01-13-2004, 08:50 AM
Steroids kill man. Next time decaf.


01-13-2004, 08:50 AM
This is the only lifestyle/whatever where guys are nice to girls that treat them like shit. I suppose she doesn't view the guy who mailed that post to her as a tranny chaser. Mega, keep making your posts and don't hold any punches.

01-13-2004, 03:18 PM
Listen all of these girls have been shit on by most guys they have met since they became a T-girl.

If they meet a guy who is nice 9 times out of 10 he is in it for the thrill or they meet a guy that offers them the world just to go away once he is tired of them. Or she will meet a user or abuser.

So yeah I can see where these girls are a little hard edged or jaded I think it is the nature of their life.

As far as the person who showed her the post. I'd say it is a control issue. He wanted to have one up on whom ever she might see other than him so he showed her a bad thing someone said. It is a child hood " did you hear what so and so said about you" tale. It is a shame and childish.

To insult her is to give her cannon fodder. Just take the high road.


P.S. sorry to hear about the bust.

01-13-2004, 03:57 PM
i said it before and i'll say it again, most of these girls are head cases and they fuck it up for the good girls out there. And rather than go out and treat all the girls like psychos you still treat them with class but in return they you like the guy who fucked them over once. guy is 110% correct, and the only people we guys have to blame is ourselves. and I don't even think anyone told jasmine shit, I'm sure she and other girls lurks on these boards cuz some broad had her picture removed earlier and i always see them girls in the chat rooms talking about posts and shit.

01-13-2004, 07:46 PM
I totally agree , which leads me to belive that its really useless to consider having a relationship with a tranny. I prefere to pay for it and have no strings attached. Ive tried when I was younger to a have a relationships and it always ends in drama. Thats just my experince.
I met Jazmine once and I remeber her asking me if I would ever consider seriously dating a TS. My repsonse was NO! After I cum Im done.

01-13-2004, 07:52 PM
i call bullshit. maybe not me or you or the guys on this board, but the majority of the guys on other sites, and The dudes that go to the escorts are part of the reason these girls are fucked in the head. Guys know the girls have a nasty attitude, know the girls are going to try and get over on em and still go see them? why? because they have a big cock, or because she's so pretty etc. etc. so of course the girls are going to get a swollen head and realize that they can basically tell a guy to eat shit and die and he'll still come at her. Over on Shemaleescortreview guys give girls bad reviews all the time, one after another and still you see a guy say some dumb shit like "oh well she's so pretty I'm going to risk it". Even at the tranny clubs you see the girls talk to the guys rude, curse at them, call them faggots and whatnot and like dumbasses the guys still chase after them. the majority of these girls have issues in their life but who among us doesn't have issues. my beef is these girls get a free pass to take that shit out on us guys, the ones who will admit to liking them. they'll shit on us and say some bullshit about they don't like guys that like trannys. the fuck? these girls are starting to believe they're really girls and totally forgetting they are a tranny and the only way they'll get a guy who doesn't like trannys is by tricking some dude.

01-13-2004, 08:38 PM
Haha, good posts guys. That's what Mega is always telling me, that some trannys don't like guys that like trannys. But that's because if she considers herself a straight woman she doesn't want a guy that likes her dick. That would make him a faggot in her eyes.

01-13-2004, 08:47 PM
The only problem with that is it's incorrect and a mental delusion. It's like a spanish girl saying "I don't date guys attracted to spanish girls". If they really prefer guys who don't like trannys they better get used to hearing "hey you nasty faggot get the fuck away from me" when they try and hook up with some random guy in the street

01-13-2004, 09:36 PM
I thought "d"'s last post was highly appropriate.

I've got to be honest and I know I'm in a slightly different position to most of the guys on this board as I meet girls in different circumstances but most of the girls I meet are great, it's the minority of them that fuck it up for the rest of them but I don't take shit from that minority - I'll snap them, pay them and send them on their way.
Even the extremely rare times I've taken a girl from a bar (and many of you were there when I did) I've had great timess with some great girls.
If guys keep frequenting the girls who get bad press on a risk it's no wonder that the girls think they can do as they wish.

01-14-2004, 12:58 AM
question for Mega and the board:
When a tranny is having sex with her hood rat boyfriend for her own pleasure, how come she doesn't look down on him? How come he's cool in her eyes, but the guys who pay for her are faggots?

01-14-2004, 01:15 AM
Because she probably didn't meet him at a tranny club and he didn't know she was a ts at first. I think some of these girls want to meet a guy that doesn't know what she is at first. Then she wants him to still be into her when he finds out she has a dick. What they probably don't want is a guy that goes for them solely because they have dicks. That is what they consider a faggot. I dunno, that's the impression I get from talking to some of 'em.

01-14-2004, 03:07 AM
thx NiceBod
I had to read your post a couple of times, but now it's starting to make sense.

01-14-2004, 03:30 AM
Maybe someone can word that better for me :)

01-14-2004, 05:24 AM
I'm not sure, you have to remember most of these "Hoodrats" either live around the girls or they meet them on the stroll. The girls are usually into these guys because:

they're about the same age as them
they have the same interests (music, weed, clothing, etc)
these guys aren't into anything (job or schoolwise) so they have all day and all night to play house
these young guys are usually cute and into all the latest styles (doo-rags, oversized basketball jerseys, you get the picture.)

Usually these same guys end up moving in with the girls, spending all the girls money or cheating on the girl with her roommate or some other girl. Every girl seems to have a horror story about some leech.