When a left wing site like Mediate takes liberals to task about their hypocrisy............ya think there's a problem? But you keep watching...you're getting more educated by the day ! lmao

Martin Bashir: By Talking About It, Sarah Palin Was ‘Bragging’ About Secret Service ‘Checking Her Out’

Martin Bashir (http://www.mediaite.com/power-grid/person/?q=Martin+Bashir) spent some time talking to Obama 2012 Press Secretary Ben Labolt yesterday, attempting to highlight the absurdity of how conservatives have embraced the fact that, as a child, President Obama ate dog meat. Except Bashir inadvertently ended up sideswiping Sarah Palin (http://www.mediaite.com/power-grid/person/?q=Sarah+Palin) in a story in which she had no fault, and claiming that her assertive retort at being “checked out” in 2008 by a Secret Service worker constituted “bragging.”

Bashir began a question to Labolt noting the comments about President Obama and dog eating, and took a sharp turn when playing a clip of Palin saying (http://www.mediaite.com/tv/sarah-palin-reacts-to-news-that-secret-service-agent-in-scandal-was-on-her-08-security-detail/) she hoped Secret Service Agent David Chaney was “put in the doghouse” for being so degrading to her. “Sarah Palin’s comment in relation to the Secret Service issue where she also bragged about being checked out… what’s this about?” Bashir asked. Labolt replied only to the question on dogs, asking “when the Republicans are next going to surface an attack on a 6-10 year old.”
It was a short, possibly throwaway, but potentially dangerous comment to make about a victim of sexism in the workplace. Dangerous because Bashir commands an audience by virtue of a perch in national media, one from which he has effectively whitewashed completely disrespectful and inappropriate behavior as something to “brag about.” No rational person considers being objectified while on the job– particularly as serious a job as campaign for second in command of the free world– something to “brag” about. Being open about the experience of being thoroughly disrespected as person in general and woman in particular is not bragging, and to use such language to describe what Palin is doing here is to shift the burden of responsibility upon her. It is a more subtle and, perhaps because of this, more acceptable version of the “she asked for it” argument. Surely, Bashir implies, publicly overcoming the sort of institutional sexism that makes people like Chaney believe his open salivating constitutes professional behavior means that said open salivating could not have been “that bad.” Surely, Bashir implies, this is nothing to make hay over. The message being sent to female politicians– and, worse, girls who might aspire to being politicians– is that they must accept this objectification with their mouths shut, lest they be accused of “bragging.”
The problem with Bashir’s comment is not a partisan one– in fact, it highlights precisely what many, particularly conservative, women consistently argue about the gender problem in the media: it cuts both ways. Bashir is an ideological liberal, and has aligned himself on what he considers the “right” side of the War on Women, the one that wants to protect their rights. The side that respects women while conservatives try to control their lives. He likely saw no conflict between this position and his designation of objectification as an experience that proffers bragging rights, as so many on both sides of the aisle have only a one-dimensional appreciation of sexism. On one side, sexism is only the denial of certain reproductive rights or entitlements. On the other, sexism is calling a female politician “shrill” or “stupid,” or making offensive comments. Somehow, few seem to notice that these things go hand-in-hand, and fighting only one does little to advance the cause of gender equality.
One can argue, and many liberals do, that Palin has done the feminist movement harm– either because of her stance on abortion or any other ideological belief she holds. No one can reasonably argue that setting an example by openly discussing sexism in the workplace does women anything but good. For this, Palin should be commended, not labeled a braggart, and someone who spends as much time chastising others (http://www.mediaite.com/tv/martin-bashir-gets-into-awkward-discussion-with-rep-joe-walsh-over-his-child-support-controversy/) for their treatment (http://www.mediaite.com/tv/msnbc-panel-displays-stunning-lack-of-self-awareness-in-analysis-of-the-war-on-women/) of women (http://www.mediaite.com/tv/martin-bashir-helpfully-spells-out-ct-on-msnbc/) should know better.

04-25-2012, 09:35 PM
Why won't people take Sarah SERIOUSLY??????

SARAH PALIN SWIMSUIT COMPETITION!! Miss Alaska Pageant 1984 ... - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rSdFIDygFwM)

hey check that ass!!

04-25-2012, 11:42 PM
James Bond: Do you expect me to talk?
Auric Goldfinger: No, Mr. Bond. I expect you to die.

04-26-2012, 05:44 AM
The Simpsons.

04-26-2012, 07:19 AM
And the parade continues. Those who cry the loudest about inequality traffic in daily on the liberal networks. The list of serial liberal misogynists grows unabated, ( Matthews, Maher, Olbermann, Bashir, Shultz) and there you sit dumb and blissful in your ignorance making inane, sophmoric posts about Fox News. You all don't need to look for a war on women....you're engaged in it and advancing .
When a left wing site like Mediate takes liberals to task about their hypocrisy............ya think there's a problem? But you keep watching...you're getting more educated by the day ! lmao

OMK thinks Bashir's throw-away comment = war on women.

Not a war on women:
Limbaugh calling an unknown women a slut for 3 straight days on his national program...
GOP national platform is defunding Planned Parenthood and all the women's health services they provide...
GOP state legislators who want to force women to have unnecessary trans-vaginal procedures against their will...

Right, it's definitely Bashir and the liberals waging the war on women.

Thanks for the reminder about why no one takes what you think seriously.

Oh and LMAO

04-27-2012, 05:48 AM
Mr Natural

Mitt Romney talks in leaked tape about his precious horses and wife's "dressage" hobby - Hannity - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U16N2DJLzhc)

04-29-2012, 05:44 PM
Look for the new show on the Fox Money Channel this Fall at 6PM when Alito, Whats his Name and Scalia go over the day's ups and downs on Wall St.

04-29-2012, 05:50 PM
And don't miss the new Christian Values/Financial Strategy saturday morning show aimed at that all important 8-13 year old demographic.

04-29-2012, 05:59 PM
Christian values? interesting article from today's New York Times.


04-29-2012, 08:34 PM
aka whoever smelt it is actually who dealt it

04-30-2012, 06:36 PM
Christian values? interesting article from today's New York Times.

But surely the point is that far too many of the people who proclaim Christian beliefs and values show themselves to be hate-filled, narrow-minded bigots whenever they open their mouths?

There's a tendency by some on HA to condemn an entire religion or political party (and I may have been guilty of the latter myself on occasion :whistle: ) because of the actions or words of a few - thinking mostly of the militantly anti-Islamist faction tbh - but there's a serious risk that the hate-everyone-else-faction amongst evangelical Christians will ultimately serve to discredit all Christians in much the same way.

04-30-2012, 06:52 PM
I used to think all organized Religion was a racket, til my Dad died and the minister from the Church really swooped in and kept things from falling totally apart. Personally I think of religion as a guide for monks and holymen, but there is a school of religion that herds the flock, even if that herd is a bunch of unspecial nobodies.

05-01-2012, 03:26 AM
I used to think all organized Religion was a racket, til my Dad died and the minister from the Church really swooped in and kept things from falling totally apart. Personally I think of religion as a guide for monks and holymen, but there is a school of religion that herds the flock, even if that herd is a bunch of unspecial nobodies.

Please don't think that's what I was implying - I was raised as a presbyterian but in an enlightened environment both at home and church. Churches and individual Christians continue to do enormous amounts of good, usually quietly and unsung. It's the noisy, strident and controversial self-publicists that give the institution a bad name.

Dare I say it, there are plenty of strong parallels with other faiths, including Islam.

05-01-2012, 05:18 AM
LMAO....This is so perfectly fitting it needs no introduction. A white far left woman ...as white as rice claiming to be part of a minority group, and Harvard touting it !!!!!!!! Oh man, you can't make this shit up ! Nicely done Mrs. Warren...nicely done.
Hypocrisy on the march ! Hey AK ( ass Kisser) ...you got any minority roots that you're claiming?

Harvard trips on roots of Elizabeth Warren’s family tree

Officials touted her Native American lineage

http://cache.heraldinteractive.com/images/siteImages/reporters/HillaryChabot.jpg?1=1 By Hillary Chabot
Friday, April 27, 2012 - Updated 3 days ago
+ Recent Articles (http://bostonherald.com/news/regional/view.bg?&articleid=1061127454&format=&page=1&listingType=Loc#) + Email (hchabot@bostonherald.com)

Elizabeth Warren’s avowed Native American heritage — which the candidate rarely if ever discusses on the campaign trail — was once touted by embattled Harvard Law School officials who cited her claim as proof of their faculty’s diversity.
Warren’s claim, which surfaced yesterday after a Herald inquiry, put the candidate in an awkward position as campaign aides last night scrambled but failed to produce documents proving her family lineage. Aides said the tales of Warren’s Cherokee and Delaware tribe ancestors have been passed down through family lore.
“Like most Americans, Elizabeth learned of her heritage through conversations with her grandparents, her parents, and her aunts and uncles,” said Warren’s strategist Kyle Sullivan.

The Ivy League law school prominently touted Warren’s Native American background, however, in an effort to bolster their diversity hiring record in the ’90s as the school came under heavy fire for a faculty that was then predominantly white and male.
“Of 71 current Law School professors and assistant professors, 11 are women, five are black, one is Native American and one is Hispanic,” The Harvard Crimson quotes then-Law School spokesman Mike Chmura as saying in a 1996 article. The Crimson added that 83 percent of the Law School’s students believed the number of minority women on staff was inadequate.
“Although the conventional wisdom among students and faculty is that the Law School faculty includes no minority women, Chmura said professor of law Elizabeth Warren is Native American,” the Crimson wrote.
The Crimson noted Warren’s heritage again in 1998 when Lani Guinier became the first black woman tenured at the law school, mentioning that Warren was “the first woman with a minority background to be tenured.”
The Warren campaign said the candidate never authorized Harvard Law to claim her as a minority hire.
Sarah Marston, the current spokeswoman at Harvard Law School, said the school has had a change of heart when it comes to discussing Warren’s heritiage.
“The Law School’s current policy is to refrain from publicly commenting about the race or ethnicity of individual faculty members,” Marston said in a statement.
Harvard Law professor Charles Fried, a former U.S. Solicitor General who served under Ronald Reagan, sat on the appointing committee that recommended Warren for hire in 1995. He said he didn’t recall her Native American heritage ever coming up during the hiring process.
“It simply played no role in the appointments process. It was not mentioned and I didn’t mention it to the faculty,” he said.
Warren’s campaign said she has no recollection of discussing her Native American heritage with Harvard Law School faculty before her hire, and that her background came out later through conversations.
Fried said he learned about Warren’s Cherokee and Delaware background later when he found a picture of Warren’s mother and asked her about it. Both Warren’s grandparents on her mother’s side had Native American lineage, her campaign said yesterday.
Christopher Child, a genealogist at the New England Historic and Genealogical Society, traced back Warren’s family to her great-grandfather on her mother’s side and couldn’t find any proof of Native American heritage.
“In her immediate pedigree there is no one who is listing themselves as not white,” said Child, who has researched the heritage of several prominent politicians.

Despite claiming she never used her Native American heritage when applying for...

He added that finding Native American lineage is not always easy: “Both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama claim to have Native American heritage, but we were never able to find evidence of that, and in both cases we traced their ancestry fairly thoroughly.”

05-01-2012, 05:41 AM
Did that last yawn inspiring post have anything whatsoever to do with this thread? Stay on target, Luke. Stay on target.

05-01-2012, 05:53 AM
omk, you are just so tiresome, with your seemingly endless one-club constructions aridly churning over the same old shit again and again.

We get it. You don't like anyone with a liberal cast of mind, consider us all to be hypocrites, and yet you're still here clinging to a savage right-wing agenda which would happily see this site and everyone on it condemned out of hand by the politics that you blithely espouse. That seems to be about as tight a definition of hypocrisy as I can muster. You're like Savonarola, but without the sense of humour or lightness of touch.

Minority origins? Full-blooded and proud Scot for three centuries with some distant Scandinavian mix from the days when the east coast of Scotland traded regularly with the Baltic.

So now you know where I came from, what I do for a living, and what I believe, but in the meantime you remain a shadowy figure crouched behind your keyboard, anonymously spewing forth your aimless venom at almost everyone except the occasional racist jerk who wanders in.

Unlike some, I'm glad you're still here, because it demonstrates that HA remains an enlightened and broad-minded place at heart. But make no mistake pal, you're out on the margins and on your own. Perhaps you're happy there, but it must get lonely at times.

Now give it, and all of us, a rest. Please.

05-01-2012, 12:38 PM
It's OK that losers are sore, I was plenty sore the eight years W was in charge. The Obama Election Machine hasn't even turned the ignition key yet. Romney doesn't have one original idea different from the Bush Administration. It has been funny watching the etch-a-sketch Conservative Media try and slip left without looking like fools. Even OMK has to know Bush was poison to the entire WORLD, and Romney is the same old BS in a new can. Nobody wants another Bush in the Whitehouse. The Obama Election Team is going to turn all the lights on and watch the roaches scatter.
"Anybody but Obama" isn't a resounding pulpit of confidence to preach from. The Republicans got nothing but pick-up trucks, dogs, and Rush Limbaugh, who they deny knowing exists.

05-01-2012, 12:56 PM
Fuck - if ever i needed reminding that politics is boring as fuck - this thread does it.

Imagine Margaret Thatchers face doing a shit. Imagine.

Nice huh ?

05-03-2012, 01:55 AM
What a fucking shame. LMAO. I guess those of you that get your "real news" from CNN are shrinking by the day. The problem with CNN ? They're as bias as NBC and NPR but pretend they're not. And the guy at 9pm who's sending viewers fleeing proves my point...Americans are fond of Brits...not just arrogant liberal ones.


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The era of the old media is over. CNN had the lowest rated month in eleven years in April (http://www.deadline.com/2012/05/cnn-has-its-lowest-rated-month-in-more-than-a-decade-in-april/); the last time CNN had ratings this bad, the date was August 2001. CNN had a grand total of 357,000 viewers, and just 108,000 in the crucial 25-54 age group. That puts them off 21% in total viewership and 29% in the 25-54 age group for the year. Fox News, by contrast, was up 2% to 1.1 million viewers overall and 1% to 273,000 viewers in the 25-54 group. MSNBC held steady with 425,000 viewers and 139,000 in the 25-54 age group.

All of CNN’s shows have taken a massive hit. John King USA lost 41% in its 25-54 age group. The shining star of the group was Piers Morgan, which was down only 14% at 9 p.m. In primetime, CNN was down to a two-year low. Fox News was even from last year, and MSNBC was down slightly.

So why is CNN falling apart, while the other networks seem to be holding steady? The other networks make no bones about their worldview. Everyone knows that Fox slants slightly conservative; MSNBC slants heavily liberal. CNN, however, pretends that it is down-the-middle when it is obviously slanted to the left.

The old media is done in the sense that the old media pretends at objectivity when everyone can see their obvious bias, and they pay the price for that big lie. Fewer and fewer people are getting their news from television; more are getting it from the internet.