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11-28-2011, 05:34 PM
My Tram Experience - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i47HoiM0Au8)

Urgh - this does NOT represent British people but she disgusts me.
As Piers Morgan tweeted:

piersmorgan (https://twitter.com/#%21/piersmorgan) Piers Morgan

That video's all over Twitter now. Someone must know the repulsive racist wretch. Name and shame her.

11-28-2011, 05:40 PM
This is quite astonishing. What a totally stupid woman.

11-28-2011, 06:09 PM
I've watched this a couple times and this is an obvious set back in society if she feels she can publicly say these things. sadly we cannot control people from obtaining these opinions and passing it on to their children (it's crazy how the kid just doesn't even cry or react at all during the whole thing). but I have so much respect for the restraint that the person behind her had, and any other target person had on that tram who spoke up. for those who didn't riot a bit with them, should be ashamed a bit!

I've witnessed quite a few situations like this before on the transit here, but race has never really been one of them. It's always some effeminate gay guy against a group of black men. sorry but it's what I've always seen. and like those in this video, the majority don't speak up. but those it affects personally always do!

should people really just stand back and watch? or get involved and make a difference and change it?

11-28-2011, 06:39 PM
She looks like she's on something ...

11-28-2011, 06:44 PM
She's hiding behind that kid. If she was alone she would not be so tough.

Kevin Dong
11-28-2011, 06:58 PM
She's hiding behind that kid. If she was alone she would not be so tough.

I agree. She's obviously just some closed minded ignorant person living with an outdated mentality of hate and discrimination. However, I do believe that it was the German Chancellor who said that multiculturalism has failed, and I somewhat agree with that. In Canada, a British Colony, we don't often see this kind of turmoil yet, because it hasn't gone to the extremes it has it countries like the UK, France, and Germany. But I think it's bound to happen everywhere and I don't know how the governments plan to deal with it. Doesn't Britain have something like an equivalent of a Nazi party now? I remember watching a documentary on that. Russia, my home country, is facing the same problems now as well with lots of immigration from all of the 'stan countries as well as africa.

11-28-2011, 07:02 PM
Meh I know this shit happens over here all the time.

11-28-2011, 07:09 PM
It is going to be difficult assimilating large numbers of immigrants to countries that define themselves by ethnicity rather than a set of ideals or political philosophy.

It is telling, that Britain is facing some of these issues since Britain as an imperial nation that and an island has absorbed ethnic groups for a thousand years. Even the Royal family are mostly of German ethnic background.

11-28-2011, 07:15 PM
The history of the human race is one of migrations - immigrations to some. People just need to get over it - especially Europeans since they're outnumbered significantly :) European-based ideas have led to some wonderful societies in recent history and now people from all over the world want to take advantage of the benefits of these societies. Happened to the Chinese until they shut the borders in the late 1400s. Happened to Rome.............and to the Arabs too. It is now Europe's turn. Civilizations rise and fall but people too ignorant and/or too stupid to understand it seek shelter behind racism.

11-28-2011, 07:19 PM
when the clip started i thought it would be about the language in front of the kid...that was bad enough but it certainly went down hill fast.......:shock:

11-28-2011, 07:27 PM
My Tram Experience - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i47HoiM0Au8)

Urgh - this does NOT represent British people but she disgusts me.
As Piers Morgan tweeted:

piersmorgan (https://twitter.com/#%21/piersmorgan) Piers Morgan

That video's all over Twitter now. Someone must know the repulsive racist wretch. Name and shame her.

Maybe she is a disgruntled Lidl Shopper 0_o?

11-28-2011, 07:32 PM
She's just been arrested.
Sometimes I REALLY love the internet.

11-28-2011, 07:37 PM
She's just been arrested.
Sometimes I REALLY love the internet.

Now that's bullshit if she got arrested for saying what she said -she might be stupid but she didn't do anything deserving arrest.

11-28-2011, 07:42 PM
Now that's bullshit if she got arrested for saying what she said -she might be stupid but she didn't do anything deserving arrest.

Of course she did. Verbal assault. "Racially aggravated verbal order offense" is what they got her on.
She's stupid and dangerous and I hope they look into seeing whether she's fit to look after a child.

11-28-2011, 07:46 PM
Verbal assault. LMAO Must be a euro thing.

11-28-2011, 07:49 PM
Of course she did. Verbal assault. "Racially aggravated verbal order offense" is what they got her on.
She's stupid and dangerous and I hope they look into seeing whether she's fit to look after a child.

Absurd! Yet another example of a nasty reactionary law meant to suppress opinion and take away the individual's right to free speech.

11-28-2011, 07:59 PM
Absurd! Yet another example of a nasty reactionary law meant to suppress opinion and take away the individual's right to free speech.

So you believe in your country somebody can just verbally attack racially or otherwise and it's ok?

I think they used similar laws to stop the Muslim extremists from marching at Wootten Bassett.

11-28-2011, 08:07 PM
At the very least she should have been forced off the... bus? for causing a public disturbance. However, if being nasty-mouthed white trash was a crime, the UK prisons would be overflowing, as would most of North America's prisons.

11-28-2011, 08:23 PM
So you believe in your country somebody can just verbally attack racially or otherwise and it's ok?

I think they used similar laws to stop the Muslim extremists from marching at Wootten Bassett.

My country being Canada, I have no doubt there are numerous laws in place to silence anything construed as impolite. On the other hand I believe that a person has the right to articulate their thoughts and beliefs. She should have been removed from the bus for causing a disturbance but to charge her with saying something stupid and hateful is ridiculous.

You can't legislate away ignorance or indecent thoughts - when the fringes of society are silenced they go underground and cause far more trouble.

11-28-2011, 09:03 PM
You can't legislate away ignorance or indecent thoughts - when the fringes of society are silenced they go underground and cause far more trouble.

That's a good point and I believe in people being able to say what they wish but when it's clearly abusive like this person and is a verbal assault, then I do believe there needs to be a process in place.

11-28-2011, 09:16 PM
Why don't they just post this advisory at the border then?

11-28-2011, 10:49 PM
My Tram Experience - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i47HoiM0Au8)

Urgh - this does NOT represent British people but she disgusts me.
As Piers Morgan tweeted:

piersmorgan (https://twitter.com/#%21/piersmorgan) Piers Morgan

That video's all over Twitter now. Someone must know the repulsive racist wretch. Name and shame her.omg i wanna punch that cunt right between the eyes,unfuckingbelievable.

11-28-2011, 11:02 PM
Now that's bullshit if she got arrested for saying what she said -she might be stupid but she didn't do anything deserving arrest.
Believe it or believe it not (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-15923875) ...

11-29-2011, 01:31 AM
Given Seanchi's title bar, I thought this might be a post of a new Joanna Jett shoot or some other TS Cougar....lol

I don't know why he felt compelled to assure us this does not represent all Britain....good lord I hope we know that. As disturbing as she sounds, on some street corner, somewhere in every major city in the US, every day some emotionally disturbed, or chemically dependent degenerate is spouting some hateful rant about some group of people. To quote the De niro character in Taxi Driver..."Some day there's gonna be a hard rain come and wash all this sewage off the streets" ...but until then, here in the US speech is free for all to abuse. I'm comforted however Piers Morgan is on the case.

doctor screw
11-29-2011, 02:17 AM
When you try to make the victim the guilty party,you're a piece of shit....lol

11-29-2011, 02:37 AM
When you try to make the victim the guilty party,you're a piece of shit....lol

Like a bug to a light...here comes the house fool sprinkling his wisdom on us. Didn't I see you on your broken old soap box in Brooklyn spouting off your own brand of hate about Asians ? lmao

11-29-2011, 02:46 AM
You know, obviously she was unhappy and ill-educated, but posting a racial thread in this forum? Do you like tossing gasoline on a bonfire? There have been threads going on for months on perceived racial issues out of thin air, so this exception to the rule will definitely be going on for years.

doctor screw
11-29-2011, 02:50 AM
I love Asians actually,especially the Japanese .....they make PS3's,lol

I just wanted to see If you were dumb enough to take my bait......and you are

A clear racist just called me a fool...ohh the irony


Like I said,It takes a real tough guy to manipulate victims as If they were the were the problem.
It's kinda like putting a victim of rape on the same level of a raper ....It's all the same right????

What a piece of shit

11-29-2011, 03:05 AM
I love Asians actually,especially the Japanese .....they make PS3's,lol

I just wanted to see If you were dumb enough to take my bait......and you are

A clear racist just called me a fool...ohh the irony


Like I said,It takes a real tough guy to manipulate victims as If they were the were the problem.
It's kinda like putting a victim of rape on the same level of a raper ....It's all the same right????

What a piece of shit

You're ill informed, have bad grammar and spelling, and you're ignorant....what else is there?? Oh...and you play the race card because you don't possess the intellect to do anything else. Get it? You may be the dumbest SOB on here....but you're good at it.

Take some free advice....stick to threads you know something about. As soon as I figure out what that is...I'll get back to you.

doctor screw
11-29-2011, 03:12 AM
You're ill informed, have bad grammar and spelling, and you're ignorant....what else is there?? Oh...and you play the race card because you don't possess the intellect to do anything else. Get it? You may be the dumbest SOB on here....but you're good at it.

Take some free advice....stick to threads you know something about. As soon as I figure out what that is...I'll get back to you.

I play the race card,because you play the race deck....lol
How can a racist call me fucking ignorant....HAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Nice comeback.....a racist questioning my intelligence....really....really???lol

I think I'm going to make you dance for me next,like a good little puppet....lol

I feel like I'm picking on the slow kid at this point...FYI,nobody likes you...lol

11-29-2011, 04:10 AM
She had the whoLe you and what army can hurt me persona...She needa get that jaw rocked but thats my :2cents

11-29-2011, 07:07 AM
I don't want to defend her because she's clearly a dick, and I believe her bad language and racism should not be spoken in front of her (or anyone else's) children.

However, I agree with the guys who said they do not think she has committed an arrestable offense. Freedom of speech is important even if you disagree with the things that are said - in fact sometimes that makes it more important.

For some perspective, imagine that is an American women on a train in the USA. Her main complaint is that she is not surrounded by 'Americans'. I have been to USA many times, and I know that this is a semi-patriotic feeling that a lot of you will relate with. And there are a lot of non racist people who feel exasperated with the increasing loss of national identity in Britain.

I think anyone who spends a lot of time in London will start to develop mixed feelings about the proportions of 'foreign' people around you (I'm not talking about skin colour).

That said, I fully understand that 'national identity' and patriotism are usually borne out of a certain level of ignorance, and in many ways could ultimately prove detrimental to our development as a species. Which is why I said the feelings would be mixed.

11-29-2011, 07:45 AM
The woman is breaking the law by making offensive remarks in public -if anyone in the UK can be heard on a bus or a train or at a supermarket checkout using words like 'fuck', 'shit' and so on, it is at least an offence under Section 5 of the Public Order Act -Section 1 is Riot, for example. The point is this: if someone at a supermarket checkout says to someone else Fuck off you black cunt -a fight could ensure = a disturbance of public order. Indeed, at one point in the video the black guy sitting behind the mother stands up as if he has had enough -the woman's language could have provoked an altercation which would have been a violation of the law.

I once saw a man in a supermarket, on the back of his T-Shirt was the legend: Jesus is a Cunt. Even if he claimed Jesus was a Mexican taxi driver, the display in public of the word Cunt was a public order offence.

The greater London area in which this was shot is one of the most multi-cultural parts of the UK, if she were living in small towns or rural areas she presumaby would not be upset because there would not be a black face everywhere she turns, but if she is a single mother, her neighbours probably would look at her with a mixture of pity and contempt -nobody is perfect.

11-29-2011, 07:53 AM
The woman is breaking the law by making offensive remarks in public -if anyone in the UK can be heard on a bus or a train or at a supermarket checkout using words like 'fuck', 'shit' and so on, it is an offence under the Section 5 of the Public Order Act -Section 1 is Riot, for example. The point is this: is someone at a supermarket checkout says to somoene else Fuck off you black cunt -a fight could ensure = a disturbance of public order. Indeed, at one point in the video the black guy sitting behind the mother stands up as if he has had enough -the woman's language could have provoked an altercation which would have been a violation of the law.

I once saw a man in a supermarket, on the back of his T-Shirt was the legend: Jesus is a Cunt. Even if he claimed Jesus was a Mexican taxi driver, the use of the word Cunt was a public order offence.

The greater London area in which this was shot is one of the most multi-cultural parts of the UK, if she were living in small towns or rural areas she presumaby would not be upset because there would not be a black face everywhere she turns, but if she is a single mother, her neighbours probably would look at her with a mixture of pity and contempt -nobody is perfect.
Two points Stavros, and I'm surprised you missed them given your history of meticulous detail and intelligence.

Firstly, the fact something is law does not make it morally right, and certainly does not make it above ethical reasoning and debate. For me it is almost irrelevant that the letter of the law was followed. Is it right to limit the freedom of speech?

And secondly, the fact this occured in a particularly multicultural part of the UK is definitely a factor in her bigoted attitude, therefore your point that 'presumably she'd be fine in a different part of the country' is almost self explanatory. (Although I understand what you are saying regarding the nature of prejudice)

11-29-2011, 08:48 AM
I didn't miss those points, I was trying to be objective -in purely legal terms, she was breaking the law, vide the Public Order Act, there is also other legislation on racial harassment, etc. Whether or not these laws work or are right, is a matter of debate, I hear more people swearing in public now than I have ever done before, and I find it offensive. And yet, this week or last week a judge decided that a protestor telling a policeman to 'fuck off' in a confrontational situation was 'acceptable', so the law itself is applied in a varied fashion by the courts. The law in the UK does not permit free speech, if by that you mean someone can say anything they like in public, and I believe we have debated this before. I don't believe free speech in literal terms is a legal right anywhere.

11-29-2011, 08:55 AM
thats a shame

Willie Escalade
11-29-2011, 09:44 AM
And there are assholes on this forum that would agree with her...

11-29-2011, 10:03 AM
And there are assholes on this forum that would agree with her...


11-29-2011, 11:36 AM
People like doctor screw are the reason people like her feel that way. Sorry but it's the truth!

11-29-2011, 11:40 AM
For some perspective, imagine that is an American women on a train in the USA. Her main complaint is that she is not surrounded by 'Americans'. I have been to USA many times, and I know that this is a semi-patriotic feeling that a lot of you will relate with. And there are a lot of non racist people who feel exasperated with the increasing loss of national identity in Britain.

You mean WHITE British. You stated after this it wasn't about skin colour - of course it was, she had no way of knowing who was British on that train or not but she still called them all foreigners.

I believe in cutting back our immigration policies but this is two different matters.

11-29-2011, 11:42 AM
Of course she did. Verbal assault. "Racially aggravated verbal order offense" is what they got her on.
She's stupid and dangerous and I hope they look into seeing whether she's fit to look after a child.

Sounds like the bloated and over-reaching nanny state that's coming down the line, isn't Britain the model for all of the "spying on your neighbor" systems they're putting in place over here too? Camera's on every street corner, CPS snatching children etc etc... What a surprise. Have a bad day and go off on a racial tirade on the tube and now big government comes and takes your kids away? How about if your kid is overweight ? Who decides who is fit or unfit to raise children? What if they deemed you unfit to raise children because you operate porn sites?

doctor screw
11-29-2011, 11:44 AM
People like doctor screw are the reason people like her feel that way. Sorry but it's the truth!

So people that point out scumbags,who brag about pics of lynched black people are the reason you post pics of lynched black people.

You got some nerve

doctor screw
11-29-2011, 11:46 AM
Now she's taking up for other racists

To those who doubted me....behold

...and how the fuck can someone compare fat kids to racists.....HHAHAAHAHAHAHAHA...wtf

My signature is absolute...the nerve of these weirdos...LMAO

If a black dude posted pics of transwomen being murdered.....I wonder how ppl up here would react...hmmmmmm

Willie Escalade
11-29-2011, 01:51 PM
I WAS going to say something in response to the lady in the video, but if I do, a LOT of people's opinions of me will change...for the worse. So I'm keeping my mouth shut on this one...

11-29-2011, 02:06 PM
I WAS going to say something in response to the lady in the video, but if I do, a LOT of people's opinions of me will change...for the worse. So I'm keeping my mouth shut on this one...what makes you think anybody has an opinion of you?does anybody even know you lol.seriously if everybody kept there mouths shut there would be no M.L.K. speeches and that my friends would be a travesty. Martin Luther King - I Have A Dream Speech - August 28, 1963 - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=smEqnnklfYs)

11-29-2011, 02:44 PM
It will just be a caution to keep the "masses" happy. p.s Piers morgan is a huge cunt also - on- a side note. :-)

Our country is to blame for a lot of our "working , lower class " racist issues, we let people come in, live in segregation, sure but then we do not educate or control or integrate society.. ticking time bomb - will go boom one day!!!!!

11-29-2011, 02:45 PM
p.s she me and libby reckon she will be the next "celeb" on bigbrother or some shit, thats how fucked up the world is :)

11-29-2011, 03:23 PM
Bet she gets a tv deal on rudetube or MTV

11-29-2011, 03:51 PM
Sounds like the bloated and over-reaching nanny state that's coming down the line, isn't Britain the model for all of the "spying on your neighbor" systems they're putting in place over here too? Camera's on every street corner, CPS snatching children etc etc... What a surprise. Have a bad day and go off on a racial tirade on the tube and now big government comes and takes your kids away? How about if your kid is overweight ? Who decides who is fit or unfit to raise children? What if they deemed you unfit to raise children because you operate porn sites?

Good point - sometimes we forget to examine our own lives in the rush to defend government legislation.

11-29-2011, 04:15 PM
having listened to that with sound now, yea shes just a scumbag and a fruitloop but she is just (sadly) highlighting a big problem in vast areas of this country and various people are to blame not just knobheads like this :)

11-29-2011, 04:39 PM
So people that point out scumbags,who brag about pics of lynched black people are the reason you post pics of lynched black people.

You got some nerve

:yayo:Wait what? Ashley posted pics of lynched black people?

11-29-2011, 05:29 PM
The law in the UK does not permit free speech, if by that you mean someone can say anything they like in public, and I believe we have debated this before. I don't believe free speech in literal terms is a legal right anywhere.
Yes we may have debated this before :P - how about the internet for legality?

You mean WHITE British. You stated after this it wasn't about skin colour - of course it was, she had no way of knowing who was British on that train or not but she still called them all foreigners.

She may have meant 'white', but that's not what I mean. And it is sometimes hard not to notice you're surrounded by foreign people if they're loudly talking to each other, or if they're dressed in burkas (etc) ...

p.s Piers morgan is a huge cunt also - on- a side note. :-)

Agreed. lol

11-29-2011, 05:44 PM
I think I'm the only person in the UK who loves Piers Morgan. I like his interviews (his GQ interviews were incredible, sadly they are now pretty rare), I like his Twitter and I like his humour.
I think I'm the only one who loves that other huge cunt also Ricky Gervais. Maybe it's after living away for so long.

11-29-2011, 05:59 PM
Yes we may have debated this before :P - how about the internet for legality?

'Communications technology has developed beyond the ability of the law to control it.' Discuss. But probably not in this thread.

11-29-2011, 05:59 PM
I think I'm the only person in the UK who loves Piers Morgan. I like his interviews (his GQ interviews were incredible, sadly they are now pretty rare), I like his Twitter and I like his humour.
I think I'm the only one who loves that other huge cunt also Ricky Gervais. Maybe it's after living away for so long.

Piers Morgan can be quite funny, but he's also fairly smarmy, self-righteous, and excessively smug. And nobody can convince me that as editor of News of the World he was not actively involed in phone hacking at some stage.

I quite like Ricky Gervais though...

'Communications technology has developed beyond the ability of the law to control it.' Discuss. But probably not in this thread.
Beyond the ability to control without sacrificing essential freedoms... (yeah not for this thread)

11-29-2011, 06:14 PM
I think I'm the only person in the UK who loves Piers Morgan. I like his interviews (his GQ interviews were incredible, sadly they are now pretty rare), I like his Twitter and I like his humour.
I think I'm the only one who loves that other huge cunt also Ricky Gervais. Maybe it's after living away for so long.

no qualms with gervais and he is amusing, he has no connections to the sun. mckenzie etc.

morgans a bell.

11-29-2011, 07:21 PM
no qualms with gervais and he is amusing, he has no connections to the sun. mckenzie etc.

morgans a bell.
I agree - especially with the general consensus on Piers Mrgan (though I have a friend who used to work with him when he was a newspaper editor and he says he was the best editor he ever worked for). Gervais has an odious personality but can be very funny. The office and Extras were both excellent - Life's Too Short is less good.

11-29-2011, 09:40 PM
Now she's taking up for other racists

To those who doubted me....behold

...and how the fuck can someone compare fat kids to racists.....HHAHAAHAHAHAHAHA...wtf

My signature is absolute...the nerve of these weirdos...LMAO

If a black dude posted pics of transwomen being murdered.....I wonder how ppl up here would react...hmmmmmm

For someone who decries the racism against blacks, you sure have no problem throwing around racist remarks about Asians and Whites. You're nothing but a filthy hypocrite. You should be ashamed of the way you make normal black men and women look. You're a disgrace.

doctor screw
11-29-2011, 11:19 PM
:yayo:Wait what? Ashley posted pics of lynched black people?


doctor screw
11-29-2011, 11:32 PM
For someone who decries the racism against blacks, you sure have no problem throwing around racist remarks about Asians and Whites. You're nothing but a filthy hypocrite. You should be ashamed of the way you make normal black men and women look. You're a disgrace.

jimmymoneys great grand papi hanging from a tree for stealing a watermelon and looking at a white woman. oops

Do something about you nigger coon spongehead tar baby spearchucker bushwacker.

When have I ever said anything racist against any ppl????can't wait to see this...

If you lie in anyway,I'll expose you to next Tuesday....lmao

As my Aunty use to tell me...the proof is in the pudding

You're a embarrassment to all transwomen,that's a fact.... supreme commander of the goof troop.


11-29-2011, 11:45 PM

Despite the fact that she made racist comments because jigglyGmoney was making TS comments. Posting a picture of a black guy hanging is really in poor taste. Pretty lost respect for her, but hey its only BTE, so what does it matter!

doctor screw
11-29-2011, 11:50 PM
Despite the fact that she made racist comments because jigglyGmoney was making TS comments. Posting a picture of a black guy hanging is really in poor taste. Pretty lost respect for her, but hey its only BTE, so what does it matter!

People have made racist comments towards me in posts,but I never responded with racism against them.
What jiggly said to her........gives her no PASS

She's worthless

11-29-2011, 11:57 PM

Dino Velvet
11-30-2011, 12:02 AM

This is the only eggplant you'll see at The Sopranos' dinner table.


doctor screw
11-30-2011, 12:02 AM

I'm sure he's a fan of Ashley as well.....lol

If Tony had balls enough to say what Ashley said,it would be a whole different story.*evil laugh goes here*

doctor screw
11-30-2011, 12:04 AM
Diversionary tactics huh??


They must think I'am natina

11-30-2011, 12:14 AM
Hey Doc, is it the pics themselves? or is it the fact that a white girl posted them? I wanna know because in that thread, long before Ashley put that pic up that you linked above, silcc posted a different one, and you laughed at it:


doctor screw
11-30-2011, 12:23 AM
Hey Doc, is it the pics themselves? or is it the fact that a white girl posted them? I wanna know because in that thread, long before Ashley put that pic up that you linked above, silcc posted a different one, and you laughed at it:


It was the person
When Silcc posted it,there was no animosity behind it,clearly you're trying to twist reality...lol

When Ashley posted it,her intend was extremely clear.

My question to you is..........Why would you defend her??

Do you share her views or are you that thirsty for a piece of ass

Racist apologist anyone???lmao

11-30-2011, 12:32 AM
was I defending anybody? I was seriously curious. besides, how the fuck can you brush aside a pic of some poor kid being lynched and just laugh at it? I don't buy the excuse that its because a white girl posted it, but because another black dude posted it its ok. I call bullshit on that mentality. I'm not sticking up for her, I'm trying to figure where you're at. Silcc was in fact posting that picture to push the racial argument between ashley and Sling in a worse direction (I think it was the aunt jemimah comment that did it.) to me it got pushed too far at that point. MY point, is, simply, why is it ok for ANYONE to post that shit?

Would be no different if there was me, another white guy and a black guy all standing there. I walk up an dpunch the white guy in the face for no reason. You might sat "WTF???" but after that, take no mind of it. But if I did the same thing to the black guy, you'd jump up and holler racism. My point is that its never ok to pull bad shit, no matter who does it to whom. dont' give someone a pass because they're "on your team" thats just pure bullshit.

doctor screw
11-30-2011, 12:45 AM
was I defending anybody? I was seriously curious. besides, how the fuck can you brush aside a pic of some poor kid being lynched and just laugh at it? I don't buy the excuse that its because a white girl posted it, but because another black dude posted it its ok. I call bullshit on that mentality. I'm not sticking up for her, I'm trying to figure where you're at. Silcc was in fact posting that picture to push the racial argument between ashley and Sling in a worse direction (I think it was the aunt jemimah comment that did it.) to me it got pushed too far at that point. MY point, is, simply, why is it ok for ANYONE to post that shit?

Would be no different if there was me, another white guy and a black guy all standing there. I walk up an dpunch the white guy in the face for no reason. You might sat "WTF???" but after that, take no mind of it. But if I did the same thing to the black guy, you'd jump up and holler racism. My point is that its never ok to pull bad shit, no matter who does it to whom. dont' give someone a pass because they're "on your team" thats just pure bullshit.

I was laughing at it,more as a coping mechanism.Why would I(a black male)hate myself.I never said it was because it's a white girl that posted it...YOU SAID THAT,lol

You are sticking up for her,and it's a pathetic attempt at that
Ashley had already pushed the racial issue,before Slicc entered the picture.
This wasn't the first thread were she pulled that bullshit.

Once again,didn't blame her for skin color,you did that.Read what I wrote
If you're too dumb to know when someone posts a pic of a black man being hung,along with those vile comments are racist....give life up...lmao

Ashley remains a worthless piece of shit

doctor screw
11-30-2011, 12:53 AM
It was the person
When Silcc posted it,there was no animosity behind it,clearly you're trying to twist reality...lol

When Ashley posted it,her intend was extremely clear.

My question to you is..........Why would you defend her??

Do you share her views or are you that thirsty for a piece of ass

Racist apologist anyone???lmao

I just realized it was this one..lol

11-30-2011, 01:37 AM
I was laughing at it,more as a coping mechanism.Why would I(a black male)hate myself.I never said it was because it's a white girl that posted it...YOU SAID THAT,lol

You are sticking up for her,and it's a pathetic attempt at that
Ashley had already pushed the racial issue,before Slicc entered the picture.
This wasn't the first thread were she pulled that bullshit.

Once again,didn't blame her for skin color,you did that.Read what I wrote
If you're too dumb to know when someone posts a pic of a black man being hung,along with those vile comments are racist....give life up...lmao

Ashley remains a worthless piece of shit

You've been pegged again. Others are catching up to me...I knew what you were after 10 posts.Your phoney cries of racism and racists are the funniest fucking thing I read here. You calling others racist is like a fart telling a pile of shit it stinks...NO CREDIBILITY...Here....there...everywhere a racist. We all know what you are...you're a bigot against TS women. When I pointed out your post to ND where you displayed your thug anger and told her she had gender identity issues, you told me you were kidding...now when you laugh at a pic because a bro posts it, but feign outrage when Ashley posted it you come up with another lame story. Webster's dictionary defines hypocrisy as..."feigning to be what one is not, or to believe what one does not" I'd say that fits right around your pin head quite nicely.

doctor screw
11-30-2011, 01:54 AM
You've been pegged again. Others are catching up to me...I knew what you were after 10 posts.Your phoney cries of racism and racists are the funniest fucking thing I read here. You calling others racist is like a fart telling a pile of shit it stinks...NO CREDIBILITY...Here....there...everywhere a racist. We all know what you are...you're a bigot against TS women. When I pointed out your post to ND where you displayed your thug anger and told her she had gender identity issues, you told me you were kidding...now when you laugh at a pic because a bro posts it, but feign outrage when Ashley posted it you come up with another lame story. Webster's dictionary defines hypocrisy as..."feigning to be what one is not, or to believe what one does not" I'd say that fits right around your pin head quite nicely.

If you mean other racists(by others)then yeah....they're catching up to you....lol
If this site wasn't filled with scumbags,such as yourself...I would have no need to point them out.Actually ND was throwing racial jabs as well.I reacted,which wasn't over the top.Slicc clearly isn't racist,unlike your fellow Klan member Ashley....lol

Hypocrisy is a racist trying to teach me about morality....lmao

GRRRRRR thug anger...lmao

You pointing out,me pointing out racists....is not going to stop me from pointing out racist.


doctor screw
11-30-2011, 01:58 AM
Speaking of credibility

If anyone is wondering about yours...I would say check out this loser's post history...lol

11-30-2011, 02:35 AM
Speaking of credibility

IF anyone is wondering about yours...I would say check out this loser's post history...lol

You obviously have, and came up with nothing.....except in your
paranoia that everybody who hates you does so because of your skin color. You got a complex dude...it's you against the world...and you're commin' out on the short end. lol

doctor screw
11-30-2011, 02:41 AM
You obviously have, and came up with nothing.....except in your
paranoia that everybody who hates you does so because of your skin color. You got a complex dude...it's you against the world...and you're commin' out on the short end. lol

If I call someone out,it's because of something they've said/text themselves.Take you for example...lol

Not me against the world...it's me against assholes...lmao

Now some right-winged nutt-job says I have a complex
Join me in reality

11-30-2011, 03:14 AM
If I call someone out,it's because of something they've said/text themselves.Take you for example...lol

Not me against the world...it's me against assholes...lmao

Now some right-winged nutt-job says I have a complex
Join me in reality

It amuses me to engage you because the more I can get you to post, the more people on here will see you're a fraud....and a dumb one at that. You ramble on aimlessly from post to post saying nothing, but accusing everyone...like some poor fool with Turrets who blurts out "racist" every few minutes. When people call you out with your own hateful rants, you deflect. Why don't you kill off this moronic Dr. Screw character and resurface as someone more friendly to TS women? There have been some trolls who have done that before. Maybe you'll even feel better about yourself by doing that. For you...it has to be about self love because everyone else loathes you. :dancing:

doctor screw
11-30-2011, 03:20 AM
It amuses me to engage you because the more I can get you to post, the more people on here will see you're a fraud....and a dumb one at that. You ramble on aimlessly from post to post saying nothing, but accusing everyone...like some poor fool with Turrets who blurts out "racist" every few minutes. When people call you out with your own hateful rants, you deflect. Why don't you kill off this moronic Dr. Screw character and resurface as someone more friendly to TS women? There have been some trolls who have done that before. Maybe you'll even feel better about yourself by doing that. For you...it has to be about self love because everyone else loathes you. :dancing:

I feel the same way....the more you post,the more decent people see you for the racist filth you truly are

I have no racist rants,show me or kick rocks...lol
I am friendly to TS women,just not TS douche-bags
Besides your circle of scumbags,nobody I've talked to,respects you

I don't accuse everyone,just the ppl that show that they're worthless

Hey gay biker stud,try again...lmao


12-01-2011, 01:10 AM
was I defending anybody? I was seriously curious. besides, how the fuck can you brush aside a pic of some poor kid being lynched and just laugh at it? I don't buy the excuse that its because a white girl posted it, but because another black dude posted it its ok. I call bullshit on that mentality. I'm not sticking up for her, I'm trying to figure where you're at. Silcc was in fact posting that picture to push the racial argument between ashley and Sling in a worse direction (I think it was the aunt jemimah comment that did it.) to me it got pushed too far at that point. MY point, is, simply, why is it ok for ANYONE to post that shit?

Would be no different if there was me, another white guy and a black guy all standing there. I walk up an dpunch the white guy in the face for no reason. You might sat "WTF???" but after that, take no mind of it. But if I did the same thing to the black guy, you'd jump up and holler racism. My point is that its never ok to pull bad shit, no matter who does it to whom. dont' give someone a pass because they're "on your team" thats just pure bullshit.

You know if Ashley didn't talk about lynching people I would not have posted it. She has several times gone beyond the normal "nigger" and into full blown KKK-imma-hang-me-a-nigger mode several times. So maybe you should check her.

12-01-2011, 01:43 AM
I feel the same way....the more you post,the more decent people see you for the racist filth you truly are

I have no racist rants,show me or kick rocks...lol
I am friendly to TS women,just not TS douche-bags
Besides your circle of scumbags,nobody I've talked to,respects you

I don't accuse everyone,just the ppl that show that they're worthless

Hey gay biker stud,try again...lmao


I've pointed out your anti TS posts on more than one occasion, and your lame explanations...you on the other hand have failed to point to anything I've said that could be construed as even mildly racially insensitive even to a paranoid baiter like you.... You're so unoriginal it's humorous to me...... that's why you deal the race card...you can't respond any other way. . You're incapable. ....but that can be reversed. You can do something about your situation...All you have to do is become literate. It will take a little effort, and you'll have to put down the video games and pirated porn, but it can be done. So tell me....let's name names....who are all these 'decent" people you've talked to ? I doubt there's even one. Thus you remain a fraud. Dr. Screw...fake, phoney, fraud.

doctor screw
12-01-2011, 05:02 AM
I've pointed out your anti TS posts on more than one occasion, and your lame explanations...you on the other hand have failed to point to anything I've said that could be construed as even mildly racially insensitive even to a paranoid baiter like you.... You're so unoriginal it's humorous to me...... that's why you deal the race card...you can't respond any other way. . You're incapable. ....but that can be reversed. You can do something about your situation...All you have to do is become literate. It will take a little effort, and you'll have to put down the video games and pirated porn, but it can be done. So tell me....let's name names....who are all these 'decent" people you've talked to ? I doubt there's even one. Thus you remain a fraud. Dr. Screw...fake, phoney, fraud.

You pointed out a reply to a racist jab...that's about it.
In your case,just about every other post you publish has racist undertones.

Hypocrisy anyone????lol

It's not a race card,it's a facts card...lol
Anybody I call a racist,has proven themselves to be a racist"repeatedly"like you....lol

Video games and porn...wow...you're legendary...LMAO
Take the glass dildo out of your ass,and how the fuck are you another grown ass man's sidekick on a ts forum.


If you weren't a simpleton,these people would be obvious(in regards to decent ppl)



12-01-2011, 06:44 AM
It was the person
When Silcc posted it,there was no animosity behind it,clearly you're trying to twist reality...lol

When Ashley posted it,her intend was extremely clear.

My question to you is..........Why would you defend her??

Do you share her views or are you that thirsty for a piece of ass

Racist apologist anyone???lmao

I like Silc. He is cool peoples, but that posting of a lynching is fucked up. Its fucked up with Ashley posted it and its fucked up when Silce posted it. I know there is no animosity when Silc posted it, but posting a picture like that for comedic purposes is just wrong.

doctor screw
12-01-2011, 06:51 AM
I like Silc. He is cool peoples, but that posting of a lynching is fucked up. Its fucked up with Ashley posted it and its fucked up when Silce posted it. I know there is no animosity when Silc posted it, but posting a picture like that for comedic purposes is just wrong.

Talk about it to Silcc then,I'm not going to defend another man

Trying to enjoy some Zelda,and pirated porn....lol