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10-14-2011, 01:17 AM
The report below offers a chilling insight into the behaviour of people with mobile/cell phones. The issue of cleanliness is a sensitive one, but the fact is that the Reviews section recently had a report of someone who to see an escort in a dirty and smelly apartment; most escorts dread the man who walks through the door stinking of alcohol and much worse; and most of us most of the time I am sure wash our hands after going to the toilet. Ah well, as it says, also, most people don't tell the truth about it, like sex. Curious that Glasgow comes off the worst in the UK; which city in the USA would top this infectious poll?

One in six mobile phones contain E coli

Reseachers say 16% of UK mobile devices and users' hands contaminated with faecal bacteria due to poor personal hygiene have found that 16% of UK mobile phones contain traces of E coli bacteria due to poor personal hygiene. Photograph: Linda Nylind for the Guardian

One in six UK mobile phones (http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/mobilephones) are contaminated with faecal bacteria due to poor personal hygiene (http://www.guardian.co.uk/society/hygiene), scientists have found.
Researchers said that 16% of the devices were contaminated with E coli (http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/e-coli), which can cause food poisoning, most probably because people fail to properly wash their hands after going to the toilet. The study by the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and Queen Mary, University of London, also found that Britons tend to lie about their personal hygiene.
While 95% of the 390 people surveyed said they washed their hands with soap where possible, 92% of mobile phones and 82% of hands were contaminated with bacteria.
The study, which took samples from 390 phones in 12 cities, raises serious public health concerns as it found that 16% of hands and the same proportion of phones were contaminated with E coli. A virulent strain of the bacterium has recently been implicated in the fatal outbreak of food poisoning in Germany in June.
Dr Val Curtis, from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, said: "This study provides more evidence that some people still don't wash their hands properly, especially after going to the toilet.
"I hope the thought of having E coli on their hands and phones encourages them to take more care in the bathroom – washing your hands with soap is such a simple thing to do but there is no doubt it saves lives."
Birmingham has the highest proportion of bacteria-ridden phones (41%) but the highest level of E coli contamination was found in London (28%).
But the scientists also found a north-south divide in the levels of bacteria found on phones, with northern cities the dirtiest. Glasgow was the worst with average bacterial levels on phones and hands nine times higher than in Brighton.
The scientists also found those who had bacteria on their hands were three times as likely to have bacteria on their phone.
Dr Ron Cutler, of Queen Mary, University of London, said: "While some cities did much better than others, the fact that E coli was present on phones and hands in every location shows this is a nationwide problem.
"People may claim they wash their hands regularly but the science shows otherwise."
Faecal bacteria can survive on hands and surfaces for hours at a time, especially in warmer temperatures away from sunlight. It is easily transferred by touch to door handles, food and even mobile phones.
The research was released ahead of Global Handwashing Day on 15 October.


10-14-2011, 01:57 AM
Haha thats nasty

10-14-2011, 04:09 AM
your door nob and your computer keyboard are worst

fecal flora galore

The report below offers a chilling insight into the behaviour of people with mobile/cell phones. The issue of cleanliness is a sensitive one, but the fact is that the Reviews section recently had a report of someone who to see an escort in a dirty and smelly apartment; most escorts dread the man who walks through the door stinking of alcohol and much worse; and most of us most of the time I am sure wash our hands after going to the toilet. Ah well, as it says, also, most people don't tell the truth about it, like sex. Curious that Glasgow comes off the worst in the UK; which city in the USA would top this infectious poll?

One in six mobile phones contain E coli

Reseachers say 16% of UK mobile devices and users' hands contaminated with fecal bacteria due to poor personal hygiene have found that 16% of UK mobile phones contain traces of E coli bacteria due to poor personal hygiene. Photograph: Linda Nylind for the Guardian

One in six UK mobile phones (http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/mobilephones) are contaminated with fecal bacteria due to poor personal hygiene (http://www.guardian.co.uk/society/hygiene), scientists have found.
Researchers said that 16% of the devices were contaminated with E coli (http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/e-coli), which can cause food poisoning, most probably because people fail to properly wash their hands after going to the toilet. The study by the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and Queen Mary, University of London, also found that Britons tend to lie about their personal hygiene.
While 95% of the 390 people surveyed said they washed their hands with soap where possible, 92% of mobile phones and 82% of hands were contaminated with bacteria.
The study, which took samples from 390 phones in 12 cities, raises serious public health concerns as it found that 16% of hands and the same proportion of phones were contaminated with E coli. A virulent strain of the bacterium has recently been implicated in the fatal outbreak of food poisoning in Germany in June.
Dr Val Curtis, from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, said: "This study provides more evidence that some people still don't wash their hands properly, especially after going to the toilet.
"I hope the thought of having E coli on their hands and phones encourages them to take more care in the bathroom – washing your hands with soap is such a simple thing to do but there is no doubt it saves lives."
Birmingham has the highest proportion of bacteria-ridden phones (41%) but the highest level of E coli contamination was found in London (28%).
But the scientists also found a north-south divide in the levels of bacteria found on phones, with northern cities the dirtiest. Glasgow was the worst with average bacterial levels on phones and hands nine times higher than in Brighton.
The scientists also found those who had bacteria on their hands were three times as likely to have bacteria on their phone.
Dr Ron Cutler, of Queen Mary, University of London, said: "While some cities did much better than others, the fact that E coli was present on phones and hands in every location shows this is a nationwide problem.
"People may claim they wash their hands regularly but the science shows otherwise."
Faecal bacteria can survive on hands and surfaces for hours at a time, especially in warmer temperatures away from sunlight. It is easily transferred by touch to door handles, food and even mobile phones.
The research was released ahead of Global Handwashing Day on 15 October.


Bobby Domino
10-14-2011, 04:46 AM
we use WAY too much toilet paper in the USA for any of that to happen :whistle:

10-14-2011, 05:13 AM
The germs are everywhere, so why worry about them? Wash your hands after you wipe your ass, but just don't sweat the rest of it.

10-14-2011, 10:49 AM
Seriously? From the time I was born until the Berlin Wall came down the major threat to the US and therefore me was that the Russians were going to drop a bunch of nukes on us. Then Osama bin Laden was coming to wipe us out. Now it's germ warfare, must be a terrorist plot.:yayo: