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12-30-2011, 04:01 PM
I live in europe and not so long ago they have put fox news on my cable.
is there anybody on this forum who can explain to a foreigner how itīs possible that they are by far the best rated network in the us? at least they claim to be every 5 minutes!
I have never seen or heard so much rubbish in such a short time in my life! In the beginning I thought it was satire but these o reilly and beck and gouvernor with the bass guitar fellows are fucking serious!
everybody is entitled to his own opinion, but fair and balanced, my ass!
execute all transgendered people and their admirers with it!

12-30-2011, 04:16 PM
Fox is popular, in my view, because it panders to the prejudices and ignorance of a large and ill educated public. It claims to counterbalance the domination of the media by the Liberal left (that claim is a ludicrous joke). Fox feeds ignorant prejudice and appeals to the same sort of people who, in the UK, read The Sun and The Star newspapers - crass and unthinking papers. Owned of course by Rupert Murdoch.

12-30-2011, 05:04 PM
Oh lord I hate to see how this one will turn out.

12-30-2011, 05:40 PM
Smells like this should be over on the political boards, but since you cast the first stone.....let me take a stab at it. Here we have one poster from the England, ( famous by the way for it's outrageous tabloid journalism ) and utter preoccupation with the Royals, and one from the Netherlands, where journalist and film maker Geert Wilders was found guilty of "inciting hatred and discrimination" for merely making a film exposing the dangers of radical Islam, chiming in on American cable television....With all due respect, maybe your focus should be more inward? I trust in both those countries, your cable providers include a remote so you don't have to get off your asses and change the channels? I'll go out on a limb here and assume that's correct and that one move of the thumb will take you far away from your outrage, and spare your political pallet any distaste. If your point is that in among the many channels is lots of garbage, well I'm with ya. I get treated to 10 Spanish speaking channels, BBC America ( which is a bunch of pure rubbish) and lots and lots of left leaning stations, but I have the self control not to patronize any of them, unless I desire to. Have you tried that yet? You'd be amazed at the power that one little device gives you.
If your post is attempting to make a political statement in a not so subtle way, or curry favor with the vast majority of posters on here that are aligned politically with you, which I'm sure is the case, well you win a cookie.
Since you didn't give any specific examples, I'm assuming you just don't like Fox because you disagree with the politics, you're in good company here, and it's certainly your prerogative....but take a moment and re-read both your posts again. Aren't you both of the political thought process that allows freedom of differing points of view, and freedom of expression and of thought? It wouldn't appear so from your hostile tones. As I've said before...folks like you are all for diversity, unless it's diversity of opinion, and anyone who dare disagree is ( using your words) "ill educated", "Ignorant" and "prejudice"....and the Fox news viewers are the intolerant ones? That's rich !! I think you've pretty much just displayed equal or more militant bias than anything you're going to see on Fox, which is precisely the reason Fox not only exists, but excels, and unwittingly you couldn't have provided a more poignant example. In case you hadn't noticed, as has been stated by others more eloquently.....HA is hardly representative of the political views, or the sexual views of the vast majority of folks....but that's not to say it shouldn't exist, or be frequented....which is the antithesis of what both of you are clearly saying about Fox. Your hypocrisy is stunning.
Here in the US, and the UK ( I've been there many times, so I know) the slant of the vast majority of news organizations is decidedly left. I don't cry about it...it is what it is. Journalism is not what it was when Walter Cronkite was giving us the important news stories of the day free from any bias. Sadly it has become more Dan Rather....agenda driven at all costs. One of those costs being even integrity, and in Rather's case.....his career. If I'm not correct in that assessment, you're going to have to explain the dominance of Fox News to me. So if you're suggesting that Fox News comes at stories from a particular point of view.....you're saying nothing at all. Every single cable and network does exactly the same thing....some of them more subtle than say an MSNBC...but no less political. If you're saying that Fox News comes from a point of view that you don't share, well then use that fucking channel changer, and stop crying about it.

12-30-2011, 05:45 PM
OMG, Faux News doesn't pander to my idiot predilections and I can't find my remote! Somebody save me!

MdR Dave
12-30-2011, 06:02 PM
We have a saying here in the real world: it's not news, it's Fox.

Even Fox knows it- their "correspondents" are on the payroll as entertainers, not news figures, though some state it was a calculated move to avoid the political contribution statutes that affect real journalists.

12-30-2011, 06:20 PM
shhh, just go back to sleep...

12-30-2011, 06:29 PM
http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,402882,00.html , cool.

12-30-2011, 06:29 PM
There are serious journalists on Fox; just-the-news type reporters who could just as easily transition to a more mainstream network. Even still Fox has a serious ideological slant on everyday reporting,(War on Christmas, spin every story about BHO into a negative etc,).

The evening shows are editorial pieces and don't pretend to be fact based. They are right wing and more right wing.

What's disturbing about the network is that with their large viewership IMO they have a responsibility to educate their audience about the facts of a particular news item, and not filter everything through an ideological prism.

Cable networks like MSNBC and CNN rip conservatives AND libs despite their own political slant. You don't see that as much on Fox.

My only real problem with Fox is they put out so much disinformation on general issues that regular viewers of Fox who watch nothing else usually talk as if they are visitors from another planet.
Science should not be an ideological debate. Expanding healthcare coverage and lowering the overall costs of medical care should not be an ideological debate.

The 'issue' of the POTUS's nation of origin should not be an ideological debate.

Fox always likes to keep some nonsense going, stoking outrage and hostility from their viewers for ratings(conservatives love to be mad about something!!), but it's the nation as a whole that suffers when one segment of the population is operating from a set of facts that don't hold up to critical analysis.

12-30-2011, 06:30 PM
We have a saying here in the real world: it's not news, it's Fox.

Even Fox knows it- their "correspondents" are on the payroll as entertainers, not news figures, though some state it was a calculated move to avoid the political contribution statutes that affect real journalists.

Well....I kinda knew this was going to turn in to a free for all, but I'm well equipped to handle it. So let's try to deal in some facts here...that might be refreshing for a change. Generalities are just that. Exactly who are you referring to....or can't you separate the opinion shows from the hard news stories? If you're referring to Geraldo....his politics are probably closer to yours than mine, but his work embedded with the troops in Iraq and Afghanistan was some of the best I've seen. Surely when he's called to offer an opinion or commentary on a given show, you are intelligent enough to separate that....aren't you?

12-30-2011, 06:33 PM
I live in europe and not so long ago they have put fox news on my cable.
is there anybody on this forum who can explain to a foreigner how itīs possible that they are by far the best rated network in the us? at least they claim to be every 5 minutes!
I have never seen or heard so much rubbish in such a short time in my life! In the beginning I thought it was satire but these o reilly and beck and gouvernor with the bass guitar fellows are fucking serious!
everybody is entitled to his own opinion, but fair and balanced, my ass!
execute all transgendered people and their admirers with it!FOX is not a news network. It is a propaganda outlet. So is MSNBC, except on weekends when only the gods know what the fuck it is. Conservatives apparently like to have their views ruminated and repeated over and over again. So FOX has about twice the ratings as MSNBC. Then again, FOX is a gold mine of comedic raw material, so every writer and blogger in the country watches it too, mining it for the laughs. People who really want news split between CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS and PBS. Because of the five way split neither of these networks can claim the audience numbers FOX brags about. But add up the audience for these five networks and and you find that there are indeed more (not many more) Americans who are actually interested in news and not propaganda.

12-30-2011, 06:47 PM
Trish thanks for your reason in the vituperative response to my remarks about Fox. Onyourknees - I see Fox rather often (too often) since i am a regular visitor to the US and the first time i saw it i could not believe the lies and poison being spouted by the now departed Glenn Beck. Not liking Spanish language channels for BBC America is rather different I think. They offer entertainment - which you may like or disdain. Fox is presented as news. As Trish observed its not a news channel but an outlet for right wing propaganda. Goebbels would have been intrigued and would have loved to have such an outlet.

12-30-2011, 06:51 PM
FOX is not a news network. It is a propaganda outlet. So is MSNBC, except on weekends when only the gods know what the fuck it is. Conservatives apparently like to have their views ruminated and repeated over and over again. So FOX has about twice the ratings as MSNBC. Then again, FOX is a gold mine of comedic raw material, so every writer and blogger in the country watches it too, mining it for the laughs. People who really want news split between CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS and PBS. Because of the five way split neither of these networks can claim the audience numbers FOX brags about. But add up the audience for these four networks and and you find that there are indeed more (not many more) Americans who are actually interested in news and not propaganda.

Two things will almost always bring you onto the GD boards....anything contrary to Obama, and Fox News, which actually is one in the same !

People watch Fox News, much to your dismay because they're tired of the bias at all the other outlets you mentioned. Recall several weeks ago when you got all pissy because you felt I "presumed" something....and here you are presuming you know why people watch Fox. That's beautiful. Now for the facts....got any? Otherwise it's just another opinion. Speaking of facts....all the other networks when broadcasting news or opinion shows are losing viewers, while Fox gains....and while only in a small percentage of the homes that the 3 majors are in. That's a fact. Just how many bloggers and comedians are there out there ? Got any Neilson data on that, or are you just seeking to explain it away? You can presume the motives of the viewers, but I'm sure Roger Ailes doesn't give a damn what the motives are. Your presumptions are hilarious, which may put you in that comedian category, but ultimately baseless.

12-30-2011, 07:14 PM
People watch Fox News, much to your dismayThere you go again, presuming I personally am dismayed. You stick to reporting your own emotional states and I'll stick to reporting mine.

when you got all pissy because you felt I "presumed" somethingNo, I don't. You didn't just presume something. You presumed to know what I personally think and what I personally do. Quite different than making a general statistical hypothesis about a segment of the population.

....and here you are presuming you know why people watch Fox. Did I make a presumption about you personally? No. Did I make an assumption about why people watch FOX? No. I stated what FOX was. A propaganda outlet. That's a fact, not a presumption. I don't know why the fuck people watch it. I said, "Conservatives apparently like to have their views ruminated and repeated over and over again." Note the word "apparently."

Hey, you can slam my thoughts, my writing, my actions all you want. You can criticize them, analyze them, tear them apart and call me rude and lewd names based on what you find. That’s all legit and to be expected. You can also make assumptions and hypothesis about politics, the public’s disposition to think one way or the other or a public person’s disposition to think one way or another etc. That’s also legit and to be expected. Indeed I invite you to propose those sorts of assumptions and hypothesis. We’ll explore and examine them together.

What I don’t invite you to do is to make presumptions about what I think and what I do and to broadcast those speculations as fact. That’s just creepy, illigit, loser-behavior presuming upon my person. I do not invite you to pretend to know what I think (outside of what you can reference), and then criticize me personally for what you imagine I think about specific issues and policies. I do not invite you to pretend to know what I do in my private life which I haven’t shared with HA and then criticize me for what you imagine I’ve done or haven’t done. That’s fucking creepy. It’s quintessential loser behavior.

You will save yourself a lot of grief if you stick to speaking for yourself. If you must write about me or what I think and do, stick to what you can reference. Step outside the bounds and I will be Israel to your Palestine.

MdR Dave
12-30-2011, 08:07 PM
Well....I kinda knew this was going to turn in to a free for all, but I'm well equipped to handle it. So let's try to deal in some facts here...that might be refreshing for a change. Generalities are just that. Exactly who are you referring to?
EVERYONE on Fox News is on their payroll as an entertainer. Fact.

12-30-2011, 08:22 PM
I live in europe and not so long ago they have put fox news on my cable. is there anybody on this forum who can explain to a foreigner how itīs possible that they are by far the best rated network in the us?

If you're new to Fox News, the following is probably important -- Roger Ailes, the creator and chief executive of Fox News, was originally the chief media strategist to Republican (GOP) Presidential campaigns such as Richard Nixon and George H.W. Bush. The original plan for the network was drafted in the Nixon White House in 1970. The memo, "A Plan for Putting the GOP on TV News" can be viewed at the Nixon library today. See here:


So Fox News is really a directly-controlled limb of GOP electoral campaigns, it's very well connected, probably willing to run at an income loss if necessary, and there's no equivalent at all to that on the other side of our political spectrum.

12-30-2011, 08:49 PM
EVERYONE on Fox News is on their payroll as an entertainer. Fact.

Again.....the attempt is to be factual, and you're failing miserably. You're entitled to your opinions, but bring no evidence or knowledge of journalism to the discussion, other than your opinions which are broad, unproven and entirely partisan. If someone were to come on these boards and make sweeping generalizations about Trans women, or their admirers...you'd be the first one to combat that, and rightfully so.....yet here you are doing the same thing....kinda hypocritical. If you have any specific examples, I'll engage otherwise you're not really worth an ongoing dialogue. You seem to be content in your ignorance on the subject, so by all means....stay there. If you say....I just don't like Fox news because of what I perceive as a political tilt, and I prefer my tilt to come from the left, well that's fine....but that's not what you're saying.

12-30-2011, 09:04 PM
since 9/11 i havent watched fox since, i like hearing and seeing scenes from it though cause atleast i know how the politicians that talk on there truely feel and it lets me know to avoid them, and its always good for a laugh especially how they can turn the smallest detail into a big deal (this isnt just fox but fox does it the most)

12-30-2011, 09:13 PM
If you're new to Fox News, the following is probably important -- Roger Ailes, the creator and chief executive of Fox News, was originally the chief media strategist to Republican (GOP) Presidential campaigns such as Richard Nixon and George H.W. Bush. The original plan for the network was drafted in the Nixon White House in 1970. The memo, "A Plan for Putting the GOP on TV News" can be viewed at the Nixon library today. See here:


So Fox News is really a directly-controlled limb of GOP electoral campaigns, it's very well connected, probably willing to run at an income loss if necessary, and there's no equivalent at all to that on the other side of our political spectrum.

Ah yes....the Koch Brothers must be behind the curtain...LMAO. I just spent several minutes looking at your post history, and I'll be damned if I could find any that voiced similar outrage over GE ( Parent Company of NBC, and MSNBC who fell into the tank early for Obama) and their cozy relationship with the Obama Administration. Their huge overseas profits, and no US Taxes paid, their enormous grants of taxpayer dollars for boondoggle green energy follies, and their CEO, a vocal ally of Obama now as The Administration's "Job Czar" ( excuse the laughter folks) . So it appears your journalistic purity standards are somewhat one sided...not a surprise. Amazing that never seemed to raise a red flag with you, but mention Fox News and let the conspiracy theories fly. So let me get this straight....by your standards, it's telling if Ailes had some prior connection to the RNC, but it's not worth a mention if the CEO of a corporation that owns a major News Network, and a cable news network, get huge tax breaks and successfully lobbies for millions in taxpayer grants has a buddy/buddy relationship with the democrats? LMAO...you dudes are fucking hilarious...no really. I enjoy the levity of it all. The last one to see the
hypocrisy is usually the hypocrite himself !!!

12-30-2011, 10:04 PM
Trish thanks for your reason in the vituperative response to my remarks about Fox. Onyourknees - I see Fox rather often (too often) since i am a regular visitor to the US and the first time i saw it i could not believe the lies and poison being spouted by the now departed Glenn Beck. Not liking Spanish language channels for BBC America is rather different I think. They offer entertainment - which you may like or disdain. Fox is presented as news. As Trish observed its not a news channel but an outlet for right wing propaganda. Goebbels would have been intrigued and would have loved to have such an outlet.

I'm sorry to have to say this, but you're just plain ignorant on the issue of television news. Glenn Beck is not a reporter, not a journalist, he had an opinion program....no different than Bill Maher or Chris Matthews or Bath Tub Boy Keith Olbermann. Can you grasp that concept? Can you discern the difference? Or should Fox News put a disclaimer after every opinion program to make it easy for you? So....I use your standard.....Since Chris Matthews of NBC outwardly, and by his own admission pushed an Obama victory in his "reporting" and his commentary, we can then taint the entire NBC News division as bias? Do you see how asinine that is, or does your ideology blind you form such clarity?
So I say to you as well...if you can provide egregious examles of bias
news reporting by folks like Brett Bair, Shep Smith, Chris Wallace, Britt Hume, Greta Van Sustren, Ed Henry, John Roberts ( those 3 formerly of CNN....but maybe they were bias there as well?) Randall Goeller, Carl Cannon....and other hard news reporters....let's have it. Show your cards. If not, I'm left to conclude that you and the others just can't handle opposing views. You like your news all one way....with a healthy dose of left wing bias. Stick to the NYT...they'll keep you well fed ! LMAO
You left wingers are the biggest bunch of hucksters I've ever seen...
You're not interested in the free and open exchange of differing ideas and opinions. You're interested in a monolith.

12-31-2011, 12:22 AM
Smells like this should be over on the political boards, but since you cast the first stone.....let me take a stab at it. Here we have one poster from the England, ( famous by the way for it's outrageous tabloid journalism ) and utter preoccupation with the Royals, and one from the Netherlands, where journalist and film maker Geert Wilders was found guilty of "inciting hatred and discrimination" for merely making a film exposing the dangers of radical Islam, chiming in on American cable television....With all due respect, maybe your focus should be more inward? I trust in both those countries, your cable providers include a remote so you don't have to get off your asses and change the channels? I'll go out on a limb here and assume that's correct and that one move of the thumb will take you far away from your outrage, and spare your political pallet any distaste. If your point is that in among the many channels is lots of garbage, well I'm with ya. I get treated to 10 Spanish speaking channels, BBC America ( which is a bunch of pure rubbish) and lots and lots of left leaning stations, but I have the self control not to patronize any of them, unless I desire to. Have you tried that yet? You'd be amazed at the power that one little device gives you.
If your post is attempting to make a political statement in a not so subtle way, or curry favor with the vast majority of posters on here that are aligned politically with you, which I'm sure is the case, well you win a cookie.
Since you didn't give any specific examples, I'm assuming you just don't like Fox because you disagree with the politics, you're in good company here, and it's certainly your prerogative....but take a moment and re-read both your posts again. Aren't you both of the political thought process that allows freedom of differing points of view, and freedom of expression and of thought? It wouldn't appear so from your hostile tones. As I've said before...folks like you are all for diversity, unless it's diversity of opinion, and anyone who dare disagree is ( using your words) "ill educated", "Ignorant" and "prejudice"....and the Fox news viewers are the intolerant ones? That's rich !! I think you've pretty much just displayed equal or more militant bias than anything you're going to see on Fox, which is precisely the reason Fox not only exists, but excels, and unwittingly you couldn't have provided a more poignant example. In case you hadn't noticed, as has been stated by others more eloquently.....HA is hardly representative of the political views, or the sexual views of the vast majority of folks....but that's not to say it shouldn't exist, or be frequented....which is the antithesis of what both of you are clearly saying about Fox. Your hypocrisy is stunning.
Here in the US, and the UK ( I've been there many times, so I know) the slant of the vast majority of news organizations is decidedly left. I don't cry about it...it is what it is. Journalism is not what it was when Walter Cronkite was giving us the important news stories of the day free from any bias. Sadly it has become more Dan Rather....agenda driven at all costs. One of those costs being even integrity, and in Rather's case.....his career. If I'm not correct in that assessment, you're going to have to explain the dominance of Fox News to me. So if you're suggesting that Fox News comes at stories from a particular point of view.....you're saying nothing at all. Every single cable and network does exactly the same thing....some of them more subtle than say an MSNBC...but no less political. If you're saying that Fox News comes from a point of view that you don't share, well then use that fucking channel changer, and stop crying about it.
thanks form your extensive answer, here are just a few quick points Iīd like to make:
-by no means was it my intention to attack the population of the us, I just wondered why fox has got these impressive figures over the other networks, I am very well aware that people are politically divided in every country and even more so in holland, but if wilders (who by the way is no journalist nor filmmaker but a politician) would start a tv-channel, he wouldnīt be in business very long, although he says things lots of people think but donīt dare to utter
-most television in spain (where I spend half of my life) is crap, berlusconi owned telecinco has got lots of viewers but itīs all harmless realityshows of pleople shouting at each other for no obvious reason, there is right wing intereconomia witch hardly attracks any spectators at all, except when it is about soccer.
-when I mention the word bullshit in relation to fox, I am referring for instance to a special I saw in retrospect they made about my hometown amsterdam where 80 % of the content was purely invented. I mean, if the facts donīt suit you, go at least around them, donīt twist them, it was almost hilarious. or the polemic there was about a second worldwar incident, again, twisting mere facts. I am absolutely not into judging someones ideas, whether it is about obama, abortion, darwin, religion or gay marriage, as long as they donīt try to impose them on me, or tell me that I have to respect them. again, I am the last one to judge opinions about american politics as I know too little aout them.
-again, my question was purely why the advantage over the other networks, but you are right, maybe I should have left the bullshit part out!
-thanks for the remote control suggestion, wish I would have thought of that myself!
wish you a healthy and happy 12!!!

12-31-2011, 01:22 AM
Trish replying to OMK:
You didn't just presume something. You presumed to know what I personally think and what I personally do. Quite different than making a general statistical hypothesis about a segment of the population.

A friend of mine who is the most rigorous debater that I have ever met (he explains that in his family, debating was a blood sport), taught me a valuable lesson twenty-some years ago. He said, "as soon as you presume what another person thinks, you've lost the debate. Game over. You can't recover from an unforced error like that."

12-31-2011, 03:05 AM

A friend of mine who is the most rigorous debater that I have ever met (he explains that in his family, debating was a blood sport), taught me a valuable lesson twenty-some years ago. He said, "as soon as you presume what another person thinks, you've lost the debate. Game over. You can't recover from an unforced error like that."

12-31-2011, 03:25 AM
There you go again, presuming I personally am dismayed. You stick to reporting your own emotional states and I'll stick to reporting mine.

No, I don't. You didn't just presume something. You presumed to know what I personally think and what I personally do. Quite different than making a general statistical hypothesis about a segment of the population.

Did I make a presumption about you personally? No. Did I make an assumption about why people watch FOX? No. I stated what FOX was. A propaganda outlet. That's a fact, not a presumption. I don't know why the fuck people watch it. I said, "Conservatives apparently like to have their views ruminated and repeated over and over again." Note the word "apparently."

Hey, you can slam my thoughts, my writing, my actions all you want. You can criticize them, analyze them, tear them apart and call me rude and lewd names based on what you find. That’s all legit and to be expected. You can also make assumptions and hypothesis about politics, the public’s disposition to think one way or the other or a public person’s disposition to think one way or another etc. That’s also legit and to be expected. Indeed I invite you to propose those sorts of assumptions and hypothesis. We’ll explore and examine them together.

What I don’t invite you to do is to make presumptions about what I think and what I do and to broadcast those speculations as fact. That’s just creepy, illigit, loser-behavior presuming upon my person. I do not invite you to pretend to know what I think (outside of what you can reference), and then criticize me personally for what you imagine I think about specific issues and policies. I do not invite you to pretend to know what I do in my private life which I haven’t shared with HA and then criticize me for what you imagine I’ve done or haven’t done. That’s fucking creepy. It’s quintessential loser behavior.

You will save yourself a lot of grief if you stick to speaking for yourself. If you must write about me or what I think and do, stick to what you can reference. Step outside the bounds and I will be Israel to your Palestine.

Then you need to explain how you arrive at your "facts". Because Trish says so???? LMAO That's your OPINION...and you know what they say about opinions and assholes...

Here is what you said..."Then again, FOX is a gold mine of comedic raw material, so every writer and blogger in the country watches it too, mining it for the laughs. People who really want news split between CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS and PBS."
Ok...I'll wait for the factual incontrovertible evidence of that...not what your jaded opinion passed off as fact is. If you can't produce it...just move on and stop making statements about the viewing habits of people who you don't even know. And BTW,...just to tidy up your "facts" a little more, in many time slots Fox out paces MSNBC by nearly 3X and CNN by even more. Now here's my evidence OF FACT.....where's yours? Sounds to me like YOU'RE the propagandist !
..Stick that fact where the sun don't shine.

MdR Dave
12-31-2011, 03:34 AM
Fox has more viewers than MSNBC or CNN.

Cheeseburgers have more eaters than tofu.

Neither statement proves that the former is better for you than the latter.

Both statements point to the incontrovertible fact that most people are idiots.

Most news is biased. Fox News-type Entertainment is agenda. If you can't recognize the difference please don't vote.

12-31-2011, 03:36 AM
bellends buy the sun

12-31-2011, 03:42 AM
Here is what you said..."Then again, FOX is a gold mine of comedic raw material, so every writer and blogger in the country watches it too, mining it for the laughs. [Insert RIMSHOT here.] People who really want news split between CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS and PBS."
Ok...I'll wait for the factual incontrovertible evidence of that.Really? You want incontrovertible evidence for a punch line! LMAO@U

12-31-2011, 03:42 AM
I am watching James Cann on The O`Reilly Factor now!! I have been a fan of Fox News since 1996!

12-31-2011, 03:44 AM
are they responsible for the fat talking panda on the biscuits adverts?? maybe this is an international state of emergency!

MdR Dave
12-31-2011, 03:48 AM
bellends buy the sun

Pip, pip!

Poncey rim pirates, too.

MdR Dave
12-31-2011, 03:51 AM
I have been a fan of Fox News since 1996!
Find somebody that surprises and I'll get circumcised again!

12-31-2011, 03:55 AM

Find somebody that surprises and I'll get circumcised again!

haha the legendary doule snip.. is that like asking a barber for a short back and sides..... twice?

MdR Dave
12-31-2011, 03:58 AM
Really? You want incontrovertible evidence for a punch line! LMAO@U

LMAO@U > LMAO. Trish wins!

And just because: left or right, D or R, like him or not: if you can't appreciate what President Obama has done you are racist.

If you actually think Bush didn't create the mess Obama was charged with cleaning up? Racist.

If you think the Republicans aren't just saboteurs right now? Racist.

MdR Dave
12-31-2011, 04:00 AM
haha the legendary doule snip.. is that like asking a barber for a short back and sides..... twice?

I'd go all the way around. I'm a bit girthy.

12-31-2011, 04:01 AM
haha cleaning up is overrated. What you actually do, is double the mess, then no one actually notices or can remember whos mess is actually whos and your all as happy as a pig in shit :)

MdR Dave
12-31-2011, 04:06 AM
haha cleaning up is overrated. What you actually do, is double the mess, then no one actually notices or can remember whos mess is actually whos and your all as happy as a pig in shit :)

You're a dirty, dirty girl, aren't you?

God bless you, Sammi Valentine!

12-31-2011, 04:07 AM
I live in europe and not so long ago they have put fox news on my cable.
is there anybody on this forum who can explain to a foreigner how itīs possible that they are by far the best rated network in the us? at least they claim to be every 5 minutes!
I have never seen or heard so much rubbish in such a short time in my life! In the beginning I thought it was satire but these o reilly and beck and gouvernor with the bass guitar fellows are fucking serious!
everybody is entitled to his own opinion, but fair and balanced, my ass!
execute all transgendered people and their admirers with it!

This is very popular. Vid below -- :)
When News became entertainment, well, then it was driven by ratings. But it shouldn't be. The News division shouldn't concern itself with numbers. But informing people.... Murdoch is simply out to indoctrinate people. His goal isn't to provide factual information....
I mean, it's commentary. Which is fine. Nothing wrong with commentary. But it isn't news. I mean, there are some good muckraking journalists out there. But you're going to have to find them. Anyway, people want entertainment, spectacle, theater, mindless mayhem... hence wrestling and FOX -- :):

Official WWE TLC 2011 Highlights HD - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=--jCjQdX34g)

Ineeda SM
12-31-2011, 06:42 AM
MSNBC admits openly to leaning left. They do nothing to hide that fact. But they have all taken on the dems and especially Obama when they saw something wrong. Bill Clinton was hammered by most MSNBC anchors during his scandal with Monica. MSNBC made horrible commentaries about Anthony Weiner over his scandal, during the last presidential election primaries, MSNBC anchors pretty much told Hillary to just give up and end her time wasting and party hurting campaign......the list goes on of how MSNBC anchors have jumped the dems when it was the right thing to do.

That is something you will never see at Fox News. They are not allowed to attack republicans, their party, or their platforms. Even during Bush's worst decisions in history, Fox news made every imaginable excuse for his actions. MSNBC news scripts are written by the anchors who read it on the air. Fox anchors read a script prepared by a staff of GOP writers. The women on MSNBC all have journalistic backgrounds that can be checked on line any time. The women on Fox were models and actresses before they were hired by Fox. Their backgrounds can also be checked online anytime. The women on Fox are there to look pretty and be attention getters for the male viewers. The anchors on MSNBC were always political in previous jobs. Fox anchors came from rag magazine shows, and were hired for their proven on air appeal, but not at all for journalistic backgrounds. Bill O'Reily used to be the host of Inside Hollywood before Fox hired him to be an expert on politics.

The only exception to this rule is Greta Van Sustrin. She was a lawyer, and political journalist on CNN for several years before Fox gave her a boatload of money and told her she had to have plastic surgery to her face to look better.

MSNBC may lean left, but their anchors are real news people with long term news backgrounds. They do the news and let video show a politician saying their own words. Fox news IS right wing but refuses to admit it. That is their first and biggest lie. Their anchors are models and actors with no news or journalistic backgrounds of any kind. All they need to know, is how to read what is prepared for them by the GOP staffers.

I love the independent study that shows Fox news viewers are less informed and have lower political intelligence, than people who never watch the news at all. That has got to tell you something about Fox news.

12-31-2011, 08:30 AM
Good grief at the dialog on here and OMK is really defending Fox like he is on their payroll.

12-31-2011, 09:25 AM
Good grief at the dialog on here and OMK is really defending Fox like he is on their payroll.

That's entertainment! :shrug

12-31-2011, 04:26 PM
Good grief at the dialog on here and OMK is really defending Fox like he is on their payroll.

I thought he wasn't so much defending the FOX as giving it a rim job.

12-31-2011, 05:26 PM
Everyone lies, no big deal,, just try using your brain to figure out what is right and wrong, it ain't all that difficult to do. Even a drop out loser like me knows what is what in the world. Sheeeesh.

12-31-2011, 05:37 PM
Good grief at the dialog on here and OMK is really defending Fox like he is on their payroll.

Not at all...I just enjoy holding a mirror up to all you "tolerant" fucking liberals. You'd think Fox news was running kiddie porn loops by the amount of vitriol you fuckers have heaped on them...Yet no one in all these pages can produce a single example of fact to back up your outrage, other than your own bias, nor can you explain why media like the New York Times, CNN, MSNBC, Time, Newsweek, WaPo, the Evening News on all 3 major networks are all bleeding readers and viewer ship while Fox gains. Just maybe the half of the country that doesn't see things your way are finally tired of getting fed the left wing bilge all those entities have become famous for dishing out, and if they have to have a slant with their news, it might as well be a slant they agree with. It really is instructive that 8 out of the top 10 newspapers in the country are decidedly left leaning in both their editorials and news coverage, all 3 major networks, CNN, PBS, MSNBC, Current, Comedy Central, Time, Newsweek, and the list goes on....but apparently that's not enough for you fuckers,. One network comes at things from a different prospective, and you all act like you need an exorcism to expel the evil, when a simple push of a button would solve the problem for you....We even have cottage industries now ( aka liberal web sites) whose stated mission is to shut Fox down. It' the funniest fucking thing I've ever seen..... Folks need calm the fuck down and realize half the country doesn't agree with your politics, but has every bit as much of a right to hear, and to be heard.

I think we've pretty much beat this one to death, so I'm out....but thank you all for the "enlightenment", you've proved my point yet again... And one last thought....

If you all are this incensed about what you perceive as right wing propaganda, from one cable news channel, and you control the White House and one half of Congress, what the hell is your life going to be like if you lose that? I can hardly wait !!!

12-31-2011, 06:11 PM
the final solucion :praying:

12-31-2011, 06:13 PM
the final solucion 2

12-31-2011, 11:00 PM
Folks need calm the fuck down and realize half the country doesn't agree with your politics...Oh the irony!

12-31-2011, 11:15 PM
Good grief at the dialog on here and OMK is really defending Fox like he is on their payroll.

It's news in general. Not just Fox.... Again, the news shouldn't be driven by ratings. We're being fed infotainment. Not actual news. I mean, look at CBS. I mean, Lance Armstrong isn't news....
The essence of journalism is to hold those in power accountable. To expose wrongdoing and lies by people in positions of power.

Teammate: Lance Armstrong cheated - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r-3eGG1Y3Xg)

And Lindsay Lohan isn't news either:

Lindsay Lohan Steals Necklace? Faces Judge 2/10/2011 - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lafvyo4VLJs)

01-01-2012, 01:31 AM
But Ben, stories about celebs aren't generally propaganda. And since when is gossip not news? Well, okay I do agree, if you only have a thirty minute time slot, it probably shouldn't be wasted on gossip.

Ineeda SM
01-01-2012, 05:02 AM
Not at all...I just enjoy holding a mirror up to all you "tolerant" fucking liberals. You'd think Fox news was running kiddie porn loops by the amount of vitriol you fuckers have heaped on them...Yet no one in all these pages can produce a single example of fact to back up your outrage, other than your own bias, nor can you explain why media like the New York Times, CNN, MSNBC, Time, Newsweek, WaPo, the Evening News on all 3 major networks are all bleeding readers and viewer ship while Fox gains. Just maybe the half of the country that doesn't see things your way are finally tired of getting fed the left wing bilge all those entities have become famous for dishing out, and if they have to have a slant with their news, it might as well be a slant they agree with. It really is instructive that 8 out of the top 10 newspapers in the country are decidedly left leaning in both their editorials and news coverage, all 3 major networks, CNN, PBS, MSNBC, Current, Comedy Central, Time, Newsweek, and the list goes on....but apparently that's not enough for you fuckers,. One network comes at things from a different prospective, and you all act like you need an exorcism to expel the evil, when a simple push of a button would solve the problem for you....We even have cottage industries now ( aka liberal web sites) whose stated mission is to shut Fox down. It' the funniest fucking thing I've ever seen..... Folks need calm the fuck down and realize half the country doesn't agree with your politics, but has every bit as much of a right to hear, and to be heard.

I think we've pretty much beat this one to death, so I'm out....but thank you all for the "enlightenment", you've proved my point yet again... And one last thought....

If you all are this incensed about what you perceive as right wing propaganda, from one cable news channel, and you control the White House and one half of Congress, what the hell is your life going to be like if you lose that? I can hardly wait !!!

Said like a perfect little republican follower. You accuse people of never producing evidence of their claims. Everything I said in my post can be proven if you get someone to help you spell out the word GOOGLE. Your eveidence is there if you chose to look for it. But yet all of your comments are just your opinion and never has evidence to back you up. I love how right wingers always do that. They accuse everyone of doing exactly what they do. The irony is aboult ot drown you.

You said that 8 out of the top 10 newspapers lean left. But where is YOUR evidence of this? You keep talking about TV ratings as if they are the sole deciding factor of what is right and wrong. You think that if Fox gets more viewers, then they are always correct. Those rating only prove that half this country do not have the brains to figure things out for themselves. They are stupid like the indipendent study has proven, and need to be told what to think. Or that those who are in the Neilson ratings family are mostly right winger assholes. Ratings are about 5,000 people nationwide used to decide what I and 310,000,000 people watch??????? Give me a fucking break. Ratings are bull shit, and have no meaning of the truth.

One network giving a different perspective is a good thing, and nobody would argue that. But one network operated by the GOP spreading lies constantly and convincing stupid people that they are correct, is dangerous indeed.

OMK, you never cease to amaze me. You jump all over Freddie for being against the girls here and being racist. But you completely support the republican party which hates everyone who is gay, bisexual, and transgendered, and not white. You support and defend them at every turn like they are your gods. Then you come here and act like you are every TS girl's biggest fan. I still don't get how that works. How can you pretend to like us, and totally support those who hate us? Please explain that for us.

Get ready. This should be good

01-01-2012, 09:35 AM
to be fair http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2011/jun/20/jon-stewart/jon-stewart-says-those-who-watch-fox-news-are-most/
now move this crap or post more naked ladies

01-01-2012, 12:48 PM
Good lord, I hope Fox News never stops. The Daily Show would be about 3 minutes long without it.

01-01-2012, 07:33 PM
As a liberal, I sometimes watch Fox News just to see what arguments the "enemy" makes. Some of them are fairly good, so it provokes thought. The "news analysts" are pretty careful with their language so as not to say anything overtly offensive or prejudicial, while still conveying their mostly conservative point of view.

As others have said, if you don't like Fox you can always choose not to watch it. Better yet, try not to watch much TV. It's spoon-fed, oversimplified, and often useless.

01-04-2012, 05:28 AM
A short 5 min doc by the English documentarian Adam Curtis:

Adam Curtis-A Short Film About Rupert Murdoch - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y8moyUj-yZo)

01-04-2012, 05:31 AM
we would love fox news on public tv

01-04-2012, 09:11 AM
they speak the truth

01-04-2012, 10:21 AM
I'm sorry to have to say this, but you're just plain ignorant on the issue of television news. Glenn Beck is not a reporter, not a journalist, he had an opinion program....no different than Bill Maher or Chris Matthews or Bath Tub Boy Keith Olbermann. Can you grasp that concept? Can you discern the difference? Or should Fox News put a disclaimer after every opinion program to make it easy for you? So....I use your standard.....Since Chris Matthews of NBC outwardly, and by his own admission pushed an Obama victory in his "reporting" and his commentary, we can then taint the entire NBC News division as bias? Do you see how asinine that is, or does your ideology blind you form such clarity?
So I say to you as well...if you can provide egregious examles of bias
news reporting by folks like Brett Bair, Shep Smith, Chris Wallace, Britt Hume, Greta Van Sustren, Ed Henry, John Roberts ( those 3 formerly of CNN....but maybe they were bias there as well?) Randall Goeller, Carl Cannon....and other hard news reporters....let's have it. Show your cards. If not, I'm left to conclude that you and the others just can't handle opposing views. You like your news all one way....with a healthy dose of left wing bias. Stick to the NYT...they'll keep you well fed ! LMAO
You left wingers are the biggest bunch of hucksters I've ever seen...
You're not interested in the free and open exchange of differing ideas and opinions. You're interested in a monolith.

It's that concept of giving a journalist or presenter a platform to present their own personal views that's utterly alien here in the UK, where all news programmes have to adhere to certain strict and universal standards about bias in reporting, whether it's the BBC, ITV, Channel 4, Sky or any of the cable channels.

It's also the reason why I'm personally very worried at the continuing erosion of the BBC's independence in the UK and globally by the Tories and their allies in Murdoch's organisation. If we're not careful we could sleepwalk into the same situation as you have in the US, which in my view FWIW is one of the primary drivers of the polarisation of your politics and the overt and implicitly violent language that fills your political discourse.

In that sense, Fox is no more extreme than its liberal facing counterparts, it is simply exerting maximum advantage from a deeply flawed media consensus.

01-04-2012, 04:22 PM
OMG, Faux News doesn't pander to my idiot predilections and I can't find my remote! Somebody save me!

Faux news, that's funny.
I tend to like the variety of Fox vs CNN vs MSNBC.

01-05-2012, 01:43 AM
It's that concept of giving a journalist or presenter a platform to present their own personal views that's utterly alien here in the UK, where all news programmes have to adhere to certain strict and universal standards about bias in reporting, whether it's the BBC, ITV, Channel 4, Sky or any of the cable channels.

It's also the reason why I'm personally very worried at the continuing erosion of the BBC's independence in the UK and globally by the Tories and their allies in Murdoch's organisation. If we're not careful we could sleepwalk into the same situation as you have in the US, which in my view FWIW is one of the primary drivers of the polarisation of your politics and the overt and implicitly violent language that fills your political discourse.

In that sense, Fox is no more extreme than its liberal facing counterparts, it is simply exerting maximum advantage from a deeply flawed media consensus.

[/QUOTE] Originally Posted by onmyknees http://www.hungangels.com/vboard/images/ca_serenity/buttons/viewpost.gif (http://www.hungangels.com/vboard/showthread.php?p=1070317#post1070317) Glenn Beck is not a reporter, not a journalist, he had an opinion program.[/QUOTE]

OMK, is correct. As he writes: "Glenn Beck is not a reporter, not a journalist, he had an opinion program." Actually, he still does -- :) There's nothing wrong with commentary. But it should be labelled as such. I mean, we're all commentating here -- ha ha!
I mean, actual muckraking journalists are a rare breed. And rare in the corporate media. And that's understood. They're simple stenographers. And just report what someone like Obama says. That isn't reporting. That is stenography.... You learn in journalism school not to challenge authority. If ya do, well, you're out and someone else is in.

01-05-2012, 02:41 AM
And rare in the corporate media. And that's understood. They're simple stenographers. And just report what someone like Obama says. That isn't reporting. That is stenography.... You learn in journalism school not to challenge authority. If ya do, well, you're out and someone else is in.Watch the PBS News Hour and you find out how effective those "stenographers" can be. The typical format is to spend a lengthy segment of time on one issue. Invite two experts (not pundits but experts) on the issue, question them together, guide the conversation and make sure each expert addresses the points brought up by the other. It's refreshing, but it takes time and you don't get the entertainment buzz that comes with having all your team's talking points spinning at the same time like so many plates on sticks.

01-05-2012, 02:54 AM
i usually do not watch news on television. if i wanted to be lied to i would have children and talk to them.

01-05-2012, 04:12 AM
I remember watching PBS Nightly News as child man was that shit a snorefest or what.

01-06-2012, 07:56 AM
The title is slightly misleading...

Fox News Ratings DOWN BIG in 2011 - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b8sPRp3-yvw)

01-06-2012, 08:21 AM
LOL at Rupert Murdoch tweeting.

01-06-2012, 09:53 AM
BBC America ( which is a bunch of pure rubbish)

Bite your tongue! BBC America has Top Gear! :geek:

01-11-2012, 03:05 AM
Fox News Guest Accidentally Describes How Biased Fox Is - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yHkmSluM2tI)

01-11-2012, 06:05 AM
Fox News Guest Accidentally Describes How Biased Fox Is - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yHkmSluM2tI)

Ben....you seemed shocked that media has a bias. Have you watched the evening news any night for the past 10 years....? ( does Dan Rather ring a bell?) Or perish the thought...read the NY Times? You got some stones singling out Fox as though they are singularly bias. Here's what you get at the partially tax payer subsidized left wing PBS radio...
When you start censoring and editing your own program to appease The Administration, I'd say you're pretty much in the tank. And I remind you...this is the same outfit who fired Juan Williams for giving his opinion on a broadcast. Got any similar examples of Fox doing any of this? Get real Ben, and while you're at it....spare me your impartiality routine....it's stale and transparent.

PBS talk host Tavis Smiley has found himself disinvited to an upcoming King event (http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0112/71225.html) over gentle criticism of the president and we've uncovered a peculiar incident that occurred during Smiley's most recent radio program.

Yesterday's edition of the syndicated Smiley & (Cornel) West show featured Harry Belafonte detailing his ongoing unhappiness with the Obama Administration.

Though Belafonte did this previously in July 2011, something about yesterday's grievances caused an odd case of audio editing for the evening's satellite re-feed to public radio affiliates across the country. But we've managed to isolate the apparently offending passage and offer it to you here:

Censored From Satellite Re-feed- Belafonte SLAMS Obama! - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=28pl6KPXawg&feature=player_embedded)

So what's the problem, is it simply too close to the election? Is Smiley attempting to tone things down after the MLK disinvite? Or was it something in particular Belafonte said? If we find out you'll be the first to know.

01-12-2012, 11:30 PM
I happen to know that FOX stresses in their production meetings what their talking points of the day are to all their reporters and hosts. Which includes what stories they should NOT cover. So as onmyknees points out - most of what is on are opinion shows, it's not really about journalism. Shows are designed to get RATINGS, which translates into viewers, which translates into DOLLARS!!!! So just like MSNBC and CNN claim to be unbiased which they are not, neither is FOX. It's all a bunch of crap.

01-13-2012, 03:48 AM
I happen to know that FOX stresses in their production meetings what their talking points of the day are to all their reporters and hosts. Which includes what stories they should NOT cover. So as onmyknees points out - most of what is on are opinion shows, it's not really about journalism. Shows are designed to get RATINGS, which translates into viewers, which translates into DOLLARS!!!! So just like MSNBC and CNN claim to be unbiased which they are not, neither is FOX. It's all a bunch of crap.

Yep! The mainstream news isn't news. We don't get news. We get infotainment.
The news shouldn't be driven by ratings. I mean, a company can do that with sports or entertainment. That's fine. But news is about exposing wrongdoing by people in positions of power.
Members of the media shouldn't coddle the likes of Obama and Hilary Clinton. Members of the media should actually have an adversarial relationship with politicians. I mean, they should, to use a sports analogy, be on different teams, not the same team.
Years ago journalist were, well, lower middle class. Today they're paid millions of dollars and attend the same parties as.... Well, here's Wolf Blitzer at Joe Biden's beach party. It's a joke. The press are supposed to critique power. Not coddle it and cozy up to it.

The D.C. Press Corps Yuks It Up at Joe Biden's Beach Party - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qhh06QP-7q8)

01-16-2012, 05:26 AM
Jay Rosen is a professor of journalism at New York University -- or NYU :)...

Jay Rosen of PressThink.org Explains Fox News to You - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k7t_vaduSTQ)

01-16-2012, 05:31 AM
Jay Rosen is a professor of journalism at New York University -- or NYU :)...

Jay Rosen of PressThink.org Explains Fox News to You - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k7t_vaduSTQ)


01-16-2012, 05:44 AM
Right leaning infotainment with ladies which have good looking legs. Balance comes from just being on the air with left leaning news sources. Nothing deeper.

01-16-2012, 05:56 AM
this is to the OP and anyone else it's applicable to; get a life, or better yet get some intelligence.

01-16-2012, 09:39 AM
i would be happy not hearing all that lefty bull shit on tv all the time

05-23-2014, 04:21 AM
Fox News anchor Gregg Jarrett arrested at Minneapolis airport after 'refusing to cooperate with police'


05-23-2014, 05:00 AM
One could always just not watch. Personally, I love it.
Ah the freedom of choice! That's why we mindless Americans are never referred to as "subjects".

05-23-2014, 09:10 AM
Damn Ben......