View Full Version : Help Bella Bellucci!!! Charity Donations Needed.

11-08-2011, 12:12 AM
I seriously couldn't have been arsed until I saw her begging for money on another forum and having to use hilarious hatred of Grooby to appeal to donators.
I thought I'd be good enough to post it here for her. Quite a deal I must say although if she'd been a http://www.groobynetwork.com she wouldn't have to pay the Visa fee of $750.

Personally I'd spend my money on http://www.amydaly.com or http://www.brittanystjordan.com or the amazing http://www.tara-ts.com/tour.html for quality solo sites but hey, we all have different tastes.

I'd donate the $750 myself if it would cheer her up a little (and be tax deductible).

Good luck to all concerned.

"Posted 05 November 2011 - 12:47 AM

OK, I need to get this website started and I need mods/testers. I also need a bit of money to get the payment system up and running and the site looking the way I want it to ($175) and a lot of money ($750) to add Visa, so I'm offering $100 lifetime memberships to my site for select trustworthy individuals and anybody they refer. I know, 'why am I here?' Right? lol

Seriously tho guys, independent models are the only people who can take on the Grooby empire and I intend to organize them, one-by-one if need be, to try to be at least competitive with them. Please email me at bellabellucci@ymail.com for more info (since the messaging system keeps filling my PM box). Thanks in advance.
~BB~ "

11-08-2011, 12:27 AM
Asking online friends for help getting my website started, and offering something in return, is far from 'begging.'

Aren't you the biggest producer of 'Shemale Pr0n?' You don't have anything better to do? :?


11-08-2011, 12:28 AM
Asking online friends for help getting my website started, and offering something in return, is far from 'begging.'

Aren't you the biggest producer of 'Shemale Pr0n?' You don't have anything better to do? :?


why dont you take out a loan like the rest of us do?

11-08-2011, 12:29 AM
why dont you take out a loan like the rest of us do?

'Cuz I fucked up my credit during my divorce. :lol:


11-08-2011, 12:31 AM
Haters gonna hate.

11-08-2011, 12:31 AM
Aren't you the biggest producer of 'Shemale Pr0n?' You don't have anything better to do?

Not right now. Relaxing.

11-08-2011, 12:32 AM
Not right now. Relaxing.

Oic. Boredom sucks, doesn't it? :lol:


11-08-2011, 12:34 AM
Oh, and I meant what I said about your empire. :lol:

Star Wars- The Imperial March (Darth Vader's Theme) - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-bzWSJG93P8)


11-08-2011, 12:34 AM
Oic. Boredom sucks, doesn't it? :lol:

No idea it's been a long time since I was bored.

11-08-2011, 12:35 AM
Oh, and I meant what I said about your empire. :lol:


I'm flattered - thank you.

11-08-2011, 12:35 AM
No idea it's been a long time since I was bored.

So wait. This thread had a purpose other than providing me free publicity? You're a funny man. :lol:


11-08-2011, 12:37 AM
So wait. This thread had a purpose other than providing me free publicity? You're a funny man. :lol:


Nope all about free publicity for you.
If 1000 people all give $7.50 how long would they get on your site (when it is launched of course?)

11-08-2011, 12:37 AM
'Cuz I fucked up my credit during my divorce. :lol:


Isnt escorting making you tax free money?

11-08-2011, 12:38 AM
Nope all about free publicity for you.
If 1000 people all give $7.50 how long would they get on your site (when it is launched of course?)

How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? :?


11-08-2011, 12:39 AM
Isnt escorting making you tax free money?

This project isn't in my budget. It's designed to be self-sustaining with very little overhead.


PS: I pay taxes. I even paid taxes on money I made with Yum, even though they never sent me the legally-mandated 1099 form at tax time.

11-08-2011, 12:42 AM
.... the legally-mandated 1099 form at tax time.
It was in the mail. Check with Rufus, Clive, Doggy, Mo-mo, Wodger Wabbit or one of your other room-mates.

11-08-2011, 12:44 AM
It was in the mail. Check with Rufus, Clive, Doggy, Mo-mo, Wodger Wabbit or one of your other room-mates.

Lame. ZzZ zzZ ZZz zzz...


11-08-2011, 01:11 AM
'Cuz I fucked up my credit during my divorce. :lol:


why not turn some tricks like the others do? couldnt u earn that in 1 day?

11-08-2011, 01:15 AM
why not turn some tricks like the others do? couldnt u earn that in 1 day?

I've been in L.A. for a long time, so no, I can't unless I travel, and I have no plans to do that until after the site launch.

Are you guys writing a book? :lol:


Heather Moorland
11-08-2011, 01:18 AM
Why not borrow the money from the Hells Angels. Then you can suck their dicks untill the mony is paid.

11-08-2011, 01:20 AM
Why not borrow the money from the Hells Angels. Then you can suck their dicks untill the mony is paid.

I'm not masculine enough. They told me they preferred you. Interested in the gig?


Brittany St Jordan
11-08-2011, 02:30 AM
I did it for the cookies


11-08-2011, 02:31 AM
I'm not masculine enough. They told me they preferred you. Interested in the gig?


Hahahaha listen to you read marshmallow fluff ass over there lmaoo

11-08-2011, 02:34 AM
I did it for the cookies


You lie. You're too skinny to have been eating cookies. :lol:

Hahahaha listen to you read marshmallow fluff ass over there lmaoo

I don't call it a 'read.' It's more like a 'reveal.' It sounds more fair that way. :geek:


11-08-2011, 04:18 AM
After reading this thread, I am for team Bella now!

Bella if you ever have need of a political madwoman armed to teeth and ready to fight for ya. Gimme a call ;)

11-08-2011, 05:12 AM
@ seanchai,

You've always said that Bella is nothing to you, so why take jabs at her?

You're meant to be running a business - you should stick to your promotional posts because this kind of thing is not a very positive image to project.

11-08-2011, 05:25 AM
Not right now. Relaxing.youve got about as much class as a 2 dollar hooker.get a life.

11-08-2011, 05:32 AM
I did it for the cookies


Wait a minute... You got cookies???

Damn you... I never got cookies just a lame storm trooper outfit that I wont wear because thats like advertising you want to be cannon fodder. Seriously who picked out WHITE??? yeah that's not going to make you an easy target or anything... Might as well have a bulls-eye painted on the chest.

Fuck... now I gotta go see Vader about cookies and knowing him Im going to get hit with some Sith Darkside Mind trick and end up buying him cookies.. for a guy with a iron lung hes one hell of a bastard.

11-08-2011, 05:34 AM
Well if someone gives her the money that would be awesome

She deserves a site :)

11-08-2011, 08:12 AM
I seriously couldn't have been arsed until I saw her begging for money on another forum and having to use hilarious hatred of Grooby to appeal to donators.
I thought I'd be good enough to post it here for her. Quite a deal I must say although if she'd been a http://www.groobynetwork.com she wouldn't have to pay the Visa fee of $750.

Personally I'd spend my money on http://www.amydaly.com or http://www.brittanystjordan.com or the amazing http://www.tara-ts.com/tour.html for quality solo sites but hey, we all have different tastes.

I'd donate the $750 myself if it would cheer her up a little (and be tax deductible).

Good luck to all concerned.

"Posted 05 November 2011 - 12:47 AM

OK, I need to get this website started and I need mods/testers. I also need a bit of money to get the payment system up and running and the site looking the way I want it to ($175) and a lot of money ($750) to add Visa, so I'm offering $100 lifetime memberships to my site for select trustworthy individuals and anybody they refer. I know, 'why am I here?' Right? lol

Seriously tho guys, independent models are the only people who can take on the Grooby empire and I intend to organize them, one-by-one if need be, to try to be at least competitive with them. Please email me at bellabellucci@ymail.com for more info (since the messaging system keeps filling my PM box). Thanks in advance.
~BB~ "

LOL couldnt she just start escorting and make the money? Trannies are always bragging on how much money the make selling it?

11-08-2011, 08:17 AM
Well if someone gives her the money that would be awesome

She deserves a site :)

How hard is it to make 750 dollars escorting Kelly? Jennifer Paris charges $1500 dollars and up from what hear? lol

11-08-2011, 08:42 AM
I tend to think that Bella isn't a 24/7 escort.

11-08-2011, 10:12 AM
Well if someone gives her the money that would be awesome

She deserves a site :)

Thank you. That was surprisingly sweet. :)

I tend to think that Bella isn't a 24/7 escort.

No, I'm not. Between the camming, the promoting, the shooting, the site work, trying to keep an active social life, and raising a child, it's just not possible. So yeah, instead of begging for help I'm selling lifetime memberships. I know. I'm such a deadbeat, huh? :lol:


11-08-2011, 11:03 AM
@ seanchai,

You've always said that Bella is nothing to you, so why take jabs at her?

You're meant to be running a business - you should stick to your promotional posts because this kind of thing is not a very positive image to project.

If she feels the need to mention my company in her begging, then it's fair game for me to repost it. I think you've done enough negative posting to fail at pointing fingers.

Seriously though, if you are that concerned contact her about investing the money with her. Competition is good and more avenues for models to work can only be good for us all.

11-08-2011, 11:05 AM
youve got about as much class as a 2 dollar hooker.get a life.

A $2 hooker? You should know all about that and lack of class.

11-08-2011, 11:07 AM
Well if someone gives her the money that would be awesome

She deserves a site :)

I don't think "deserve" has anything to do with it - but with all the high rollers here, I would have thought someone could pay it or chip in. to pay it.
I'd consider doing it myself.

11-08-2011, 11:10 AM
If she feels the need to mention my company in her begging, then it's fair game for me to repost it. I think you've done enough negative posting to fail at pointing fingers.

OK, look. We've already established that nobody was begging. As far as mentioning your company, you have a lot of enemies and most of them are on VRF. Let's just say I know my audience well. You made your bed... :geek:

I don't think "deserve" has anything to do with it - but with all the high rollers here, I would have thought someone could pay it or chip in. to pay it.
I'd consider doing it myself.

I couldn't take your money even if you were serious and you know it. How valiant of you. :lol:


11-08-2011, 11:11 AM
you have a lot of enemies and most of them are on VRF. Let's just say I know my audience well. You made your bed... :geek:


I'd say about 3 people on that forum including potato face ... that may a lot.

11-08-2011, 11:13 AM

I'd say about 3 people on that forum including potato face ... that may a lot.

I'm going to respect the truce between all of you and not get in the middle of that, but suffice it to say I'm not happy with how you handled HD either. :ignore:


11-08-2011, 05:15 PM
If she feels the need to mention my company in her begging, then it's fair game for me to repost it. I think you've done enough negative posting to fail at pointing fingers.

Yeah, except I'm not here promoting my business. And it may be 'fair game', but that doesn't make it necessary - especially if she is nothing to you like you always claim.

11-08-2011, 07:09 PM
A $2 hooker? You should know all about that and lack of class.i know lack of class when i see it and you wrote the book on it you fuckin piece of shit,leave my sisters alone and grow the fuck up idiot.

11-08-2011, 07:28 PM
i know lack of class when i see it and you wrote the book on it you fuckin piece of shit,leave my sisters alone and grow the fuck up idiot.

Awwww Lisa. You wouldn't know class as you've never experienced it. Bella isn't your sister.

11-08-2011, 07:30 PM
Yeah, except I'm not here promoting my business. And it may be 'fair game', but that doesn't make it necessary - especially if she is nothing to you like you always claim.

Probably a fair point.
Bella actually works for us, which is why she continuously promotes Grooby across the internet, it's a huge set up and will come out one day.

11-08-2011, 07:44 PM
Awwww Lisa. You wouldn't know class as you've never experienced it. Bella isn't your sister.bella is a member of our sisterhood something youll never know anything about,its kinda comparable to the black brotherhood but i doubt youll know anything about that either.like i said leave my sisters alone and grow the fuck up what are ya 2?

11-08-2011, 07:50 PM
bella is a member of our sisterhood something youll never know anything about,its kinda comparable to the black brotherhood but i doubt youll know anything about that either.like i said leave my sisters alone and grow the fuck up what are ya 2?

So any tranny can be a member of your sisterhood regardless of if they're a twat or not (not aiming that at BB)? Seriously, what's the criteria?

You two have a few things in common ... is it just being a TG or something deeper? Were you always part of the "sisterhood" or do you have to earn it?

What do you know about being part of the black brotherhood?

You are truly hilarious Lisa ... I'd love to hear the answers.

11-08-2011, 07:59 PM
So any tranny can be a member of your sisterhood regardless of if they're a twat or not (not aiming that at BB)? Seriously, what's the criteria?

You two have a few things in common ... is it just being a TG or something deeper? Were you always part of the "sisterhood" or do you have to earn it?

What do you know about being part of the black brotherhood?

You are truly hilarious Lisa ... I'd love to hear the answers.lol ya i know im funny thats just one of the many many things that makes me better then most as for you i find it extremely ironic that you make your money off the backs of my sisters and your complete lack of respect to those who have different opinions then the ones you covet absoluty boggled the mind.

11-08-2011, 08:00 PM
She's been wanting it for years and I think she deserves the chance to show the doubters she can build a successful solo site.

Instead of just talking about it and not having real experience on solo sites.

11-08-2011, 08:03 PM
Bella actually works for us, which is why she continuously promotes Grooby across the internet, it's a huge set up and will come out one day.

lol. If that's true, then maybe you really are an evil genius...

11-08-2011, 08:06 PM
lol ya i know im funny thats just one of the many many things that makes me better then most as for you i find it extremely ironic that you make your money off the backs of my sisters and your complete lack of respect to those who have different opinions then the ones you covet absoluty boggled the mind.

Well I wasn't referring to you being funny Lisa. What else makes you better than most?
Where is the irony ... can you explain? Whose opinions do I covet? Yours? Other sisters? You are not putting your point across well?

11-08-2011, 08:15 PM
This whole evil genius or mad scientist thing don't get it

Steven is a business owner. Just like Joey:ISA:Sammi:the list goes on

And almost all of them use the term shemale

But Steven is the only one demonized

I don't get it

11-08-2011, 08:35 PM
This whole evil genius or mad scientist thing don't get it

Steven is a business owner. Just like Joey:ISA:Sammi:the list goes on

And almost all of them use the term shemale

But Steven is the only one demonized

I don't get it

I'm the only one with a presence that's accessible and prepared to defend his own and his companies decisions as well as tell some truths about the industry.

You don't see Sammi, Isa, Joey, Bob, etc. having an opinion about the adult industry or transgenderism in general, so it's pointless to "demonize" (which only one person has done) or make them the scapegoat as it's unlikely to get a response.

I've more to gain by being on these forums (and have done) and a lot more to lose.

11-08-2011, 08:35 PM
This whole evil genius or mad scientist thing don't get it

Steven is a business owner. Just like Joey:ISA:Sammi:the list goes on

And almost all of them use the term shemale

But Steven is the only one demonized

I don't get it

As you wrote your post, was looking at some of the movies advertised on the side there... interesting titles:

I Can't Believe It's Not Female, Dude, Where's My Cunt, Hot Latin Trannies...

It's an outrage I tell you.

11-08-2011, 08:36 PM
As you wrote your post, was looking at some of the movies advertised on the side there... interesting titles:

I Can't Believe It's Not Female, Dude, Where's My Cunt, Hot Latin Trannies...

It's an outrage I tell you.

Best DVD title ever:

"Summer Girls ... and some are not!"

11-08-2011, 08:42 PM
I thought trannies made a lot of money she cant come up with a measly 750 dollars?

11-08-2011, 08:44 PM
I've more to gain by being on these forums (and have done) and a lot more to lose.Exactly my point,do you think your getting more girls when you are acting out with your ex employees?

11-08-2011, 09:25 PM
Exactly my point,do you think your getting more girls when you are acting out with your ex employees?

I'm not acting out - I was helping her get exposure and to show everyone her silly post about Grooby. I think Bella has helped us get loads of girls (if you mean new models) over the years.

11-08-2011, 11:45 PM
i know lack of class when i see it and you wrote the book on it you fuckin piece of shit,leave my sisters alone and grow the fuck up idiot.

That's really sweet honey, but unnecessary. You and I might like each other and be friendly, and I may have lots of trans friends, but I've openly admitted on numerous occasions that I don't believe in having a sisterhood because I don't think people should play identity politics that limit us to being 'trans people.' I do however believe that society sees us as a group and so I'd be remiss to not do whatever I can individually to keep that image positive.

lol. If that's true, then maybe you really are an evil genius...

Please. He may have been able to turn some of my criticisms into something positive, but that cuts both ways. Just look at this thread for instance. This was never about destroying Grooby. It was about pressuring him to create change, and to a certain extent he has and I commend him for that. But that's as far as that goes. I still don't like a lot of what he did to get to where he is in the first place.

I'm the only one with a presence that's accessible and prepared to defend his own and his companies decisions as well as tell some truths about the industry...

I've more to gain by being on these forums (and have done) and a lot more to lose.

Well, that and because you were first. You popularized a lot of ideas that don't put transsexuals in a very good light and I for one don't really appreciate it. I also question your business ethics.

Even still, I'm not blind to the improvements in your company even if I still don't really trust you. Not to mention your actions in the 'forum wars.'

I'm not acting out - I was helping her get exposure and to show everyone her silly post about Grooby. I think Bella has helped us get loads of girls (if you mean new models) over the years.

In fact I have. I've told many girls to come see you guys first because yours is the easiest megasite on which to gain exposure. But now I also tell them what to look for when dealing with you guys. Sure, I know, that means you're going to have better prepared models and probably better shoots, but as I've always said, I care most about what's important for our image as a group. And the girls I've been helping probably don't really fit well into your sycophantic little mold anyway, so I fail to see the harm. :lol:

I also think I give a fair assessment of what each of us can offer them as solo models You already have excellent cross-marketing, and I'm working on the same. You take 20%. I'll be working on a per-project basis and not charging a penny for CCBill. You have a system already in place that had momentum, but it's hard to shift that momentum. I have one that's just starting out and can travel in any direction it likes and with anyone on board.

I don't hate you Steven. I hate the shit that you've done over time. Maybe someday you'll be at a place where I can honestly support what you're doing, but you're not quite there yet if you're still here attacking me.

You're the biggest producer in the niche. I'm a solo model who, like it or not, most people here think you screwed over. It's one thing for David to attack Goliath, but the posters here are right: this thread makes you look ridiculous.

And while I appreciate the credit, if anything, the fact that you think you're manipulating me into helping you means that you value my ideas and work, but don't want to pay me for them. I'm sorry but there's a word for that: it's 'exploitation.' :geek:


11-08-2011, 11:49 PM
I'm a solo model who, like it or not, most people here think you screwed over. It's one thing for David to attack Goliath, but the posters here are right: this thread makes you look ridiculous.

Until you get passed the fact that you were never screwed over and most people know that ... you are never going to move on.
You aren't David and I'm not Goliath.
I think this thread makes me look exactly how I want to be portrayed, which is why I created it.

11-08-2011, 11:52 PM
Until you get passed the fact that you were never screwed over and most people know that ... you are never going to move on.
You aren't David and I'm not Goliath.
I think this thread makes me look exactly how I want to be portrayed, which is why I created it.

OK then. So be it. :lol:


11-09-2011, 12:13 AM
PS: Hey, how does the promotion work on your network anyway? Do you still arbitrarily get to decide who to promote? Do you take affiliate revenue from the models? What if a girl works her ass off developing a site and you don't want to market it to her satisfaction? Since she could leave, any competition would be a threat to you, wouldn't it?

Just putting that out there for the folks watching at home.


11-09-2011, 12:25 AM
PS: Hey, how does the promotion work on your network anyway? Do you still arbitrarily get to decide who to promote? Do you take affiliate revenue from the models? What if a girl works her ass off developing a site and you don't want to market it to her satisfaction? Since she could leave, any competition would be a threat to you, wouldn't it?

Just putting that out there for the folks watching at home.


I think you misunderstand what we're offering - we're not a marketing company, the models still have to market themselves.
Read here: http://groobynetwork.com/

Do you still arbitrarily get to decide who to promote?
Every site that launches will get press released, twitter, promoted across the sites. All sites will be linked to our main sites and all our blogs and forums outlets as well as to links pages. They have the choice to offer it to non/some/all of our affiliates (effectively affiliates ready to sell them), they get access to post and promote on areas only for them. The possibilities are endless and we'll promote depending on where site would be expected to do well.

Do you take affiliate revenue from the models?

What if a girl works her ass off developing a site and you don't want to market it to her satisfaction?
We're not the marketers. They are expected to market it themselves, that's the point. They get access to tools, avenues for marketing, given plans and suggestions but the models are expected to fan mail, blog posts, forum post, Tweet, etc.

Anything else the "folks" out there need to know?

11-09-2011, 12:32 AM
I think you misunderstand what we're offering - we're not a marketing company, the models still have to market themselves.
Read here: http://groobynetwork.com/

Wait. So you don't even do the marketing?!?! OMG! This is rich! What the hell else are you good for then?! These girls just come to you because they don't want to pay a Visa fee or get on your bad side?! You can't be serious. With a company the size of yours, you're definitely not giving them what they need most from you - exposure. You're just giving them a place to work, not the actual work. That means that Britney's site is more independent than I thought but that you have more control over the system overall than I thought.

Wow. Just wow. :geek:


11-09-2011, 12:33 AM
Please. He may have been able to turn some of my criticisms into something positive, but that cuts both ways. Just look at this thread for instance. This was never about destroying Grooby. It was about pressuring him to create change, and to a certain extent he has and I commend him for that. But that's as far as that goes. I still don't like a lot of what he did to get to where he is in the first place.

I'm pretty sure he was just joking about what you do for him. He was just being a little flippant about the amount of times you talk about him and his business.

I lol'ed at the idea of you actually working for him...

11-09-2011, 12:37 AM
Wait. So you don't even do the marketing?!?! OMG! This is rich! What the hell else are you good for then?! These girls just come to you because they don't want to pay a Visa fee or get on your bad side?! You can't be serious. With a company the size of yours, you're definitely not giving them what they need most from you - exposure. You're just giving them a place to work, not the actual work. That means that Britney's site is more independent than I thought but that you have more control over the system overall than I thought.

Wow. Just wow. :geek:


Clearly you have absolutely no concept of the business, Bella but I wish you well in finding out how it does run, the expenses incurred and how difficult it is to get out there.
As you've obviously seen we've done marketing on BSJ's site but she is totally independent to make the choices she wants to in the running of her site. Some models might need more help than she in the design and building of the site, some less but the sites all belong to the individuals.

Anybody can see at http://www.groobynetwork.com to see exactly what's involved or ask me direct questions.

Thanks again for being my soapbox Bella but you can get off all fours now for a while.

11-09-2011, 12:38 AM
I'm pretty sure he was just joking about what you do for him. He was just being a little flippant about the amount of times you talk about him and his business.

I lol'ed at the idea of you actually working for him...

Oh no, it cuts deeper than that. We've been in a sort of cold war state for the two years we've known each other.

Yeah, I could never work for him, but lucky for me, I don't have to. :)


11-09-2011, 12:40 AM
Yeah, I could never work for him, but lucky for me, I don't have to. :)

Clearly you don't work - otherwise raising $750 to launch your big business wouldn't be such a struggle.

11-09-2011, 12:57 AM
Wait. So you don't even do the marketing?!?! OMG! This is rich! What the hell else are you good for then?! These girls just come to you because they don't want to pay a Visa fee or get on your bad side?! You can't be serious. With a company the size of yours, you're definitely not giving them what they need most from you - exposure. You're just giving them a place to work, not the actual work. That means that Britney's site is more independent than I thought but that you have more control over the system overall than I thought.

Wow. Just wow. :geek:


So, I've stayed out of this rather comical tete a tete for some time but since I actually do some marketing on behalf of Grooby...

I don't think it is any big secret that Grooby owns and operates a great deal of blogs that reach HUGE amounts of traffic (i.e. - one single blog gets about 3,500 visitors a day) or that I do some of the posting on their behalf (in full disclosure).

When Brittany St. Jordan launched her site on the Grooby Network, it was very clear that we were to do as much as possible to give it exposure across all properties in the form of posts, links, etc. as well as CONTINUED exposure over time. Quite frankly, as a site owner myself, I would KILL for this kind of exposure and PR.

So, Bella... as much as I really dislike interjecting into this type of thread, in this case, I have to say, you really DON'T have a clue as to what you're saying. When you've got a network of blogs that reach (a guess) around 50,000 persons a day + you're getting the SEO traffic from the links and etc., I'd call that MARKETING... in a big way... AND, it is FREE to the girls involved (i.e. - GroobyGirls).

11-09-2011, 01:02 AM
So, I've stayed out of this rather comical tete a tete for some time but since I actually do some marketing on behalf of Grooby...

I don't think it is any big secret that Grooby owns and operates a great deal of blogs that reach HUGE amounts of traffic (i.e. - one single blog gets about 3,500 visitors a day) or that I do some of the posting on their behalf (in full disclosure).

When Brittany St. Jordan launched her site on the Grooby Network, it was very clear that we were to do as much as possible to give it exposure across all properties in the form of posts, links, etc. as well as CONTINUED exposure over time. Quite frankly, as a site owner myself, I would KILL for this kind of exposure and PR.

So, Bella... as much as I really dislike interjecting into this type of thread, in this case, I have to say, you really DON'T have a clue as to what you're saying. When you've got a network of blogs that reach (a guess) around 50,000 persons a day + you're getting the SEO traffic from the links and etc., I'd call that MARKETING... in a big way... AND, it is FREE to the girls involved (i.e. - GroobyGirls).
Krissy for the win on this :)

11-09-2011, 01:09 AM
When Brittany St. Jordan launched her site on the Grooby Network, it was very clear that we were to do as much as possible to give it exposure across all properties in the form of posts, links, etc. as well as CONTINUED exposure over time. Quite frankly, as a site owner myself, I would KILL for this kind of exposure and PR.

So, Bella... as much as I really dislike interjecting into this type of thread, in this case, I have to say, you really DON'T have a clue as to what you're saying. When you've got a network of blogs that reach (a guess) around 50,000 persons a day + you're getting the SEO traffic from the links and etc., I'd call that MARKETING... in a big way... AND, it is FREE to the girls involved (i.e. - GroobyGirls).

You know something? I just wrote a response to this that explains why this may not be a good long-term deal for the models, even if they think it's great in the short term, but I'm not going to post it because I'm getting out of the business of identifying Steven's weaknesses. I'm sick of helping him.

Good luck girls. It might be all well and good in the beginning but it will behoove you to stay vigilant. :geek:


Brittany St Jordan
11-09-2011, 01:16 AM
When Brittany St. Jordan launched her site on the Grooby Network, it was very clear that we were to do as much as possible to give it exposure across all properties in the form of posts, links, etc. as well as CONTINUED exposure over time. Quite frankly, as a site owner myself, I would KILL for this kind of exposure and PR.

Just one more reason why I am glad I made the choice that I did.

11-09-2011, 02:00 AM
I love when Krissy makes it on to say her opinion!!! She rocks!!!

Grooby is a stepping stone for us girls and we also have to promote as well. But I have been doing that most of my life as trans woman... I have always promoted and had success in all I did. I am excited about bringing the trans world a new take on beauty! Its been a long time coming! Not only do I have Grooby, I have myself and hired a PR person so with all that, I have already been approached about things! Even Fleshlight is chatting me up! HOW THE FUCK IS THAT POSSIBLE? My site hasn't even launched! I am just honored and privileged to come into this industry a year ago and now launching my own site!!!

11-09-2011, 02:58 AM
I love when Krissy makes it on to say her opinion!!! She rocks!!!

Grooby is a stepping stone for us girls and we also have to promote as well. But I have been doing that most of my life as trans woman... I have always promoted and had success in all I did. I am excited about bringing the trans world a new take on beauty! Its been a long time coming! Not only do I have Grooby, I have myself and hired a PR person so with all that, I have already been approached about things! Even Fleshlight is chatting me up! HOW THE FUCK IS THAT POSSIBLE? My site hasn't even launched! I am just honored and privileged to come into this industry a year ago and now launching my own site!!!

Thanks Michelle :)

Sister Dick Radio is a frequent stop of mine to learn new stuff about the industry girls... good stuff!

I've been looking forward to your site launch for some time so I hope CCBill gets going... I know how excruciating the wait process can be! Sounds like exciting stuff in the works for you and I wish you the best with your career :)