View Full Version : Bored. *Yawn*

02-07-2006, 05:43 AM
OK, we're not 'gay' (Yah, royt!) and the Superbowl is history. The gurls are off doing whatever (Or whoever) they do on a typical Monday nite.

So, wassup? Do you read? Watch viddies/porn? Catch up on the latest "reality" teevee? Collect stamps? Play with toys? Whaaaaat?

02-07-2006, 05:50 AM
Right now, I am multitasking between watching the Sopranos (HBO On Demand), trading currency, reading HA, and reviewing a business presentation for my wife. It might be a bit busy, but when you're a poster child for ADD, it's all good and interesting. I wouldn’t have it any other way.


02-07-2006, 05:52 AM
BeardedOne, this is a nice place to visit, but living here will drive a person crazy.

You're a cool guy, but as Quinn has pointed out, were all a bit nuts here. Don't take me wrong, I'm just trying to help out because I've gone over the edge more times then can be counted.

See ya around, have a good night.

02-07-2006, 05:58 AM
Right now, I am multitasking watching the Sopranos (HBO On Demand), trading currency, reading HA, and reviewing a business presentation for my wife. It might be a bit busy, but when you're a poster child for ADD, it's all good and interesting. I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Oh, I know this so well! :shock:

I can relate to ADD...Look! A squirrel!...As I both have it (Though, I think, to a mild extent) and have an 18yo son who positively =defines= it.

Love Sopranos. How y'doin'? :lol:

Currency? Kicking myself for letting my Banque de Montreal account lapse. Damned Canadian dollar is at .86 USD right now, compared to the delightful .65 USD of my olden daze.

On biz presentations: While I am lacking in the wherewithall to make a viable proposal (I tried, desperately, to score a railroad last year), I do have my hopes.

Glad to see that there are like-minded souls (Oustide the cock) here on HA. :D

02-07-2006, 06:01 AM
When I'm not as school or work, I'm reading "The Magus" (slowly, lol), watching movies, or "Queer as Folk" or "The L Word" for the first time, or wasting countless hours online. I go to a club on my 1 night off and I think I'll be going on my first date in a long time soon :) Here's to hoping.

02-07-2006, 06:22 AM
BeardedOne, this is a nice place to visit, but living here will drive a person crazy.

Too late! :shock:

Or should I say "Short drive"? :lol:

I'm a hermit, so, of late, HA is my mainstay of social interaction.

Pretty fuckin' scary, when you think about it. :shock:

I'm just trying to help out because I've gone over the edge more times then can be counted.

BTDT, spent VD (Valentine's Day) of '98 blowing holes in paper people with several hundred rounds of .22/.357/.38/.45 shells. Great way to spend VD. :twisted:

When I'm not as school or work, I'm reading "The Magus" (slowly, lol), watching movies, or "Queer as Folk" or "The L Word" for the first time, or wasting countless hours online.

I love QaF and LW! :claps I do all of my teevee watching via DVD thru Blockbuster. My only teevee is laying on its side with a potted plant on top of it. I hate the damned thing. :x Gawd bless rental DVDs. :D

I have been wasting many, many, many (Did I say 'Many'?) hours online, mostly at HA. :?

I go to a club on my 1 night off and I think I'll be going on my first date in a long time soon Here's to hoping.

Go girl! You're a 'lookah' (No shit!) and deserve the best! Good luck!

02-08-2006, 12:49 AM
im totally hooked on Need For Speed - Most Wanted for the PSP.....

all i want to do is finish that last damn race and get the BMW M3 GTR2.... than i can throw that shit away and get on with my life....!!!!!!!


02-08-2006, 01:57 AM
Right now, I am multitasking between watching the Sopranos (HBO On Demand), trading currency, reading HA, and reviewing a business presentation for my wife. It might be a bit busy, but when you're a poster child for ADD, it's all good and interesting. I wouldn’t have it any other way.


I just noticed that they're running the "Pine Barrens" episode tonight....

one of the best... :popcorn

and the new season is (finally) almost here... :rock2 :claps

02-08-2006, 03:14 AM
Shit, Pine Barrens was a classic episode.

Wasn't it written/directed by Steve Buscemi?

I love the part where Tony tells Paulie that the Russian is some special forces from the Interior Ministery and Paulie tells Chris "He's some big shot, an interior decorator or sumpin'" :lol:

02-08-2006, 04:06 AM
Shit, Pine Barrens was a classic episode.

Wasn't it written/directed by Steve Buscemi?

I heart Steve Buscemi, in that weird, creepy way.

"O.K., we'll go get some fucking pancakes and then get laid."

02-08-2006, 04:24 AM
The Pine Barrens episode is probably my single favorite episode. They could have done so much more with the series if they had followed up on it (Russian reprisal, etc.). I can't wait for the new season.

HBO On Demand lets you watch all of the episodes in sequence from the begining for something like an extra $5.95 a month. Definitely the best $5.95 I have ever spent.


02-08-2006, 03:16 PM
The Pine Barrens episode is probably my single favorite episode. They could have done so much more with the series if they had followed up on it (Russian reprisal, etc.). I can't wait for the new season.

HBO On Demand lets you watch all of the episodes in sequence from the begining for something like an extra $5.95 a month. Definitely the best $5.95 I have ever spent.


Yes, I was very disappointed that they never followed up on that. It would have made for some fantastic episodes.

My sat service doesn't offer HBO on demand... :cry:

02-08-2006, 03:25 PM
Yes, I was very disappointed that they never followed up on that. It would have made for some fantastic episodes.

I forget, did they ever resolve the issue of the missing Russian at all? Or is it just left up to the audience to assume that he eventually succumed to the wilderness?

02-08-2006, 03:49 PM
I think they that wanted to leave it up to the audience, but with a strong indication that he probably did survive. Remember, Pauly's car was missing the next morning, leading us to believe that the Russian probably circled back around and used it to get away.

Look at us talking about this like a bunch of house wives discussing Days of Our Lives or something:lol: The Sopranos does rock though.


02-08-2006, 03:59 PM
Look at us talking about this like a bunch of house wives discussing Days of Our Lives or something:lol: The Sopranos does rock though.

Well, it really is just a soap with guns and tits. :lol:

I'd forgotten about the car being missing at the end. I just figured, hey, it's Joisey, you should expect your car to be missing. :lol:

02-08-2006, 04:24 PM
I'd forgotten about the car being missing at the end. I just figured, hey, it's Joisey, you should expect your car to be missing. :lol:

