View Full Version : Hugo Chavez Keeps Seeing The Grim Reaper Looking Through His Window

Dino Velvet
10-17-2011, 10:16 PM

Report: Venezuela's Chavez 'Only Has Two Years to Live'

Published October 17, 2011
| NewsCore

HAVANA – Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez likely has less than two years to live, his former doctor said, as the ailing firebrand traveled to Cuba for a checkup following cancer treatment.
Chavez, 57, has been through four rounds of chemotherapy in Cuba since revealing he had a cancerous tumor removed in June. But Venezuela (http://www.foxnews.com/topics/venezuela.htm#r_src=ramp) has provided few details about the exact nature of the cancer, aside from that it was in the pelvic area.
Salvador Navarrete, his former personal surgeon, told Mexican newspaper Milenio Semanal on Sunday that the leader's condition likely was worse than publicly admitted.
The doctor described the prognosis as "not good." He added, "When I say this, I mean that he has no more than two years to live."
Navarrete said Chavez likely was suffering from either a tumor in his pelvis or a sarcoma, which would explain the intensive course of treatment.
Navarrete was the personal surgeon for Chavez from 2002 until earlier this year, when Chavez changed his medical staff to exclusively Cuban (http://www.foxnews.com/world/2011/10/17/report-venezuelas-chavez-only-has-two-years-to-live/#) doctors.
Before departing for Havana, Chavez told Venezuelan TV that the visit was routine, but he did not disclose any details of his condition. Earlier reports said the visit was for a checkup, to see whether there were any malignant cells in his body, AFP reported.
Chavez has been in power since 1999 and has maintained that he will recover in time to win re-election in 2012.



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10-18-2011, 12:06 AM
I guess his wish to be president for life didn't quite work out the way he planned.. Gotta clarify these things when dealing with genies.


10-18-2011, 12:14 AM
Apart from stating the obvious -that we are all dead in the long run (Keynes)- what is the point of this thread?

10-18-2011, 12:42 AM
Personally I don't hold much store in Chavez, but I'm guessing from what Faldur wrote, that the gist of the thread is "Only the good die young," that or Chavez owes his position to a magical blue genie...but the latter seems unlikely.

10-18-2011, 01:25 AM
Personally I don't hold much store in Chavez, but I'm guessing from what Faldur wrote, that the gist of the thread is "Only the good die young," that or Chavez owes his position to a magical blue genie...but the latter seems unlikely.

Funny lady..

Dino Velvet
10-18-2011, 01:51 AM
I'm drinking beer and saving my precious urine for his tombstone. We all die someday but I can stand over his grave but he won't be around to stand over mine.

10-18-2011, 03:19 AM
Personally I don't hold much store in Chavez, but I'm guessing from what Faldur wrote, that the gist of the thread is "Only the good die young," that or Chavez owes his position to a magical blue genie...but the latter seems unlikely.

Yep, he's the left's token bad apple, but that doesn't quite excuse the several bushels of right-wing Latin dictators propped up by the US over the decades.

10-18-2011, 04:11 AM
I'm drinking beer and saving my precious urine for his tombstone. We all die someday but I can stand over his grave but he won't be around to stand over mine.

All that way and all that money just to take a leak? And on the other board posters are claiming Jennifer Paris costs too much! I think you have your priorities all wrong on this one Dino -is Chavez really worth so much of what you have? Does the US still get Venezuela's oil?

Dino Velvet
10-18-2011, 06:33 AM
All that way and all that money just to take a leak? And on the other board posters are claiming Jennifer Paris costs too much! I think you have your priorities all wrong on this one Dino -is Chavez really worth so much of what you have? Does the US still get Venezuela's oil?

Unfortunately we do get oil from Venezuela. I wish we could get more from Canada.

Dino Velvet
03-06-2013, 04:07 AM
Hey Hugo, how's that farm you just bought?

03-06-2013, 07:38 AM
Hey Hugo, how's that farm you just bought?

Like I said before, the left's bad apple. But he's far outweighed in the balance by the rivers of cider created by the disreputable litany of right-wing thugs that the US and the CIA chose to keep in power in south America throughout the 20th century.

The belated arrival of genuine democracy in Latin America is a real source of hope in the 21st century. Just hope that Uncle Sam keeps out of it this time.

03-06-2013, 10:25 AM
Monroe wasn't just a beautiful blonde - also a still persistant US doctrine

03-06-2013, 11:59 AM
Like I said before, the left's bad apple. But he's far outweighed in the balance by the rivers of cider created by the disreputable litany of right-wing thugs that the US and the CIA chose to keep in power in south America throughout the 20th century.

The belated arrival of genuine democracy in Latin America is a real source of hope in the 21st century. Just hope that Uncle Sam keeps out of it this time.

It doesn't matter RL - whether he was left or right, I think that's just making excuses (and why Chavez could get away Internationally with what he was). There is a line and he crossed it multiple times. Whether he was a right-wing thug or a left-wing thug, makes no difference, we've seen it happen time and time again, revolutionaries with great ideas and morals becoming succumbed by power, ego and creating their own cult's of personality.

03-06-2013, 12:11 PM
I think it does matter Seanchai. Right wing Chavez and the continuing regime in Cuba (overly demonised as it is) are a symbol of the corruption of left wing ideals. Both resulted in people in prison and the suppression of human rights, but the death toll from the likes of Somoza, the Argentine junta, Hugo Banzer and his ilk, Stroessner, Pinochet etc was always consistently higher. And it is likely this and future US governments will continue to keep an eagle eye on left wing political developments in Latin America (their backyard in my oblique reference to the Monroe doctrine) and are likely to intervene at some level.

03-06-2013, 12:41 PM
I think it does matter Seanchai. Right wing Chavez and the continuing regime in Cuba (overly demonised as it is) are a symbol of the corruption of left wing ideals. Both resulted in people in prison and the suppression of human rights, but the death toll from the likes of Somoza, the Argentine junta, Hugo Banzer and his ilk, Stroessner, Pinochet etc was always consistently higher. And it is likely this and future US governments will continue to keep an eagle eye on left wing political developments in Latin America (their backyard in my oblique reference to the Monroe doctrine) and are likely to intervene at some level.

As soon as you start extending your term (or re-writing the constitution to keep you in power), stopping media that may be critical towards you and harassing or blocking political opposites then you've crossed that line. The eventual death toll's aren't relevant as who knows where they could have gone (and do we have true statistics on Cuba's total death penalties for dissidents over the decades?).

Chavez's support for regimes which clearly aren't democratic (but snub the US and the West) show that it's less about the people and democracy and more about his own personality, ego and dictatorship.

People over-compensate or make excuses (and I've been guilty on this numerous times) because people like Chavez, Castro, Gaddafi, Mao etc. have managed to oust Western imperialism and corporate agendas which we dislike even more. Hopefully, some middle ground can be found.

03-06-2013, 01:00 PM
Got to agree with your hopes there Seanchai... but it isn't looking good in Libya, Egypt etc....

03-06-2013, 01:59 PM
Got to agree with your hopes there Seanchai... but it isn't looking good in Libya, Egypt etc....

Different countries and completely different people.

03-06-2013, 08:40 PM
Well it was you who mentioned Gaddafi! lol

03-07-2013, 09:03 AM
I'm still trying to figure out what Hugo Chavez did to piss everybody off so much.

Dictator? That doesn't work for me because he was popularly elected, & stayed quite popular till he died. Both he & the Venezuelan Constitutional changes that allowed him to run for office again were voted in by huge landslide margins, & there's never been any credible evidence that those elections were anything but on the up & up. So what's the problem? How is this not democracy? Oh I'm sure the usual suspects will be in here shortly to explain that popularity of ideas & those who promote them has nothing to do with it, or that democracy itself is so horrible & dangerous that it shouldn't be part of the electoral process, but c'mon... Really... Hugo Chavez wasn't the duly elected leader of his country?

Was he a threat to his neighbors? Not that I can tell. Seems like he plugged the holes & pushed the perpetual Columbian civil war back across the border, but that's not even a threat to Columbia. ??????????

Was he a threat beyond the South American continent? How? Venezuela has no military to speak of. They aren't developing weaponry as far as anybody knows.

Must be economic then. How so? Was it wrong to hand out food or make it very cheap in a country who's agriculture industry can't feed the population? Dearth of arable land & all. Must've been a bad move to ease the abject poverty that gripped most of the population. By who's standards or ideology? Pffffft! Well I guess if he hadn't nationalized their oil... Oh wait a minute. He didn't do that either. Venezuelan oil has never been privately owned. They were putting OPEC together before Chavez was born.

So what is/was the problem?