View Full Version : Tom Cruise Kills South Park Episode About Him....

01-21-2006, 12:19 AM
Scientology nutjob Cruise kills the episode featuring him in UK....

It's fuckin hilarious re both scientology, and rumors re tom being closeted...

You can see it here http://www.scientomogy.info or www.clambake.org

Cruise ‘South Park’ Show Censored
By WENN|Thursday, January 19, 2006
Photo GalleryHOLLYWOOD - Tom Cruise has reportedly stopped an episode of South Park that mocks him from being aired in Britain.
The show, in which Nicole Kidman and Cruise's fellow Scientologist John Travolta are depicted attempting to coax an animated version of the actor out of a closet, caused controversy when broadcast in the U.S.

The cartoon Kidman tells Cruise, "Don't you think this has gone on long enough? It's time for you to come out of the closet. You're not fooling anyone"—referring to allegations about Cruise's sexuality.

According to TheRegister.co.uk, Paramount has agreed not to show the episode again, after Cruise complained.

A source tells the site, "Tom is famously very litigious and will go to great lengths to protect his reputation. Tom was said not to like the episode and Paramount just didn't dare risk showing it again. It's a shame that UK audiences will never see it because it's very funny."

If you want to find out the real facts about the wild, wacky world of scientology, check this site out, it's a fascinating time-waster www.clambake.org

01-21-2006, 12:45 AM
i saw that episode not too long ago. one of the funniest SP episodes of all time in my opinion

01-21-2006, 12:47 AM
The smart ones will see it thanks to interweb, that one more of south park's funniest episode yet. Im surprise he has that much pull with paramount because of the recent flaps he has been in,but i guess they are backing him up because of the next mission impossible movie and the high expectations they think its going to recieve.

I don't really have a problem with scientology basically its like any other religion believing in what that think is the truth,but its just something weird about the whole thing and all the hollywood stars that are attached to it.

01-21-2006, 01:04 AM
I agree with Risk_932 that it was one of the funniest SP episodes in a long time. It's not like Cruise didn't do it to himself with all of this crazy Scientology crap, among other things. Seriously, the only thing more ridiculous than any of the established religions is Scientology. As an organization, it’s seems to be a bit like a mafia for retarded people who are bad with their money (being an active member is said to be very expensive).


01-21-2006, 01:34 AM
Not too bad for a 'religion' that began as a bar bet.

Felicia Katt
01-21-2006, 04:49 AM
i guess they are backing him up because of the next mission impossible movie and the high expectations they think its going to recieve.
if what they are saying about Tom is true, shouldn't it be Missionary Impossible? LOL



01-21-2006, 05:22 AM
lmao GOOD one kat

01-21-2006, 05:57 AM
i guess they are backing him up because of the next mission impossible movie and the high expectations they think its going to recieve.
if what they are saying about Tom is true, shouldn't it be Missionary Impossible? LOL



Nice one LOL.

01-21-2006, 06:12 AM
I agree with Risk_932 that it was one of the funniest SP episodes in a long time. It's not like Cruise didn't do it to himself with all of this crazy Scientology crap, among other things. Seriously, the only thing more ridiculous than any of the established religions is Scientology. As an organization, it’s seems to be a bit like a mafia for retarded people who are bad with their money (being an active member is said to be very expensive).


was this the episode where cruise and travolta end up in the closet and then r Kelley comes and sings to them? if so, agreed. probably my favorite SP in years....

01-21-2006, 07:00 AM
Not too bad for a 'religion' that began as a bar bet.
Slaves of Sleep, Battlefield Earth. From a bar bet to Dianetics. Of course, I prefer Dick.

(That's Philip K. Dick, guttermouth!)

01-21-2006, 03:59 PM
was this the episode where cruise and travolta end up in the closet and then r Kelley comes and sings to them? if so, agreed. probably my favorite SP in years....

Yes, that was the one. Without an ounce of subtlety and so over the top that you just couldn't help but laugh hard.


south ov da border
01-21-2006, 04:41 PM
I gotta catch that one...

Hugh Jarrod
01-22-2006, 12:43 AM
It is a funny episode, I could care less if Tom was gay, straight or otherwise. However for him to be bhind censorship is BS. My favorite part of the episode is when R.Kelly joins him in the closet.

01-22-2006, 06:34 AM
I've read a little about scientology awhile back.I would think that Tom wouldn't be bothered by Southpark after reaching the state of "clear".Nevertheless I do find his points about dopping kids with ritalin interesting.

01-22-2006, 08:40 PM
I've read a little about scientology awhile back.I would think that Tom wouldn't be bothered by Southpark after reaching the state of "clear".Nevertheless I do find his points about dopping kids with ritalin interesting.

"after reaching the state of clear?" As in he's "clearly" a deluded fool for giving millions to the cult that started on a bar bet?

And there are valid arguments that ritalin and other similar meds are over-prescribed to kids. However, scientology has a vendetta against the field of psychiatry because it cuts into their profit margins. Scientology's sole purpose is to dupe people into paying more and more for the bizarre methods by which you attain "enlightenment."

Like I said, if you want to find out the real truth about scientology, and have a good laugh, go here...


Felicia Katt
01-22-2006, 09:13 PM
I've read a little about scientology awhile back.I would think that Tom wouldn't be bothered by Southpark after reaching the state of "clear".Nevertheless I do find his points about dopping kids with ritalin interesting.

did he reach a state of clear or queer?



01-22-2006, 10:43 PM
i laugh how people turn to celebrities for religious trends, lmfao...its one thing to look for them for style trends , but beliefs, lmfao....L Ron Hubbard even admitted he created it cause dianetics wasnt flying off the shelf, lol....

01-23-2006, 10:05 AM
Ironic how Cruise stopped that South Park episode, yet he should have blocked that episode of Oprah that got his ass branded last year.

Sad how the mighty has fallen.

1986: Tom Cruise was pretty much the cool guy you seen on Top Gun, which helped the air force get alot of recruits

2006: Tom Cruise is now the creepy dude who seems to have been dipping into the crystal meth one too many times :mrgreen: