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View Full Version : Filesonic is Dead

01-23-2012, 12:29 AM
Wow more file sharing sites being taken down

Filesonic did this on it's own accord scared of what happen to Mega

01-23-2012, 12:30 AM
Srsly wow.

01-23-2012, 12:32 AM
And uploaded to has made it where American's can't use it either http://uploaded.to/

01-23-2012, 12:55 AM
hmmm im sure another site like it will be up in a few hours

01-23-2012, 01:35 AM
7 Charged as F.B.I. Closes a Top File-Sharing Site:


01-23-2012, 01:38 AM
This is bullshit.

01-23-2012, 01:57 AM
Upload.to is a temporary measure. I have an IP spoofing ap that mimics a British IP address so I can watch British tv online that is normally blocked off to the USA. just worked with Upload.to too. I think once they realize this, they'll do something else, but most likely change their system completely, or shut it down voluntarily.

01-23-2012, 03:01 AM
None of the ones I go to has been taken down.

Welcome to the United States. Home of the free...for now.

01-23-2012, 03:13 AM
lol good...I am glad they did it on their own accord rather than the United States world police coming in and doing it for them. Can't wait for the rest to be gone. Too bad more will just come along anyways.

01-23-2012, 03:25 AM
None of the ones I go to has been taken down.

Welcome to the United States. Home of the free...for now.ive never even heard of this file stuff is it popular?

01-23-2012, 03:40 AM
Peer 2 Peer is very popular. Most people use it for music and movie downloads, but people upload software, books, movies, music, tv shows and all kinds of stuff that get shared out.

01-23-2012, 03:44 AM
Peer 2 Peer is very popular. Most people use it for music and movie downloads, but people upload software, books, movies, music, tv shows and all kinds of stuff that get shared out.i use piratesbay is that the same thing?

01-23-2012, 04:06 AM
I agree that Piracy is a problem but letting our government go out and simply take down websites PRIOR to any trial or conviction is putting guilt before innocence and against the foundation of our judicial system. Not to mention I am completely against how the US government seems to think it has the right to decide what happens in other countries. No Single Nation OWNS The Internet or the right to access to information.

The take down of Megaupload and the fear that it has instilled in other sites is abhorrent because its not simply the take down of the illegal content it is the arbitrary take down of All content and that site itself without Trial and without oversight.

If the government wants to Block Sites on the Internet without Trial or burden of proof then I think All Sites that promote the freedom and sharing of information and ideas (such as Wikileaks, Google, or Wikipedia and even twitter and facebook) should all band together and Block all Known Goverment IP addresses belonging to the US government or the agencies that have practically bought and paid for seats in congress (yes Im talking to you MPAA and RIAA ya greedy bastards who dont pay your artists shit but spend Billions on lobbying)

NO GOOGLE FOR GOVERNMENT Lets see how they like their new version of the internet if we took away theirs.

The US Government is Broken, it is either time to fix it or toss it out in the trash and get a new one.

01-23-2012, 04:22 AM
I agree that Piracy is a problem but letting our government go out and simply take down websites PRIOR to any trial or conviction is putting guilt before innocence and against the foundation of our judicial system. Not to mention I am completely against how the US government seems to think it has the right to decide what happens in other countries. No Single Nation OWNS The Internet or the right to access to information.

The take down of Megaupload and the fear that it has instilled in other sites is abhorrent because its not simply the take down of the illegal content it is the arbitrary take down of All content and that site itself without Trial and without oversight.

If the government wants to Block Sites on the Internet without Trial or burden of proof then I think All Sites that promote the freedom and sharing of information and ideas (such as Wikileaks, Google, or Wikipedia and even twitter and facebook) should all band together and Block all Known Goverment IP addresses belonging to the US government or the agencies that have practically bought and paid for seats in congress (yes Im talking to you MPAA and RIAA ya greedy bastards who dont pay your artists shit but spend Billions on lobbying)

NO GOOGLE FOR GOVERNMENT Lets see how they like their new version of the internet if we took away theirs.

The US Government is Broken, it is either time to fix it or toss it out in the trash and get a new one.

I agree with this 100% I hate Piracy, but you can't go shutting shit down with out trial and due process. I even got angry emails and threats for stating this point of view LOOOOL

01-23-2012, 04:37 AM
I agree with this 100% I hate Piracy, but you can't go shutting shit down with out trial and due process. I even got angry emails and threats for stating this point of view LOOOOL

You Misunderstand. Im calling for sites such as Google and Wikileaks as well as forums like this one to VOLUNTARILY start blocking the US government until the the government starts to wake up and realize that it has over-stepped its bounds and has no right to block or take down sites or Remove things from search results.

I am not Calling for anyone to interfere with normally allowed traffic. Im calling for the sites themselves to ban an entity (in this case the US government) via IP that is a known threat to the freedom of the sites currently enjoy. This is no different than blocking any other IP address that you find to be hostile to your website, the government has skipped its judicial oversight so it should be considered hostile.

When Judicial Oversight is skipped that means sites like YOUTUBE, FACEBOOK, TWITTER, and even Forums like HUNG ANGELS could face take down without trial simply for the ACCUSATION of hosting any copyrighted content such as Images, quotes, or anything else. Forums, blogs, and social networks work because people are allowed to interact and these interactions can be found in search results. Put that at risk without even allowing the site owners to comply when informed of a copyright violation and these type of sites will cease to exist.

Id be more than happy to block all US government IP addresses from my site and would love to see if others would follow suit especially if it went beyond the adult industry to all threatened sites such as Wikipedia, Facebook, and Google. If the government is a threat to them why let the government use them...

Censorship through fear caused by threat has a name... and that is exactly the message the government sent when they take down sites prior to trial.

01-23-2012, 05:57 AM
You Misunderstand. Im calling for sites such as Google and Wikileaks as well as forums like this one to VOLUNTARILY start blocking the US government until the the government starts to wake up and realize that it has over-stepped its bounds and has no right to block or take down sites or Remove things from search results.

I am not Calling for anyone to interfere with normally allowed traffic. Im calling for the sites themselves to ban an entity (in this case the US government) via IP that is a known threat to the freedom of the sites currently enjoy. This is no different than blocking any other IP address that you find to be hostile to your website, the government has skipped its judicial oversight so it should be considered hostile.

When Judicial Oversight is skipped that means sites like YOUTUBE, FACEBOOK, TWITTER, and even Forums like HUNG ANGELS could face take down without trial simply for the ACCUSATION of hosting any copyrighted content such as Images, quotes, or anything else. Forums, blogs, and social networks work because people are allowed to interact and these interactions can be found in search results. Put that at risk without even allowing the site owners to comply when informed of a copyright violation and these type of sites will cease to exist.

Id be more than happy to block all US government IP addresses from my site and would love to see if others would follow suit especially if it went beyond the adult industry to all threatened sites such as Wikipedia, Facebook, and Google. If the government is a threat to them why let the government use them...

Censorship through fear caused by threat has a name... and that is exactly the message the government sent when they take down sites prior to trial.
No, I didn't misunderstand you, I agree with you completely. I've even tried to report links to google to get google to block sites search results, but nothing ever comes out of it.

01-23-2012, 06:04 AM
No, I didn't misunderstand you, I agree with you completely. I've even tried to report links to google to get google to block sites search results, but nothing ever comes out of it.

Ahh Then it was I who misunderstood you... You were commenting on taking an anti piracy stance the right way, I thought you were worried about taking a stance to defy the govenment... Duh... I should have known better, thats not you at all. :iagree:

01-23-2012, 07:35 AM
The US Government is Broken, it is either time to fix it or toss it out in the trash and get a new one.
:iagree:To quote the Declaration of Independence:
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it,

I find the wording interesting. "whenever (not if) any form of government..." Perhaps, the Founding Fathers foresaw a day when the very government they formed would turn against it's own founding principles.

01-23-2012, 08:00 AM
:iagree:To quote the Declaration of Independence:

I find the wording interesting. "whenever (not if) any form of government..." Perhaps, the Founding Fathers foresaw a day when the very government they formed would turn against it's own founding principles.

Yes it did, and most principally Thomas Jefferson had a lot of thoughts on the matter and was one of the chief guiding forces in making sure the government had certain limitations and was designed to be "FOR THE PEOPLE" not against the people.

Collected Quotes Of Thomas Jefferson---Any of this sound familiar today?

I hope we shall crush in its birth the aristocracy of our monied corporations which dare already to challenge our government to a trial by strength, and bid defiance to the laws of our country.

I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies.

When the people fear the government, there is tyranny. When the government fears the people, there is liberty
A Bill of Rights is what the people are entitled to against every government, and what no just government should refuse, or rest on inference.

All, too, will bear in mind this sacred principle, that though the will of the majority is in all cases to prevail, that will to be rightful must be reasonable; that the minority possess their equal rights, which equal law must protect, and to violate would be oppression

All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent.

01-23-2012, 08:16 AM
"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."

Edmund Burke

01-23-2012, 11:40 AM
Holy crap. Rapidshare better stay up, I use it for work.

Wait, does this mean Cloud Computing is basically dead?

01-23-2012, 11:56 AM
I believe Filesonic is allowing you to upload/download your own content as are some others. They've always been one of the better of the file lockers in applying the DMCA laws rapidly. Rapidshare also are fast (they got hit by a lawsuit a few yrs ago) and are no longer the pirates choice as they download so fast.
The biggest fucker is called Oron.com - they so obviously have pirates working for/with them and work on loopholes to get around the law.

01-23-2012, 01:58 PM
some one will take its place

01-23-2012, 07:24 PM
i use piratesbay is that the same thing?

Yes. I use demonoid and at times when it's something obscure I tend to find it on Piratebay.

01-24-2012, 03:05 AM
piratebay is a torrent site...an older version of piracy assistance. the file lockers like the others being discussed are just an easier way to get stuff than through torrents.

02-01-2012, 08:28 AM
Holy crap. Rapidshare better stay up, I use it for work.

Wait, does this mean Cloud Computing is basically dead?

No, it means that the federales are going to try and make it difficult for sites that base their income on pirating crap.

Megaupload was a long time in the works. It didn't happen overnight or a week or even a month.

02-01-2012, 08:30 AM
I believe Filesonic is allowing you to upload/download your own content as are some others. They've always been one of the better of the file lockers in applying the DMCA laws rapidly. Rapidshare also are fast (they got hit by a lawsuit a few yrs ago) and are no longer the pirates choice as they download so fast.
The biggest fucker is called Oron.com - they so obviously have pirates working for/with them and work on loopholes to get around the law.

Well, oron is the biggest, now that megaupload is gone...

02-01-2012, 12:43 PM
they be sites to take there place in hours

02-07-2012, 11:08 AM
good. keep closing them down. anyone who makes piracy a large business should be taken down.

02-07-2012, 11:15 AM
they be sites to take there place in hours
