View Full Version : Wrong Dressing Room

doctor screw
12-10-2011, 07:21 AM
Go Christianity


Ineeda SM
12-10-2011, 09:12 AM
I hate cunts like her. Fucking christians should mind there own business, and keep their prudish 16th century opinions to themselves.

12-10-2011, 04:53 PM
I hate cunts like her. Fucking christians should mind there own business, and keep their prudish 16th century opinions to themselves.

Why the outrage? Are you slipping into the ladies dressing room with some thongs causing a commotion ?

Seems to me Macy's has the correct policy in place, and she has her beliefs...right or wrong, as you might interpret them. If they can't be reconciled ( like moving her to another department) than she should seek employment elsewhere. I guarantee you...you randomly select 100 lady shoppers ( African American if you prefer) and 98 of them will say the same thing she did.

You have a long history of dealing with intolerance with even harsher intolerance. Strange approach.

Think about it....minus the religious aspect, is her view all that different than a lot of HA regulars ? Scroll through some CD/TV hate threads and get back to me...OK? How come we never see your outrage manifested on those threads??? How come you're tough talk about intolerance never surfaces there? You're strangely silent. I think I have a pretty good idea why.....

Ineeda SM
12-11-2011, 05:39 AM
Why the outrage? Are you slipping into the ladies dressing room with some thongs causing a commotion ?

I am just sick and tired of those phony christian assholes trying to make their policy, everyones policy.

Seems to me Macy's has the correct policy in place, and she has her beliefs...right or wrong, as you might interpret them. If they can't be reconciled ( like moving her to another department) than she should seek employment elsewhere. I guarantee you...you randomly select 100 lady shoppers ( African American if you prefer) and 98 of them will say the same thing she did.

Bull shit. Most women would have no problem with it. It's not like they are all undressing together. They are in closed private rooms, so who cares. There are stores that have co-ed dressing rooms with men and women next to each other, and nobody complains about them. She can believe what ever she wishes. It's a free country. But it is not her place to change store policy for her personal phony religious feelings. If she doesn't like the store policy, let her quit and go work for your phony christian republicans. She will fit right in with them. Macy's policy in this matter is common in most department stores these days, and they don't seem to have this problem.

You have a long history of dealing with intolerance with even harsher intolerance. Strange approach.

And you have a long history of arguing nonsense about anything with anyone who disagrees with you. You are just a fat old biker closet Queen hypocrite troll who supports and kisses the asses of the people who hate us GLBT, then you come here and try to kiss our asses. Go get someone to help you write Santa and ask for brains this christmas. It's long overdue.

Think about it....minus the religious aspect, is her view all that different than a lot of HA regulars ? Scroll through some CD/TV hate threads and get back to me...OK? How come we never see your outrage manifested on those threads??? How come you're tough talk about intolerance never surfaces there? You're strangely silent. I think I have a pretty good idea why.....

Maybe because those threads do not interest me and I never look at them. The haters are worthless assholes who can not be debated with on a human level. Much like yourself. But you seem to know all about them. You're strangely knowledgable about those threads. I think I have a pretty good idea why......

12-11-2011, 05:51 AM
jesus freaks are the worse. fuck religion!

12-11-2011, 05:56 AM
I am just sick and tired of those phony christian assholes trying to make their policy, everyones policy.

Bull shit. Most women would have no problem with it. It's not like they are all undressing together. They are in closed private rooms, so who cares. There are stores that have co-ed dressing rooms with men and women next to each other, and nobody complains about them. She can believe what ever she wishes. It's a free country. But it is not her place to change store policy for her personal phony religious feelings. If she doesn't like the store policy, let her quit and go work for your phony christian republicans. She will fit right in with them. Macy's policy in this matter is common in most department stores these days, and they don't seem to have this problem."

And you have a long history of arguing nonsense about anything with anyone who disagrees with you. You are just a fat old biker closet Queen hypocrite troll who supports and kisses the asses of the people who hate us GLBT, then you come here and try to kiss our asses. Go get someone to help you write Santa and ask for brains this christmas. It's long overdue.

Maybe because those threads do not interest me and I never look at them. The haters are worthless assholes who can not be debated with on a human level. Much like yourself. But you seem to know all about them. You're strangely knowledgable about those threads. I think I have a pretty good idea why......

Bull shit. Most women would have no problem with it. It's not like they are all undressing together. They are in closed private rooms, so who cares. There are stores that have co-ed dressing rooms with men and women next to each other, and nobody complains about them. She can believe what ever she wishes. It's a free country. But it is not her place to change store policy for her personal phony religious feelings. If she doesn't like the store policy, let her quit and go work for your phony christian republicans. She will fit right in with them. Macy's policy in this matter is common in most department stores these days, and they don't seem to have this problem.

>>> You're outta your fuckin mind....really. Why are her feelings phoney, and yours heart felt and genuine ? You're all about diversity unless it's diversity of opinion. You're the fucking phoney. And why must everything with you get back to politics ? If she's a black female Republican, she'd be one of a kind. You're really in touch with your feminine side these days....you're an overemotional little drama queen. Look at the hate you exhibit for Erika, yet you're a cock bandit...and you would demand this black chic accept who YOU are. What a one way fuck you are. Stop with the hysteria...and man up. Not everybody has to sanction your lifestyle.

Ineeda SM
12-11-2011, 06:32 AM
>>> You're outta your fuckin mind....really. Why are her feelings phoney, and yours heart felt and genuine ? You're all about diversity unless it's diversity of opinion. You're the fucking phoney. And why must everything with you get back to politics ? If she's a black female Republican, she'd be one of a kind. You're really in touch with your feminine side these days....you're an overemotional little drama queen. Look at the hate you exhibit for Erika, yet you're a cock bandit...and you would demand this black chic accept who YOU are. What a one way fuck you are. Stop with the hysteria...and man up. Not everybody has to sanction your lifestyle.

Christians are hypocrites PERIOD! They preach one thing, and do as they fucking well please. Her big bad GOD says we are all his children and equal in his eyes. Yet she was trying to push her personal beliefs on an entire store and it's customers, all in the name of the god she created in her mind. OH YES she is a phony. No fucking question about it.

You said, "If she's a black female Republican, she'd be one of a kind." That should tell you something right there, but of course the meaning zips over your fat empty head at light speed. Drama Queen my ass. I am a realist. I see bull shit as bull shit. Just like the bull shit you and your GLBT hating racists shovel every time one of you talk.

My responses to James is warrented. The crap he threw at me so many times, and his utter hypocritical politics gives me the right to dislike him. If you object to that, then too fucking bad. Go cry to the republicans you love so much. James is as much of a phony as you, your party, and the woman in Macy's are. James gets on here telling us how he works so hard to elect the people who hate all of us GLBT, and then turns around and tries to make us think he is one of them. I don't fall for his crap. It is bull shit plain and simple. You are no different than he is. It's why you always defend him.

You are a worthless troll OMK. Everyone here can read your posts and clearly see it. Everything you say is born from politics whether you say the words or not. Everything you say comes from an extreme right wing viewpoint. Have you ever wondered why only 3 or 4 people here ever answer your posts? Have you ever wondered why nobody responds to your threads in the general discussion threads? It's because we all see you as a troll for the republican haters and racists. You clearly support every policy they state. And one of their biggest ones is how all of us GLBT are just sick demented people who need a shrink to be fixed and become normal like them. You defend that party of liars at every turn. YET HERE YOU ARE on a TS porn site made up of GLBT people. You are a phony and a republican ass kisser. Does that answer why people here rarely respond to your posts? No I bet that zoomed over your fat empty head too. All intelligence does.