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View Full Version : Transformation: Impossible

11-30-2011, 09:41 AM
So, this is a cry for advice. I've talked to a number of TG friends of mine and even seen a shrink about how I feel. I'm a mid 20's Caucasian male that was blessed with very manly qualities. I'm 6 foot tall, 200 lbs, built, very hairy (albeit short as I can live with), very deep voice, and actually very attractive. This is the problem: I wish I were a woman, or at least could live out life as a woman. Even though I'm not attracted to men at all, I love TG's and women.

I've crossdressed on Halloween and with friends in private and have never felt more comfortable and satisfied in my entire life. After talking to a number of people, I just don't think I'lll ever pass as a woman. I've photoshopped a hundred pictures and I think that I'll never overcome the body I was born with. This is just so depressing. I'm just broken and need some advice from others experience.

Should I stay a manly man and just try and make peace with who I am?


Become the woman I want to be, even though I might not ever be happy with my appearance or be fully accepted by others as a woman?

11-30-2011, 10:42 AM
And you are looking for advice on a porn forum? No disrespect but if your concerns are legitimate, you should probably talk them out with one or more professionals.

11-30-2011, 03:12 PM
That train has left the station fam.

I'm sure there are other cases of men like yourself who really aren't the best candidates for transitioning but still suffer from gender dysmorphia.

If dressing as a woman gives you peace of mind, do it.

11-30-2011, 03:33 PM
Be strong and be patient.is not easy to go for transition/transformation all u have to do is to
beleve more in urself and to be happy with who u are.doesn`t matter what other people think about u.matter what u feel inside u.good luck

11-30-2011, 03:50 PM
hmmm mid 20's, manly features 6 foot tall, very hairy and attractive... hmmmm do you know your a dream boyfriend for most ladies and ts girls lol

on more serious side i think youll be beautiful. follow what makes you happy and whats in your heart

kisses Alyssa

11-30-2011, 08:35 PM
Take it one step at a time, seek out gender counseling.
The hair you can remove through waxing at first and laser treatments over time.
If you are in your mid 20s it is not too late, people have sucessfully transitioned later than that. Do a search for Andrea James, she transitioned realtivley late and has a lot of resources on line.

As for being 6 foot tall and masculine, that never hurt Brooke Sheilds. ;)

11-30-2011, 09:52 PM
I think you should try to come to terms with who you are. Although I am attracted to some transsexuals, I feel certain that many tgirls transition for the wrong reasons - hoping it will solve all their problems and make them happy, only to find new problems.

Obviously seek professional guidance about this, but there is no reason why you could not feel comfortable in your own skin with time (and perhaps counselling).

You should know yourself better than anyone though; if you believe you are meant to be a woman then go for it...

11-30-2011, 09:56 PM
So, this is a cry for advice. I've talked to a number of TG friends of mine and even seen a shrink about how I feel. I'm a mid 20's Caucasian male that was blessed with very manly qualities. I'm 6 foot tall, 200 lbs, built, very hairy (albeit short as I can live with), very deep voice, and actually very attractive. This is the problem: I wish I were a woman, or at least could live out life as a woman. Even though I'm not attracted to men at all, I love TG's and women

I'd like to see a picture of you, Studly!

11-30-2011, 10:35 PM
I was 26 when I started. So, yeah. Take that as a cautionary tale. :lol:


11-30-2011, 11:17 PM
You'd probably want to lose a lot of that muscle mass to look more feminine. 200 lbs on a 6 ft frame is kind of high, so you must be really built. If you dropped down to like 130-140 lbs, then started taking hormones and gained some of that weight back it might help you look less manly. But there's no garauntee.

Some things can be undone, and some things can't. You could always gain the weight back and rebuild muscle if you changed your mind. But once you go down the road of hormones and surgery it gets more difficult to undo.

11-30-2011, 11:40 PM
So, this is a cry for advice. I've talked to a number of TG friends of mine and even seen a shrink about how I feel. I'm a mid 20's Caucasian male that was blessed with very manly qualities. I'm 6 foot tall, 200 lbs, built, very hairy (albeit short as I can live with), very deep voice, and actually very attractive. This is the problem: I wish I were a woman, or at least could live out life as a woman. Even though I'm not attracted to men at all, I love TG's and women.

I've crossdressed on Halloween and with friends in private and have never felt more comfortable and satisfied in my entire life. After talking to a number of people, I just don't think I'lll ever pass as a woman. I've photoshopped a hundred pictures and I think that I'll never overcome the body I was born with. This is just so depressing. I'm just broken and need some advice from others experience.

Should I stay a manly man and just try and make peace with who I am?


Become the woman I want to be, even though I might not ever be happy with my appearance or be fully accepted by others as a woman?

I can't really give advice to you.
I mean, you have to do what's best for you. If you feel you need &/or want to transition, well, transition -- :)

11-30-2011, 11:43 PM
There are plenty of guys out there (and on here) who apparently like very masculine looking body builder women - so I wouldn't worry too much about what you'd look like...

But the OP said he isn't interested in men, and also said:

"Become the woman I want to be, even though I might not ever be happy with my appearance or be fully accepted by others as a woman?"

So it's about what he wants to see in the mirror, and what would make him "passable" among the general population.

11-30-2011, 11:49 PM
hmmm mid 20's, manly features 6 foot tall, very hairy and attractive... hmmmm do you know your a dream boyfriend for most ladies and ts girls lol

on more serious side i think youll be beautiful. follow what makes you happy and whats in your heart

kisses Alyssa
I totally agree! Following your heart and living your dream as the woman you were meant to be will allow you a longer, healthier and happier life.

12-01-2011, 03:51 AM


here is some information for you


12-01-2011, 03:58 AM
But the OP said he isn't interested in men, and also said:

"Become the woman I want to be, even though I might not ever be happy with my appearance or be fully accepted by others as a woman?"

So it's about what he wants to see in the mirror, and what would make him "passable" among the general population.

Yeah you're right. Which is why I originally suggested he deal with how he feels about who he sees in the mirror rather than try to change himself.

I was just being a little facetious with my last comment. Apologies...

12-01-2011, 05:11 AM
The point is not whether you may be turned on by the OP before or after transition. The point is whether they can find happiness in this world.

There is a strange idea in this thread that the OP should take the path that will have the most sex appeal for others.

12-01-2011, 07:26 AM
take the path that has the most sex appeal for the hungangels community.

you are a slave to this community

serve them well! you will get your just rewards

The point is not whether you may be turned on by the OP before or after transition. The point is whether they can find happiness in this world.

There is a strange idea in this thread that the OP should take the path that will have the most sex appeal for others.

12-07-2011, 10:32 AM
I appreciate everyone's opinions. I truly do. I'm still taking things one day at a time. After a lot of thought, something occurred to me. I know that I'm a very attractive male. Always being humble about it, I never let it affect my life much. Even though it's helped tremendously to my confidence in life. I don't want to lose that spark, charisma, or whatever you want to call it. I think that's my biggest hurdle in this situation. Could I mentally handle life is I lost my confidence? I just don't know...

Another thing that's so hard to handle is the thought of finding a LTR with a TG or Girl that actually accepted me for who I am? I've had my heart broken on a couple of occasions because this situation has partially come to light before. Just... Sigh.

12-07-2011, 08:33 PM
I appreciate everyone's opinions. I truly do. I'm still taking things one day at a time. After a lot of thought, something occurred to me. I know that I'm a very attractive male. Always being humble about it, I never let it affect my life much. Even though it's helped tremendously to my confidence in life. I don't want to lose that spark, charisma, or whatever you want to call it. I think that's my biggest hurdle in this situation. Could I mentally handle life is I lost my confidence? I just don't know...

Another thing that's so hard to handle is the thought of finding a LTR with a TG or Girl that actually accepted me for who I am? I've had my heart broken on a couple of occasions because this situation has partially come to light before. Just... Sigh.
I think someone who is insecure about losing their 'confidence' probably isn't particularly confident in the first place.

Sounds more like an outward expression of confidence to conceal your private feelings.

These questions you're asking can only be answered by yourself. Therapy could help, but nobody here can give you a solution...

12-08-2011, 02:16 AM
MTF 2 year transition - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MCEjCHb_-Qg&feature=channel_video_title)

Check out Jesslyn! If she can do it, so can you! good luck

12-08-2011, 03:14 AM
ya never know unless you try, ive seen quite a few "manly" guys make hot girls...

12-08-2011, 04:18 AM
If you are a very attractive male, you will be a very attractive female. At your age, it is very doubtful that testosterone has given you some irretrievably masculine face. take Jessylyn for example, she looks pretty smokin and I sure she will get better with time on HRT.

If you were a very ugly male, then I would worry.

No matter how attractive you are, to others if you are not happy it does not matter.

12-08-2011, 05:48 AM
not true
I know of many unattractive males that became a bombshell as a transsexual.
these men had great pain as a male because of there looks and body but after hormones became attractive looking like a women.

If you are a very attractive male, you will be a very attractive female. At your age, it is very doubtful that testosterone has given you some irretrievably masculine face. take Jessylyn for example, she looks pretty smokin and I sure she will get better with time on HRT.

If you were a very ugly male, then I would worry.

No matter how attractive you are, to others if you are not happy it does not matter.

12-08-2011, 07:58 AM
Just be yourself, denying your desired nature will cause you all variety of psychological complications down the road. If that is who you are, not like it is gonna go away. Be glad your not asking that question 50 years ago, right? Be honest with yourself, those you love, be brave, stay focused on your personal goals and get to work. Good Luck.

12-08-2011, 12:07 PM
I appreciate everyone's opinions.

I know that I'm a very attractive male. Always being humble about it, I never let it affect my life much.

Really? Are you an attractive male? You've never mentioned it. Humble about it but damn if you seek the path to woman hood you might lose those looks. Good job the world isn't all about looks then... and changing sex isnt just about a bit of slap... rather than being what you should have been. Going down the path to changing your sex isn't some easy fix or fashion of the week, you change your body AND mind of not only yourself, but all around you will be effected.

I dont believe you think you are a female. I believe you have made up a cockamamy story so we'll get you to put a picture of yourself on here so we can all go "phwoar, imagine her/him with hormone tits and girly hair"...

Do you want to become a woman because you believe you have been dealt the wrong hand by nature, or do you want to put on womens clothes and have women fancy you as a woman and a man?

If I was genuinely confused about changing my sex, the last place I would seek help is a place where your physical objectification is primarily sexualised. Thus why I don't believe you are serious in that pursuit, but instead you are a fantasist looking for titillation.

12-08-2011, 08:12 PM
i've seen alot of trannies who started at 45 and and look like men but since they got srs they don't care if they do and seem happy. idk....

12-08-2011, 09:54 PM
When boys usually ask me things like this I usually tell them to get all dressed up go to a crowded area in the middle of the day and see if they feel the same about being a girl.. being a ts girl is so much more then throwing on a wig and a dress. and quite honestly if you have to ask for advice if you should do it or not.. then you really shouldn't..

12-08-2011, 10:04 PM
Doll transitioning isn't an overnight process I can name plenty of muscular, hairy, tall men that transitioned and now beautiful girls...

There is hormones, surgeries, laser hair removal and more

Just give it time!

12-08-2011, 10:19 PM
Kelly is right, you will likely just need to take all the constructs of your current life and toss it in the trash. To do this successfully you will need appropriate professional, mental health type guidance... this forum is a terrible place to look for what you'll need to succeed.

Imagery as your goal sure... support? Not here.
Go to a doctor, go to a counselor.

Check out TS Road Map by Andrea James in a search engine.... it is likely a good starting point to find some practical information to consider.

Doll transitioning isn't an overnight process I can name plenty of muscular, hairy, tall men that transitioned and now beautiful girls...

There is hormones, surgeries, laser hair removal and more

Just give it time!