View Full Version : Occupy Wall Street protest

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10-06-2011, 03:55 AM
Has anyone been down to wall street, or joined a similar protest where you're at? I've been down once, I'm a Sociology major and planning on a doing research project on the movement so I'm planning on spending a lot more time.. But just curious as the general stance here? Even though as of now there is no clear cut agenda or organization the fact that its getting this much momentum and people are actually voicing their frustrations to me is a beautiful thing for democracy. I really hope that rather then just focus on one issue, different movements use this as a platform for solidarity and bring up issues of all the voiceless. So yeah in my eyes would be great to see some more diverse activism...


Kayden Harley
10-06-2011, 04:05 AM
It's literally going on just a few blocks away from me.. Here's the latest: cops beating people up at occupy wall street - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xpOMlDVaXzc)

10-06-2011, 04:06 AM
I was down there he first weekend.

10-06-2011, 04:14 AM
wow so have you been out allot? Are they still out there? I should go right now.. I was going to go today but didnt want to miss class :( then when i get there my professor said " I thought you out of all people wrent going to be here today"... But I'm a mos def be there by general assembly tomorrow. The more brutality, the more media coverage, and the more the 99% will come....

10-06-2011, 04:16 AM
Hartmann: First they ignore, then ridicule, then fight you - then you win - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z0cXaNp5wlE&feature=channel_video_title)

10-06-2011, 04:24 AM
Yup i went out early in the protest. Nobody knew what the hell i was talking bout in Atlanta. Just today i had an argument with a guy telling me he didnt think it was big.. Yeah this is the beginning...

10-06-2011, 04:26 AM
Yup i went out early in the protest. Nobody knew what the hell i was talking bout in Atlanta. Just today i had an argument with a guy telling me he didnt think it was big.. Yeah this is the beginning...

I think you're right.

Kayden Harley
10-06-2011, 04:27 AM
Now News Crews are being attacked by the NYPD:


This is only going to motivate people even more!

Bobby Domino
10-06-2011, 04:33 AM
I understand the organic function of the protest, where no one wants to limit the rally to a concrete complaints, but there's gotta be some focus, some foundations.
It's like a paper bag holding water, eventually it will burst because of the lack of cohesion.
By the way, I completely & wholeheartedly support what's going on.
Maybe the protests will eventually assume the power of the banks - "We're too big to fail!!!"

10-06-2011, 04:36 AM
Michael Moore's Fourth Visit to #OccupyWallStreet (Day 18, 10/4/11) - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sJTmUcVb2kw)

10-06-2011, 04:37 AM
What are we protesting, pray-tell?

Kayden Harley
10-06-2011, 04:44 AM
Here is a live feed of the protests via livestream:


10-06-2011, 04:45 AM
Like Chuck D said, "Fight the Power."

10-06-2011, 04:46 AM
I guess these people don't have jobs or any other form of life?

10-06-2011, 04:51 AM
This is history!

10-06-2011, 04:52 AM
Michael Moore's Fourth Visit to #OccupyWallStreet (Day 18, 10/4/11) - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sJTmUcVb2kw)

Well if that fat mess is involved.....he may be able to survive in the park through the winter with all the fat he's stored up.

Hey...I'm all for civil disobedience and protest, it's the cornerstone of a democratic society...until I see shills like Moore involved. It sorta squashes the organic nature out of it. He's the biggest capitalist I know , ( and good for him) yet the system he desires would leave him penniless. He's conflicted.
So all you sympathizers and participants....tell me in 50 words or less what this is all about? Spreadin' the wealth around a little more? The government's been sticking it in our ass for the 3 previous years, and the 33 before that. Why now?

10-06-2011, 04:52 AM
It will never make it to the history books.
Only the LOCAL news b/c of distruption to traffic

10-06-2011, 04:54 AM
Thats the point.. people are unemployed and unable to pay for tution.. So this is what democracy looks like...

10-06-2011, 04:54 AM
^^What he said

Kayden Harley
10-06-2011, 04:56 AM
I guess these people don't have jobs or any other form of life?

Well, THAT is exactly why they are protesting. They're tired of not having jobs. Tired of corporations sitting on piles of money while not hiring (in America) and avoiding taxes (especially after being bailed out by taxpayers)

Also, most of the news is coming from National News Sources, so there goes your other theory ;)

10-06-2011, 04:58 AM
I can't wait to get out there.. This has been ignored for most of the time.. it will only grow, because there are no jobs, there is no boost to the economy coming, and they just pushed the millionaire tax bill back another year, Surprise surprise.
So yeah people will be out here till something changes or the whole world is gasping by watching the hypocrisy of this so called democracy.

10-06-2011, 04:59 AM
It will never make it to the history books.
Only the LOCAL news b/c of distruption to traffic

You obviously don't know what's going on but still feel compelled to make ridiculous statements with authority. It's kind of funny....in a way. You say terrible things about people doing what they think is right but demonstrate you can't be bothered to inform yourself on what you've already decided. That, sadly, makes you a joke.

You might be interested to know that one of the big issues concerning the occupation is the lack of media coverage.

10-06-2011, 05:00 AM
Where the moderators at??? This should get a Sticky icon or whatever.. For as long as the protests are going on.. Because I only see this growing.. There are a lot of different places that are joining in..

Bobby Domino
10-06-2011, 05:08 AM
well, that is exactly why they are protesting. They're tired of not having jobs. Tired of corporations sitting on piles of money while not hiring (in america) and avoiding taxes (especially after being bailed out by taxpayers)

also, most of the news is coming from national news sources, so there goes your other theory ;)


10-06-2011, 05:11 AM
These CEO's have thrived under Bush and Obama. In fact I think they have made even more money with Obama in office. Which is amusing if you consider how Obama is suppose to be sum anti-profit, socialist lefty.

10-06-2011, 05:55 AM
Thats the point.. people are unemployed and unable to pay for tution.. So this is what democracy looks like...

Sorry. I call bullshit. I paid tuition by working McDonald's, landscaping, and painting. Plenty of this kind of work available if these people would get off their lazy asses.

10-06-2011, 05:59 AM
Sorry. I call bullshit. I paid tuition by working McDonald's, landscaping, and painting. Plenty of this kind of work available if these people would get off their lazy asses.

Do you really think unemployment is high because people refuse to out and find a job?

10-06-2011, 06:01 AM
Ok what year did you graduate? there are no jobs and tution hikes are at epic highs.. Do you follow these things? The CUNY system in new york tution has gonna up like 230% since the 90's.. and you sound old so do the math

10-06-2011, 06:06 AM
No because i have to actually work for a living.....I'm not a trust fund kid living off my family's wealth (while at the same time complaining about it)...or a student living with Mommie and daddy...or an old radical living off a gov't check my whole life...you want to bitch and complain about nothing in general?...go do it in Washington.

10-06-2011, 06:09 AM
corporations running our so called democracy is nothing? Taking Tax payer money that you work for then bailing out bank ceo's who get millions in bonuses are nothing?

Kayden Harley
10-06-2011, 06:15 AM
No because i have to actually work for a living.....I'm not a trust fund kid living off my family's wealth (while at the same time complaining about it)...or a student living with Mommie and daddy...or an old radical living off a gov't check my whole life...you want to bitch and complain about nothing in general?...go do it in Washington.

Honestly, it's great to hear that you have a job, but there are MILLIONS without. Many of which can not find work and/or live with Mommy and Daddy because they can not afford to pay tuition and live on their own.

If somehow you think you've described the people protesting, you're sadly mistaken. There are people from all walks of life voicing their concerns as we speak. This is their country just as much as it is ours, and they'll protest where ever they choose. Not much you can do to stop them to be honest..

With enough pressure, they can remind the 1% that the clock is ticking, and time is running out for millions of kitchen tables all across the country.

Bobby Domino
10-06-2011, 06:16 AM
These CEO's have thrived under Bush and Obama. In fact I think they have made even more money with Obama in office. Which is amusing if you consider how Obama is suppose to be sum anti-profit, socialist lefty.

The the response to "Institutions too big to fail," the Dodd–Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act just took effect last month. CEOs have known this and have been milking the old system for as long as possible, planning and looking for loopholes.
One of the amendments limits debit card interchange fees, which merchants must pay each time a customer swipes their plastic, to a maximum of 24 cents (don't know what they were charging before), that's why BoA and other banks are transferring that loss to us, their customers. As of Oct or Nov, BoA will be charging you $4-5/month for using your debit card. There much more to come.....

10-06-2011, 06:18 AM
corporations running our so called democracy is nothing? Taking Tax payer money that you work for then bailing out bank ceo's who get millions in bonuses are nothing?

Is that the message....or is it all over the place?...or is it: "Hey look everyone ...I'm at the protest...watch me on Facebook....Hey, Dad...can you send me more money? Thanks."

10-06-2011, 06:23 AM
Honestly, it's great to hear that you have a job, but there are MILLIONS without. Many of which can not find work and/or live with Mommy and Daddy because they can not afford to pay tuition and live on their own.

If somehow you think you've described the people protesting, you're sadly mistaken. There are people from all walks of life voicing their concerns as we speak. This is their country just as much as it is ours, and they'll protest where ever they choose. Not much you can do to stop them to be honest..

With enough pressure, they can remind the 1% that the clock is ticking, and time is running out for millions of kitchen tables all across the country.

I"m sorry...but for the most part...that's bullshit...that is not who started the protest. sure...now they're attracting labor unions but that is a separate dynamic entirely.

Kayden Harley
10-06-2011, 06:28 AM
I"m sorry...but for the most part...that's bullshit...that is not who started the protest. sure...now they're attracting labor unions but that is a separate dynamic entirely.

So you disagree with a protest as a whole, simply because you REALLY just disagree with a small portion of the protesters?

MdR Dave
10-06-2011, 06:33 AM
40 years ago Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas wrote a book called "Points of Rebellion" in hopes of providing justification and a road map of sorts to the counter-culture of the time. It never made any best seller lists- but you can find the text online and finish it in an hour.

His points are equally valid today. It's amazing how little has changed.

10-06-2011, 06:33 AM
Sorry. I call bullshit. I paid tuition by working McDonald's, landscaping, and painting. Plenty of this kind of work available if these people would get off their lazy asses.

I call bullshit on you.
http://www.allgov.com/Top_Stories/ViewNews/One_Million_Apply_for_62000_Jobs__with_McDonalds_1 10506

Kayden Harley
10-06-2011, 06:36 AM
I call bullshit on you.
http://www.allgov.com/Top_Stories/ViewNews/One_Million_Apply_for_62000_Jobs__with_McDonalds_1 10506


10-06-2011, 06:36 AM
So you disagree with a protest as a whole, simply because you REALLY just disagree with a small portion of the protesters?

I disagree with this protest and how it's being handled.

Bobby Domino
10-06-2011, 06:55 AM
i call bullshit on you.
http://www.allgov.com/top_stories/viewnews/one_million_apply_for_62000_jobs__with_mcdonalds_1 10506


10-06-2011, 07:17 AM
Is that the message....or is it all over the place?...or is it: "Hey look everyone ...I'm at the protest...watch me on Facebook....Hey, Dad...can you send me more money? Thanks."
i agree with you 100 percent mate these uni kids aint going to get the general publics support.i think its wrong that these company directors get so much money they can never spend it in a life time but little rich dickheads making clown's out of themselves aint the way to prove a point

10-06-2011, 08:03 AM
If this was taking place in a middle eastern capital against the tyranny of some tinpot dictator we would all be cheering the protestors on. This time it's happening at the very heart of western capitalism and against the tyranny of the banks and their supine cronies in government of either hue, they're all equally culpable.

The students in Cairo got the same shit from their establishment and their lackeys in the media when the protests began in February, and yet they managed within a matter of weeks to overthrow what had become in effect 50 years of stifling and corrupt dictatorship, if you include both the Sadat and Mubarak regimes.

OK, so it would stretch the parallels to breaking point and beyond to take this much further, but the events in New York and elsewhere are in some respects not wildly different - it's a powerless and frustrated populace organising to take on what is to all intents and purposes a series of institutions which have done them and the entire population (of the world, not just the US) great wrong, and over the same period have not only further drained the nation's resources, but have carried on unscathed, with total impunity and the same unbridled arrogance. Believe me, those guys would do the same again tomorrow without turning a hair if they thought they could cut a profit from it. It's capitalism, it's about profit first, second, third and last, and fuck anyone who gets in the way.

These guys have settled on the right target, the people and businesses which created this mess. Yes, government was asleep at the wheel in terms of regulation and helped to facilitate what happened. But it wasn't government that created the whole sub-prime disaster or the financial products that they knew were worthless as they sold them. It was the banks.

What's happening here goes right to the core of America's belief system, that capitalism is ultimately beneficial for all and the only game in town. Well, it isn't, it fucks ordinary people over again and again and will continue to do so until governments worldwide have the courage, acting in concert, to take the bastards in the banks on and call their bluff.

Yep, I'm what you would call another candy-ass liberal wimp from the UK, but I'm calling this as I see it. I don't know if it will succeed, I don't care how many trust-fund kids are involved, but it's new and strange and it's scaring the shit out of the vested interests. It does my radical heart good to see people taking on the biggest and nastiest beasts in the forest. As Wordsworth said in 1802 in the context of the French Revolution, "Bliss was it in that dawn to be alive, but to be young was very heaven."

It's intoxicating to see the establishment on the run. All power to those involved.

MdR Dave
10-06-2011, 08:21 AM
Well stated, RobertLouis, but I take exception to the thought of the US gvt. "asleep at the wheel".

My hope is that what we're seeing is an America waking up to the utter complicity of government in creating this mess- actively charting the course through these waters while keelhauling the masses.

Bobby Domino
10-06-2011, 08:24 AM
If this was taking place in a middle eastern capital against the tyranny of some tinpot dictator we would all be cheering the protestors on....
....It does my radical heart good to see people taking on the biggest and nastiest beasts in the forest. As Wordsworth said in 1802 in the context of the French Revolution, "Bliss was it in that dawn to be alive, but to be young was very heaven."

It's intoxicating to see the establishment on the run. All power to those involved.

:iagree::iagree: Robertlouis, I couldn't have put it any better. Very well said :iagree::iagree:

I had posted this in another thread but this video strikes to the core at why banks have no desire to change the status quo:


10-06-2011, 08:37 AM
fuck wall street!

10-06-2011, 08:54 AM
Well stated, RobertLouis, but I take exception to the thought of the US gvt. "asleep at the wheel".

My hope is that what we're seeing is an America waking up to the utter complicity of government in creating this mess- actively charting the course through these waters while keelhauling the masses.

I think we're in violent agreement on the point of government's role, Dave. Yes, they were complicit, and the blame lies with both Clinton and Bush, Obama's only fault in this regard has been his failure of courage in not tackling the systemic abuses of the banks and the financial system in general (and a similar failing in too many other things to mention....)

However, my point is that while those in government facilitated the whole scandalous mess by their dismantling of the checks and balances that had governed financial business since the 30s, the banks took the opportunity to leap into the void that action created and to turn the whole environment utterly toxic.

Government was complicit, but the banks were culpable. Whether individuals within governments actively connived at what was going on is another matter, but I don't think that there has ever been a suggestion that it constituted overt government policy.

And a couple of glimpses/pointers from the UK. At the Tory conference yesterday the prime minister finally admitted for the very first time that the current debt crisis may actually have had something to do with worldwide factors and wasn't solely down to the previous Labour administration.

He also through his weight and commitment quite unequivocally behind full legalisation of gay marriage in the UK. He may be truly conservative in many things, but I totally applaud and support his social liberalism, it's a very significant shift within his party (probably hated by the right) but it took personal courage and it's a wonderful development. Now, can you imagine the US parallel of a sitting Republican president making the same open commitment? You guys have a long way to go.

10-06-2011, 10:35 AM
i have always hated smart arse rich that don't have to work and run around looking like shit and whinging [protesting] and sneering at working people. but i do think its so wrong that a man or woman cant spend what they receive in their pay in a life time and that has to stop .maybe if the government placed bans on these obscene salaries it might help

10-06-2011, 01:10 PM
I call bullshit on you.
http://www.allgov.com/Top_Stories/ViewNews/One_Million_Apply_for_62000_Jobs__with_McDonalds_1 10506

You're just being ridiculous. If not Mickey D, then some other. Bars, restaurants,. Hell, FedEx is hiring seasonal drivers. No one is going to get rich off of these types of jobs, but I was responding to someone complaining of not being able to pay tuition, and that's how I did it. Oh and in response to someone complaining about the high cost of today's tuition. I could have applied to an expensive college but chose instead to apply to an affordable university.

10-06-2011, 01:33 PM
i have always hated smart arse rich that don't have to work and run around looking like shit and whinging [protesting] and sneering at working people. but i do think its so wrong that a man or woman cant spend what they receive in their pay in a life time and that has to stop .maybe if the government placed bans on these obscene salaries it might help

Do you really think these republicans will allow that to happen?

10-06-2011, 01:34 PM
Beautifully put. Its a shame how people get so conditioned by the American system of thinking capitalism is the only way. the gentleman complaining about he has to work has no clue how demoralizing wage slavery is I'm guessing, its just a natrual corce of his life. Indeed wether the cause is concise or not, its nothing to sneeze at that these are the largest on going protests in a long time. THey are afraid to call this a class struggle but thats exactly what it is.. 1% of our population controls the majority of the wealth.. No matter how much you try to get around it thats a fact,. that means that small majority holds more power and influence..

Its so sad that a lot of Americans like dakota87 get drawn into the fallacy of poor impoverished people are their from their own lack of willingness to work or sacrafice and thats just utter stupidity. The poverrty gap between rich and poor are at the most polar levels since THE GREAT DEPRESSION.. America needs to add like !00K jobs to the economy every month to keep up with all the unemployed and new workers who are entering the work force. WE NEVER HAVE DONE THIS.. there are like 1 job for every 8 people. Maybe higher.. and Dakota again when did you go to school? You sound out of touch with people honestly.. We are the 99%..
If you don't have a trust fund living off mommy and daddy, you should be in support of those fighting for you to have a better standard of living.

10-06-2011, 01:40 PM
I think we're in violent agreement on the point of government's role, Dave. Yes, they were complicit, and the blame lies with both Clinton and Bush, Obama's only fault in this regard has been his failure of courage in not tackling the systemic abuses of the banks and the financial system in general (and a similar failing in too many other things to mention....)

However, my point is that while those in government facilitated the whole scandalous mess by their dismantling of the checks and balances that had governed financial business since the 30s, the banks took the opportunity to leap into the void that action created and to turn the whole environment utterly toxic.

Government was complicit, but the banks were culpable. Whether individuals within governments actively connived at what was going on is another matter, but I don't think that there has ever been a suggestion that it constituted overt government policy.

And a couple of glimpses/pointers from the UK. At the Tory conference yesterday the prime minister finally admitted for the very first time that the current debt crisis may actually have had something to do with worldwide factors and wasn't solely down to the previous Labour administration.

He also through his weight and commitment quite unequivocally behind full legalisation of gay marriage in the UK. He may be truly conservative in many things, but I totally applaud and support his social liberalism, it's a very significant shift within his party (probably hated by the right) but it took personal courage and it's a wonderful development. Now, can you imagine the US parallel of a sitting Republican president making the same open commitment? You guys have a long way to go.You are right on point with this, Robertlouis. While our government occupied itself with the war on terror and finding ways to grow government by using the fear caused by 9/11 they let off on the oversight of our financial institutions that would have picked up on the coming crisis in 2008. The Occupy Wall Street protest is reflective of what people are starting to realize about our government and who is actually running our country.

Back in the early 1980's I was in a corporate training course at one of the leading firms in the world. My instructor in economics then predicted that the US would transform from an industrial based economy to one based on the service industry in the new millennium. Since this seems to be exactly what is going on right now, as our manufacturing base erodes, the fact that he made this prediction nearly 30 years ago makes me wonder if this isn't someone's grand plan.

And as our manufacturing base disappears, so does our middle class start to shrink. The threat of that seems to have come home as I've heard this morning that unions are starting to join the protest. I am not sure how to stop this trend or even if it is possible, but this next shift in our economic system threatens to be very painful for many of us. I myself am dependent right now on my Social Security disability which is now termed an entitlement and perhaps subject to cuts, although as a member of the boomer generation, politicians seeking my vote constantly reassure me that my income is safe.

Once again the conduct of humans baffles me, as the fact that we are all stuck on this rock together seems to escape so many of us. That and the fact that when we die and we all will someday, we die with exactly what we started out with: nothing.:(

10-06-2011, 01:42 PM
Somone said the working classes are not with what they dismissed as these "rich kids." Well that's changing now. Unions and ordinary working people are out there as well.

A genuine protest as opposed to tstagedmanaged ludic games of the tea party.

10-06-2011, 01:45 PM
If this was taking place in a middle eastern capital against the tyranny of some tinpot dictator we would all be cheering the protestors on. This time it's happening at the very heart of western capitalism and against the tyranny of the banks and their supine cronies in government of either hue, they're all equally culpable.

The students in Cairo got the same shit from their establishment and their lackeys in the media when the protests began in February, and yet they managed within a matter of weeks to overthrow what had become in effect 50 years of stifling and corrupt dictatorship, if you include both the Sadat and Mubarak regimes.

OK, so it would stretch the parallels to breaking point and beyond to take this much further, but the events in New York and elsewhere are in some respects not wildly different - it's a powerless and frustrated populace organising to take on what is to all intents and purposes a series of institutions which have done them and the entire population (of the world, not just the US) great wrong, and over the same period have not only further drained the nation's resources, but have carried on unscathed, with total impunity and the same unbridled arrogance. Believe me, those guys would do the same again tomorrow without turning a hair if they thought they could cut a profit from it. It's capitalism, it's about profit first, second, third and last, and fuck anyone who gets in the way.

These guys have settled on the right target, the people and businesses which created this mess. Yes, government was asleep at the wheel in terms of regulation and helped to facilitate what happened. But it wasn't government that created the whole sub-prime disaster or the financial products that they knew were worthless as they sold them. It was the banks.

What's happening here goes right to the core of America's belief system, that capitalism is ultimately beneficial for all and the only game in town. Well, it isn't, it fucks ordinary people over again and again and will continue to do so until governments worldwide have the courage, acting in concert, to take the bastards in the banks on and call their bluff.

Yep, I'm what you would call another candy-ass liberal wimp from the UK, but I'm calling this as I see it. I don't know if it will succeed, I don't care how many trust-fund kids are involved, but it's new and strange and it's scaring the shit out of the vested interests. It does my radical heart good to see people taking on the biggest and nastiest beasts in the forest. As Wordsworth said in 1802 in the context of the French Revolution, "Bliss was it in that dawn to be alive, but to be young was very heaven."

It's intoxicating to see the establishment on the run. All power to those involved.

The difference between these protesters and the middle eastern peoples are that the middle eastern people fought against whimpy armies. While these people in Wall st are going up against NYC police,, the Wall street protesters don't stand a chance in hell.

I keep hearing how the protesters are complaining about wall street influence in the gov't. Then wouldn't the common sense place to protest would be at the doorsteps of the gov'ts? You can't change a gov't policy when protesting at the wrong place. It's similar to protesting about the mobs influence in the gov't by protesting at the mobs hangouts. You don't do that, you protest at the gov't if one wants change but we will have to wait another year before that happens. No one in that crowd is going to protest against Obama.

Also,, be very careful what one wishes for,, if one wants a revolution,, they just might get one. And I can bet if a real revolution was to happen here, those protesters at wall street will probably either run away or become slaves to the new regime. Don't forget,, right wing people can make a revolution as well, and o lot of them are armed to the teeth.

My personal opinion,, these protesters are kinda like babies,, according to the videos I see of the protest, they seem to cry and complain when the police push them around,, very unlike the middle eastern protesters. Whatever their cause is,, they don't have the bottle to fight. When the cold weather comes to NYC I expect most will go back home.

10-06-2011, 01:49 PM
“How can I tell my daughter with a straight face that Capitalism is a better system than Communism when we borrowin’ money from the Chinese, the biggest communist country on the planet??”

as quoted by one Felonius Monk

10-06-2011, 01:53 PM
It's literally going on just a few blocks away from me.. Here's the latest: cops beating people up at occupy wall street - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xpOMlDVaXzc)

Hartmann: First they ignore, then ridicule, then fight you - then you win - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z0cXaNp5wlE&feature=channel_video_title)

Here is a live feed of the protests via livestream:


I guess these people don't have jobs or any other form of life?

Sorry. I call bullshit. I paid tuition by working McDonald's, landscaping, and painting. Plenty of this kind of work available if these people would get off their lazy asses.

No because i have to actually work for a living.....I'm not a trust fund kid living off my family's wealth (while at the same time complaining about it)...or a student living with Mommie and daddy...or an old radical living off a gov't check my whole life...you want to bitch and complain about nothing in general?...go do it in Washington.

If this was taking place in a middle eastern capital against the tyranny of some tinpot dictator we would all be cheering the protestors on. This time it's happening at the very heart of western capitalism and against the tyranny of the banks and their supine cronies in government of either hue, they're all equally culpable.

The students in Cairo got the same shit from their establishment and their lackeys in the media when the protests began in February, and yet they managed within a matter of weeks to overthrow what had become in effect 50 years of stifling and corrupt dictatorship, if you include both the Sadat and Mubarak regimes.

OK, so it would stretch the parallels to breaking point and beyond to take this much further, but the events in New York and elsewhere are in some respects not wildly different - it's a powerless and frustrated populace organising to take on what is to all intents and purposes a series of institutions which have done them and the entire population (of the world, not just the US) great wrong, and over the same period have not only further drained the nation's resources, but have carried on unscathed, with total impunity and the same unbridled arrogance. Believe me, those guys would do the same again tomorrow without turning a hair if they thought they could cut a profit from it. It's capitalism, it's about profit first, second, third and last, and fuck anyone who gets in the way.

These guys have settled on the right target, the people and businesses which created this mess. Yes, government was asleep at the wheel in terms of regulation and helped to facilitate what happened. But it wasn't government that created the whole sub-prime disaster or the financial products that they knew were worthless as they sold them. It was the banks.

What's happening here goes right to the core of America's belief system, that capitalism is ultimately beneficial for all and the only game in town. Well, it isn't, it fucks ordinary people over again and again and will continue to do so until governments worldwide have the courage, acting in concert, to take the bastards in the banks on and call their bluff.

Yep, I'm what you would call another candy-ass liberal wimp from the UK, but I'm calling this as I see it. I don't know if it will succeed, I don't care how many trust-fund kids are involved, but it's new and strange and it's scaring the shit out of the vested interests. It does my radical heart good to see people taking on the biggest and nastiest beasts in the forest. As Wordsworth said in 1802 in the context of the French Revolution, "Bliss was it in that dawn to be alive, but to be young was very heaven."

It's intoxicating to see the establishment on the run. All power to those involved.

The difference between these protesters and the middle eastern peoples are that the middle eastern people fought against whimpy armies. While these people in Wall st are going up against NYC police,, the Wall street protesters don't stand a chance in hell.

I keep hearing how the protesters are complaining about wall street influence in the gov't. Then wouldn't the common sense place to protest would be at the doorsteps of the gov'ts? You can't change a gov't policy when protesting at the wrong place. It's similar to protesting about the mobs influence in the gov't by protesting at the mobs hangouts. You don't do that, you protest at the gov't if one wants change but we will have to wait another year before that happens. No one in that crowd is going to protest against Obama.

Also,, be very careful what one wishes for,, if one wants a revolution,, they just might get one. And I can bet if a real revolution was to happen here, those protesters at wall street will probably either run away or become slaves to the new regime. Don't forget,, right wing people can make a revolution as well, and o lot of them are armed to the teeth.

My personal opinion,, these protesters are kinda like babies,, according to the videos I see of the protest, they seem to cry and complain when the police push them around,, very unlike the middle eastern protesters. Whatever their cause is,, they don't have the bottle to fight. When the cold weather comes to NYC I expect most will go back home.

See I disagree.. For one the people in the middle east were hardly fighting "whimpy" armies they were fighting regimes who have used violent force, torture just plain make you disappear for voicing dissent. So in this regard we have lot more freedom to assemble, hell its in our constitution. So these police are obstructing our Constitutional right to be able to protest things we find unjust.
As far as being in the wrong place, I think for the first time people's anger is in the right place. Turn to the media and its owned by a large corporation, 4 or 5 to be exact.. So of course they don't want any negative light shed upon the banking systems.. It will cost a $billion dollars to run for president in this upcoming election.. Is that democracy? is the most capable person of running the country really going to be elected if you need that kind of money? They only place that kind of money can come from is wall street. and they expect to get paid back..
1% of our population controls the majority of the wealth... its backwards for us to debate amongst ourselves of what the best course of ACTION is to fix a problem every one knows is there, ACTION creates RE-ACTION. its time that people learn the truth about our country..

What i dont get is why people are hating us protesters? Why do you feel its a dumb cause? Injustice of poverty is at its worst level.. The rich are richers and the poor are sliding into levels of great depression.. And our Government is bankrupt.. our global crediting rating has dropped for teh first time in american history.. The whole world knows where broke.. But americans to busy watching bad girls club, and reality tv.. :(

10-06-2011, 02:04 PM
Also,, be very careful what one wishes for,, if one wants a revolution,, they just might get one. And I can bet if a real revolution was to happen here, those protesters at wall street will probably either run away or become slaves to the new regime. Don't forget,, right wing people can make a revolution as well, and o lot of them are armed to the teeth.

My personal opinion,, these protesters are kinda like babies,, according to the videos I see of the protest, they seem to cry and complain when the police push them around,, very unlike the middle eastern protesters. Whatever their cause is,, they don't have the bottle to fight. When the cold weather comes to NYC I expect most will go back home.

Iyvone.. did i speell that wrong my bad... lol But yo your absolutely right, people arent ready for revolution.. When african americans were the goverment swooped in and killed and imprisoned damn near every one in the movements.. The right wing nuts are armed to the teeth and having backing of their party (GOP), because they are organized. Again the right wings only get heard not because the republican party is in line with their values, but they can organize and cause a ruckus.. Combine that with close minded racisits views.. and yeah a revolution could get scary.. Lets not forget this country fought a civil war.. and it was a lot of people who would much rather prefer blacks in chains.. :( shits real

10-06-2011, 02:21 PM
so besides myself and ole girl who lives down the street, no one has gone out??? or supported in their own city? Before people jump to conclusions or stigmatize protesters, ask yourself where are you getting your information from?

10-06-2011, 02:26 PM
Iyvone.. did i speell that wrong my bad... lol But yo your absolutely right, people arent ready for revolution.. When african americans were the goverment swooped in and killed and imprisoned damn near every one in the movements.. The right wing nuts are armed to the teeth and having backing of their party (GOP), because they are organized. Again the right wings only get heard not because the republican party is in line with their values, but they can organize and cause a ruckus.. Combine that with close minded racisits views.. and yeah a revolution could get scary.. Lets not forget this country fought a civil war.. and it was a lot of people who would much rather prefer blacks in chains.. :( shits real

Sool for reel,, did I spell that wrong,, my bad.

Give me a fuckin break, i said nothing about black people,,, what is going on has nothing to do with race.

The protesters are protesting the wrong people. If there is corruption on Wallstreet then the corruption is there because the feds allow it or are part of the corruption. Change can only come if the protest is directed at the right people, which I believe is the feds, right now that would be Obama cause he is the President. And Obama has taken quite a lot of money from Wall street. I know republicans do the same, then we should direct our anger towards all gov't. But I don't see that happening cause most protesters are on the same side as Obama and they won't protest against Obama. Just like you Sool for reel brought up the race card, so would Obama and the lefty wing looney protesters fear being called a racist, i am not afraid of what people call me.

Also, this protest lost a lot of validity when labor unions joined the march. labor unions give millions to politicians who keep these corrupt policies alive, the unions are just the same as big business, corrupt as hell. Also, if the labor unions are so against Wall street, why do they invest money into wall street. If the economy is so very bad with people starving and all, then isn't it just wrong that labor unions give millions to politicians and to invest their monies on wall street. Wouldn't that money be better pent giving it to the staving masses?

Still. my opinion is the protesters are just spoiled brats, the cold weather should scare the babies back home. Just listen to some of the protesters talk on videos, they sound like lunatics, not knowing what they are saying.

10-06-2011, 02:34 PM
Yvone first off I didn't play any race card. I stated facts about mass movements in the united states.. the Civil Rights movement was a mass movement, it just happened to be African americans. How is that me playing the race card? And i hate that people use the "race card" as if its just something mythical, like the descendants of slaves who built this country, every really assimilated into the country as a whole with equality lol Yeah right.

Thats fine if thats your opinion of protesters being spoiled brats.. Your mis informed I cant be upset at you for that.. Have you been to the protest? Have you seen the people? I'm down there, i'm far from being a rich kid.. So what does that say about your generalization?

Wall Street is pimping our government, so there is no sense in going there, we want our government to know that WE KNOW the games rigged.. Sorry you will be on the wrong side of people boo ;)

10-06-2011, 02:37 PM
Oh and I for one could care less if people protest obama.. He is just as fault as anyone else.. I agree that having to tip toe the line of race with regards to critiques of the President, are a pain.. But guess what,,, thats because Racism is still alive.. its easier to try to ignore it when you safely can forget it.

He took money from wall street that tipped his campaign with enough to win, and he paid back wall street. So yeah he is in this as well

10-06-2011, 02:51 PM
Oh and I for one could care less if people protest obama.. He is just as fault as anyone else.. I agree that having to tip toe the line of race with regards to critiques of the President, are a pain.. But guess what,,, thats because Racism is still alive.. its easier to try to ignore it when you safely can forget it.

He took money from wall street that tipped his campaign with enough to win, and he paid back wall street. So yeah he is in this as well

Then why aren't the protesters protesting at places that Obama talks at. Protesters followed Bush around the country protesting at him, then why don't the protesters in Wall street protest in front of Obama? It's cause the protesters are false, they aren't true to the real causes and the real villains, they are blinded by their left wing beliefs. And in my opinion this refusal to protest Obama means the protesters are just big babies on a camping trip.

I believe wall street is bad, i believe unions are bad, I believe all news media as bad, I believe all gov't is bad, I also believe the French are bad. But if one wants people to believe that the protesters cause is true then they shouldn't pic and choose who they feel are the bad guys. It is because of this exclusion of some people as the bad guys that makes me have doubts about the real intent of the protesters.

And one doesn't have to be around the protesters to have an opinion. I don't have to visit the middle east in order to have an opinion on what goes on there, I can make an opinion from what I think is in my mind. I can see things wrong about the protest that I mentioned above and in my other posts and this gives me my right to my opinion.

10-06-2011, 02:53 PM
I don't think anyone is suggesting the people on wall street are ever likely to go head-to head with the US armed forces. Look what happened when anti-war protestors in Ohio were confronted by the National Guard. Four kids shot dead.

And to describe Arab soldiers in Egypt as wimpy is just plain wrong. The weight and force of the demonstrators there proved irresistible - with a weakened leader easily sacrificable. The army have since stolen that revolution.
And is the army in Syria wimpy? I don't think so.

I think the point that Robertlouis was making is that what the media characterise as a popular uprising in one place can be presented as a bunch of idealistic know-nothing kids elsewhere.

10-06-2011, 02:53 PM
I agree with everything you said... Im just happy to see this as a start.. And I support the effort, and hope it does get spread to more protests and forms of dissent. that will only happen with people informing, instead of dismissing those who are ready for action.

10-06-2011, 02:55 PM
Yvonne wrote: " I believe wall street is bad, i believe unions are bad, I believe all news media as bad, I also believe the French are bad." ALL French? ALL media? All unions? Everyone who works on Wall Street?
C'mon Yvonne - a little more consideration before such blanket remarks.

10-06-2011, 02:56 PM
Not everyone who works on wall street... But the system itself.. YEs.. so can you work for a corrupt system and not be bad? Exploitation and making profits at any means is part of the job description.

10-06-2011, 03:02 PM
Oh and "all Government?" is bad.... any government anywhere? So the government formed after the American revolution as bad etc.... the complexities of the present crisis certainly bring out some anger - but simplistic responses don't help to solve anything?

10-06-2011, 05:02 PM
Ha ha ha,,, I see some protesters are for saving the environment, yet right there in their base camp they use gas powered generators to supply energy for their laptops and other things. gas generators are one of the worst forms of producing energy, they pollute the earth but, it's OK as long as liberals do the pollution, ha ha ha. Why don't the protesters use solar panels for their energy needs,, just a bunch of phonies.

If wall street is so bad then just stop buying the products that the wall street companies sell, stop investing 401 K''s and other monies into this evil market.

I do notice lots of protesters using cameras, iphone things, and lap tops,, all corporations of wall street. If you don't like wall street corporations then stop buying their products, freakin idiots. How big of a hammer do you need to hit you on the head before you take notice and stop being a tool,,, ha ha ha you don't have a clue.

10-06-2011, 05:07 PM
Oh and "all Government?" is bad.... any government anywhere? So the government formed after the American revolution as bad etc.... the complexities of the present crisis certainly bring out some anger - but simplistic responses don't help to solve anything?

Pretty much all of them are bad. The unions are definitely corrupt. I heard many and I mean many stories from my dad about the construction unions, they are corrupt as hell. And I hear stories from other unions as well,, they are all mob controlled.

Gov't,,ha ha ha... only a fool believes there are decent politicians.

I talk about the world of today, I am not living in the past so i don't talk about past gov'ts. but I am sure some will agree that the first US gov't was bad,, just take sool for reel's posts as an example,, the gov't of the revolution was in favor of slavery.

10-06-2011, 05:32 PM
The civil service unions in New York and New Jersey own the local politicians. They refuse to agree to even minor wage and benefit concessions. They prefer layoffs within their own membership over collective sacrifice. Even as private sector workers loose health coverage and struggle to make ends meet. To see union members take part in this protest makes it a total mockery. TWU, PBA, UFT make Wall Street look like the good guys. And that's hard to do

10-06-2011, 05:36 PM
I've been handing out homemade organic PB&J sandwiches to the protesters, taking a bit of my personal time/money to support this movement. Heading down there right now with Harvey Van Toast (http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2011/09/30/interview-the-manhattan-topless-paparazzo-speaks-out.html)

10-06-2011, 06:57 PM
Wall Street is not 'the system.' It's just one part of it. Where are the protests against the real enemies: the Treasury and the Federal Reserve? :?


10-06-2011, 07:00 PM
yo this country falling apart hard. Lil Wayne said it himself, "if you aint making money in America, get the fuck out". Its basically getting to that point

10-06-2011, 07:04 PM
yo this country falling apart hard. Lil Wayne said it himself, "if you aint making money in America, get the fuck out". Its basically getting to that point

You know it's bad when that gremlin say something that is true.

10-06-2011, 07:11 PM
You know it's bad when that gremlin say something that is true.

Haha Lil Wayne my homie. Dude's a self made millionaire. Who else u know in the rap game be putting out as much music as Wayne? Gotta admit that dude be putting in work

10-06-2011, 07:51 PM
Haha Lil Wayne my homie. Dude's a self made millionaire. Who else u know in the rap game be putting out as much music as Wayne? Gotta admit that dude be putting in work

I think it's quality not quantity.

Lil Wayne Jumps out of a Freezer - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dGEYuR8FZRU)

10-06-2011, 08:01 PM
I don't think anyone is suggesting the people on wall street are ever likely to go head-to head with the US armed forces. Look what happened when anti-war protestors in Ohio were confronted by the National Guard. Four kids shot dead.

And to describe Arab soldiers in Egypt as wimpy is just plain wrong. The weight and force of the demonstrators there proved irresistible - with a weakened leader easily sacrificable. The army have since stolen that revolution.
And is the army in Syria wimpy? I don't think so.

I think the point that Robertlouis was making is that what the media characterise as a popular uprising in one place can be presented as a bunch of idealistic know-nothing kids elsewhere.

I would have thought you English guys could figure out what i said. I was comparing the NYC police to Arab tanks, jet fighters and other heavy artillery and small arms. I would have thought you could see that was a joke.

10-06-2011, 08:18 PM
If the unions want to do some really good for the suffering people, then they should go to China and organize the workers there so they don't have to work like slaves. But the unions here in the US and in Europe are too cowardly to attempt that.

10-06-2011, 08:31 PM
If the unions want to do some really good for the suffering people, then they should go to China and organize the workers there so they don't have to work like slaves. But the unions here in the US and in Europe are too cowardly to attempt that.

I would think they value there own lives.

10-06-2011, 08:35 PM
I would think they value there own lives.

To me, that is the definition of a coward. To fear their own lives for something they should fight for.

10-06-2011, 08:36 PM
If the unions want to do some really good for the suffering people, then they should go to China and organize the workers there so they don't have to work like slaves. But the unions here in the US and in Europe are too cowardly to attempt that.

YYEEEEAH RIGHT! We would piss China off if we invade them. You know how huge their freaking army is????? They been an isolated country for centuries. N. Korea would love to find a reason to fight and use their nuclear weapons and some how some way, they would find a reason in our invasion to fight us

10-06-2011, 08:40 PM
YYEEEEAH RIGHT! We would piss China off if we invade them. You know how huge their freaking army is????? They been an isolated country for centuries. N. Korea would love to find a reason to fight and use their nuclear weapons and some how some way, they would find a reason in our invasion to fight us

I never said that the US should invade China, where in my post does it say that? learn to read.

The unions should use the same energy they use on Wall street to help workers in China get a better living. I am sure if the unions can find ways to protest against US company's on Wall street they can also protest Chinese interests. Unions are just cowardly goons.

10-06-2011, 08:43 PM
I've been handing out homemade organic PB&J sandwiches to the protesters, taking a bit of my personal time/money to support this movement. Heading down there right now with Harvey Van Toast (http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2011/09/30/interview-the-manhattan-topless-paparazzo-speaks-out.html)

good for you

10-06-2011, 08:44 PM
I never said that the US should invade China, where in my post does it say that? learn to read.

The unions should use the same energy they use on Wall street to help workers in China get a better living. I am sure if the unions can find ways to protest against US company's on Wall street they can also protest Chinese interests. Unions are just cowardly goons.

I dont know, "go to China and organize the workers there so they don't have to work like slaves " kinna sound like invasion to me, but maybe I need hooked on phonics

10-06-2011, 08:49 PM
I dont know, "go to China and organize the workers there so they don't have to work like slaves " kinna sound like invasion to me, but maybe I need hooked on phonics

You're just messing with words, it's not an invasion. If the UN sent a group of people to a country to organize some type of program, let's say a health care program, would that be called an invasion?

Is doctors without borders entering a country to help sick people called an invasion?

The unions can do many things to organize in China without invading them. as you say.

10-06-2011, 08:57 PM
You're just messing with words, it's not an invasion. If the UN sent a group of people to a country to organize some type of program, let's say a health care program, would that be called an invasion?

Is doctors without borders entering a country to help sick people called an invasion?

The unions can do many things to organize in China without invading them. as you say.

I know u didn't mean invasion, but it's almost impossible for America to do something without it turning into an invasion, ie this whole "War on Terror" crap(troops still stuck over there in Iraq and Afghanistan and which ever other iraqi country they're in). I can almost guarantee if we did send some people over there to help with their work system, government or whatever, things will quickly escalate into an issue

10-06-2011, 08:57 PM
I never said that the US should invade China, where in my post does it say that? learn to read.

The unions should use the same energy they use on Wall street to help workers in China get a better living. I am sure if the unions can find ways to protest against US company's on Wall street they can also protest Chinese interests. Unions are just cowardly goons.

I really don't get the point you are trying to make. China is a communist society that doesn't give a rats ass about human right's. It would be foolish for anybody that isn't a diplomat to go in there and think they could change the way they operate. China will never change unless we stop doing so much business with them.

10-06-2011, 09:00 PM
I really don't get the point you are trying to make. China is a communist society that doesn't give a rats ass about human right's. It would be foolish for anybody that isn't a diplomat to go in there and think they could change the way they operate. China will never change unless we stop doing so much business with them.

phhh that didnt stop us from invading iraq and killing saddam. If china had oil or some other great resource we can us for our advantage or turn into money, bet the US military would be over there in a heart beat

10-06-2011, 09:06 PM
phhh that didnt stop us from invading iraq and killing saddam. If china had oil or some other great resource we can us for our advantage or turn into money, bet the US military would be over there in a heart beat

They do have a great resource and it's called SLAVE LABOR.

10-06-2011, 09:11 PM
They do have a great resource and it's called SLAVE LABOR.

yeah u right on that, and US actually using their slave labor too (for movies, shows and other crap), so I highly doubt US would change the slave labor thats going on anytime soon over there unless them workers look at the news and start protesting like the rest of the world

10-06-2011, 09:14 PM
yeah u right on that, and US actually using their slave labor too (for movies, shows and other crap), so I highly doubt US would change the slave labor thats going on anytime soon over there unless them workers look at the news and start protesting like the rest of the world

It's basic capitalism really. Why pay 1,000 a month for 1 single worker here when you can get 10 for the same price in China.

10-06-2011, 11:32 PM
exactly capitalism att he root is for exploitation.. Because thats how you maximize profits.. Yvonne like it was said going to a country who cares less about human rights and trying to organize is idiotic and ethnocentric... We preach democracy and all these rights yet don't practice it.. and china's slave labor? no they actually get paid.. this country and was built on the backs of the largest slave labor in human history.. so yeah who are we to judge

10-06-2011, 11:38 PM
I kinda like this guy,,, maybe I was wrong about the protesters, he sounds kinda OK


MdR Dave
10-06-2011, 11:40 PM
phhh that didnt stop us from invading iraq and killing saddam. If china had oil or some other great resource we can us for our advantage or turn into money, bet the US military would be over there in a heart beat
China has a decent military, a huge amount of US Treasury holdings, an historic ally in Russia, nukes, and a a few biilion people to throw at a war.

We may be stupid but we're not crazy. War with China? Nope.

10-06-2011, 11:48 PM
exactly capitalism att he root is for exploitation.. Because thats how you maximize profits.. Yvonne like it was said going to a country who cares less about human rights and trying to organize is idiotic and ethnocentric... We preach democracy and all these rights yet don't practice it.. and china's slave labor? no they actually get paid.. this country and was built on the backs of the largest slave labor in human history.. so yeah who are we to judge

You're doing the same thing Sir cum a lot did with my posts, you're messing with a single word like slave and messing it up. The Chinese worker does get slave wages, is that better for you,, sheeesh.

As far as us preaching to the world isn't that what the protesters are doing on Wall street,, preaching to others the evils of corporations, everyone preaches whether you like it or not. And give me a break with this slavery in the US stuff,, it's over, been gone a long time, get over it. Here's an article I found on the net, here's just a part of it:

In 1755, the expulsions began. Settlements and farms were burned. Men and boys were separated from women and children, and all were loaded into cargo vessels contracted in Boston and dispersed throughout the colonies. Because a strength of Acadian life was in their close extended family system, the British believed fragmenting the families was essential.

Many Acadians under twenty-one years old were indentured to farmers in Massachusetts, New York and Pennsylvania. Others were shipped to South Carolina, Georgia, the French West Indies, and a few were shipped to France.

Of those sent to South Carolina, reportedly only one in ten survived. In Georgia, the Acadians were sold into slavery.

this was done to my people,, but we don't hear the cajuns complaining about British brutality, can I being a Cajun ask the Brits for compensation for some of my people being put into slavery. Some of my ancestors where slaves but we got over the past and live our lives for the future, you should do the same. Give the US slavery thing a break already. Anyways,, if we go by you're example then we can't have the Germans judge anyone cause of their horrid past, same goes for the Brits who reigned brutality all over the world, according to you the Brits should not preach any human rights because of their evil past.

Bobby Domino
10-07-2011, 12:08 AM
I kinda like this guy,,, maybe I was wrong about the protesters, he sounds kinda OK

He makes a little sense. I don't agree with everything, but overall he's got sound demands. I like him, too. :)
Can't go back to the gold standard, though; it's just impossible, there's not enough of it. That's why its value keeps rising, lol!

10-07-2011, 12:10 AM
Ok yeah its clear that your an educated idiot. thanks for exposing that so I dont have to further discuss things with you.. Chattel slavery done to African americans is different then any in human history. It also detached a people from their native land leaving them with no home country, native language, or cutlutre but of those who raped their image, and handed them a new one. And if you were as educated as you try to appear you would know what happened to african slaves after the civil war.. You think blacks were free and everything was equal?? yeah look up reconstruction era. things were worse for blacks and left the race impoverished. But im sure the high imprisonment rate of blacks, disease, poverty, and lack of education is all just because we're lazy and dumb.. yeah

10-07-2011, 12:19 AM
Time to pull a Natina

The Underprivileged White Male

YouTube - The Underprivileged White Male (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_jaH_hmnrPU&feature=mfu_in_order&list=UL)



YouTube - Tim Wise: On White Privilege (Clip) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J3Xe1kX7Wsc)



YouTube - Tim Wise on the "Dominant Narrative" (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IyeK7mcestg)




YouTube - Tim Wise: On White Privilege (Teaser) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Il-_SQuklzg)


10-07-2011, 12:27 AM
wow never heard this before.. Its sad he's not more popular... He spitting truth that whites really don't want to hear

10-07-2011, 12:35 AM
Ok yeah its clear that your an educated idiot. thanks for exposing that so I dont have to further discuss things with you.. Chattel slavery done to African americans is different then any in human history. It also detached a people from their native land leaving them with no home country, native language, or cutlutre but of those who raped their image, and handed them a new one. And if you were as educated as you try to appear you would know what happened to african slaves after the civil war.. You think blacks were free and everything was equal?? yeah look up reconstruction era. things were worse for blacks and left the race impoverished. But im sure the high imprisonment rate of blacks, disease, poverty, and lack of education is all just because we're lazy and dumb.. yeah

Blah, Blah blah,,yawn. yes you're holocaust is worse than mine. You know nothing about my people either so we are equal in that respect.

Here's a vid of cry baby protesters,,, show some strength instead of crying about the police,, ha ha ha.


10-07-2011, 12:39 AM
Time to pull a Natina

Damn you Silcc, you had to go all Nutina on our arses! :hide-1:

Bobby Domino
10-07-2011, 12:39 AM
Time to pull a Natina

Never heard of Tim Wise (I can't imagine why :whistle:) but that dude is speaking the TRUTH. Wow!!!

10-07-2011, 12:42 AM
Yeah they do not want this guy talking to white ppl.. He is speaking FUCKING TRUTH. Yvonne and the likes who are compeltly ignorant closet racists, should really listen to this dude. and when i say closet racists, i refer to those, who aren't necessary racist, but refuse to acknowledge "white Privilege" that one step above racism.

Bobby Domino
10-07-2011, 12:47 AM
Racism will end when aliens land on Earth. When that happens we aren't going to care who's white, black, Muslim, poor, gay, tall, short or who has a big cock; everyone will realize what's really important, the human race...

10-07-2011, 01:08 AM
Well if that fat mess is involved.....he may be able to survive in the park through the winter with all the fat he's stored up.

Hey...I'm all for civil disobedience and protest, it's the cornerstone of a democratic society...until I see shills like Moore involved. It sorta squashes the organic nature out of it. He's the biggest capitalist I know , ( and good for him) yet the system he desires would leave him penniless. He's conflicted.
So all you sympathizers and participants....tell me in 50 words or less what this is all about? Spreadin' the wealth around a little more? The government's been sticking it in our ass for the 3 previous years, and the 33 before that. Why now?

I wouldn't refer to Michael Moore as a capitalist. Capitalism, loosely defined, would be: investing money to make money by those who have money.
Michael Moore isn't investing money. He merely works for a company. Like we all do. And is paid well because people go to see his movies. Nothing more, nothing less.
I mean, would one define Britney Spears as a capitalist? Or Sean Penn? Or Lindsay Lohan? Or Naomi Campbell? Or Noam Chomsky? Or the the ultra-left leaning author Paul Street -- as being capitalists? No, of course not. They work. And their books or movies or songs sell and they're paid accordingly.
We should bear in mind that we don't live in a capitalist society. Pure, genuine, authentic and real capitalism doesn't exist in America. Because the STATE plays a big role in the economy. A capitalist system requires and implores the state to have NO role. That's genuine capitalism.
Maybe we should try genuine capitalism. Who knows. But it has never been tried. And, I think, never will. Because no one believes in it.
Just like actual socialism has never been tried.
We throw these terms around without clarifying their actual meanings. Socialism does not mean state tyranny. It means: workers controlling the means of production. AND: capitalism, pure capitalism, means the STATE does not get involved, has absolutely no involvement.
What would happen to the economy if the state assumed no role? Well, it'd crash -- in about 5 minutes.
So, we don't live in a pure capitalist system. And we don't live in a socialist system. I mean, there are a slew of systems we could adopt. (Again, we could experiment with PURE capitalism. It may work. It may not. Who knows.) Or you could try, say, parecon. Or participatory economics.... This system has been formulated by the economists Michael Albert and Robin Hahnel.... And one of the key aspects of it is: you'd pay people according to how hard they work. I mean, why should a coal miner make less than Julia Roberts? And why should a construction worker make less than Nicole Kidman? And why should a surgeon make less than Brad Pitt?
So, you could devise an economic system based on how hard people work. There are some profound problems: what if people don't want to participate in this type of system? And should we reward people on how hard they work? Is that fair? So, there are a lot of problems to be worked out.

10-07-2011, 01:20 AM
Yeah they do not want this guy talking to white ppl.. He is speaking FUCKING TRUTH. Yvonne and the likes who are compeltly ignorant closet racists, should really listen to this dude. and when i say closet racists, i refer to those, who aren't necessary racist, but refuse to acknowledge "white Privilege" that one step above racism.

Another black dude with a ball cap on sideways who'll drop the race card quicker than he'll drop his oversized trousers for a fat white chic. Yvonne said nothing racist whatsoever. If you think she's a bigot, than you obviously never seen real racism. For a tough guy, you're hyper sensitive. This dude Tim Wise speaks for Tim Wise, and apparently you...he doesn't speak for White People any more than you speak for black people.That's asinine. In fact, Natina's a big fan of his, so you and her have more in common than you might think. She'll be along any minute now so you two can commiserate about white folks. People can, and should express their beliefs and opinions in an open forum without fear of being slapped a racist because they say something you don't agree with. In your world most white folks are either overt racists, or closet racists. Do you interact with more white folks much? Stop with the over done cries of racism...you're starting to pollute too many threads with it.

10-07-2011, 01:32 AM
Its funny how quick you are to prejudge me. My avatar pic is a picture i took to be funny because my hair is long, and I never had braids before. (inside joke thing). Its crazy that your judging my behavior and using the race card.. I indeed did not, and actually am one who is an advocate against not using it. But I will stick by my guns, acknowledging that there is a white privileged is a "FORM" of racism. For the race card to be a non factor would be to suggest that there isn't any disadvantages as a whole to my race.. and I refuse to allow those type of narrow minded thinking pass as fact. Poll fact google it most white american's "Perceive" racism isnt still a problem, versus Black people who live thru it.

What would lead you to believe that I don't interact or talk to white "folks"? I'm part white, my grandmother is of German decent, and grew up in central Pennsylvania, dutch country eating potato bread, and soft pretzels. You know nothing of my background, education, or family history.. Your pre-judging me based of an avatar picture and some comments you obviously took out of context. Scroll thru i didnt use any race card, i brought up the civil rights protest and how they faced police resistance, and your friend Yvonne made that likening to using the "race card".

You're prejudice, by definition all that means is a pre judges. Every assumption you made about me was wrong... and yet your asking me to stop? Please if you or Yvonne have race issues, which obviously you do, don't turn them on someone who is just defending, the stigmatizing jokes, punchlines, and stereotypes you feed into.

You and your friend are the ones polluting my post about the "Occupy Wall street" post with race talk.

10-07-2011, 01:41 AM
i have always hated smart arse rich that don't have to work and run around looking like shit and whinging [protesting] and sneering at working people. but i do think its so wrong that a man or woman cant spend what they receive in their pay in a life time and that has to stop .maybe if the government placed bans on these obscene salaries it might help

Russ, you're in serious danger of making an important connection here mate.

We'll have you singing the red flag in no time! :dancing:

10-07-2011, 01:43 AM
Yup.. thats what this is realy about


10-07-2011, 01:56 AM
Russ, you're in serious danger of making an important connection here mate.

We'll have you singing the red flag in no time! :dancing:
fuck that for a joke i'm a nationalist i will never be marching to the socialist international

10-07-2011, 01:58 AM
fuck that for a joke i'm a nationalist i will never be marching to the socialist international

You set 'em up pal, I'll knock 'em down. Maybe you could become a National Socialist, but that went a bit wrong the last time.....

10-07-2011, 02:01 AM
You set 'em up pal, I'll knock 'em down. Maybe you could become a National Socialist, but that went a bit wrong the last time.....
Lol ..

10-07-2011, 02:02 AM
The civil service unions in New York and New Jersey own the local politicians. They refuse to agree to even minor wage and benefit concessions. They prefer layoffs within their own membership over collective sacrifice. Even as private sector workers loose health coverage and struggle to make ends meet. To see union members take part in this protest makes it a total mockery. TWU, PBA, UFT make Wall Street look like the good guys. And that's hard to do


10-07-2011, 02:07 AM
What lead to the uprising, as it were:

Lehman CEO defends his $500M bonuses that he got from his Bankrupt Company - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gE32nMqh8uY&NR=1)

10-07-2011, 02:12 AM
If this was happening in the UK, I'd march. At long last there's an anger that's focused firmly on the real villains behind the present economic debacle, the bankers and their supporters inside and outside government, and that's why it scares them.

If you're one of the people here who've sneered at the protesters and their idealism (yes, there are of course the usual rentamob anarchists and other opportunists involved), just consider this for a moment.

Does your negativism actually put you on the side of the bankers, hoping that they will continue to ride roughshod over the lives and hopes of ordinary people? I can't believe that anyone would actually want that.

Or maybe you're just too damn lazy to get off your arse to support a cause that is actually at long last worth fighting for and prefer to sneer and snipe from the sidelines.

These protests are a fragile flower which could just as easily get blown away tomorrow. But I hope not - this is a golden moment, a chance to finally clean out the Augean stables that we've all allowed the global financial system to become. If this movement takes hold and succeeds in implementing fundamental changes to the way that the economy functions, then to quote Obama himself, "Change has finally come to America."

Good luck to you Soul4real, and all your compatriots. God speed.

10-07-2011, 02:17 AM
The civil service unions in New York and New Jersey own the local politicians. They refuse to agree to even minor wage and benefit concessions. They prefer layoffs within their own membership over collective sacrifice. Even as private sector workers loose health coverage and struggle to make ends meet. To see union members take part in this protest makes it a total mockery. TWU, PBA, UFT make Wall Street look like the good guys. And that's hard to do

"Even as private sector workers lose health coverage" This in a country where the health lobby, their media friends and the entire force of the Republitards manage to convince a majority of the population that free or low-cost healthcare is somehow a great evil. SMFH.

Your country is just so fucked up.

10-07-2011, 02:18 AM
Wealth inequality has accelerated across North America in the last 30 years.
America, which has seen a shrinking middle class. And Canada, too. And Mexico was hammered by NAFTA.
That's why corporate Democrat Slick Willy Clinton introduced Operation Gatekeeper. Which was to militarize the American-Mexican border because he knew full well that NAFTA was going to destroy the Mexican economy.

The Trouble With Billionaires - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j9RjfUPN7rw)

10-07-2011, 02:22 AM
Wealth inequality has accelerated across North America in the last 30 years.
America, which has seen a shrinking middle class. And Canada, too. And Mexico was hammered by NAFTA.
That's why corporate Democrat Slick Willy Clinton introduced Operation Gatekeeper. Which was to militarize the American-Mexican border because he knew full well that NAFTA was going to destroy the Mexican economy.

The Trouble With Billionaires - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j9RjfUPN7rw)

Ron Paul Says The Border Fence Built To Keep Us In - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=esp-ruhkZqQ)


10-07-2011, 02:28 AM
Wealth inequality has accelerated across North America in the last 30 years.
America, which has seen a shrinking middle class. And Canada, too. And Mexico was hammered by NAFTA.
That's why corporate Democrat Slick Willy Clinton introduced Operation Gatekeeper. Which was to militarize the American-Mexican border because he knew full well that NAFTA was going to destroy the Mexican economy.

That inequality is just as marked here in the UK, Ben, which makes us different from almost all the other major member states of the EU. And for me it's one of the greatest failings of the Blair and Brown governments that not only did they fail to arrest the trend, it actually accelerated.

10-07-2011, 02:28 AM
Ron Paul Says The Border Fence Built To Keep Us In - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=esp-ruhkZqQ)


I do like Ron Paul.... Thanks Bella for the clip. Here's another -- :)

Ron Paul: The Last Nail - Floor Speech. - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fG8rhNEuVJw)

10-07-2011, 02:28 AM
So these police are obstructing our Constitutional right to be able to protest things we find unjust.

No they're not...you have a right to say practically anything you want (note: I said practically anything) ...you can protest things you find unjust...You also have the right to peacefully assemble, but you DO NOT have the right to assemble without disregard to local laws. Governments have the right to set restrictions.

10-07-2011, 02:43 AM
That inequality is just as marked here in the UK, Ben, which makes us different from almost all the other major member states of the EU. And for me it's one of the greatest failings of the Blair and Brown governments that not only did they fail to arrest the trend, it actually accelerated.

It has been the shift from industrial capital to financial capital.
America had strong industrial capital in the 50s and 60s and early 70s. Thus creating a big middle class.
But circa 1973 the economy shifted to finance. Ya know, finance gained control of our government. So, long-term investment went out the door. (In the 50s and 60s 90 percent of investment was long term. And 10 percent speculation. Now it's 10 percent long-term investment. And 90 percent speculation. So, what that translates into is low growth. Both economic and wage growth. And it's designed to shift capital to the very top. So, it's simple policy decisions and who has control of our economy. Just read the conservative American economist Paul Craig Roberts. Yes! A conservative -- ha ha ha! He says we cannot continue to go down this road. That is: offshoring middle class jobs. And he also points out: you offshore your tax base and your economy, too, when you send jobs overseas.)

10-07-2011, 02:45 AM
what law was broken? they are using a 100yr old no mask law.. wtf.. you call that right to restrict?

10-07-2011, 05:24 AM
So you disagree with a protest as a whole, simply because you REALLY just disagree with a small portion of the protesters?

Kayden....I don't disagree with the protesters because I don't know what they're protesting. Do they? Hey...as I say I'm cool with civil protest, but it seems to me that everybody with a bitch against somebody found a cool place to hang out for a couple weeks. Some don't like the government, some don't like the corporations, some don't like thier jobs...
I often wonder if the "soft" me generation of today was around in 1929 and 1930 what this country would look like today. I undersatand lots of folks are having a tough time, but these folks need to do some reading on the Great Depression, or just talk to someone who lived through it, for a reality check.

10-07-2011, 05:34 AM
I often wonder if the "soft" me generation of today was around in 1929 and 1930 what this country would look like today. I undersatand lots of folks are having a tough time, but these folks need to do some reading on the Great Depression, or just talk to someone who lived through it, for a reality check.

I agree with that, up to a point. The Depression was a profound and bitter experience for millions, echoing down through the generations to this day, ironically ended in most cases by economies, of necessity, moving on to a war footing.

However, comparisons which tell you folks were worse off 80 years ago are cold comfort when you've lost your home, your job and all the certainties which underpin the American Dream. These people are angry, frustrated and largely disenfranchised. The Republican solutions would only make things tougher and Obama has demonstrated that he hasn't the balls for the really tough battles.

So they've turned their anger towards the proper target - the uncaring, selfish, arrogant, profit-mad, crooked bastards that got you and us into the mess in the first place. If government won't tackle the disgraceful obscenity that is Wall Street and over here the City of London, it's up to the people to take the lead. I wish the protestors all the luck in the world, and let's face it, they're going to need it.

10-07-2011, 05:41 AM
When comparing to the great depression, in my opinion it MIGHT NOT be apples with apples so to speak. First off everything was in black in white( just kidding). What people look at in the depression are the bread lines. People waiting in line to get some food is a powerful picture. However, there are around 40 MILLION people on food stamps (estimate) RIGHT NOW. So imagine no food stamps and 40 million people waiting in line for food. Now today might appear much more bleak than then, if I were to give you a black and white photograph and no food stamps ( debit cards).

Yes some people are gaming the system now. But some people were probably gaming the system then in those lines too.

But like you I am unsure what the protesters are truly upset about so its hard for me to agree or disagree with them too.

We are EQUAL in the eyes of the law( or at least should be) but not equal in the results of our endeavors. This coming from a man who pretty much fails so far in his endeavors but loves the opportunity I have each time to "make it" in America. I love the chance I get in this country and hope for more chances until "I make it"

10-07-2011, 06:03 AM
I agree with that, up to a point. The Depression was a profound and bitter experience for millions, echoing down through the generations to this day, ironically ended in most cases by economies, of necessity, moving on to a war footing.

However, comparisons which tell you folks were worse off 80 years ago are cold comfort when you've lost your home, your job and all the certainties which underpin the American Dream. These people are angry, frustrated and largely disenfranchised. The Republican solutions would only make things tougher and Obama has demonstrated that he hasn't the balls for the really tough battles.

So they've turned their anger towards the proper target - the uncaring, selfish, arrogant, profit-mad, crooked bastards that got you and us into the mess in the first place. If government won't tackle the disgraceful obscenity that is Wall Street and over here the City of London, it's up to the people to take the lead. I wish the protestors all the luck in the world, and let's face it, they're going to need it.

Well, lets see where the "movement" is 30 days from now Robert. I suspect that those who are of power would not easily tolerate a genuine challenge to their authority. More than likely the protestors will be used by various factions on both the right and left to institute even more draconian measures hence increasing the control of the ruling elite of just about everything. Stay tuned boppers stay tuned

10-07-2011, 06:07 AM
You're not that much of a cynic, are you Maaarc? ;)

10-07-2011, 06:07 AM
Stay tuned boppers stay tuned[/QUOTE]
Is that a "Warriors movie quote" can't go wrong with that in my eyes.

Kayden Harley
10-07-2011, 06:09 AM

10-07-2011, 06:12 AM
my grand father was a bare knuckle prize fighter in the depression and president of the waterside workers union

10-07-2011, 06:19 AM

if you weren't so good looking I could simply say your sense of humor is wicked fantasic and simply mean just that, but ....

10-07-2011, 06:20 AM
You're not that much of a cynic, are you Maaarc? ;)

Not sure if cynic would accurately describe me :) I simply state that we should wait and see what evolves from this zygote sort of speak. One more thing - you are an extraordinary man my friend - the world could use more of your kind

be well

10-07-2011, 06:23 AM
Stay tuned boppers stay tuned
Is that a "Warriors movie quote" can't go wrong with that in my eyes.[/QUOTE]

as a matter of fact :)

Kayden Harley
10-07-2011, 06:31 AM

if you weren't so good looking I could simply say your sense of humor is wicked fantasic and simply mean just that, but ....



10-07-2011, 06:39 AM
Not sure if cynic would accurately describe me :) I simply state that we should wait and see what evolves from this zygote sort of speak. One more thing - you are an extraordinary man my friend - the world could use more of your kind

be well

That's more than extremely kind of you, Maaarc, thank you, but there's a fairly hefty constituency here that would violently disagree. You know who you are! :)

I also agree that we need to wait and not get carried away. This has nothing like the momentum and fervour of the Arab Spring - yet - nor are the protesters under the threat of the kind of intimidation and violence which those brave kids in Tunis and Cairo withstood. On the other hand, if it takes a grip and shows sustained commitment in numbers, it could bring about the profound change which the financial system and therefore the economy - and I'm not just talking about the US, but the entire planet - so desperately needs.

10-07-2011, 06:42 AM

Kayden, I enjoyed your Sesame Street post, but your other contributions to this thread demonstrate that you're a young woman who fully understands and supports the protesters and their cause. I look forward to more of the same.

And yes, you're very cute too. ;)

10-07-2011, 06:43 AM


she's cute and all but she's not perfect - IMHO she has some major problems - for instance her biggest problem is she is NOT married to me :(:(:(

10-07-2011, 07:45 AM
I'm ready to join. Corporate Scum.....

10-07-2011, 12:01 PM
:mad::mad:but don't you hate rich uni students

Willie Escalade
10-07-2011, 12:21 PM
I'm glad Wall Street in Los Angeles isn't like Wall Street in New York...

10-07-2011, 12:22 PM
my grand father was a bare knuckle prize fighter in the depression and president of the waterside workers union

I'm he'd proud of his reactionary grandson's swerve to the far right

10-07-2011, 05:31 PM
Both sides of the same coin, although I feel the Occupy Wall Street protestors have a better focus on where the true problem lies.

Teabaggers see the problem as federal government overreach, entitlement and rampant deficit spending. Left wing protestors see the problem generated by those people who pay the lobbyists who write favorable legislation to benefit the financial sector and who place their former executives employed within the upper most echelons of our government: The Big Banks.

Who's most to blame?? The guy who offers the bribe, or the man who agrees to accept it???

Wall Street interests have a criminal amount of influence in the Federal government within all 3 branches, Goldman Sachs in particular.
Philosophically, most conservatives are anti-government so all roads to economic hell lead back to Capitol Hill and the WH. But I'm still trying to understand when this shift occurred in the GOP where their faith in capitalism as a social organizing principle was greater than their belief in a representative federal government??

Capitalism without regulation ALWAYS leads to economic collapse. Capitalism by its very nature is an insatiable beast that has to be contained through government and institutional regulation, or ultimately it will cannibalize itself.

The republicans IMO are making a bet the American people one more time will vote against their own interests in favor of improving the economic of the ruling class.
10 years of tax cuts for the wealthy and this country still bled jobs at a historic pace.

Yes Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac played a role in the recent economic crisis, but most of the blame belongs to those who KNEW they were selling toxic, subprime mortgage derivatives to investors ALL OVER THE WORLD.

You can't tell me the big investment banks didn't know that home prices wouldn't continue to increase indefinitely and had to know they would eventually fall, making derivative based securities worthless.
The investment banks IMO deliberately sold shit wrapped up in a pretty bowtie and when the scam fell apart, they KNEW the Treasury could be bullied to bail them out.

The Wall Street execs should be thankful these protests haven't turned violent, because eventually that violence will be directed towards someone 'else'.

Finally the people are WAKING UP to whom the real villains are in this financial crisis.
Occupying Wall Street is a no brainer.

MdR Dave
10-07-2011, 05:38 PM
Fuck teabaggers. Only thing they did with Bush In office was keep his balls warm in their mouths.

Bobby Domino
10-07-2011, 06:31 PM
Both sides of the same coin, although I feel the Occupy Wall Street protestors have a better focus on where the true problem lies.

Teabaggers see the problem as federal government overreach, entitlement and rampant deficit spending. Left wing protestors see the problem generated by those people who pay the lobbyists who write favorable legislation to benefit the financial sector and who place their former executives employed within the upper most echelons of our government: The Big Banks.

Finally the people are WAKING UP to whom the real villains are in this financial crisis.
Occupying Wall Street is a no brainer.

:iagree::iagree::iagree::iagree: very well said :iagree::iagree::iagree::iagree:

10-07-2011, 06:32 PM
Both sides of the same coin, although I feel the Occupy Wall Street protestors have a better focus on where the true problem lies.

Teabaggers see the problem as federal government overreach, entitlement and rampant deficit spending. Left wing protestors see the problem generated by those people who pay the lobbyists who write favorable legislation to benefit the financial sector and who place their former executives employed within the upper most echelons of our government: The Big Banks.

They're both right. Unless of course you don't agree that our government is bought and paid for, which I know you do, because it is, so I'm not sure how you could deduce that one side was placing blame more appropriately than the other. :?

Ron Paul 2012.


10-07-2011, 06:45 PM
I'm he'd proud of his reactionary grandson's swerve to the far right
first union president to vote National party in the history of the union and backed it up with his fists and he taught me to use my fists and fear no man.he died a well respected man in the union movement and has been a great influence in my life

10-07-2011, 06:47 PM
I assume The national party is somewhat to the right? (Since i have only a sketchy knowledge of Aussie politics)

10-07-2011, 06:54 PM
back then the National party was very hard core right wing and when he became union president it split the family down the middle.he had a huge fight with his brother which left his brother bloody and unconscious and we still don't speak with the other side of the family to this day

10-07-2011, 07:33 PM
"bloody and unconscious..." so you are a family who use fists rather than reason.

10-07-2011, 08:06 PM
if we have to we will.my cousin was a merc in Rhodesia,i was a bouncer,my brother was a bouncer,cousins.it's a great way of making people see reason lol

10-07-2011, 09:00 PM

And no Bella this is not from FB :)

10-07-2011, 09:10 PM
And by the way Chase bank paid 4 millions dollars to get those 700 people arrested and to hurt those innocent women...DISGUSTING

So much for freedom of speech and expression...

And Keith Olbermann read of the demands of Occupy Wallstreet - their first statement...


Kayden Harley
10-07-2011, 09:23 PM
Kayden, I enjoyed your Sesame Street post, but your other contributions to this thread demonstrate that you're a young woman who fully understands and supports the protesters and their cause. I look forward to more of the same.

And yes, you're very cute too. ;)

Thanks, and yes I fully support the protesters. I just feel that I've stated my opinion, and don't want to continue repeating myself. Adding my 2 cents on HA won't do much to help the cause. Just adds more back and forth jibber jabber.


she's cute and all but she's not perfect - IMHO she has some major problems - for instance her biggest problem is she is NOT married to me :(:(:(

lol :salad

doctor screw
10-07-2011, 09:38 PM
Isn't this topic in the wrong section?Also,Ron Paul is a lunatic
There are no current candidates in the running that are un-bought,including that hypocrite

10-07-2011, 09:59 PM

And no Bella this is not from FB :)

It doesn't matter where it's from. My issue is that you want to be taken seriously as a political pundit and yet you never post an original thought. What's up with that? All you have ever done is jump from one bandwagon to another and now you want people to respect your opinion? :?


10-07-2011, 10:31 PM
Naomi Klein @ Occupy Wall Street 10-06-2011 - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gOX3VEYI72c)

10-07-2011, 10:35 PM
It doesn't matter where it's from. My issue is that you want to be taken seriously as a political pundit and yet you never post an original thought. What's up with that? All you have ever done is jump from one bandwagon to another and now you want people to respect your opinion? :?

That was my thought lol


I've always been a liberal dem?

I've always stood for equal rights - I've fought for it since I was 12

You know crap about me - but what you see on a porn board - or porn

I have spoken at over 300 colleges - put on Pride parades - marched Washington - helped get the equal work rights act put in place in Peoria, IL

I can keep listing things I was part of, but again you go off a persona I created

For PR reasons and what not

My real life - my personal Facebook - etc

I'm a lot different :)

But alas my porn career overshadows my political experience and offices I held on google

I made a mistake going by Kelly Shore for porn and I have said this repeatedly

But I have to live with that

And I have to live with the fact I took a lot of bad pics right after surgeries lol

But please refrain from trying to demean me

I just don't speak out much on my fan accounts - cause it's not popular - we are supposed to be sex hungry...

10-07-2011, 10:37 PM
That was my thought lol

Still. Anyone can make a statement of outrage. How about a statement of analysis?


10-07-2011, 10:48 PM
It has been the shift from industrial capital to financial capital.
America had strong industrial capital in the 50s and 60s and early 70s. Thus creating a big middle class.
But circa 1973 the economy shifted to finance. Ya know, finance gained control of our government. So, long-term investment went out the door. (In the 50s and 60s 90 percent of investment was long term. And 10 percent speculation. Now it's 10 percent long-term investment. And 90 percent speculation. So, what that translates into is low growth. Both economic and wage growth. And it's designed to shift capital to the very top. So, it's simple policy decisions and who has control of our economy. Just read the conservative American economist Paul Craig Roberts. Yes! A conservative -- ha ha ha! He says we cannot continue to go down this road. That is: offshoring middle class jobs. And he also points out: you offshore your tax base and your economy, too, when you send jobs overseas.)That is an excellent point, Ben. I might add that this is jeopardizing our national security as well, because our superpower status is becoming increasingly endangered by our badly eroded industrial base. :geek:

10-07-2011, 10:48 PM
Still. Anyone can make a statement of outrage. How about a statement of analysis?

The statement is obvious Bella - people are more concerned about Kim Kardashian's wedding...and they blame everyone under the sun...forgetting they have a voice...

It's called mind polluting....

I demonstrated with them in Chicago, and a lot of my friends are following suit.

Opinions especially political aren't good in business...

Obviously as a pornstar/cammodel/whatever the case... you are a business...

And they tell you in business religion/politics is off limits...

And a lot of my fans are conservatives and Republicans...go figure

I would love to tell them how they are hypocrites and it's disgusting they support a group who hates our very nature..

HOWEVER - that's not my job - my job is to get them off

If I said what I had to say publicly like I would like to say it - it would piss a lot of them off...

I don't use my fan accounts for such personal feelings and thoughts...

10-07-2011, 11:01 PM
And I'm guessing they are going to have to get violent - block Wall Street workers from getting to their job - Block Congress from walking into the congress building - and really start an uprising to get their message across..to wake up the congress...

And they should also boycott Christmas spending...

Otherwise it's futile...

Dino Velvet
10-07-2011, 11:09 PM
And I'm guessing they are going to have to get violent - block Wall Street workers from getting to their job - Block Congress from walking into the congress building - and really start an uprising to get their message across..to wake up the congress...

And they should also boycott Christmas spending...

Otherwise it's futile...

You realize blocking traffic keeps normal folks from getting to their normal jobs and makes it difficult for emergency vehicles to get through too, right?

Violence breeds better violence. Keep it civil if you want respect.

10-07-2011, 11:12 PM
You realize blocking traffic keeps normal folks from getting to their normal jobs and makes it difficult for emergency vehicles to get through too, right?

Violence breeds better violence. Keep it civil if you want respect.
Dino they will just laugh it off...till they do something drastic..

Bobby Domino
10-07-2011, 11:16 PM
I heard all the neighboring stores' bathrooms have been annihilated - ordering a bagel just doesn't smell the same.
Someone needs to straight up rescue that area with Port-a-Johns.

Dino Velvet
10-07-2011, 11:17 PM
Dino they will just laugh it off...till they do something drastic..

OK. I'm calling for calm. If they do something "drastic" don't complain when nightsticks start raining down on their heads. Cause and Effect. Force meets better Force.

10-07-2011, 11:25 PM
And I'm guessing they are going to have to get violent - block Wall Street workers from getting to their job - Block Congress from walking into the congress building - and really start an uprising to get their message across..to wake up the congress...

And they should also boycott Christmas spending...

Otherwise it's futile...

Well done. They should definitely spend their money on me instead. :dancing:


Dino Velvet
10-07-2011, 11:28 PM
Well done. They should definitely spend their money on me instead. :dancing:


I got 5 20s I could put aside. :fuckin:

10-08-2011, 12:08 AM
The NYPD, now sponsored by Wall Street (http://politics.salon.com/2011/10/07/the_nypd_now_sponsored_by_wall_street/singleton)

Financial firms have given millions of dollars to the department, raising the ire of Occupy Wall St. protesters

By Justin Elliott (http://politics.salon.com/writer/justin_elliott/)

http://media.salon.com/2011/10/NYPD-Wall-St-460x307.jpg (Credit: AP/Shannon Stapleton/Salon)

“NYPD! NYPD! JP Morgan doesn’t give a f*ck about you!”
That was the chant of a crowd of protesters during one of the tenser moments Wednesday evening (http://politics.salon.com/2011/10/06/questions_fuel_the_growing_wall_street_occupation/singleton/) as police tried to corral the occupiers of Wall Street and force them to stay in the confines of Liberty Square. It is a reference to one of the rumors I’ve heard again and again at the protests: That JPMorgan Chase gave a multi-million dollar donation to the NYPD as the protests were starting in mid-September as a kind of incentive for the police to aggressively crack down on the occupiers.
As it turns out, that version of the rumor isn’t quite correct. But Wall Street finance firms have funnelled millions of dollars into the police department, in an arrangement that critics say compromises the NYPD.
Here’s what we know:
JPMorgan gave a massive gift of $4.6 million to the New York City Police Foundation in the form of money, patrol car laptops, “security monitoring software,” and other tech resources. But the donation was given starting late last year and was completed by spring 2011, so it was obviously not made in response to the Occupy Wall Street protests. At the time, Commissioner Ray Kelly sent JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon a note expressing his “profound gratitude” for the donation, and a company-written news item (http://www.jpmorganchase.com/corporate/Home/article/ny-13.htm) about the gift described it as “unprecedented” in size.
The police foundation is the private fundraising arm of the NYPD. It allows donors to make tax-exempt gifts to the department and in turn the foundation funds (http://www.nycpolicefoundation.org/NetCommunity/Page.aspx?pid=325) a wide-range of specialized NYPD units, international counterterrorism work, and high-tech gadgetry.
“This gift is especially disturbing to us because it creates the appearance that there is an entrenched dynamic of the police protecting corporate interests rather than protecting the First Amendment rights of the people,” says Heidi Boghosian of the National Lawyers Guild, which has had legal observers posted at the major Occupy Wall Street marches. “They’ve essentially turned the financial district into a militarized zone.”
As I reported (http://politics.salon.com/2011/10/06/questions_fuel_the_growing_wall_street_occupation/singleton/) this week, the police presence at the union solidarity march in support of Occupy Wall St included many hundreds of officers, scores of cruisers, vans, and buses, at least one mobile surveillance tower, and at least three helicopters. Kelly said (http://www.dnainfo.com/20111006/downtown/2-million-spent-on-police-overtime-for-occupy-wall-street) this week the department has spent $2 million on overtime for officers since Occupy Wall Street began in mid-September.
As it turns out, JPMorgan is not the only financial institution that has been generous to the police foundation. In the 2009-10 year, Goldman Sachs, Barclays Capital, investment bank Jeffries and Co., investor Carl Icahn, and investment firm The Renco Group each gave over $100,000 to the foundation, putting them in the top-tier of donors, according to the foundation’s website (http://www.nycpolicefoundation.org/NetCommunity/Page.aspx?pid=347). Bank of America also gave over $75,000 that year. (Another $100,000+ donor was Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp.)
Keep in mind that’s just a single year’s worth of donations. As a private non-profit, the New York City Police Foundation does not have to release detailed donor information, so we don’t know of the the full scope of Wall Street money flowing into the NYPD.
The foundation has previously received scrutiny from the press for, among other things, spending (http://nypdconfidential.com/columns/2011/110214.html) tens of thousands of dollars for food and liquor for Commissioner Ray Kelly at the posh Harvard Club, as well as hiring (http://nypdconfidential.com/columns/2010/101101.html) a pricey publicist to promote Kelly in the press.
The NYPD and the police foundation did not return calls for comment. A JPMorgan spokeswoman declined to comment.

http://media.salon.com/2011/09/thumb_justinElliott.png (http://politics.salon.com/writer/justin_elliott/)Justin Elliott is a Salon reporter

10-08-2011, 12:16 AM
That is an excellent point, Ben. I might add that this is jeopardizing our national security as well, because our superpower status is becoming increasingly endangered by our badly eroded industrial base. :geek:

Ralph Nader made a similar point.

10-08-2011, 12:17 AM
So wait. The argument is that because the donations from Wall Street to the NYPD happened before the rallies, that they couldn't possibly have been donated in preparation for the inevitable torches and pitchforks? :?

Please. I'm not impressed. :geek:


10-08-2011, 12:27 AM
Sadly, and I say this with great regret....these kids are a bunch of causies.
They lack a common objective, they lack a common vision.
Sadly like the SS the republican party and the business folks walk in lock step and know how to get shit done.
Liberal on the other hand come off as scatter brained and well...unorganized.

MAYBE they can get their act together formulate a mission consisting of one sentence and maybe they will have a chance at surviving and actually making a lasting impact.

10-08-2011, 12:32 AM
Sadly, and I say this with great regret....these kids are a bunch of causies.
They lack a common objective, they lack a common vision.
Sadly like the SS the republican party and the business folks walk in lock step and know how to get shit done.
Liberal on the other hand come off as scatter brained and well...unorganized.

MAYBE they can get their act together formulate a mission consisting of one sentence and maybe they will have a chance at surviving and actually making a lasting impact.

So ostensibly, this is your argument:

hippies all around me - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F2ZwJiK0fJ0&feature=related)


10-08-2011, 12:40 AM

10-08-2011, 12:42 AM
My argument is that when they posted what they stood for it was what....50 different items ranging from saving the freaking endangered tree slug to equality in taxation.
They need focus.
Sadly since they are causies well.....i just don't see it happening.

Which is a real shame! Because I'll be honest with you, the tea baggers scare the shit out of me!

They are an organized force of middle aged, under educated, white men who have no clue WTF is going on in the world other than what they are told by Faux News.

10-08-2011, 12:44 AM
http://a7.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/308009_10150410402315883_727620882_11021144_134586 6116_n.jpg

See? Anybody can do it.


10-08-2011, 12:56 AM
http://a7.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/308009_10150410402315883_727620882_11021144_134586 6116_n.jpg

See? Anybody can do it.

~BB~Meh, yours' isn't as good

10-08-2011, 12:58 AM
Meh, yours' isn't as good

Really? I think they're equally accurate.

I mean, c'mon! 'Shitty music and bears?' 'Mail order brides?' :lol:


10-08-2011, 01:02 AM
ive been occupying a wall on my street for ages now. no other fucker is coming. i am going home.

10-08-2011, 01:02 AM
Really? I think they're equally accurate.

I mean, c'mon! 'Shitty music and bears?' 'Mail order brides?' :lol:

I like this one - it made me laugh

Bobby Domino
10-08-2011, 01:06 AM
OH MY GOD!!!!! These are works of art!!! I don't know which I like better but both are fucking spot on!!! Great work, ladies!!!

http://a7.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/308009_10150410402315883_727620882_11021144_134586 6116_n.jpg ~BB~

10-08-2011, 01:37 AM
So wait. The argument is that because the donations from Wall Street to the NYPD happened before the rallies, that they couldn't possibly have been donated in preparation for the inevitable torches and pitchforks? :?

Please. I'm not impressed. :geek:


Come on, it's the same concept as having a top flight defense attorney on retainer. When shit goes down, they're going to fight FOR your interests, not against them.

If major investment banks have been making huge financial donations to NYPD, who do you think city police are going to protect first in a protest??

10-08-2011, 01:39 AM
Also who do you think the NYPD utilizes to manager their pension funds?

Come on......what did you think this was going to be an easy win?

The game is fixed.

I give these guys another week or two at most. When the temperature drops they will sadly all go back home.

10-08-2011, 01:44 AM
I really think this is all a bunch of hippie B.S once the weed runs out they will break up and go back to thier green homes and electric cars. Wall Street is really not even a issue to me, if you were smart you would invest in Goldman Sachs and natural gas futures....:whistle:

10-08-2011, 01:44 AM
Also who do you think the NYPD utilizes to manager their pension funds?

Although... who tanked said pension funds? This could get interesting.

I really think this is all a bunch of hippie B.S once the weed runs out they will break up and go back to thier green homes and electric cars. Wall Street is really not even a issue to me, if you were smart you would invest in Goldman Sachs and natural gas futures....:whistle:

With what money? :?

they took our job - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=768h3Tz4Qik)


10-08-2011, 01:50 AM
Although... who tanked said pension funds? This could get interesting.

With what money? :?

they took our job - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=768h3Tz4Qik)


Remember it's not how much money you don't have....it's how you spend, manage, and invest what money you do have.

10-08-2011, 01:52 AM
Remember it's not how much money you don't have....it's how you spend, manage, and invest what money you do have.

Nice! I've got fifty dolla (from making Dino holla). I'll Paypal it over and you can make me rich. Thanks! :dancing:


10-08-2011, 01:54 AM
ahhaha they tooook ouurr jooooooobs

10-08-2011, 01:55 AM
I think the interviews they do with them on the street is hilarious. Not a one can articulate why they are even there. "Corporations are Evil!", wait let me check my iPhone for messages. There is more Corporate hardware there than at a GEEK conference.

10-08-2011, 01:59 AM
Teabaggers = good loyal Americans.

99%ers = addicted to medical marijuana.

Why do teabag supporters automatically look down their noses at the 99 percenters??
U.S. corporations are outsourcing the American middle class. Without jobs to support a majority middle class lifestyle, we are Colombia without the drug cartels.

10-08-2011, 02:10 AM
Teabaggers = good loyal Americans.

99%ers = addicted to medical marijuana.

Why do teabag supporters automatically look down their noses at the 99 percenters??

Well, they are not worth our attention tbh. Also they are mostly liberal Democracts, and socialists. Most of the tea party are conservative Republicans by nature and hate anything liberal.

10-08-2011, 02:13 AM
Well, they are not worth our attention tbh. Also they are mostly liberal Democracts, and socialists. Most of the tea party are conservative Republicans by nature and hate anything liberal.

They'd hate Jesus Christ too.

Dino Velvet
10-08-2011, 03:20 AM
Nice! I've got fifty dolla (from making Dino holla).


You make Dino holla with a nice discount.

I really think this is all a bunch of hippie B.S once the weed runs out they will break up and go back to thier green homes and electric cars.

Time for me to go down there, throw around a few Sieg Heils, and steal the hippies' weed. Knuckle-Draggers like to get high too.

10-08-2011, 03:31 AM
You make Dino holla with a nice discount.

Time for me to go down there, throw around a few Sieg Heils, and steal the hippies' weed. Knuckle-Draggers like to get high too.

I have a nice little tire iron, that needs breaking in! lol
On a side note I have heard rumors that John Wayne would get a little sauce in him and drive around Hollywood, looking fight two or three hippies at once!


Dino Velvet
10-08-2011, 03:35 AM
I have a nice little tire iron, that needs breaking in! lol
On a side note I have heard rumors that John Wayne would get a little sauce in him and drive around Hollywood, looking fight two or three hippies at once!


i was just kidding. I was asking for calm a few pages ago.

I still say Robert Mitchum would beat the crap outta The Duke. Drink his ass under the table for sure. Charles Bronson would take both of them out at the same time.

Bobby Domino
10-08-2011, 03:36 AM
i was just kidding. I was asking for calm a few pages ago.

I still say Robert Mitchum would beat the crap outta The Duke. Drink his ass under the table for sure. Charles Bronson would take both of them out at the same time.

What about Kirk Douglas? Would he have a chance?

Dino Velvet
10-08-2011, 03:39 AM
What about Kirk Douglas? Would he have a chance?

Kirk can hold everybody's coat. Bronson deals an icy death to all.

Bobby Domino
10-08-2011, 03:42 AM
Kirk can hold everybody's coat. Bronson deals an icy death to all.

That guy had a wicked youth!!!! Hold on, let me pull someone else into the fire... Jack Palance. How about them bar snacks?

Dino Velvet
10-08-2011, 03:46 AM
That guy had a wicked youth!!!! Hold on, let me pull someone else into the fire... Jack Palance. How about them bar snacks?

Bronson and Jack Palance were 2 Slavs that couldn't be messed with. Bronson almost didn't make it in the movie business because people said he looked "too tough". He was doing his own fight scenes until he was 73. A true badass.

10-08-2011, 03:51 AM
i was just kidding. I was asking for calm a few pages ago.

I still say Robert Mitchum would beat the crap outta The Duke. Drink his ass under the table for sure. Charles Bronson would take both of them out at the same time.

I was too Dino!

I think Mitchum was one scary dude when he wanted to be. To me this scene from Cape Fear sticks in my mind as his greatest scene.


Dino Velvet
10-08-2011, 03:54 AM
I was too Dino!

I think Mitchum was one scary dude when he wanted to be. To me this scene from Cape Fear sticks in my mind as his greatest scene.


I know you've seen Night Of The Hunter.



Dino Velvet
10-08-2011, 04:00 AM
Jack Palance as a crazed pothead in Companeros.

Doobies with Jack Palance - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zLo8-UNI-Rg)

COMPANEROS - TRAILER - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WgJooD6x8aw)

10-08-2011, 04:02 AM
I know you've seen Night Of The Hunter.



Great flim, but Cape Fear is my favorite Mitchum movie, I watched it with my grandfather in the early 80's when I was a wee pup, and it stills sends shivers down my spine.

Dino Velvet
10-08-2011, 04:05 AM
Great flim, but Cape Fear is my favorite Mitchum movie, I watched it with my grandfather in the early 80's when I was a wee pup, and it stills sends shivers down my spine.

Cape Fear and Psycho came out in the same year (1961) and must've scared the crap outta people back then. Hammer Horror had already hit its stride in the late 50's with the Universal remakes too.

Dino Velvet
10-08-2011, 04:09 AM
Jack Palance as Dracula.

Dan Curtis&#39; Dracula(1973) - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pwf0pPAzWkY)

10-08-2011, 04:13 AM
I see this thread has taken the inevitable segue into horror films and thrillers that always follows Dino's involvement.

You've got it down to such a fine art that you can get others to do your bidding through the ether. That's pretty clever, my friend.

And just a little scary.....

10-08-2011, 04:16 AM
Talib Kweli interview at #OccupyWallSt - Citizen Radio - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CDG0UPYSpiU&feature=channel_video_title)

10-08-2011, 04:48 AM
http://a7.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/308009_10150410402315883_727620882_11021144_134586 6116_n.jpg

See? Anybody can do it.


typical yanks =have no fucking idea of the rest of the world

10-08-2011, 04:51 AM
Bronson and Jack Palance were 2 Slavs that couldn't be messed with. Bronson almost didn't make it in the movie business because people said he looked "too tough". He was doing his own fight scenes until he was 73. A true badass.Mickey Rourke is a very hard bloke

10-08-2011, 04:53 AM
http://a7.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/308009_10150410402315883_727620882_11021144_134586 6116_n.jpg

See? Anybody can do it.


South America is about: Supermodels -- and supershemales -- :)
Canada is about: shitty music and bears -- ha ha ha!
And we're about "freedom" and Jesus... :)
And Europe is all about Art -- ha ha!

10-08-2011, 05:03 AM
Speaking of Bronson
Charles Bronson vs. Muggers - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=of-57Ivfwz8)

10-08-2011, 05:08 AM
haha he is not a touch on our charles bronson ;-) (aa.k.a Michael Gordon Peterson) well not to be confused with might be a better way to put it lol xx

10-08-2011, 05:16 AM
Love Naomi Klein:

Occupy Wall Street, Unlike Other Movements, Will Not Be Coopted - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MAcRQ1DCqFI)

10-08-2011, 05:16 AM
haha he is not a touch on our charles bronson ;-) (aa.k.a Michael Gordon Peterson) well not to be confused with might be a better way to put it lol xx

Did you ever see the film with Tom Hardy as Bronson? Amazing performance.

And are you up early or late? x

10-08-2011, 05:22 AM
Fuck teabaggers. Only thing they did with Bush In office was keep his balls warm in their mouths.

You're an dumb, ignorant fuck who was must have been born with a brain, but it seemingly remained under developed. It may not even be your fault. You may be learning disabled...A brain is a terrible thing to waste , as someone one coined. I'd like to find a nice way to say that, because I'm a nice guy...but there really isn't any , and since you're not inclined to show any respect to fellow Americans who you disagree with...why should I extend the courtsey to you ? You've shown yourself incapable of mature, insightful dialogue. You're an admitted cock sucker and your barb at the Tea Party is for cock sucking? That's rich !! What a moron you are.

10-08-2011, 05:28 AM
Love Naomi Klein:

Occupy Wall Street, Unlike Other Movements, Will Not Be Coopted - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MAcRQ1DCqFI)


10-08-2011, 05:32 AM
As a proud tea-partier I can only laugh at the fact that when we rally together there are no arrests from our ranks and we end up being nothing but law abiding and respectful through the entire matter.

When the left rally (or really riot)... not only is there violence and arrests, but significant disruption to the workers of the area and other systems.

Example: Have we ever seen a scene like this at a Tea Party rally (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2046586/Occupy-Wall-Street-protesters-accused-turning-New-York-public-toilet-shocking-pictures-demonstrator-defecating-POLICE-CAR.html#ixzz1a9KvGw5p)?


I look forward to the lice outbreaks.

If the whiney leftists out 'occupying' wall street think things are bad now for them (with a likeminded individual in the Whitehouse, and the Senate controlled by a sympathetic party)... they have no idea what is coming in 2012 when we take back the Senate and the Whitehouse.

Dino Velvet
10-08-2011, 05:38 AM
I see this thread has taken the inevitable segue into horror films and thrillers that always follows Dino's involvement.

You've got it down to such a fine art that you can get others to do your bidding through the ether. That's pretty clever, my friend.

And just a little scary.....

Christopher Lee and Boris Karloff were childhood idols of mine. Did you know they were also neighbors? I'd have loved to have grown up in that neighborhood.

Dino Velvet
10-08-2011, 05:46 AM
Did you ever see the film with Tom Hardy as Bronson? Amazing performance.

Love that flick.

We need to get some sort of exchange between the US and UK members for good movies and TV. I had a good thread on another board and got good contributions from both camps. I ended up spending a lot of money ordering DVDs from Amazon the next day.

Harry Brown is another good one. Michael Caine was like a pensioner Paul Kersey.

10-08-2011, 06:00 AM
As a proud tea-partier I can only laugh at the fact that when we rally together there are no arrests from our ranks and we end up being nothing but law abiding and respectful through the entire matter.

When the left rally (or really riot)... not only is there violence and arrests, but significant disruption to the workers of the area and other systems.

Example: Have we ever seen a scene like this at a Tea Party rally (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2046586/Occupy-Wall-Street-protesters-accused-turning-New-York-public-toilet-shocking-pictures-demonstrator-defecating-POLICE-CAR.html#ixzz1a9KvGw5p)?


I look forward to the lice outbreaks.

If the whiney leftists out 'occupying' wall street think things are bad now for them (with a likeminded individual in the Whitehouse, and the Senate controlled by a sympathetic party)... they have no idea what is coming in 2012 when we take back the Senate and the Whitehouse.

No of course not ya'll simply have this:





Dino Velvet
10-08-2011, 06:04 AM
Hey! That's my aunt!


10-08-2011, 06:12 AM
No of course not ya'll simply have this:





Well said Silcc. With the Tea Party what you get is grinning racists who are either too stupid or too complacent to recognise the enormous offence that their pronouncements cause not just in the US but all over the world.

Bigoted pricks.

10-08-2011, 06:14 AM
Love that flick.

We need to get some sort of exchange between the US and UK members for good movies and TV. I had a good thread on another board and got good contributions from both camps. I ended up spending a lot of money ordering DVDs from Amazon the next day.

Harry Brown is another good one. Michael Caine was like a pensioner Paul Kersey.

Good idea Dino. I'll set up a thread right now.

Dino Velvet
10-08-2011, 06:16 AM
Good idea Dino. I'll set up a thread right now.

Do it. I'll hang out plenty in there. :cheers:

sp fan
10-08-2011, 06:42 AM

No Nuke Rally - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=od1_9jvuEaw&feature=player_embedded)

10-08-2011, 07:06 AM
Well said Silcc. With the Tea Party what you get is grinning racists who are either too stupid or too complacent to recognise the enormous offence that their pronouncements cause not just in the US but all over the world.

Bigoted pricks.

Reading this book at the moment. Pic below -- :) It points out that the Tea Party wasn't a grassroots movement.
It was largely funded by the billionaire Koch brothers. It's made up of Republicans. Mostly upper middle-class. And white. There was a definite racist strain, too.
I mean, it was strictly an offshoot of the Republican Party. But the goal was to move the Republican Party even further to the right. I mean, some say Reagan wouldn't even be welcomed in today's Republican Party. I mean, will the Party [if it even is a political party anymore] continue to shift further and further to the right? And how far right do they go? I mean, the Dems have shifted to the right.
President Obama is a moderate Republican. (And President Clinton moved the party to the right.) But do the Dems keep moving to the right, too???
If you look at public opinion polls in this country you'll see that BOTH so-called political parties are way to the right of the majority of Americans. Hence: the revolt on Wall Street -- :)

10-08-2011, 07:10 AM
Well said Silcc. With the Tea Party what you get is grinning racists who are either too stupid or too complacent to recognise the enormous offence that their pronouncements cause not just in the US but all over the world.

Bigoted pricks.

Exactly. Political scientists have already conclusively demonstrated the racist motivations of the Tea Baggers, as if their signs weren't evidence enough.

Some choice quotes on the white power Tea Party movement:

"Now an angry group of Americans wants to be freer still—free from government agencies that protect their health, wealth, and well-being; free from problems and policies too difficult to understand; free from parties and coalitions; free from experts who think they know better than they do; free from politicians who don’t talk or look like they do (and Barack Obama certainly doesn’t). They want to say what they have to say without fear of contradiction, and then hear someone on television tell them they’re right. They don’t want the rule of the people, though that’s what they say. They want to be people without rules." Mark Lilla

"She's [Palin] tuned in to the fact that her audiences literally can't get enough of having their lunatic self-images massaged ("I'm a violent, illiterate pig who eats with her mouth open just like all you outstanding Americans!") and aren't really interested in much else beyond that — issues are really secondary." Matt Taibbi

The right can't stand that an actual grass-roots movement has shown up against bailouts of the plutocracy thus putting that astroturf bullshit movement on blast. Finally, America is waking up.

10-08-2011, 07:16 AM
Reading this book at the moment. Pic below -- :) It points out that the Tea Party wasn't a grassroots movement.
It was largely funded by the billionaire Koch brothers. It's made up of Republicans. Mostly upper middle-class. And white. There was a definite racist strain, too.
I mean, it was strictly an offshoot of the Republican Party. But the goal was to move the Republican Party even further to the right. I mean, some say Reagan wouldn't even be welcomed in today's Republican Party. I mean, will the Party [if it even is a political party anymore] continue to shift further and further to the right? And how far right do they go? I mean, the Dems have shifted to the right.
President Obama is a moderate Republican. (And President Clinton moved the party to the right.) But do the Dems keep moving to the right, too???
If you look at public opinion polls in this country you'll see that BOTH so-called political parties are way to the right of the majority of Americans. Hence: the revolt on Wall Street -- :)

Thanks Ben, that looks like an interesting read, although the Kochs' shadowy role in the development of the Tea Party is already widely recognised. Your hypothesis of rightward drift is an interesting one. We've seen the same phenomenon in the UK too, with Labour under Blair moving to the centre initially and then further towards the right, and the Lib Dems being dragged in a similar direction simply because they went into coalition with the Tories. However, that drift manifested itself more in areas such as economics and business policy while at the same time social policy moved well towards the liberal, a trend thankfully being maintained by the coalition. At the Tory conference the pm, David Cameron, spoke out strongly in favour of same sex marriage. Can't see that coming from either party in the US.

What sickens me about the Tea Party is not so much its members, although I utterly deplore their racism, but the fact that they are being duped by rich and powerful right-wing forces such as the Kochs to embrace causes and policies that actually work against their interests and instead serve only to preserve the privileged position of their sponsors.

A mad world, my masters.

10-08-2011, 07:24 AM
I must try to get that book.... looks fascinating. Did any of you read the article I posted in a thread about the Koch brothers and iran?

10-08-2011, 07:36 AM
I must try to get that book.... looks fascinating. Did any of you read the article I posted in a thread about the Koch brothers and iran?

Yes - for everyone's reference it's over on the Politics section.

I think perhaps that's where this thread should be too.....

10-08-2011, 07:44 AM
Reading this book at the moment. Pic below -- :) It points out that the Tea Party wasn't a grassroots movement.
It was largely funded by the billionaire Koch brothers. It's made up of Republicans. Mostly upper middle-class. And white. There was a definite racist strain, too.
I mean, it was strictly an offshoot of the Republican Party. But the goal was to move the Republican Party even further to the right. I mean, some say Reagan wouldn't even be welcomed in today's Republican Party. I mean, will the Party [if it even is a political party anymore] continue to shift further and further to the right? And how far right do they go? I mean, the Dems have shifted to the right.
President Obama is a moderate Republican. (And President Clinton moved the party to the right.) But do the Dems keep moving to the right, too???
If you look at public opinion polls in this country you'll see that BOTH so-called political parties are way to the right of the majority of Americans. Hence: the revolt on Wall Street -- :)
i wasn't offended

10-08-2011, 10:13 AM

10-08-2011, 12:19 PM
You realize blocking traffic keeps normal folks from getting to their normal jobs and makes it difficult for emergency vehicles to get through too, right?

Violence breeds better violence. Keep it civil if you want respect.You are absolutely right about that, Dino. Unfortunately, there are too many out there that think violence is the only way to go. I was a UAW member for most of my working career and although I've walked picket lines, I never was on them on the first day of the strike, because that was when all the the stupid stuff happens. The guys would act out and throw shit, then the cops would come along and put half of them in jail.

If they really want to get some attention, the thing to do is for the folks to bring out there children and demonstrate who is really getting hurt by all of this money gathering and greed. Our kids are going to inherit this mess!

10-08-2011, 02:52 PM
How about a nation wide petition ?

10-08-2011, 03:03 PM
South America is about: Supermodels -- and supershemales -- :)
Canada is about: shitty music and bears -- ha ha ha!
And we're about "freedom" and Jesus... :)
And Europe is all about Art -- ha ha!

How about KD Lang i love her music

10-08-2011, 03:08 PM
How about KD Lang i love her music

Yes... hey russ u and me agree on something

10-08-2011, 04:09 PM
Yes... hey russ u and me agree on somethingsome times

10-08-2011, 05:15 PM
Thanks Ben, that looks like an interesting read, although the Kochs' shadowy role in the development of the Tea Party is already widely recognised. Your hypothesis of rightward drift is an interesting one. We've seen the same phenomenon in the UK too, with Labour under Blair moving to the centre initially and then further towards the right, and the Lib Dems being dragged in a similar direction simply because they went into coalition with the Tories. However, that drift manifested itself more in areas such as economics and business policy while at the same time social policy moved well towards the liberal, a trend thankfully being maintained by the coalition. At the Tory conference the pm, David Cameron, spoke out strongly in favour of same sex marriage. Can't see that coming from either party in the US.

What sickens me about the Tea Party is not so much its members, although I utterly deplore their racism, but the fact that they are being duped by rich and powerful right-wing forces such as the Kochs to embrace causes and policies that actually work against their interests and instead serve only to preserve the privileged position of their sponsors.

A mad world, my masters.

you're entitled to your opinion....even if you have no idea what you're talking about. That's cool....that's what opinions are about. But facts and informed opinions ....well that's another matter. You formed your opinions on a group of people you have never met, never had a conversation with, never attended a meeting with, never heard speak, but solely on what you've read from a left wing press from thousands of miles away, and from a few pictures of folks carrying signs. Your area of expertise is obviously not in research ! And you're the dweeb who comes on here in a never ending attempt to show us how literate and sophisticated you are.... even if it involves assuming another identity, and being called on it. When folks like you and others start dropping the race card, and injecting Hitler references, it's pretty clear you have no substantive ammo left. It's a fairly common political tactic really....but you being the intellect, and political scientist you should know that. It's right there in the rules for radicals. When you're opponent is gaining the upper hand....isolate them. demonize them, attack them.
Like what they stand for or don't...Like what direction the movement is headed or don't,,,,,but they changed the political landscape dramatically....much to the dismay of whiners like you, and now they must be neutralized by any means necessary. I laugh at the straight faced hypocrisy of dudes like you and Silcc, and even some of the women on here. You go into attack mode when you see a photo of some fool carrying a sign, in a crowd of thousands of otherwise peaceful folks....yet when a convicted rapist, racist, and cereal misogynist like Tyson says the most vulgar, dehumanizing things about someone like Palin, ( and the last I checked...she was a woman) with whom you despise, you either can't find the energy to speak out on it( which seems rather odd...since you have an opinion on nearly everything) ...or you giggle because you silently are cheering him on.....because she's the enemy. Tyson is too dumb to know he was being used and baited....although ignorance is no defense, not even for you. Thankfully you're just a know it all with a false identity on a tranny forum that isn't taken too seriously. And really....isn't there enough turmoil in your own country that you could be commenting on? Surely the Labor Party over there could use a brilliant political observer like you... I don't mind crossing political swords with folks here in the US, that's democracy....but it gets annoying having to do it with someone thousands of miles away looking in from the outside.
Are there bigots in the Tea Party? I'm guessing there are...there's bigots on this forum...black and white. And posts like yours serve to reinforce there's not only bigotry on here, there's lots of ignorance, but if it's coming from someone with your ideology, it's accepted. Your attempt to dismiss the beliefs and ideology of a certain group of people with whom you've never met as being pawns of the rich and powerful is offensive. I don't tie the Wall Street protestors to George Soros, or Move On or Organized Labor, (although those connections seem to be surfacing more and more)....I wouldn't be so presumptuous to assume that.....but you apparently have no problems with presumption...which is why you're a transparent phoney.

10-08-2011, 05:26 PM
On your knees (presumably the poster's real name) wrote: "Thankfully you're just a know it all with a false identity on a tranny forum "

what an angry and ill informed post this was ,OnYourKnees. There has been a vast body of research and reporting on the Tea Party (little of it published in the "left wing" press as you characterise our media here (and what clue do YOU have what we read and digest) and the Tea Party's funding by big corporations; on the ignorance of many of its members of such things as evolution, global warmingn and much else. And in the thinly veiled - and sometimes not veiled - racism of many of its members. Doubtless there are many good and sincere people in the movement. But all the evidence suggests their good natures are being exploited by cynical big business.

"Whiners" as you categorise Robert Louis (and probably me as well) don't like the tea party because of its deep seated irrationalism, because it is the voice of the ill-informed mob.

10-08-2011, 06:00 PM
Nice to see the political forum is expanding..


10-08-2011, 06:50 PM
Nice to see the political forum is expanding..


It is so do think all of these protesters could fit in Tim's anus :whistle:

10-08-2011, 07:03 PM
It is so do think all of these protesters could fit in Tim's anus :whistle:

Hahaha.. some funny shit right there

10-08-2011, 07:28 PM
I think the interviews they do with them on the street is hilarious. Not a one can articulate why they are even there. "Corporations are Evil!", wait let me check my iPhone for messages. There is more Corporate hardware there than at a GEEK conference.

It's ludicrous to call corporations evil. They are rational, exceedingly rational. They're highly rational structures based on self interest.
Plus: they're amoral entities, as it were. They aren't -- and cannot -- be concerned about what's right or wrong. The issue of morality isn't what the corporate institution is about. Nor, again, can it be. The people down below, as it were, at the protests are simply referred to as: externalities. Or the cost to others. (Now when a bank makes a transaction they're simply calculating the cost to themselves. What they don't -- and can't -- take into account is the cost of that transaction on others. Or the risk to the system....)
The problem would be the inordinate power corporations have over supposedly democratic governments. I mean, everyone knows this. From Obama to Bill Gates.
But to say they're evil, again, is missing the point.
One can decry corporations as being undemocratic. Which they certainly are. And anti-democratic. (I mean, a corporation can be run by the shareholders. Not the CEO along with the board of directors. But the actual shareholders. But would that be rational???)

Bobby Domino
10-08-2011, 08:01 PM
It's ludicrous to call corporations evil. They are rational, exceedingly rational. They're highly rational structures based on self interest.
Plus: they're amoral entities, as it were. They aren't -- and cannot -- be concerned about what's right or wrong. The issue of morality isn't what the corporate institution is about.

I remember a very astute mind recently saying "corporations are people, too."

Mitt Romney - Corporations are People (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E2h8ujX6T0A)

10-08-2011, 09:51 PM
Corporations are run by PEOPLE. By that standard they are anything but rational. Their apprehension towards the current POTUS who by most definitions has governed as a moderate conservative should prove this.

Obama has been 'corporate friendly' as all modern U.S. presidents have been, yet for some reason the corporate chieftans 'fear' Obama.

Corporations are amoral in the abstract, but rarely in practice since their decisions nearly always have a direct consequence, good or bad, on the lives of living human beings.

Capitalism as an economic paradigm is amoral, but never in practice.

10-08-2011, 10:26 PM
Corporations are run by PEOPLE. By that standard they are anything but rational. Their apprehension towards the current POTUS who by most definitions has governed as a moderate conservative should prove this.

Obama has been 'corporate friendly' as all modern U.S. presidents have been, yet for some reason the corporate chieftans 'fear' Obama.

Corporations are amoral in the abstract, but rarely in practice since their decisions nearly always have a direct consequence, good or bad, on the lives of living human beings.

Capitalism as an economic paradigm is amoral, but never in practice.

^ This. Lightly regulated capitalism has historically provided us with the most economic growth. Over and under regulating has always created turmoil. The idea is to find a happy medium that is most beneficial to the greatest number of individual citizens. The Supremes screwed up big time in the ruling to which Romney is referring.


10-09-2011, 12:04 AM

10-09-2011, 01:28 AM
I am curious??? What would happen if Wall street was to decide to get up and leave the US? What if Wall street moved to China? I mean all the corporations from Walmart to Apple use Chinese to make their products, so the corporations are in a way already in China. What if wall street and maybe if it was possible, all corporations left the US and made their camps in China. How would we protest them if that happened. According to what some think, China is too powerful to demand anything from.

I am not knowledgeable on all the workings of wall street, but is it possible that wall street can actually move away? Is this doable? If they did move to China then they'd have the mighty power of China to protect them from protesters. I'm just saying maybe we better be careful on how much we want to push someone into a corner.

MdR Dave
10-09-2011, 01:37 AM
"Wall Street" has already moved. After 9/11 companies decentralized operations. New York started to lose primacy- many thought London would emerge as inheritor but that has quite happened.

In truth, our finance centers are on server farms. The fungibility of currency, not being backed by anything tangible, helps ensure that capital is mobile and can move as quick as a keystroke.

We will always have jobs centers, but Wall Street as we think of it is long gone. Just a symbol, really.

10-09-2011, 01:38 AM
I am curious??? What would happen if Wall street was to decide to get up and leave the US? What if Wall street moved to China? I mean all the corporations from Walmart to Apple use Chinese to make their products, so the corporations are in a way already in China. What if wall street and maybe if it was possible, all corporations left the US and made their camps in China. How would we protest them if that happened. According to what some think, China is too powerful to demand anything from.

I am not knowledgeable on all the workings of wall street, but is it possible that wall street can actually move away? Is this doable? If they did move to China then they'd have the mighty power of China to protect them from protesters. I'm just saying maybe we better be careful on how much we want to push someone into a corner.

China's economy and business climate is even more regulated than our own. I mean, you can't even use Facebook there. What you're considering won't be a beneficial option as long as:

1) The U.S. remains the world's largest economy
2) The Chinese want to tell companies how to do business
3) The U.S. Dollar is the reserve currency
4) The U.S. Supreme Court holds that a corporation is a legal entity in the same sense as an individual human being

Also, China already has a stock exchange. What you're proposing isn't moving 'Wall Street,' but moving the corporate headquarters of the companies that do business there.


10-09-2011, 01:42 AM
"Wall Street" has already moved. After 9/11 companies decentralized operations. New York started to lose primacy- many thought London would emerge as inheritor but that has quite happened.

In truth, our finance centers are on server farms. The fungibility of currency, not being backed by anything tangible, helps ensure that capital is mobile and can move as quick as a keystroke.

We will always have jobs centers, but Wall Street as we think of it is long gone. Just a symbol, really.

If that is so, then why are the protesters down there? Maybe they should go somewhere else? is there somewhere else? I am not being mean or stupid, I really want to know how blocking streets on the Brooklyn bridge where Wall street no longer exists is going to hurt wall street corporations?

in a way this is sort of what i meant in my first posts about cry babies, if one wants to do any good then they should go to the source of the problem and from what i see,, wall street is not the place to have protests, all it seems to do is tie up traffic and cost lots of money for police.