View Full Version : is there any 3D 1080p movies?

12-30-2011, 09:21 PM
Before i ask my question i want to say Happy New Year to everyone on the forum. Now to my question as i have been wondering this for a while. Has there been any 3D movies released? The ones that can be watched on a 3DTV?

12-30-2011, 09:23 PM
no, but they seriously need to. cant wait to see mia isabella in 3d

12-30-2011, 09:30 PM
I'd love to see them too! I've about a dozen girls i want to see in 3d. Joey if you're reading this, what about a 3D 1080p movie soon!

12-30-2011, 10:17 PM
I am bringing true, 3D video clips to my site in 2012 when passive video editors become available. I've already got 3D pictures and am currently in the process of revamping them from .mpo files to passive 3D which can be viewed on any 3D TV via USB transfer.

3D video is HUGE as far as file sizes go so I wouldn't count on sites having it until broadband speeds and storage are able to support it. About 30 seconds of 3D video at 1080p takes up almost 1GB of space. Also, there just aren't any good 3D video editors out there right now so you're pretty much stuck with what you've actually shot.

12-31-2011, 12:43 AM
i am shooting some solo scenes the 2nd week of january on a 3d Pro Camera ..its more of a test ...luckily can shoot the scenes without needing editing just top n tailing .. its full 3d 1080i HD .. but the scenes will be 10min long (solo) just to keep the size down :) Sony Vegas Pro is quite good for editing 3d footage i am told .

12-31-2011, 05:08 AM
That's great news, It'll be interesting to see how the vids turn out. Some close up shots would be fantastic.
By the way i saw a 1920x1080 MKV format file, excellent quality and takes up less bandwidth to download. it's crystal clear but not sure if it plays on media player but on a 3DTV full HD is stunning and only 100MB a minute playtime.

12-31-2011, 11:12 AM
Great, I've longed for proper 3D shemale porn! It will be huge with fans I'm sure.

12-31-2011, 01:57 PM
yeah its going to be solo just to get it right with the allignment as the camera has twin lenses that are independant so i can set the level of depth for the 3d .. so its going to be abit trial and error ..

I am thinking something just simple like me naked with babyoil in the shower so can get all the nice under ass shots, big oiled titties and cock and full body shots of me walking about with a hard cock etc ..

quite interested to see how it will display as i am not to familar with alot of 3d technology on PC such as monitors. i know LCD for home entertainment have 3d now ...

The camera itself has its own view display 3.5inch that shows what is being recorded in 3d so that will look neat ..

I do have an idea if this solo works out ok and looks half decent of shooting a number of different girls maybe 5 / 6 girls and see about getting it knocked on DVD under a label .. dunno yet .


12-31-2011, 02:14 PM
i am shooting some solo scenes the 2nd week of january on a 3d Pro Camera ..its more of a test ...luckily can shoot the scenes without needing editing just top n tailing .. its full 3d 1080i HD .. but the scenes will be 10min long (solo) just to keep the size down :) Sony Vegas Pro is quite good for editing 3d footage i am told .

Ah, but who's going to knock one out wearing those silly glasses lol?

12-31-2011, 02:17 PM
lol who knows lol but 3d is getting popular at home :)

12-31-2011, 04:39 PM
Libby you're right, it is getting popular and you have to adapt to the times. What i'd like to see is your boobs coming out of the screen when you open your top. Same with your cock and if it's erect or semi, well thats even better. Sometimes heels jumping out of screen too is good. Keep me updated on whats happing as i'm interested in formats,codecs, and a video technology and all that kind of stuff. You could always make your own movie to sell too.
Oh i'm the geek with the 3d glasses!

12-31-2011, 04:46 PM
Just on the 3D girls. If anyone had a choice of picking a girl to watch on 3D who would they pick? Who would you pick if you were a budding joey silvera? I've a few that i'd love to see, but lets hear yours first.