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View Full Version : Sylvia Boots anybody Know the latest?

12-20-2003, 04:50 PM
Hi Guys

What ever happened can somebody let me know?


12-20-2003, 08:32 PM
Hi haven't been following it really, but from time to time I check the link below and there is usually a new court date.

http://app1.lasd.org/iic/details.cfm?bkgval=%27%26%3A%2F%25%2607%21%3D%20%2 0%20%0A

12-21-2003, 10:49 PM
I am out of the loop what did she do?

12-22-2003, 06:29 AM
check out this thread, it has some links to the news story

also, do a search here on "sylvia boots". There are a couple of posts that contain info on the situation.

12-22-2003, 06:29 AM
Charged with murder.

I see there's another court appearence tomorrow. Is the trial started yet?

Will that page be updated eventually in the event of a conviction/sentencing or aqquital?

12-27-2003, 10:28 PM
I'm curious as to how she's being treated by other inmates & guards while she's booked as a male.

I'm sure she's going thru hell in that regard alone.

12-28-2003, 04:33 AM
My curiousity was based more on the gender/lifestyle issues. I'm not aiming at the crime or what contributed to the events - just the fact that the male-jail population is faced with this situation.

I guess the question would be better asked after a conviction and sentence is being served in a real joint.

12-28-2003, 05:42 AM
More than anything she's in "p.c." protected custody, where the guards keep a close eye on the inmates. but some trannys get treated like queens in jail they have boyfriends and gifts and other inmates protect them. its could go either way

12-29-2003, 01:43 AM
More than anything she's in "p.c." protected custody, where the guards keep a close eye on the inmates. but some trannys get treated like queens in jail they have boyfriends and gifts and other inmates protect them. its could go either way

Not to long ago down here we had a trial going on for a couple (guy and tran) that were doing illegal silicone injections and ended up killing a patient. The transsexual was put in regular population and was severly beaten and repeatedly raped. She had to have emergency surgery to have her implants removed after they had been ruptured and was in ICU for some time. I guess it's dependent on the prison itself.

12-29-2003, 06:35 AM
Not to long ago down here we had a trial going on for a couple (guy and tran) that were doing illegal silicone injections and ended up killing a patient. The transsexual was put in regular population and was severly beaten and repeatedly raped. She had to have emergency surgery to have her implants removed after they had been ruptured and was in ICU for some time. I guess it's dependent on the prison itself.

your probably right. the corrections officiers usually have to move the inmates but i guess sometimes they either don't care or whatever. Its dangerous for a transsexual to be in general population cuz to the average guy they're nothing more than a faggot or a "little debbie" or a "chichi". but don't think these girls are defenseless while locked up. remember these girls used to be dudes some of them still have their "man" strength

01-12-2004, 08:51 AM
I've never been to prison but I've been to jail and have seen transsexuals in there and they certainly weren't up to Sylvia Boots' caliber (I wouldn't have messed with them) and they were treated good. Guys wanted fuck them for sure. Some guys that is. Sylvia Boots would have really been desired. I could see guys fighting over her. I think it depends on the jail and probably on what the transsexual looked like too.

06-15-2004, 05:12 AM
I read that she was convicted of 2nd degree murder last week. She is probably still awaiting sentencing, but I don't know how long that would take.

06-15-2004, 08:03 PM
Someone should post a pic of the victim(Cyrstal). I heard she was stunning a real beauty with a nice cock I might add. May her soul Rest in Peace.

06-16-2004, 12:26 AM
Even in death are these girls just relegated to "stunnig a real beauty with a nice cock"? Nice comment.....if that's what an 'admirer' says no wonder the non-admirers behave the way they do.

06-16-2004, 03:41 PM
Even in death are these girls just relegated to "stunnig a real beauty with a nice cock"? Nice comment.....if that's what an 'admirer' says no wonder the non-admirers behave the way they do.
I apologize and I hope I didnt offend anyone.
I dont deserve to be an "admirer" I guess Im more of a tranny chasing DOG!

06-16-2004, 09:45 PM
Hell popperluv don't sweat it. the sylvia boots/crystal story is a strange story all in all so I don't really think many will be offended.

To me you were just admiring her in passing..... and, you even apologized so if they continue to be offended they need to get over it.

06-16-2004, 09:46 PM
Hell popperluv don't sweat it. the sylvia boots/crystal story is a strange story all in all so I don't really think many will be offended.

To me you were just admiring her in passing..... and, you even apologized so if they continue to be offended they need to get over it.

06-17-2004, 01:04 AM
Well, I think Popper was absolutely right.

And I'm sure that's how she would want to be remembered...

And she had a nice ass as well.. :wink:

06-17-2004, 10:05 PM
Mega I got to hang with you one day :lol:

06-18-2004, 04:09 AM
Listen....I was not offended.....I do not know the people you are referring to but popperluv's comment was just shallow. You may be just a john dude but have a little class....someone got killed.

Megabody...let's say someone I know posted a comment on a big board (kinda like this one) saying your Julissa was a great piece of ass...if only she was still around to play with....for example......would ya rush to defend it?

it's not about being offended....your ridiculous comment about living ina glass house does not apply.....I'm assuming you're implying every male that visits this board is a john or only looking for cock and ass.......actually the pics ARE nice.....but I get more outta reading interesting comments from Allanah and Vicki and even yourself (when you are not indiscrimminately spewing). Just relax....go pick on RealGirls4Me......he handled you pretty well the last time....

Girls on the site: do you want to be remembered as cocks and asses!?!? There are other ways to gain acceptance in the society...no-one has to accept degradation......


06-20-2004, 08:07 PM
Popper your comment was OK in my eyes.
Running....what you need to realize is this:

Although her death is regretful & sad, she was in a profession in which her looks mattered.

When Walter Payton (football great) passed it was by no way disrespectful, (it was quite the opposite) to say damn that man sure could catch & run with the football, was a sign of the greatest respect.

She was in the business, many photo shoots & was concerned about her physical appearance. So to say she had one hell of a rack or nice cock isn't a sign of disrespect. She worked hard to get her body to look as it did & I'm sure was pleased to hear someone compliment her on it. Now that she's gone those who only knew her from her photo shoots can only show respect by saying positive things about what they knew of her. It just so happens a lot of folks knew she had a nice ass/cock whatever. Popper couldn't say I lost a great friend because maybe he didn't know her like that. We honor people gone by the way we knew them.

06-21-2004, 02:34 PM
Well said and good analogy with the football player.

06-22-2004, 10:26 PM
The difference is that Walter Payton was not violently murdered. Homage is cool....but occasionally there are some things that are better left unsaid. Those who knew the murdered girl may think what popper said but to post on a discussion board is inappropriate particularly given all the bullshit that transgender people have to put up with:

Jurors unable to reach verdict in slaying of transgender killing
Tuesday, June 22, 2004 Posted: 2:56 PM EDT (1856 GMT)

HAYWARD, California (AP) -- A judge declared a mistrial Tuesday in the case of three men accused of killing a transgender teen after jurors declared they were deadlocked.

The case has been closely watched by transgender advocates, who said the verdicts would send a message about how much their lives are valued.

Michael Magidson, Jose Merel and Jason Cazares, all 24, were charged with killing a 17-year-old who was known as Gwen but was born Edward Araujo.

According to trial testimony, Araujo was beaten and strangled after her biological identity was revealed during a confrontation on October 4, 2002, at Merel's house in Newark, a San Francisco suburb. Merel and Magidson had had sexual encounters with Araujo and had become suspicious about Araujo's gender after comparing notes, according to testimony.

Alameda County Superior Court Judge Harry Sheppard declared the mistrial after the jury foreman announced that the eight men and four women were deadlocked after nine days of deliberations.

If they had decided to convict, the jury would have had the option of returning verdicts of first-degree murder, punishable by 25 years to life in prison; second-degree murder, 15-to-life; or manslaughter, which carries a maximum term of 11 years.

The case was charged as a hate crime, which could add four years to sentences.

Cazares had sought acquittal, saying he wasn't involved in the killing and only helped bury the body. Magidson's attorney argued the case was not murder but manslaughter, a crime of passion triggered by sexual fraud.

I have no problems with people here...not even Mega even though my comments perhaps alluded to that.......I was trying to make a point about posting in poor taste earlier....not attack him or the love of his life.....let me apologize for getting somewhat carried away......I am not 'in the scene' so perhaps my thinking is different. All in all I'm sure it would be cool to hang with most of the people here......paraphrasing SidChrome somewhere else sometimes text doesn't do a good job of conveying thoughts.


06-22-2004, 10:40 PM
One other comment regarding the comparison to Walter Payton: he kinda chose his career......the society heaps rewards and accolades on that particular field......I would think that for most - not all - transgenders working in the sex trade is the only viable option for success since the challenges they face go way beyond what other 'minority' groups face. I could be all wrong on this and would appreciate a refutation or accession from the girls that post here.....

06-23-2004, 12:59 AM
Canada...Hall .tor to America

06-23-2004, 08:05 AM
Canada...Hall .tor to America
And yet proudly independant. Every Canuck I know is sure of where he stands. Uncalled for Chet - are there many other rednecked racists in your neck of the woods? You never seem to come up with much yourself, just chime in on the back of others.
Running, I think the comment about Mega's partner was pretty appalling - I accept that you didn't intend it the way it came it out, but mate, it was pretty low. Having said that, you've recognised it and apologised, which is the sort of civilised behaviour that would make this board a better place. Still, you'd have to understand if Mega is pissed off, I know I wouldn't have taken it well.

06-23-2004, 10:54 AM
Oh my, someone from a country that's afraid to let its people watch Fox News Channel just inferred that I am a redneck racist, eh?

06-23-2004, 11:16 AM
Oh dear, the colonies are at each others throats again. Well what can you expect when the worst were sent abroad.

06-23-2004, 11:22 AM
Not even going to bother Chet - be like beating up a two year old.

06-23-2004, 01:25 PM
so you have experience beating up two-year-olds, eh?

06-23-2004, 09:56 PM

The juxtaposition of shallowness, ignorance, testosterone, insensitivity, hypocrisy, and simple grasp of what decorum is by some in here is stark, and outright pitiful. Regardless of an individual's appearance, or more apt, their chosen career, i.e., societal condemnation of it, and/or the personal failings that her career might manifest, this was a human being who died in an unnecessary violent and tragic way. To reduce this person to her physical attributes when decorum and protocol should be heeded displays the thinking of a protozoan. Is that what some of y'all want to be remembered and reduced to when your time comes -- your physical attributes ? Was that your totality, your entire complex being ?

The analogy twixt Walter Payton and this girl was so off the mark I'm not even going to address it.They are vastly different.

The Fox News network is a parody of itself. I watch it for comedic fodder. No news organization distorts, misrepresents, outright lies, and is less respected than they are. They are nothing more than a Right-wing, pro Conservative mouthpiece. Hannity and O'Reilly are the worst. Those clowns are commentators, not journalists, and anyone who follows Fox News knows nothing about politics or journalism.

Get to the girls.

06-24-2004, 12:10 AM
you know, you really are a blowhard. if we knew that the poor murder victim rescued animals or tutored the illiterate or liked riding horses, we could remember her for that, too. this is a porn-related forum, though, so I see nothing wrong with mentioning physical attributes.

and it is horrifying, the relaxed attitude toward child abuse by casually referencing the beating of infants. find another figure of speech, assbag.

06-24-2004, 04:02 AM
you know, you really are a blowhard. if we knew that the poor murder victim rescued animals or tutored the illiterate or liked riding horses, we could remember her for that, too. this is a porn-related forum, though, so I see nothing wrong with mentioning physical attributes.

Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know that this being a porn forum precluded its posters from displaying some semblance of sensitivity, decorum, protocol, common sense, civil discourse, and respect for someone who lost their life tragically and violently. Although I wouldn't do it, I'm sure most people reading this exchange are resourceful enough to find a way to mention her appearance in ways that weren't so crude and chickenshit. And just how do you know the depth and totality of this deceased woman ? Whether she was a model or probity or not, the proper, respectful thing to do in this case is to allow her some wiggle room given she's now gone.

... Uh, I was nice this time to you, even though you referred to me as a "blowhard". Keep that in mind.

06-24-2004, 04:14 AM
Bless your heart....sorry for breaking your balls.

06-24-2004, 08:49 AM
Bless your heart....sorry for breaking your balls.

Your dearth of humanity continues to manifest itself here for everyone to witness, Chet. When are you going to post a thread on the most efficient and painless way of drowning a puppy, or the fine art of mutilating old Barbie dolls ? Tell us.

... You reallydon't want to go there with me, Chet. ...You really shouldn't, ya know.

06-24-2004, 09:31 AM
Chet, when I've criticised Mega, I've still given credit to him for his experience, and stressed my belief in his right to an opinion. In your case, however - and I'll put it in terms an imbecile such as yourself can understand - you are a monumental tosser. Perhaps Real's prose is a little to hard for you to follow: we are all products of our schooling, and that tends to be evident in the manner in which we write (syntax being a good exemplar). My assumption is that Real has received an good education, whereas you appear to have struggled to the end of middle-school - perhaps. Try to understand the content of his prose, rather than just criticise him for his ability to string polysyllabic words together.
Your current outburst is reminiscent of your oh so pithy response earlier in this string: instead of detailing a reasonable response to Running's statement, you chose to denigrate an entire nation (Canada), then when I called you on it you chose to slur mine. I don't recall either of us attacking your nation - in fact, our two countries are two of the very few true friends yours still has. Criticise us, fine (if you can manage to do it coherently), but try to exercise a little self-control.
Incidentally, I dare say, mate, that you were - and possibly still are - the sort of prognathous-browed thug that rolled smaller children (perhaps even two-year-olds) in the schoolyard for their lunch money, or just for kicks. No, I don't have any experience of my own with regards to bullying those smaller than myself - I've always found it much more satisfying sorting the likes of yourself out.

06-24-2004, 09:41 AM
By the way, Chet, the reason that Fox isn't allowed open slather on our domestic market is because of media ownership laws that prevent them from broadcasting here. That's because Murdoch already owns most of the newspapers in this country (certainly all of the tabloid rubbish) - our legislators wisely concluded that to allow this sort of cross-ownership would constitute a virtual monopoly, and would be detrimental to the nation. Based on the quality of the drivel his print media publishes, I'm glad we don't have to put up with his tabloid television. You see, most of us here like to get information from more than one source, so as to determine the likely veracity of what we've been presented with, rather than just believe whatever we are spoonfed by hacks.

06-24-2004, 11:20 AM
No, really: I am sorry for breakin your balls. Seriously. Love your tenacity, the both of yous...It was wrong of me to see how pissed off you could get, how much time you would spend on this. For me to continue down this path would be evil.

06-24-2004, 12:20 PM
Oh dear, oh dear. That's a bit schoolyard isn't it Chet?
Very sad indeed - when faced with complete annihiliation defiance is the only option.

06-24-2004, 01:54 PM
Seanchai, I'm sorry, I didn't realize anyone was enjoying this. I was concerned that this exchange was bringing the forum down and discouraging pic posting. Lordy, I hate it when mother gets this way. I may have to admit her to the Knowitall Nelly Home for the Terminally Bossy