View Full Version : Trannys were once a new thrill for you guys.

Nicole Dupre
10-09-2011, 04:24 PM
I wonder. Were transsexuals a perfect fit for some of you, which left you feeling like you finally arrived at the sexual destination you always vaguely dreamed of, but couldn't quite put your finger on?

Or do you see us as a kick? Were we just one taboo that you needed to conquer? And, if so, is the "fetish" still satisfying you? Was it all that you hoped for? Were "we" who you hoped we'd be? For that matter, how much have you learned to make generalizations about us as human beings? Are we "all the same" the more you get to know us? Or do you feel like you don't even have enough time in your life to get to know us quite the way you should?

And, if we are a taboo, what other taboos might you be inclined to... move towards? I know many men secretly lust for children. I've had a few confess this to me. And many do far more than think about it. And trust me. It's not always "someone else". I bet it's some guy you already know, or someone you see on television and/or in movies. Maybe it's your boss. Maybe it's your priest. Maybe it's your father.

But back to us; transsexuals. What do you think? Do we satisfy you? Are we worth the learning experiences that come along with getting to know us? Or, do we have too much baggage? If you seek love, are we lovable? Do you love yourself enough to even love anyone else in the first place? Do you want love or just sex, or both? Are we an escape or a realistic goal?

Reach deep on this thread.

10-09-2011, 04:55 PM
If I could met a tranny who didn't want to escort for the rest of her life, like is actually willing to stop escorting and pursue onto other things, I wouldn't mind getting to know her on the personal level and dating her and being public about it. She also has to be into me too of course and not what's in my banking account. I've only met a very very few who were actually willing to stop escorting for me while we dated.

10-09-2011, 05:13 PM
I know you love provocation Nicole. But I think to suggest that an attraction to transexuals leads to paedophilia is rather offensive. It is the same sort of argument that used to be levelled against gay people - that they would, given half a chance, molest little boys so would need to be hounded out of jobs such as teaching. Paedophilia is a sickness that is just as likely to arise among the heterosexual population as among those attracted to transexuals and among homosexuals.

Perhaps all men who are attracted to transexuals and transvestites should be rounded up and put in camps to protect children? Just in case?

10-09-2011, 05:22 PM
Good question Nicole, I await the responses and I can only hope they are honest responses and not words of the usual standard types of words to sound correct and comfy.

I am not sure if I should respond cause I am on the other end of this question but in my life's encounters most of the guys i met wanted me to stay in the closet and hide from their real life and just to appear when they are horny.

I don't know about the link or connection with peds, but when I was very young, the men that were attracted to me and had sex with me would be classified as such but whether it had to do with me looking like a girl is unclear. I believe these guys would have molested me if i was either a boy or girl.

I await some honest answers, but I prepare for another battle,,,,lol

Nicole Dupre
10-09-2011, 05:30 PM
I know you love provocation Nicole. But I think to suggest that an attraction to transexuals leads to paedophilia is rather offensive. It is the same sort of argument that used to be levelled against gay people - that they would, given half a chance, molest little boys so would need to be hounded out of jobs such as teaching. Paedophilia is a sickness that is just as likely to arise among the heterosexual population as among those attracted to transexuals and among homosexuals.

Perhaps all men who are attracted to transexuals and transvestites should be rounded up and put in camps to protect children? Just in case?

I'm not suggesting a love of transsexuals implies being a latent child molester AT ALL. I'm merely telling you what I've heard from men at weak moments. I never made the association until I heard it more than 2 or 3 times. In fact, I've also noticed that men often fantasize about being the child in question. It's the idea of deflowering that they cathect. Many men are turned on by the thought of perversion itself. I'm sure a multitude of things cross over into any given man's libido. Actually, I think most men who like transsexuals are sexually submissive. But I could be wrong. But men who leave transsexuals in the realm of their fetishes do have other fetishes. From being a smoker of cigarettes, I've learned that MANY men have a thing for both transsexuals and smoking. But heels, leather, S&M, bondage, paraphilic infantilism, necrophilia, etc, etc ALL potentially share some common ground in many men's libidos also.

I ultimately have no idea what makes many men tick, sexually. I was just asking questions, not making blanket statements about men into trannys being latent child molesters, although I'm sure the phenomenon exists.

10-09-2011, 05:33 PM
Yvonne wrote: " when I was very young, the men that were attracted to me and had sex with me would be classified as such but whether it had to do with me looking like a girl is unclear. I believe these guys would have molested me if i was either a boy or girl."

Plenty of men are attracted to teenage girls - who are often legally underage. Technically - in the eyes of the law - this is paedophilia. But I think a 25 year old who dates and maybe has sex with a 15 year old is - by and large - a fool but not a sex monster. Plenty of girls under the age of consent are also keen to have sex - and usually with boys or men older than themselves. It's always been a fact of the world.
Paedophilia is surely something else really - the sick creeps who want to molest babies, toddlers or the very young.

10-09-2011, 05:35 PM
I wonder. Were transsexuals a perfect fit for some of you, which left you feeling like you finally arrived at the sexual destination you always vaguely dreamed of, but couldn't quite put your finger on?

Or do you see us as a kick? Were we just one taboo that you needed to conquer? And, if so, is the "fetish" still satisfying you? Was it all that you hoped for? Were "we" who you hoped we'd be? For that matter, how much have you learned to make generalizations about us as human beings? Are we "all the same" the more you get to know us? Or do you feel like you don't even have enough time in your life to get to know us quite the way you should?

And, if we are a taboo, what other taboos might you be inclined to... move towards? I know many men secretly lust for children. I've had a few confess this to me. And many do far more than think about it. And trust me. It's not always "someone else". I bet it's some guy you already know, or someone you see on television and/or in movies. Maybe it's your boss. Maybe it's your priest. Maybe it's your father.

But back to us; transsexuals. What do you think? Do we satisfy you? Are we worth the learning experiences that come along with getting to know us? Or, do we have too much baggage? If you seek love, are we lovable? Do you love yourself enough to even love anyone else in the first place? Do you want love or just sex, or both? Are we an escape or a realistic goal?

Reach deep on this thread.

For me its all a fantasy

ive never meet a TS in real life as far as I know...

Nicole Dupre
10-09-2011, 05:38 PM
I wasn't for even a second expecting that guys start raising their hands and saying they have kiddie porn on their computers, but I'd bet my life that some guys on here do. Personally though, I don't want to know the details.

10-09-2011, 05:40 PM
Well remember one of the most popular thread in here was the club kids thread. So you can take that as it is. As for everything else I haven't found the right gg let alone tg so i'm pretty much status unknown. If I did meet the right tg i'm not even sure how i'd feel.

10-09-2011, 05:40 PM
ive never meet a TS in real life as far as I know...

Really? U need to jump on that bandwagon quick man, you're missing out! Hop on backpage tonight after the football games and get yourself a tgirl!

10-09-2011, 05:43 PM
Okay Nicole - misunderstood you a bit. Yes - I suspect that some of your suspicions are accurate. I bow to your obviously wide experience of men and their sexuality. But in all probability the bulk of the perversions" or "kinks" you list are ones which are mutually pretty harmless - ie bondage, high heels, smoking etc. I think many men are, perhaps, like me - a sensualist. I love the realm of the senses - intoxications and erotic play. I enjoy a wide range of sexual behaviour - I am a top and bottom. I have tried bondage (though not as a top) but find much of the other stuff listed ludicrous (adult baby play etc) or just plain revolting (scat) or more than revolting (paedophilia and necrophilia and bestiality) The key thing about sexuality is mutual consent - and respect for innocence (ie children)

However I would defend the realm of sensual sexual play and argue that the idea it necessarily leads to the pursuit of deeper darker desires as unproven. In some cases it might - but I suspect the bulk of the men who visit this site and those who post in the review section are sexual exploers, but one;s who aren't interested in those truly far-out and sinister elements of sexuality.

In the end though i can only speak for myself. And i know I've not addressed the other key question in your post. Are TS girls simply a fetish. For me for reasons of my age and circumstance - now they must remain a late developed passion. If i were 20 again and feel as i do now then I am certain I would be looking for a life partner from this community. But at 20 and 30 I had NO idea transexuals even existed.

Nicole Dupre
10-09-2011, 05:45 PM
Some guys love the mystery of whether or not a woman was born male. But some need that to enjoy us. Some guys see our transitions as an incredibly powerful act. Power is an aphrodisiac.

Some guys love the idea that a girl looks underage, but they don't actually want her to be. I understand that too.

Personally, I don't frown upon anything sexual between consenting adults. Nothing. If you want to fuck a quadriplegic midget, I'm all for it as long as it was consensual. I don't understand it, but it's none of my business. Being an actual sexual predator is something else. But roleplay often involves rape. I've roleplayed raping men MANY times. It's a fantasy. Sane people know the difference.

10-09-2011, 05:48 PM
Yvonne wrote: " when I was very young, the men that were attracted to me and had sex with me would be classified as such but whether it had to do with me looking like a girl is unclear. I believe these guys would have molested me if i was either a boy or girl."

Plenty of men are attracted to teenage girls - who are often legally underage. Technically - in the eyes of the law - this is paedophilia. But I think a 25 year old who dates and maybe has sex with a 15 year old is - by and large - a fool but not a sex monster. Plenty of girls under the age of consent are also keen to have sex - and usually with boys or men older than themselves. It's always been a fact of the world.
Paedophilia is surely something else really - the sick creeps who want to molest babies, toddlers or the very young.

How could you possibly know that the guys I was with were not Peds,, were you there? Did you talk to them? Were you one of them? How the hell do you know?

10-09-2011, 05:54 PM
Sure of course i don't know. But do YOU? For goodness sake. You beleive you say - but you don't know. Such accusations don't do you justice.

Nicole Dupre
10-09-2011, 06:03 PM
Well remember one of the most popular thread in here was the club kids thread. So you can take that as it is. As for everything else I haven't found the right gg let alone tg so i'm pretty much status unknown. If I did meet the right tg i'm not even sure how i'd feel.
Many people wouldn't know how to deal with meeting the right life partner, period. Some people aren't ready to share their life with someone else at all. Personally, I know what I think would make or break a LTR for myself. Ultimately, I would never allow myself to fall in love while being a sexworker. I know it won't work. Any man is welcome to sweep me off of my feet and provide me with both love and financial security, and prove me wrong. But I would never hold my breath. And if I actively seek such a man out, then I get labeled a gold digger. So my cards remain on the table, and I don't care how things play out. When I'm done being a sexworker, that will change my options. But then having a conventional career and being independent is yet another thing I'd be forced to weigh against sharing my life and letting someone "take care of" me. And SRS is yet another bridge to cross. I don't think men treat pre-ops as anything more than sex objects. Post ops are on a more level playing field with GGs. I didn't transition to remain a fetish for the rest of my life, so why would I trust a man who makes SRS a deal breaker? In fact, I don't think any man can predict how he'll adjust to his GF or wife having SRS. I think it's wishful thinking on their part, whether their intentions are good or not.

10-09-2011, 06:07 PM
Complicate emotional territory Nicole. I am sure you're right. The generalisations that go on here are so often rather depressing. In the realm of real life all kinds of possibilities exist. But experience can sometimes offer lessons its hard not to see as the norm.

10-09-2011, 06:13 PM
Sure of course i don't know. But do YOU? For goodness sake. You beleive you say - but you don't know. Such accusations don't do you justice.

You're just the same as everyone else on this forum, you grab one word in my post and zero in on that one word.

OK here we go, maybe for you, I'll try my best to make myself clearer.

The guys were peds, they talked about having sex with young people, they liked me cause I looked even younger than I did at my age. There you go, I am not going to go into any horrible details, I'm not going to do that. All i can say is that these guys who molested me were peds, if you don't want to believe then so be it.

Funny thing tough, when I did get to be an older teen and was more able to talk to these types of guys, they gave a similar explanation as you did in your first response to me.

10-09-2011, 06:17 PM
Fine Yvonne. I take hour word that you attracted some pretty creepy guys. I'm sorry to hear that. But I resent your implication that perhaps i am the same as those guys. That is a hugely cheap shot. If you want to see all men that way then i truly feel sorry for you.

10-09-2011, 06:23 PM
Fine Yvonne. I take hour word that you attracted some pretty creepy guys. I'm sorry to hear that. But I resent your implication that perhaps i am the same as those guys. That is a hugely cheap shot. If you want to see all men that way then i truly feel sorry for you.

It's not a cheap shot, they actually defended their position by giving the same reasons you did. most of them thought it was molesting when it occurred to babys. i can't help if you write the same thing they talk about, maybe it's a coincidence.

10-09-2011, 06:28 PM
in defense to my ts sisters you cant really comment about the escorting thing, in life we do not have the same opportunities given to us than normal men and women, many of us take things in our own hands, many feel surgery, hormones, etc can be quite expensive so how do you pay for it when every job seems to discriminate or not hire you because it says male in your id or birth certificate? If you would truly care for a ts you would find a solution for her out not just if you want to be with me then you stop without and means of support, sorry but you cannot really understand this subject unless you are a ts yourself. I know from experience even tough my mom had me start of very young and i didn't need surgery to feminize myself i dabbled and still do in the fetish scene to provide for my school that eventually landed my real job( that seems to be the only way, education) And in no doubt in my mind i would one day want to settle down with a man and wake up and cook him breakfast, do his laundry, yell at him for stupid crap yes i would love to be in a marriage and actually give myself to him. And many ts do to! They probably just don't have a way or option outside the industry. a little understanding goes a long way and if you want a ts GF nothing says romantic more than understanding and honesty.

10-09-2011, 06:28 PM
You don't read very carefully do you Yvonne I said babies, toddlers and young people. I deplore this. Do not dare suggest that it is MAYBE a coincidence Yvonne. I accept that you met some creeps and that they thought that having sex with you (consensual I assume0 was okay but that having sex with toddlers wasn't. Did they rape you then Yvonne/ is that what happened/ if it did then i find that sickening. But if it was consensual what exactly are you on about? I hate and loath sexual abuse of anyone. I believe that sexuality must be consensual. And i would no more have sex with a child than i would kill an old lady. So just shut up with your veiled accusations,

10-09-2011, 06:29 PM
Really? U need to jump on that bandwagon quick man, you're missing out! Hop on backpage tonight after the football games and get yourself a tgirl!

Nope no TS in my area

and honestly id hate it to have to pay for sex...

10-09-2011, 06:35 PM
You don't read very carefully do you Yvonne I said babies, toddlers and young people. I deplore this. Do not dare suggest that it is MAYBE a coincidence Yvonne. I accept that you met some creeps and that they thought that having sex with you (consensual I assume0 was okay but that having sex with toddlers wasn't. Did they rape you then Yvonne/ is that what happened/ if it did then i find that sickening. But if it was consensual what exactly are you on about? I hate and loath sexual abuse of anyone. I believe that sexuality must be consensual. And i would no more have sex with a child than i would kill an old lady. So just shut up with your veiled accusations,

I told you I am not going into details to satisfy you or anyone else's disgusting thrill. I said they were peds and that is all I will say.

And again you target my post words as too exact, off course the guys didn't say the exact same thing as you did, but they did say something very similar, the content was the same, they had a sort of self rules as to what they felt constituted being a ped and what was OK to do, similar to what you said, i can't help if your words were SIMILAR to theirs.

Nicole Dupre
10-09-2011, 06:47 PM
in defense to my ts sisters you cant really comment about the escorting thing, in life we do not have the same opportunities given to us than normal men and women, many of us take things in our own hands, many feel surgery, hormones, etc can be quite expensive so how do you pay for it when every job seems to discriminate or not hire you because it says male in your id or birth certificate? If you would truly care for a ts you would find a solution for her out not just if you want to be with me then you stop without and means of support, sorry but you cannot really understand this subject unless you are a ts yourself. I know from experience even tough my mom had me start of very young and i didn't need surgery to feminize myself i dabbled and still do in the fetish scene to provide for my school that eventually landed my real job( that seems to be the only way, education) And in no doubt in my mind i would one day want to settle down with a man and wake up and cook him breakfast, do his laundry, yell at him for stupid crap yes i would love to be in a marriage and actually give myself to him. And many ts do to! They probably just don't have a way or option outside the industry. a little understanding goes a long way and if you want a ts GF nothing says romantic more than understanding and honesty.
Great post. I couldn't agree with you more.

I can't relate to the girls who find themselves living the sexworker life as a final destination or career. I also take offensive to being told by many TS that I'm hurting my fellow transsexuals by being one, or that I'm "just like the rest" of who they've known. Well I went to school, and I have a great relationship with my family. It actually got better and better the further I went with my transition. They never worried about ME being a TS; they worried about what the assholes of the world would try to put me through. And those assholes have tried to break my spirit PLENTY. But I appreciate those things. I have NO regrets. And I never wanted to be in the "27 Club" like some of the girls I've known ie. crash and burn because I never thought about my future. People think I'm a snotty bitch because I'm honest about my values and what I want from life. But I got over all of them a while ago. No one was there for me at the most difficult moments in my transition, so I don't live my life to please anyone but myself, my family, and my real friends. I don't want validation as a sexworker. The ends will justify the means.

10-09-2011, 06:49 PM
I wonder. Were transsexuals a perfect fit for some of you, which left you feeling like you finally arrived at the sexual destination you always vaguely dreamed of, but couldn't quite put your finger on?

Or do you see us as a kick? Were we just one taboo that you needed to conquer? And, if so, is the "fetish" still satisfying you? Was it all that you hoped for? Were "we" who you hoped we'd be? For that matter, how much have you learned to make generalizations about us as human beings? Are we "all the same" the more you get to know us? Or do you feel like you don't even have enough time in your life to get to know us quite the way you should?

And, if we are a taboo, what other taboos might you be inclined to... move towards? I know many men secretly lust for children. I've had a few confess this to me. And many do far more than think about it. And trust me. It's not always "someone else". I bet it's some guy you already know, or someone you see on television and/or in movies. Maybe it's your boss. Maybe it's your priest. Maybe it's your father.

But back to us; transsexuals. What do you think? Do we satisfy you? Are we worth the learning experiences that come along with getting to know us? Or, do we have too much baggage? If you seek love, are we lovable? Do you love yourself enough to even love anyone else in the first place? Do you want love or just sex, or both? Are we an escape or a realistic goal?

Reach deep on this thread.

I'll do my best to answer this one.

I'm 29 and have been interested in transsexuals for over 10 years now. How did I got interested? Probably from the internet. What attracted me? Still can't answer that honestly 100%. At the beginning, it probably was the taboo aspect.

It took moving from Australia to the UK to actually do anything about it. To begin with, I started seeking out escorts. It was merely a case of getting the experience and, if I liked it and realised it was what I wanted, then I would go on further.

However, it is only in the past year that I've seriously started looking for a partner. I joined an online website that appeared reputable enough - not simply a false find-a-fuck website. The only problem is that most of the girls from the website were overseas.

Anyway, long story short, I started chatting with one girl from the Philippines. She was interesting to talk to and we chatted for a number of months. We then almost mutually suggested me flying to actually meet up. So I booked a ticket to Cebu, booked a hotel to stay and flew there late last month.

The girl I went to meet was pretty much everything I want. Attractive, educated, driven to succeed, but at the heart of it, just a thoroughly likeable person.

We spent 11 days and nights together in total. Now while I was warned prior to my trip that I should 'be careful' - not sexually but financially - never did she expect anything from me. But, being the gentleman that I am, I always made sure she was looked after without taking the piss.

I almost met many of friends and also spent time with her family. She comes from a reasonable middle-class upbringing, though Filipino middle-class is quite different to UK / Australian middle-class. She told me that her family really liked me which was nice to hear.

Anyway, I only got home today from my trip and I thoroughly miss her already. We got along very well and have already spoken about me returning sometime next year.

10-09-2011, 06:50 PM
Nope no TS in my area

and honestly id hate it to have to pay for sex...

Damn that sucks, no TS at all? Not even in a close nearby city?

Paying for sex does suck at first. My first time, I really, really didnt want to pay, but I really, really wanted to see a tgirl, especially the particular one I saw. At first you might have regrets for paying, but if u have a good paying job you'll get over it because money can always be made and replaced, might as well pay to see one or two. Plus u never know what relationship u might build with her. We all live once as far as we know of, might as well enjoy life to its fullest.

Nicole Dupre
10-09-2011, 06:54 PM
I've also entertained men's fantasies of being their little girl. I've talked "baby talk" when requested and driven guys crazy with lust. But I don't do extreme roleplay as a submissive anymore. I realized I was learning way more than I wanted to about some of these men. I'm not instinctively submissive anyway. I can be with someone who I have an emotional bond with, but it's not a consistent dynamic. It's give and take. In a good relationship, no one should always be submissive imo.

I prefer being in control almost always with clients though. I can range from being genuinely dominant to being sadistically cruel. I have that propensity. But being their "little girl" is nothing I could even fake; not with a stranger. I'm sure other girls can, or are genuinely like that. But then, I think the reason my clients like me is, I genuinely cordial and warm, AND I'm genuine about enjoying my role as a domme.

10-09-2011, 07:00 PM
in defense to my ts sisters you cant really comment about the escorting thing, in life we do not have the same opportunities given to us than normal men and women, many of us take things in our own hands, many feel surgery, hormones, etc can be quite expensive so how do you pay for it when every job seems to discriminate or not hire you because it says male in your id or birth certificate? If you would truly care for a ts you would find a solution for her out not just if you want to be with me then you stop without and means of support, sorry but you cannot really understand this subject unless you are a ts yourself. I know from experience even tough my mom had me start of very young and i didn't need surgery to feminize myself i dabbled and still do in the fetish scene to provide for my school that eventually landed my real job( that seems to be the only way, education) And in no doubt in my mind i would one day want to settle down with a man and wake up and cook him breakfast, do his laundry, yell at him for stupid crap yes i would love to be in a marriage and actually give myself to him. And many ts do to! They probably just don't have a way or option outside the industry. a little understanding goes a long way and if you want a ts GF nothing says romantic more than understanding and honesty.

Many men who get introduced into ts porn hardly understands a thing about us, they only see the dick and the whole "i want a ts gf" is mostly for just that. Also they seek their gfs in the adult industry, and then bitch about their lifestyle when they have one.

10-09-2011, 07:02 PM
I told you I am not going into details to satisfy you or anyone else's disgusting thrill. I said they were peds and that is all I will say.

And again you target my post words as too exact, off course the guys didn't say the exact same thing as you did, but they did say something very similar, the content was the same, they had a sort of self rules as to what they felt constituted being a ped and what was OK to do, similar to what you said, i can't help if your words were SIMILAR to theirs.

Yvonne - I have no desire whatsoever to have details for "any disgusting thrill" I do not want the details. I accept that it has scarred you. I feel sympathy for you if the experience was unpleasant and has left you scarred. That is all.

You might find my words as similar as you like. I repeat again that I resent that - from that - you imply that i might share this taste for paeodophilia.
I emphatically assure you that there is no taste for this in me at all. If you read my posts here you will find that by-and-large, i refer more mature women - emotionally and physicially. I totally condemn paeodophilia.

Yes i do read yours and others posts carefully. Why wouldn't I? Words matter. They can and do express things carefully and exactly. So just as I accept that you had a bad experience with some men who you assume or believe to have had paedophilic impulses please accept my assurance that I do not. Okay?

Nicole Dupre
10-09-2011, 07:14 PM
Many men who get introduced into ts porn hardly understands a thing about us, they only see the dick and the whole "i want a ts gf" is mostly for just that. Also they seek their gfs in the adult industry, and then bitch about their lifestyle when they have one.
LOL Exactly. We're not dealing with any potential BFs here; for the most part anyway. Some of these guys are pretty sharp and together, but how many of them are capable of thinking with the big head before they let the little head do the talking? lol

But unfortunately, many men don't learn about having relationships with women from anything but porn and maaaaaybe escorts. The guys who get the BIG PICTURE are rare. GGs deal with that to some extent too, but nowhere near as much as we do.

10-09-2011, 07:16 PM
in defense to my ts sisters you cant really comment about the escorting thing, in life we do not have the same opportunities given to us than normal men and women, many of us take things in our own hands, many feel surgery, hormones, etc can be quite expensive so how do you pay for it when every job seems to discriminate or not hire you because it says male in your id or birth certificate? If you would truly care for a ts you would find a solution for her out not just if you want to be with me then you stop without and means of support, sorry but you cannot really understand this subject unless you are a ts yourself. I know from experience even tough my mom had me start of very young and i didn't need surgery to feminize myself i dabbled and still do in the fetish scene to provide for my school that eventually landed my real job( that seems to be the only way, education) And in no doubt in my mind i would one day want to settle down with a man and wake up and cook him breakfast, do his laundry, yell at him for stupid crap yes i would love to be in a marriage and actually give myself to him. And many ts do to! They probably just don't have a way or option outside the industry. a little understanding goes a long way and if you want a ts GF nothing says romantic more than understanding and honesty.

Yeah u make a good point, but escorting not the only option nowadays for tgirls to make money. I understand the discrimination aspect thats going on in the employment world, but rather than escorting, a tgirl can also do porn or modeling rather than escorting to build the doe for transition. Only reason why I say porn over escorting is because porn is atleast more safer as compared to escorting. Escorting, although it may be a quick buck, you never know who u may run into, some psycho path, plus the obvious health risks. Porn at least can monitor people health. For me at least, I can't date a tgirl or regualar GG, who I know is sleeping with other dudes, even if its just for money. I'm not saying I'm against escorting, because I met most the tgirls I know, personally, via escorting and their friends, but when it comes to dating tgirls, thats another issue.

I know tgirls may have hard time choosing a career path thats not porn or escorting, but I know a few tgirls who're going to college for hairstyling, fashion, art, and nursing. The tgirl who went for nursing is having a hard time, but the others who're going for art, fashion hairstyling, shouldn't be too hard for them to get into once they done with school because there's lots of gay and bi people to begin with in them fields, so I doubt they have any discrimination issues in them fields, but of course this don't apply to all tgirls because they need to be atleast interested in these fields to want to pursue it. Probably harder for tgirls who want to be something like a lawer, business person ect ect

10-09-2011, 07:24 PM
Many men who get introduced into ts porn hardly understands a thing about us, they only see the dick and the whole "i want a ts gf" is mostly for just that. Also they seek their gfs in the adult industry, and then bitch about their lifestyle when they have one.

For most men it may start off because they/we only see the dick and beauty first (guess its like how we pick out GG for their beauty features at first like their face, titties and ass), thats why most men met tgirls via escorting sites... but if your attitude and chemistry is right, it can turn into a relationship. Men can say the same and say tgirls dont want us for who we are, they want our big fat wallets or whats in our bank accounts

10-09-2011, 07:25 PM
Plenty of men are attracted to teenage girls - who are often legally underage. Technically - in the eyes of the law - this is paedophilia. But I think a 25 year old who dates and maybe has sex with a 15 year old is - by and large - a fool but not a sex monster. Plenty of girls under the age of consent are also keen to have sex - and usually with boys or men older than themselves. It's always been a fact of the world.
Paedophilia is surely something else really - the sick creeps who want to molest babies, toddlers or the very young.
I think it's massively unfair to suggest Prospero is in any way simliar to some child molesters. I agree with what he said - An attraction to a teenage girl who is physically mature might well be legally paedophilia, but it is something else entirely to be sexually attracted to actual children.


I know many men secretly lust for children. I've had a few confess this to me. And many do far more than think about it. And trust me. It's not always "someone else". I bet it's some guy you already know, or someone you see on television and/or in movies. Maybe it's your boss. Maybe it's your priest. Maybe it's your father.

@ Nicole, are these men clients or friends? Because it stands to reason that the sexual appetites of men who regularly visit prostitutes should be a little different to the 'normal' average.

Personally I don't see a link between fetishes, what ever they may be. That is exactly what they are - niche little weird things that turn people on. Some people are massively into feet, but are those people in time going to progress into necrophiles etc? (doubtful imo...)

10-09-2011, 07:33 PM
T-girls were more exciting to me than GGs and probably because it was taboo. But also because they are more forward. I love the fact that if a t-girl likes you you'll know it instead of have to read covert signals. Sexually they were all that I dreamed of-- some of the most intense, wall splattering orgasms I've ever had. Been hoping for the dating thing but hasn't appeared possible in my life. My best friend is a TS I met on ifriends almost 10 years ago. We are past the sex stuff (and she really has issues with the whole sex=money thing) and are just good friends. She is like a life partner, even though that sounds gay. We partner in living life. I know we have very different views on many things but she is just a wonderful BEING. That's how I see her now.
Sexually, I still fiend for the new hot TS, but I get diminishing returns because I've been there done that. It's hardly taboo and I almost look and GGs and say "where's your dick?"
There'll be no new or worse taboo. If anything I'll go back to GGs since they're like new again.

10-09-2011, 07:36 PM
Because it stands to reason that the sexual appetites of men who regularly visit prostitutes should be a little different to the 'normal' average.
Why does it stand to reason? Besides being a bigger appetite?

Nicole Dupre
10-09-2011, 07:37 PM
Yeah u make a good point, but escorting not the only option nowadays for tgirls to make money. I understand the discrimination aspect thats going on in the employment world, but rather than escorting, a tgirl can also do porn or modeling rather than escorting to build the doe for transition. Only reason why I say porn over escorting is because porn is atleast more safer as compared to escorting. Escorting, although it may be a quick buck, you never know who u may run into, some psycho path, plus the obvious health risks. Porn at least can monitor people health. For me at least, I can't date a tgirl or regualar GG, who I know is sleeping with other dudes, even if its just for money. I'm not saying I'm against escorting, because I met most the tgirls I know, personally, via escorting and their friends, but when it comes to dating tgirls, thats another issue.

I know tgirls may have hard time choosing a career path thats not porn or escorting, but I know a few tgirls who're going to college for hairstyling, fashion, art, and nursing. The tgirl who went for nursing is having a hard time, but the others who're going for art, fashion hairstyling, shouldn't be too hard for them to get into once they done with school because there's lots of gay and bi people to begin with in them fields, so I doubt they have any discrimination issues in them fields, but of course this don't apply to all tgirls because they need to be atleast interested in these fields to want to pursue it. Probably harder for tgirls who want to be something like a lawer, business person ect ect
It was never the ONLY option, but it's always been there; for both TS and GG. I've hardly ever put all my eggs in one basket, in terms of being a sexworker. I've done other things almost always. But I won't discuss them with other tranny sexworkers because I can see that 99% of them are doing nothing but being sexworkers, and they often hate you for creating other options for yourself. Also, trannys whose parents disowned them will often be jeaous and hate on those who have parents who stood by them. They say they don't, but I know what I've seen; very few TS are happy for one another's successes. People may think I talk about "everything" going on with me, but I never actually have. I guess a little honesty goes a long way. But the rest is no one's business. Being an open book could never be worth it in this world.

But, yeah. Go to school. Get a real job, at least to see what it's like if you haven't. Join the human race, by all means. If you have to do a little "moonlighting", so what? I mean, I have no shame about escorting or porn. There are far worse things that people do. I'd be more ashamed of being full of shit.

10-09-2011, 07:45 PM
Why does it stand to reason? Besides being a bigger appetite?

It seems you've answered your own question there :)

Nicole Dupre
10-09-2011, 07:48 PM
@ Nicole, are these men clients or friends? Because it stands to reason that the sexual appetites of men who regularly visit prostitutes should be a little different to the 'normal' average.

Personally I don't see a link between fetishes, what ever they may be. That is exactly what they are - niche little weird things that turn people on. Some people are massively into feet, but are those people in time going to progress into necrophiles etc? (doubtful imo...)
Clients. But clients come in ALL shapes and sizes. I'm sure that there are many men who don't pay sex, but who are far more perverse than many girl's clients are.

I'm just talking about sexual appetites, and the things that people develop a taste for. Some people let TS become a reality. Some let it remain a fetish.

I've never met a necrophiliac, at least that I was aware of. But, then again, some of the things I've heard come out of men's mouths about children, I didn't see coming either. I know what people are capable of, but I wish they never shared such info with me. I refuse to rebook them tho'. I don't want people like that anywhere near me.

10-09-2011, 08:00 PM
Clients. But clients come in ALL shapes and sizes. I'm sure that there are many men who don't pay sex who are far more perverse than many clients are. I'm just talking about sexual appetites, and the things that people develop a taste for. I've never met a necrophiliac, at least that I was aware of. But then again, some of the things I've heard come out of men's mouths about children, I didn't see coming. I refuse to rebook them tho'. I don't want people like that anywhere near me.

Oh I don't doubt that clients come in all shapes and sizes... but they all share something in common - they seek out prostitutes to satisfy their sexual appetites and desires.

I find innocence attractive, and I am not into mature women (some are obviously still attractive, but I prefer girls closer to my age). I often find teenage girls sexy - although they are usually not mentally particularly mature. However, they all have adult features. Hips + boobs, etc.

It is completely different to be sexually attracted to undeveloped children. The more you talk about it, the more the idea is quite sickening really.

10-09-2011, 08:11 PM
Nicole there's no room for nonces in my life I despise every horrible low life thing about them. They deserve to die full stop. I like tgirls cos I do no other reason. I find it hard enough to pull anyone gg or tg! I like hot girls not kids!!!

10-09-2011, 08:13 PM
I wonder. Were transsexuals a perfect fit for some of you, which left you feeling like you finally arrived at the sexual destination you always vaguely dreamed of, but couldn't quite put your finger on?

My interest in transsexuals has multiple dimensions. First, I am intrigued by the notion of gender affinity. I am male, both genetically and in physique; however, I also have strong "feminine" tendencies. I do not desire to be/become a woman, neither do I feel a strong attachment to being "male". My gender is just a very small part of who I am, and I don't feel bound to any presumptions about what is considered "masculine" or "feminine".

This makes me wonder about transsexuals; unlike the vast majority of people, who tend to identify with whatever gender they may have, transsexuals have clearly given the matter a great deal of thought, and for whatever reason feel a strong affinity for a gender not "naturally" their own. While I accept that they do feel this way, and have no problems with this; I also wonder at what the root motivation for such gender attachment is. I simply do not understand (but do wish to) why those who have indeed given it such thought remain attached to the very notion that gender is so important that it is worth physically changing one's self to mimic another gender. While I don't doubt the legitimacy of the view, that brings me no closer to understanding it.

Second, I am very anally oriented, and being so penetrated is both exciting and pleasurable to me. In my experience, it is much easier to find escorts who are so equipped among the transgendered than among gay males -- this could certainly be because I don't know the proper venues for looking; however, I have done some considerable investigation.

Third, I find the notion of being "genderfucked" extremely erotic. By "genderfucked" I mean engaging in sexual activity where I neither know nor care, at any given moment, what the gender of my partner(s) is. Because transsexuals tend to provide a mix of masculine and feminine cues, it is much easier to approach this state.

Fourth, I am a strong advocate of breaking taboos. Breaking taboos releases a great deal of power at the psychological level; that power may be used to cause fundamental changes in the mind of the person breaking them, both inadvertently and deliberately. I seek such opportunities to "reprogram" myself to the be the person I wish to be, rather than the person I happen to be.

There are other, lesser and ancillary, reasons; however, I hope this provides some insight into at least one person's view.

10-09-2011, 08:22 PM
I've also entertained men's fantasies of being their little girl. I've talked "baby talk" when requested and driven guys crazy with lust. But I don't do extreme roleplay as a submissive anymore. I realized I was learning way more than I wanted to about some of these men. I'm not instinctively submissive anyway. I can be with someone who I have an emotional bond with, but it's not a consistent dynamic. It's give and take. In a good relationship, no one should always be submissive imo.

I prefer being in control almost always with clients though. I can range from being genuinely dominant to being sadistically cruel. I have that propensity. But being their "little girl" is nothing I could even fake; not with a stranger. I'm sure other girls can, or are genuinely like that. But then, I think the reason my clients like me is, I genuinely cordial and warm, AND I'm genuine about enjoying my role as a domme.

What is uhm "baby talk"?

10-09-2011, 08:28 PM
What is uhm "baby talk"?

Goo goo ga ga?

10-09-2011, 08:39 PM
Goo goo ga ga?

I kinda thought so but I hope that's not the case.

10-09-2011, 10:04 PM
Damn that sucks, no TS at all? Not even in a close nearby city?

Paying for sex does suck at first. My first time, I really, really didnt want to pay, but I really, really wanted to see a tgirl, especially the particular one I saw. At first you might have regrets for paying, but if u have a good paying job you'll get over it because money can always be made and replaced, might as well pay to see one or two. Plus u never know what relationship u might build with her. We all live once as far as we know of, might as well enjoy life to its fullest.

maybe some middle aged gay guys in wigs, but no real ts, or even femme cds

well, i have a few dozen pretty t girls on facebook, willing to go on a date... just the distance is the problem.

10-09-2011, 10:06 PM
But, yeah. Go to school. Get a real job, at least to see what it's like if you haven't. Join the human race, by all means. If you have to do a little "moonlighting", so what? I mean, I have no shame about escorting or porn. There are far worse things that people do. I'd be more ashamed of being full of shit.

As one cute tg told me " i want to be a normal human being, so i have a normal job"

10-09-2011, 10:10 PM
Not quite a perfect fit for me as I am married, but there is no doubt in my mind that if I suddenly became single again I would be looking for a transsexual woman in preference to a genetic woman. I do not look upon any human as a sexual kink. My wife is well aware that I am attracted to trannys and though it sometimes bothers her, she trusts me to honor our vows. I've only met one tranny in person, an attractive lady close to my own age who was getting ready to transition. Most people on here would call her a TV/CD and she was in man mode when we met, but I could see the woman inside her male body shining out through her eyes.

Like many on here my first exposure to transsexualism was through pornography, but after I watched for awhile I began to get curious about things and went looking for information. There are some excellent sources out here on the net and I was able to learn quite a bit. I also learned a lot from various stars over the years by joining their forums and reading their individual stories.

I read somewhere that some people are starting to call transsexuals the third sex, which I think is quite apt. I think what attracts me most of all is the tremendous bravery and strength that transsexuals have to undergo what you must to live the life you feel you must. I don't know how to put it any better, except to say that I think all transsexuals are beautiful people. I:Bowdown: to you all.

doctor screw
10-09-2011, 10:41 PM
LOL Exactly. We're not dealing with any potential BFs here; for the most part anyway. Some of these guys are pretty sharp and together, but how many of them are capable of thinking with the big head before they let the little head do the talking? lol

But unfortunately, many men don't learn about having relationships with women from anything but porn and maaaaaybe escorts. The guys who get the BIG PICTURE are rare. GGs deal with that to some extent too, but nowhere near as much as we do.


Nicole Dupre
10-09-2011, 10:47 PM
Jesus. Guys, please. I'm not accusing anyone here of being a child molester or statutory rapist. i don't think that's what the majority of you are into. I was just saying that lots of guys who are into trannys as a fetish thing are into other stuff, and I wonder what sometimes.

*sigh Ok. Let's just look at TSbrenda for a second.(Well, maybe not. lol) Ok. Brenda is obviously into some strange shit. And the only real connection any of it has to transsexuals, from what I can see, is some type of M2F transformation. He's sexually aroused by disguising the male body as female. Now I know that there is some wild shit with TG fiction also. Years ago, I was pointed in the direction of a site called Fictionmania which has some very odd, but obviously very popular, categories for TG fiction erotica. One is actually "underage". One is for people who get off on men magically turning into girls from wearing necklaces and stuff. But then there are other categories for S&M, rubber, heels, etc. All ion all, very odd shit imo. So I'm just wondering how these fetishes may come into play with you guys, if AT ALL. I don't assume they do. BUT, for the guys who don't want us for anything more than a fantasy, it's not so far-fetched to think that we fit into some outrageous scenarios that give someone here some type of sexual excitement.

Personally, if I was born with a vagina, I don't think I would have ever explored the more kinky side of life. A lot of what I've learned to do with guys over the years is what THEY wanted. I probably would've been happy to just have a pussy to get fucked in, by someone I consider to be a handsome, sexy guy. I like romance and tenderness. My tattoos are more about adornment and art than any pain. Trust me. I hate physical pain, even though I have a high threshold for it. But anyway, I know some guys don't want to marry a TS, let alone even meet one. lol I mean, I can't predict which categories you all fall into, or even why you're here.

Nicole Dupre
10-09-2011, 10:55 PM
That's you're way of saying something?

Trust me. I see how deep in fantasy many guys are with their whole TS fetish. I meet them every damn day. Don't tell me porn and escorts resemble the day-to-day sexual experiences that most of you have. If they do, you have a LOT of money. Guys with that much money usually focus on a girl or two, and become their sugar daddy. And I doubt some dude with a sci-fi comic book avatar calling himself doctor screw is living in a mansion. So what's your deal, dude. You're one of these guys who makes shit up to feel better about themselves? You're gonna tell us all what hot shit you are, and how you don't have to pay to sleep with escorts? Please, do tell. This should be interesting...

10-09-2011, 11:04 PM
Trannies are a fetish to ALL of the guys who are on here, pls who are you trying to kid?

That doesn't mean some guys will not date TS's. Dudes into big boobs will date chicks with enormous knockers also. A great deal of guys into this are into anal sex generally, you will see that on adult dvd/video store sites where they have this "consumers who bought transsexual street sluts 18 also bought..." which is often somethign along "latina's take it up the poop chute 36" os something like that.

I hardly think people will move on to another fetish though, just return to genetic females sooner or later. I have almost lost all interest in the tranny sex trade/scene and occasional visits to this board are the last connection I still have.

They are just easier accessible, less drama etc. (or a different kind of drama at that). I don't know about those TV/clubkids-liking folks though and what they are up to, bc that stuff never appealed to me the least bit.

doctor screw
10-09-2011, 11:12 PM
That's you're way of saying something?

Trust me. I see how deep in fantasy many guys are with their whole TS fetish. I meet them every damn day. Don't tell me porn and escorts resemble the day-to-day sexual experiences that most of you have. If they do, you have a LOT of money. Guys with that much money usually focus on a girl or two, and become their sugar daddy. And I doubt some dude with a sci-fi comic book avatar calling himself doctor screw is living in a mansion. So what's your deal, dude. You're one of these guys who makes shit up to feel better about themselves? You're gonna tell us all what hot shit you are, and how you don't have to pay to sleep with escorts? Please, do tell. This should be interesting...

:violin:violin:violin:violin:violin:violin:violin: violin:violin:violin:

whine whine whine......give It a rest,crybaby

10-09-2011, 11:13 PM
Jesus. Guys, please. I'm not accusing anyone here of being a child molester or statutory rapist. i don't think that's what the majority of you are into. I was just saying that lots of guys who are into trannys as a fetish thing are into other stuff, and I wonder what sometimes.

Yeah I know. Yvonne seemed to be suggesting that Prospero was a bit of a paedo though lol...

I'm pretty sure all my 'fetish' things are pretty standard. I'm not interest in s&m or bondage, feet, dead people, kiddies etc lol.

10-09-2011, 11:18 PM
Jesus. Guys, please. I'm not accusing anyone here of being a child molester or statutory rapist. i don't think that's what the majority of you are into. I was just saying that lots of guys who are into trannys as a fetish thing are into other stuff, and I wonder what sometimes.

*sigh Ok. Let's just look at TSbrenda for a second.(Well, maybe not. lol) Ok. Brenda is obviously into some strange shit. And the only real connection any of it has to transsexuals, from what I can see, is some type of M2F transformation. He's sexually aroused by disguising the male body as female. Now I know that there is some wild shit with TG fiction also. Years ago, I was pointed in the direction of a site called Fictionmania which has some very odd, but obviously very popular, categories for TG fiction erotica. One is actually "underage". One is for people who get off on men magically turning into girls from wearing necklaces and stuff. But then there are other categories for S&M, rubber, heels, etc. All ion all, very odd shit imo. So I'm just wondering how these fetishes may come into play with you guys, if AT ALL. I don't assume they do. BUT, for the guys who don't want us for anything more than a fantasy, it's not so far-fetched to think that we fit into some outrageous scenarios that give someone here some type of sexual excitement.

Personally, if I was born with a vagina, I don't think I would have ever explored the more kinky side of life. A lot of what I've learned to do with guys over the years is what THEY wanted. I probably would've been happy to just have a pussy to get fucked in, by someone I consider to be a handsome, sexy guy. I like romance and tenderness. My tattoos are more about adornment and art than any pain. Trust me. I hate physical pain, even though I have a high threshold for it. But anyway, I know some guys don't want to marry a TS, let alone even meet one. lol I mean, I can't predict which categories you all fall into, or even why you're here.

TS is fantasy

I doubt guys look for someone to grow old and share the pain with...

they look for sexual fantasy, a "tranny" is like a living sex doll to them...

10-09-2011, 11:22 PM
I doubt some dude with a sci-fi comic book avatar calling himself doctor screw is living in a mansion.

Could be George Lucas or James Cameron

doctor screw
10-09-2011, 11:33 PM
Could be George Lucas or James Cameron


10-09-2011, 11:35 PM
I've met t-girls only as escorts and for me a t-girl has it all sexually. She's got an asshole and mouth for me fuck. And a cock for me to suck and to fuck me. So a t-girl is fully equipped to satisfy all my sexual needs.

I think I first started seeing T-girls as it was "new", not sure if that counts as taboo or a kick. But I have gone onto some other things, like golden showers from GGs, some light bondage, female body builders, fisting, strap-on from GG.

Having said that, I've never thought about a t-girl for a long-term relationship for a variety of reasons:
- T-girls can't have kids
- Many T-girls escort and I can't be with someone who's fucking other guys (yes I know, that's a double standard since I've paid to see t-girls)
- The t-girls I've met don't seem to be looking for that (that could just be that I've met only escorts) and are just in it for the money

I'm sure it's possible for a t-girl to find love and happiness, but it's not for me. I'll settle for a strictly sexual relationship.

I wonder. Were transsexuals a perfect fit for some of you, which left you feeling like you finally arrived at the sexual destination you always vaguely dreamed of, but couldn't quite put your finger on?

Or do you see us as a kick? Were we just one taboo that you needed to conquer? And, if so, is the "fetish" still satisfying you? Was it all that you hoped for? Were "we" who you hoped we'd be? For that matter, how much have you learned to make generalizations about us as human beings? Are we "all the same" the more you get to know us? Or do you feel like you don't even have enough time in your life to get to know us quite the way you should?

And, if we are a taboo, what other taboos might you be inclined to... move towards? I know many men secretly lust for children. I've had a few confess this to me. And many do far more than think about it. And trust me. It's not always "someone else". I bet it's some guy you already know, or someone you see on television and/or in movies. Maybe it's your boss. Maybe it's your priest. Maybe it's your father.

But back to us; transsexuals. What do you think? Do we satisfy you? Are we worth the learning experiences that come along with getting to know us? Or, do we have too much baggage? If you seek love, are we lovable? Do you love yourself enough to even love anyone else in the first place? Do you want love or just sex, or both? Are we an escape or a realistic goal?

Reach deep on this thread.

10-09-2011, 11:36 PM
TS is fantasy

I doubt guys look for someone to grow old and share the pain with...

they look for sexual fantasy, a "tranny" is like a living sex doll to them...
I agree.."fantasy" being the operative word. YET, it seems most of the girls just don't get it. Girls like Kelly Shore and Paris who have been on dvd box covers and constantly look for affrimation and appreciation of their progress by posting pics/videos etc,,but open their mouths and nothing but negative ignorant shit comes out. They KILL the fantasy. Actually..if they are representative (especially Kelly Shore) of what the ts industry has to offer THEN YES THE THRILL IS GONE..DEAD DONE DIED!!

10-09-2011, 11:40 PM
I agree.."fantasy" being the operative word. YET, it seems most of the girls just don't get it. Girls like Kelly Shore and Paris who have been on dvd box covers and constantly look for affrimation and appreciation of their progress by posting pics/videos etc,,but open their mouths and nothing but negative ignorant shit comes out. They KILL the fantasy. Actually..if they are representative (especially Kelly Shore) of what the ts industry has to offer THEN YES THE THRILL IS GONE..DEAD DONE DIED!!

Obsessed much?

10-09-2011, 11:41 PM
[QUOTE=steeveX;1020580]Trannies are a fetish to ALL of the guys who are on here, pls who are you trying to kid?

Speak for yourself, Steeve, a fetish means that being with a ts is something out of the ordinary, and, stricti sensu means treating the ts as an object, rather than as a person. I have ts friends who I treat as equals, not as objects, I have not had sexual relations with all of them, regardless of any favours I have done for them, which I did out of friendship -which is free.

The hardest thing is for people to be honest about their sexual behaviour, what gives them pleasure, what scares them, what they do not want to do -and often in a relationship it is not hard, but impossible to tell the person you are with that you don't enjoy the sex, because it can be so destructive, because not everyone wants to know the truth -so many men who visit escorts do so to compensate for what they lack in their marriage/relationship, as well as those who do have a fetish for black lingerie, whips and chains, and so on. There is a lot of sexual unhappiness out there, I am not sure if this topic can explain why.

10-09-2011, 11:47 PM
Obsessed much?
LOL..Hell Nah just an opinion

10-09-2011, 11:57 PM
I agree.."fantasy" being the operative word. YET, it seems most of the girls just don't get it. Girls like Kelly Shore and Paris who have been on dvd box covers and constantly look for affrimation and appreciation of their progress by posting pics/videos etc,,but open their mouths and nothing but negative ignorant shit comes out. They KILL the fantasy. Actually..if they are representative (especially Kelly Shore) of what the ts industry has to offer THEN YES THE THRILL IS GONE..DEAD DONE DIED!!

They dont kill my thrill. I dont pay them type of people no time in a day. They negative for obvious reasons... What I noticed in the past few years, is that this is a huge world. Dont let them small fishes ruin your spirit. This world has plenty of cool tgirls and I have alot more sucking and fucking to do before I start getting old and crippled

Nicole Dupre
10-10-2011, 12:13 AM
:violin:violin:violin:violin:violin:violin:violin: violin:violin:violin:

whine whine whine......give It a rest,crybaby
Good to know you never had anything to contribute. Thanks for proving the emoticons work tho'. Carry on.

doctor screw
10-10-2011, 12:26 AM
Good to know you never had anything to contribute. Thanks for proving the emoticons work tho'. Carry on.

Just messing with ya,lol :kiss:

Nicole Dupre
10-10-2011, 12:38 AM
The guys who don't plan to ever hook up with us beyond the escorting stage are basically in the closet tho', which has all to do with defining yourselves and not us. If we're a "fetish", that actually means we're your dirty secret. I used the term "fetish" because you guys often do. But having sex with another human being is not a fetish, even tho' you guys often conveniently categorize it that way. Sex is sex. Fetishes are the excitement you get for inanimate objects, especially sexual excitement. BUT some of you guys still try extremely hard to see us as "blow-up dolls" etc. lol ;-) But trust me. If you suck a dog's dick or hump a monkey, you're engaging in bestiality. Don't kid yourselves. When you have sex with us, it defines your sexuality, and not your kinks. You can call it what you want, just like guys who have gay sex in prison who say that "it doesn't count". lol

But faggotry, although it may not be someone's primary sexual predilection, is still faggotry. What's even more frustrating is how you guys, and even some of the girls, assume that liking transsexuals makes you "gay". It doesn't. But you guys keep it in the closet, right along with your fetish disclaimers that are on the tips of your tongues. I knew we'd run into this wall on this thread. I knew some of you would tip your hands as being closeted. I was hoping the two-faced guys wouldn't contribute very much, but it's like they feel they've been absolved by relegating this to being a "fetish". And misery loves company, so they try to convince the rest of you that we're a fetish. ;-) lol Yeah.

"Her husband sucked dicks in rest areas for 40 years. But, because he married her, he wasn't gay." lol Yeah. That's the ticket. Sure. lol

"He's not a gay pedophile. He's a humble servant of God, who was tempted by the devil." Uh huh. Sure. Makes sense, now you put it that we.lol

doctor screw
10-10-2011, 12:43 AM
The guys who don't plan to ever hook up with us beyond the escorting stage are basically in the closet tho', which has all to do with defining yourselves and not us. If we're a "fetish", that actually means we're actually your dirty secret. I used the term "fetish" because you guys often do. But having sex with another human being is not a fetish, even tho' you guys often conveniently categorize it that way. Sex is sex. Fetishes are the excitement you get for inanimate objects, especially sexual excitement. BUT some of you guys still try extremely hard to see us as "blow-up dolls" etc. lol ;-) But trust me. If you suck a dog's dick or hump a monkey, you're engaging in bestiality. Don't kid yourselves. When you have sex with us, it defines your sexuality, and not your kinks. You can call it what you want, just like guys who have gay sex in prison who say that "it doesn't count". lol

But faggotry, although it may not be someone's primary sexual predilection, is still faggotry. What's even more frustrating is how you guys, and even some of the girls, assume that liking transsexuals makes you "gay". It doesn't. But you guys keep it in the closet, right along with your fetish disclaimers on the tips of your tongues. I knew we'd run into this wall on this thread. I knew some of you would tip your hands as being closeted. I was hoping the two-faced guys wouldn't contribute very much, but it's like they feel they've been absolved by relegating this to being a "fetish". And misery loves company, so they try to convince the rest of you that we're fetish. ;-) lol Yeah.

"Her husband sucked dicks in rest areas for 40 years. But, because he married her, he wasn't gay." lol Yeah. That's the ticket. Sure. lol

"He's not a gay pedophile. He's a humble servant of God, who was tempted by the devil." Uh huh. Sure. Makes sense, now you put it that we.lol

:screwy lol

10-10-2011, 12:47 AM
I honestly see no difference between dating a tg or gg. Maybe i'm not experienced enough to give a thourough or longwinded discussion on the topic , some people just objectify or see others as sex objects I guess. You just have to take the good w/ the bad in this life.

Nicole Dupre
10-10-2011, 12:49 AM
Trannies are a fetish to ALL of the guys who are on here, pls who are you trying to kid?

Speak for yourself, Steeve, a fetish means that being with a ts is something out of the ordinary, and, stricti sensu means treating the ts as an object, rather than as a person. I have ts friends who I treat as equals, not as objects, I have not had sexual relations with all of them, regardless of any favours I have done for them, which I did out of friendship -which is free.

The hardest thing is for people to be honest about their sexual behaviour, what gives them pleasure, what scares them, what they do not want to do -and often in a relationship it is not hard, but impossible to tell the person you are with that you don't enjoy the sex, because it can be so destructive, because not everyone wants to know the truth -so many men who visit escorts do so to compensate for what they lack in their marriage/relationship, as well as those who do have a fetish for black lingerie, whips and chains, and so on. There is a lot of sexual unhappiness out there, I am not sure if this topic can explain why.
Alright, Stavros. lol Great post.

Stavros just made it out of the dog house with me. :)

Nicole Dupre
10-10-2011, 12:57 AM
:screwy lol
Can you stop teasing me, or what, dude? Try having something barely normal to say, to sprinkle in with the BS. Try it. I swear, your dick won't fall off. lol

10-10-2011, 01:02 AM
Perfect fit for me. 100% satisfied and in love. Me and the girlfriend were house hunting last night.

When I was 17 I figured out that TS were for me. It took me 10 years and three different countries to find the right one. She's perfect.

Most ladyboys have major baggage, and most are very fragile and lack confidence. It's really difficult to establish trust in a relationship with someone who thinks that the world is against them.

10-10-2011, 01:05 AM
Perfect fit for me. 100% satisfied and in love. Me and the girlfriend were house hunting last night.

When I was 17 I figured out that TS were for me. It took me 10 years and three different countries to find the right one. She's perfect.

Most ladyboys have major baggage, and most are very fragile and lack confidence. It's really difficult to establish trust in a relationship with someone who thinks that the world is against them.
Is she or was she an escort when you met her?

10-10-2011, 01:13 AM
^ No she never was. Which is really difficult to find.

Me and her went to a clinic famous for nose jobs and boob jobs so naturally there were a lot of ladyboys were in the waiting room. Most of them were bargirls (escorts that work in a bar) who were plying their trade in Singapore.

We even had a chat with the owner of the clinic who is a ladyboy and she explained that 90% of the ladyboys in Thailand have sold their body at one time or another.

Nicole Dupre
10-10-2011, 01:16 AM
Perfect fit for me. 100% satisfied and in love. Me and the girlfriend were house hunting last night.

When I was 17 I figured out that TS were for me. It took me 10 years and three different countries to find the right one. She's perfect.

Most ladyboys have major baggage, and most are very fragile and lack confidence. It's really difficult to establish trust in a relationship with someone who thinks that the world is against them.
Congrats. You eliminated life's bullshit, and did what most of these guys don't have the balls to do.

10-10-2011, 01:17 AM
There just is'n a way to say this and no pity party here but the truth is life is hard for us girls. Many people don't understand us including the chasers and sometimes it hurts a lot more for you to think one may love you and find out it was just a fetish and then it truly stabs the heart... Women are jealous, men act like little kids in the park they secretly have a crush on you but bully you, other ts even hate on each other... Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do, but men please don't put us all in one group the ts community is so vast its silly to compare me to a ts that isn't interested in a full srs, my life goals are a bit different and nicole dupree is right its offensive to be put in one box.

10-10-2011, 01:43 AM
There just is'n a way to say this and no pity party here but the truth is life is hard for us girls. Many people don't understand us including the chasers and sometimes it hurts a lot more for you to think one may love you and find out it was just a fetish and then it truly stabs the heart... Women are jealous, men act like little kids in the park they secretly have a crush on you but bully you, other ts even hate on each other... Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do, but men please don't put us all in one group the ts community is so vast its silly to compare me to a ts that isn't interested in a full srs, my life goals are a bit different and nicole dupree is right its offensive to be put in one box.

your all woman

but i have a feeling there is a lot of gay man into this

10-10-2011, 01:44 AM
There just is'n a way to say this and no pity party here but the truth is life is hard for us girls. Many people don't understand us including the chasers and sometimes it hurts a lot more for you to think one may love you and find out it was just a fetish and then it truly stabs the heart... Women are jealous, men act like little kids in the park they secretly have a crush on you but bully you, other ts even hate on each other... Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do, but men please don't put us all in one group the ts community is so vast its silly to compare me to a ts that isn't interested in a full srs, my life goals are a bit different and nicole dupree is right its offensive to be put in one box.

haha now u know how it feels when tgirls keep steady classifying all men as cockhonds, faggot, tranny chasers even though most rely on us chasers to pay for their hormones and bills...

But seriously though yea thats just life. Its hard for everyone to find the right one, but I can only imagine how hard it is for tgirls. U mention tgirls hating on tgirls, although thats a shame and all ya'll should be sticking together, thats everywhere. Men hate on each other when one is more successful, famous, popular, better looking or better dressing than the other, makes more money, ect ect. Same goes with them females. That just part of life :wiggle:

10-10-2011, 01:45 AM
Many men on HA I would guess have never had a serious intimate relationship with a GG, so envisioning TGs as anything more than a sexual fetish or curiosity is impossible for them IMO and in some respects sounds foolish.

Why are some guys repeat visitors to HA?? Or rather, why do they post on threads other than ones featuring naked trans-chicks???

Is it because TGs are just a 'fetish'??

If you're a guy who still feels ashamed or a borderline deviant for even being sexually attracted to TGs, of course contemplating a relationship with a tgirl is a farce.

I think there's a mix of guys here on HA, from the fantasy/fetishists on one extreme, to the dudes who wish there were attractive, compatible TGs in their immediate social circle.

I don't know if there's any correlation between sexual attraction to TGs and other kinks. Maybe if you consider TGs a 'kinky, perverted sexual taboo I could see how it ties in.

I enjoy play in the bedroom, but I don't have what I would consider any unusual sexual predilection.

The whole pedo thing really threw me off.

For me, being attracted to TGs just made sense and I've progressed from there.

I don't have any fantasies or illusions about TGs. Some I like, some I don't. Some are cool and I'm love with their personalities, other girls make me cringe whenever they're around.
There's good, bad and in between, just like GGs.

Nicole Dupre
10-10-2011, 01:52 AM
There just is'n a way to say this and no pity party here but the truth is life is hard for us girls. Many people don't understand us including the chasers and sometimes it hurts a lot more for you to think one may love you and find out it was just a fetish and then it truly stabs the heart... Women are jealous, men act like little kids in the park they secretly have a crush on you but bully you, other ts even hate on each other... Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do, but men please don't put us all in one group the ts community is so vast its silly to compare me to a ts that isn't interested in a full srs, my life goals are a bit different and nicole dupree is right its offensive to be put in one box.
That we're even here and breathing and still sane, and tolerate what we do on a forum like this, is incredible. That's why we have such little respect for the majority of these guys. They don't know what we've dealt with, and they don't want to know. And that's why I have no pity for 99.99% of them.

I've heard every bullshit line in the book, and you probably have too. I've been beaten, raped, had my life threatened, been turned down for jobs, had my male birth name revealed on the web, you name it. And I'm still here, and I still love my life. I wouldn't change a thing. At least for me, this was NEVER about being a sex object. I never cared about anything but having a life that I could be proud of, and having self-respect. But sure. I'm healthy. I enjoy sex. I am made of flesh and blood. I have my goals in life, and having a good man as my significant other is one of them. But I'd have to be nuts to think this is where I'd start. lol

Like I said recently, I was invited into this dismal little world of shemale porn by Tony Vee from Yum. He wrote me twice before I was even fulltime. And I even said to him, "But why would you want me? I'm just a drag queen."

He said he didn't care. But I wasn't looking for this. I started turning tricks at 16 to pay for food and shelter. Not to live like a queen. But I always went back to work real jobs. I refused to let anything temporary define me as a human being; not my dick, and not what did to keep my life afloat.


doctor screw
10-10-2011, 01:55 AM
Let me get this straight
If a guy doesn't want to be in a relationship or worship the ground TS's walk on,he's the problem.What fuckery is this?lol

As a young fly ass nigga,myself.I consider my penis royalty,so by association my entire being is royalty.Shame has nothing to do with wanting to get a nutt off,unless you cry afterwards.There's nothing wrong with a fantasy,just don't let it become a obsession.:salad

Nicole Dupre
10-10-2011, 01:56 AM
Let me get this straight
If a guy doesn't want to be in a relationship or worship the ground TS's walk on,he's the problem.What fuckery is this?lol

As a young fly ass nigga,myself.I consider my penis royalty,so by association my entire being is royalty.Shame has nothing to do with wanting to get a nutt off,unless you cry afterwards.There's nothing wrong with a fantasy,just don't let it become a obsession.:salad
I just heard everything I needed to know about you. lol

10-10-2011, 01:59 AM
He said he didn't care. But I wasn't looking for this. I started turning tricks at 16 to pay for food and shelter. Not to live like a queen. But I always went back to work real jobs. I refused to let anything temporary define me as a human being; not my dick, and not what did to keep my life afloat.


you have a regular job now?

Nicole Dupre
10-10-2011, 02:17 AM
you have a regular job now?
I've almost always supplemented my night job with a day job. But I'm not telling you guys what I do at the moment. lol Let's say that I have a day job that I can make my own hours with.

But yes. In FL I had the worst jobs ever since I was in college. I worked as a waitress, and even in Starbucks for the benefits I got for putting in 20 hrs a week. The insurance paid for my HRT meds, and I got paid disability when I was sore from my boob job. I tried to get them to pay for an orchi, but they turned me down. I've also worked in sales, in commercial photography, and even as a tattoo artist on Fort Lauderdale Beach.

10-10-2011, 02:29 AM
If I could met a tranny who didn't want to escort for the rest of her life, like is actually willing to stop escorting and pursue onto other things, I wouldn't mind getting to know her on the personal level and dating her and being public about it. She also has to be into me too of course and not what's in my banking account. I've only met a very very few who were actually willing to stop escorting for me while we dated.


10-10-2011, 02:50 AM
I've almost always supplemented my night job with a day job.

You seem to not consider sex work to be a "real job"; why?

I certainly wouldn't recommend it as a career for someone who does not enjoy it, but many do. Further, they are as dedicated to and professional in their careers as anyone I've encountered.

Nicole Dupre
10-10-2011, 03:07 AM
You seem to not consider sex work to be a "real job"; why?

I certainly wouldn't recommend it as a career for someone who does not enjoy it, but many do. Further, they are as dedicated to and professional in their careers as anyone I've encountered.
What are you talking about? I didn't say it wasn't a real job. I'd like to see a lot of people do it. It's no joke.

But porn most certainly IS a joke. Almost everyone I've encountered in it was a loser. If other people have a different opinion, wonderful. But I don't.

10-10-2011, 03:18 AM
What are you talking about? I didn't say it wasn't a real job. I'd like to see a lot of people do it. It's no joke.

But porn most certainly IS a joke. Almost everyone I've encountered in it was a loser. If other people have a different opinion, wonderful. But I don't.

Well, you did say, "But I always went back to work real jobs." as well as "Go to school. Get a real job, at least to see what it's like if you haven't. Join the human race, by all means."

That certainly implies that you don't consider it a "real job," even if not stated explicitly.

10-10-2011, 03:26 AM
wrong again we are the most discriminated form of glbt true fact itl be just as hard in fashion as other work! Its a double edge sword... porn may be safe to some degree not as safe as you think, but ok. But your face, cock, ass, will be posted up online, videos, xtube, pornhub forever! you may move on with your life and get married get your srs but your videos will tell otherwise, escorting is not as unsafe as you think it depends on the girl my friends talk about how they never suck or fuck without condoms ect... I have no discrimination of porn or escorting but i do encourage the right way to do it, but you cant say porn is better, to some extent it could be worst! And with all due respect you cant also speak for the ts community about how its not hard anymore, many ts will tell you otherwise!

Nicole Dupre
10-10-2011, 03:27 AM
Well, you did say, "But I always went back to work real jobs." as well as "Go to school. Get a real job, at least to see what it's like if you haven't. Join the human race, by all means."

That certainly implies that you don't consider it a "real job," even if not stated explicitly.
If all you have in life is being a sexworker, you live in a bubble. I got my first real job at 13 selling Sabret hotdogs at a pushcart, and started sucking dick in passing cars on the West Side Highway when I was in my mid teens. Please don't try reading my mind. I know very well what it is to do both, and they're not the same. They have their pros and cons. But the biggest con about sex work is starting to believe your own hype. Once you do, you're fucked.

But I've got better shit to do than mince words with someone corny enough to claim that they're an "aspiring slut". Pfffffft. *smfh

10-10-2011, 03:30 AM
I think anything that ones does to support themselves, that doesn't involve harming another individual, is a real job. Especially with the current state of the economy. Good jobs are few and far in between.... porn or otherwise.

Nicole Dupre
10-10-2011, 03:34 AM
I think anything that ones does to support themselves, that doesn't involve harming another individual, is a real job. Especially with the current state of the economy. Good jobs are few and far in between.... porn or otherwise.
Porn is a job. I've done it, and I'll continue to do it when I feel like it. But a lot of the people in it are two-faced assholes; especially the middlemen who essentially exploit us. That's my take on it. I have no issue with where it winds up, or if someone sees it when I'm 90. I'm not ashamed.

10-10-2011, 03:40 AM
I hear you loud and clear. Life with regrets or shame is much of a life. The first degree of life is survival, so much respect for doing what you have to do... and boooo @ the shady middlemen and their exploitation

10-10-2011, 03:41 AM
* meant to say ISN'T much of a life

Nicole Dupre
10-10-2011, 03:44 AM
* meant to say ISN'T much of a life
No biggie. I understood you, and I agree.

10-10-2011, 03:57 AM
I'm fortunate enough to actually do what I went to school for, and I'm thankful everyday. I know so many people that are unemployed and have been for some time. And would give their right arm to have a steady source of income

10-10-2011, 04:01 AM
[QUOTE=steeveX;1020580]Trannies are a fetish to ALL of the guys who are on here, pls who are you trying to kid?

Speak for yourself, Steeve, a fetish means that being with a ts is something out of the ordinary, and, stricti sensu means treating the ts as an object, rather than as a person. I have ts friends who I treat as equals, not as objects, I have not had sexual relations with all of them, regardless of any favours I have done for them, which I did out of friendship -which is free.

The hardest thing is for people to be honest about their sexual behaviour, what gives them pleasure, what scares them, what they do not want to do -and often in a relationship it is not hard, but impossible to tell the person you are with that you don't enjoy the sex, because it can be so destructive, because not everyone wants to know the truth -so many men who visit escorts do so to compensate for what they lack in their marriage/relationship, as well as those who do have a fetish for black lingerie, whips and chains, and so on. There is a lot of sexual unhappiness out there, I am not sure if this topic can explain why.

Excellent post, Stavros. Like you I have ts friends who I respect as that, friends, without the inevitable resort to sex that seems to characterise the fantasies and expectations of many of the male posters here. It's easier to say than make happen, but unless you've had that experience of knowing a tgirl or girls on an entirely platonic basis, you stand very little chance of understanding the complex psyche and the internal anguish that sadly tend to have a dominant presence in the lives of many of them.

I'm lucky enough to have enjoyed that privilege and it simply makes me admire and respect them all the more. Transsexual women are amazing human beings - we all need to take a step back and recognise and celebrate that fact. Anyone who reduces the concept of a relationship with another human being, regardless of gender, simply to the sex, stands little chance of making it work beyond that first physical experience. That may be all you want right now, but believe me, one day you'll want more.

10-10-2011, 05:53 AM
Interesting thread. "Trannys" were never a thrill for me, I work with ts girls as part of my job.

I'm not liking the forums much anymore.

I'm not Jim Goad, I don't want to deal with crazy drama.

10-10-2011, 06:44 AM
Well remember one of the most popular thread in here was the club kids thread. So you can take that as it is. As for everything else I haven't found the right gg let alone tg so i'm pretty much status unknown. If I did meet the right tg i'm not even sure how i'd feel.

What is a club kid?

MdR Dave
10-10-2011, 06:56 AM
What is a club kid?
Ever see the movie "Monster"?

10-10-2011, 06:59 AM
What is a club kid?

Twinks wearing too much makeup.:hide-1:

10-10-2011, 09:16 AM
I'm the type of dude that will take home the fat bitch at the club if she's talking about giving me dome. Just like fat chicks, trannies are an option when you just wanna fuck a bitch. I don't consider fucking them to be a fetish. They're just another type of chick and sometimes fucking a real tranny is a better option then fucking a nasty ass gg. adding trannies to my palate just maximizes my chances of getting my nut off.

10-10-2011, 11:22 AM
An additional issue which I think is relevant to this thread, is an assumption that is made about 'being a man'. In the past I have worked with blue collar worker people whose sexual exploits are part of everyday conversation, and if someone has nothing to say it suggests they are either gay or cant get laid, and for those reasons is 'less than a man'. Althoug I came to the conclusion that most of the stories I was told were either rubbish or heavily embroidered, there is one major problem that is rarely discussed -how good are you at sex? It always looks good in the movies, but how many real encounters resemble the film with any ts porn star you can name?

I wonder how many escorts get frustrated with clients who don't know what to do with a transexual, or are just not very good, technically speaking -and conversely the ones who do know, I don't know which scores more than the other. One of the reasons people dont like telling the truth about sex is because sexual behaviour is linked to personality: active, passive, sensitive, rough and so on -it may be an alter-ego for some, but it still tells something -but not everything- about the person, and that's true of both partners. I saw a programme about porn films once where someone said a lot of men can't perform on camera, and that often there is another guy standing by to produce the 'money shot' if the lead can't come.

For my own part, I am willing to concede that I have had problems ejaculating, whomever I have been with; I now understand the root causes are psychological not physical, although I did have a minor operation on my penis when I suffered from mild retention about 10 years ago; but it is embarrassing being unable to come, and some would say it is not 'manly', but this insistence on 'proving oneself as a man', being the active partner in the bedroom; being the primary source of income, fathering children and all that, is to me cultural baggage I can do without. Some people are not suited to relationships, and would not make good parents, but it doesn't mean they are somehow inferior to the people who are married and have children.

10-10-2011, 12:07 PM
I wonder. Were transsexuals a perfect fit for some of you, which left you feeling like you finally arrived at the sexual destination you always vaguely dreamed of, but couldn't quite put your finger on?

Or do you see us as a kick? Were we just one taboo that you needed to conquer? And, if so, is the "fetish" still satisfying you? Was it all that you hoped for? Were "we" who you hoped we'd be? For that matter, how much have you learned to make generalizations about us as human beings? Are we "all the same" the more you get to know us? Or do you feel like you don't even have enough time in your life to get to know us quite the way you should?

And, if we are a taboo, what other taboos might you be inclined to... move towards? I know many men secretly lust for children. I've had a few confess this to me. And many do far more than think about it. And trust me. It's not always "someone else". I bet it's some guy you already know, or someone you see on television and/or in movies. Maybe it's your boss. Maybe it's your priest. Maybe it's your father.

But back to us; transsexuals. What do you think? Do we satisfy you? Are we worth the learning experiences that come along with getting to know us? Or, do we have too much baggage? If you seek love, are we lovable? Do you love yourself enough to even love anyone else in the first place? Do you want love or just sex, or both? Are we an escape or a realistic goal?

Reach deep on this thread.

Wandered aimlessly into liking TS girls. I frequented the same bars because they didn't card me and they were open all night. I was happy hanging with the goths and the club kids but I also struck up a friendship with some of the TS girls who held court down one end of the bar. One night one thing led to another and I discovered that I like transsexuals just as much as genetic girls. Truth is that there is very little difference.

10-10-2011, 03:23 PM
Twinks wearing too much makeup.:hide-1:

Oh ok lol

10-10-2011, 08:57 PM
An additional issue which I think is relevant to this thread, is an assumption that is made about 'being a man'. In the past I have worked with blue collar worker people whose sexual exploits are part of everyday conversation, and if someone has nothing to say it suggests they are either gay or cant get laid, and for those reasons is 'less than a man'. Althoug I came to the conclusion that most of the stories I was told were either rubbish or heavily embroidered, there is one major problem that is rarely discussed -how good are you at sex? It always looks good in the movies, but how many real encounters resemble the film with any ts porn star you can name?

I wonder how many escorts get frustrated with clients who don't know what to do with a transexual, or are just not very good, technically speaking -and conversely the ones who do know, I don't know which scores more than the other. One of the reasons people dont like telling the truth about sex is because sexual behaviour is linked to personality: active, passive, sensitive, rough and so on -it may be an alter-ego for some, but it still tells something -but not everything- about the person, and that's true of both partners. I saw a programme about porn films once where someone said a lot of men can't perform on camera, and that often there is another guy standing by to produce the 'money shot' if the lead can't come.

For my own part, I am willing to concede that I have had problems ejaculating, whomever I have been with; I now understand the root causes are psychological not physical, although I did have a minor operation on my penis when I suffered from mild retention about 10 years ago; but it is embarrassing being unable to come, and some would say it is not 'manly', but this insistence on 'proving oneself as a man', being the active partner in the bedroom; being the primary source of income, fathering children and all that, is to me cultural baggage I can do without. Some people are not suited to relationships, and would not make good parents, but it doesn't mean they are somehow inferior to the people who are married and have children.Stavros as a former blue collar worker and UAW union steward I can tell you that in general 90% of what the guys say about their love life is pure crap. This percentage often goes down as the guys get older, married, etc. On the other hand, I found it is a lot more interesting to hang out and listen to blue collar women talking about sex as they are much more open about their affairs, especially if some guy did something to make an ass of himself.

I understand your issues as well, because my cock has several annoying habits such as going limp at critical times as well as not ejaculating sometimes. Size? Well, I don't want to brag or anything, but if I can get hard it's probably a whole 5 inches. Balls about the size of marbles and I'm on a monthly schedule to for testosterone injections. My performance follows this schedule, so at the beginning of the month I am snorting and pawing the ground, ready to shag anyone or anything I can get to hold still for a minute and a half.:dancing: Performance heads downhill to the end of the month when I'd just as soon sleep.

My first wife left me because I could not sire a child, or at least that's what she told me. Of course that bothered the hell out of me for a long time, but I finally decided it was for the best. I married my present wife in 1989 and have been thankful to have her every day since. She has seen me through my medical problems and has put up with all of my little idiosyncrasies, including my attraction to transsexuals. She has her own issues with sex and we haven't had a physical relationship in years, but we are happy with each other.

Well, damn, I guess that's enough of this crap.:bs:

10-10-2011, 09:06 PM
Hey BigDF, don't tell these arseholes that stuff...

(you seem like a good bloke, so I don't wanna see this come back around in a few weeks)


10-10-2011, 09:18 PM
Hey BigDF, don't tell these arseholes that stuff...

(you seem like a good bloke, so I don't wanna see this come back around in a few weeks)

:)Wouldn't be the first time, my friend. I've been called out on here a lot. Somewhere around last year I decided that I was going to say what I wanted to say and just be myself. That's when I put my own photo in my avatar and started sharing things on here.

You see, I'm not sure how much longer I will be inhabiting this vale of tears. I've had lung cancer and survived, along with two brain tumors that were removed surgically. There's little anyone on here can do to me.:dancing:

Thank you for your concern, Loveboof.:)

10-10-2011, 09:31 PM
But back to us; transsexuals. What do you think? Do we satisfy you? Are we worth the learning experiences that come along with getting to know us? Or, do we have too much baggage? If you seek love, are we lovable? Do you love yourself enough to even love anyone else in the first place? Do you want love or just sex, or both? Are we an escape or a realistic goal?

SO the wrong time to be asking this! :shrug

10-10-2011, 09:35 PM
@ BigDF: That sounds horrible, but you made it through - and you're right, I doubt there's much anyone can say to you now (especially on here)...

10-10-2011, 09:49 PM
I've had lung cancer and survived, along with two brain tumors that were removed surgically. There's little anyone on here can do to me.:dancing:

Once you come face to face with your own mortality...you don't sweat the small stuff. True.

10-11-2011, 12:05 AM
I've dated and made love to transwomen before...I am attracted to transsexual women. It isn't just a matter of checking out the porn or having a curiosity, not for me. For other guys who check out transsexual websites, pics, porn, etc.? Sure, for some of them.

10-11-2011, 01:01 AM
Interesting thread....one of the few I've read from start to finish.

10-11-2011, 04:01 AM
Stavros as a former blue collar worker and UAW union steward I can tell you that in general 90% of what the guys say about their love life is pure crap. This percentage often goes down as the guys get older, married, etc. On the other hand, I found it is a lot more interesting to hang out and listen to blue collar women talking about sex as they are much more open about their affairs, especially if some guy did something to make an ass of himself.

BigDF a candid post, and I agree with you about blue collar bluster; I am also thankful not to have suffered any serious illness like you; I do hope you last longer -as for the details, ultimately everything is edited: films, the news, what a friend tells you; what you tell HungAngels or the world -in part it is because 'everything' would take too long and not be interesting, and b) editing allows people to shape their identity. There is a link to the theory of ideas and forms in Plato, to the phenomenology of Kant and the psychological philosophy of Freud, but that's another thread. Stay cool!

10-11-2011, 04:11 AM
blue collar bluster is better than white collar cunning .with the wankers cheating with their secretaries and telling their wives they are working late lol

10-11-2011, 04:15 AM
Had to respond to this thread before I took off.

Trannies aren't a fetish or a one time thing. They are people, woman, with futures.

Some you just want to have fun with, others you may want to get serious with.

Everyone is different though. I have a bigger point I want to make but I can't seem to put in writing atm.

10-11-2011, 04:17 AM
Russtafa: Except that one is real, and the other is, well...bluster. Australians are just as bad, I fell out with one in a place where we worked because of his super-masculine sarcasm; and this was a guy with curly hair- I mean, was that natural, or permed?

Dino Velvet
10-11-2011, 04:21 AM
with the wankers cheating with their secretaries and telling their wives they are working late lol

Russ, you should get in there and fuck that guy's wife. She's probably not that bad and the husband is just bored of her. She'd be desperately thirsty for the cock on many levels. Lay some pipe, my friend. :cheers:

10-11-2011, 02:58 PM
Wouldn't be the first time, my friend. I've been called out on here a lot. Somewhere around last year I decided that I was going to say what I wanted to say and just be myself. That's when I put my own photo in my avatar and started sharing things on here.

You see, I'm not sure how much longer I will be inhabiting this vale of tears. I've had lung cancer and survived, along with two brain tumors that were removed surgically. There's little anyone on here can do to me.:dancing:

Thank you for your concern, Loveboof.:)

Dave, I applaud your honesty and compassion. The openness you've displayed in this post should give everyone pause for thought, and I hope, make others feel humbled and ashamed.

You are a thoroughly decent human being and I hope that I can call you friend. It would be an honour.

:Bowdown::Bowdown::Bowdown::Bowdown::Bowdown::Bowd own:

10-11-2011, 05:42 PM
Dave, I applaud your honesty and compassion. The openness you've displayed in this post should give everyone pause for thought, and I hope, make others feel humbled and ashamed.

You are a thoroughly decent human being and I hope that I can call you friend. It would be an honour.

:Bowdown::Bowdown::Bowdown::Bowdown::Bowdown::Bowd own:Thank you, Robert and of course you can call me friend, for I have already presumed to think of you as my friend.:Bowdown: It was not my intent to make anyone feel humble or ashamed.

10-11-2011, 07:12 PM
Did someone out something in the water? All i've seen in the past 24 hours are nice pists from one and all. Yesterday seemed to be the opposite.
David and Robert... god guys. everyone is a good guy or a great girl. Love you all. Yipppee.....

10-11-2011, 07:35 PM
Not quite a perfect fit for me as I am married, but there is no doubt in my mind that if I suddenly became single again I would be looking for a transsexual woman in preference to a genetic woman. I do not look upon any human as a sexual kink. My wife is well aware that I am attracted to trannys and though it sometimes bothers her, she trusts me to honor our vows. I've only met one tranny in person, an attractive lady close to my own age who was getting ready to transition. Most people on here would call her a TV/CD and she was in man mode when we met, but I could see the woman inside her male body shining out through her eyes.

Like many on here my first exposure to transsexualism was through pornography, but after I watched for awhile I began to get curious about things and went looking for information. There are some excellent sources out here on the net and I was able to learn quite a bit. I also learned a lot from various stars over the years by joining their forums and reading their individual stories.

I read somewhere that some people are starting to call transsexuals the third sex, which I think is quite apt. I think what attracts me most of all is the tremendous bravery and strength that transsexuals have to undergo what you must to live the life you feel you must. I don't know how to put it any better, except to say that I think all transsexuals are beautiful people. I:Bowdown: to you all.

:Bowdown: BigD, I bow to you sir. You put this perfectly. The only difference between us is my wife does NOT know how deeply I feel for transsexual women. She knows I have an interest, but beyond that, nada. Like you, I don't look at these women with any different viewpoint than when I look at GG. This wasn't always the case, as I like to believe I have grown over the years from the younger, horney, curious guy to the man I am now who completely understands the essence of a human being and that, just because the person may be different from me, it doesn't make that person and better or worse than me for who they are. We all know its what you do that counts, so if you're green with purple nipples, ten boobs and 12 penises, as long as you are a good person I could care less about the rest.

If I became single, I surely would entertain dating a TS woman, just the same as I'd date a GG woman. I'm attracted to femininity and beauty, as well as grace and class. I've seen many TS women with more of those things than a lot of the gg women I know personally. The REAL question remains, as always, is: would a TS woman date ME? :D

10-11-2011, 11:35 PM
I've come to the conclusion that Nicole Dupree is the most annoying human being on the planet

10-12-2011, 12:20 AM
I wonder. Were transsexuals a perfect fit for some of you, which left you feeling like you finally arrived at the sexual destination you always vaguely dreamed of, but couldn't quite put your finger on?

Or do you see us as a kick? Were we just one taboo that you needed to conquer? And, if so, is the "fetish" still satisfying you? Was it all that you hoped for? Were "we" who you hoped we'd be? For that matter, how much have you learned to make generalizations about us as human beings? Are we "all the same" the more you get to know us? Or do you feel like you don't even have enough time in your life to get to know us quite the way you should?

And, if we are a taboo, what other taboos might you be inclined to... move towards? I know many men secretly lust for children. I've had a few confess this to me. And many do far more than think about it. And trust me. It's not always "someone else". I bet it's some guy you already know, or someone you see on television and/or in movies. Maybe it's your boss. Maybe it's your priest. Maybe it's your father.

But back to us; transsexuals. What do you think? Do we satisfy you? Are we worth the learning experiences that come along with getting to know us? Or, do we have too much baggage? If you seek love, are we lovable? Do you love yourself enough to even love anyone else in the first place? Do you want love or just sex, or both? Are we an escape or a realistic goal?

Reach deep on this thread.

I think you touched upon something, when you said, "too much baggage". Like DF, I am in a lltr (long,long term r), but I would include ts women, and maybe prefer them if my current relationship ended. But here's an example, from long ago: I ran into a ts woman, whom I had met earlier. I was very attracted to her. I found out she had had her srs, when I met her the second time. I was still very attracted to her. It happened to be a popular dance club. I take it that she was so happy to have her srs, she raised her skirt like over her head, in the middle of the dance floor, exposing her crouch for all to see, and held it for several seconds. It was not a flash, it was full exposure. It would not make a difference if she was gg, doing that either. I think that would be a big turn off for the vast majority of men.

Another time, I met a t-girl at a club, with her gg sister. She claimed to be very quiet and sheltered, telling me that she did not go out much. She came off as very sweet, although her sister was mmaking some strange faces. I thought that I had met someone, who was relationship material. I later saw her flagging down cars, on a busy street. That's an instant trust buster.

As far as t-girls being an experiment, with me it is not so. I realized I was attracted to them at an early age. When a atttractive woman was exposed as a female impersonator, on a comedy show sketch, I had what was probably my first erection. I didn't even know what it was, I was so young. But it takes much maturity for some people to accept their desires. Perhaps for a few, its a stepping stone, but I would not assume that it is that way for most.

10-12-2011, 04:18 AM
And still are...

10-12-2011, 08:45 PM
:Bowdown: BigD, I bow to you sir. You put this perfectly. The only difference between us is my wife does NOT know how deeply I feel for transsexual women. She knows I have an interest, but beyond that, nada. Like you, I don't look at these women with any different viewpoint than when I look at GG. This wasn't always the case, as I like to believe I have grown over the years from the younger, horney, curious guy to the man I am now who completely understands the essence of a human being and that, just because the person may be different from me, it doesn't make that person and better or worse than me for who they are. We all know its what you do that counts, so if you're green with purple nipples, ten boobs and 12 penises, as long as you are a good person I could care less about the rest.

If I became single, I surely would entertain dating a TS woman, just the same as I'd date a GG woman. I'm attracted to femininity and beauty, as well as grace and class. I've seen many TS women with more of those things than a lot of the gg women I know personally. The REAL question remains, as always, is: would a TS woman date ME? :DThank you for your kind words, NS (hope you don't mind) and the main reason I keep my wife in the loop is because of her view of herself as someone unworthy of love. We've been working on this problem together since we met and married. In fact, we just had a long talk about this earlier today.

I can't accurately answer your question except to say that I would think so, based on your words here.:geek:

I like your avatar and I though of the other part of that: "I don't have to run faster than the zombies, I just have to run faster than you.":dancing:

10-12-2011, 10:24 PM
Trannies were a new thrill for me about 33 years ago. Today, I still have the same thrilling feeling. Wish I had a tranny girlfriend.

03-06-2012, 03:01 AM
Deleted by author

03-06-2012, 08:45 AM
Were all trannys little girls in little boy's bodies? Aren't there tranny librarians?

03-06-2012, 07:51 PM
after years of looking at transsexuals and learning about it you girls have left me confused about my own gender to be honest.

Domino Lover
03-07-2012, 06:59 AM
For some people trannys are a thrill and for others its a choice and for others its a necessity. I consider myself to be a straight man but my interest in genetic women pales in comparison to being with a transsexual woman. I have no interest in being with a man and never would but the sexual chemistry with a tranny just feels right with me. I'm not judging anyone cause only the Lord can judge me. Do what you feel and be true to what you like.

03-09-2012, 07:48 AM
I know many men secretly lust for children.
Reach deep on this thread.

Lots of older women I've talked to on dating sites were abused one way or another as children. I don't like internet censorship, but a generation of kids coming up have seen it all by high school, I'm sure.

03-09-2012, 04:06 PM
I'm going for this as a new thrill. Or maybe just a 60 inch plasma

Nicole Dupre
03-09-2012, 04:40 PM
Were all trannys little girls in little boy's bodies? I was. This wasn't a thing that happened for me after puberty at all. Gender was an issue for me as a little kid, basically dating back to my earliest memories.

Aren't there tranny librarians?Trannys can't read. ;-) lol

03-09-2012, 07:44 PM
Nicole, I think it would be interesting to know what percentage of "little girls in little boy's bodies" grew up to have careers in the Adult Entertainment Industry. I'll bet most married women and never told anybody. Or got on hormones and got boyfriends, I don't know, I'm guessing.
The street whores I knew were ALL on drugs, and either got fucked by relatives, or grew up in severe poverty. They were always getting their arm broke, or getting thrown out of moving cars.
I see all these photos on this site, are they all "pros" or what, models?? I think I would spend money to get my nude photos OFF the internet. Can you really make a living off having "tits and dicks"? Or are you girls just wanting to have fun? And make a couple bucks on the side. I'm sure you can't be completely honest being in SALES. Is getting paid your thrill now?

03-09-2012, 09:09 PM
I remember listening to the old Howard Stern show, and finding out how little I know about Homosexuality. He had Boy George on, and joked that High School gym must have been like Disneyland for him, ..but he said no, he hated gym, because he used to get beat up everyday! I remember being surprised that he liked boobies, but didn't like vaginas. It was funny that I had never heard a guy talk so openly and easily about this stuff.
I grew up with two friends that turned out to be bi-sexual. They were weird kids, some of my other friends didn't like them, but we all grew up together, we all played together.
Of course, life's biggest joke, everybody's different. Nobody has all the answers. All the RIGHT answers, that is.
I found out a few years ago I have had a bad pituitary gland since childhood. Life wasn't that easy for me coming up, either. But I had no clue why.

Nicole Dupre
03-09-2012, 11:53 PM
Nicole, I think it would be interesting to know what percentage of "little girls in little boy's bodies" grew up to have careers in the Adult Entertainment Industry. I'll bet most married women and never told anybody. Or got on hormones and got boyfriends, I don't know, I'm guessing.
The street whores I knew were ALL on drugs, and either got fucked by relatives, or grew up in severe poverty. They were always getting their arm broke, or getting thrown out of moving cars.
I see all these photos on this site, are they all "pros" or what, models?? I think I would spend money to get my nude photos OFF the internet. Can you really make a living off having "tits and dicks"? Or are you girls just wanting to have fun? And make a couple bucks on the side. I'm sure you can't be completely honest being in SALES. Is getting paid your thrill now?
I have no idea what percentage of us there are. I didn't really know there even were transsexuals until maybe 6th grade. Since then, it's been interesting. lol I've done so many things to survive and be happy since then. Some very risky things. Insane things. lol But I survived. :D

As for porn, I couldn't care less where the photos appear. Anyone looking at them has more explaining to do about where they saw them than I'll ever have explaining why I'm in them. In terms of what future there is in any of this, I'd say next to none for most of the girls unless they're pretty smart. Escorting has left street hooking in the dust of course. But these days, how far do you think even online escorting can go, year after year, in a shit economy? It used to fantastic for the girls. Truly. But those days are gone. But sure. You can do ok for a while tho', unless you're a really hopeless bitch. I mean, if you can't even swing a room, internet and a phone, you must be pretty manly looking and pathetic. lol But what about getting old? Well trannys often don't live to be old. That's a problem for us. I once heard an older TS say, "We are all cursed by God, my dear. There's no real good that can come out of this." I've never forgotten it. I think she was right. She said we were against nature's rules. And we are.

Anyway, in porn there's no substantial amount of money in it for the models. Girls act like they're doing oh so well, but the reality never matches the real life situation. Not that I've seen in the cases of anyone who's gotten into this industry in say the last 4 years. Most of us have escorted to supplement this chump change gig. lol Foxxxy Angel's done alright for herself from what I can see, but she's never really participated in all of this madness. She's pretty independent and shrewd, as was Tonyah (sp?). But after maybe 2006 or '07, I know of very few success stories concerning transsexuals in porn.

About 8 months ago I started doing things completely differently. I did just fine escorting, but that just can't last forever. I make about that much now doing something else. I like it. I like my life. I like my little business. I should have my SRS money in about 2 years, and that will be yet another phase in my life. Which I'm sure it will be interesting.

03-10-2012, 03:12 AM
I should have my SRS money in about 2 years, and that will be yet another phase in my life. Which I'm sure it will be interesting.

SRS..............I am taking testosterone and growth hormone injections, so our goals are a tad different. I quit drinking and smoking, which makes skirt chasing a lot less fun. What seems like a fantastic idea when you're drunk, sounds pretty stupid sober. They say drinking 6 beers turns back evolution 10,000 years, oh yeah, party like it's 8,000BC. That was my motto.
You might think living clean and sober would enhance your ability to enjoy the good things in life, ..............but I'm forced to redefine the good things.

Nicole Dupre
03-10-2012, 04:24 AM
SRS..............I am taking testosterone and growth hormone injections, so our goals are a tad different. I quit drinking and smoking, which makes skirt chasing a lot less fun. What seems like a fantastic idea when you're drunk, sounds pretty stupid sober. They say drinking 6 beers turns back evolution 10,000 years, oh yeah, party like it's 8,000BC. That was my motto.
You might think living clean and sober would enhance your ability to enjoy the good things in life, ..............but I'm forced to redefine the good things.
I don't really get very wasted anymore. Not that I ever had a real problem with any substances anyway. To begin with, I naturally have a very high tolerance to just about everything. I function and think clearly on just about everything. I'm a great drunk driver, believe it or not. I was also really good at driving on acid. I had lot's of fun with ALL that stuff, but I suspect that I was always too vain and self-centered to let a drug steal my thunder. lol

A pituitary gland issue must be a challenge. I don't know what you mean by "bad", but I would imagine it's hormonal, and that can get complicated. That gland can affect both your mind and body in so many ways. Is it a certain disease or condition you have?

I'm on a pretty minimal HRT regimen because for whatever reason I have naturally low testo and high estro. That works out well for a M2F TS, but could be problematic ultimately. I often find my estro levels creeping up, so we keep the estro dosages down. Basically, I take half of what most other TS get prescribed or my pit gland might become enlarged.

My new thrill might actually be boredom. I like doing boring things now. I like cooking dinner with my mom and going out on boring dinner dates with nice guys. I'm actually getting fairly decent at just being pleasant because I don't spend much time around unpleasant people anymore. Oh, and I like buying things that look nice in my home. I was on a furniture and lighting kick for a while. lol

03-10-2012, 07:14 AM
Chasing trans girls is so 2001. Now I just post ads on craigslist offering to smack girls in the bare tits with boiling hot mops. Total thrill rush.

03-10-2012, 08:59 AM
A pituitary gland issue must be a challenge. I don't know what you mean by "bad", but I would imagine it's hormonal, and that can get complicated. That gland can affect both your mind and body in so many ways. Is it a certain disease or condition you have?

Even though 17% of cadavers have evidence of a pituitary tumor, nobody alive has one, according to most doctors. Because growth hormone is so expensive. Yes it's glandular, but the real results are quality of life issues, which clarified alot of questions I had about my life.
I wrote a bunch of stuff before that I deleted, because I thought that my dangerous tightrope walking chancetaking thrill stories might come off like a handicapped loser mumbling to himself.

Watchout for that furniture collecting. You think drugs are expensive?

Nicole Dupre
03-11-2012, 02:49 AM
Even though 17% of cadavers have evidence of a pituitary tumor, nobody alive has one, according to most doctors. Because growth hormone is so expensive. Yes it's glandular, but the real results are quality of life issues, which clarified alot of questions I had about my life.
I wrote a bunch of stuff before that I deleted, because I thought that my dangerous tightrope walking chancetaking thrill stories might come off like a handicapped loser mumbling to himself.

Watchout for that furniture collecting. You think drugs are expensive?
I could only fit so much into one place, and my electrician was too damn expensive. But I ditched that rental and put a shitload of that stuff into storage at my friend's house. She has an enormous basement... that now looks a hell of a lot like where I used to turn 'em. ;-) lol

Anyway, now I'm getting back into shoes and jewelry. lol

Nicole Dupre
03-11-2012, 02:54 AM
Even though 17% of cadavers have evidence of a pituitary tumor, nobody alive has one, according to most doctors. Because growth hormone is so expensive. Yes it's glandular, but the real results are quality of life issues, which clarified alot of questions I had about my life.
I wrote a bunch of stuff before that I deleted, because I thought that my dangerous tightrope walking chancetaking thrill stories might come off like a handicapped loser mumbling to himself.

Watchout for that furniture collecting. You think drugs are expensive?
They don't know shit about that stuff. For instance, did you know that they are now aware of tiny benign tumors in the hypothalamus of men which create estrogen? That's a possible explanation for gender identity dysphoria. Transsexuals often have brains shaped more like GG's brains.

I'm not letting them look at my brain for proof tho'. I've had enough proof in life that god's practical joke on me was the cock. lol

03-11-2012, 04:57 AM
I live near Washington DC and I got to see the Endocrinologist that treated Chief Supreme Court Justice Rehnquist's thyroid cancer. He "made a phone call" to John's Hopkins for me. Whatever he said for me, I got the red carpet treatment after that. Score one for the little guy.
From what you say about furniture, jewelry, and shoes you could be my sister. She has two houses full of stuff AND a storage shed.

Nicole Dupre
03-11-2012, 05:08 AM
I don't constantly spend money, but I do like living somewhere nice and also making it look nice. Even if the place was just somewhere to see clients. But I don't see clients anymore, so I have some nice pieces of furniture in limbo aka my friend's enormous basement. The last year's been a bit chaotic. I inherited furniture, but I also gave away some nice furniture. I finished paying off something but also found out I'm going to inherit a townhouse. And I just divided up what was in an apartment into a basement and another apartment. Chaos, I tell you. lol But healthy chaos. :)

And I like shoes. lol

Nicole Dupre
03-11-2012, 05:16 AM
Anyway, that sounds like serious stuff. If you don't mind me asking, are you doing ok now? Has the endocrinologist who treated the Chief Supreme Court Justice, aside from the red carpet treatment, got your gland situation on a relatively even keel?

03-11-2012, 05:59 AM
[QUOTE=Nicole Dupre;1105708]are you doing ok now? [QUOTE]

I built a life around being sick. The drugs I'm doing now are kid's stuff to what I could get away with when I was young and stupid. If reading books is OK then yeah,I'll be OK, but you know I'm always going to want that ten inch dick.

Nicole Dupre
03-11-2012, 06:39 AM
I'm sorry to hear that. Goes to show how relatively meaningless furniture and shoes are when your health's not there. No matter what I've had in life, however little or however much, health is something I will never take for granted. I've watched too many people lose theirs and go much too soon.

Maybe let your mind go somewhere else, and enjoy those drugs if you can, and read those books. That's probably what I would do; let them dope me to the extreme, and escape into some good books.

03-11-2012, 07:21 AM
That's the plan.