View Full Version : "I'm on my period"

01-24-2006, 06:18 AM
How many of you guys have picked up a T-girl somewhere and had some sort of sexual experience with them (kissing, got a blowjob, whatever) and when you wanted to fuck, claimed "I can't, I'm on my period"? (that is, they were trying to hide their "T").

It's happened to me at least 6 times that I can remember.

01-24-2006, 06:48 AM
Hmm...never lol....but then again im not lucky enough to get any dates:)

01-24-2006, 06:58 AM
How many of you guys have picked up a T-girl somewhere and had some sort of sexual experience with them (kissing, got a blowjob, whatever) and when you wanted to fuck, claimed "I can't, I'm on my period"? (that is, they were trying to hide their "T").

It's happened to me at least 6 times that I can remember.

HELL NO,you fell for it 6 times dude,all i can say is WTF.

Hara_Juku Tgirl
01-24-2006, 07:21 AM
How many of you guys have picked up a T-girl somewhere and had some sort of sexual experience with them (kissing, got a blowjob, whatever) and when you wanted to fuck, claimed "I can't, I'm on my period"? (that is, they were trying to hide their "T").

It's happened to me at least 6 times that I can remember.

I know..that gets tiring to hear. :lol: Hasnt anyone said/used "I cant! I got a yeast infection". LOL.

I guess hearing that tired line "I cant, Im on my period"..Gotten you more excited huh Dan? :wink: You just wanna unveil err pull that skirt up and have a look see! :lol: :wink:



01-24-2006, 07:24 AM
How many of you guys have picked up a T-girl somewhere and had some sort of sexual experience with them (kissing, got a blowjob, whatever) and when you wanted to fuck, claimed "I can't, I'm on my period"? (that is, they were trying to hide their "T").

It's happened to me at least 6 times that I can remember.

:shock: ... LMAO!

01-24-2006, 07:53 AM
HELL NO,you fell for it 6 times dude,all i can say is WTF.

You are clueless.

01-24-2006, 07:58 AM
You just wanna unveil err pull that skirt up and have a look see! :lol: :wink:

Yes, please. :mrgreen: *grabs some hedge clippers* We'll take care of your skirt :twisted:

01-24-2006, 08:13 AM
HELL NO,you fell for it 6 times dude,all i can say is WTF.

You are clueless.

I'll accept being clueless in your mind,only if you accept to being as gullible as gomer pyle,who in the hell falls for that crap. Dude notice how people are laughing at this and think about what you posted.

I may not be a Casanova in the ladies department,but when a girl says"I can't, I'm on my period" when your being intimate and she doesn't want to go all the way thats a clue she doesn't want to have sex with you all the way. And you fell for the six times and im the clueless one whatever dude.

01-24-2006, 08:23 AM
It's pretty much the equivelent of a woman saying to the guy,

"You're a hidious, revolting, disgusting object that I would not want to be seen next to dead in a plague pit"

It's that, but in a more polite way if I am not mistaken.

Remember the old saying.

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me more than that, and I'm pretty much your bitch.

01-24-2006, 09:44 AM
I'll accept being clueless in your mind,only if you accept to being as gullible as gomer pyle,who in the hell falls for that crap. Dude notice how people are laughing at this and think about what you posted.

I may not be a Casanova in the ladies department,but when a girl says"I can't, I'm on my period" when your being intimate and she doesn't want to go all the way thats a clue she doesn't want to have sex with you all the way. And you fell for the six times and im the clueless one whatever dude.

What I was saying is that you had no idea what the topic is really about...... and you still don't. Perhaps actually reading all of what was written might help.

01-25-2006, 05:42 AM
6 Times.... no. In fact when I was a youngin ... I had a run in with a Tgirl (didn't know at the time) but she didn't use that line. She simply didn't let me in her pants. lol

6 Times ... I guess you're way beyond 'fool me twice shame on me' type of advice.

01-25-2006, 06:57 AM
I wonder if anyone here does anything but bench racing.

Jamie Michelle
01-25-2006, 09:50 AM
I'll accept being clueless in your mind,only if you accept to being as gullible as gomer pyle,who in the hell falls for that crap. Dude notice how people are laughing at this and think about what you posted.

I may not be a Casanova in the ladies department,but when a girl says"I can't, I'm on my period" when your being intimate and she doesn't want to go all the way thats a clue she doesn't want to have sex with you all the way. And you fell for the six times and im the clueless one whatever dude.

What I was saying is that you had no idea what the topic is really about...... and you still don't. Perhaps actually reading all of what was written might help.

Yes, Legend and some others here are missing the point. You specified in your original post in this thread regarding said T-girls, "they were trying to hide their 'T.'"

In other words, the girls are trying to pass themselves off as genetic girls and hence don't want to expose their genitals, which would give them away.

01-25-2006, 10:03 AM
Thank you for restoring my faith that at least some people here can read ;).

I've had lot's of interesting experiences with T-girls who thought they were "passing" but I'd clocked them way earlier. I think I already told the story about the one who tried to hide her T and I told her "It's ok, I won't be embarrassed if your dick is bigger than mine".

I even had a couple which I actually had sex with and they thought that I didn't realize. One I could tell was really uneasy about it, so I humored her and pretended not to notice. Another was a "pay date" and when she got too rediculous I told her if she didn't let me play with her dick that I wouldn't pay her. She had the opposite reaction: she was so relieved that she didn't get "caught" (in the bad way) we ended up fucking all night long.

01-25-2006, 10:18 AM
Working tgirls in Thailand will often use that - even to the extent of pulling out a panty liner with lipstick on (?!) from their panties.
They'll then say, I'll give you blowjob or you can fuck me in the ass...
...not surprisingly, a lot of guys over the years have probably been taken in by this, thinking they were with a fish.

01-25-2006, 10:35 AM
Reading is fundamental.

01-25-2006, 04:59 PM
6 times? yer an idiot.

01-25-2006, 08:54 PM
And you're illiterate.

02-01-2006, 05:48 AM
Hell, I have to applaud you for not being the kind of guy that gets with a T girl and 90% of your conversation is about her dick.

"lemme see it"
"lemme touch it"
"lemme this"
"lemme that"

Depending on where you are finding these girls, that can be a very common responce from a girl who is trying to pass as a female. I haven't been feed that line but maybe once but I knoiw several girls that have used that over and over with guys who didn't know (or they thought didn't ).

Face it, not all guys want to be with a t girl no matter how fine she may be. It is a protection responce for girls afraid that they guy they have been sexual with will kill them or beat the shit out of them for fooling them. A lot of times, especially younger girls, will test there ability to pass by getting w/ unsuspecting male partners. It also keeps the dick crazed tranny chasers away. Some girls would rather risk an ass whooping than meet up with the "lemme see your dick" guy.

If she has gone far enouogh to give you head and make out with you I doubt seriously that it is about her not wanting you intimately.

02-02-2006, 06:58 AM
a) I'm about to have a heart attack.... a guy on this forum actually understood what my post was about..... ;).

b) I had no doubts in any of these cases that they did want me sexually. Let's face it, for me to have even included anyone in "that list", 2 things had to be already true: 1) I had to have had some sort of sexual experience with them, and 2) I had to have known they were TG even without them telling me*

I was simply curious as the the similar experiences of others, since, as you point out :" A lot of times, especially younger girls, will test there ability to pass by getting w/ unsuspecting male partners. "

But I guess people here haven't had this experience because "It also keeps the dick crazed tranny chasers away. Some girls would rather risk an ass whooping than meet up with the "lemme see your dick" guy" and such guys are apparently not around here.

* It's this part which really makes me wonder if several of the people who posted in this thread think at all before posting a response

02-02-2006, 07:13 AM

I'm being dense and not understanding your post.