View Full Version : This was first reported on a few days ago, in case you missed it.

Nicole Dupre
02-17-2012, 06:09 PM

This will be a very interesting event. Kansas meets downtown NEWARK, NJ (http://www.nj.com/news/index.ssf/2011/04/newark_homicides_up_64_percent.html); a match made in heaven! LOL


Nicole Dupre
02-17-2012, 06:12 PM
Welcome to our happy lil' hood. :)

Everythings Gonna Be Alright Naughty (ghetto bastard) By Nature - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j7VD5UpAXPo)

02-17-2012, 07:36 PM
I wonder how much of the stuff they churn out they actually believe in and how much is sheer publicity stunt?

Nicole Dupre
02-17-2012, 08:12 PM
I wonder how much of the stuff they churn out they actually believe in and how much is sheer publicity stunt?
It's hard or believe that anyone would endanger their children by dragging them along and handing them those signs, just to pull off an unpopular publicity stunt. But I guess it's possible. If there are people in the world who can sacrifice their children to Satan, I guess that anything's possible.

02-17-2012, 08:27 PM
It's hard or believe that anyone would endanger their children by dragging them along and handing them those signs, just to pull off an unpopular publicity stunt. But I guess it's possible. If there are people in the world who can sacrifice their children to Satan, I guess that anything's possible.

I have seen a couple of documentaries made for the UK on the church.

When I say "I have seen" what I mean is I looked at the trailer, or watched a couple of minutes or whatever. This stuff is more than I can stomach.

So I am aware of the key facts - particularly the bit about soldiers' funerals - which I find revolting.

There is a variant of that in the UK. One particular town was where they flew in the war dead, and at one point the radical British Muslims decided to stage a protest when the funeral procession was being honoured by the townsfolk.

Endangering your children is something I didn't know about. I've seen stuff in the US that looks feisty but actually looks quite safe. As in - let's just holler at each other.

Unpopular is relative. I understand that these people live off being unpopular aka extreme hard line religion. Or have I got that wrong too?

Nicole Dupre
02-17-2012, 08:37 PM
I dunno. I always see them taking their kids to these things. Maybe they think no one would hurt a kid. But that's a pretty risky assumption considering the signs they hand them.






02-17-2012, 10:20 PM
OK. Until now I had seen the stuff where 16 years 'n older might hold the posters while others bray.

I accept your point. Involve the toddlers. Nope. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong.

Strangely it does raise an interesting question. When I was very young, I was fed poison. Not about anything TS. About what was right and wrong in religion.

02-17-2012, 10:51 PM
OK. Until now I had seen the stuff where 16 years 'n older might hold the posters while others bray.

I accept your point. Involve the toddlers. Nope. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong.

Strangely it does raise an interesting question. When I was very young, I was fed poison. Not about anything TS. About what was right and wrong in religion.most people were fed bullshit when they were young,parental brainwashing isnt anything new.anybody who is old enough to think for themselves knows the difference from right or wrong and should be smart enough to question what was taught to them at a very young age.if everybody could think for themselves religeon would be a thing of the past period.as for these rasist homos at this church id say we burn it down with all the congragation locked inside just as we did in the branchdividion.

02-17-2012, 11:12 PM
I've been to Newark, met some cool people from there. That said, Newark is the GHETTO.

Protesting the funeral of NJ's favorite diva could be hazardous to one's health.
Hope nobody gets wounded.

Nicole Dupre
02-17-2012, 11:27 PM
I've been to Newark, met some cool people from there. That said, Newark is the GHETTO.

Protesting the funeral of NJ's favorite diva could be hazardous to one's health.
Hope nobody gets wounded.
Oh, there are some awesome people from Newark.

But I doubt they're going to lift a finger to help those crazy Topeka, KS inbreds. lol

Nicole Dupre
02-17-2012, 11:58 PM
most people were fed bullshit when they were young,parental brainwashing isnt anything new.anybody who is old enough to think for themselves knows the difference from right or wrong and should be smart enough to question what was taught to them at a very young age.if everybody could think for themselves religeon would be a thing of the past period.as for these rasist homos at this church id say we burn it down with all the congragation locked inside just as we did in the branchdividion.
They do have their defectors.

Westboro Baptist Church family disowns daughter — 20/20 - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=50r0CnKq7_k)

02-18-2012, 12:54 AM
Check out the movie 'Red State' by Kevin Smith if you haven't already seen it. It's on NetFlix Instant. While I'm sure it's not a direct reflection of what these creepo's are like, I'd bet it's not too far off.

Nicole Dupre
02-18-2012, 12:58 AM
Check out the movie 'Red State' by Kevin Smith if you haven't already seen it. It's on NetFlix Instant. While I'm sure it's not a direct reflection of what these creepo's are like, I'd bet it's not too far off.
Just watched the trailer. It looks good.

02-18-2012, 01:37 AM
Speaking of Jersey Gov Christie just vetoed the gay marraige bill :(
I have become so ashamed of the people I uesd to work for and represent :pissed: It is no surprise, but it has become too disgusting for words now that I am on the other side of the issue and understand the GOP's way and means of handling it:smh


Nicole Dupre
02-18-2012, 01:49 AM
He should veto second helpings and extra mayo on his plate. lol

02-18-2012, 01:57 AM
He should veto second helpings and extra mayo on his plate. lol

Ha! He is a little on the[ I]bigger than the refrigarator he is eating out of[/I] side. lol What is it about NJ and closet political figures anyway?

02-18-2012, 02:12 AM
Speaking of Jersey Gov Christie just vetoed the gay marraige bill :(
I have become so ashamed of the people I uesd to work for and represent :pissed: It is no surprise, but it has become too disgusting for words now that I am on the other side of the issue and understand the GOP's way and means of handling it:smh


Erika....as someone ( probably the only one) who has defended you when you were getting your brains bashed in, I gotta tell you I find this sudden political about face slightly north of disingenuous. Your rush to condemn almost everything you espoused just several months ago don't pass the smell test. I suppose a political transformation of this magnitude is possible, but it generally is far more gradual...so I'm not buyin' it for a second. Speaking of disingenuous....isn't your post just that? If someone didn't take the time to read the article, they'd be left thinking something completely different than what is actually the reality. Christie has said that it should be left to a referendum by the voters similar to what California did, and should be done in a presidential election to account for maximum participation. What a novel idea....let the public decide. If it passes on the ballot, he'll support it.

And now....back to the Westboro Baptist Church.

02-18-2012, 02:35 AM
Erika....as someone ( probably the only one) who has defended you when you were getting your brains bashed in, I gotta tell you I find this sudden political about face slightly north of disingenuous. Your rush to condemn almost everything you espoused just several months ago don't pass the smell test. I suppose a political transformation of this magnitude is possible, but it generally is far more gradual...so I'm not buyin' it for a second. Speaking of disingenuous....isn't your post just that? If someone didn't take the time to read the article, they'd be left thinking something completely different than what is actually the reality. Christie has said that it should be left to a referendum by the voters similar to what California did, and should be done in a presidential election to account for maximum participation. What a novel idea....let the public decide. If it passes on the ballot, he'll support it.

Onmyknees I am still a conservative at heart, but the way the GOP handles social issues that I now support is well :bs:
Remember I did "work inside the machine" I know what's up...
I am calling the bluff on the 'gay marraige' thing. Most real GOP politions use it a a fall back to scare the hell out of the relligous right to donate money...It is a 'Strawman argument' on its best day...on it's worst it just plain hate & bigotry...
I am not trying to argue with you at all, infact I think you are fairly modrate on your social issue views and thank you for support though the last year, I have also supported your ideas as well and still do on most issues.

Nicole Dupre
02-18-2012, 02:51 AM
Basically he believes that the majority should vote on the rights of the minority.

02-18-2012, 02:55 AM
He should veto second helpings and extra mayo on his plate. loli knew that fat fuck would hide behind the constitution, what a moron

Nicole Dupre
02-18-2012, 03:05 AM
i knew that fat fuck would hide behind the constitution, what a moron
He's not even doing that. He's talking out of both sides of his mouth. If the South had to vote on Civil Rights, which are supposed to be unalienable btw, you'd have all the rednecks deciding the outcome. What he said yesterday made no damn sense.

Screw it. What it comes down to is he's no friend of the NJ LGBT population.

02-19-2012, 12:10 AM
He's not even doing that. He's talking out of both sides of his mouth. If the South had to vote on Civil Rights, which are supposed to be unalienable btw, you'd have all the rednecks deciding the outcome. What he said yesterday made no damn sense.

Screw it. What it comes down to is he's no friend of the NJ LGBT population.

We hold these truths to be self evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Initiative in referendum , is what Christie is proposing can cut both ways. If you're in the minority on a particular issue, but can bring enough political pressure to bear on elected officials, then you'd probably prefer it not be put to the public for a vote. I myself would like the opportunity to vote on certain issues directly like I do with say a local school budget rather than elect these scum bags, turn them loose to be put out to bid to the highest lobbyist or interest group to fill next elections campaign coffers, only to be elected again and repeat the cycle. I see nothing wrong with putting it to a vote. In fact...Christie's view on gay marriage as I see it is pretty parallel to Obama's and Hillary's. But you'd never know that ....lol

Nicole Dupre
02-19-2012, 01:57 AM
I didn't give a political opinion. I watched the NJ news and heard Christie say something that made ZERO sense to me. Don't drag me into your faggy pissing contests. I didn't bring up Obama, and I didn't bring up Christie. YOU TWO LOSERS did. For the millionth time, I don't like ANY politicians. I just pay attention to trends that affect ME. PERIOD. Got that? Or do you want it in Chinese? German? Because I don't speak either. I speak basic fucking English.

Now can you two jackasses leave me the fuck alone with your political bullshit? I started this thread to point out how fucked up it is for these insane KS cult members to protest Whitney's funeral, and I will LMMFAO if they get any caps popped into them as a result.

Nicole Dupre
02-19-2012, 02:13 AM
This guy comes pretty close to expressing my "political views".

Kanaal van tenebroust - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/user/tenebroust#p/a/u/2/Hq-abkwEo2A)

Nicole Dupre
02-19-2012, 02:25 AM
It seems that those cult member lunatics wussed out today. Smart move. http://www.webpronews.com/whitney-houston-funeral-westboro-baptist-church-pickets-tweets-gods-hate-2012-02

02-19-2012, 03:25 AM
http://a5.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/401080_2625646519756_1213051514_2092990_166331195_ n.jpg

02-19-2012, 03:28 AM
This guy comes pretty close to expressing my "political views".

Kanaal van tenebroust - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/user/tenebroust#p/a/u/2/Hq-abkwEo2A)

Awesome! If Carlin and Jack Nicholson had a baby.....it might be him.......and he's reading Fingerprints of the Gods..........doesn't get any better than this!


Nicole Dupre
02-19-2012, 04:00 AM
Awesome! If Carlin and Jack Nicholson had a baby.....it might be him.......lol!

02-19-2012, 07:27 AM
The members of this so called 'church' got dropped on their heads a few times when they were kids. I lol'd hard when a member of Anon trolled the spokeswoman and hacked their website during a live interview. That was absolutely entertaining :D Westboro Baptist Church is a joke...

Anonymous Hacks Westboro Baptist Church Website During Live Confrontation - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OZJwSjor4hM)

Check out the video LOL. "So you claim the Internet was made just so the Westboro Baptist Church can spread their message? Then why did God allow gay dating websites?" "Am I going to Hell? In my lifetime I have committed over 9000 sins, so...." lol good stuff.

02-19-2012, 07:48 AM
Basically he believes that the majority should vote on the rights of the minority.

So the Majority should bend to the will of the Minority???

When something has been mostly one way (one man, one woman) for the last several thousand years, then perhaps this an issue the people of the state should vote on. Rather than having it forced upon them. If you have a good argument in favor of gay marriage then make it to the people of the State of New Jersey and respect democracy. There is a totalitarian strain amongst modern day Liberals in which they try to dispense with the trappings of democracy. A few months ago the governor of North Carolina suggested that congressional elections be suspended. Representative Jessie Jackson, Jr. advocated the president ruling by fiat.

If you have a good case then make it to the people, but don't complain when something as important as marriage is not rushed through.

02-19-2012, 08:01 AM
http://a5.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/401080_2625646519756_1213051514_2092990_166331195_ n.jpg

The real funny thing is that Fred Phelps and the Westburo Baptist church are not Conservatives. The Phelps clan are born and bred Democrats. In fact Mr. Phelps ran for governor in the Democratic primary several years ago. I don't know why everyone claims they are conservatives. As a conservative I tend to mind my own business, and as long as something is not hurting me I don't bother with it. I believe in a balanced budget, low taxes and a strong defense. The idiots from the Phelps clan picket at military funerals.

This is a relatively small church made up of mostly Phelps family members. In my opinion they operate as something as a cult. Their main claim to fame is an abiding hatred of gay people. I went to graduate school in Topeka with one of the Phelps daughters (and she always seemed a little off). I often wondered what happened in Fred Phelps background that he would become obsessed with gays.

If I don't like something or some group I stay away from it and don't think about it all the time. For example if like you don't like green peas and then spend all your time thinking about them. It makes no rational sense. If I didn't like something, I would not let it take up all my free time.

02-19-2012, 08:23 AM
The real funny thing is that Fred Phelps and the Westburo Baptist church are not Conservatives. The Phelps clan are born and bred Democrats. In fact Mr. Phelps ran for governor in the Democratic primary several years ago. I don't know why everyone claims they are conservatives. As a conservative I tend to mind my own business, and as long as something is not hurting me I don't bother with it. I believe in a balanced budget, low taxes and a strong defense. The idiots from the Phelps clan picket at military funerals.

This is a relatively small church made up of mostly Phelps family members. In my opinion they operate as something as a cult. Their main claim to fame is an abiding hatred of gay people. I went to graduate school in Topeka with one of the Phelps daughters (and she always seemed a little off). I often wondered what happened in Fred Phelps background that he would become obsessed with gays.

If I don't like something or some group I stay away from it and don't think about it all the time. For example if like you don't like green peas and then spend all your time thinking about them. It makes no rational sense. If I didn't like something, I would not let it take up all my free time.


Sounds like a DINO to me.

02-20-2012, 06:36 AM
I didn't give a political opinion. I watched the NJ news and heard Christie say something that made ZERO sense to me. Don't drag me into your faggy pissing contests. I didn't bring up Obama, and I didn't bring up Christie. YOU TWO LOSERS did. For the millionth time, I don't like ANY politicians. I just pay attention to trends that affect ME. PERIOD. Got that? Or do you want it in Chinese? German? Because I don't speak either. I speak basic fucking English.

Now can you two jackasses leave me the fuck alone with your political bullshit? I started this thread to point out how fucked up it is for these insane KS cult members to protest Whitney's funeral, and I will LMMFAO if they get any caps popped into them as a result.

LMFAO....I didn't give a political opinion either. I spoke of the merits of putting certain issues to a vote. Why is it faggy....?? Because you got confronted? You're the single most thin skinned person on these boards. You say the most controversial and confrontational shit, then god help anyone who calls you on it..Most won't....I will. Why do you get your panties in a knot when the thread doesn't go the way you want it? You absolutely do not like to be confronted...especially if shit isn't going your way. Stop lashin' out....it's tired.

02-20-2012, 06:42 AM
http://a5.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/401080_2625646519756_1213051514_2092990_166331195_ n.jpg

Ok....I get what George Carlin thinks, but he's dead....how about telling us what you think....? I know that thought is probably terrifying for you because you'll have to construct some sentences, and actually put some thought into it...but give it a shot. You might surprise us ! lol

Nicole Dupre
02-20-2012, 07:50 AM
LMFAO....I didn't give a political opinion either. I spoke of the merits of putting certain issues to a vote. Why is it faggy....?? Because you got confronted? You're the single most thin skinned person on these boards. You say the most controversial and confrontational shit, then god help anyone who calls you on it..Most won't....I will. Why do you get your panties in a knot when the thread doesn't go the way you want it? You absolutely do not like to be confronted...especially if shit isn't going your way. Stop lashin' out....it's tired.Oh, excuse me. You made an assumption about my political opinions while inferring your own. There's a big difference I suppose in your mind.

And I guess you feel like you're just a superhero for "confronting" me on my "controversial shit". But I'm not trying to create controversy. I'm being myself. Unlike you, I'm not plagiarizing news articles from the Washington Examiner as a way of stirring shit (http://www.hungangels.com/vboard/showpost.php?p=992584&postcount=236). But you want to talk about "tired". That's what I call "tired (http://www.hungangels.com/vboard/showpost.php?p=992584&postcount=236)" and a pretty good indication of you being completely full of shit and not very bright. But the fact is, I caught you doing it red-handed. So I suppose a little accuracy, and me just being me, intimidates you.

And I'm not sure what's "not going my way" in the thread, considering everything seemed fine until you got in my face about "Obama and Hillary"...

Christie's view on gay marriage as I see it is pretty parallel to Obama's and Hillary's. But you'd never know that ....lol

At this point, can you do me a favor? Before you assume anything else about what "I'd never know", can you go fuck your mom? Or fuck your dad? Or go soak your head in the toilet? Or go shit in your hat? Because I don't need you "on your knees" for me, poopsie. Trust me. I don't want you on my dick at all. I don't patronize people because they offer in PMs to blow me, or tell me how they "love the tats". Kindly leave me the fuck alone with your Hillary, Obama, and Christie theories and assumptions. Maybe go back to sucking Erika's dick.

02-20-2012, 09:20 AM
Politically, Fred Phelps is the best thing that ever happened to the TGLB community.

Nicole Dupre
02-20-2012, 10:19 AM
Let the record show that OMK is a redneck dumbass, and Nicole Dupre has proven it once again. I do hereby symbolically lift his face to my tight lil' asscrack and pass wind down his cocksucking throat.

*deafening applause

02-20-2012, 10:20 AM
LMFAO....I didn't give a political opinion either. I spoke of the merits of putting certain issues to a vote. Why is it faggy....?? Because you got confronted? You're the single most thin skinned person on these boards. You say the most controversial and confrontational shit, then god help anyone who calls you on it..Most won't....I will. Why do you get your panties in a knot when the thread doesn't go the way you want it? You absolutely do not like to be confronted...especially if shit isn't going your way. Stop lashin' out....it's tired.

Pot, is that you?!

02-20-2012, 10:25 AM
So the Majority should bend to the will of the Minority???

When something has been mostly one way (one man, one woman) for the last several thousand years, then perhaps this an issue the people of the state should vote on. Rather than having it forced upon them. If you have a good argument in favor of gay marriage then make it to the people of the State of New Jersey and respect democracy. There is a totalitarian strain amongst modern day Liberals in which they try to dispense with the trappings of democracy. A few months ago the governor of North Carolina suggested that congressional elections be suspended. Representative Jessie Jackson, Jr. advocated the president ruling by fiat.

If you have a good case then make it to the people, but don't complain when something as important as marriage is not rushed through.

Where to start with your statements above.....who the fuck gives anyone the right to dictate whom a person chooses to make their spouse? Fuck you and your traditions, your religion, and your pompous self-righteousness. Marriage is between two people and the state has no place in that equation - period.

02-21-2012, 06:36 PM
that's what I think about this church

Frank Zappa - Jesus Thinks You're a Jerk - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cQcE2dq3YD0)

02-21-2012, 07:51 PM
If a bunch of loons want to protest about some drunken druggie skank, let them. Or, why not go and counter protest if you don't like it.

Land of the free? Clearly not it seems. The Westboro' baptist church amuse me because they are just preaching the bible but at least are more consistent than most of the religious freaks who choose little bits of a crappy book to belittle others.

Soldiers? In their eyes they go and kill people. I can see why they dont like them, but thats for them to believe.

BTW, everyone on this thread is a fag and will burn in hell.. God hates you too.

Nicole Dupre
02-21-2012, 08:02 PM
If a bunch of loons want to protest about some drunken druggie skank, let them. Or, why not go and counter protest if you don't like it.

Land of the free? Clearly not it seems. The Westboro' baptist church amuse me because they are just preaching the bible but at least are more consistent than most of the religious freaks who choose little bits of a crappy book to belittle others.

Soldiers? In their eyes they go and kill people. I can see why they dont like them, but thats for them to believe.

BTW, everyone on this thread is a fag and will burn in hell.. God hates you too.
See you there. lol

02-22-2012, 05:09 AM
BTW, everyone on this thread is a fag and will burn in hell.Does that include you?

02-22-2012, 01:59 PM
yup... massive fag, queerboy, homo, tranny chaser, pervert, etc etc.. couldnt give a fuck what I would be labelled as.. it doesnt really offend me, i'm just a bloke behind a computer, cock in hand looking at tits and cocks

02-22-2012, 10:29 PM
yup... Massive fag, queerboy, homo, tranny chaser, pervert, etc etc.. Couldnt give a fuck what i would be labelled as.. It doesnt really offend me, i'm just a bloke behind a computer, cock in hand looking at tits and cocks

god bless amerika

02-22-2012, 10:39 PM
Betty Bowers Explains Traditional Marriage to Everyone Else - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OFkeKKszXTw)

Nicole Dupre
02-23-2012, 12:04 AM
That was awesome. lol