View Full Version : A Different Point of View

02-09-2006, 12:13 AM
I came across an interesting conclusion inside an article that's about .. guess what..
And, I'd like to share it. Here it is:

"Transsexuals sometimes express their feelings of being different in terms of "living a lie." If there is any fraud involved
in being a transsexual, it is the fraud perpetrated by the transsexual before treatment. The person who completes treatment
is now the genuine article. He or she has left behind a life of deception and unhappiness. In spite of great odds, he or she
has emerged as the person he or she has always been. When you meet a transsexual, you are meeting a person who knows how to
love, knows how to appreciate him or herself and, as a result, knows how to love and appreciate others. How many "normal"
people can claim that distinction?"

That thing touched my heart.. I think I might have been a bit too brutal against some people here in my previous
posts. I guess I'm just growing up...

02-09-2006, 01:26 AM
That thing touched my heart.. I think I might have been a bit too brutal against some people here in my previous
posts. I guess I'm just growing up...


Bonus points for having the balls to say so (I remember seeing you seriously torque off a couple of the girls here a while back).

It's easy to form opinions based on social views, media hype, etc., before ever meeting someone who's been there (Or is making the journey). We can never really 'be in their shoes', so it's tough to adjust our perspective to their reality.

Grow, learn, have some fun along the way. :D