View Full Version : Scarey Online Confrontations...

Vicki Richter
01-16-2004, 10:36 AM
You know... I know a lot of normal shemales, but there are so many that are just downright out there.

This week I had a huge confrontation out of the blue with a 90's porn star whose first name starts with B and last with an S. She seriously started off a conversation (yes using an alias) totally attacking me. It was pretty unsettling. I saved the conversation's IM for reference. I mean try rationalizing with someone who hates you for no reason (at least not one that they will tell you) with a hate deeper than anything you could actually provoke. Ugh.

Anyway, sit in an AOL chat room and you will get both sides of the equation. The whackiness factor, and then the cool people just bored and doing the chat thing.

BTW - I don't come here to plug my website. I just come here to come here. It seems like a good ratio is about once every 3 weeks or so.


hahah.... just kidding

01-16-2004, 03:54 PM
Vicky you are so hot , come on down to NY and get your groove on! Lots of guys out here who will take good care of you.

01-16-2004, 05:21 PM
Oh you got the Baldy Scott treatment? I'm surprised it took this long, she must have been through everyone else.
This sad, lonely individual thinks she has the right to abuse everyone in the TS porn industry because she was the first TS in a Joey Silvera video. She's malicious, slanderous and just an evil bitch in my opinion and there are plenty of people who have had shit from her over the years - including I think this website.
Ignore her and she gets bored pretty fast. She's tried some pretty low stuff with me and this technique works. Just an ugly old queen who never capitilsed on her early success and is bitter at the world.
Crawl back into your hole Smeagol.

01-16-2004, 05:45 PM
Brandy Scott = Baldy Scott LOL!!

01-17-2004, 05:02 PM
hahaha....smeagol. crazy funny seanchai! :lol:

Vicky please don't pay her any attention.
Hey you're beautiful dammit! Don't wast any time on washed up people with hate in their blood. You probably made her day just by actually giving her the time of day. You should have sent her your autograph, i know deep down that's all she really wanted. :D

Keep doing what makes you happy & the rest will fall into place. You can't please everyone so take it all in stride as you move on & upward!

Much love Vicky.

Smeagol pic below:

01-17-2004, 06:59 PM
hmmm B.S. is it? :wink: if u know what i mean

01-20-2004, 06:59 AM
She makes Nomar's nose look small.

01-20-2004, 08:54 AM
I know that this is slightly off topic, but at the same time it fits in with the general idea of "scary online confrontations"...just in a totally different manner.

Although I certainly embrace my affection and interest in tgirls, I've been extremely reluctant in regards to letting people in my personal life know about this, whether it be my friends, family, coworkers, or whatever. I know that when one turns 20 they're generally supposed to put those inhibitions aside, and I have for the most part...just when it comes to my small hometown, I generally wanted to keep a low profile in this respect. My town isn't exactly known for its tolerance, let me put it that way.

Anyways, I have a profile on yahoo on which I had my first name, location, self picture, etc etc...and one of those links under interest that went to a list of people interested in Connecticut Tgirls.

Apparently one of my friend's ex-girlfriends found my profile somehow, then proceeded to tell a bunch of her friends that still live in my hometown. I received IM's from 4 different girls (when I'm offline, naturally) telling me how much of a "faggot freak" I am. I have enough fun dealing with anxiety from transferring colleges among a number of other situations in regards to my college career on top of virtually all of my grandparents falling into failing health...and tonight I find this out. I'm not sure how I should handle this, but I do know that I'm very overcome by anxiety due to this whole situation. The last thing I need is for my house to be vandalized just because of my sexual preferences, which is something that will almost definitely happen in the next few days.

Are there any other guys here from smaller towns that have encountered anything remotely close to this?

01-20-2004, 04:34 PM
Move to New York and leave them all behind. You'll problably make more money and be happpier than any of your old small town friends. Fuck them!

01-21-2004, 01:23 AM
I'm not so sure it's any better in New York. I'm 46 and the buddies I grew up with would not consider themselves homophobic in the least way, but I can't bring myself to tell them about my tranny preference. Look at what happened to those blokes in the UK who were tricked into coming onto Miriam. they freaked. we still gota long way to go before people will tolerate lifestyles that are different than their own.

01-21-2004, 04:53 AM
Same goes for me, in the sense that I lead a pretty conventional lifestyle and my penchant for T-girls is a complete mystery to all who know me.

Dan, I sympathise with you, because it's nobody's business what floats your boat, but unfortunately there are small-minded wankers all over the world who get off on being total cunts to anybody whom they perceive as 'different'.

I think that generally these people who, not being able to afford a Ferrari to compensate for having a small penis, pick fights instead.

You might be better off getting out of smalltown and into a city where there is diversity and a bit more anonymity.

Best of luck whatever...

On the subject of NYC, though, I've said it before but it sounds the place to be. Why not give it a go?

01-21-2004, 03:36 PM
You can start fresh in New York and make tranny chaser friends like me LOL!

01-22-2004, 11:23 AM
I understand completly I live in a DC there is a nice size tranny community. But i could not tell people I know that I like tranny's.
Also I don't know a person that like's tranny's. That makes it hard.
I wish I could go out tranny chassing but in DC everyone knows some one that knows you!!! ................. also I was wondering if some one could show me around New York. What clubs have the hottest girl's
because i go to New York 2 times permonth But never been know were.

01-24-2004, 06:32 PM
Make a post a few days before you come to NYC & I'm sure well be able to give you a few hot spots to check out.


01-28-2004, 08:13 AM
For anyone who is curious, after I confronted the person who "outed" me, they dropped the issue pretty fast. It's nice to know that whenever you are straight-forward and assertive, jackasses put their tails between their legs and run away 99 percent of the time.

Taking an extended trip to NYC does sound pretty promising nonetheless.