View Full Version : I Love Em !

02-15-2006, 10:03 AM
I have been thinking about this alot recently. I find myself more often now than in the past being more attracted to shemales. When I see a beautiful women on the street I often say to myself, now if only she has a cock. lol

It just hit me a few days ago when looking at a few pictures of Daniel Foxx that shemales are the most exquisit creatures on the earth. Think about it, they take such pride in their appearance, and really contain the best of both worlds.

I also appreciate the fact that it's easier to know when your pleasing a shemale... less chance of faking it with them. That's always been a pet peve of mine with women, not really knowing the truth with them. haha

95% of my "porn intake" is shemales now, when only like 2 years ago it was 5-10%. I'm a member of a few other forums but shemale forms take up the majority of my thoughts and energy. I just can't get over how fucking magnificant shemales are !!!!!!!!

02-15-2006, 09:51 PM
I was bored one day and nothing new was in any of my newsgroups and I checked out a shemale newsgruop and have been hooked ever since. the first picture that I clicked on was Nefertiti. Need I say more? Just something about them makes them more exotic then the average GG. I am also in the mode of 95% of my porn is shemale stuff. Just Gotta luv them!

:oops: :claps :jawdrop :peanutbutter :popcorn :rock2

02-17-2006, 07:58 AM
what other forums?