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02-07-2006, 03:57 AM
24 starts in a few minutes, don't miss out! I'll start this thread if anyone cares to compair notes after tonights episode. I will also avoid blurting out any further bizarre confessionals, such as:

"I. . .am a woman! Uh, are we live right now (taps mic). . .or womanesque, I should say. . .(adjusts tie) girlish, perhaps. . .Let's say I'm, er, 'complex', chicks dig that ya know. . .(insert sound of crickets and uncomfortable coughs). . .Did I mention this great sandwich I had the other day. . .?"

Anyhoo, 24, on soon, great show.

02-07-2006, 05:04 AM
Interesting. Nice plot twist at the end there, but I suppose that's to be expected.

Good show, a bit silly at times, but I like it.

02-07-2006, 05:11 AM
Interesting. Nice plot twist at the end there, but I suppose that's to be expected.

Good show, a bit silly at times, but I like it.

I enjoyed the still photographer on the edge of one scene and the boom mike hanging above another in season one. :D

No spoilers!!

I am teevee challenged, and catch up via DVD at Blockbuster. Just now getting to disc 3/Season 4 (4?). Missed one season so far. :cry:

You hint at "I. . .am a woman!", is this a la Nip/Tuck, with Famke Jansen?

02-07-2006, 07:58 PM
little known facts about jack bauer:

jack bauer's favorite color is severe terror alert red. his second favorite color is violet, but only because it sounds like violent.

jack bauer once forgot where he put his keys. he then spent the next half-hour torturing himself until he gave up the location of the keys.

jack bauer was never addicted to heroin. heroin was addicted to jack bauer.

jack bauer does not sleep. the only rest he needs is what he gets when he's knocked out or temporarily killed.

as a baby, jack bauer's first words were 'there's no time!'.

jack bauer could solve all the mysteries and get off the 'lost' island in 24 hours.

if jack bauer was gay, his name would be chuck norris.

02-07-2006, 08:19 PM
hehe, good stuff.

Favorite line from last nights episode:

"I don't mind if you treat his wounds, but Don't give him anything for the pain!"

You just gotta like that guy.


02-08-2006, 12:42 AM
24 rocks.... pity i gotta wait for a whole season till i get to watch it in the UK.... unless i download the series epsiode by episode via BT.... hmmmmmmmmm..... might have to....

24 is the most innovative programme around..... but nothing beats the impact of the 1st series..... wow.....


02-18-2006, 04:02 AM
I'm in the process of doing DVD immersion of 24/S4 and am up to 4-5:00 PM.

Anyone else notice that in the list of holding companies they pull up on the computer are the following:


Thought all the Star Wars/Starblazers/Yamato fans would be amused. :lol: