View Full Version : porn star debut!

10-22-2011, 08:08 PM
A couple of months ago against my better judgement I went to my usual afterhours club. I been going there off and on for the last 5 years. After a long night of slinging drinks and watching everybody else have a good time i figured it was my turn.

Well i pull up in front of the club and i am immediately greeted my a cool trans gal who is also a "party favor " connect. After exchanging pleasantries and scoring what i need she says " hey come over here and meet my friend "Jen"!". It was funny because when i was pulling up i was breaking my neck trying to look @ this woman. When i go over she is a beautiful Redd bone totally unclockable chic. After a few seconds she ask if I plan on going in the club or if i want to roll with her. I figured one in the hand is worth two in the bush so i said" My work is done here for the night... Lets go!"

Any way we go to another club have drinks do some booger sugar and have a good time. We end up leaving and going to her gay friends house, to hang out some more. Anyway I find myself in the bedroom with her and these to gay guys. Now usually after i have had a lot to drink followed with some other things I really could care less. So she sits down ppulls out her dick and i start playing with it and the next thing i know Im blowing her. I have never considered my self and exhibitionist but because this chick was so hot I didnt care who was watching. So any way im doing my thing and I have to keep telling the gay guys to stop touching we and shit. They finaally got the message. But i turn around and both these motherfuckers are filmimg me on thier cellphones, like i signed a waiver and everything( like I would not have problem with it). I got them to stop filming and me and the chick went back to here house for round two. At the time I was so out of my mind with lust and drugs that i didnt care but when I sobered up I was thinking" I Hope that video doesn't end up in the wrong hands". O w well I had a good time anyway.

Willie Escalade
10-22-2011, 11:54 PM
That sure did look like you! j/k

10-22-2011, 11:58 PM
Cool story, brah. :geek:


10-23-2011, 12:23 AM
too long for me to read