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View Full Version : Graduation Problems?!?!

02-17-2006, 12:40 AM
WTF!! I'm supposed to graduate this semester and am even in the top 10 percentile of my class and all of a sudden this?!?! Last semester I was told I required one more class to fit all my requirments and then just additional electives. When I went to see the professor to get added into the class (who happens to be the head of the department), I was told that the requirements had changed and that I already met them. So I didn't take the class. I'm so panicy right now. Just started searching around for a job. I'm so broke and had hopes for a higher paying job soon and to have that tugged out from under my feet. Had me even crying for a little while. Sent e-mails to a few of the people involved in my story to hope this gets straightened out. Wish me luck. Ugh.

02-17-2006, 12:48 AM
That sucks. Do they offer something along the lines of indepent study projects to fufill the requirements? Ask around.

Hope all goes well for you.

02-17-2006, 01:17 AM
I would think that if you explained this to the professor(head of the department), he would work something out with you. I mean, it is pretty much his fault. Though maybe the old fart doesn't remember.

02-17-2006, 02:09 AM
Wow, that really does suck. Angela, out of curiosity, what did you major/minor in? What do you want to do, professionally speaking?

I actually had something similar happen to me with the last MA that I finished. The IR department said that, given my specialty (Northeast Asian Security and Foreign Policy Analysis), I should take a certain class taught by some academic star from China. I took the course and did very well. A semester later, when I was ready to graduate, the administration informed me (and a host of other graduate students) that the head of our department had made a mistake and that we couldn't receive credit for the course. They wanted all of the students to stay an extra semester and take another class in it's place.

Long story short, I threatened them with litigation while also mentioning that my friends in the media would love a story like this (possible pending litigation notwithstanding). In the end, in order to get rid of me, they gave me credit for a course that I never took. Most of the remaining students were from overseas and didn't have access to the same sort of resources I did. As such, they all had to stay an extra semester and pay for yet another course (money for the original course was never refunded either). Talk about a shit storm.

Best of luck.


02-17-2006, 03:39 AM
WTF!! I'm supposed to graduate this semester and am even in the top 10 percentile of my class and all of a sudden this?!?! Last semester I was told I required one more class to fit all my requirments and then just additional electives. When I went to see the professor to get added into the class (who happens to be the head of the department), I was told that the requirements had changed and that I already met them. So I didn't take the class. I'm so panicy right now. Just started searching around for a job. I'm so broke and had hopes for a higher paying job soon and to have that tugged out from under my feet. Had me even crying for a little while. Sent e-mails to a few of the people involved in my story to hope this gets straightened out. Wish me luck. Ugh.
This happened to me in college too. I transferred and they said they would take 80 of my old credits. Turned out the advisor I had fucked up and only 1/2 of those were eligible. Ended up in my needing to attend for an extra year. I was REALLY pissed off. I threatened to sue, went all the way to the Provost, etc. - nothing mattered. It made me realize that college, at least for undergrads, is largely a scam designed to part students from their money. Bastards.

Good luck, Angela - go kick some of those bastards in the bollocks.

02-17-2006, 05:25 AM
I'm confused. :? Yah, like you didn't know already. :roll:

Did you get your credits? Or was the prof that said you did talking outta his ass?

Inquiring minds want to know. :)

I hope it all works out, because I know you have a lot on your plate without adding new stresses to the recipe.

I'm also curious about your major/goals. I take resumes. :)

Hey, I may be a nobody, but I got people. :wink:

02-17-2006, 05:28 AM
Good luck getting it straightened out, Angela. I was a little confused when reading your post: it sounded like you were all set ("I was told that the requirements had changed and that I already met them. So I didn't take the class") but I get the impression that you didn't get the credits that you expected. Good luck!

02-17-2006, 05:35 AM
Yah, what E said, it's unclear if you are "in" or "out" as it were. :?

I hate that shit. I deal with it on a work-related basis from time to time, and can understand how stressful it can be (And that's not counting the time and money aspect as relates to college credits).